Bitcoin Forum

Economy => Economics => Topic started by: paxmao on March 10, 2021, 09:11:54 PM

Title: The President creates a "Ministery of Extraterrestrial Affairs"
Post by: paxmao on March 10, 2021, 09:11:54 PM
This is no joke, Ortega, president of Nicaragua is the political leader of a country that is struggling with economic and social issues. Currently, they are having difficulties to even get enough COVID vaccines - perhaps no the only ones.

However, the president has seen fit to create a "Ministery of Ultraterrestrial Affairs and Celestial Bodies". I only have the link in Spanish ( Would it be better to create a Ministery of Extraterrestrial Affair, bitcoin and cryptoassets? :)

What seems to be an stupid idea is actually an attempt from the president to sell the idea of Nicaragua building a satellite for  a Chinesse company. This seems to be as realistic as the last promise about building a second "Panama Channel".

Title: Re: The President creates a "Ministery of Extraterrestrial Affairs"
Post by: Haunebu on March 10, 2021, 09:30:45 PM
I agree with your opinion regarding the idea itself being silly and pointless when they should be focusing on battling the pandemic, but I don't understand why you felt like linking extraterrestrial and cryptocurrencies since they are different in so many aspects.

The only similarity between them is the anonymity factor. Apart from that, I can't find any other similarity op.

Title: Re: The President creates a "Ministery of Extraterrestrial Affairs"
Post by: Baofeng on March 10, 2021, 10:21:01 PM
Stupidest idea I have heard coming from a President, if this is 1950's era then I would agree that it will make some sense, but today? Nah.

I found the English version:

Perhaps this is a way for government to deflect the current issues that they are facing.

@Haunebu - perhaps the link is in the celestial body - "Moon" = Bitcoin, hehehehe.

Title: Re: The President creates a "Ministery of Extraterrestrial Affairs"
Post by: Poker Player on March 11, 2021, 05:02:40 AM
Politicians are usually characterized by throwing money on imbecilities, but this one takes the cake. The other problem is, I'm sure many who voted for him will think it's a good idea, as is often the case.

Title: Re: The President creates a "Ministery of Extraterrestrial Affairs"
Post by: Silberman on March 11, 2021, 05:16:12 AM
Stupidest idea I have heard coming from a President, if this is 1950's era then I would agree that it will make some sense, but today? Nah.

I found the English version:

Perhaps this is a way for government to deflect the current issues that they are facing.
This is possible, it is a known strategy for governments to try to distract the public from their incompetence with some other news, nothing wrong with trying to develop new technology but when the costs are so high and the level of expertise necessary is high as well it could be a better idea to just buy such technology and instead devote your limited resources for things that can actually improve the country now, like the vaccine.

@Haunebu - perhaps the link is in the celestial body - "Moon" = Bitcoin, hehehehe.
The Moon is too close, many of the previous moon predictions have been reached already long time ago, it makes more sense to say bitcoin is going to proxima centaury. lol.

Title: Re: The President creates a "Ministery of Extraterrestrial Affairs"
Post by: TravelMug on March 11, 2021, 05:53:36 AM
Chinese or no Chinese, Nicaragua government should focus more on their people specially how they can get vaccine. Not on something that people thinks their government are going nuts.

Promote space program? Only first world country has that kind of distinction so I doubt that Nicaragua even with the help of the Chinese can developed it. They still needed knowledge, the right man power, facilities etc. The Chinese government are just using them.

Title: Re: The President creates a "Ministery of Extraterrestrial Affairs"
Post by: Kong Hey Pakboy on March 11, 2021, 06:20:30 AM
Politicians are usually characterized by throwing money on imbecilities, but this one takes the cake. The other problem is, I'm sure many who voted for him will think it's a good idea, as is often the case.
Considering Nicaragua was once the landing strip for Escobar's cocaine and also was their safe haven and they have CIA backed drug trafficking contra rebels, I think that this kind of stupidity is not that surprising, the problem obviously lies with the people, if they were smart enough to think for themselves then they will be able to vote the right person in that seat of power.

