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Economy => Economics => Topic started by: mu_enrico on March 04, 2021, 07:33:28 PM

Title: The End of Covid Scam? "Governor Abbott Opens Texas 100 Percent"
Post by: mu_enrico on March 04, 2021, 07:33:28 PM
This executive order rescinds most of the Governor's earlier executive orders related to COVID-19. Effective next Wednesday, all businesses of any type may open to 100% capacity. Additionally, this order ends the statewide mask mandate in Texas. Businesses may still limit capacity or implement additional safety protocols at their own discretion.
Source. (

Finally, someone with balls opened the economy!

Title: Re: The End of Covid Scam? "Governor Abbott Opens Texas 100 Percent"
Post by: jackg on March 04, 2021, 08:16:59 PM
I saw this a few days ago and thought it was a way for them to stimulate the economy after being without a lot of things due to the power outages and snow but that could just be my take on it.

Their covid cases were getting lower though before it was put in so it may work out well for the state. And if there have been mass gatherings because of the storm (for warmth and shelter) then it might not cause much additional harm reopening things now.

Title: Re: The End of Covid Scam? "Governor Abbott Opens Texas 100 Percent"
Post by: Coyster on March 04, 2021, 09:12:22 PM
Sooner or later, it'll be the case in most States and countries still under any sort of lockdown, certainly the economy can't take anymore of these lockdowns and something surely has to be done, in my country, there's no such thing as lockdowns for now, just compulsory compliance with the face mask policy. But even as Texas is open now, they still must work with caution cause imo, the virus is still very much present and I definitely wouldn't call it a scam, it should not even be only about government imposed sanctions, individuals should also strive to protect themselves and others, even in the absence of any sort of compulsory safety protocols.

Having said that, it could also be possible that this reopening is due in fact to vaccines being in use already, I think the more people are willing to get vaccinated, the quicker the economy/country can witness normalcy again, but surely, there'll still be quite a large number that are skeptical about it all.

Title: Re: The End of Covid Scam? "Governor Abbott Opens Texas 100 Percent"
Post by: pugman on March 04, 2021, 09:27:39 PM
I do not know how I feel about removing the mandatory mask policy. It is only going to fuck things up. Its one thing to open up an economy, and another to fuck up the same economy you're trying to bring revive. Given everything Texas has been through the past few weeks, that still does not make up for removing the mask mandate. It is just a dumb public-pleasing statement to me in response to how badly Texas handled the whole storm situation. Its like: "Oh the citizens of Texas suffered alot this storm? Let me remove the mask mandate for my beloved public."

But you know, good for US trying to open up their economy in some of the States, at the very least.

Title: Re: The End of Covid Scam? "Governor Abbott Opens Texas 100 Percent"
Post by: goaldigger on March 04, 2021, 09:47:51 PM
Since vaccines are rolling out in the market, they have to stop this scam and resume the operations of their economy though I think it is still risky to over confident but of course it is still your own discretion to follow this rule or not.

In my country, people are still afraid to go outside and many businesses still didn’t operate that much, we’re affected by this covid very much and it causes a lot of trauma. We’re expected to back in normal in the next 2 years.

Title: Re: The End of Covid Scam? "Governor Abbott Opens Texas 100 Percent"
Post by: Renampun on March 04, 2021, 10:14:25 PM
I felt like I had no clue what was happening right now...
COVID-19 is a scam or not? still a mystery to me. If that governor opens a 100% business on his territory, the rules for wearing masks must be carried out so that the habit of maintaining health can be carried out.

