Bitcoin Forum

Other => Politics & Society => Topic started by: OpenCryptoSystem on January 25, 2021, 12:31:40 AM

Title: People around the world cant go with covid restrictions
Post by: OpenCryptoSystem on January 25, 2021, 12:31:40 AM
People will start riots but more agressive then before .
People want normal life back
Goverment will only put whole society in mess with restrictions

All over world people will be angry not gping to be good

Title: Re: People around the world cant go with covid restrictions
Post by: Tash on January 25, 2021, 08:04:21 AM
People will start riots but more agressive then before .
People want normal life back
Goverment will only put whole society in mess with restrictions

All over world people will be angry not gping to be good

Its in full motion, it was the plan all along, some play into it

Clashes, arson & mass arrests as riot police struggle to contain anti-lockdown rage in the Netherlands

Russia, Protesting below -50C (-63 Fahrenheit) other videos show more action

Title: Re: People around the world cant go with covid restrictions
Post by: Mauser on January 25, 2021, 09:05:43 AM
People will start riots but more agressive then before .
People want normal life back
Goverment will only put whole society in mess with restrictions

All over world people will be angry not gping to be good

Riots are just dumb and I hope everybody that is participating in them is getting jailed. In the Netherlands the police is searching a lot of the Rioters right now, luckily they keep making videos of themselfs which is great for the police to identify them. I mean honestly, who gives these guys the right to just walk around and start burning random cars? None of the people who lose their cars, stores or other property have anything to do with the corona curfews. Innocent people are getting hurt for nothing. I would understand if the protest in front of the house of the politcians and burn things there, but not of random people who just parked their car in that area.

Title: Re: People around the world cant go with covid restrictions
Post by: Cnut237 on January 25, 2021, 12:13:09 PM
People will start riots but more agressive then before .
People want normal life back
Goverment will only put whole society in mess with restrictions

All over world people will be angry not gping to be good

The biggest misstep by governments has been waiting too long to implement restrictions, particularly back at the beginning of the first wave last year. Subsequent missteps have involved restrictions being too lax and halfhearted, and lifted too quickly.
'People' need to educate themselves and get a grasp of how a fatal pandemic works, and particularly a basic understanding of exponential progression. Governments fearing the people has been the weakness here, a rare instance where more authoritarian regimes have a better response.

Title: Re: People around the world cant go with covid restrictions
Post by: In the silence on January 25, 2021, 03:17:15 PM
People will start riots but more agressive then before .
People want normal life back
Goverment will only put whole society in mess with restrictions

All over world people will be angry not gping to be good
The governments may not entirely know how the elites chained the society. This restrictions may ultimately go into chaos.

Violence can be seen all over the world with this rules.

Title: Re: People around the world cant go with covid restrictions
Post by: Tash on January 25, 2021, 03:32:57 PM

Its akin to 1938 Germany where it was law to fight the “enemy” not doing so was arrest or shot on the spot.
The lawful government with a dimwit at the helm made it a crime to stay at home in bed (with the wife) instead laying in some cold, wet dirt trench in a foreign land was the way to go.
This time round the enemy is so small noone has ever seen it.
Non war participants will always exit.

Title: Re: People around the world cant go with covid restrictions
Post by: datamining on January 25, 2021, 03:40:09 PM
The covid crisis exposes the weaknesses of the financial markets, politics and society.
I do not believe that protests are only against covid-19 restrictions but also against the corruption, idiocy and imbalances in our world.

Title: Re: People around the world cant go with covid restrictions
Post by: Tash on January 25, 2021, 04:13:21 PM

Millions of farmers on the move, no social distanceing or mask

Title: Re: People around the world cant go with covid restrictions
Post by: OpenCryptoSystem on January 25, 2021, 04:17:31 PM

Millions of farmers on the move, no social distanceing or mask

Good the social distancing is pointless and masks also pointless

Title: Re: People around the world cant go with covid restrictions
Post by: datamining on January 26, 2021, 10:08:21 AM

Millions of farmers on the move, no social distanceing or mask

Good the social distancing is pointless and masks also pointless

Desperate and hungry people don't care about physical distancing and masks ...

By the way the term "social distancing" is bullshit.