Title: Re: The President creates a "Ministery of Extraterrestrial Affairs"
Post by: electronicash on March 11, 2021, 07:08:27 AM

The agency was approved by 76 legislators Wednesday in the country’s congress, which is dominated by President Daniel Ortega’s Sandinista Party. Fifteen opposition legislators abstained.

despite it being a crazy idea, it's been approved by 76 legislators. their president put his trust in his councils full of shamans.
it appears that the Chinese had been developing projects there which this president also authorized a Chinese company to build a $50 billion canal across the country.

Chinese or no Chinese, Nicaragua government should focus more on their people specially how they can get vaccine. Not on something that people thinks their government are going nuts.

Promote space program? Only first world country has that kind of distinction so I doubt that Nicaragua even with the help of the Chinese can developed it. They still needed knowledge, the right man power, facilities etc. The Chinese government are just using them.

their country had been around for a long time though and no one is helping them but the Chinese so who else will they rely on but the ones that are supporting them. they can't expect that from US.

Title: Re: The President creates a "Ministery of Extraterrestrial Affairs"
Post by: zanezane on March 11, 2021, 07:44:26 AM
Chinese or no Chinese, Nicaragua government should focus more on their people specially how they can get vaccine. Not on something that people thinks their government are going nuts.

Promote space program? Only first world country has that kind of distinction so I doubt that Nicaragua even with the help of the Chinese can developed it. They still needed knowledge, the right man power, facilities etc. The Chinese government are just using them.
This is a strategic agreement if you look at it in political perspective, Nicaragua is a Central American country which means that if China can have their cooperation, they can get close to USA like what happened in USSR back in Cuba during the Cold War, I think that this is a military expansion of China and to keep USA in check at a safe and close position. You are right, the people of Nicaragua will not be seeing any benefits from this program but I think that they will not have any say with it.

Title: Re: The President creates a "Ministery of Extraterrestrial Affairs"
Post by: amishmanish on March 11, 2021, 07:49:34 AM
Looks like the land got so full of the bullshit, it had to perform a depressurization of sorts with the volcano burst.

Nicaragua San Cristobal volcano erupts. (

So another one of these poor sandwiched, central Asian countries with a dictator doing what they always do. Those of us who live in comparatively normal countries, often ignore that our freedoms are so fragile. One mad-man at the top is enough to destroy the institutions within a country.

Title: Re: The President creates a "Ministery of Extraterrestrial Affairs"
Post by: Ozero on March 11, 2021, 11:58:51 AM
This is no joke, Ortega, president of Nicaragua is the political leader of a country that is struggling with economic and social issues. Currently, they are having difficulties to even get enough COVID vaccines - perhaps no the only ones.

However, the president has seen fit to create a "Ministery of Ultraterrestrial Affairs and Celestial Bodies". I only have the link in Spanish ( Would it be better to create a Ministery of Extraterrestrial Affair, bitcoin and cryptoassets? :)

What seems to be an stupid idea is actually an attempt from the president to sell the idea of Nicaragua building a satellite for  a Chinesse company. This seems to be as realistic as the last promise about building a second "Panama Channel".

Yes, very unusual news. After reading the title of the topic, I thought that a similar ministry was created in the United States or another developed country. Is Nicaragua really accumulated a lot of information about extraterrestrial civilizations that it was necessary to create a separate ministry? Although the issue of extraterrestrial civilizations in each state is given close attention, however, this information is usually immediately classified. In this case, for the first time, it seems that it will acquire a public character.
It is unlikely that bitcoin and cryptocurrency in general need to be added to the name of this ministry, unless, of course, we consider cryptocurrency to be a product of extraterrestrial civilizations.

Title: Re: The President creates a "Ministery of Extraterrestrial Affairs"
Post by: Sterbens on March 11, 2021, 02:09:22 PM
it is more than ridiculous, there is a kind of wasteful financing, the costs used to establish the Ministry of Space Affairs are not small, while the vaccine supplies needed to carry out the survival of its citizens are even ignored. This is a complete waste of time in favor of something that is not having a good economic impact in Nicaragua.

