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Economy => Gambling discussion => Topic started by: Hydrogen on March 24, 2021, 10:25:25 PM

Title: The fine line between market investment and sports gambling
Post by: Hydrogen on March 24, 2021, 10:25:25 PM
Sports … hedging?

If you want to bet that oil prices will go up, you can buy oil futures. In the U.S., oil futures are legal and popular and exchange-traded and regulated by the Commodity Futures Trading Commission, and have been for a long time. You can use them for various purposes, but one purpose is just to make a bet on oil prices, which is generally called “speculation.”

If you want to bet that the Bucs will beat the Chiefs in the big football game, you can go to a casino or a sports book and make a bet. In the U.S., sports betting is popular, but its legality is more complicated. It is legal in some states but not others; it was illegal almost everywhere not that long ago; there is no simple national exchange to make sports bets, and in fact interstate sports gambling is illegal under federal law. If you are just making a bet on football scores, that is generally called “gambling.”

What is the difference between these two things? Well, traditionally, one big difference is that oil futures could be used to hedge real business risk. 1  You might use them for pure speculation, just to bet on oil prices, but an oil company might use them to lock in a selling price for its future oil production, or an airline might use them to lock in a purchase price for its future fuel consumption. This sort of real-business rationale meant that commodity futures were legal and accepted business tools even while regular gambling was illegal and immoral. And, sure, some people would use commodity futures just to speculate — to gamble — but those speculators were helpful participants in a broader, socially useful market; they made the market more liquid and more useful for real businesses that wanted to hedge real risks.

Over time, the CFTC allowed more and more futures contracts, and the rationale was less “this is a commodity that someone can deliver in the future” and more “this is a financial contract that can hedge a real business risk.” So futures on volatility and interest rates are not like oil futures, in the sense that you can’t load an interest rate on a tanker ship and deliver it to a customer, but they are like oil futures in the sense that interest rates and volatility are important risks for real businesses and those businesses might want to hedge them. So they are traded on exchanges and regulated by the CFTC, and if you want to bet on interest rates you can do that legally and transparently and as part of standard financial markets.

Meanwhile real normal businesses don’t have costs or revenues that fluctuate based on football scores. 2 So football betting is just gambling; there is no business purpose to it. Some states allow it and some don’t, but financial contracts on football scores are not traded on exchanges or allowed by the CFTC or part of standard financial markets.

Well, but, one kind of business has a real business need to hedge against football scores: sports books! If you are in the (legal in your state) business of taking bets from customers on football games, and all your customers want to bet on the Chiefs, you might want to hedge your risk by buying some financial contracts that pay off if the Chiefs win. Could you go to the CFTC and say “hey, I have a legitimate business purpose to hedge my real risk by buying football-score futures,” and convince them to allow trading of those futures?

No, absolutely not, that is way too cute, but nice idea, good effort. Here is a Wall Street Journal story about Eris Exchange LLC, a cryptocurrency exchange that tried to slip this one past the CFTC:

ErisX’s plan was to list three kinds of futures contracts, with payouts based on the outcomes of individual NFL games, the point spreads in those games, and what bettors call the over/under—bets based on the total number of points scored in a game. …

ErisX’s contracts wouldn’t have been open to small individual investors. ErisX said they were designed to fill the hedging needs of businesses such as sportsbook operators that let bettors wager on games, stadium owners and food and beverage vendors.

For instance, a sportsbook licensed to operate in one state could have used the ErisX futures contracts to address a common problem where its local customers tend to bet on the home team, resulting in an imbalance in the firm’s books. Potentially, stadium operators could have used the futures to hedge against the risk of reduced revenue in case their local team didn’t make the playoffs, ErisX said.

But ErisX’s proposal faced a legal hurdle: Federal law gives the CFTC the authority to prohibit event contracts linked to gaming. The law doesn’t define gaming, leaving it up to the CFTC to determine whether the contracts’ underlying activity fits the classification. Historically, the regulator has been wary of proposals that blur the line between betting and financial derivatives trading.

Yeah … I … I just think that a contract that lets a sports book lay off its sports gambling risk in a sports gambling derivatives market is pretty obviously sports gambling? Here are the skeptical questions that the CFTC sent to ErisX about this plan (“Do any of these contracts involve, relate to, or reference gaming,” etc.), and the Journal notes that ErisX “withdrew its proposal” as “the CFTC had been poised to reject ErisX’s proposal on the grounds that it was contrary to the public interest.” I don’t know if that’s right as an intuitive matter — maybe sports betting is great and in the public interest? — but as a matter of CFTC rules it is obviously right. The CFTC does not allow futures contracts that are “gaming.” It is clever to argue “no no no, this is not a gaming contract, this is a contract to hedge gaming risk,” and I applaud the ingenuity, but of course it didn’t work.


An interesting question was posed by the author here.

Question: "Market investors and hedge funds bet the price of an asset will increase or decrease by buying or shorting stocks. Gamblers bet one sports team will defeat another by placing bets. Is there a real difference between these two things. Should one be illegalized while the other is not."

I suspect some who have tried their hand at both gambling and crypto exchange trading might identify with these remarks. High risk correlated with high reward ventures such as sports gambling and market investment might both qualify as gambling. There may be many cultural and societal similarities between equity traders and sports gamblers as well. With big data and algorithm based approaches being the most successful innovations of recent times, in both areas.

Title: Re: The fine line between market investment and sports gambling
Post by: Darker45 on March 25, 2021, 02:32:12 AM
In the broad sense of the word, both are gambling. There's not much difference between the two. It's just that there are various interpretations of the word, various contexts on which gambling could be construed differently.

Gambling could refer to placing bets on a game of chance or on a sports team as much as it could refer to taking a risk making a bid order in a stock market or on a crypto exchange platform. However, most of the time gambling in the sense of the former is more on merely having fun and taking blind chances while the latter is oftentimes understood as a serious undertaking which involves a lot of informed analysis.

At the end of the day, I don't think one should be made illegal while the other legal. But both should be highly regulated.

Title: Re: The fine line between market investment and sports gambling
Post by: Wexnident on March 25, 2021, 04:29:06 AM
I guess the biggest difference between the two is that one is mainly for entertainment/entertaining users, while the other is more of a business-organized type? Can't really find the term so let me just simplify it to being a market investment is like the formal business side while sports gambling is the casual side. They're both gambling ngl, but the intricate details of the two create quite a difference between the two hence why they're separated. I'm not saying to take what I said literally though, I just looked for the easiest terms that can be used to differentiate the two. Both still have users that just willy nilly gamble their money on a stock/team, while some do detailed research on their investments.

As for allowing or banning the two, they should both be allowed, but as Darker45 said, should also be regulated. I don't even think there's much of an issue with sports gambling? I'm guessing it's because of the world "gambling" since the word is frowned upon by most people. It's quite different from Casino gambling since those are mostly games reliant on luck.

Title: Re: The fine line between market investment and sports gambling
Post by: Silberman on March 25, 2021, 04:47:13 AM
An interesting question was posed by the author here.

Question: "Market investors and hedge funds bet the price of an asset will increase or decrease by buying or shorting stocks. Gamblers bet one sports team will defeat another by placing bets. Is there a real difference between these two things. Should one be illegalized while the other is not."

I suspect some who have tried their hand at both gambling and crypto exchange trading might identify with these remarks. High risk correlated with high reward ventures such as sports gambling and market investment might both qualify as gambling. There may be many cultural and societal similarities between equity traders and sports gamblers as well. With big data and algorithm based approaches being the most successful innovations of recent times, in both areas.

Many of the concepts that traders and sport gamblers use have similar origins so I can see why some people may confuse the two, but the biggest difference is that a sport gambler takes the line the casino, a centralized institution, gives him, while a trader takes can take a trade until it is on his best interest to do so, however taking into account that sport gamblers also wait until the line is more favourable and that now sport bettors can also bet on an online betting exchange like betfair and can even use arbitrage like traders do then the separation between a trader and a sport bettor is becoming smaller with each passing year.

Title: Re: The fine line between market investment and sports gambling
Post by: abderrazak belkhir on March 25, 2021, 05:08:45 AM
Thats complicated...many peoples think that investment and gambling are the same and i think the idea is not totally the wining situation for example when you make a bet at 2 ods your asset will be doubled once the bet get settled but  investment can have some other the losing case bettors will dont have any chance to recover their money but investors maybe will recover and make huge profits by holding their investment

Title: Re: The fine line between market investment and sports gambling
Post by: electronicash on March 25, 2021, 05:49:46 AM
No, absolutely not, that is way too cute, but nice idea, good effort. Here is a Wall Street Journal story about Eris Exchange LLC, a cryptocurrency exchange that tried to slip this one past the CFTC:

they are talking about futures for the game result, which couldn't be considered a fine line. stock can even be manipulated. sports results can be manipulated easily, the teams could just shake hands after and they both win on their futures. CFTC will look at it as sort of a cash cow for the people in NFL and that they say it's cute but No let the sportbookies handle that if you just want to bet on sports.

Title: Re: The fine line between market investment and sports gambling
Post by: Kong Hey Pakboy on March 25, 2021, 05:57:54 AM
I do think that there is a fine line between hedging and betting but I think that it is enough to know that they are going to be different from the other, there is no odds in shorting stocks and you have to rely on making connection in order to make the stock you are planning to short to go down unlike in betting where you directly bribe the person involved or the management of the team, you can't do that in stocks because the company doesn't want to go down.

Title: Re: The fine line between market investment and sports gambling
Post by: avikz on March 25, 2021, 06:46:37 AM
If you want to bet that oil prices will go up, you can buy oil futures. In the U.S., oil futures are legal and popular and exchange-traded and regulated by the Commodity Futures Trading Commission, and have been for a long time. You can use them for various purposes, but one purpose is just to make a bet on oil prices, which is generally called “speculation.”

US has another very interesting derivatives available for the common people, called - weather derivates! Here you can speculate if there will be a rain in a specific region, amount of rainfall and so on. That betting in another sense but on a different event.

Question: "Market investors and hedge funds bet the price of an asset will increase or decrease by buying or shorting stocks. Gamblers bet one sports team will defeat another by placing bets. Is there a real difference between these two things. Should one be illegalized while the other is not."

In essence, both are gambling but with a fine line as author mentioned. It's just a matter of legality. But I believe there's another important reason why sports betting has not been legalized in many countries is that a common man can't have control over oil price as it is controlled by a mixed body of oil producing nations. However, a group of common man can influence the outcome of a game using their money power, thus giving them an extra edge over others. Match fixing is real and happened many times in the past. Since such ill practices exist, governments are still hesitant to make sports betting legal in many countries.

But by nature, all are speculation only!

Title: Re: The fine line between market investment and sports gambling
Post by: traderethereum on March 25, 2021, 06:59:34 AM
Thats complicated...many peoples think that investment and gambling are the same and i think the idea is not totally the wining situation for example when you make a bet at 2 ods your asset will be doubled once the bet get settled but  investment can have some other the losing case bettors will dont have any chance to recover their money but investors maybe will recover and make huge profits by holding their investment
I think that is not complicated as if you have calculations about the investment, that will not be the same as gambling.
Both gambling and investment are not the same because in gambling, the result will be losing money, but you can make money, and that chance will not be bigger than losing money.
And in the investment, even if you see the investment can down, you still have a chance to make a bigger profit, and the best part is you are not losing your initial money. So you get both initial money and the profit in the future.
As long as you know how to select the right investment, you will profit in the future.

Title: Re: The fine line between market investment and sports gambling
Post by: Latviand on March 25, 2021, 09:15:01 AM
In the broad sense of the word, both are gambling. There's not much difference between the two. It's just that there are various interpretations of the word, various contexts on which gambling could be construed differently.

Gambling could refer to placing bets on a game of chance or on a sports team as much as it could refer to taking a risk making a bid order in a stock market or on a crypto exchange platform. However, most of the time gambling in the sense of the former is more on merely having fun and taking blind chances while the latter is oftentimes understood as a serious undertaking which involves a lot of informed analysis.

At the end of the day, I don't think one should be made illegal while the other legal. But both should be highly regulated.

I agree with this, both have risks which can really make you earn profits or lose money.

Gambling is fun especially that you are playing different games, while in the market investment you are just observing the market.

But prioritizing market investment is a must, especially that it will make you somehow secured and safe compared to gambling that make you lose your money in a short period of time.

Title: Re: The fine line between market investment and sports gambling
Post by: swogerino on March 25, 2021, 09:44:47 AM
I have tried both and let me tell you that market investment or trading like they call it is way more dangerous than gambling.A gambling event for example sport game takes time like 90 minute a match and gives you time to reflect while the market changes every minute and if you become addicted you can cause yourself a lot more damage than gambling and this in a very short time.

Title: Re: The fine line between market investment and sports gambling
Post by: Poker Player on March 25, 2021, 09:58:24 AM
I had thought a similar thing about Poker. In fact, I became interested in the stock market after I started playing Poker. A chart of a winning Poker player is similar to a chart of the S&P 500 or similar. Sports betting is similar as well. They are games in which one can make a profit, unlike the other casino games which are inexorably EV-.

None should be outlawed in my opinion. Everyone is old enough to know what they are doing and today there are many tools for problem gamblers.

Title: Re: The fine line between market investment and sports gambling
Post by: uneng on March 25, 2021, 05:06:32 PM
The point used to criminalize gambling is that the results from this activity are totally based on luck, while market trading is based on strategy and market knowledge skills, while gambling is much more accessible to everyone than market investments. Probably that is the reason why the concern towards gambling is so high by authorities, because the impact over the common citizen's life is much bigger.

Furthermore in market investments you aren't forced to trade stocks and assets for profit. You can just hold them and earn dividends, so you aren't forced to *gamble* in that category of investments, while in gambling games it's a must.

