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Other => Politics & Society => Topic started by: BayAreaCoins on March 18, 2021, 09:03:08 PM

Title: How does someone in 2 feet of snow in March worry about global warming?
Post by: BayAreaCoins on March 18, 2021, 09:03:08 PM
There is a person in Boulder, Colorado that is just dead convinced they are going to die from global warming... but the funny part is that Boulder just got the fourth largest snow on record this past week!!!  

They even blame global warming for the 2 feet of snow! So in their mind... if someone wrecks in the snow this past week... it's a Global Warming death!!! The amount of delusion is just amazing to me.

What would it actually take to convince that global warming is mostly a scam and the only thing that never changes is that everything changes?  Is it even possible?

In the 70's the extremist were talking about global cooling.  ::)

Title: Re: How does someone in 2 feet of snow in March worry about global warming?
Post by: BADecker on March 18, 2021, 10:19:29 PM
If you are talking about a snowman who has two feet of snow, sure he is scared of global warming. He's even scared of simple old summer.


Title: Re: How does someone in 2 feet of snow in March worry about global warming?
Post by: Tzupy on March 18, 2021, 10:43:38 PM
Human induced global warming is real, FORTUNATELY! Otherwise, we'd in a mini Ice Age, with billions people starving to death!
The global warming occurs much slower than the climate alarmists claim, they always use the uppermost temperature prediction to justify their crazy policies.

Title: Re: How does someone in 2 feet of snow in March worry about global warming?
Post by: suchmoon on March 18, 2021, 11:12:25 PM
There is a person in Boulder, Colorado that is just dead convinced they are going to die from global warming... but the funny part is that Boulder just got the fourth largest snow on record this past week!!!  

OMG it's 10 degrees outside, it means the summer will never come and ice age is imminent!!!

Seriously LOL the "it's cold so can't be global warming" argument is so 1995, go read some new conspiratardery and report back.

Title: Re: How does someone in 2 feet of snow in March worry about global warming?
Post by: BayAreaCoins on March 18, 2021, 11:45:47 PM
OMG it's 10 degrees outside, it means the summer will never come and ice age is imminent!!!

Because that's obviously what it means... extremists ftl...  ::)

We probably need to draft 50,000 pages of bullshit and create tons of money out of thin air to stop it!!! (sarcasm)

Title: Re: How does someone in 2 feet of snow in March worry about global warming?
Post by: BADecker on March 19, 2021, 01:15:10 AM
^^^ Right! None of this is global warming. We don't have any climate changes that indicate global warming is even beginning.

Consider. The coldest we can get is Absolute Zero, about 457 degrees below zero Fahrenheit. But Planck's Constant for Absolute Hot is somewhere in the multi-millions of degrees above zero Fahrenheit.

We ain't anywhere near global warming. In fact, we are barely out of the ice age... sort of... maybe.


EDIT: Oops! About 255,000 billion billion billion degrees Fahrenheit -

Title: Re: How does someone in 2 feet of snow in March worry about global warming?
Post by: franky1 on March 19, 2021, 03:31:37 AM
global warming. is a non-thing

.. some area's will get more colder
.. some area's will get more warmer
.. some area's will get more dryer
.. some area's will get more wetter

this is climate change. and yes it is real..
the controversies are not that its not happening. but instead how much it will happen by and in which area's and by what cause

EG california is not in drought due to carbon. but instead due to damming up rivers. which then conserve the water in one location. making the other locations dry out.

the large reservoirs actually conserve the water causing less evaperation.

try it.
have 2 cups of water with exact same amount of water in it
find some paving slab in your yard. and pour 1 cup on that slab.
put the other cup next to it.... and wait.