Title: Re: The President creates a "Ministery of Extraterrestrial Affairs"
Post by: bassbity on March 11, 2021, 03:45:06 PM
Thank you for this information, sir @Paxmao, but what the President did was not at all related to the crisis conditions when fighting the pandemic caused by Covid 19. It sounds ridiculous, but behind the decision to designate the Ministry of Space it will appear excessive. and violates every community food need which currently requires more government attention.v

Title: Re: The President creates a "Ministery of Extraterrestrial Affairs"
Post by: avikz on March 11, 2021, 03:53:14 PM
This is no joke, Ortega, president of Nicaragua is the political leader of a country that is struggling with economic and social issues. Currently, they are having difficulties to even get enough COVID vaccines - perhaps no the only ones.

However, the president has seen fit to create a "Ministery of Ultraterrestrial Affairs and Celestial Bodies". I only have the link in Spanish ( Would it be better to create a Ministery of Extraterrestrial Affair, bitcoin and cryptoassets? :)

What seems to be an stupid idea is actually an attempt from the president to sell the idea of Nicaragua building a satellite for  a Chinesse company. This seems to be as realistic as the last promise about building a second "Panama Channel".

He is not the only stupid ruling a country. We have more examples available! The supreme leader of India has taken the religious madness to such a level, where they now have an entire ministry of cows. Just search Google with "Kamdhenu Aayog". An entire government department dedicated to cows. What a sheer wastage of public money! So stupid leaders are everywhere who doesn't know priorities. But unfortunately, we all will have to live with such stupid people!

Title: Re: The President creates a "Ministery of Extraterrestrial Affairs"
Post by: paxmao on March 11, 2021, 06:56:15 PM
 linking extraterrestrial and cryptocurrencies since they are different in so many aspects.

The reason is that the president is simply using buzzwords - e.g. "Space" - with no intention whatsoever to actually do anything. Thus, he could perfectly jump into the "Crypto" train, just like the "Petro" from Venezuela, with zero chances of doing anything productive.

Thank you for this information, sir @Paxmao, but what the President did was not at all related to the crisis conditions when fighting the pandemic caused by Covid 19. It sounds ridiculous, but behind the decision to designate the Ministry of Space it will appear excessive. and violates every community food need which currently requires more government attention.v

Which is my point if you read carefully. A good start would be spending on basic education IMO.


despite it being a crazy idea, it's been approved by 76 legislators. their president put his trust in his councils full of shamans.
it appears that the Chinese had been developing projects there which this president also authorized a Chinese company to build a $50 billion canal across the country.

And you really think that building a Canal that would compete with the Canal de Panama in the backyard of the United States is something that just depends on reaching a deal with a Chinesse company? That would be a Geostrategic issue for USA and just not going to happen.

Title: Re: The President creates a "Ministery of Extraterrestrial Affairs"
Post by: hopenotlate on March 11, 2021, 07:05:55 PM
Usually this kind of initiatives stem from the need to satisfy some political ally who asks for seats in the places that count as a reward for political support. I do not know if this is the case but it is enough to investigate a bit about who has been put in charge of that ministry to understand something more.

Title: Re: The President creates a "Ministery of Extraterrestrial Affairs"
Post by: Hydrogen on March 11, 2021, 10:53:49 PM

Greece, venezuela, turkey and other nations which might be described as being on the brink of ruin. Follow similar policy as standard procedure.

Venezuela announced their own cryptocurrency: the petro, with perhaps identical intent. They may never have intended to follow through on their bold proposal to create their own cryptocurrency. It may simply have been an announcement made to give people hope.

Greece announced many industrial solar power projects over the past decade. Perhaps to give people hope that the economy and job situation will improve. That things would change.

I can't say I know much about nicaragua or its President. Could it be said that a predictable trend where leaders make bold proposals to give people false hope is forming?

