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Other => Off-topic => Topic started by: Crptomagma on January 16, 2021, 08:18:02 AM

Title: Is skipping meal a bad habit?
Post by: Crptomagma on January 16, 2021, 08:18:02 AM
I’m a bit confused about these. My doctor will always say don’t skip a meal and he will always remind me “An apple a day keeps you from the doctor” so if skipping meal is a bad habit, why do experts and professional nutritionist  say intermittent fasting is healthy?

Title: Re: Is skipping meal a bad habit?
Post by: boyptc on January 16, 2021, 08:58:03 AM
I’m a bit confused about these. My doctor will always say don’t skip a meal and he will always remind me “An apple a day keeps you from the doctor” so if skipping meal is a bad habit, why do experts and professional nutritionist  say intermittent fasting is healthy?
You can google the reason for it. There are certain reasons why skipping meals is good and it does bad for some people. Our bodies have different situations and whichever is your doctor or nutritionist tells you to do about meals, follow it.

About intermittent fasting, you won't actually skip meals, you're still allowed to eat and you have an eating window for 8 hours and won't eat for 16 hours. Yeah you have skipped for several hours but you're still intaking food in your body.

Title: Re: Is skipping meal a bad habit?
Post by: newwest on January 16, 2021, 03:04:59 PM
Everyone has a different body types and it may not be good for all to skip it. Instead you can have some alternative types of food which is required for body that contains certain amount of proteins/fats etc and that is essentials in a day to have it. Now what and how to eat better to check with dietician.

Title: Re: Is skipping meal a bad habit?
Post by: Call me Fada on January 16, 2021, 04:39:45 PM
These things don't work the way you see it, it all determines the individual, myself and yourself ain't the same.there are some things my body can adapt to, but you can't adapt to. So admist doctors prescription or pastors advice, you really need to take a thorough look and accessment of yourself.

Title: Re: Is skipping meal a bad habit?
Post by: KonstantinosM on January 16, 2021, 04:45:42 PM
I’m a bit confused about these. My doctor will always say don’t skip a meal and he will always remind me “An apple a day keeps you from the doctor” so if skipping meal is a bad habit, why do experts and professional nutritionist  say intermittent fasting is healthy?

Do your own research.

I find that fasting for a few days makes me feel really good in all sorts of ways. I think skipping meals doesn't really make a difference since humans didn't evolve with the need to eat constantly.

But I'm kind of nuts so don't take my word for it. But I wouldn't take a doctor's word for it either.

Title: Re: Is skipping meal a bad habit?
Post by: cabron on January 16, 2021, 04:56:19 PM

One nutritionist in the gym where I use to work out told me not to skip breakfast as its the most importnat meal of the day.  You can skip lunch or dinner where you could just eat a burger or an apple as lunch but not breakfast that it should contain carbs and protien.

Food contributes the source of energy you have for the day, it should be important not to skip. its a bad habit, its like not caring to yourself.

Title: Re: Is skipping meal a bad habit?
Post by: Poker Player on January 16, 2021, 06:17:22 PM
No. It's not, at all, a bad habit.

It's what we're used to evolutionarily. Eating 5-6 times a day basically carbohydrates has led to a pandemic of obesity and the problems derived from it: type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, etc.

One nutritionist in the gym where I use to work out told me not to skip breakfast as its the most importnat meal of the day.

Your nutritionist is just old-fashioned. Tell him to read this book: Lies My Doctor Told Me (

Title: Re: Is skipping meal a bad habit?
Post by: Renampun on January 16, 2021, 06:57:48 PM
I’m a bit confused about these. My doctor will always say don’t skip a meal and he will always remind me “An apple a day keeps you from the doctor” so if skipping meal is a bad habit, why do experts and professional nutritionist  say intermittent fasting is healthy?
fasting is a different matter...
Usually, fasting only takes a month at most and it is very good for health especially for those who are on a diet but if it is done for several years and skipping meals, your body will be damaged and you will definitely fall ill.

Title: Re: Is skipping meal a bad habit?
Post by: sportclub2010 on January 16, 2021, 07:18:10 PM
Your doctor is speaking correctly. A healthy person needs to eat at least three times a day. Hearty breakfast, good lunch and light supper. Humanity has been living this way for several thousand years. And these expert nutritionists are talking about people who have health problems. Obesity, stomach problems, liver problems ... If you do not have this good, eat to your health.

Title: Re: Is skipping meal a bad habit?
Post by: DeathAngel on January 16, 2021, 08:31:08 PM
Very often I skip breakfast, it doesn’t seem to do me any damage. I eat fruit & veg, I don’t drink much so no I don’t think skipping a meal is particularly bad for you.

Title: Re: Is skipping meal a bad habit?
Post by: XavierLaurent on January 16, 2021, 09:56:00 PM
I believe that it's okay to skip one meal a day, surely. I've lived in such style for years and I'm completely fine. There are plenty vids and topics about OMAD or intermittent fasting and benefits of such diets. I mostly lack motivation for sticking to such diet but if I feel great.

Title: Re: Is skipping meal a bad habit?
Post by: Evilish on January 16, 2021, 10:04:41 PM
As long as you're meeting your daily caloric and nutrient requirements I don't think skipping meals will any detrimental effects on your body. I skip breakfast most days and lunch some days and have yet to see any side effects.

Still, It's probably best to go with your doctor's suggestion. All human bodies are made different so what works for me might not necessarily work for you.