you will notice the thin layer spread across a wide area evaporates. while the cup(reservoir) conserves water

so yes.. less water spread out in streams. irrigation canals on ground.. and instead hdden in pipes sewers and stored in reservoirs is causing the californian drought
and yes its a man-made cause disrupting the natural water cycle
the carbon game is more about human lung health and also just a fundraising game
coal/oil refineries in the 1980's knew they had 50-70 years of resources left to mine.
2030-2050 thats it finito. no more oil/coal
so they know they have to adapt.. but dont want to pay for the adaptation/upgrade
and so 'carbon tax' 'carbon grants' to fund their transition to renewables

Title: Re: How does someone in 2 feet of snow in March worry about global warming?
Post by: Cnut237 on March 19, 2021, 09:40:47 AM
the funny part is that Boulder just got the fourth largest snow on record this past week!!!  

They even blame global warming for the 2 feet of snow!

If it's a level of snowfall that far exceeds normal, then yes, there's a decent chance that human-caused climate change is a contributing factor.

The world as a whole getting warmer does not mean that every part of the world will be warmer all the time. The climate will be warmer on average, across the world and across years or decades. If you think about what is happening, and the underlying physics, you will understand that warmer air holds more moisture. This leads of course to more frequent unusual and severe rain/snow events.

You'd think I'd get sick of posting facts and links to data all the time... but no, I'm still going. The charts below show changing ocean water vapour levels over recent years. Prize* if you can spot the trend.

*Note: Prizes may or may not exist. Unlike human-caused climate change, which is a real thing.

Title: Re: How does someone in 2 feet of snow in March worry about global warming?
Post by: OgNasty on March 19, 2021, 09:59:59 AM
The time to prepare for rain is when the sun is shining. Global warming is referred to these days as climate change because there are areas that could see their temperatures decline in the short term as the global weather patterns change. The big concern to coastal cities more immediately is rising sea levels.

Title: Re: How does someone in 2 feet of snow in March worry about global warming?
Post by: Poker Player on March 19, 2021, 11:45:46 AM
I just wanted to point out that the official discourse does not talk about global warming, it talks about climate change, which is the term used by cnut237. It is clear that the climate changes, another thing is the speed of change and if it is caused by human action, but the change of term makes me suspicious.

Title: Re: How does someone in 2 feet of snow in March worry about global warming?
Post by: jrrsparkles on March 19, 2021, 12:37:31 PM
Global warming is real but its the part of the system, humans are encouraging a little bit but most of them are happening with the natural climate changes. It is happening for billions of years which is also the reason why humans are evolved from the parent species.

Title: Re: How does someone in 2 feet of snow in March worry about global warming?
Post by: Mauser on March 19, 2021, 01:45:16 PM
Global warming is real but its the part of the system, humans are encouraging a little bit but most of them are happening with the natural climate changes. It is happening for billions of years which is also the reason why humans are evolved from the parent species.

Weather is happening in cycles over thousands of years, we have times of very cold periods and times of warmer periods. As long as it is a slow change we will be able to adapt. The problem comes when the change is sudden and we have extrem weather. For example in Netherlands, the people know that ocean is rising for years and they are adapting. All newly constructed houses with a water front are now flexible in height, if water levels are rising, so can the houses.

Title: Re: How does someone in 2 feet of snow in March worry about global warming?
Post by: BADecker on March 19, 2021, 09:41:44 PM
How does someone in 2 feet of snow in March worry about global warming?

No, no. You have the question wrong. It should be, "How does someone worrying about global warming march in two feet of snow?"


Title: Re: How does someone in 2 feet of snow in March worry about global warming?
Post by: sirazimuth on March 20, 2021, 12:51:38 AM
Hey cut him some slack bro. After all, this is the P+S boards....

Title: Re: How does someone in 2 feet of snow in March worry about global warming?
Post by: Natsuu on March 21, 2021, 10:42:39 AM
I just wanted to point out that the official discourse does not talk about global warming, it talks about climate change, which is the term used by cnut237. It is clear that the climate changes, another thing is the speed of change and if it is caused by human action, but the change of term makes me suspicious.