Might it be fair to say leaders of the world appear to follow the same "how to be a leader in 21 easy steps, for dummies" book.

Title: Re: The President creates a "Ministery of Extraterrestrial Affairs"
Post by: DrBeer on March 29, 2021, 01:09:21 PM
This is no joke, Ortega, president of Nicaragua is the political leader of a country that is struggling with economic and social issues. Currently, they are having difficulties to even get enough COVID vaccines - perhaps no the only ones.

However, the president has seen fit to create a "Ministery of Ultraterrestrial Affairs and Celestial Bodies". I only have the link in Spanish ( Would it be better to create a Ministery of Extraterrestrial Affair, bitcoin and cryptoassets? :)

What seems to be an stupid idea is actually an attempt from the president to sell the idea of Nicaragua building a satellite for  a Chinesse company. This seems to be as realistic as the last promise about building a second "Panama Channel".

This is "normal" behavior for inadequate governments. They will do anything other than hard work aimed at hard-to-achieve results. For example, it's easier to catch aliens than to raise the economy. It is easier to study the voices of ghosts than to organize the vaccination of the population. It's easier to promise that life will be like a fairy tale "very soon, you just have to wait a little and suffer" than to provide people with a decent way of life.

Title: Re: The President creates a "Ministery of Extraterrestrial Affairs"
Post by: Mpamaegbu on April 02, 2021, 02:55:26 PM
As funny as that sounds, I can relate with it. Two years ago we had a governor in my country create a Ministry of Happiness and Purpose Fulfilment at a time when pensioners were owed several months of pension. Whatever that ministry was meant to do wasn't really open and understood. It was a governor who just wanted to gratify a family member with that action. It's crazy how politicians think sometimes like they're truly detached from the people they're voted into power to protect. The action of that governor caused the state unnecessary expenses in chasing his foolhardiness.

Title: Re: The President creates a "Ministery of Extraterrestrial Affairs"
Post by: blockman on April 02, 2021, 07:38:17 PM
Is the idea about extraterrestrial and celestial bodies related to crypto? Elon Musk's SpaceX has an answer on that with his recent tweet about Dogecoin going to the moon.  :P
Funny though but that seems the connection of it.

Title: Re: The President creates a "Ministery of Extraterrestrial Affairs"
Post by: dothebeats on April 02, 2021, 09:12:36 PM
NASA's been real quiet ever since this dropped :D

But seriously, creating such an organization and allotting resources to it during the time of pandemic when the government cannot provide for its own people is simply pathetic. It's as if this government department would help solve pressing matters at hand that its urgent establishment is of utmost importance to the president. Well, if they would be able to communicate with extraterrestrials and help with terrestrial affairs then great. Even if that miraculously work, the president of Nicaragua certainly has a few screws loose on the head, and samw goes to his advisers.

Title: Re: The President creates a "Ministery of Extraterrestrial Affairs"
Post by: CarnagexD on April 02, 2021, 09:26:33 PM
Weirdest thing I have ever seen. I thought the diversionary tactic of the Philippine Government can't be topped off, when they decided to build an artificial beach in one of their biggest and most beautiful bays using dolomite sand to "cure the people's depression" instead of imposing flight barring and lockdown because "our chinese friends will get hurt".

Title: Re: The President creates a "Ministery of Extraterrestrial Affairs"
Post by: Lorence.xD on April 03, 2021, 03:04:48 AM
Weirdest thing I have ever seen. I thought the diversionary tactic of the Philippine Government can't be topped off, when they decided to build an artificial beach in one of their biggest and most beautiful bays using dolomite sand to "cure the people's depression" instead of imposing flight barring and lockdown because "our chinese friends will get hurt".
Not really weird for me because United Nations has this kind of agency in case there really is alien lifeform out there. The problem with the Philippine government right now is that we want to please the people that watches us and they let the people that do not have the backing and power in their domain suffer, only way to solve is when everyone agrees that their incompetence and corrupt ways is enough and people choose the right people to be serving them.