Title: Re: The End of Covid Scam? "Governor Abbott Opens Texas 100 Percent"
Post by: dothebeats on March 04, 2021, 10:16:05 PM
Texas has been in the dumpster for quite some time, and their economy is pretty much fucked up together with the unfortunate cold spell in the state. I do have mixed feelings on the reopening of establishments to full capacity, but mostly negative on removing the mandatory mask order. Even though most in the US are already guaranteed to receive the vaccine, a lot still haven't got it, and could therefore create a snowball effect on the number of positive cases yet again, putting Texas into a fragile state once more. Sure, the economy and what the people would be eating for the next few meals is highly important, but removing a simple mandate that helped them through while the virus is ravaging is somewhat counter-intuitive, knowing that hospitalization costs and related expenses are extremely high on that side of the world should they get the virus.

Title: Re: The End of Covid Scam? "Governor Abbott Opens Texas 100 Percent"
Post by: mu_enrico on March 05, 2021, 06:18:08 AM
We’re expected to back in normal in the next 2 years.
After two years of suffering: "we will back to normal in the next two years!" *echoing*

Relax, guys, it's not that the governor told people not to wear masks at all. It's just not the government business whether you want to wear no mask, one, double, and so on. It's up to you.

From common sense only, the virus cases will increase because of this policy, and let see if the governor has the balls to stick to his decision.

Anyways, maybe you want to know "which states just ended mask laws, reopened businesses. (" I have a good feeling about this plandemic will end soon.

Title: Re: The End of Covid Scam? "Governor Abbott Opens Texas 100 Percent"
Post by: zanezane on March 05, 2021, 06:57:25 AM
Since vaccines are rolling out in the market, they have to stop this scam and resume the operations of their economy though I think it is still risky to over confident but of course it is still your own discretion to follow this rule or not.

In my country, people are still afraid to go outside and many businesses still didn’t operate that much, we’re affected by this covid very much and it causes a lot of trauma. We’re expected to back in normal in the next 2 years.
Even if the vaccines are being distributed and are already injected in the state doesn't mean that they are immune to the pandemic, we need to build herd immunity first before doing anything else. Why do say it is a scam when the health of many people is on the line and at the same time saying it is a risky endeavor means that you know that there is a pandemic. I don't know about your country but I think that a 2 year time frame and slow opening of the economy is the best option so as to not create more cases and death toll.

Title: Re: The End of Covid Scam? "Governor Abbott Opens Texas 100 Percent"
Post by: Gozie51 on March 05, 2021, 10:27:57 AM

the rules for wearing masks must be carried out so that the habit of maintaining health can be carried out.

I have not been feeling different from you about the possibility of scam about the activities of covid-19 and the hype of it and that is why I also feel that face mask is preventing any of it. Or do you feel it does prevent it? because not many people wear it and it still affect people. I think the major preventive measure is our immunity. If the immunity is good, certain contagious disease will be far from us.

Title: Re: The End of Covid Scam? "Governor Abbott Opens Texas 100 Percent"
Post by: RealMalatesta on March 06, 2021, 11:26:14 AM
Even if the vaccines are being distributed and are already injected in the state doesn't mean that they are immune to the pandemic, we need to build herd immunity first before doing anything else. Why do say it is a scam when the health of many people is on the line and at the same time saying it is a risky endeavor means that you know that there is a pandemic. I don't know about your country but I think that a 2 year time frame and slow opening of the economy is the best option so as to not create more cases and death toll.
Unfortunately in USA (and from the looks of it some other nations) there are people who think that COVID is just a scam and not a real thing and people do not die from it and it is just a fake media thing that is there to "get them" or whatever.

I know that may sound silly to any sane person, that is the common place of the idiots, they think that they are the only smart person to see the reality while every single human fails to see it, same with anti-vaxx and same with flat earth people as well because thats how they believe the world to be. Hence republicans are the majority of these people and they want to live like there is no covid and their republican governor gave that to them and I believe that is going to stay for a long time even if cases get even worse.

Title: Re: The End of Covid Scam? "Governor Abbott Opens Texas 100 Percent"
Post by: eaLiTy on March 06, 2021, 12:15:31 PM
Finally, someone with balls opened the economy!
It is a tricky situation for the politicians as well, if you do not enforce restrictions then the opposition party will claim that they did not care about the life of the citizens and has not taken any precautions, the ruling party will be cursing these situations in all the countries as they have no idea on how on how to proceed with things that will make everyone happy.