Title: Re: The fine line between market investment and sports gambling
Post by: fiulpro on March 25, 2021, 05:11:38 PM
Market Investments
Crypto Investments
Investments in things that does not give the investor an assurance of 100% returns and profits. These things are nothing but gambling.
What is Gambling in the first Place ? It's just placing a bet and hoping for the best , I do think when government try and criminalize the gambling they do not understand the fact that 99.99% of the things in the market are based on sheer luck and one should actually educate people about their financial stability and well being rather teach them how they should not do this things because I Know for sure that when you tell someone to not do a thing they will do it for sure. !
Rather normalize reaching out for mental health helplines and at the same time strategize! Plan! Its all a Game and you do need your skills and knowledge for everything including gambling and other investments.
P.S. the Government started to normalize gambling during the pandemic because it was earning them a lot of revenues lol. They are literally using it according to their own Accord and then telling people not to do it ?

Title: Re: The fine line between market investment and sports gambling
Post by: BTCLiz on March 25, 2021, 05:20:15 PM
For me personally the "fine" difference between market investment and gambling is knowledge about the evaluation of factors that determine the outcome. E.G.: You can never predict the number in roulette, but you can predict some makret environment regarding preferences of potential buyers. In this case you can lower the risk and get a state of a +EV decision.

Title: Re: The fine line between market investment and sports gambling
Post by: johhnyUA on March 25, 2021, 10:46:45 PM
Question: "Market investors and hedge funds bet the price of an asset will increase or decrease by buying or shorting stocks. Gamblers bet one sports team will defeat another by placing bets. Is there a real difference between these two things. Should one be illegalized while the other is not."

I suspect some who have tried their hand at both gambling and crypto exchange trading might identify with these remarks. High risk correlated with high reward ventures such as sports gambling and market investment might both qualify as gambling. There may be many cultural and societal similarities between equity traders and sports gamblers as well. With big data and algorithm based approaches being the most successful innovations of recent times, in both areas.

You're definitely right about comparing gamblers and traders, man. Very, very much right  ;D

Trading in most cases is just a gambling in long term. In the other ways, "investment" is a little different, because in that case (if we are not talking about venture investments) you're investing in things which already proved to be trustworthy,

Title: Re: The fine line between market investment and sports gambling
Post by: paxmao on March 25, 2021, 11:33:52 PM

An interesting question was posed by the author here.

Question: "Market investors and hedge funds bet the price of an asset will increase or decrease by buying or shorting stocks. Gamblers bet one sports team will defeat another by placing bets. Is there a real difference between these two things. Should one be illegalized while the other is not."


Yes it is different. Many people think that the stock market is a casino - and you can certainly play it as such. Most retail investors from the new generations are using low cost trading platforms such as "Robinhood" to place bets and play it as games.

However, once you get proper financial education and you bother to understand the principles of investing, you will see that there is some order in the chaos. I guess you could argue that it is also true in games once you get to know the teams and understand the sport, but then you should say that "gambling is like investing" not the opposite :)

Title: Re: The fine line between market investment and sports gambling
Post by: dothebeats on March 25, 2021, 11:50:22 PM
I couldn't see any differences in their essences, though. Investment in the market and sports gambling are both high risk, high reward activities, except that the former is favored legally by the government since they also peruse this to make money, plus the bulk of the tax money that they are getting are from companies that invests in a specific market. I have nothing against traders and investors in well-ironed suit-and-tie combo, it's just that I believe that they are, in essence, the same, and they only differ in the methodology and the environment to which they achieve their end goal.

Title: Re: The fine line between market investment and sports gambling
Post by: magneto on March 26, 2021, 02:26:28 AM
I would say that if you're speculating without basis, without rigorous stop-losses and limits, then you are gambling.

And I've seen plenty of people who suffer from this sort of delusional behaviour. They think that they are making investments into futures and options when in reality, they're throwing themselves into a -EV game that will cost them money in the long run.

Vice versa, if you are making educated bets (through modelling or knowledge) on sports, then that should count as an investment.

Title: Re: The fine line between market investment and sports gambling
Post by: Fundamentals Of on March 26, 2021, 02:28:47 AM
I couldn't see any differences in their essences, though. Investment in the market and sports gambling are both high risk, high reward activities, except that the former is favored legally by the government since they also peruse this to make money, plus the bulk of the tax money that they are getting are from companies that invests in a specific market. I have nothing against traders and investors in well-ironed suit-and-tie combo, it's just that I believe that they are, in essence, the same, and they only differ in the methodology and the environment to which they achieve their end goal.

The same understanding here. In essence, they are both the same. There is risking involved in both of them. So they are both gambling to a certain extent. But then each of them is referring to two different areas. They are in essence similar but they are not completely the same. In terms of which one should be made legal and another illegal, I think both could easily be made legal. After all, both of them could be done within the bounds of the law.

Title: Re: The fine line between market investment and sports gambling
Post by: robelneo on March 26, 2021, 03:08:01 AM

Question: "Market investors and hedge funds bet the price of an asset will increase or decrease by buying or shorting stocks. Gamblers bet one sports team will defeat another by placing bets. Is there a real difference between these two things. Should one be illegalized while the other is not."

I suspect some who have tried their hand at both gambling and crypto exchange trading might identify with these remarks. High risk correlated with high reward ventures such as sports gambling and market investment might both qualify as gambling. There may be many cultural and societal similarities between equity traders and sports gamblers as well. With big data and algorithm based approaches being the most successful innovations of recent times, in both areas.

There are difference and similarity, both are risky you can lose everything if you do not know how to analyze and you are not knowledgeable on how things work, the motivation that drives you to participate in both market is profit and rewards, if you are a market investor coming in the sports betting you will find all the elements of investing in the market in the sports gambling, you can't just place your bet and hope it will win, there should be analysis and compelling reasons, why you come out with that decision, that's also the same for sports bettors coming in the investment market.

Both should be legalized because they can be regulated and they can be taxed and both work on trust if investors and bettors see that they are regulated they easily participate .

Title: Re: The fine line between market investment and sports gambling
Post by: imstillthebest on March 26, 2021, 05:10:14 PM

There are difference and similarity, both are risky you can lose everything if you do not know how to analyze and you are not knowledgeable on how things work, the motivation that drives you to participate in both market is profit and rewards, if you are a market investor coming in the sports betting you will find all the elements of investing in the market in the sports gambling, you can't just place your bet and hope it will win, there should be analysis and compelling reasons, why you come out with that decision, that's also the same for sports bettors coming in the investment market.

Both should be legalized because they can be regulated and they can be taxed and both work on trust if investors and bettors see that they are regulated they easily participate .

analysis is optional  . i tried investing and gambling without analysis and result is win because im lucky but analysis can make your game more surer .
 i agree that profit is my main motivation to join gambling and investing but aside from profit i join them too because i have nothing to do and i want something to keep me busy throught the day because of quarantine .
regulated or not you can file your own tax or if you live in places where tax is compulsory

Title: Re: The fine line between market investment and sports gambling
Post by: Heisenberg_Hunter on March 26, 2021, 07:33:26 PM
On a broader perspective both are different. Betting on oil prices is different from betting on a football match IMO. On the longer term, if more and more people depend on oil products rather than moving over to electrical automobiles we would be noticing a sharp increase in prices but on the other hand if more and more global population move towards electric products, we would be seeing a decrease in huge demand and hence oil prices wouldn't rise up so high in the upcoming decades. So I would consider this betting lies with an important factor of how technology is rising, for example if more people are interested towards electric cars we could never be sure future oil prices wouldn't be so higher.

But the outcome of a football match can be partially predicted based on the past performances of the team and the key players present in the current match. Also there are possibilities that players could be bribed and they may not be playing well on a few particular days. Hence on a broader sense, the outcome of the match is depended on the player and we can never predict completely if they might be playing really good or not. Nowadays stocks has become equivalent to crypto i.e there are so many manipulative pumps and dumps like how Gamestop happened where a powerful person like Elon and a community like Reddit could play with the people's money. On a conclusion note both crypto, stock market can be very well considered as gambling along with betting on a sports game.

Title: Re: The fine line between market investment and sports gambling
Post by: johhnyUA on March 26, 2021, 10:00:17 PM
On a broader perspective both are different. Betting on oil prices is different from betting on a football match IMO. On the longer term, if more and more people depend on oil products rather than moving over to electrical automobiles we would be noticing a sharp increase in prices but on the other hand if more and more global population move towards electric products, we would be seeing a decrease in huge demand and hence oil prices wouldn't rise up so high in the upcoming decades. So I would consider this betting lies with an important factor of how technology is rising, for example if more people are interested towards electric cars we could never be sure future oil prices wouldn't be so higher.

But the outcome of a football match can be partially predicted based on the past performances of the team and the key players present in the current match. Also there are possibilities that players could be bribed and they may not be playing well on a few particular days. Hence on a broader sense, the outcome of the match is depended on the player and we can never predict completely if they might be playing really good or not. Nowadays stocks has become equivalent to crypto i.e there are so many manipulative pumps and dumps like how Gamestop happened where a powerful person like Elon and a community like Reddit could play with the people's money. On a conclusion note both crypto, stock market can be very well considered as gambling along with betting on a sports game.

Good article man. I would add that oil price is also depend to the amount of traders that buying/selling futures on oil. And football outcome don't depend on how many people bet on this match.

For example, you can predict price moves in oil if you know how much people bought oil futures and so on. And you're not able to know who will win in football match if you know that many people bet on team A. Chance of winning doesn't increase for team A because many people bet on it.

Title: Re: The fine line between market investment and sports gambling
Post by: Silberman on March 29, 2021, 12:18:01 AM
I have tried both and let me tell you that market investment or trading like they call it is way more dangerous than gambling.A gambling event for example sport game takes time like 90 minute a match and gives you time to reflect while the market changes every minute and if you become addicted you can cause yourself a lot more damage than gambling and this in a very short time.
It really depends on what you mean by dangerous, I like gambling but very few people have any chance of making money on the long term, while when it comes to trading even if the odds are still small there are many more chances this is indeed going to happen, so from that point of view gambling would seem more dangerous, but when we think that most casinos are going to limit the amount you can bet on each roll of a dice and this is not true when it comes to trading this means that you can lose a lot more with a single bad trade than a single bad bet making trading more dangerous from that point of view.

Title: Re: The fine line between market investment and sports gambling
Post by: Lorence.xD on March 29, 2021, 04:12:54 AM
I have tried both and let me tell you that market investment or trading like they call it is way more dangerous than gambling.A gambling event for example sport game takes time like 90 minute a match and gives you time to reflect while the market changes every minute and if you become addicted you can cause yourself a lot more damage than gambling and this in a very short time.
You can hold your investments in the long term and you can pull it out anytime you feel like while in gambling overtime you are losing more money even if you are winning because the wins of the present is to offset the losses from the past and in gambling losses tend to incur faster than wins so I don't think that investment is more dangerous than gambling, maybe if you are on a pyramiding scheme then maybe your investment is in danger.

Title: Re: The fine line between market investment and sports gambling
Post by: bitterguy28 on March 29, 2021, 04:36:37 AM
I have tried both and let me tell you that market investment or trading like they call it is way more dangerous than gambling.A gambling event for example sport game takes time like 90 minute a match and gives you time to reflect while the market changes every minute and if you become addicted you can cause yourself a lot more damage than gambling and this in a very short time.
You can hold your investments in the long term and you can pull it out anytime you feel like while in gambling overtime you are losing more money even if you are winning because the wins of the present is to offset the losses from the past and in gambling losses tend to incur faster than wins so I don't think that investment is more dangerous than gambling, maybe if you are on a pyramiding scheme then maybe your investment is in danger.

HArd fact but true , We may think that winning is on ours today but we don't tend to remember that our wins today is the losses we have in the past.
I Know also that we will never win in gambling if we don't know how to invest while in gambling.

Title: Re: The fine line between market investment and sports gambling
Post by: ethereumhunter on March 29, 2021, 06:53:13 AM
I have tried both and let me tell you that market investment or trading like they call it is way more dangerous than gambling.A gambling event for example sport game takes time like 90 minute a match and gives you time to reflect while the market changes every minute and if you become addicted you can cause yourself a lot more damage than gambling and this in a very short time.
You can hold your investments in the long term and you can pull it out anytime you feel like while in gambling overtime you are losing more money even if you are winning because the wins of the present is to offset the losses from the past and in gambling losses tend to incur faster than wins so I don't think that investment is more dangerous than gambling, maybe if you are on a pyramiding scheme then maybe your investment is in danger.

HArd fact but true , We may think that winning is on ours today but we don't tend to remember that our wins today is the losses we have in the past.
I Know also that we will never win in gambling if we don't know how to invest while in gambling.

So we are never winning because we still carried the losses from the past unless we can hit the jackpot, which I do not think will be easy to do. Many people are trying to playing gambling with money, but that only gives your money without winning.

But if in the investment, you will see the profit come to you in the future, although the price now is down, the chance for the price to increase will still be bigger. So you can choose what you want to do ;D

Title: Re: The fine line between market investment and sports gambling
Post by: iv4n on March 29, 2021, 07:07:58 AM
There is that fine line between these two... I am talking about that for years!
Everything is gambling, you invest/bet/buy with one goal, that goal is making a profit! You risk, and according to the risk level and your investment/bet/buy there's a reward you can expect in the end!
The fine line is the preparation before making a move! For roulette (just an example) you don't need it, you just choose red/black/green, or number, you place a bet and you see the outcome in a moment! With trading, investing, sports betting... you need to prepare! You need to check many things and only then to make a move! After making a move certain period of time needs to pass before we see the outcome!
Whatever option you choose, remember winning and losing are parts of all these games! I will call them games because it's a game where you play and depending on your skills and the bag you carry will affect your rank in the specific game!

Title: Re: The fine line between market investment and sports gambling
Post by: crwth on March 29, 2021, 07:32:45 AM
I recently read that there is a similarity between sports gambling and market investment like trading. If you consider that market investors are making bets, it's already gambling with the definition of "bet" itself. Speculators on the market that try to predict where the value will go are gambling.

Let's say it's about trading, trading daily is gambling, but if you invest in the asset and believe that the price will rise, it can be considered differently. What lacks now is the competitiveness between investors and that's where trading comes in. Still gambling.