Title: Re: The President creates a "Ministery of Extraterrestrial Affairs"
Post by: (o)(o)ilikeboobs(o)(o) on April 03, 2021, 10:02:09 AM
I don't think they have the economic and technological potential to handle these kinds of problems. Currently, countries such as Russia, the US, China, and India are making every effort to explore space and deal with earth-related issues such as meteorites. The appointment of a minister for extraterrestrial affairs is questionable and a waste of manpower when it comes to solving problems within the country rather than from outside the earth.

Title: Re: The President creates a "Ministery of Extraterrestrial Affairs"
Post by: coin-investor on April 03, 2021, 11:16:39 AM
Whatever the motive it's a stupid idea all the nations' focus now is getting a vaccine and fighting COVID, they may have a good motive for that idea but the timing to create and make it materialize is not right, they should first get the vaccines first and vanish COVID in their country before thinking of creating this idea, which to most of us is just a stupid idea.

Title: Re: The President creates a "Ministery of Extraterrestrial Affairs"
Post by: just_Alice on April 03, 2021, 12:29:37 PM
That looks like a stupid move on their side. Besides, I don't think that Nicaragua even has the facilities to go on with this mission. It looks more like a deception maneuver, to draw peoples' attention off the real problems, like the pandemic, which they are handling very poorly.

Title: Re: The President creates a "Ministery of Extraterrestrial Affairs"
Post by: verita1 on April 03, 2021, 10:33:25 PM
It is an attempt at demagogy on the part of the President of Nicaragua.
It is what I think, the country has economic and social problems. Creating a Ministry implies granting economic resources to operate in some way. I found a clear statement from a qualified person in that country in the following article.

Geologist Jaime Incer Barquero, president of Nicaragua’s Academy of Geography and History, told CNN: “Nicaragua does not have a scientific capacity or tradition, does not have a serious (space) observatory. We are not scientifically able as a country to undertake this type of research. " (

Title: Re: The President creates a "Ministery of Extraterrestrial Affairs"
Post by: LUCKMCFLY on April 03, 2021, 11:35:45 PM
Well Nicaragua is a somewhat opportunistic country in a certain sense in its politicians, now if they create a ministry of this type it is because they want to attract attention, what is strange to me is for what? what is the purpose of this? draw the attention of whom? From an economic point of view, I think it wants to attract countries with some curiosity about this topic, although we do not know if lately due to the multiple UFO sightings, any alarm has been raised and they want to know what it is? being a bit optimistic, this may be happening.

I find it somewhat intriguing that there are so many trips to Mars, so many explorations, what are they looking for? Is there some kind of insider information that we don't know yet? these things are to think ...

Title: Re: The President creates a "Ministery of Extraterrestrial Affairs"
Post by: iamsheikhadil on April 04, 2021, 07:08:54 AM
Very interesting  ;D A ministry of extraterrestrial people is a nice idea, but the question is, would the aliens accept such ministry's proposals? Or would they just laser and vaporize such ministers along with the species those ministers are from? I think if we ever make contact with aliens which are as intelligent as human or even more, these ministry and their cheap politicians will be the first to go underground in fear of death ;D

Title: Re: The President creates a "Ministery of Extraterrestrial Affairs"
Post by: tygeade on April 04, 2021, 06:29:26 PM
Politics is a weird thing. The insides of it is so filthy that no regular decent human ever becomes a "good" politician, or at least not someone who would get votes, normally "good" people can't even sustain in the political environment, and that is why they end up not having long careers there. There are of course few, but I do not care who you are, where you are from and who you like, the most probable outcome is the fact that if you voted for someone, there was a better person than your candidate that wasn't an option.

The result is people who are willing to do filthy stuff and get dirty end up at the top and those people are idiots, they became politicians because they were idiots who wanted a lot of money and power without actually working for it, just having that position would help them have both of it so they went with that. And that causes us to have these kinds of funny headlines.