Title: Re: People around the world cant go with covid restrictions
Post by: amishmanish on January 26, 2021, 11:38:02 AM
The lockdowns would not be needed if not for those who refuse to wear masks. A lockdown is needed to contain the area of contagion to small boundaries. Once that is done and the virus has played out amongst the infected hosts, the rest can resume normal lives with masks and a bit of social distancing.
Unfortunately, people just want to go ahead and celebrate with a big party the moment the lockdown lifts. The cycle keeps repeating with scared leaders and a citizenry that sees lockdowns as infringement of their rights.

How much entertainment do these people need??

Title: Re: People around the world cant go with covid restrictions
Post by: zanezane on January 26, 2021, 12:51:24 PM
The lockdowns would not be needed if not for those who refuse to wear masks. A lockdown is needed to contain the area of contagion to small boundaries. Once that is done and the virus has played out amongst the infected hosts, the rest can resume normal lives with masks and a bit of social distancing.
Unfortunately, people just want to go ahead and celebrate with a big party the moment the lockdown lifts. The cycle keeps repeating with scared leaders and a citizenry that sees lockdowns as infringement of their rights.

How much entertainment do these people need??
Amen brother, if people are not ignorant about science then many people could have lived and the pandemic lockdowns and quarantines around the world could have gone shorter if people followed the regulations seriously. The problem is also the fault of the government, if they were responsive and knows when and where to allocate their resources then their management and containment could have been more efficient but no, they need to be able to stay in power and they need some sacrifices to do that. If only the pandemic only affected those ignorant people specifically, I think that I would not feel bad that they will die, especially those who break restrictions to do recreational things that does not involve finding a job or stuff. This people do not know entertainment, they are selfish and ignorant retarded babies that always seek attention, in short, they are a joke of a human being.

Title: Re: People around the world cant go with covid restrictions
Post by: semobo on January 26, 2021, 02:30:53 PM
People were taught to obey the orders since their childhood in the name of education in schools so accept it or 9/10 people will follow what government says. ;D

But I don't think anywhere in the world people are protesting or involved in riots just for those covid restrictions? ::)

Title: Re: People around the world cant go with covid restrictions
Post by: mu_enrico on January 26, 2021, 03:54:59 PM
People were taught to obey the orders since their childhood in the name of education in schools so accept it or 9/10 people will follow what government says. ;D
Nope, if it's related to their ability to feed their family. In my country, there is a curfew, so there is no dine-in after 7 pm. Guess what? Sellers pretend to be closed when police officers inspect the area and immediately open after they are gone.

In some rural areas (not even remote), there is no covid whatsoever, no mask, no social distancing as if the pandemic didn't happen. My conclusion: covid is real only in crowded urban areas.

Title: Re: People around the world cant go with covid restrictions
Post by: Tash on January 26, 2021, 04:32:26 PM
Russian general calling covid a flat out scam

Police march with protesters in France

Title: Re: People around the world cant go with covid restrictions
Post by: CryptocurencyKing on January 26, 2021, 10:39:05 PM
Riots are just dumb and I hope everybody that is participating in them is getting jailed. In the Netherlands the police is searching a lot of the Rioters right now, luckily they keep making videos of themselfs which is great for the police to identify them. I mean honestly, who gives these guys the right to just walk around and start burning random cars? None of the people who lose their cars, stores or other property have anything to do with the corona curfews. Innocent people are getting hurt for nothing. I would understand if the protest in front of the house of the politcians and burn things there, but not of random people who just parked their car in that area.
Riots being dumb isn't very accurate! The people have virtually no means of relating their problems and raising concerns to the government rather than demonstrations. When staff of organizations either governmental or not have issues with some policy, terms or rule, they simply start striking. It's a peaceful way of sending a message and it works often. So, I won't say that for sure but then, when the riot strays from the way of a peaceful demos traction, it becomes a public nuisance. That's the point where if the leaders of the riot isn't corporative with the government, they become wanted by the government so, it's always trouble to be the leader of rioters.
But then, if you must riot, you should be wise about it enough to know that the property of fellow citizens did not wrong.