Title: Re: The fine line between market investment and sports gambling
Post by: Lorence.xD on March 29, 2021, 07:34:42 AM
HArd fact but true , We may think that winning is on ours today but we don't tend to remember that our wins today is the losses we have in the past.
I Know also that we will never win in gambling if we don't know how to invest while in gambling.
Hard fact but true is redundant. You can actually see the results for yourselves in regards to your gambling habits and to see if you really are winning, you can chart your loss, wins and capital every time you gamble and you will eventually see a pattern that is slowly going down. You can just invest and not gamble at all, I mean you will get more profit out of your investment if the money that you plan to gamble was put on investment.

Title: Re: The fine line between market investment and sports gambling
Post by: Zilon on March 29, 2021, 08:24:20 AM
Although both might possess some level of similarity but in the real sence sports gambling is purely a bet without any analysed technique. In sports betting gamblers place bets on the ground that a particular team would either score against the other or it ends up in a draw game

For market investment we tend to look at different market strategies before making an investment. In oil trading different factors decide the trend of the market, weither it would be in a bullish or bearish trend

In conclusion sports betting and gambling generally is completely different from market speculation which we call trading in general

Title: Re: The fine line between market investment and sports gambling
Post by: peter0425 on March 29, 2021, 08:40:53 AM

So we are never winning because we still carried the losses from the past unless we can hit the jackpot, which I do not think will be easy to do. Many people are trying to playing gambling with money, but that only gives your money without winning.
Hitting a jackpot comes only One in a Billion chance mate meaning this cannot be for many times.

Meaning totality is we are loser and the banker will always Win.

But if in the investment, you will see the profit come to you in the future, although the price now is down, the chance for the price to increase will still be bigger. So you can choose what you want to do ;D
Well it is not constantly gaining because In the former YoloDice in which i followed to investors , the first one lost while the other one gains because of the Huge increase in Bitcoin but if not?sure he will lose as well.

Title: Re: The fine line between market investment and sports gambling
Post by: Kittygalore on March 29, 2021, 09:26:17 AM
I recently read that there is a similarity between sports gambling and market investment like trading. If you consider that market investors are making bets, it's already gambling with the definition of "bet" itself. Speculators on the market that try to predict where the value will go are gambling.
There is an article by Investopedia ( that overviews investment versus gambling and I have to say that the only similarity that they listed that I agree with is that both involves some risks but that too can differ if there is an in-depth analysis done because investing doesn't necessarily take away your money even if the company is going under or performing bad while in gambling, once you lose then that's about it, you lose the money.

Title: Re: The fine line between market investment and sports gambling
Post by: suzanne5223 on March 29, 2021, 11:49:33 AM
Although both might possess some level of similarity but in the real sence sports gambling is purely a bet without any analysed technique.
Both posse some similarity as you said but sports betting is never a gambling without any analysis techniques and betting in sports game without any analysis is betting to loose.
While betting on the market price is just like an option trading and can be dangerous.

Title: Re: The fine line between market investment and sports gambling
Post by: Saint-loup on March 29, 2021, 12:34:01 PM

An interesting question was posed by the author here.

Question: "Market investors and hedge funds bet the price of an asset will increase or decrease by buying or shorting stocks. Gamblers bet one sports team will defeat another by placing bets. Is there a real difference between these two things. Should one be illegalized while the other is not."

I suspect some who have tried their hand at both gambling and crypto exchange trading might identify with these remarks. High risk correlated with high reward ventures such as sports gambling and market investment might both qualify as gambling. There may be many cultural and societal similarities between equity traders and sports gamblers as well. With big data and algorithm based approaches being the most successful innovations of recent times, in both areas.
I don't think big data and algorithm based approach is the most successful in sport betting. Do you have any figures to back this up by chance? In sport betting we aren't betting on markets driven by supply and demand. We are betting on humans, alone or in teams, that's a big difference because players themselves don't know how they will be and how they will play during the event. They don't know themselves how many chances they have to win or to lose their match. So bettors have to know them better than themselves at the end.

Title: Re: The fine line between market investment and sports gambling
Post by: bitbollo on March 29, 2021, 04:33:55 PM
there is always a risk involved this is why both market have some similarities. but it's very risky compare a bet to an investment.
a bet is like an option. there is a specific timeframe after it a bet will be worthless.
an investment (like buying art or commodities) could always be sold, and there isn't this "limit" for sell in a specific time frame.
for sure everything can be see as a "gamble" if you're taking a risk, but it doesn't means this should be limited or linked to sportbets.

Title: Re: The fine line between market investment and sports gambling
Post by: KTChampions on March 29, 2021, 05:16:53 PM
Despite some similarities, these activities are radically different. Gambling is just a game of luck. Hedge funds don't play with luck - they buy and sell liquidity, arbitrage interest rates and risks, etc. This is an ordinary business that has nothing to do with gambling.
By the way, a traditional businessman like a baker of buns can also suffer from random events, but we are not saying that his activities are similar to gambling.

Title: Re: The fine line between market investment and sports gambling
Post by: BTCLiz on March 29, 2021, 06:19:21 PM
Despite some similarities, these activities are radically different. Gambling is just a game of luck. Hedge funds don't play with luck - they buy and sell liquidity, arbitrage interest rates and risks, etc. This is an ordinary business that has nothing to do with gambling.
By the way, a traditional businessman like a baker of buns can also suffer from random events, but we are not saying that his activities are similar to gambling.
Thinking that hedge funds don't play with luck is naive in my opinion. 2008 has shown the world how the big finance companies are gambling with money and take extraordinary risks in order to gain profits. The difference between hedge funds and gamblers are just, that the first are able to manipulate markets because of their market power.

Title: Re: The fine line between market investment and sports gambling
Post by: Fortify on March 29, 2021, 06:48:03 PM
I think "market investment" is too broad a term when you mention quite different types of topics. As written within the article you posted, forward contracts are very often used with a specific purpose - such as airlines trying to predict their future costs during a set period of time. They might end up paying a little bit extra for fuel, in return for a trader (who has hopefully done their homework) taking the risk that they can predict the price of a commodity such as aviation fuel. That is vastly different from a novice trader taking a punt on the latest cryptocurrency that they may have stumbled across through their facebook feed. It may ultimately come down to levels of education and professional accountability as well. A professional trader who has analyzed decades of history, is accountable to a standards body and may face criminal sanctions for large errors has a lot more motivation to work sensibly than a bedroom trader trying to boost their own funds without fully understanding what might raise or lower prices.

Title: Re: The fine line between market investment and sports gambling
Post by: ethereumhunter on March 30, 2021, 01:08:35 AM
So we are never winning because we still carried the losses from the past unless we can hit the jackpot, which I do not think will be easy to do. Many people are trying to playing gambling with money, but that only gives your money without winning.
Hitting a jackpot comes only One in a Billion chance mate meaning this cannot be for many times.

Meaning totality is we are loser and the banker will always Win.
Besides, it happens one in a billion chance, which will come to one in a billion people who have big luck at that moment. That shows us playing gambling will not benefit most people who want to make money from gambling.

But if in the investment, you will see the profit come to you in the future, although the price now is down, the chance for the price to increase will still be bigger. So you can choose what you want to do ;D
Well it is not constantly gaining because In the former YoloDice in which i followed to investors , the first one lost while the other one gains because of the Huge increase in Bitcoin but if not?sure he will lose as well.
I think some investors in YoloDice really profit from the investment in that site, but they do not tell who they are, so we do not have references for them except people who share their story in this forum.

Title: Re: The fine line between market investment and sports gambling
Post by: sunsilk on March 30, 2021, 11:18:04 AM
This has been one of the debates about trading and gambling for which both bear risk and can be said that there's really no difference at all. But in this case, since it's been specified that it's sports gambling, just as trading it requires analysis and case study for you to get closer to the probability of winning.

In the sense of other games which are pure luck, I think the difference starts there but it's also debatable that there are investors that are only choosing coins through luck and don't mind if that coin will take time for them to prosper.

Title: Re: The fine line between market investment and sports gambling
Post by: Oasisman on March 30, 2021, 12:22:54 PM
For me personally the "fine" difference between market investment and gambling is knowledge about the evaluation of factors that determine the outcome. E.G.: You can never predict the number in roulette, but you can predict some makret environment regarding preferences of potential buyers. In this case you can lower the risk and get a state of a +EV decision.

But gambling doesn't only focused on roulettes. How about sports betting? You can actually evaluate the factors to determine the outcome of the game, rather which team comes out with a win. In this type of gambling, you can also lower the risk of lossing.
There might be a fine line between market investments and sports gambling like the ones mentioned in the OP, but the only difference I can see is that gambling was unfairly treated by some of the governments that prohibits the act of gambling without these complicated requirements to comply.

Title: Re: The fine line between market investment and sports gambling
Post by: perfect999 on March 30, 2021, 03:38:08 PM
Question: "Market investors and hedge funds bet the price of an asset will increase or decrease by buying or shorting stocks. Gamblers bet one sports team will defeat another by placing bets. Is there a real difference between these two things. Should one be illegalized while the other is not."
The only difference I see why investing and trading are considered superior to gambling is because you improve every day while if you are gambling you are getting addicted instead of learning. The graph for a trader's knowledge will go up while the graph for a gambler will always be down. Plus gambling has a house edge while trading hardly carries any edge apart from minimal trading fees of the platform you use.

If someone is betting on sports and somehow achieves the ability to negate the edge on sports betting through sheer analysis and updates, then it might be worth it for them but actually, such players are banned/limited by most sites because it is quite obvious that if one is able to earn consistently in sports betting over a long period, that means they are doing something crazy because sports betting has a massive house edge.

Title: Re: The fine line between market investment and sports gambling
Post by: Ulven on March 30, 2021, 06:53:23 PM
 Investing in futures contracts and gambling have common characteristics and for this they can bring us profit or loss, Because they both rely heavily on betting!!

Title: Re: The fine line between market investment and sports gambling
Post by: CarnagexD on March 30, 2021, 10:18:32 PM
Investment and Gambling are but two sides of the same coin. Both can rake in money, and both could leave you penniless as well if you're not thinking straight. But what I believe is the biggest difference between the two is their purpose. Market Investment is made to make money initially, and Gambling, tho some may argue, is primarily there for entertainment. It's up to you to think about the worth and weigh of the two.

Title: Re: The fine line between market investment and sports gambling
Post by: chaser15 on March 30, 2021, 10:26:34 PM
In the sense of other games which are pure luck, I think the difference starts there but it's also debatable that there are investors that are only choosing coins through luck and don't mind if that coin will take time for them to prosper.

Agree so in the end, no need to really differentiate the risks between market investment and the usual gambling investment.

Other people can professionally handle trading but not in gambling while on the other hand, there are people who can handle gambling but not trading.

But to get profits, it all relies upon our own strategy on both.

Title: Re: The fine line between market investment and sports gambling
Post by: tbterryboy on March 31, 2021, 02:45:09 AM
This has been one of the debates about trading and gambling for which both bear risk and can be said that there's really no difference at all. But in this case, since it's been specified that it's sports gambling, just as trading it requires analysis and case study for you to get closer to the probability of winning.

In the sense of other games which are pure luck, I think the difference starts there but it's also debatable that there are investors that are only choosing coins through luck and don't mind if that coin will take time for them to prosper.
The problem with gambling is that you either win or lose within a time frame as the game gets over but if you are investing in an asset you can just wait for months and even years because you believe in the project. Imagine someone buying bitcoins at 10k then having to see the price drop down to 3k but if they kept faith now they can get huge value but with gambling you either lose or win and there is no chance for you to delay or wait for things to change in your favor.

Gambling should only be meant for fun as everyone says and that is because no one can actually win in the long term, no matter what strategies you make you are always going to lose. Investment is made because you believe in a project and just want to buy some shares, a completely different scenario.

Title: Re: The fine line between market investment and sports gambling
Post by: CryptoManiaks on March 31, 2021, 09:32:42 AM
Investment and Gambling are but two sides of the same coin. Both can rake in money, and both could leave you penniless as well if you're not thinking straight. But what I believe is the biggest difference between the two is their purpose. Market Investment is made to make money initially, and Gambling, tho some may argue, is primarily there for entertainment. It's up to you to think about the worth and weigh of the two.

Totally agree!
In both cases, people should draw their own line which shouldn't be crossed. Investing constantly and just for the sake of doing so is pure gambling and the opposite.
Even in gambling, if you play smart and look for value, it could be considered an investment. 

Title: Re: The fine line between market investment and sports gambling
Post by: sunsilk on March 31, 2021, 09:53:37 AM
In the sense of other games which are pure luck, I think the difference starts there but it's also debatable that there are investors that are only choosing coins through luck and don't mind if that coin will take time for them to prosper.

Agree so in the end, no need to really differentiate the risks between market investment and the usual gambling investment.

Other people can professionally handle trading but not in gambling while on the other hand, there are people who can handle gambling but not trading.

But to get profits, it all relies upon our own strategy on both.
Yeah, it's the opposite and the other way around. Where is the person is good at, he/she should be staying on it.

The problem with gambling is that you either win or lose within a time frame as the game gets over but if you are investing in an asset you can just wait for months and even years because you believe in the project. Imagine someone buying bitcoins at 10k then having to see the price drop down to 3k but if they kept faith now they can get huge value but with gambling you either lose or win and there is no chance for you to delay or wait for things to change in your favor.

Gambling should only be meant for fun as everyone says and that is because no one can actually win in the long term, no matter what strategies you make you are always going to lose. Investment is made because you believe in a project and just want to buy some shares, a completely different scenario.
That's the difference in investment and as I've said you, don't mind waiting until that coin starts to recover. Gambling for fun is always being said but there really are those gamblers that are very professional and no doubt good at it.

Title: Re: The fine line between market investment and sports gambling
Post by: Mauser on March 31, 2021, 10:05:55 AM
Investment and Gambling are but two sides of the same coin. Both can rake in money, and both could leave you penniless as well if you're not thinking straight. But what I believe is the biggest difference between the two is their purpose. Market Investment is made to make money initially, and Gambling, tho some may argue, is primarily there for entertainment. It's up to you to think about the worth and weigh of the two.

Totally agree!
In both cases, people should draw their own line which shouldn't be crossed. Investing constantly and just for the sake of doing so is pure gambling and the opposite.
Even in gambling, if you play smart and look for value, it could be considered an investment. 