As I thought, it actually looks something crazy if you will blame it to global warming. Climate change in the other hand can be the thing that they may blame as this shit sucks for real.

Title: Re: How does someone in 2 feet of snow in March worry about global warming?
Post by: CryptocurencyKing on March 21, 2021, 04:20:42 PM
Lol, it feels really funny that, someone in a deep snow could be complaining about global warming! As funny as it is, there could be a truth to the later. Let's look at it really;

Is there a truth about science?
Can we actually do harm to the environment or nature?

If there is a possibility to this two, then we ought to know that everything exists in a  delicate balance, a circle thatshould be maintained. A break in this circle would definitely have some effects in some other aspect if non mitigation measures were taken or is being taken.
Let's be careful the way we handle our environment as some damages are irreversible!

Title: Re: How does someone in 2 feet of snow in March worry about global warming?
Post by: DireWolfM14 on March 21, 2021, 06:44:56 PM
What would it actually take to convince that global warming is mostly a scam and the only thing that never changes is that everything changes?

One thing that will never change: Governments grow powerful and rich when people are afraid.

Title: Re: How does someone in 2 feet of snow in March worry about global warming?
Post by: franky1 on March 22, 2021, 02:57:48 AM
the one disclaimer i think people need to think about when interpretting the graphs of climate change..

how/why was the 1980's decided to be the point at which zero%baseline was decided.
temperatures in UK in the 19th century were freezing. so why says 1980's is baseline of recovery and anything above baseline is crisis....

again: why was the 1980's decided at zero to then say +2 is a endemic crises

this current era might just be the continual recovery of a 19th century mini ice-age.(not yet reached baseline)
of course its going to get warmer in the 20th century after the 19ths century frost. but where should baseline be.where its deemed normal..

as for the other details about the reasons of man-made climate change
yes its real but my research shows that smoggy coal/wood fire homes and factories in 19th century london was being attacked in return by snow and rain.. not heatwaves

smog causes freezing. history doesnt lie

however the damming up of rivers and turning soil into concrete and tarmac. with insulated pipes below. has causes less water vapour in the air due to less spread of ground water. ..

climate change is real. but the reasons and interpretations of cause and effect and what should be classed as a baseline from a ice-age recovery is what makes many people question climate change

one last thing
if you have 40% water 55.7% other stuff 0.3% carbon
take out 20% of water
and simple maths shows the volume composition changes
20% water 69.625% other stuff 0.375% carbon

yep no actual extra carbon deposited. but removing 20% water from a 100% volume causes a statistic shift of 0.3-0.375 all because of math parameters.. not actual carbon increase

its something you can do at home
get two bottles of water. 1litre of water .. 80clitre of water
put 10 drops of food colouring in both..
same drops of food colouring but the shade of the liquid is different... not due to any extra food colouring. but due to the dilution due to the amount of water
hint: the 80cl appears darker as if it has more food colouring in it.. but reality is its the less water that caused it

Composition. By volume, dry air contains 78.08% nitrogen, 20.95% oxygen, 0.93% argon, 0.04% carbon dioxide, and small amounts of other gases. Air also contains a variable amount of water vapor. Except for the water vapor content, the composition of the troposphere is essentially uniform.

meaning its only 0.04% co2 because they have removed the water from their math
take the 100% dry composition.. add in precipitation %. and you will see the carbon number go down

Title: Re: How does someone in 2 feet of snow in March worry about global warming?
Post by: montaga on January 29, 2023, 02:07:06 PM

El Azizia took the record for highest temperature ever recorded on Sept. 13, 1922, when a thermometer on a weather station hit a whopping 136 degrees Fahrenheit (58 degrees Celsius) (

Title: Re: How does someone in 2 feet of snow in March worry about global warming?
Post by: Cnut237 on February 03, 2023, 06:25:14 PM

That thermometer is broken, so won't give an accurate reading.