Title: Re: Is skipping meal a bad habit?
Post by: Crptomagma on January 16, 2021, 11:44:33 PM
I thank everyone who has contributed and shared their personal experience based on the topic. I took my time to read every comment and to be frank I’m very grateful to everyone. Information is power and a problem shared is a problem solved. I have to put these into research for better understanding.

Title: Re: Is skipping meal a bad habit?
Post by: acener on January 17, 2021, 02:09:49 AM
Now I know some fact about skipping meals I also have been skipping some meals since I don't have a regular sleep,
I tend to skip some meals because of it sometimes I oversleep or doesn't feel hungry so I would skip some meals.
To be honest I am also scared what would be the effect of it.

Title: Re: Is skipping meal a bad habit?
Post by: BADecker on January 17, 2021, 03:10:57 AM
A total fast for one full day of every week is a good idea for a reasonably healthy person.


Title: Re: Is skipping meal a bad habit?
Post by: tamaine on January 17, 2021, 03:37:22 AM
I’m a bit confused about these. My doctor will always say don’t skip a meal and he will always remind me “An apple a day keeps you from the doctor” so if skipping meal is a bad habit, why do experts and professional nutritionist  say intermittent fasting is healthy?

I really believe skipping your meals is a bad habbit. It can cause you health problems. The difference maybe between the intermittent fasting and skipping your meals is that you make it a habit that you skip meals unlike intermittent fasting doesnt take you so long to eat again. In short, skipping meals as a habit is leaving your stomach with no food for a long periods.

Title: Re: Is skipping meal a bad habit?
Post by: boyptc on January 17, 2021, 04:54:13 AM
A total fast for one full day of every week is a good idea for a reasonably healthy person.

I agree on this.

I have read some technique about fasting and other people choose to do this.

It won't do harm to our body and I've done this as well in the past. But for the people that will do this for the first time, you might feel some changes at first.

But dont forget that it is still best to consult a doctor or nutritionist for guidance.

Title: Re: Is skipping meal a bad habit?
Post by: namcunguyen on January 17, 2021, 08:58:24 AM
Skipping meals regularly is a bad habit but skipping a day in a month is good (you should drink plenty of water during this time, this will help lower blood sugar). Skipping meals regularly, the body will not replenish the necessary energy, it is the cause of many diseases.

Title: Re: Is skipping meal a bad habit?
Post by: bitcoin-shark on January 17, 2021, 09:44:01 AM
the human body to be healthy needs vitamins, proteins and many minerals and some of these are found only in meat in my opinion should be eaten at least once a week

Title: Re: Is skipping meal a bad habit?
Post by: virasog on January 17, 2021, 10:22:15 AM
I’m a bit confused about these. My doctor will always say don’t skip a meal and he will always remind me “An apple a day keeps you from the doctor” so if skipping meal is a bad habit, why do experts and professional nutritionist  say intermittent fasting is healthy?

You should eat one apple a day as it will save you from many diseases. However, apple is not the replacement of the meals. As they say, you should do a heavy breakfast, a medium quantity lunch and a very low quantity dinner and this will keep you energic and healthy.

Title: Re: Is skipping meal a bad habit?
Post by: jrrsparkles on January 17, 2021, 10:56:48 AM
I’m a bit confused about these. My doctor will always say don’t skip a meal and he will always remind me “An apple a day keeps you from the doctor” so if skipping meal is a bad habit, why do experts and professional nutritionist  say intermittent fasting is healthy?
Intermittent fasting is not advisable to practice through out the year, its only good when you do for a month in the year and just follow your regular diet for the rest of the months. Skipping meal can use lot of issues in out metabolism so its always important to take lite meal in the regular intervals and don't take solid or junk foods for the dinner.

Title: Re: Is skipping meal a bad habit?
Post by: mich on January 17, 2021, 11:45:22 AM
I’m a bit confused about these. My doctor will always say don’t skip a meal and he will always remind me “An apple a day keeps you from the doctor” so if skipping meal is a bad habit, why do experts and professional nutritionist  say intermittent fasting is healthy?

I always was told how breakfast is the most important meal of the day so I never miss it.  Usually I will make myself a bowl of oatmeal with some sugar and canned fruit as a topping if I am not in a rush. 
But if Im ordering out I will have a Gaeran Jim - its a Korean steamed egg and its delicious.

Title: Re: Is skipping meal a bad habit?
Post by: Amon1231 on January 18, 2021, 09:57:22 AM
I don't think that skipping a meal is a bad habit because (IF) or fasting is one way to detox or cleanse.

Title: Re: Is skipping meal a bad habit?
Post by: bitterguy28 on January 18, 2021, 10:19:56 AM
I’m a bit confused about these. My doctor will always say don’t skip a meal and he will always remind me “An apple a day keeps you from the doctor” so if skipping meal is a bad habit, why do experts and professional nutritionist  say intermittent fasting is healthy?
Nope , i am having a pasting in which not eating anything for the whole morning and will only Eat at 2pm and above .

Meaning i missed Breakfast and Lunch but still nothing happens bad instead i felt like i am cleansing , my Body is Healing and this seems to be a Very good way in reconstructing our body.

Title: Re: Is skipping meal a bad habit?
Post by: Mauser on January 18, 2021, 10:36:14 AM
I don't think that skipping a meal is a bad habit because (IF) or fasting is one way to detox or cleanse.

I am not very familiar with detoxing or fasting but I think just skipping one meal doesn't really count. A friend of mine does it for a hole week, where is only drinking tea and eating a very light soup, no solid food. He told me that the body needs atleast 72 hours to start getting everything out of the body.

