Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: menoiazei on January 16, 2021, 03:22:02 PM

Title: what would satoshi do?
Post by: menoiazei on January 16, 2021, 03:22:02 PM

hypothetical question i guess but just curious for views of the community...
on what would satoshi and original development team (whoever who or they are) do differently
if could travel back in time and it was to write the white paper again today with all the knowledge and experience gained from adoption,
 development and state of economy and worldwide community today??
many thanks!

Title: Re: what would satoshi do?
Post by: mk4 on January 16, 2021, 03:42:45 PM
It's pretty impossible to guess what Satoshi would think, really; with him/her/them disappearing early on and all that. And actually, it's a good thing. The point of Bitcoin is that the community should be deciding on stuff(and not a supreme leader/entity), and Satoshi still being here with us means that there would be huge biases towards Satoshi's ideas and solutions of whatever issues arises.

Title: Re: what would satoshi do?
Post by: KonstantinosM on January 16, 2021, 03:55:59 PM

hypothetical question i guess but just curious for views of the community...
on what would satoshi and original development team (whoever who or they are) do differently
if could travel back in time and it was to write the white paper again today with all the knowledge and experience gained from adoption,
 development and state of economy and worldwide community today??
many thanks!

We know what Satoshi did (my speculative take follows).

He got paranoid when the Feds started getting close. He didn't want to deal with the heat so he disappeared.

It's possible that he suffered a mental breakdown, it's also possible that he lives a more private life. It's possible that somebody made him disappear too.

If you wanna guess on what he'd do, first read the whitepaper, then read some of his posts.

It will all be very enlightening.

But heed my warning. Bitcoin is not a cult of personality. We don't worship satoshi. The greatest gift satoshi did is not turn Bitcoin into a cult of personality.

He also gave as a great gift of not using his coins. Being the first he probably mined tons of bitcoin. He probably doesn't even have the keys anymore but even if he does, his strong hands have made bitcoin a lot scarcer therefore more valuable.

His hands are so strong that I don't thing we can say they're made out of steel or even diamond.

They're hands of marble, a statue, a long dead man from an ancient civilization.

What would satoshi do? No-one can say for sure. But he was a cautious man. He didn't want to get the attention of the feds and he didn't want the bitcoin community to do that either. He didn't want us needlessly kicking the hornets nest.

Title: Re: what would satoshi do?
Post by: menoiazei on January 16, 2021, 03:58:00 PM
It's pretty impossible to guess what Satoshi would think, really; with him/her/them disappearing early on and all that. And actually, it's a good thing. The point of Bitcoin is that the community should be deciding on stuff(and not a supreme leader/entity), and Satoshi still being here with us means that there would be huge biases towards Satoshi's ideas and solutions of whatever issues arises.

this one totally hypothetical question and what you say is correct, on the other hand also some things you only learn with experience,
so maybe question would what would original satoshi do differently than if he could predict today as is??
and pretty sure Satoshi still here with us somehow

Title: Re: what would satoshi do?
Post by: Vaskiy on January 16, 2021, 04:09:55 PM
Till date we haven't got any information regarding the identity of Satoshi. Some state it a human being and the gender is unknown. Some state Satoshi as a team of members, and few state the term Satoshi as a joint venture of few corporate networks. In such a situation we can't think what Satoshi would've done by now.

Title: Re: what would satoshi do?
Post by: mk4 on January 16, 2021, 04:44:14 PM
this one totally hypothetical question and what you say is correct, on the other hand also some things you only learn with experience,
so maybe question would what would original satoshi do differently than if he could predict today as is??
Yea I totally get it. It's just that trying to guess what Satoshi's opinions are is pretty much a shot in the dark. It's just like guessing what Satoshi's favorite Pokémon is — we simply lack information about Satoshi to have a decent guess in my opinion.

and pretty sure Satoshi still here with us somehow
Another one of those things that we really lack information to have any guesses. Satoshi protected his/her/their anonymity really really well, hence why we still don't have any idea who Satoshi is today. Unless you have any proof that Satoshi is "still with us"? Because I'm pretty sure that's just one rough guess.