I also agree, investing and gambling is both about managing risks. You have money at hand which you want to put to use by either betting, gambling, trading or investing it. All of these things involve risk for which you are being rewarded by money from other people. You can either go long or short in investing, the same goes for sport bets. You can bet that your team wins or losses. Also in the eye of  the government these are very similar things, because you need to pay taxes on them. If you know a lot about a company you can trade their stock, if you know a lot about the sport team, you can bet on their next game.

Title: Re: The fine line between market investment and sports gambling
Post by: Ucy on March 31, 2021, 10:06:18 AM
The simple truth , (truth should not be confusing or too complicated) 👇

Gambling is taking big risk, whether in politics, forex, stock trading, investment,  sports, etc ,. The big risk is actually what makes it immoral... not the betting itself, otherwise lottery, referee throwing coin in the beginning of a match would be immoral.
The general terms should be Betting/Prediction rather than gambling. People typically associate gambling with taking big risk and  are/were discouraged from gambling.

Betting has to be safe in order to be considered moral.
You can Bet in sports without taking big risk or without gambling.

I have bet few times online but never gambled(except maybe few times in Crypto trading) . I have gambled few times over seven years ago in national stocks and lost alot.

Title: Re: The fine line between market investment and sports gambling
Post by: bitterguy28 on March 31, 2021, 10:28:46 AM
I have tried both and let me tell you that market investment or trading like they call it is way more dangerous than gambling.A gambling event for example sport game takes time like 90 minute a match and gives you time to reflect while the market changes every minute and if you become addicted you can cause yourself a lot more damage than gambling and this in a very short time.
You can hold your investments in the long term and you can pull it out anytime you feel like while in gambling overtime you are losing more money even if you are winning because the wins of the present is to offset the losses from the past and in gambling losses tend to incur faster than wins so I don't think that investment is more dangerous than gambling, maybe if you are on a pyramiding scheme then maybe your investment is in danger.

HArd fact but true , We may think that winning is on ours today but we don't tend to remember that our wins today is the losses we have in the past.
I Know also that we will never win in gambling if we don't know how to invest while in gambling.

So we are never winning because we still carried the losses from the past unless we can hit the jackpot, which I do not think will be easy to do. Many people are trying to playing gambling with money, but that only gives your money without winning.
something like that mate  ;D or we are still living in the past loses haha
But if in the investment, you will see the profit come to you in the future, although the price now is down, the chance for the price to increase will still be bigger. So you can choose what you want to do ;D
Well there is 2 investment in gambling platform that i read in gambling discussion but the one fails while the others earn.

Title: Re: The fine line between market investment and sports gambling
Post by: Fundamentals Of on March 31, 2021, 11:41:58 AM
First, I personally think both of them should stay legal. I mean what is wrong with a game that you can risk to lose money to win more... But I also think same with many. I think both should be regulated.
I think biggest reason between gambling and market investment is risk/gain value. Gambling is far more hard to be successful.

Exactly my point also. Both have their own risks. Both are therefore gambling in their own respect. Both could make one make money but both could also take away one's money through losses. Both have also their own sets of discipline.

But I don't think it is particularly harder to succeed in gambling than in investing. These are two different areas where one could become a master. In luck-based gambling, it is hard because the bets are not made out of careful analysis, skill, knowledge, etc but if we refer to skill-based gambling like poker or sports betting, there is mastery involved so it is not really harder compared to investing. It only involves a different set of capabilities.

Title: Re: The fine line between market investment and sports gambling
Post by: aysg76 on March 31, 2021, 12:33:53 PM
Sports betting or gambling comes under entertainment prespective although we use our skills, knowledge and experience to get exposure to new gambling sites coming in the market to get huge wins.Market investment are done with view to secure our future and have savings in the long run if we have invested in the right project like top cryptocurrencies, stock and bonds or gold or real estate or others.They both are based on your fate and if it's in your side you will definitely will win in the long run.But we need to differentiate between gambling and investment like gambling is more luck based but trading is complete package of your skills and knowledge you cannot blindly invest anywhere.So always play them in their respective area with your goals in mind.

Title: Re: The fine line between market investment and sports gambling
Post by: traderethereum on March 31, 2021, 01:09:01 PM
Investing in futures contracts and gambling have common characteristics and for this they can bring us profit or loss, Because they both rely heavily on betting!!
Do you mean trading in futures? If you do not use analysis before you trade in futures, it can be gambling because you predict if the trend will go down or up.
But if you use analysis to trade and know where the trend will go, I think that is not gambling.
But I think trading and gambling have a thin line between the two, and the differences are about the skills.
Maybe there will be a debate about this because trading without skills is related to gambling. After all, we only guess where the trend will move.

Title: Re: The fine line between market investment and sports gambling
Post by: Renampun on March 31, 2021, 03:10:42 PM
Investing in futures contracts and gambling have common characteristics and for this they can bring us profit or loss, Because they both rely heavily on betting!!
investing is almost like betting and it has been discussed for a long time...
everything in this world is basically a bet, when we live and do whatever we want is our bet. so investing is included in the bet as well, I don't know since when it was the difference between bets that were allowed and bets that were not allowed.

Title: Re: The fine line between market investment and sports gambling
Post by: Ulven on March 31, 2021, 06:56:39 PM
Investing in futures contracts and gambling have common characteristics and for this they can bring us profit or loss, Because they both rely heavily on betting!!
Do you mean trading in futures? If you do not use analysis before you trade in futures, it can be gambling because you predict if the trend will go down or up.
But if you use analysis to trade and know where the trend will go, I think that is not gambling.
But I think trading and gambling have a thin line between the two, and the differences are about the skills.
Maybe there will be a debate about this because trading without skills is related to gambling. After all, we only guess where the trend will move.

You are right,
In fact, investing in trading depends on employing a set of skills that help us close trades without incurring losses. The same thing happens when we bet on sports matches, if we don't have a strategy to work on, we face a big loss!

Title: Re: The fine line between market investment and sports gambling
Post by: acquafredda on March 31, 2021, 07:03:08 PM
Investing and gambling are two different things, come on. I hate to always have to see these sort of misleading discussions.
I would never put on the same table an investment with DCA in bitcoin and a $5 bet placed everyday. It cannot be that difficult to recognize the difference.
Even other kind of investments win against gambling! You can buy a house, buy some stocks, invest in an ETF... but please, do not think that it is the same as gambling.

Title: Re: The fine line between market investment and sports gambling
Post by: Twentyonepaylots on March 31, 2021, 09:30:41 PM
Gambling and marketing investment are two sides of the same coin, With Gambling, you're gambling for your present, with investment, you're risking your future. Then again, one thing that also defines them is how they are generally seen by the people. Market Investment is seen by many as a way to earn money, whilst gambling, though some may argue as well, is generally seen as a form of entertainment. Both offer hefty profits at the risk of something lost, Gambling could cause devastating losses depending on the person, same goes with Market Investment, although it doesn't happen that much.

Title: Re: The fine line between market investment and sports gambling
Post by: ReiMomo on March 31, 2021, 09:54:07 PM
Investing for me is almost the same as gambling, in short, investing is a sort of gambling but the more worst is gambling when it comes to risk and it is based on luck, so whatever strategy you will apply, most likely you end up keep losing the more time you will spend on it.

Let us not complicate those things, both of them are very risky and I agree above, they are the same coin but different faces, coin mean they are risky but have a different styles on how to risk.

Title: Re: The fine line between market investment and sports gambling
Post by: Silberman on April 01, 2021, 12:06:52 AM
HArd fact but true , We may think that winning is on ours today but we don't tend to remember that our wins today is the losses we have in the past.
I Know also that we will never win in gambling if we don't know how to invest while in gambling.

So we are never winning because we still carried the losses from the past unless we can hit the jackpot, which I do not think will be easy to do. Many people are trying to playing gambling with money, but that only gives your money without winning.

But if in the investment, you will see the profit come to you in the future, although the price now is down, the chance for the price to increase will still be bigger. So you can choose what you want to do ;D
That is pretty much how it works, people are always worrying about how much money they win or lose in a single session not understanding that gambling just like investing is just one big session that lasts for a lifetime, so it doesn't matter if you have one good day if during the whole history in which you have been gambling or investing you are losing money, this can be difficult to understand but once you do you can easily realize the difference between investing in gambling.

Title: Re: The fine line between market investment and sports gambling
Post by: xSkylarx on April 01, 2021, 04:15:05 AM
Question: "Market investors and hedge funds bet the price of an asset will increase or decrease by buying or shorting stocks. Gamblers bet one sports team will defeat another by placing bets. Is there a real difference between these two things. Should one be illegalized while the other is not."

I suspect some who have tried their hand at both gambling and crypto exchange trading might identify with these remarks. High risk correlated with high reward ventures such as sports gambling and market investment might both qualify as gambling. There may be many cultural and societal similarities between equity traders and sports gamblers as well. With big data and algorithm based approaches being the most successful innovations of recent times, in both areas.

Their difference for me is in crypto exchange trading there is what they call risk management. You just bet 5% or less of your portfolio to avoid being liquidated. You can even set your stop-loss and adjust the leversge to avoid bigger loss. Market trend and reading the chart can help you a lot to plan your trade.  While in sportsbetting, it depends on the odd and your bet on how much you are going to win. It would be difficult to recover if you hit 2 or more losses.

Title: Re: The fine line between market investment and sports gambling
Post by: qwertyup23 on April 01, 2021, 04:25:47 AM
Thats complicated...many peoples think that investment and gambling are the same and i think the idea is not totally the wining situation for example when you make a bet at 2 ods your asset will be doubled once the bet get settled but  investment can have some other the losing case bettors will dont have any chance to recover their money but investors maybe will recover and make huge profits by holding their investment

Investment and gambling are two worlds separated by a fine line of skill.

Investment deals with the speculation of a stock/cryptocurrency in which its price may increase in the near future. On the other hand, gambling generally involves more of a short-term situation where you bet your resources hoping that the odds may be in your favour. While luck may seem to be involved in both, the technical analysis is more present in investing.

Title: Re: The fine line between market investment and sports gambling
Post by: uneng on April 01, 2021, 04:32:04 AM
Gambling and marketing investment are two sides of the same coin, With Gambling, you're gambling for your present, with investment, you're risking your future. Then again, one thing that also defines them is how they are generally seen by the people. Market Investment is seen by many as a way to earn money, whilst gambling, though some may argue as well, is generally seen as a form of entertainment. Both offer hefty profits at the risk of something lost, Gambling could cause devastating losses depending on the person, same goes with Market Investment, although it doesn't happen that much.
Market investment is seen as a way to earn money because the risks are much lower than gambling. On long run market investments are pretty safe, while gambling is quite the opposite. Both have risks, I agree, but the risk isn't proportional. There are many people who improved their life's standards through market investments, while there are very few who achieved the same through gambling. What should be clear is that one is for business purposes, while the another is for entertainment purposes. At least for most people.

Title: Re: The fine line between market investment and sports gambling
Post by: Wexnident on April 01, 2021, 04:56:59 AM
Investment and gambling are two worlds separated by a fine line of skill.

Investment deals with the speculation of a stock/cryptocurrency in which its price may increase in the near future. On the other hand, gambling generally involves more of a short-term situation where you bet your resources hoping that the odds may be in your favour. While luck may seem to be involved in both, the technical analysis is more present in investing.
I'd correct that with how investment and gambling is separated by skill and luck. The former is used in investments, and the latter is used in gambling. Though in the case of sports gambling, it's actually isn't that reliant on luck. If you were to consider how research on investments and research on sports gambling work, they'd be two peas of the same pod imo. Though they may be called different terms (TA for investments, idrk what its called in sports gambling), I suppose you could say both of them require you to actually analyze and study data (granted that you study two different types). The only time it is separated by luck is in terms of casino gambling games I suppose?

It's like the choice of being able to choose where you would place yourself in investing and sports gambling (by researching) when gambling is randomly being placed somewhere in a plot of winners/losers.

Title: Re: The fine line between market investment and sports gambling
Post by: shoreno on April 01, 2021, 06:34:10 AM
Thats complicated...many peoples think that investment and gambling are the same and i think the idea is not totally the wining situation for example when you make a bet at 2 ods your asset will be doubled once the bet get settled but  investment can have some other situations...
use the game crash as an example for both because your profits can go higher but its up to you what rate will you cash out before the game crashes .

in the losing case bettors will dont have any chance to recover their money but investors maybe will recover and make huge profits by holding their investment
if your betting with martingale , you think your gonna loose because of many reds but theres a posibility that you can hit your target in few rolls. thats what makes them think that gambling and investing are the same

Title: Re: The fine line between market investment and sports gambling
Post by: traderethereum on April 01, 2021, 12:09:08 PM
Investing in futures contracts and gambling have common characteristics and for this they can bring us profit or loss, Because they both rely heavily on betting!!
Do you mean trading in futures? If you do not use analysis before you trade in futures, it can be gambling because you predict if the trend will go down or up.
But if you use analysis to trade and know where the trend will go, I think that is not gambling.
But I think trading and gambling have a thin line between the two, and the differences are about the skills.
Maybe there will be a debate about this because trading without skills is related to gambling. After all, we only guess where the trend will move.

You are right,
In fact, investing in trading depends on employing a set of skills that help us close trades without incurring losses. The same thing happens when we bet on sports matches, if we don't have a strategy to work on, we face a big loss!
Maybe trading and sports betting similar to each other because we need to have knowledge about that so we can know when to make a profit.
But most people who trade do not have knowledge but they depend on the other people suggestion or use the signal from some groups. And that happens too with people who bet on sports betting.
And both trading and sports betting use history of making analysis and decision later.

Title: Re: The fine line between market investment and sports gambling
Post by: jrrsparkles on April 01, 2021, 12:43:57 PM
When the intention of doing sports betting is to make more then both hedging funds and sportbook are similar in nature and moreover yes its just a pure gambling. But we are living in a society consider one as sin and other one as smartest move from a person.

Title: Re: The fine line between market investment and sports gambling
Post by: molsewid on April 01, 2021, 05:23:51 PM
Investing for me is almost the same as gambling, in short, investing is a sort of gambling but the more worst is gambling when it comes to risk and it is based on luck, so whatever strategy you will apply, most likely you end up keep losing the more time you will spend on it.