The only aspect i did not understand is the mask policy as you will find the dumbest people in street breathing under your neck and you need to use your common sense as well when the medical fraternity is scrambling to find solutions for the different strains of virus and the only process is to be careful and use proper protection when venturing out and for the dumb and the junkies you need to make it mandatory for them to understand the seriousness of the situation.

Title: Re: The End of Covid Scam? "Governor Abbott Opens Texas 100 Percent"
Post by: Sterbens on March 06, 2021, 01:33:40 PM
ow, when all the economies are steadily tumbling during the pandemic, it seems that someone would rather fight back than stand still. So starting from endless saturation, the pandemic has made us unable to stand the issues that are increasingly being heard in our ears. The news is always mixed with the mask business, the hospital business, and the cost of health services is getting more expensive.
There is a word that I have heard, it is better to die underground than to die without leaving change.

Aren't everyone tired of the Covid 19 news? So I agree with the 100% economic opening up.

Title: Re: The End of Covid Scam? "Governor Abbott Opens Texas 100 Percent"
Post by: The Sceptical Chymist on March 06, 2021, 04:08:10 PM
Sooner or later, it'll be the case in most States and countries still under any sort of lockdown<snip>
Yeah--eventually.  Most states in the US are still taking all the same precautions they were almost a year ago, although there have been a lot of reopenings of businesses that were closed. 

Figures that Texas would lead the way in doing this, though I do hope it doesn't lead to a spike in COVID.  But on the other hand, a lot of people are getting vaccinated now, so that's a damn good thing and something that we didn't have last year.  And yeah, it takes a lot of balls on the part of any politician to do something like this.  Props to Texas!

Title: Re: The End of Covid Scam? "Governor Abbott Opens Texas 100 Percent"
Post by: CarnagexD on March 06, 2021, 11:24:15 PM
"We're just sayin'. To abolish mask-wearing laws in some States while the rest of the nation keeps theirs is like designating a peeing section of the swimming pool."- Neil Degrasse-Tyson said in a twitter post. And honestly, I couldn't agree more to this statement. It seems preposterous to me that the fact that USA has more COVID cases than any other country in the whole world, including China, with over 27 million cases and counting, whilst at the same time downplaying the dangers that COVID-19 can inflict not only to a person's health but their community and ultimately the country itself. Like WTF people? Are Americans really this stubborn? What's more funny here is the fact that people argue that mandating them to wear mask is against their constitutional rights. Like, come on America, you were better than this. We had high hopes for your people, don't let us down like that by making yourself look silly in front of other countries.

Title: Re: The End of Covid Scam? "Governor Abbott Opens Texas 100 Percent"
Post by: FlightyPouch on March 07, 2021, 12:26:28 AM
Considering the damage they had the past weeks, this is what they really need. Texas has said to have damages estimated at $130B (, which is almost half of the said tax revenue they had at $250B ( The people could use the amount they should pay to their property's taxes to fix their house or properties affected by that winter storm.

I don't know about the mask though. They may have the vaccines but if I am a resident there, I would still be following the safety precautions just to be safe.

Title: Re: The End of Covid Scam? "Governor Abbott Opens Texas 100 Percent"
Post by: jaysabi on March 07, 2021, 02:05:03 PM
I do not know how I feel about removing the mandatory mask policy. It is only going to fuck things up. Its one thing to open up an economy, and another to fuck up the same economy you're trying to bring revive. Given everything Texas has been through the past few weeks, that still does not make up for removing the mask mandate. It is just a dumb public-pleasing statement to me in response to how badly Texas handled the whole storm situation. Its like: "Oh the citizens of Texas suffered alot this storm? Let me remove the mask mandate for my beloved public."