Title: Re: Is skipping meal a bad habit?
Post by: lienfaye on January 18, 2021, 10:43:54 AM
I’m a bit confused about these. My doctor will always say don’t skip a meal and he will always remind me “An apple a day keeps you from the doctor” so if skipping meal is a bad habit, why do experts and professional nutritionist  say intermittent fasting is healthy?
For me its not really that bad as long as it is not your breakfast meal that you will skip. Why? Because breakfast is the important meal that our body need to start the day to boost our energy.

On the other side I tried intermittent fasting and its effective to those who want to lose wait. But its a must to consult a nutritionist to maintain a healthy food while skipping meals on specific hours.

Title: Re: Is skipping meal a bad habit?
Post by: Dispox on January 18, 2021, 11:21:28 AM
I think each of them is right in his own way, but everything must be in moderation. Excessive consumption of apples will lead to a doctor, as will constant starvation

Title: Re: Is skipping meal a bad habit?
Post by: peter0425 on January 18, 2021, 11:57:37 AM
I’m a bit confused about these. My doctor will always say don’t skip a meal and he will always remind me “An apple a day keeps you from the doctor” so if skipping meal is a bad habit, why do experts and professional nutritionist  say intermittent fasting is healthy?
Skipping meal is depend on your Body Needs , if you are not a Physical worker meaning just on your Computer sitting everytime , then Skipping meals does not a problem.

But if you are a skill worker that moves around every minute then Meals is a must 3x a day.

Title: Re: Is skipping meal a bad habit?
Post by: BevNation on January 18, 2021, 02:07:15 PM
Skipping meals only means an over feeding at some point. Both becomes a bad idea as over feeding works up your system with regards to digestion while skipping meals means, you going really hungry at some point and so do your intestinal worms that begins to eat the walls of your intestine and may result in some health complications.

Title: Re: Is skipping meal a bad habit?
Post by: coinPilaR on January 18, 2021, 02:30:34 PM
In my whole life I heard so many different thinks about skipping the meal I don't know which to believe.. The last think i heard and I'm doing it now is better to eat often but less, not 3 times in the day but more.. It doesn't make difference if you ask me, if you skip or not just if you are skipping make sure the next meal will be not 1kg stake with 500g potatoes and the biggest desert they served :D

Title: Re: Is skipping meal a bad habit?
Post by: Lunyu on January 18, 2021, 02:39:06 PM
My relatives sometimes do days off (they do not eat but only drink water) but I have not noticed that they were healthier than me

Title: Re: Is skipping meal a bad habit?
Post by: DickOrg on January 18, 2021, 02:52:23 PM
I try it once and get sick.. It wasn't from the skipping but after the flue I continued to eat 3 times per day. 

Title: Re: Is skipping meal a bad habit?
Post by: devil2man on January 18, 2021, 03:14:28 PM
it seems that opinions are divided between doctors and nutritionists, i believe that a period without meat or rather eating only vegetarian or vegan can only be good for the body by helping it to purify itself of toxins

Title: Re: Is skipping meal a bad habit?
Post by: coindefi on January 18, 2021, 09:48:39 PM
Skipping meals is actually not good and could take a toll on your body in long-term effect. It is not actually ideal to deprive your body of food (unless you're in for a surgery, your doctor will recommend you not to intake food for a specific time prior your surgery).  :)

Title: Re: Is skipping meal a bad habit?
Post by: slurout on January 19, 2021, 08:43:22 AM
Recently I started a new job and probably from a month I'm skipping the breakfast because I want to sleep more. There is no change in my health for now, I don't see any problems with it. On lunch I'm eating a little bit more and that's all.

Title: Re: Is skipping meal a bad habit?
Post by: Porfirii on January 19, 2021, 09:05:09 AM
So, it seems that there are different points of view on this topic...

On one hand, it seems ideal to eat varied food and provide your body with all the nutrients it needs in a timely fashion. On the other hand, intermittent fasting has been claimed to be beneficial in many ways since ages, even reaching the category of sacred in some cultures (we all know the Ramadan).

I've heard one thesis recently that makes sense and could be the reason behind this diversity of opinions here and everywhere. It states that modern nutrition is still a very young science (the biggest concern for most individuals until the consumer society was not deciding what to eat but getting something to eat) so there are many factors still unknown, and we can debate here for ages about doctor's/personal trainer's/aunt Mary's advice, and still not reach consensus, as there is no clear evidence, in this case, about the benefits or damages of intermittent fasting.

In fact, it is usually criticised by professional nutritionists that doctors are usually given a few days nutrition course only, but their advice are taken as if they were laws.

Title: Re: Is skipping meal a bad habit?
Post by: MelissaVorsteiner on January 19, 2021, 06:27:33 PM
I think it's more bad than good. Once you delve into skipping one meal a day, skipping two doesn't look too farfletched. And you left with not eating at all after some time. Which is not healthy for sure.

Title: Re: Is skipping meal a bad habit?
Post by: Vageta420 on January 19, 2021, 11:27:56 PM
You definitely should ask about this your doctor. Probably dietologist. So he makes personalized diet for you considering your health and weaknesses. At least that's something I'd do. Also depends how big are your meals. For me tho, skipping breakfast is usually completely fine.

Title: Re: Is skipping meal a bad habit?
Post by: Marcus69Nio on January 20, 2021, 12:03:24 AM
Skipping meal can play a terrible trick with you. Sure, if you skipped one or a few meals, the worst you can feel is some kind of irritation. But if you do it systematically, you'll probably feel bad consequences very soon.
I've had a difficult work schedule in my past so I had no time for lunches. Usually, I had a casual meal once or twice per day and a few little snacks. Now I regret this way of life because I struggle with gastritis. You need to take care of yourself now and always.