Let us not complicate those things, both of them are very risky and I agree above, they are the same coin but different faces, coin mean they are risky but have a different styles on how to risk.
I will agree with you mate, in fact investment was also called as gambling but you're not literally applying gambling here but the mere fact that you are taking risks, putting a capital or money in something or products that you didn't sure to what might be the end game of your investment. However, in area of cryptocurrency both gambling and investment goes in the same thing. What i mean is you can gamble and invest at the same time and at the same crypto you trusted to invest and gamble to win with however can't deny that the level of risk were undeniable.

Title: Re: The fine line between market investment and sports gambling
Post by: acquafredda on April 01, 2021, 07:05:45 PM
The average poster here does not even know what an investment as, how can it be confused with gambling? I am getting mad because of the priciple here, I cannot stand reading these bullshits.
Investing is a serious thing that has ancient roots: the history of investing can be traced back to the famous Code of Hammurabi, written around 1700 BCE: the law established a way to pledge collateral in exchange for investing in a project. In the Code of Hammurabi, land was required to be pledged as collateral.
Our modern investments are still based on those very rules. Please study some history.

Title: Re: The fine line between market investment and sports gambling
Post by: Smartvirus on April 01, 2021, 11:49:45 PM
An interesting question was posed by the author here.

Question: "Market investors and hedge funds bet the price of an asset will increase or decrease by buying or shorting stocks. Gamblers bet one sports team will defeat another by placing bets. Is there a real difference between these two things. Should one be illegalized while the other is not."
From the point I'm viewing this right now, there is pretty much no difference between them both. Its a game that is centered about taking one of either sides in a 2 option probability and yes. Thats what bets are about, a probability for which one is bounded to occur and being a winner depends on either side you take.

Mean while, I'm very okay with them both being completely legal as it is something done out of freewill and isn't some kind of forced participation. Making either one illegal would only bring some illegality to the practice and it too becomes a hindrance to the demonstration of a person's expertise in an exercise.

Title: Re: The fine line between market investment and sports gambling
Post by: fortebettor on April 02, 2021, 06:46:43 AM
In the broad sense of the word, both are gambling. There's not much difference between the two. It's just that there are various interpretations of the word, various contexts on which gambling could be construed differently.

Gambling could refer to placing bets on a game of chance or on a sports team as much as it could refer to taking a risk making a bid order in a stock market or on a crypto exchange platform. However, most of the time gambling in the sense of the former is more on merely having fun and taking blind chances while the latter is oftentimes understood as a serious undertaking which involves a lot of informed analysis.

At the end of the day, I don't think one should be made illegal while the other legal. But both should be highly regulated.

It is all one big absurdity.  The more things regulated the better for the authorities and the worse for the rest. That is what it is all about: uncertainty and doubt. It is not the free market that decides, but someone behind a desk

Title: Re: The fine line between market investment and sports gambling
Post by: Matic on April 02, 2021, 06:49:46 AM
gambling is also sport right you spend a lot of calories

Title: Re: The fine line between market investment and sports gambling
Post by: KTChampions on April 02, 2021, 01:55:06 PM
Despite some similarities, these activities are radically different. Gambling is just a game of luck. Hedge funds don't play with luck - they buy and sell liquidity, arbitrage interest rates and risks, etc. This is an ordinary business that has nothing to do with gambling.
By the way, a traditional businessman like a baker of buns can also suffer from random events, but we are not saying that his activities are similar to gambling.
Thinking that hedge funds don't play with luck is naive in my opinion. 2008 has shown the world how the big finance companies are gambling with money and take extraordinary risks in order to gain profits. The difference between hedge funds and gamblers are just, that the first are able to manipulate markets because of their market power.

This difference does not seem to you fundamental?
2008 is not an argument in favor of that hedge funds play with luck - there are winners and losers in the market. Progress kills some of the industry and they withdraw from the market. This is normal. Yes, and you can look for the general position of hedge funds at a distance - most of them feel great while most gamblers go bankrupt at a distance.

Title: Re: The fine line between market investment and sports gambling
Post by: Rengga Jati on April 02, 2021, 10:02:30 PM
Between gambling and investing, it may be somewhat the same. But fundamentally different. We're talking about putting money into something. When investing, we put money in a certain period of time, based on analysis and also certain investment market conditions. So, a good investment is investing in things that are truly trusted, have value, and of course based on in-depth research. And the result, when we decide to sell it at a certain rate, of course, this is the rate we want after getting profit.
Whereas in gambling, we are like betting our money every time they play or we play. At that time, we might lose and maybe win as well. But if we or our bets lose, our money will immediately disappear at that time. We can't hold on for the next match.

What may be more the same as gambling is trading without research, only relying on luck and also in high risk only or following the hype only.

Title: Re: The fine line between market investment and sports gambling
Post by: Darker45 on April 03, 2021, 02:09:45 AM
In the broad sense of the word, both are gambling. There's not much difference between the two. It's just that there are various interpretations of the word, various contexts on which gambling could be construed differently.

Gambling could refer to placing bets on a game of chance or on a sports team as much as it could refer to taking a risk making a bid order in a stock market or on a crypto exchange platform. However, most of the time gambling in the sense of the former is more on merely having fun and taking blind chances while the latter is oftentimes understood as a serious undertaking which involves a lot of informed analysis.

At the end of the day, I don't think one should be made illegal while the other legal. But both should be highly regulated.

It is all one big absurdity.  The more things regulated the better for the authorities and the worse for the rest. That is what it is all about: uncertainty and doubt. It is not the free market that decides, but someone behind a desk

Regulation, to a certain extent, is necessary. Imagine a completely regulation-free environment. That is one bigger absurdity. You wouldn't want it for sure.

Of course, regulation has to be moderated, kept within reasonable bounds, feedback-driven, and so forth. But when it comes to uncertainty and doubt, those are severe in a market which has no regulation whatsoever.

Freedom is sweet. But try absolute freedom. It kills.

Title: Re: The fine line between market investment and sports gambling
Post by: fortebettor on April 03, 2021, 02:36:55 PM
In the broad sense of the word, both are gambling. There's not much difference between the two. It's just that there are various interpretations of the word, various contexts on which gambling could be construed differently.

Gambling could refer to placing bets on a game of chance or on a sports team as much as it could refer to taking a risk making a bid order in a stock market or on a crypto exchange platform. However, most of the time gambling in the sense of the former is more on merely having fun and taking blind chances while the latter is oftentimes understood as a serious undertaking which involves a lot of informed analysis.

At the end of the day, I don't think one should be made illegal while the other legal. But both should be highly regulated.

It is all one big absurdity.  The more things regulated the better for the authorities and the worse for the rest. That is what it is all about: uncertainty and doubt. It is not the free market that decides, but someone behind a desk

Regulation, to a certain extent, is necessary. Imagine a completely regulation-free environment. That is one bigger absurdity. You wouldn't want it for sure.

Of course, regulation has to be moderated, kept within reasonable bounds, feedback-driven, and so forth. But when it comes to uncertainty and doubt, those are severe in a market which has no regulation whatsoever.

Freedom is sweet. But try absolute freedom. It kills.

What is the definition of absolute freedom according to you? Everything is possible but not everything is beneficial. Everyone has a conscience and the right attitude to be good. When you are born you know immediately what is good and what is not unless someone distorts this image. You don't need any regulations for that. It is one thing to punish evil and another to regulate it.

Title: Re: The fine line between market investment and sports gambling
Post by: Becky666 on April 03, 2021, 04:15:03 PM
When the intention of doing sports betting is to make more then both hedging funds and sportbook are similar in nature and moreover yes its just a pure gambling. But we are living in a society consider one as sin and other one as smartest move from a person.
This types are those who are addicted to gambling and investment; these two are same when you motives are to hit and run from them but will later become the victim in the making. When you have dubious mindset towards the investment and gambling believe me you will definitely become their victim, example: invest just 100$ to get $10,000k or there are sure odds for pick that will cost just $100 but at the end went down the drain.

Title: Re: The fine line between market investment and sports gambling
Post by: Silberman on April 04, 2021, 12:05:48 AM
Thats complicated...many peoples think that investment and gambling are the same and i think the idea is not totally the wining situation for example when you make a bet at 2 ods your asset will be doubled once the bet get settled but  investment can have some other the losing case bettors will dont have any chance to recover their money but investors maybe will recover and make huge profits by holding their investment

Investment and gambling are two worlds separated by a fine line of skill.

Investment deals with the speculation of a stock/cryptocurrency in which its price may increase in the near future. On the other hand, gambling generally involves more of a short-term situation where you bet your resources hoping that the odds may be in your favour. While luck may seem to be involved in both, the technical analysis is more present in investing.

It seems to me that you are confusing investment with trading, traders are the ones that speculate with the price of an asset on the short term, investors do not really speculate, they look at the fundamentals of an asset and then they try to project to the future whether or not that asset is going to be more valuable in the future and if they think that is the case then they put their money in that asset, this is precisely what is happening now with institutional investors coming to bitcoin at the moment

Title: Re: The fine line between market investment and sports gambling
Post by: TelolettOm on April 04, 2021, 12:34:43 AM
They are just two different thing but very similar. investment is a means to earn from your keeping why the so called gambling doesn't but wen appropriately done and win then you will earn reward. Investment isn't gambling and gambling won't be like investment, except when the operators tend to be illegal about the two. 
People who say that investing can use multiplication are wrong. only the bookie can benefit in gambling and the users when they are able to apply this will surely lose by fighting their emotions. So what is clear is that there is a fundamental difference between gambling and investing. people who are addicted to gambling find it difficult to get out of this vicious circle. because surely they think how to return their lost capital

Title: Re: The fine line between market investment and sports gambling
Post by: Darker45 on April 04, 2021, 12:43:11 AM
In the broad sense of the word, both are gambling. There's not much difference between the two. It's just that there are various interpretations of the word, various contexts on which gambling could be construed differently.

Gambling could refer to placing bets on a game of chance or on a sports team as much as it could refer to taking a risk making a bid order in a stock market or on a crypto exchange platform. However, most of the time gambling in the sense of the former is more on merely having fun and taking blind chances while the latter is oftentimes understood as a serious undertaking which involves a lot of informed analysis.

At the end of the day, I don't think one should be made illegal while the other legal. But both should be highly regulated.

It is all one big absurdity.  The more things regulated the better for the authorities and the worse for the rest. That is what it is all about: uncertainty and doubt. It is not the free market that decides, but someone behind a desk

Regulation, to a certain extent, is necessary. Imagine a completely regulation-free environment. That is one bigger absurdity. You wouldn't want it for sure.

Of course, regulation has to be moderated, kept within reasonable bounds, feedback-driven, and so forth. But when it comes to uncertainty and doubt, those are severe in a market which has no regulation whatsoever.

Freedom is sweet. But try absolute freedom. It kills.

What is the definition of absolute freedom according to you? Everything is possible but not everything is beneficial. Everyone has a conscience and the right attitude to be good. When you are born you know immediately what is good and what is not unless someone distorts this image. You don't need any regulations for that. It is one thing to punish evil and another to regulate it.

In the most simple terms, absolute freedom means you can do anything you want, without limit, and without any constraint. That sounds sweet but dreadful.

Forget about beneficial; that's subjective. Forget about right attitude and conscience. Forget about good and evil. Those are meaningless concepts in a place where every single person is absolutely free.

I'm not so sure about you being born knowing what is good and what is not. What I'm sure of is that the rest of the human beings were born tabula rasa.

My friend, in a human society, regulations are not exclusive for evil things. Everything is regulated.

Title: Re: The fine line between market investment and sports gambling
Post by: cabron on April 04, 2021, 02:15:51 AM
Thats complicated...many peoples think that investment and gambling are the same and i think the idea is not totally the wining situation for example when you make a bet at 2 ods your asset will be doubled once the bet get settled but  investment can have some other the losing case bettors will dont have any chance to recover their money but investors maybe will recover and make huge profits by holding their investment

Investment and gambling are two worlds separated by a fine line of skill.

Investment deals with the speculation of a stock/cryptocurrency in which its price may increase in the near future. On the other hand, gambling generally involves more of a short-term situation where you bet your resources hoping that the odds may be in your favour. While luck may seem to be involved in both, the technical analysis is more present in investing.

It seems to me that you are confusing investment with trading, traders are the ones that speculate with the price of an asset on the short term, investors do not really speculate, they look at the fundamentals of an asset and then they try to project to the future whether or not that asset is going to be more valuable in the future and if they think that is the case then they put their money in that asset, this is precisely what is happening now with institutional investors coming to bitcoin at the moment

That is a clear line between the two.  There is no question whether this is a futures contract of sport betting because it's still considered gambling while investing is simply putting funds as investment and then wait to collect profit in the future.

This futures contract for sports betting is quite a way to make people indulge in sports gambling. Because they are talking about futures then there is a chance to make good money with small bets right?

Title: Re: The fine line between market investment and sports gambling
Post by: Wexnident on April 04, 2021, 05:39:23 AM
What is the definition of absolute freedom according to you? Everything is possible but not everything is beneficial. Everyone has a conscience and the right attitude to be good. When you are born you know immediately what is good and what is not unless someone distorts this image. You don't need any regulations for that. It is one thing to punish evil and another to regulate it.

In the most simple terms, absolute freedom means you can do anything you want, without limit, and without any constraint. That sounds sweet but dreadful.

Forget about beneficial; that's subjective. Forget about right attitude and conscience. Forget about good and evil. Those are meaningless concepts in a place where every single person is absolutely free.

I'm not so sure about you being born knowing what is good and what is not. What I'm sure of is that the rest of the human beings were born tabula rasa.

My friend, in a human society, regulations are not exclusive for evil things. Everything is regulated.
I'd have to agree with Darker here, you were born as a clean slate, and any preconception of good and evil that you would have all came from whoever taught you. Killing people? From an absolute freedom perspective, there's nothing wrong, nor nothing right there. This would be the result of what you said earlier, "more regulated = better for authorities but worse for the rest". Even the way the "conscience" is defined should be biased by something one way or another.

