Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Pools => Topic started by: GypsyMagic on March 26, 2014, 05:16:33 AM

Title: invalids when mining
Post by: GypsyMagic on March 26, 2014, 05:16:33 AM
Hello all,
  I'm pretty new to mining and i have a question. When i'm mining it seems like i always have 2-3 times more invald attempts, percentage-wise, than any pool i am in. it doesn't seem like a debilitating amount but i really have no idea what a large percentage would be. e.g. - in any pool i've been in the pool avg is 1-2% invalid and mine is around 2-4%. Is this a high percentage difference and can i do anything to lower it?

   thanks for any you can give i really appreciate it.

Title: Re: invalids when mining
Post by: byt411 on March 26, 2014, 05:49:34 PM
Invalid as in rejected and stales at 1%-2% is perfectly normal. If your pool has a server that is nearer to you, switch to that one.
Otherwise, there's pretty much nothing you can do.