But you know, good for US trying to open up their economy in some of the States, at the very least.

You've nailed the political considerations of this. The governor is in hot water due to how badly they've botched their energy infrastructure by deregulating it, the AG is under criminal investigation for birbery, the top brass in the state needed to give "the people" something they wanted despite also being one of the states hardest hit by the coronavirus. This is just political pandering that's further going to hurt residents more, the same way all those idiots opted into their energy problems and multi-thousand dollar monthly power bills by signing up for variable rate pricing and then pulled the surprise pikachu face when it all hit the fan.

Title: Re: The End of Covid Scam? "Governor Abbott Opens Texas 100 Percent"
Post by: Poker Player on March 07, 2021, 02:59:20 PM
Even if it were a scam, which I am inclined to think it is at least partially, it will never be recognized. If we get back to normal, either because politicians like this one open the way or whatever, the official thesis will say it's because of the success of vaccines or something like that. The point is that COVID is nowhere near as deadly a disease as the Black Death was but measures have been taken to restrict freedoms as if it were.

Title: Re: The End of Covid Scam? "Governor Abbott Opens Texas 100 Percent"
Post by: Jet Cash on March 07, 2021, 05:04:03 PM
I've had 60 years without vaccinations, and not taking any pharmaceuticals, and only had a few overnight sniffles during the whole period. I've ignored all the covid crap, and don't wear masks ( except when required by law), and I don't social distance, or stop visiting large supermarkets and other supposed high risk sites. It's time people took control of their own health. It isn't too difficult to do the basic research and learn the real truth. Just have a look at the number of diseases the the medical profession say are idiopathic, and this is the 22nd century.

Title: Re: The End of Covid Scam? "Governor Abbott Opens Texas 100 Percent"
Post by: zanezane on March 08, 2021, 04:28:55 AM
Unfortunately in USA (and from the looks of it some other nations) there are people who think that COVID is just a scam and not a real thing and people do not die from it and it is just a fake media thing that is there to "get them" or whatever.

I know that may sound silly to any sane person, that is the common place of the idiots, they think that they are the only smart person to see the reality while every single human fails to see it, same with anti-vaxx and same with flat earth people as well because thats how they believe the world to be. Hence republicans are the majority of these people and they want to live like there is no covid and their republican governor gave that to them and I believe that is going to stay for a long time even if cases get even worse.
That is the saddest thing to hear that my suspicions that there are US citizens that believe that these killer pandemic is just a bullshit that is spread by the media is true, they have the spirit to be skeptic about the media but they don't seem to have the brain capacity to separate the bullshit from the truth. These anti-vaxx and flat earth people aren't a lot but their audacity to tell the people that what they believe is right is what makes them look like there a lot of them but in real life, I think that they are just a small group and I believe that the only way to get rid of these kind of mentality is to eradicate them, think of these idiots as cancer, if you do not remove it when it is still small, it will kill you someday.

Title: Re: The End of Covid Scam? "Governor Abbott Opens Texas 100 Percent"
Post by: mu_enrico on March 08, 2021, 09:45:21 AM
It's time people took control of their own health.
Agree sir!
Mask, vaccine, etc., should be a voluntary decision.

What's more funny here is the fact that people argue that mandating them to wear mask is against their constitutional rights.
It is about freedom and the government's power.
The point is, you don't give more power to the government to control your life. Because:

These anti-vaxx and flat earth people aren't a lot but their audacity to tell the people that what they believe is right is what makes them look like there a lot of them but in real life, I think that they are just a small group and I believe that the only way to get rid of these kind of mentality is to eradicate them, think of these idiots as cancer, if you do not remove it when it is still small, it will kill you someday.
One of the traits of an authoritarian government is genocidal, just like what you suggested.

With vaccines and more people has immunity, it's obvious they should open the economy. It's risky, but what else can we do? Wait for two more years? It's nice if your income doesn't get affected, but for most people, this situation is worse than the virus itself.