Title: Re: Is skipping meal a bad habit?
Post by: *1Bishop1* on January 31, 2021, 09:33:30 AM
There is such a thing as intermittent fasting, in fact, there you do not miss anything, since most of the time without food falls at night, but this way your body is cleansed.

Title: Re: Is skipping meal a bad habit?
Post by: newwest on January 31, 2021, 10:53:46 AM
There is such a thing as intermittent fasting, in fact, there you do not miss anything, since most of the time without food falls at night, but this way your body is cleansed.

I have visited dietician and they do tell not to skip. Skipping is bad instead try to change the eating habits and the food types you eat. Like those who are mor eon junk food, oily stuff etc need to make changes in food habit. At the end of the day your body requires minimum calories, fats, nutrients, proteins etc which you must consume it. So, divide accordingly in a day where you are not hungry and not require skipping anything.

Title: Re: Is skipping meal a bad habit?
Post by: FIFA worldcup on January 31, 2021, 11:06:29 AM
I’m a bit confused about these. My doctor will always say don’t skip a meal and he will always remind me “An apple a day keeps you from the doctor” so if skipping meal is a bad habit, why do experts and professional nutritionist  say intermittent fasting is healthy?

You should not skip the meal and also take apple and fruits which will keep you healthy and fit.
Skipping a meal is really not good habit and it can cause you a lot of weakness in the long run. Your immune system will not work properly which also means that you will become much more sick.

Title: Re: Is skipping meal a bad habit?
Post by: Bitgavan3 on February 01, 2021, 06:23:18 AM
There are different situations for different people.
For people with high blood sugar, high blood fat, or obesity, it may be beneficial to eat one less meal.
For people in good health, eating normally is the best choice.
The best way is to follow the doctor's advice.
After all, doctors are more professional.

Title: Re: Is skipping meal a bad habit?
Post by: kiki889988 on February 01, 2021, 06:29:49 AM
I don’t believe that fasting is healthy, or that for some special human rights such as obesity or diabetes, sometimes eating less may make you healthy, but for most people, eating one less meal may make you feel bad. The balance of absorption and consumption by the body is affected.

Title: Re: Is skipping meal a bad habit?
Post by: LittleJadiel on February 01, 2021, 10:02:19 AM
It really depends on the body, people with weak immune system would be needing a lot of nutrients in their body so they are not allowed to skip their meals. I don't believe in these types of diet either, as long as you can control your eating habits you can definitely lose weight (doesn't apply to people with sickness tho)

Title: Re: Is skipping meal a bad habit?
Post by: Mauser on February 01, 2021, 11:35:18 AM
I think it all depends on conditioning your body to it. Changing your meal cycle completely over night might be too much for your body and you experience one bad side effects. For example if you want to skip lunch in the future you could start with only a small snack for lunch and eating a bigger breakfast. After a few weeks you could start cutting back further and eventually skip lunch all together.

Title: Re: Is skipping meal a bad habit?
Post by: bitterguy28 on February 01, 2021, 02:20:58 PM
intermittent fasting is healthy for some people who eat a lot. We normal people should eat regularly to give our body a habit. Some girls ship meals frequently tp be slim and they turn out to be slim in an ugly way. don't be poisoned by some "fashion" idea
This is what i'm doing now , as my Health needs some changes because of my Doctors advises .

and also anyone knows about KETO diet? i mean someone who's doing this now? is it easy ? or effective?

Please need some user that in this on now and not those who's reading via Google. i need actual user.

Title: Re: Is skipping meal a bad habit?
Post by: huff87 on February 01, 2021, 07:35:36 PM
When you skip meals, you deny your body what it needs. Some people skip meals to save calories, while others claim they’re just too busy to eat. Yes, it is a bad habit, because skipping meals can cause your metabolism to slow down, which can cause weight gain or make it harder to lose weight.

Title: Re: Is skipping meal a bad habit?
Post by: James Watson on February 02, 2021, 02:22:38 AM
I think it’s no problem for normal people to eat three meals a day. If they are too obese, they may need to eat less or not, plus various exercises to lose weight to maintain their health. This problem is to take a different approach to different groups.

Title: Re: Is skipping meal a bad habit?
Post by: Lily Garver on February 02, 2021, 03:18:44 AM
I usually skip differ. but if don’t eat dinner for a long time, it will be harmful to the body, because it will increase the corrosion of gastric acid on the gastric mucosa, which will easily lead to gastric ulcers and cholelithiasis. worse still, we may suffer gastric cancer. In addition, it will also affect the quality of sleep at night. Now I'm experiencing sleep disorder. Don't be like me, please

Title: Re: Is skipping meal a bad habit?
Post by: Alyssa Turner on February 02, 2021, 03:22:20 AM
There's a time when I skipped dinner to lose weight. Then I went to the doctor. He said long-term skipping dinner will lead to rich nutrition in the body, and in order to maintain normal life activities, the basic metabolism of the human body will be reduced, and it is easy to gain weight at this time, so it is undoubtedly very absurd to refuse dinner in order to lose weight, even through successful,  it is very easy to rebound.

Title: Re: Is skipping meal a bad habit?
Post by: EvieLannister on February 02, 2021, 06:33:43 AM
If it’s just drinking water and not eating, I think it’s okay, but if you have low blood sugar, you might as well eat something, otherwise it will definitely be bad for you and affect your normal physiological level.   drink only water or eat fruit one day each month, that is, detoxification,  it is also a method of intestinal cleansing. From the perspective of modern medicine, this method can adjust the acidic environment of the body to alkalescence, and acidification of the body is one of the causes of diseases. It should be reminded that not everyone is suitable for fasting and detoxification. For example, people with chronic diseases and low blood sugar should not try it easily. It is also best for healthy people to consult a doctor in advance.

