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Other => Off-topic => Topic started by: Ucy on March 16, 2021, 03:22:10 PM

Title: How is Anonymity seen in your culture?
Post by: Ucy on March 16, 2021, 03:22:10 PM
Does your culture tolerate or abhor it?

Do you think it's OK to be anonymous in physical world?

Here is one very important aspect where anonymity is allowed and an important practice in my religion...
*Alms giving or donation in public

It's actually a fact that when you want GOD to bless you, you need to donate or give your alms anonymously/secretly rather than to be seen. This aspect is why I find it hard giving things online. I prefer to do such things anonymously. It actually more fulfilling to me.

Title: Re: How is Anonymity seen in your culture?
Post by: jrrsparkles on March 16, 2021, 06:51:43 PM
Its personal choice not to be chosen over religion or anything but when someone want to donate money then they can do it anonymously for their personal security or just in public for more fame which depends on the individual as well.

Title: Re: How is Anonymity seen in your culture?
Post by: acener on March 16, 2021, 10:47:27 PM
Well in our area there is no such thing as anonymity gossip is everywhere even those who doesn't come out in their house or choose to stay low isn't safe on rumors or gossip.
I don't even get why you would make this topic about religion?
It doesn't matter if you are donating anonymously or stating it?
What matter is your intention is it true or just for publicity.

Title: Re: How is Anonymity seen in your culture?
Post by: Arvin01 on March 17, 2021, 02:29:04 AM
I personally think that anonymity has two sides. Anonymity will stimulate people's awareness of participation, but anonymity can also cause a lot of negative and negative things.

Title: Re: How is Anonymity seen in your culture?
Post by: Jazmin Leslie on March 17, 2021, 03:07:04 AM
for my culture, it means introvert or selflessness or the protection of personal information. when in school, we need to vote to decide who'll be monitor or who can get some title of honor. then anonymity is needed to aviod offending others...or when you grow unsatisfied with someone, especially someone in office or with reputation, you can write to his superior anonymously.

Title: Re: How is Anonymity seen in your culture?
Post by: ethereumhunter on March 17, 2021, 05:57:40 AM
It is okay to be anonymous in the physical world, but you can not do that forever because you live in the real world, which needs an identity that you use for many things.

But if we talk about donation in public, we can become anonymous by not giving our real name because we do not want to feel show off. You can become anonymous if you want to donate some money to other people using a third party to help you deliver the money. So the receiver will only know about the sender without knowing that you are the real sender.

Title: Re: How is Anonymity seen in your culture?
Post by: peter0425 on March 17, 2021, 07:37:57 AM
not everytime donating requires anonymity , because it is not about how you Hide or expose your donation but what your Hearts desire on that matter.

What cares when you Hide donating but your heart is not really in favor? you are just forced to donate by your conscience because of your belief in that religion but the truth is that money is for your family's food for the table?

There are tons of christian groups now that attacks people conscience to Make a higher donation "FOR THEIR SOUL" but the truth is the donation is for their ""Pastors Luxury ""

Title: Re: How is Anonymity seen in your culture?
Post by: Ucy on March 17, 2021, 09:22:13 AM
for my culture, it means introvert or selflessness or the protection of personal information. when in school, we need to vote to decide who'll be monitor or who can get some title of honor. then anonymity is needed to aviod offending others...or when you grow unsatisfied with someone, especially someone in office or with reputation, you can write to his superior anonymously.

Anonymity is indeed very important in society. It's very useful during election, it can be use by people to report crimes/evil without fear,  vulnerable people could use it to stay safe under tyranny/evil, and ofcourse certain people prefer/enjoy being anonymous while doing good etc

Anonymity could be abused aswell. But we can't deny innocent people their right to be anonymous because of evil people who abuse the right.
It's important to encourage Safe Anonymity. The Right to be anonymous should be guaranteed and can be taken away from people use it to commit serious crimes.
It should be possible to track people who are anonymous in public space, but you still guarantee their anonymity. This can work really well on a decentralized, transparent, immutable, system/network.

Title: Re: How is Anonymity seen in your culture?
Post by: boyptc on March 17, 2021, 07:31:30 PM
Anonymity is real life is like being lowkey for me.

It actually more fulfilling to me.
You know what?

Do the things that makes you satisfy if it's helping you and helping others too. That's one of the best mutual feelings that you can ever have if it makes you happy.

Title: Re: How is Anonymity seen in your culture?
Post by: BADecker on March 17, 2021, 09:00:56 PM
If somebody says, "I'm anonymous," and somebody else hears it, the anonymous joker isn't really anonymous any longer... maybe never was.

Anonymous people are those who nobody knows are there. Parts of society are continually looking to reveal anonymous people, but if they can't find them, everybody simply tolerates them. Why? Because they most certainly just have to be hidden there.


Title: Re: How is Anonymity seen in your culture?
Post by: Renampun on March 17, 2021, 11:15:20 PM
you are a devout person, I like that...
your sentence makes me remember 'Matthew 6: 3: But if you give alms, do not let your left hand know what your right-hand does'. if you want to get recognition from others surely you will let others know how much your alms. *anonymity is important for those who are devout Christians

Title: Re: How is Anonymity seen in your culture?
Post by: We Are People on March 18, 2021, 02:22:56 PM
I think donating something is not necessary anonymously, the main condition is gratuitousness and sincerity, when you do not need anything in return.

Sometimes I like it when you can be anonymous, when you can get lost in the crowd on the street of a big city. But I prefer a small town or countryside where almost everyone knows each other.

Title: Re: How is Anonymity seen in your culture?
Post by: Prettyjing34 on March 19, 2021, 07:04:51 AM
Sometimes anonymity can save a lot of trouble. In sensitive issues, anonymity can indeed help us solve many problems. Can enable us to obtain some more real information. At the same time, some embarrassing situations have also been avoided.

Title: Re: How is Anonymity seen in your culture?
Post by: Ucy on March 19, 2021, 09:02:25 AM
you are a devout person, I like that...
your sentence makes me remember 'Matthew 6: 3: But if you give alms, do not let your left hand know what your right-hand does'. if you want to get recognition from others surely you will let others know how much your alms. *anonymity is important for those who are devout Christians

But our activities don't have to be in secret because we are required to do what is good and good deeds ought to be done in the open. The only thing we or the church could try to keep secret is the the person doing do good deeds, so that the Glory goes to GOD alone and not mere mortals like us.

Title: Re: How is Anonymity seen in your culture?
Post by: plandemic_master on March 20, 2021, 08:21:49 AM
I think that there is no point in anonymity, when you have nothing to hide, when you do nothing wrong, you simply have nothing to be afraid of in this case.

But if, for example, there are people in the world who do bad things, then it will be unprofitable for them if you do something very good, and if you are not anonymous in some cases, then you will be an obstacle to their implementation of bad plans. ...

Therefore, anonymity is good when it is used for good purposes.