Title: Re: what would satoshi do?
Post by: hatshepsut93 on January 16, 2021, 04:45:38 PM
If Satoshi had today's knowledge and went back in time to develop Bitcoin again, I think he would have made something about Bitcoin's privacy - maybe added Coinjoin to the Core wallet, or even made a system like Monero. I doubt he would be interested in smart contracts, those things only add security holes and not much real life utility.  I'm sure he wouldn't trust Gavin Andersen, and perhaps he would take some measures to prevent attempts at identity theft by people like Craig Wright.

Title: Re: what would satoshi do?
Post by: Natsuu on January 16, 2021, 04:54:14 PM

hypothetical question i guess but just curious for views of the community...
on what would satoshi and original development team (whoever who or they are) do differently
if could travel back in time and it was to write the white paper again today with all the knowledge and experience gained from adoption,
 development and state of economy and worldwide community today??
many thanks!

The development of something is exponential. If we will consider your question that Satoshi will travel back in time to rewrite the white paper. Then probably we will cease to exist, or our memory about the whole bitcoin development will suddenly vanish, replaced by a new development track that has the same graph, but only different in its scale.

After a while, we will go back to this question, and then satoshi again will go back in time, to further improve it, and it will become an endless cycle.

Title: Re: what would satoshi do?
Post by: XCANA on January 16, 2021, 05:05:50 PM
Basically Satoshi wouldn't have done anything far better than we have had from the few years the technology has be living with us. They (Satoshi) knew everything the world needed(in terms of digital currency) and they have implemented them all, so, what else would you have Satoshi do?. The project team management are doing great with the positive push as to make Bitcoin be at the top digital currency, so, Satoshi is definitely involve here in my opinion(even though not seen). Satoshi still doing what's needed of him/her/them.

Title: Re: what would satoshi do?
Post by: Mpamaegbu on January 16, 2021, 05:39:17 PM
At the risk of sounding clairvoyant, I believe Satoshi would be stroking the hair on his chest while sipping tequila with the other hand and saying to himself, " Yeah! I told them how great Bitcoin would become a few years after." It's a guess work quite alright but nothing best captures the satisfaction a man derives seeing his dreams come through. Satoshi will be a happy man at a time like this.

Title: Re: what would satoshi do?
Post by: YOSHIE on January 16, 2021, 06:15:33 PM
on what would satoshi and original development team (whoever who or they are) do differently
Do you really want to, find out what Satoshi is doing.
OK, after you read everything below, you will find out everything Satoshi did.

Satoshi is not awesome because he was watching the crypto world and had a brilliant idea. He's awesome because upon having this idea, he carried it out. You know what I would've done if this idea had come to me? I probably would've mentioned it to a few people, maybe written some very basic code if I was feeling especially ambitious. You know what Satoshi did? He spent 2+ years contemplating every possible aspect of the system he could think of, and wrote code that worked brilliantly in the real world. Satoshi's code was good, but anyone who had read a good C++ book could've written similarly-good code. Anyone who had taken an intro crypto course or read a few books on the subject would understand Satoshi's usage of crypto primitives. The task of creating Bitcoin required a small flash of brilliance, moderate skill, and an unbelievably huge amount of dedication to thinking about, coding, and testing the system until it worked exactly as envisioned.

And one more valuable lesson for you in the future, which Satoshi did for you.

Satoshi's lesson is that you don't need to be the next Einstein in order to change the world. Nor do you need to have much money, or influence with the world's "movers & shakers". You just need to put in the effort. Satoshi, probably just an ordinary hobbyist like anyone here, saw that something was lacking in the Universe, and he fought tooth-and-nail for 2+ years until this imperfection was corrected. This is what makes Satoshi and his work my greatest inspiration.

I hope all of that can increase your knowledge, about Bitcoin and the Bitcointalk forum, today and in the future.

Title: Re: what would satoshi do?
Post by: menoiazei on January 16, 2021, 08:05:02 PM
on what would satoshi and original development team (whoever who or they are) do differently
Do you really want to, find out what Satoshi is doing.