Regulation is needed to control that "absolute freedom" since it isn't necessarily something good. In the end, the freedom most people seek is just something that is advantageous to them, not the "freedom" of being free itself. It's like skewing the idea of winners in investments not sharing their strategies with others to they "should".

It seems to me that you are confusing investment with trading, traders are the ones that speculate with the price of an asset on the short term, investors do not really speculate, they look at the fundamentals of an asset and then they try to project to the future whether or not that asset is going to be more valuable in the future and if they think that is the case then they put their money in that asset, this is precisely what is happening now with institutional investors coming to bitcoin at the moment
They're the same, both are involved in speculation, just that the time frame that the both of them look at is different.

Title: Re: The fine line between market investment and sports gambling
Post by: Mauser on April 04, 2021, 07:51:37 AM
They are just two different thing but very similar. investment is a means to earn from your keeping why the so called gambling doesn't but wen appropriately done and win then you will earn reward. Investment isn't gambling and gambling won't be like investment, except when the operators tend to be illegal about the two. 
People who say that investing can use multiplication are wrong. only the bookie can benefit in gambling and the users when they are able to apply this will surely lose by fighting their emotions. So what is clear is that there is a fundamental difference between gambling and investing. people who are addicted to gambling find it difficult to get out of this vicious circle. because surely they think how to return their lost capital

I agree with you, but people can get addicted to gambling as well as investing. I remember my grandfather back in the day talking about his stock trading times, he lost a lot of money in one stock and every subsequent trade was just to make the money back he lost in worst trade. He couldn't sell the stock, forget it and just move on. Everytime he looked at his statements he saw the big red of his worst trade. With hindsight now I would say he was definitely addicted to trading stocks, checking the news paper every morning and talking a lot about potential trades. So while betting is against the bookmaker and if we lose, he is winning, it isn't too different from investing. Here we just gamble against a lot of other people who will profit if we lose.

Title: Re: The fine line between market investment and sports gambling
Post by: Twentyonepaylots on April 04, 2021, 11:42:28 PM
In the broad sense of the word, both are gambling. There's not much difference between the two. It's just that there are various interpretations of the word, various contexts on which gambling could be construed differently.

Gambling could refer to placing bets on a game of chance or on a sports team as much as it could refer to taking a risk making a bid order in a stock market or on a crypto exchange platform. However, most of the time gambling in the sense of the former is more on merely having fun and taking blind chances while the latter is oftentimes understood as a serious undertaking which involves a lot of informed analysis.

At the end of the day, I don't think one should be made illegal while the other legal. But both should be highly regulated.
Totally agree. For me, both are two sides of the same coin, offering both huge profits and considerable or even at times devastating losses as well. One requires great decision making and timing more than self-control and emotional thinking, while it's the other way around for the other. It's basically pick your poison when it comes to these two.

Title: Re: The fine line between market investment and sports gambling
Post by: Lorence.xD on April 05, 2021, 02:41:42 AM
only the bookie can benefit in gambling and the users when they are able to apply this will surely lose by fighting their emotions. So what is clear is that there is a fundamental difference between gambling and investing. people who are addicted to gambling find it difficult to get out of this vicious circle. because surely they think how to return their lost capital
That is why gambling is a really good business because no matter what day it is as long as there is a steady influx of gamblers, you will still profit because the house always wins. By the way, what is the fundamental difference that you are talking about?

I agree that getting out of your addiction is difficult, I have been there and let me tell you that the only way to stop the cycle is to do it yourself with or without the external help of intervention, you are the only one who can end the cycle.

Title: Re: The fine line between market investment and sports gambling
Post by: bitzizzix on April 05, 2021, 03:11:35 AM
Financial freedom and achievable success require a process, and not a shortcut or an instant. enjoying every process that has been passed will give a sense of pride for the results of his hard work.
Therefore investing that is based on analysis and methods that are measurable and can be calculated profits and losses, it is better to avoid gambling because gambling causes more losses.
and investing means investing money or capital in a company or project or crypto for the purpose of making a profit, and gambling is a game that uses money or coins as a bet, and will result in an addiction that is hard to avoid.
Investing and gambling has many different activities and so on, and investing is much better than gambling which carries a greater risk and investing is very safe if done in the long term.

Title: Re: The fine line between market investment and sports gambling
Post by: peter0425 on April 05, 2021, 03:41:49 AM
So we are never winning because we still carried the losses from the past unless we can hit the jackpot, which I do not think will be easy to do. Many people are trying to playing gambling with money, but that only gives your money without winning.
Hitting a jackpot comes only One in a Billion chance mate meaning this cannot be for many times.

Meaning totality is we are loser and the banker will always Win.
Besides, it happens one in a billion chance, which will come to one in a billion people who have big luck at that moment. That shows us playing gambling will not benefit most people who want to make money from gambling.

But if in the investment, you will see the profit come to you in the future, although the price now is down, the chance for the price to increase will still be bigger. So you can choose what you want to do ;D
Well it is not constantly gaining because In the former YoloDice in which i followed to investors , the first one lost while the other one gains because of the Huge increase in Bitcoin but if not?sure he will lose as well.
I think some investors in YoloDice really profit from the investment in that site, but they do not tell who they are, so we do not have references for them except people who share their story in this forum.
Yeah there are some I'm sure but there are also who does not, But 1 thing for sure that the Owner etha-x is the winner   ;D ;D ;D

But yet I don't really advised People to invest in gambling site nowadays , Instead of investing they should have Just Play with it.

Title: Re: The fine line between market investment and sports gambling
Post by: Smartprofit on April 05, 2021, 06:33:25 AM
In my opinion, investing in altcoins can be compared to gambling. 

Let's say a bullish round begins in the alt market.  There are a huge number of different alternative cryptocurrencies. 

How to determine which of the coins will increase significantly in value?  The investor does not know this. 

He must guess, counting on a win, and this is essentially gambling.  Gambling is based on a mathematical system.  Investing in shitcoin is not based on a mathematical system that artificially limits the player's ability to win. 

However, there are so many shitcoins, their price is so unpredictable that the investor actually becomes a gambler. 

He is forced to engage in single combat with chaos and luck in order to make a profit.

Title: Re: The fine line between market investment and sports gambling
Post by: Ziskinberg on April 05, 2021, 08:20:38 AM
In my opinion, investing in altcoins can be compared to gambling. 

Let's say a bullish round begins in the alt market.  There are a huge number of different alternative cryptocurrencies. 

How to determine which of the coins will increase significantly in value?  The investor does not know this. 

He must guess, counting on a win, and this is essentially gambling.  Gambling is based on a mathematical system.  Investing in shitcoin is not based on a mathematical system that artificially limits the player's ability to win. 

However, there are so many shitcoins, their price is so unpredictable that the investor actually becomes a gambler. 

He is forced to engage in single combat with chaos and luck in order to make a profit.

Wow, that's another good point mate,... but honestly, I think investing is way easier than gambling as we have basis in investing altcoins. you can check their community if its active and check on the development, while in gambling, you win or lose and mostly based on luck.

Thing is, if you invest in altcoins, and you have invested in a asset where it has a good trading volume, you don't loss your money right away even if it dumped, you hold it and wait until the price will rise again, that's the big difference in gambling.

Title: Re: The fine line between market investment and sports gambling
Post by: leea-1334 on April 05, 2021, 04:12:34 PM
That is why gambling is a really good business because no matter what day it is as long as there is a steady influx of gamblers, you will still profit because the house always wins. By the way, what is the fundamental difference that you are talking about?

I agree that getting out of your addiction is difficult, I have been there and let me tell you that the only way to stop the cycle is to do it yourself with or without the external help of intervention, you are the only one who can end the cycle.

Profit is not guaranteed,,, you can always fall victim to pure dumb luck, which is why crypto gambling is still a bit risky as you cannot have insurance to cover the unlikely scenario where lucky gamblers can wipe you out.

I know this well as a crypto investor in casino bankrolls. If lucky gamblers win big, you can wipe out years of house edge profit!

Title: Re: The fine line between market investment and sports gambling
Post by: carlisle1 on April 05, 2021, 04:48:08 PM
That is why gambling is a really good business because no matter what day it is as long as there is a steady influx of gamblers, you will still profit because the house always wins. By the way, what is the fundamental difference that you are talking about?

I agree that getting out of your addiction is difficult, I have been there and let me tell you that the only way to stop the cycle is to do it yourself with or without the external help of intervention, you are the only one who can end the cycle.

Profit is not guaranteed,,, you can always fall victim to pure dumb luck, which is why crypto gambling is still a bit risky as you cannot have insurance to cover the unlikely scenario where lucky gamblers can wipe you out.

I know this well as a crypto investor in casino bankrolls. If lucky gamblers win big, you can wipe out years of house edge profit!

You always have to consider those scenarios if you are boarding yourself into this types of investment.

Casino bankroll got a high edge from the gambler but if a lucky whale or not lucky but experienced and wise whale comes up and sucked those money
inside the bankroll things can easily be changed. It's not always in the positive side even you are in the side of the bank, there are risk and it unavoidable
to happen.

Title: Re: The fine line between market investment and sports gambling
Post by: KTChampions on April 05, 2021, 04:58:52 PM
That is why gambling is a really good business because no matter what day it is as long as there is a steady influx of gamblers, you will still profit because the house always wins. By the way, what is the fundamental difference that you are talking about?

Unfortunately, not every investor can open their own casino/betting business. And as we saw on the topics on this forum, investing in casinos surprisingly often brings losses. Therefore, if I had chosen, I would have chosen to invest in traditional assets rather than in the geboing business.

Title: Re: The fine line between market investment and sports gambling
Post by: dimonstration on April 05, 2021, 08:50:20 PM
They are just two different thing but very similar. investment is a means to earn from your keeping why the so called gambling doesn't but wen appropriately done and win then you will earn reward. Investment isn't gambling and gambling won't be like investment, except when the operators tend to be illegal about the two. 
Investing can be a a problem to when we only just go with it without studying it, its like taking a gambling since we dont5do research but it can lessen when we do our research and what to buy and hold. It is less riskier and we have fully control on what decision we will do unlike in gambling that the House who controls it.

Title: Re: The fine line between market investment and sports gambling
Post by: Twinkledoe on April 05, 2021, 09:22:41 PM
They are just two different thing but very similar. investment is a means to earn from your keeping why the so called gambling doesn't but wen appropriately done and win then you will earn reward. Investment isn't gambling and gambling won't be like investment, except when the operators tend to be illegal about the two. 
Investing can be a a problem to when we only just go with it without studying it, its like taking a gambling since we dont5do research but it can lessen when we do our research and what to buy and hold. It is less riskier and we have fully control on what decision we will do unlike in gambling that the House who controls it.

And also, most gambling games are based on luck. When it comes to investment, the fate of your funds depends on your management. It is not based on luck. It is how well you know how to handle finances and things that go in between. You have the full control on what you want to do with your money. Whereas, in gambling, there is house edge, and that is the advantage of being a house.

Title: Re: The fine line between market investment and sports gambling
Post by: michellee on April 06, 2021, 03:22:42 PM
They are just two different thing but very similar. investment is a means to earn from your keeping why the so called gambling doesn't but wen appropriately done and win then you will earn reward. Investment isn't gambling and gambling won't be like investment, except when the operators tend to be illegal about the two. 
Investing can be a a problem to when we only just go with it without studying it, its like taking a gambling since we dont5do research but it can lessen when we do our research and what to buy and hold. It is less riskier and we have fully control on what decision we will do unlike in gambling that the House who controls it.
So the investment will help us earn the reward in the future, and if we can get the right investment, such as investing in bitcoin, we can profit in the future. But that will not happen in gambling because we can lose all of the money without we can try to recover. Maybe if we can use the money that we spend for gambling to invest in something like bitcoin and other coins, we can a nice return in the future. But make sure you learn before you invest so you will not make a wrong decision.

Title: Re: The fine line between market investment and sports gambling
Post by: Silberman on April 07, 2021, 12:07:02 AM
It seems to me that you are confusing investment with trading, traders are the ones that speculate with the price of an asset on the short term, investors do not really speculate, they look at the fundamentals of an asset and then they try to project to the future whether or not that asset is going to be more valuable in the future and if they think that is the case then they put their money in that asset, this is precisely what is happening now with institutional investors coming to bitcoin at the moment
They're the same, both are involved in speculation, just that the time frame that the both of them look at is different.
We will have to agree to disagree here, because I do not see investing as speculation at all, a person investing in a business is doing so because that person really believes in the business in question and it is not really interested in selling their assets anytime soon or ever, after all if you are invested in a good business then why sell? This is why bitcoin holders always urge people to keep holding their coins no matter what as they have no plans of selling soon and maybe ever.

Title: Re: The fine line between market investment and sports gambling
Post by: Coin_trader on April 07, 2021, 12:16:26 AM
They are just two different thing but very similar. investment is a means to earn from your keeping why the so called gambling doesn't but wen appropriately done and win then you will earn reward. Investment isn't gambling and gambling won't be like investment, except when the operators tend to be illegal about the two. 
Investing can be a a problem to when we only just go with it without studying it, its like taking a gambling since we dont5do research but it can lessen when we do our research and what to buy and hold. It is less riskier and we have fully control on what decision we will do unlike in gambling that the House who controls it.

Investment is far different from gambling in my point of view and this should not be compared. Gambling is purely based on luck to earn while on Investment, you can have high chance of gaining profit if you case study on the things or company that you want to invest in just like what you said that you have full control on the funds.

Title: Re: The fine line between market investment and sports gambling
Post by: paxmao on April 07, 2021, 12:59:59 AM
In the most simple terms, absolute freedom means you can do anything you want, without limit, and without any constraint. That sounds sweet but dreadful.

Forget about beneficial; that's subjective. Forget about right attitude and conscience. Forget about good and evil. Those are meaningless concepts in a place where every single person is absolutely free.

I'm not so sure about you being born knowing what is good and what is not. What I'm sure of is that the rest of the human beings were born tabula rasa.

My friend, in a human society, regulations are not exclusive for evil things. Everything is regulated.