Title: Re: Is skipping meal a bad habit?
Post by: JillianTaft on February 02, 2021, 06:37:58 AM
I don't know why you wanna skip meal. if you're for lose weight, here's what I'm gonna say\
Skipping meals can achieve the effect of weight loss, but it cannot achieve the best weight loss effect. It does not mean that the less you eat, the thinner you will be. It also reduces the body's metabolic rate, which can make you get sick and is not conducive to health. The best way to lose weight is to eat less, plus moderate exercise, if you stick to it, you will definitely lose weight. It is still necessary to eat every meal. The important thing is to diversify the diet and ensure the nutritional ingredients. at the same time, control the total calories is essential as well

Title: Re: Is skipping meal a bad habit?
Post by: Twinkledoe on February 02, 2021, 06:45:50 AM
I don't know why you wanna skip meal. if you're for lose weight, here's what I'm gonna say\
Skipping meals can achieve the effect of weight loss, but it cannot achieve the best weight loss effect. It does not mean that the less you eat, the thinner you will be. It also reduces the body's metabolic rate, which can make you get sick and is not conducive to health. The best way to lose weight is to eat less, plus moderate exercise, if you stick to it, you will definitely lose weight. It is still necessary to eat every meal. The important thing is to diversify the diet and ensure the nutritional ingredients. at the same time, control the total calories is essential as well

I agree that the best and sustainable way to lose weight is to eat less (less than you calorific requirements per day) and regular exercise. I had experience with that and lost about 5 kgs in a month. It was not drastic but I can say I did not feel hungry during that time. Didn't skip meal but ate less carbs. and daily stairs workout (no special routine). Skipping a meal if you are not ready will just tempt you to eat more the next meal. But it also depends on your habit formed as we have different body types. You need to assess why are you doing it and how ready you are with sudden changes in your lifestyle?

Title: Re: Is skipping meal a bad habit?
Post by: semobo on February 02, 2021, 03:13:06 PM
It really depends on the body, people with weak immune system would be needing a lot of nutrients in their body so they are not allowed to skip their meals. I don't believe in these types of diet either, as long as you can control your eating habits you can definitely lose weight (doesn't apply to people with sickness tho)
It depends on body types which is not related to the immune system for sure. Skipping meal for any body type is not a good habit because it can damage your digestion cycle and also leads to the excess acidic content generation which keeps secreted to help in digestion.

Title: Re: Is skipping meal a bad habit?
Post by: shiming on February 02, 2021, 10:27:25 PM
Skipping breakfast is really bad for your health. Breakfast is very important to your health. Of course, eating fruit and a glass of milk is considered breakfast. The doctors will advise us to eat breakfast on time.

Title: Re: Is skipping meal a bad habit?
Post by: peter0425 on February 03, 2021, 02:35:10 AM
Skipping meal never been harsh for us , but make sure to have at least 1 meal per day , because of you are talking about Skipping meal continuously for a week then that is a suicide .
Skipping breakfast is really bad for your health. Breakfast is very important to your health. Of course, eating fruit and a glass of milk is considered breakfast. The doctors will advise us to eat breakfast on time.
having at least 1 apple in the morning is enough to be called Meal , then follow solid foods late in the after noon and No food in the evening completely.

Title: Re: Is skipping meal a bad habit?
Post by: Miranda Trenton on February 03, 2021, 06:58:48 AM
For people who are often sick, I think eating an apple a day is useful, but for people who want to lose weight, I think light fasting is a healthier way to lose weight. The two do not conflict. It depends on you. What is the situation.

Title: Re: Is skipping meal a bad habit?
Post by: Jazmin Leslie on February 03, 2021, 08:22:59 AM
It varies from person to person. I don't eat breakfast all year round, and I'm in good health. Some people might fall in for this while others not. Some people have a good appetite after exercise and others may have no appetite then. I think the same is true for dinner. When the body adapts it, it is okay. If you don’t eat dinner and can’t sleep because you feel hungry, blood sugar gets low or even get into dizziness, then that’s definitely bad for your health. Also, even if you don't eat dinner/breakfast and don't have any discomfort, you should take regular physical examinations still so that you can know your body condition in case any disease occurs.

Title: Re: Is skipping meal a bad habit?
Post by: londongamer on February 04, 2021, 08:19:52 AM
yes naturally, you can get sick and end up with bowel cancer if you continue that habit. Eating right is what gives us the assurance that our immune system is strong. Of course, there must be rest.

Title: Re: Is skipping meal a bad habit?
Post by: ILuckyGuyI on February 04, 2021, 10:35:10 AM
I’m a bit confused about these. My doctor will always say don’t skip a meal and he will always remind me “An apple a day keeps you from the doctor” so if skipping meal is a bad habit, why do experts and professional nutritionist  say intermittent fasting is healthy?

In every field, there will always be different opinions about something. I see this more especially in health topics. So, you could listen to your doctor if you want. For example, I don't support the idea that skipping a meal is good. Because it affects our immune system badly too.

Title: Re: Is skipping meal a bad habit?
Post by: Ucy on February 04, 2021, 10:56:39 AM
I think short fasting(maybe from morning to 12 noon) is ok for certain people. You could try something called "fruit-fasting" if you are worried about the probable side effects of dry fasting. Very healthy light foods while doing short fasting is recommended. Feed on Healthy light foods such as fruits and vegetables. It's OK to drink lots of water during the fasting.