Not really Satoshi Probably drinking margaritas somewhere where weather is sweet,

  my (totally hypothetical and rhetorical) question more about the original idea, ecosystem and principles satoshi genius invented
and how it could be improved if it was possible to learn from yesterdays and todays mistakes developments and innovations.  :)

Title: Re: what would satoshi do?
Post by: GideonGono on January 16, 2021, 08:29:20 PM
We wouldn't really know what would Satoshi or the team who help create the Bitcoin would change if they could go back in time.
It is hard since we all have different opinion on it andwe don't even know if Satoshi still cares about BTC.
Sometimes I think Satoshi is actually an alien and just gave us BTC to help us advance something like pyramid.

Title: Re: what would satoshi do?
Post by: Twentyonepaylots on January 16, 2021, 09:31:30 PM
The idea seems impossible, Satoshi didn't know what will happen to his creation if it will work and people would adapt these kind of valued coin, he's at blank on what will happen but has this vision, the very reason why he started this. But this goes through my mind too, if they really believe that bitcoin would work so much 10 years after, why they did not leave any words to us? What valid reason that I can only think of is for their security purposes, this must be the reason too why they chose to be unknown to its fans.

Title: Re: what would satoshi do?
Post by: blockman on January 16, 2021, 09:37:33 PM
We'll never know what's on his mind or with the people that helped him developed bitcoin. But let's go with the speculation, he probably will take steps on changing the current systems of trying to make it clear that bitcoin is for transfers and will do something revolutionary to solve the high fees together on how it's fluctuating in the prices. Maybe that's possible for him as he's the creator of it but at the end in all of this, we're just giving opinions but we don't know his whereabouts for years.

Title: Re: what would satoshi do?
Post by: Yaunfitda on January 16, 2021, 09:55:31 PM

hypothetical question i guess but just curious for views of the community...
on what would satoshi and original development team (whoever who or they are) do differently
if could travel back in time and it was to write the white paper again today with all the knowledge and experience gained from adoption,
 development and state of economy and worldwide community today??
many thanks!
Scaling? I think if they could travel back in time, they will have to find a way to solve bitcoin's scalability problem, specially on how Satoshi cap the blocksize, because he didn't anticipate that his invention will grow this big in the last 10 years. But other done that, it's a perfect creation by Satoshi, no one will disagree. It has drastically change the financial landscape globally.

Title: Re: what would satoshi do?
Post by: wxa7115 on January 16, 2021, 10:00:39 PM
We know what Satoshi did (my speculative take follows).

He got paranoid when the Feds started getting close. He didn't want to deal with the heat so he disappeared.

It's possible that he suffered a mental breakdown, it's also possible that he lives a more private life. It's possible that somebody made him disappear too.

If you wanna guess on what he'd do, first read the whitepaper, then read some of his posts.

It will all be very enlightening.

But heed my warning. Bitcoin is not a cult of personality. We don't worship satoshi. The greatest gift satoshi did is not turn Bitcoin into a cult of personality.

He also gave as a great gift of not using his coins. Being the first he probably mined tons of bitcoin. He probably doesn't even have the keys anymore but even if he does, his strong hands have made bitcoin a lot scarcer therefore more valuable.

His hands are so strong that I don't thing we can say they're made out of steel or even diamond.

They're hands of marble, a statue, a long dead man from an ancient civilization.

What would satoshi do? No-one can say for sure. But he was a cautious man. He didn't want to get the attention of the feds and he didn't want the bitcoin community to do that either. He didn't want us needlessly kicking the hornets nest.

It is kind of ironic to think of what satoshi will do when in fact some of the most influential things that I can think about satoshi are the things that he didn't do, as you say one perfect example of this how he has been able to keep holding his coins despite having billions of dollars which rightfully belong to him, this is why many speculate that either he died shortly after he leaved the community or that he has lost his coins forever, but if neither of those scenarios are correct and he can actually access those coins then he is even more legendary than what we think.

Also as you say it is really important that he was willing to let go of bitcoin and let fly on its own because if he didn't then the community will revolve around satoshi and not around bitcoin which was his intention from the beginning.