Absolute freedom is just impossible, our own nature as humans (well, I am partly and AI living on a cloud service, but that would take too long to explain :)) and even our own nature as physical beings limited in space, time and sensory abilities set up a boundary to what we can do.

Many times people refer to "financial freedom" which is to, at least, be able to have a wide choice on what to invest your time. It is not much about earning and multiplying, but also about deciding to live with with what is really worth.

Title: Re: The fine line between market investment and sports gambling
Post by: KTChampions on April 09, 2021, 09:15:54 AM
We will have to agree to disagree here, because I do not see investing as speculation at all, a person investing in a business is doing so because that person really believes in the business in question and it is not really interested in selling their assets anytime soon or ever, after all if you are invested in a good business then why sell? This is why bitcoin holders always urge people to keep holding their coins no matter what as they have no plans of selling soon and maybe ever.

In the first part, I completely agree - if the business remains relevant and satisfies the needs of people, then there is no point in selling a stake in it as it makes a profit. As for the holding of crypto, this phenomenon also has a negative side - because of this, practical application falls, which sooner or later will lead to a fall in the price of the asset itself.

Title: Re: The fine line between market investment and sports gambling
Post by: noormcs5 on April 09, 2021, 10:01:14 AM
It seems to me that you are confusing investment with trading, traders are the ones that speculate with the price of an asset on the short term, investors do not really speculate, they look at the fundamentals of an asset and then they try to project to the future whether or not that asset is going to be more valuable in the future and if they think that is the case then they put their money in that asset, this is precisely what is happening now with institutional investors coming to bitcoin at the moment
They're the same, both are involved in speculation, just that the time frame that the both of them look at is different.
We will have to agree to disagree here, because I do not see investing as speculation at all, a person investing in a business is doing so because that person really believes in the business in question and it is not really interested in selling their assets anytime soon or ever, after all if you are invested in a good business then why sell? This is why bitcoin holders always urge people to keep holding their coins no matter what as they have no plans of selling soon and maybe ever.

Yes, investment and gambling are entirely different things and should no be compared with each other. People invest for long/medium term and the risk is very less if the investment is in the right place.
On the other hand, gambling is highly risky task and only those who can afford to lose their money should gamble.

Title: Re: The fine line between market investment and sports gambling
Post by: Becky666 on April 09, 2021, 10:41:29 AM
They are just two different thing but very similar. investment is a means to earn from your keeping why the so called gambling doesn't but wen appropriately done and win then you will earn reward. Investment isn't gambling and gambling won't be like investment, except when the operators tend to be illegal about the two. 
Investing can be a a problem to when we only just go with it without studying it, its like taking a gambling since we dont5do research but it can lessen when we do our research and what to buy and hold. It is less riskier and we have fully control on what decision we will do unlike in gambling that the House who controls it.
An investment into bitcoin will be such that will help investors secure their funds than gambling. There are distinct differences between these two, gambling is purely lucky base while investment solely depends on ability to manage the available funds. In gambling i have lost severally but in investment has always be mindful of my funds management.

Title: Re: The fine line between market investment and sports gambling
Post by: michellee on April 09, 2021, 04:17:31 PM
They are just two different thing but very similar. investment is a means to earn from your keeping why the so called gambling doesn't but wen appropriately done and win then you will earn reward. Investment isn't gambling and gambling won't be like investment, except when the operators tend to be illegal about the two. 
Investing can be a a problem to when we only just go with it without studying it, its like taking a gambling since we dont5do research but it can lessen when we do our research and what to buy and hold. It is less riskier and we have fully control on what decision we will do unlike in gambling that the House who controls it.
An investment into bitcoin will be such that will help investors secure their funds than gambling. There are distinct differences between these two, gambling is purely lucky base while investment solely depends on ability to manage the available funds. In gambling i have lost severally but in investment has always be mindful of my funds management.
If they can use the investment section in the gambling site, they will have a chance to make more money than playing gambling. But that will depend on how they will use their money on the gambling site because many people use the money to gamble to search for fun. We can choose what we need to do, and we can also use gambling for fun and use the investment that is available on that site to earn additional profit.

Title: Re: The fine line between market investment and sports gambling
Post by: Silberman on April 10, 2021, 04:42:09 AM
We will have to agree to disagree here, because I do not see investing as speculation at all, a person investing in a business is doing so because that person really believes in the business in question and it is not really interested in selling their assets anytime soon or ever, after all if you are invested in a good business then why sell? This is why bitcoin holders always urge people to keep holding their coins no matter what as they have no plans of selling soon and maybe ever.

In the first part, I completely agree - if the business remains relevant and satisfies the needs of people, then there is no point in selling a stake in it as it makes a profit. As for the holding of crypto, this phenomenon also has a negative side - because of this, practical application falls, which sooner or later will lead to a fall in the price of the asset itself.
It is true the price of bitcoin can go down but just as it demonstrated during this year even if you invested at a bad price just as many people did during 2017 or 2018 there is still a lot of potential to make profits as long as you keep holding your coins, I know it is not easy as those people would have had in theory to keep holding their coins for 3 years just to breakeven but even then they will still be making 200% profits if they did so, and that is if we assume they bought at the worst possible time which shows to me why investing is not really gambling even if some people mistakenly believe it.

Title: Re: The fine line between market investment and sports gambling
Post by: KTChampions on April 10, 2021, 01:41:08 PM
In the first part, I completely agree - if the business remains relevant and satisfies the needs of people, then there is no point in selling a stake in it as it makes a profit. As for the holding of crypto, this phenomenon also has a negative side - because of this, practical application falls, which sooner or later will lead to a fall in the price of the asset itself.
It is true the price of bitcoin can go down but just as it demonstrated during this year even if you invested at a bad price just as many people did during 2017 or 2018 there is still a lot of potential to make profits as long as you keep holding your coins, I know it is not easy as those people would have had in theory to keep holding their coins for 3 years just to breakeven but even then they will still be making 200% profits if they did so, and that is if we assume they bought at the worst possible time which shows to me why investing is not really gambling even if some people mistakenly believe it.

Yes, until today, any investment in bitcoin has been profitable (if you had the will and the money to wait out the 85% drawdown), but there is no guarantee that it will be so in the future. If new projects begin to perform the function that was originally assigned to bitcoin (fast and cheap payments on the Internet) and gain wide recognition, then they will become more competitive with bitcoin and it will be difficult for it to maintain its position.

Title: Re: The fine line between market investment and sports gambling
Post by: sunsilk on April 10, 2021, 05:36:41 PM
If they can use the investment section in the gambling site, they will have a chance to make more money than playing gambling.
Not that making more, investing to a bankroll needs time to make money and it's not that what you think as easy as what you say. It requires time for you to make with that feature.

But that will depend on how they will use their money on the gambling site because many people use the money to gamble to search for fun. We can choose what we need to do, and we can also use gambling for fun and use the investment that is available on that site to earn additional profit.
Fun, investment, making money with gambling, yes, all of those things depends on how the gambler will make his money and put it into purpose.

Title: Re: The fine line between market investment and sports gambling
Post by: Smartprofit on April 13, 2021, 06:00:23 AM
They are just two different thing but very similar. investment is a means to earn from your keeping why the so called gambling doesn't but wen appropriately done and win then you will earn reward. Investment isn't gambling and gambling won't be like investment, except when the operators tend to be illegal about the two. 
Investing can be a a problem to when we only just go with it without studying it, its like taking a gambling since we dont5do research but it can lessen when we do our research and what to buy and hold. It is less riskier and we have fully control on what decision we will do unlike in gambling that the House who controls it.
So the investment will help us earn the reward in the future, and if we can get the right investment, such as investing in bitcoin, we can profit in the future. But that will not happen in gambling because we can lose all of the money without we can try to recover. Maybe if we can use the money that we spend for gambling to invest in something like bitcoin and other coins, we can a nice return in the future. But make sure you learn before you invest so you will not make a wrong decision.

In my opinion, there is a significant difference between gambling and investing. 

Gambling is a zero-sum game.  One player wins, the other loses.  Moreover, as a rule, the organizer of the gambling game has a competitive advantage in the game. 

Investing is always a winning strategy.  Investment is the investor's bet on progress.  The modern financial system is inflationary.  In monetary terms, the capitalization of all global companies is constantly growing. 

The price of one individual share may fall, but stock indices are showing constant growth. 

Under these conditions, a patient investor is guaranteed to make a profit.

Title: Re: The fine line between market investment and sports gambling
Post by: paxmao on April 13, 2021, 10:37:33 AM

In my opinion, there is a significant difference between gambling and investing. 

Gambling is a zero-sum game.  One player wins, the other loses.  Moreover, as a rule, the organizer of the gambling game has a competitive advantage in the game. 

Investing is always a winning strategy.  Investment is the investor's bet on progress.  The modern financial system is inflationary.  In monetary terms, the capitalization of all global companies is constantly growing. 

The price of one individual share may fall, but stock indices are showing constant growth. 

Under these conditions, a patient investor is guaranteed to make a profit.

There are many investments that are also a zero sum game - such as binary options in which for one party to win, the other has to loose necessarily, so that is not a good criteria to discriminate. Investing is not always a wining strategy - there is plenty of money and value to be lost and it is indeed lost everyday since there are companies that go to zero all over. In fact, most do go to zero in the first few years.

Lastly, the organisers of the market usually have built-in advantages, although I admit that small investors do have other advantages that they can use, such as being able to invest in illiquid and small assets.

Title: Re: The fine line between market investment and sports gambling
Post by: michellee on April 13, 2021, 11:16:13 AM
If they can use the investment section in the gambling site, they will have a chance to make more money than playing gambling.
Not that making more, investing to a bankroll needs time to make money and it's not that what you think as easy as what you say. It requires time for you to make with that feature.
That is the consequences that they should get from the investment. The waiting time for the investment will not have just in a short time because sometimes, they need to wait for months until they can profit from the investment.

But that will depend on how they will use their money on the gambling site because many people use the money to gamble to search for fun. We can choose what we need to do, and we can also use gambling for fun and use the investment that is available on that site to earn additional profit.
Fun, investment, making money with gambling, yes, all of those things depends on how the gambler will make his money and put it into purpose.
But many gamblers can not earn money from gambling instead only lose their money many times. If they see that, they ought to realize that they can not make money from gambling, so they must leave gambling before it is too late for them.


In my opinion, there is a significant difference between gambling and investing. 

Gambling is a zero-sum game.  One player wins, the other loses.  Moreover, as a rule, the organizer of the gambling game has a competitive advantage in the game. 

Investing is always a winning strategy.  Investment is the investor's bet on progress.  The modern financial system is inflationary.  In monetary terms, the capitalization of all global companies is constantly growing. 

The price of one individual share may fall, but stock indices are showing constant growth. 

Under these conditions, a patient investor is guaranteed to make a profit.
Indeed. What you are saying is right and I agree with you. The investment can be their way to make money in the future, but only if they can select the right investment by researching the right. Maybe they can lose from the investment, but the value of the investment can increase back in the future, so they can still profit from that. If someone wants to make money from the investment, they must research and select the investment. Otherwise, that will be the same as gambling.

Title: Re: The fine line between market investment and sports gambling
Post by: AicecreaME on April 13, 2021, 12:35:54 PM
In the broad sense of the word, both are gambling. There's not much difference between the two. It's just that there are various interpretations of the word, various contexts on which gambling could be construed differently.

Gambling could refer to placing bets on a game of chance or on a sports team as much as it could refer to taking a risk making a bid order in a stock market or on a crypto exchange platform. However, most of the time gambling in the sense of the former is more on merely having fun and taking blind chances while the latter is oftentimes understood as a serious undertaking which involves a lot of informed analysis.

At the end of the day, I don't think one should be made illegal while the other legal. But both should be highly regulated.

I can't agree more.

Both have their own level of risk and returns but both are good ways on earning money if you know what you're into and what you're doing. Plainly entering both market just because of peer pressure would not help anyone but will just lose all of their money in the long run. The regulation and other legal stuff is all about securing the both business and its clients safe and free from any illegal deeds of the gambling sites or the clients.

Title: Re: The fine line between market investment and sports gambling
Post by: Silberman on April 13, 2021, 06:37:55 PM
It is true the price of bitcoin can go down but just as it demonstrated during this year even if you invested at a bad price just as many people did during 2017 or 2018 there is still a lot of potential to make profits as long as you keep holding your coins, I know it is not easy as those people would have had in theory to keep holding their coins for 3 years just to breakeven but even then they will still be making 200% profits if they did so, and that is if we assume they bought at the worst possible time which shows to me why investing is not really gambling even if some people mistakenly believe it.

Yes, until today, any investment in bitcoin has been profitable (if you had the will and the money to wait out the 85% drawdown), but there is no guarantee that it will be so in the future. If new projects begin to perform the function that was originally assigned to bitcoin (fast and cheap payments on the Internet) and gain wide recognition, then they will become more competitive with bitcoin and it will be difficult for it to maintain its position.
On that we are an agreement past performance is not indicative of future performance, we do not know if the price of bitcoin is going to keep going up, I believe it will because the fundamentals of bitcoin are that strong but I do not have a crystal ball so I cannot know for sure, however bitcoin is slowly reaching a point of no return, think of social media and the giant that Facebook is, unless there is government intervention it is going to be very difficult for another social media website to surpass Facebook, and if despite all of that a new social media website appears that could become a competitor Facebook can just buy them out, and even if this does not translate directly very well in the market of cryptocurrencies, bitcoin is reaching a position that is so dominant that if a competitor does not appear soon then we can say that most likely it is not going to ever appear.

Title: Re: The fine line between market investment and sports gambling
Post by: l3pox on April 14, 2021, 10:35:54 AM

indeed, inveting is not always guaranteed to make great returns over the longer run if one makes bad decisions
though if managing risk and being responsible the possiblity of a positive outcome is much higher than with gambling.

it's also much harder to find an edge while gambling than on investing.

Title: Re: The fine line between market investment and sports gambling
Post by: Smartprofit on April 14, 2021, 12:36:34 PM

In my opinion, there is a significant difference between gambling and investing. 

Gambling is a zero-sum game.  One player wins, the other loses.  Moreover, as a rule, the organizer of the gambling game has a competitive advantage in the game. 

