Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Press => Topic started by: acquafredda on February 13, 2021, 09:28:55 AM

Title: 2021-02-02 FT - ‘Digital tulip’ or new asset class? Btc’s bid to go mainstream
Post by: acquafredda on February 13, 2021, 09:28:55 AM
Elon Musk is not like most multibillionaires. The first oblique hint that Tesla’s eccentric chief executive was contemplating another audacious, market-shaking move came via a risqué, Yuletide social media message.

On December 20, Musk tweeted a cartoon image depicting himself as a devout monk trying to live a “normal productive life”, gazing at a woman in a provocative pose with “bitcoin” plastered over her posterior.

The meaning of the bawdy tweet became clearer this week. On Monday, Tesla announced that it had spent $1.5bn of its cash reserves buying bitcoin, and would soon start accepting payment for its electric vehicles in the digital currency. It sent a frisson of excitement running through the world of cryptocurrencies.

Adding to the frenzy, BNY Mellon — America’s oldest bank — on Thursday said it would start holding and transferring cryptocurrencies for asset management clients, while Mastercard announced it would soon support “select cryptocurrencies” on its network, allowing more stores to accept them as payment. Even Miami’s mayor trumpeted plans to get the city to buy bitcoin.

Funny that Satoshi Nakamoto has become an unknown cryptographer for the Financial Times. >:(
I do not know if this article is bound to go behind a paywall at some point, if you want to read it go fast.
I have no comments to make on it because everything that talks digital tulips and bitcoin together makes no sense to me.