Not everyone can handle long dry fasting. Do the short one if it makes you healthy and makes you feel good.... You could gradually increase the length of the fast if the short one gives no problems.

Title: Re: Is skipping meal a bad habit?
Post by: silabai on February 04, 2021, 01:15:04 PM
The habit of skipping breakfast continuously will eventually lead to weight gain. Breakfast is included in a healthy lifestyle. Enjoying a healthy breakfast can reduce the risk of heart attack. Skipping breakfast is associated with a higher risk of heart disease

Title: Re: Is skipping meal a bad habit?
Post by: Shakazs on February 06, 2021, 04:39:19 PM
As for me, I try to never skip my meals. Of course, sometimes I have to do this due to a number of reasons. For example, I may lack time for something like this. But in most cases, I eat five or six times a day and it completely satisfies me.
I eat mostly protein meals. But I should stress that I’m not a body-builder. I’m fond of doing pull-ups and push-ups and no more. I don’t need to gain a lot of weight due to medical reasons - I have issues with veins on my legs, but I run a lot and it greatly helps me a lot.
By the way, I can even eat an hour before going to a bed. Curds are the last thing I eat. Curds can be eaten late because it’s easily digested unlike meat. Avoid eating anything else late except for curds because I think it would be harmful.

Title: Re: Is skipping meal a bad habit?
Post by: MiltonRose on February 07, 2021, 03:14:31 PM
I think that it depends more on habit, that is, if you adhere to the same meal schedule, then you need to follow it, but it does not have to be 5 times a day

Title: Re: Is skipping meal a bad habit?
Post by: Jax Rahman on February 08, 2021, 06:30:02 AM
If your body indicators are relatively normal, you can eat less if you want to lose weight, but not on a diet. If you are sick, you must have three normal meals a day to maintain the intake of various nutrients.

Title: Re: Is skipping meal a bad habit?
Post by: TOM B on February 08, 2021, 06:53:12 AM
It's okay to skip a meal occasionally.
However, skipping dinner for a long time will do a lot of damage to the stomach.

Title: Re: Is skipping meal a bad habit?
Post by: KINVAN e on February 08, 2021, 06:57:50 AM
Points physical condition.
If you have high blood lipids, eating less may be good for your health.

Title: Re: Is skipping meal a bad habit?
Post by: Nora Olin on February 08, 2021, 07:01:23 AM
Skipping meals will affect your body's functions, even skipping a meal will affect your body balance.

Title: Re: Is skipping meal a bad habit?
Post by: tanyayu on February 08, 2021, 07:16:00 AM
It is recommended to consult a doctor.
After all, it varies from person to person.

Title: Re: Is skipping meal a bad habit?
Post by: Borisfe on February 08, 2021, 07:28:41 AM
I do not know.
But I stopped eating after noon for a long time, and finally got gastritis.

Title: Re: Is skipping meal a bad habit?
Post by: ARTURVH on February 08, 2021, 07:30:04 AM
The specific situation still needs to consult a doctor.
After all, everyone has a different situation.

Title: Re: Is skipping meal a bad habit?
Post by: crypto mushroom on March 05, 2021, 08:23:06 AM
In fact, everything is very simple.

If you eat junk food (any animal products, fried foods, etc.), then you will have an increased acidity of the stomach, and if you do not eat on time, then this acid will simply begin to corrode the walls of the stomach and gastritis will appear. This will not happen right away, but after a year or after a few years of systematic such nutrition (harmful and rare).

Those who eat right have no hunger at all (I’m telling you this for a reason, I personally can eat nothing for 3 days at all and engage in active physical work and don't feel any hunger).

Intermittent fasting is very beneficial. It starts the process of autophagy (in short, an increase in the lifespan of all organs and tissues of the body), the synthesis of somatropin (rejuvenating hormone), and the cleansing of the body at the intercellular and intracellular levels.

Therefore, do not systematically starve if you eat junk food. Switch to adequate nutrition (vegan, raw food), and only then fast 3-5 days every 2 weeks, this will be enough in order to get the most out of fasting (also use mini-fasting when you only eat from 12:00 until 6:00 pm). Longer fasting is done with serious cleansing of the body, but do not start such fasting without knowledge and without prior therapy against helminths (99% of people have them). Study various literature about healing fasting and only then apply it on yourself.

Title: Re: Is skipping meal a bad habit?
Post by: karim.s on March 05, 2021, 10:42:36 AM
It depends on your physical situation. Some times it's good to skip meals. In some situations, it wouldn't be good for your health to skip heals. you have to take some foods.

Title: Re: Is skipping meal a bad habit?
Post by: Mauser on March 05, 2021, 11:26:05 AM
It depends on your physical situation. Some times it's good to skip meals. In some situations, it wouldn't be good for your health to skip heals. you have to take some foods.

If you want to lose weight it's probably a good idea to skip some meals. I am not an expert on the subject but a friend of mine lost 15 kilos with the new 16-8 method. You are basically only allowed to eat 8 hours per day and the rest of the time you are fasting. A good approach here is to skip breakfast, eat lunch at 12 and then dinner at 7, with maybe a small snack in between.

Title: Re: Is skipping meal a bad habit?
Post by: newwest on March 11, 2021, 08:44:39 AM
It depends on your physical situation. Some times it's good to skip meals. In some situations, it wouldn't be good for your health to skip heals. you have to take some foods.