Title: Re: The End of Covid Scam? "Governor Abbott Opens Texas 100 Percent"
Post by: satsmainman on March 08, 2021, 10:08:37 AM
I would completely disagree with you that the covid-19 situation is a scam, even if the virus was made by men well it's existing and a lot of people have suffered and are still suffering due to it caused. Texas governor's decision should be based on the situation on ground in his state, vaccines are already rolling out and people are showing a lot of interest in it coupled with the drastic drop-down in the number of reported cases and how eager the economy is to rebound, that may be the right call for the time.

Title: Re: The End of Covid Scam? "Governor Abbott Opens Texas 100 Percent"
Post by: Gozie51 on March 09, 2021, 02:29:45 PM
I've had 60 years without vaccinations, and not taking any pharmaceuticals, and only had a few overnight sniffles during the whole period. I've ignored all the covid crap, and don't wear masks ( except when required by law), and I don't social distance, or stop visiting large supermarkets and other supposed high risk sites. It's time people took control of their own health. It isn't too difficult to do the basic research and learn the real truth. Just have a look at the number of diseases the the medical profession say are idiopathic, and this is the 22nd century.

This is the view that make you turn off your eyes from covid-19 crap stories. If someone has lived even in the midst of covid-19 patients and not contact it, then they can't be convinced that is not scam but I understand maybe your immunity is very good. I guess you maintain a good hygiene and eat fruits and good food.
I believe those who have low immunity easily get affected.

Title: Re: The End of Covid Scam? "Governor Abbott Opens Texas 100 Percent"
Post by: so98nn on March 09, 2021, 02:40:42 PM
Amazing decision considering that the winter in addition to corona made things very difficult through the country. I guess Governor Abbott has already sensed this and put it on agenda with best economists in the state. After that they might have come to discussion whether to reopen or not. I think this will either work perfectly or might just introduce more covid patients who will be travelling from outside the state without any precautions. See this is completely a science rather than Covid Scam! Or it might just increase the herald immunity and neutralise the threat of corona throughout state.

Well let’s hope for the best and see that they set an example and bring an end to this.

Title: Re: The End of Covid Scam? "Governor Abbott Opens Texas 100 Percent"
Post by: Yatsan on March 09, 2021, 10:54:53 PM
It will be good thing to be done opening the economy but still we are into a pandemic even if the people specially the businessmen do want to open their establishments at full working capacity, still there must be held safety protocols for there are still certain risks visible as of the moment. This might be another cause of headache to the national government once the number of cases pumps up and grow too fast in an instant. I know we are already sick of it always wearing masks and following the protocols but that is for a good cause. Let us just all hope that the decision done by Governor Abbott will not have a negative impact on his constituents knowing we are still in the middle of a world health crisis. Opening the economy is good but still consider the safety of everyone for once this pandemic ends, economy can still reopen but loss of lives due to covid-19 cannot be gained back anymore.

Title: Re: The End of Covid Scam? "Governor Abbott Opens Texas 100 Percent"
Post by: btc_angela on March 09, 2021, 11:20:14 PM
Yes, even sporting events like boxing next week will be open for boxing fans at half capacity, if I'm not mistaken. I posted it on here. (

Of course safety protocols in this kind of sport events are still being implemented, but it's good to at least hear that fans are going to see their favourite athletes live. And I'm sure at least for boxing, Texas will be a home because of the move from their local government.

Title: Re: The End of Covid Scam? "Governor Abbott Opens Texas 100 Percent"
Post by: Lorence.xD on March 10, 2021, 08:47:00 AM
Amazing decision considering that the winter in addition to corona made things very difficult through the country. I guess Governor Abbott has already sensed this and put it on agenda with best economists in the state. After that they might have come to discussion whether to reopen or not. I think this will either work perfectly or might just introduce more covid patients who will be travelling from outside the state without any precautions. See this is completely a science rather than Covid Scam! Or it might just increase the herald immunity and neutralise the threat of corona throughout state.