Title: Re: People around the world cant go with covid restrictions
Post by: semobo on January 27, 2021, 02:35:29 PM
People were taught to obey the orders since their childhood in the name of education in schools so accept it or 9/10 people will follow what government says. ;D
Nope, if it's related to their ability to feed their family. In my country, there is a curfew, so there is no dine-in after 7 pm. Guess what? Sellers pretend to be closed when police officers inspect the area and immediately open after they are gone.

In some rural areas (not even remote), there is no covid whatsoever, no mask, no social distancing as if the pandemic didn't happen. My conclusion: covid is real only in crowded urban areas.
Middle class working people are the majority of people in the world's population, they are earning a salary for their works which lass I am talking about who is going to obey or atleast they are getting afraid than raising their voice against the government.

Title: Re: People around the world cant go with covid restrictions
Post by: Tash on January 27, 2021, 04:11:27 PM
No wonder people cant deal with covid restrictions, it is a scam.
No virus isolated which means from scientific viewpoint it does not exist, consequently you cannot make a vaccine.
Chief epidemiologist of Chinese CDC admitted "they didn't isolate the virus" he is the latest in growing list

Important safety announcement

Title: Re: People around the world cant go with covid restrictions
Post by: Mariangle Blocker on January 28, 2021, 01:13:29 AM
the vaccine is coming, I don't think what you said will last for a long time. Try to be positive and find a way to enjoy the moment we have.

Title: Re: People around the world cant go with covid restrictions
Post by: EvAng3l1on on January 28, 2021, 01:20:27 AM
People will start riots but more agressive then before .
People want normal life back
Goverment will only put whole society in mess with restrictions

All over world people will be angry not gping to be good
Due to covid, everyone around the world is already getting very confused

Title: Re: People around the world cant go with covid restrictions
Post by: franky1 on January 28, 2021, 01:47:47 AM
what people dont realise is that protests and riots just cause politicians to raise their game and put more limitations in as a response to the idiots.

we have the radicals that dont like peace. they want to trigger turmoil. they want anger they want fighting.

if people actually wanted restrictions to relax. and not be a law. they they can take responsibility of their own personal space. then it would not escalate into a law.

its the whole thing of disrespecting personal space. getting upclose and causing a fight, that then makes the fight worse.

republicans love hunting.
but if they respecting hunting to only shoot animals that should be shot. and only in numbers the person can handle. then hunting would be self sustainable.. but by someone shooting dozens of animals and then just letting them rot. its not self sustainable and so limitations need to be put in  just to keep the animal population alive just so future generations can atleast experience hunting.

too many hunters think they should be allowed to shoot animal species to extinction. without thinking that the day after extinction they will have nothing to shoot. thus destroying their own hobby
(short gain for long term loss)

the greed/insanity of today shows that people dont think ahead.
they dnt think if they all stayed home for 3 months. then the virus can just be obsolete.
instead they sneak out to mas gatherings and spread the virus. thus keeping the virus existant. thus keeping the restrictions going for 10 months.

thus restriction need to be tightened.

keep playing this game and restrictions will be around in some form for years. because some idiots cant just stand back for a couple months

rioters are self annihilists.. they are the cause of their own demise

if there is a problem(virus) and there is a solution(respect personal space)
dont fight the solution. because it will just make the problem bigger. which then requires a bigger solution
instead fight the problem. so that the solution doesnt have to persisit

Title: Re: People around the world cant go with covid restrictions
Post by: Mariangle Blocker on January 28, 2021, 02:52:23 AM
People will start riots but more agressive then before .
People want normal life back
Goverment will only put whole society in mess with restrictions

All over world people will be angry not gping to be good

Riots are just dumb and I hope everybody that is participating in them is getting jailed. In the Netherlands the police is searching a lot of the Rioters right now, luckily they keep making videos of themselfs which is great for the police to identify them. I mean honestly, who gives these guys the right to just walk around and start burning random cars? None of the people who lose their cars, stores or other property have anything to do with the corona curfews. Innocent people are getting hurt for nothing. I would understand if the protest in front of the house of the politcians and burn things there, but not of random people who just parked their car in that area.
absolutely.Riots are stupid and a disrespect for life. We need quarantine to save our lives. I just don't understand what they are thinking...