Skipping meal is never a good option unless due to some reason once a while you skip it which is fine, else there are other alternatives which you can take considering the per day calorie consumption, protein, vitamins etc required can be intake accordingly as there are various food services in this space which you can eat it. So, this just helps as you do not even have to skip the meal and not taking any extra calories too.

Title: Re: Is skipping meal a bad habit?
Post by: Rruchi man on March 11, 2021, 09:44:31 PM
Researchers say we should as much as possible avoid skipping meals especially breakfast, this is because food is an essential requirement for the bsody to produce energy needed for work. Skipping meals is a bad habit that if not checked, can cause stomach ulcer.

Title: Re: Is skipping meal a bad habit?
Post by: DoctorMark on March 12, 2021, 01:37:47 PM
Researchers say we should as much as possible avoid skipping meals especially breakfast, this is because food is an essential requirement for the bsody to produce energy needed for work. Skipping meals is a bad habit that if not checked, can cause stomach ulcer.
look into intermittent fasting and all the proven benefits, skipping a meal can absolutely be healthy. 3 meals a day is a social construcked made by the food companies.

Title: Re: Is skipping meal a bad habit?
Post by: Ucy on March 12, 2021, 04:22:06 PM
Researchers say we should as much as possible avoid skipping meals especially breakfast, this is because food is an essential requirement for the bsody to produce energy needed for work. Skipping meals is a bad habit that if not checked, can cause stomach ulcer.

I believe fasting or skipping meal works well for certain people. I try not to do it for too long though.. I sometimes feed on only very light healthy natural foods like really good oil/fat, fruits, vegetables,, herbs/tea, lots of warm water etc while fasting. I actually recommend the latter for those who are worried about skipping meal. It feels like your body produces gentle blue flame while using those kind of foods

Title: Re: Is skipping meal a bad habit?
Post by: DoctorMark on March 12, 2021, 06:16:11 PM
Researchers say we should as much as possible avoid skipping meals especially breakfast, this is because food is an essential requirement for the bsody to produce energy needed for work. Skipping meals is a bad habit that if not checked, can cause stomach ulcer.

I believe fasting or skipping meal works well for certain people. I try not to do it for too long though.. I sometimes feed on only very light healthy natural foods like really good oil/fat, fruits, vegetables,, herbs/tea, lots of warm water etc while fasting. I actually recommend the latter for those who are worried about skipping meal. It feels like your body produces gentle blue flame while using those kind of foods
I think a lot of doctors are not actually trained in nutrition and a lot of nutritionists were trained many years ago, anecdotes dont equal science but when you have thousands of succcess stories you have to start thinking that perhaps theres something to it.

Title: Re: Is skipping meal a bad habit?
Post by: BADecker on March 12, 2021, 07:53:43 PM
Is skipping meal a bad habit?

The way some Americans eat, skipping a bad meal is always a good habit.


Title: Re: Is skipping meal a bad habit?
Post by: Mituletr on March 13, 2021, 01:41:27 AM
I often don't eat dinner now, and my mental state is not very good recently, so I think I should eat on time and keep a balanced nutrition.

Title: Re: Is skipping meal a bad habit?
Post by: Auroraner on March 13, 2021, 01:53:52 AM
Eating less is not a bad habit, skipping breakfast is a bad habit. Breakfast must be eaten every day, and dinner should be light, which is good for our body, because many diseases are caused by irregular diet.

Title: Re: Is skipping meal a bad habit?
Post by: Leonnuvh on March 13, 2021, 03:20:14 AM

I think this is a bad habit, and it will cause some physical harm for a long time.

Title: Re: Is skipping meal a bad habit?
Post by: bitterguy28 on March 13, 2021, 04:37:38 AM
I’m a bit confused about these. My doctor will always say don’t skip a meal and he will always remind me “An apple a day keeps you from the doctor” so if skipping meal is a bad habit, why do experts and professional nutritionist  say intermittent fasting is healthy?
Intermittent fasting is not constantly skipping meal , meaning you will only do this in some time so that is not totally skipping .

You are just letting your body to heal itself by not eating in a period of time .

So that's why doctors advice this to us until your body fully recovered.

Title: Re: Is skipping meal a bad habit?
Post by: DoctorMark on March 13, 2021, 07:06:00 PM

I think this is a bad habit, and it will cause some physical harm for a long time.

Caloric restriction is currently being researched a lot whether that be by "skipping a meal" or smaller meals. We didnt evolve to eat 3 meals a day its a social construct, I don't think theres a right or wrong but I definitely dont think you'll do physical damage if youre regularly reevaluating your situation.

Title: Re: Is skipping meal a bad habit?
Post by: Caldear on March 15, 2021, 06:55:20 AM
Intermittent fasting is good. If you eat irregularly, skipping meals for a long time is a bad habit, which will make your mental state fatigue, ;D

Title: Re: Is skipping meal a bad habit?
Post by: Harper32 on March 15, 2021, 07:09:00 AM
I think it’s best to have breakfast, and you can skip or eat less for dinner. Of course this is just my personal opinion.

Title: Re: Is skipping meal a bad habit?
Post by: DoctorMark on March 16, 2021, 11:11:51 AM
Just out of interest did anybody read about the guy that didnt eat for 382 days? (1146 meals)

Title: Re: Is skipping meal a bad habit?
Post by: Nambuwan on March 16, 2021, 11:19:48 AM
Yes skipping a meal is bad habit. Our body functions continuously that's why skipping a meal would cause for our intestine to grind with each other. This will lead to ulcer and other complications.

Title: Re: Is skipping meal a bad habit?
Post by: DoctorMark on March 16, 2021, 12:01:43 PM
Yes skipping a meal is bad habit. Our body functions continuously that's why skipping a meal would cause for our intestine to grind with each other. This will lead to ulcer and other complications.
do you have a link to any science backing this, im really intersted.