Well let’s hope for the best and see that they set an example and bring an end to this.
There is no such thing as best economist in a government that pressures them to lie that it is safe to lift the restrictions in the pandemic. This won't work perfectly, I can guarantee that, with more people getting in contact with each other, the virus will have its infection chain grow longer again. How do we get herald immunity? Because AFAIK there is only herd immunity, and the only way to get herd immunity is if the vaccinated people are higher than the infected in a day and it can only work if the vaccinated one are staying for awhile to prevent themselves from becoming a carrier. I don't get why this is virus is a scam, this is as real as anything deadly.

Title: Re: The End of Covid Scam? "Governor Abbott Opens Texas 100 Percent"
Post by: Hydrogen on March 10, 2021, 09:59:34 PM
If a random in a restaurant coughed or sneezed on patrons and their meals, people would be offended. But if they coughed/sneezed into their hands or a napkin it would be deemed less offensive, if not socially acceptable. This seems to imply masks could be effective. This pandemic is a golden opportunity to learn and apply science. Is the lack of scientific commentary and disclosure forthcoming on topics like masks and vaccines strange?

I agree with rolling back lockdowns on business. The virus is said to transmit from people to local animals and back again. Which could allow it to persist for many years. It could become entire normalized like the flu with sufficient longevity that business lockdowns would never eliminate it. It may be pointless to try.

Following in the footsteps of sweden's "corona virus herd immunity" plan by abolishing mask mandates seems premature. But opening businesses could be an essential service in and of itself.

Title: Re: The End of Covid Scam? "Governor Abbott Opens Texas 100 Percent"
Post by: mu_enrico on March 11, 2021, 12:59:59 PM
It has to be said that if covid is scam, then it’s a well-conceived scam. Firstly people spent a lot of money on different tests, now they are going to spend more money on vaccination against covid every half a year during three years (in case media in my country tells the truth) to stop spreading of this virus. Someone (let’s not get personal) earns a lot of money…
As I said many times before mate, what I meant by a scam is not the virus/disease itself, but how people use it and mishandle it. For example, what's the rationale for closing down small businesses, restrict children from going to school, etc. They said it was for saving lives, but I say it was exaggerated paranoia.

You will see many will start to reopen, and people will act in their own self-interest, including making sure their business is safe since their business safety is also their family safety. The economy meant to be bottom-up (free market) and not top-down (command).

"States lift Covid restrictions, drop mask mandates and reopen businesses despite warnings from Biden officials." (

Title: Re: The End of Covid Scam? "Governor Abbott Opens Texas 100 Percent"
Post by: Johnyz on March 11, 2021, 03:18:24 PM
Vaccination in America against covid is very actively provided. Think that is the main reason why governor opened Texas. Probably he is sure that his people vaccinate themselves and their children so it’s nothing to worry about and there’s no need to continue to maintain limitations.
Its time to bounce back and I don't think Covid is a scam, many doctors are working for this and a lot of them died fighting the virus, so its not fair to be called that this virus is a scam, maybe the government are scam but not all the health workers.

We have to resume the economy and continue to live, this vaccine looks promising and hoping that we can go back to normal this year.

Title: Re: The End of Covid Scam? "Governor Abbott Opens Texas 100 Percent"
Post by: oHnK on March 11, 2021, 03:37:00 PM
You will see many will start to reopen, and people will act in their own self-interest, including making sure their business is safe since their business safety is also their family safety. The economy meant to be bottom-up (free market) and not top-down (command).