Title: Re: People around the world cant go with covid restrictions
Post by: Tash on January 28, 2021, 06:55:12 AM
People will start riots but more agressive then before .
People want normal life back
Goverment will only put whole society in mess with restrictions

All over world people will be angry not gping to be good

Riots are just dumb and I hope everybody that is participating in them is getting jailed. In the Netherlands the police is searching a lot of the Rioters right now, luckily they keep making videos of themselfs which is great for the police to identify them. I mean honestly, who gives these guys the right to just walk around and start burning random cars? None of the people who lose their cars, stores or other property have anything to do with the corona curfews. Innocent people are getting hurt for nothing. I would understand if the protest in front of the house of the politcians and burn things there, but not of random people who just parked their car in that area.
absolutely.Riots are stupid and a disrespect for life. We need quarantine to save our lives. I just don't understand what they are thinking...
Lets correct that you need quarantie you are a danger to society

Title: Re: People around the world cant go with covid restrictions
Post by: Natsuu on January 30, 2021, 02:20:22 PM
People will start riots but more agressive then before .
People want normal life back
Goverment will only put whole society in mess with restrictions

All over world people will be angry not gping to be good

Riots are just dumb and I hope everybody that is participating in them is getting jailed. In the Netherlands the police is searching a lot of the Rioters right now, luckily they keep making videos of themselfs which is great for the police to identify them. I mean honestly, who gives these guys the right to just walk around and start burning random cars? None of the people who lose their cars, stores or other property have anything to do with the corona curfews. Innocent people are getting hurt for nothing. I would understand if the protest in front of the house of the politcians and burn things there, but not of random people who just parked their car in that area.
absolutely.Riots are stupid and a disrespect for life. We need quarantine to save our lives. I just don't understand what they are thinking...
Lets correct that you need quarantie you are a danger to society
Yeah, let me correct you, You don't need quarantine as you're not really part of the society we're part of.

Its so fun to be in a community who follows protocol and now free from the virus. Just saying..

Title: Re: People around the world cant go with covid restrictions
Post by: care2yak on January 30, 2021, 04:50:57 PM
Newsflash, the CDC Issues Order That Makes Not Wearing A Mask On Public Transportation A Federal Crime

There are also requirements on boarding planes like having to provide proof of a negative covid test result, etc.

Restrictions are getting tighter i suppose...

Title: Re: People around the world cant go with covid restrictions
Post by: BADecker on January 30, 2021, 11:44:41 PM
Newsflash, the CDC Issues Order That Makes Not Wearing A Mask On Public Transportation A Federal Crime

There are also requirements on boarding planes like having to provide proof of a negative covid test result, etc.

Restrictions are getting tighter i suppose...

Good time to start a PMA airline... mask free only.     8)

Title: Re: People around the world cant go with covid restrictions
Post by: Gyfts on January 31, 2021, 12:17:23 AM
Newsflash, the CDC Issues Order That Makes Not Wearing A Mask On Public Transportation A Federal Crime

There are also requirements on boarding planes like having to provide proof of a negative covid test result, etc.

Restrictions are getting tighter i suppose...

You can find video clips of karens trying to fuck with police over mask restrictions. The feds won't make a scene unless you do. They'll ask you politely to put on the mask and then tell you to piss off if you don't. If you refuse to leave the area, then they'll slam you to the ground and arrest you.

Title: Re: People around the world cant go with covid restrictions
Post by: Natsuu on January 31, 2021, 11:24:35 AM
Newsflash, the CDC Issues Order That Makes Not Wearing A Mask On Public Transportation A Federal Crime

There are also requirements on boarding planes like having to provide proof of a negative covid test result, etc.

Restrictions are getting tighter i suppose...

You can find video clips of karens trying to fuck with police over mask restrictions. The feds won't make a scene unless you do. They'll ask you politely to put on the mask and then tell you to piss off if you don't. If you refuse to leave the area, then they'll slam you to the ground and arrest you.

Ohhh I would love to see those Karens being slammed to the ground, It would be fun to watch, I bet.

I don't still know why are they fighting over this SIMPLE protocols of wearing masks, when I even wear them when I go to gym and do my routine without any problems.