Title: Re: The President creates a "Ministery of Extraterrestrial Affairs"
Post by: AndySt on April 04, 2021, 10:19:39 PM
It all depends on what financial and human resources will be allocated by the government to implement this idea and how far into the future the plans go beyond the hypothetical creation of a spacecraft. Therefore, such a loud name as "ministry" should show the seriousness of intentions, especially since the example of the United Arab Emirates shows that with proper funding and cooperation with the state that already owns the necessary technologies, it is even possible to launch a spacecraft into the orbit of Mars.

Title: Re: The President creates a "Ministery of Extraterrestrial Affairs"
Post by: ene1980 on April 04, 2021, 11:22:31 PM
This is no joke, Ortega, president of Nicaragua is the political leader of a country that is struggling with economic and social issues. Currently, they are having difficulties to even get enough COVID vaccines - perhaps no the only ones.

What seems to be an stupid idea is actually an attempt from the president to sell the idea of Nicaragua building a satellite for  a Chinesse company. This seems to be as realistic as the last promise about building a second "Panama Channel".
I am a bit confused, what are they planning to do with it. Is Nicaragua building a satellite for a Chinese company and do they have the resources to make them cheaper as they are known to make things cheaper. Coming to the terms you said, ultraterrestrial is related to paranormal activities if i am not wrong and it has nothing to do with outer space and satellite  ???.

My guess is that the relatives of the president will be appointed in this strange ministry, just wasting tax payers money ;D .

Title: Re: The President creates a "Ministery of Extraterrestrial Affairs"
Post by: perfect999 on April 05, 2021, 02:42:08 AM
Ortega, president of Nicaragua is the political leader of a country that is struggling with economic and social issues. Currently, they are having difficulties to even get enough COVID vaccines - perhaps no the only ones.

However, the president has seen fit to create a "Ministery of Ultraterrestrial Affairs and Celestial Bodies". I only have the link in Spanish ( Would it be better to create a Ministery of Extraterrestrial Affair, bitcoin and cryptoassets? :)

What seems to be an stupid idea is actually an attempt from the president to sell the idea of Nicaragua building a satellite for  a Chinesse company. This seems to be as realistic as the last promise about building a second "Panama Channel".
Creating all those things are unnecessary, what exactly does he plan to achieve with that? And also the one you mentioned about creating a ministry for cryptocurrency, what’s the need for it? There are already bodies in the government where such things can fit, there is no need to be creating a separate body for it.

Anyway, I think your president should be more focused on other things that are going to help his country during these difficult times and not spending time and money on things that are leading them to nowhere. The problem with these politicians is that as long as they are okay and don’t feel what the citizens are feeling, they wouldn’t care, they mostly care about things that affects them.

Title: Re: The President creates a "Ministery of Extraterrestrial Affairs"
Post by: Rruchi man on April 08, 2021, 11:02:10 AM
This is no joke, Ortega, president of Nicaragua is the political leader of a country that is struggling with economic and social issues. Currently, they are having difficulties to even get enough COVID vaccines - perhaps no the only ones.

However, the president has seen fit to create a "Ministery of Ultraterrestrial Affairs and Celestial Bodies".

Perhaps if we look at the brighter side of things, from another angle, we can say that the president is looking to create an opening for more individuals to be employed. Usually when new ministries are formed in a government, human labour is required, both the skilled and unskilled will gain from this. What i just hope for is that nepotism is not involved in the employment or recruitment  process.

Title: Re: The President creates a "Ministery of Extraterrestrial Affairs"
Post by: GeorgeJohn on April 08, 2021, 09:08:34 PM
This is no joke, Ortega, president of Nicaragua is the political leader of a country that is struggling with economic and social issues. Currently, they are having difficulties to even get enough COVID vaccines - perhaps no the only ones.

Is not that they are having difficulties to get the vaccines, the problems of current politician's now is corruption, many of them are inquisitive to obtain all the finance that will be of benefit to less privileges, tell me what it will takes government to endorse signature for release of money to obtain vaccine for adequate treatment of people,  observe very well it's difficult before we find a credible and a transparent leader that have the interest of masses at heart, so majority of leaders are there because of their personal interest.