Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: StewartJ on November 28, 2011, 08:52:28 PM

Title: OWS Movement and Bitcoin: a Match Made in Heaven?
Post by: StewartJ on November 28, 2011, 08:52:28 PM
Noticed about a month ago that there was thread on this Forum to accept donations for OWS , but then no more news.

Are these 2 movements not perfectly suited for the other?

We the 99% are fed up with big banks and government controlling our financial destinies. Bitcoins should be the perfect answer to this tyranny of centralized currency.

Why are there not more news stories about Bitcoin in light of the nascent OWS Movement?

Thoughts? Suggestions???


Title: Re: OWS Movement and Bitcoin: a Match Made in Heaven?
Post by: kwukduck on November 28, 2011, 09:11:44 PM
Because they don't really care and most of them are just there to party...
I tried several times to bring up bitcoin as an idea, but they aren't  even interested in the slightest way. (maybe some are, but i haven't met them)

Title: Re: OWS Movement and Bitcoin: a Match Made in Heaven?
Post by: piotr_n on November 28, 2011, 09:25:20 PM
Most of the OWS people probably don't see Bitcoin as a solution to the problem.
The problem, as I see it, is financial institutions stealing money from the people and getting away with it.
Bitcoin gives no guarantee to solve this issue.

Though, of course the way it gets created gives a great benefit to the people, over the traditional money.
But I don't think the majority of OWS protestors understands that - maybe not yet, maybe never, maybe it doesn't matter who creates the money and only matters who has them...

IMO, if Bitcoin will ever get adopted to the public sector, it will rather be by the bankers. After they run out of traditional money, they will adopt any currency out there to keep the institutions running. They did it with gold few centuries ago, they can easily do it with Bitcoin, especially when their times turn bad.
OWS protesters are not focused to care about money - banks are. So despite of being a big fan of Bitcoin, I would keep Heaven out of the equation :)

Title: Re: OWS Movement and Bitcoin: a Match Made in Heaven?
Post by: Coinabul on November 28, 2011, 10:22:37 PM
Half of them love bitcoin, half of them hate it. The problem is that the half that hates it... is most of the organizers. I mean, we can keep trying, I know I have been trying. But it's unlikely that the OWS movement will officially recognize BTC as the solution to any problems.

Title: Re: OWS Movement and Bitcoin: a Match Made in Heaven?
Post by: herzmeister on November 28, 2011, 10:38:29 PM

Title: Re: OWS Movement and Bitcoin: a Match Made in Heaven?
Post by: paraipan on November 28, 2011, 10:43:43 PM
... half that hates it... is most of the organizers. ...

you have anything to prove that statement... ? i'm not picking on you just trying to find out if ows leaders are honest people or have some hidden agenda to follow. I have a hunch...

Title: Re: OWS Movement and Bitcoin: a Match Made in Heaven?
Post by: Stephen Gornick on November 28, 2011, 10:58:50 PM
Bitcoiners were among those who marched from #OccupyLA to the Federal Reserve last week:
' by videoforvanquish  (Burning the FRNs at 0:06:40 ) by AdamKokesh (Adam vs. The Man)

But not all occupiers in L.A. were in support of this march:

The Fed is the sole enabler of Congressional and Executive overspending and It is great to see awareness of The Fed grow.

Title: Re: OWS Movement and Bitcoin: a Match Made in Heaven?
Post by: StewartJ on November 28, 2011, 11:19:59 PM
My 2 Cents...

Thousands of OWS folks recently joined the switch-from-big bank-to-small-bank movement that was promoted to them, and it made news on all the networks. So one would think that the OWS movement would be ready for Bitcoin.

I was at a an OWS meeting in my neck of the woods (desert?). Someone there spoke on behalf of bitcoin, giving the basic idea of it, the URL to get more info.

If only there were more bitcoin promoters with the OWS crowds who could speak this concept, from their podiums.

Maybe if the Bitcoin Community / Exchanges / Promoters organized a Bitcoin "Partnership" with the OWS movement ???

I'll keep thinking outside the box on this one....

Thanks for the replies.  :)


Title: Re: OWS Movement and Bitcoin: a Match Made in Heaven?
Post by: deltanine on November 28, 2011, 11:26:05 PM
Whether it is dollars, euros, pesos, or bitcoin...  there will always be a 1% and a 99%.  Unless everyone holding major bitcoins wants to pass them around and share with us poor 99%ers.

Title: Re: OWS Movement and Bitcoin: a Match Made in Heaven?
Post by: Coinabul on November 28, 2011, 11:30:17 PM
... half that hates it... is most of the organizers. ...

you have anything to prove that statement... ? i'm not picking on you just trying to find out if ows leaders are honest people or have some hidden agenda to follow. I have a hunch...
Just from discussions with the people I've talked to. I don't have any links to facts or evidence. They're good people, they just can't come to trust the Bitcoin network.

Title: Re: OWS Movement and Bitcoin: a Match Made in Heaven?
Post by: paraipan on November 28, 2011, 11:38:40 PM
... half that hates it... is most of the organizers. ...

you have anything to prove that statement... ? i'm not picking on you just trying to find out if ows leaders are honest people or have some hidden agenda to follow. I have a hunch...
Just from discussions with the people I've talked to. I don't have any links to facts or evidence. They're good people, they just can't come to trust the Bitcoin network.

got it, with enough time they will start trusting when people around them use bitcoin daily

Title: Re: OWS Movement and Bitcoin: a Match Made in Heaven?
Post by: herzmeister on November 28, 2011, 11:41:16 PM

But not all occupiers in L.A. were in support of this march:

The Fed is the sole enabler of Congressional and Executive overspending and It is great to see awareness of The Fed grow.

The "discussions" in the comments of that page make me very, very, very sad.

Title: Re: OWS Movement and Bitcoin: a Match Made in Heaven?
Post by: kwukduck on November 29, 2011, 12:37:58 AM
Whether it is dollars, euros, pesos, or bitcoin...  there will always be a 1% and a 99%.  Unless everyone holding major bitcoins wants to pass them around and share with us poor 99%ers.

Bitcoin isn't designed against making a profit or against big corporations.

However, the current monetary system IS designed to keep the 99% poor and the 1% rich, and worse, it's designed to increase the gap dramatically over time.

In that aspect, bitcoin is very different, i don't think everybody should be equally wealthy/poor, some people are just lazy /b/tards, some work their ass off their entire lives. Also money becomes useless when everybody is treated as absolute equals.