"States lift Covid restrictions, drop mask mandates and reopen businesses despite warnings from Biden officials." (

The policy that has been carried out before is not to stop the virus, but instead, it becomes a big problem for humans. The paranoia experienced has made the government not think clearly in making policies. With the good news from this state, if they really succeed with their policies going forward it is very possible that other countries will follow suit. I was very tired of the constant restrictions. Schools that are closed and restrictions in crowded places are a psychological burden. However, I admit the Texas government is quite brave with this policy even though Biden is the opposite. Even made a stimulus that I thought was pretty crazy and had been approved. Inflation is too close.

Title: Re: The End of Covid Scam? "Governor Abbott Opens Texas 100 Percent"
Post by: Kong Hey Pakboy on March 12, 2021, 07:35:05 AM
Its time to bounce back and I don't think Covid is a scam, many doctors are working for this and a lot of them died fighting the virus, so its not fair to be called that this virus is a scam, maybe the government are scam but not all the health workers.

We have to resume the economy and continue to live, this vaccine looks promising and hoping that we can go back to normal this year.
The problem with the sudden reopening of the economy is that it will be difficult for the vaccine rollout to keep up with the possibility of the increase of infected because the economy was fully reopened. Not to mention that USA is full of retarded people who thinks that vaccines is the devil and that they should avoid having it while at the same time going out in public not wearing any protective implements and spreading the virus even more. What is needed is to increase the vaccine rollout so they can build a faster herd immunity to which they can safely reopen the economy as herd immunity is already present.

Title: Re: The End of Covid Scam? "Governor Abbott Opens Texas 100 Percent"
Post by: Gozie51 on March 12, 2021, 09:52:29 AM
Vaccination in America against covid is very actively provided. Think that is the main reason why governor opened Texas. Probably he is sure that his people vaccinate themselves and their children so it’s nothing to worry about and there’s no need to continue to maintain limitations.
Its time to bounce back and I don't think Covid is a scam, many doctors are working for this and a lot of them died fighting the virus, so its not fair to be called that this virus is a scam, maybe the government are scam but not all the health workers.

We have to resume the economy and continue to live, this vaccine looks promising and hoping that we can go back to normal this year.

The virus of covid-19 is not a scam indeed because it is affecting people and killing them that are unlucky but the argument is that some countries have made look like scam because they have been inflating the number of affected patients maybe because to get sympathy from international bodies to donate money for them. For this time in example, I have not seen a family that complain of having a family member that is quarantined or affected by the virus in my state, yet they have high number of affected people in there government list and physically they are not seen. This means they inflate the number so they can get money as affected states.

Title: Re: The End of Covid Scam? "Governor Abbott Opens Texas 100 Percent"
Post by: Koro-Sensei on March 12, 2021, 11:12:49 AM
I don't think COVID-19 is a scam. The fact that many has died due to this pandemic makes it much more 100% true. You can even test it by going to hospitals with covid patients and talk to these patients without protective equipments. It is unfair for those who sacrifice their lives to save other people. Somehow it is quite good to hear that some economies are bouncing back. I just hope those who weren't affected much would help those who are heavily hit.

Title: Re: The End of Covid Scam? "Governor Abbott Opens Texas 100 Percent"
Post by: cheezcarls on March 12, 2021, 12:17:37 PM
There's nothing wrong in opening the economy as long the citizens are following the minimum health standards such as wearing of face masks, face shields and maintain social distancing. There must be a limit in the number of people who will go dine-in some restaurants, closure of resorts, etc. Just my opinion.

If that's what they want not to wear face masks and choosing not to take vaccines, this will be a "last man standing" scenario.

Title: Re: The End of Covid Scam? "Governor Abbott Opens Texas 100 Percent"
Post by: DrBeer on March 12, 2021, 12:40:04 PM
The disease itself is not a scam, I personally know, since I myself have been ill myself, and personally observed what was happening in hospitals. But regarding the "randomness" of the appearance of the virus and its spread, there may be questions, and they will be true, although I assume that the real reasons for this world tragedy will never tell us - someone will be ready to "pay off" before the "powerful of this world" so that only the truth did not become public knowledge ...