To my knowlege humans are bi-phasal so we shouldnt be eating more than 12 hours of the day.

Title: Re: Is skipping meal a bad habit?
Post by: Ucy on March 16, 2021, 04:02:18 PM
Researchers say we should as much as possible avoid skipping meals especially breakfast, this is because food is an essential requirement for the bsody to produce energy needed for work. Skipping meals is a bad habit that if not checked, can cause stomach ulcer.

I believe fasting or skipping meal works well for certain people. I try not to do it for too long though.. I sometimes feed on only very light healthy natural foods like really good oil/fat, fruits, vegetables,, herbs/tea, lots of warm water etc while fasting. I actually recommend the latter for those who are worried about skipping meal. It feels like your body produces gentle blue flame while using those kind of foods
I think a lot of doctors are not actually trained in nutrition and a lot of nutritionists were trained many years ago, anecdotes dont equal science but when you have thousands of succcess stories you have to start thinking that perhaps theres something to it.

I think doctors should have basic knowledge on foods and nutrition. I usually wonder why they don't recommend healthy foods to their patients and I did assume some probably want their customers to get sick often so they don't lose them.
Healthy foods and eating them properly can actually solve lots of the health problems people spend alot of money to treat in hospitals

Title: Re: Is skipping meal a bad habit?
Post by: DeathAngel on March 16, 2021, 06:27:13 PM
During the pandemic I have been off work (being paid by government to stay home) so I have been very lazy. I have been getting out of bed late so I have to confess skipping breakfast regularly.

Title: Re: Is skipping meal a bad habit?
Post by: DoctorMark on March 16, 2021, 07:27:24 PM
Researchers say we should as much as possible avoid skipping meals especially breakfast, this is because food is an essential requirement for the bsody to produce energy needed for work. Skipping meals is a bad habit that if not checked, can cause stomach ulcer.

I believe fasting or skipping meal works well for certain people. I try not to do it for too long though.. I sometimes feed on only very light healthy natural foods like really good oil/fat, fruits, vegetables,, herbs/tea, lots of warm water etc while fasting. I actually recommend the latter for those who are worried about skipping meal. It feels like your body produces gentle blue flame while using those kind of foods
I think a lot of doctors are not actually trained in nutrition and a lot of nutritionists were trained many years ago, anecdotes dont equal science but when you have thousands of succcess stories you have to start thinking that perhaps theres something to it.

I think doctors should have basic knowledge on foods and nutrition. I usually wonder why they don't recommend healthy foods to their patients and I did assume some probably want their customers to get sick often so they don't lose them.
Healthy foods and eating them properly can actually solve lots of the health problems people spend alot of money to treat in hospitals

Especially in countries with privatised health, it seems there's a very obvious conflict of interest...

Title: Re: Is skipping meal a bad habit?
Post by: Hannu on March 16, 2021, 10:05:32 PM
I eat 2 times per day if possible. Bitcoin = food, materia and well being.

Title: Re: Is skipping meal a bad habit?
Post by: Sashapet on March 17, 2021, 10:25:59 AM
The most obvious consequence of constantly skipping meals is weight loss. According to nutritionist Brook Alpert, this can significantly help a person lose weight. However, there is a right and wrong way to do it.

"If you skip meals to limit or punish yourself, that's not a healthy approach," said the expert.

Those who tend to skip meals in order to eat less in a day tend to overeat at their next meal. In turn, according to studies, for obese patients, skipping breakfast or their first meal can be beneficial.

Title: Re: Is skipping meal a bad habit?
Post by: DoctorMark on March 23, 2021, 01:44:08 PM
Yes it's all about context, if youre doing it to punish yourself that is obviously bad.

I do believe you can do it to test your self though, it can be great for discipline I also believe it generally has many health benefits and I don't belive our ancestors worried too much about their 3 meals/day

Title: Re: Is skipping meal a bad habit?
Post by: Joshua01 on March 24, 2021, 01:20:21 AM
Breakfast is the most important thing, you can skip dinner, but if you skip breakfast for a long time, it is easy to have stomach upset, which is not good for your health.

Title: Re: Is skipping meal a bad habit?
Post by: Arvin01 on March 24, 2021, 06:51:53 AM
If you do not eat dinner, you can, but if you eat breakfast, it is recommended to eat first. Skipping breakfast is bad for your health. You can eat more fruit instead of greasy fruit.

Title: Re: Is skipping meal a bad habit?
Post by: ROBERT B on March 24, 2021, 06:53:35 AM
In my opinion, skipping dinner is not a good habit. Although we don't do much exercise at night, our body is still consuming energy. Our stomachs are also working. If we don't eat dinner, our stomachs will not be able to digest things, and our stomachs will be damaged.

Title: Re: Is skipping meal a bad habit?
Post by: DoctorMark on March 24, 2021, 11:39:34 AM
I think skipping breakfast and "its the most important meal of the day" is a complete myth.

If you dig a little deeper you find that people that skip breakfast are often more productive earlier in the day and reportedly sharper too.

Title: Re: Is skipping meal a bad habit?
Post by: traderabove on September 28, 2021, 04:13:42 PM
from i know you should eat 4-5 times a day but at small portions

Title: Re: Is skipping meal a bad habit?
Post by: DeathAngel on September 28, 2021, 04:31:05 PM
I don’t think it’s that bad as long as the other meals you have are healthy & you look after yourself. Don’t smoke & drink lots of water & you should be OK.