Investing is always a winning strategy.  Investment is the investor's bet on progress.  The modern financial system is inflationary.  In monetary terms, the capitalization of all global companies is constantly growing. 

The price of one individual share may fall, but stock indices are showing constant growth. 

Under these conditions, a patient investor is guaranteed to make a profit.

There are many investments that are also a zero sum game - such as binary options in which for one party to win, the other has to loose necessarily, so that is not a good criteria to discriminate. Investing is not always a wining strategy - there is plenty of money and value to be lost and it is indeed lost everyday since there are companies that go to zero all over. In fact, most do go to zero in the first few years.

Lastly, the organisers of the market usually have built-in advantages, although I admit that small investors do have other advantages that they can use, such as being able to invest in illiquid and small assets.

Yes, you are absolutely right - Binary Options is a classic zero sum game.  In my opinion, binary options are not a classic investment, but rather a hedging instrument. 

However, when investing for long periods of time using the hodla strategy, the patient investor tends to make a profit.  The basic rule is to invest in different stocks (to differentiate risks). 

As the proverb says - "You don't need to put all chicken eggs in one basket." 

The stock market accumulates surplus funds that (otherwise) could enter the consumer market and lead to hyperinflation.

Title: Re: The fine line between market investment and sports gambling
Post by: michellee on April 14, 2021, 02:15:27 PM

indeed, inveting is not always guaranteed to make great returns over the longer run if one makes bad decisions
though if managing risk and being responsible the possiblity of a positive outcome is much higher than with gambling.

it's also much harder to find an edge while gambling than on investing.
As long as we can get the right investment, we can make a profit in the future. But we need to know how to manage the risk or select the investment to get a positive result. The fine line between investment and gambling can confuse people because if they do not research more about both things, they can gamble with their money which does not give them the profit.

Maybe the benefit of gambling is we can feel relax and have fun but if we play longer, that can make us lose money. At the same time, the investment will give us more return than gambling.

Title: Re: The fine line between market investment and sports gambling
Post by: dunfida on April 14, 2021, 09:59:07 PM

indeed, inveting is not always guaranteed to make great returns over the longer run if one makes bad decisions
though if managing risk and being responsible the possiblity of a positive outcome is much higher than with gambling.

it's also much harder to find an edge while gambling than on investing.
As long as we can get the right investment, we can make a profit in the future. But we need to know how to manage the risk or select the investment to get a positive result. The fine line between investment and gambling can confuse people because if they do not research more about both things, they can gamble with their money which does not give them the profit.

Maybe the benefit of gambling is we can feel relax and have fun but if we play longer, that can make us lose money. At the same time, the investment will give us more return than gambling.
Gambling is really should for the sake of entertainment but people do really go on the wrong path on having wrong views and perception that this one could really make them rich
but it doesnt really work that way and the time they do lost up money then thats the time they would make up some realizations that this isnt something can be compared with investment
or making themselves rich because gambling does have its own purpose which is really filling out that pleasure seeking of you than on making investment which is totally
inappropriate to have in mind.Always seek out for specific investment if you are really eager to deal with long term.

Title: Re: The fine line between market investment and sports gambling
Post by: michellee on April 15, 2021, 02:32:13 AM
Gambling is really should for the sake of entertainment but people do really go on the wrong path on having wrong views and perception that this one could really make them rich
but it doesnt really work that way and the time they do lost up money then thats the time they would make up some realizations that this isnt something can be compared with investment
or making themselves rich because gambling does have its own purpose which is really filling out that pleasure seeking of you than on making investment which is totally
inappropriate to have in mind.Always seek out for specific investment if you are really eager to deal with long term.
Maybe if they can have one investment that can give them profit, that will make them realize that only investment helps them make money in some term instead of playing gambling. Actually, if they are often losing in the gambling game, they can see how big their chance to make money. If they think that gambling is not working for them to make money, they must leave it forever and never playing gambling. We should do if we want to change our lives better so we do not deal with gambling too often and only playing gambling in our spare time without using too big money.

Title: Re: The fine line between market investment and sports gambling
Post by: l3pox on April 15, 2021, 12:45:26 PM

indeed, inveting is not always guaranteed to make great returns over the longer run if one makes bad decisions
though if managing risk and being responsible the possiblity of a positive outcome is much higher than with gambling.

it's also much harder to find an edge while gambling than on investing.
As long as we can get the right investment, we can make a profit in the future. But we need to know how to manage the risk or select the investment to get a positive result. The fine line between investment and gambling can confuse people because if they do not research more about both things, they can gamble with their money which does not give them the profit.

Maybe the benefit of gambling is we can feel relax and have fun but if we play longer, that can make us lose money. At the same time, the investment will give us more return than gambling.

the thing is: there's no fine line, gambling and investing are really different things and should be treated differently.

If a gambler has an investor mindset he can have chances to suceed.
but an investor with a gambler's mindset is faded to loose a lot.

Title: Re: The fine line between market investment and sports gambling
Post by: hazenyc on April 15, 2021, 04:02:41 PM

indeed, inveting is not always guaranteed to make great returns over the longer run if one makes bad decisions
though if managing risk and being responsible the possiblity of a positive outcome is much higher than with gambling.

it's also much harder to find an edge while gambling than on investing.
As long as we can get the right investment, we can make a profit in the future. But we need to know how to manage the risk or select the investment to get a positive result. The fine line between investment and gambling can confuse people because if they do not research more about both things, they can gamble with their money which does not give them the profit.

Maybe the benefit of gambling is we can feel relax and have fun but if we play longer, that can make us lose money. At the same time, the investment will give us more return than gambling.

the thing is: there's no fine line, gambling and investing are really different things and should be treated differently.

If a gambler has an investor mindset he can have chances to suceed.
but an investor with a gambler's mindset is faded to loose a lot.

Not necessarily! Look at the guy who gambled on the subprime mortgage crisis back in 2004 - 2006 when he built his position. Not sure about the name, but he became super rich and back at the time bet against all odds. At least in the eyes of many other gurus.

Generally though you are right. Gambling leads to zero in the long run unless you thoroughly deal with risk reward ratios, but not many gamblers do that.

Well said though anyway!

Title: Re: The fine line between market investment and sports gambling
Post by: shield132 on April 15, 2021, 04:13:09 PM
I have tried both and let me tell you that market investment or trading like they call it is way more dangerous than gambling.A gambling event for example sport game takes time like 90 minute a match and gives you time to reflect while the market changes every minute and if you become addicted you can cause yourself a lot more damage than gambling and this in a very short time.
I agree with you but still, market investment isn't more dangerous but in overall, both of them are because people don't have self-control. If you can't control yourself, you can become alcoholic... There are a lot of examples that we can say if you lack self-control. And highest percentage of people lack self-control in market investment and gambling, that's the problem, not the actual product/services. When one loses, then he/she gets anxious and thinks in a bad way, their state of mind is very different from normal one and in this case they may do the things that they wouldn't do in normal cases.

There should be both of them legal or illegal, otherwise, it's just distinguished.

Title: Re: The fine line between market investment and sports gambling
Post by: BTCLiz on April 15, 2021, 04:23:47 PM

indeed, inveting is not always guaranteed to make great returns over the longer run if one makes bad decisions
though if managing risk and being responsible the possiblity of a positive outcome is much higher than with gambling.

it's also much harder to find an edge while gambling than on investing.
As long as we can get the right investment, we can make a profit in the future. But we need to know how to manage the risk or select the investment to get a positive result. The fine line between investment and gambling can confuse people because if they do not research more about both things, they can gamble with their money which does not give them the profit.

Maybe the benefit of gambling is we can feel relax and have fun but if we play longer, that can make us lose money. At the same time, the investment will give us more return than gambling.

the thing is: there's no fine line, gambling and investing are really different things and should be treated differently.

If a gambler has an investor mindset he can have chances to suceed.
but an investor with a gambler's mindset is faded to loose a lot.
How can a gambler have chances to suceed? Even with an investor's mindset it is not possible. You cant win against roulette with this kind of mindset, because it is mathematical impossible. Please explain your "idea" more further.

Title: Re: The fine line between market investment and sports gambling
Post by: michellee on April 16, 2021, 03:23:56 AM

the thing is: there's no fine line, gambling and investing are really different things and should be treated differently.

If a gambler has an investor mindset he can have chances to suceed.
but an investor with a gambler's mindset is faded to loose a lot.
It is hard to see a gambler has an investor mindset as they want to make money. But not all of them will do like that because I am still sure that some of them will not just think about winning from the gambling games. If they can have an open mind about the investment thing, they will search for how they can have the investment while playing gambling.

Title: Re: The fine line between market investment and sports gambling
Post by: Silberman on April 16, 2021, 09:39:26 PM

indeed, inveting is not always guaranteed to make great returns over the longer run if one makes bad decisions
though if managing risk and being responsible the possiblity of a positive outcome is much higher than with gambling.

it's also much harder to find an edge while gambling than on investing.
And this is because the markets are not really random, gambling is completely random in its nature, some people accuse casinos of rigging the results on their favour but believe me if there was some kind of pattern to what they did then people will always find a way to exploit those patterns, which by the way is precisely what we see with investing, people see a pattern in the behaviour of the markets and then they are able to exploit it and this is simply not possible with gambling which is what makes it so difficult to beat.

Title: Re: The fine line between market investment and sports gambling
Post by: Lanatsa on April 16, 2021, 10:50:10 PM

the thing is: there's no fine line, gambling and investing are really different things and should be treated differently.

If a gambler has an investor mindset he can have chances to suceed.
but an investor with a gambler's mindset is faded to loose a lot.
How can a gambler have chances to suceed? Even with an investor's mindset it is not possible. You cant win against roulette with this kind of mindset, because it is mathematical impossible. Please explain your "idea" more further.
Things are totally different and cant really be collaborated in between gambling and investment.Both are separated on the concept of earning money neither sustainable or not for long term.

One is definitely for entertainment and one is totally for future income or profit and of course setting up those things are entirely different.Therefore, the way on dealing up with
it I depending on how a certain person would see it.

It should be separated depending into your own motive.

Title: Re: The fine line between market investment and sports gambling
Post by: romero121 on April 16, 2021, 11:51:12 PM

the thing is: there's no fine line, gambling and investing are really different things and should be treated differently.

If a gambler has an investor mindset he can have chances to suceed.
but an investor with a gambler's mindset is faded to loose a lot.
It is hard to see a gambler has an investor mindset as they want to make money. But not all of them will do like that because I am still sure that some of them will not just think about winning from the gambling games. If they can have an open mind about the investment thing, they will search for how they can have the investment while playing gambling.
That's true, but based on the high rollers of different gambling sites myself have asked the same question. Why these People aren't prioritising investment. We can understand it, only when we get into gambling hard. The instant return is the major factor, which we can't expect with investment. However investing from the profit of gambling is always a better perspective.

Title: Re: The fine line between market investment and sports gambling
Post by: michellee on April 17, 2021, 05:00:09 AM
That's true, but based on the high rollers of different gambling sites myself have asked the same question. Why these People aren't prioritising investment. We can understand it, only when we get into gambling hard. The instant return is the major factor, which we can't expect with investment. However investing from the profit of gambling is always a better perspective.
Maybe they do not become interested in the investment so they only think about playing gambling and still want to win on the gambling games. Besides that, they think that if they invest their money, they will need a long time to receive the return and do not have the patience to wait. But if they can research more about the investment, they will see that the chance to profit will be bigger from the investment side than from playing gambling games.

Title: Re: The fine line between market investment and sports gambling
Post by: Silberman on April 19, 2021, 08:33:06 PM

the thing is: there's no fine line, gambling and investing are really different things and should be treated differently.

If a gambler has an investor mindset he can have chances to suceed.
but an investor with a gambler's mindset is faded to loose a lot.
How can a gambler have chances to suceed? Even with an investor's mindset it is not possible. You cant win against roulette with this kind of mindset, because it is mathematical impossible. Please explain your "idea" more further.
Things are totally different and cant really be collaborated in between gambling and investment.Both are separated on the concept of earning money neither sustainable or not for long term.

One is definitely for entertainment and one is totally for future income or profit and of course setting up those things are entirely different.Therefore, the way on dealing up with
it I depending on how a certain person would see it.

It should be separated depending into your own motive.

Unfortunately there is a lot of people that believe there is not really any kind of difference and that is why they treat the markets as if they were gambling and make no attempt at all to try to improve their strategy when they are trading the markets thinking everything is about luck when this could not be further from the truth, in the markets the ones that make the best profits are the ones that rely on their knowledge to take decisions and not the ones that rely on their luck.

Title: Re: The fine line between market investment and sports gambling
Post by: l3pox on April 20, 2021, 03:02:25 PM

the thing is: there's no fine line, gambling and investing are really different things and should be treated differently.

If a gambler has an investor mindset he can have chances to suceed.
but an investor with a gambler's mindset is faded to loose a lot.
How can a gambler have chances to suceed? Even with an investor's mindset it is not possible. You cant win against roulette with this kind of mindset, because it is mathematical impossible. Please explain your "idea" more further.

this applies way more on skill games than pure luck ones
but even on pure luck games a gambler can think like an investor in terms of risk management and avoiding being ruined/loosing all their money, by limiting how much money they use for gambling

Title: Re: The fine line between market investment and sports gambling
Post by: molsewid on April 21, 2021, 12:51:17 PM

It is hard to see a gambler has an investor mindset as they want to make money. But not all of them will do like that because I am still sure that some of them will not just think about winning from the gambling games. If they can have an open mind about the investment thing, they will search for how they can have the investment while playing gambling.
I strongly agree with you mate, well I guess it is because the more people who used to engaged themselves more on gambing I've meet in life was those people who I know has no interest in market investment or even in business. But there are also those people I know who gamble but  also a business minded. They are relating their hobby like gambling to generate a profit and those people are great in their life.

Title: Re: The fine line between market investment and sports gambling
Post by: michellee on April 21, 2021, 03:40:42 PM

It is hard to see a gambler has an investor mindset as they want to make money. But not all of them will do like that because I am still sure that some of them will not just think about winning from the gambling games. If they can have an open mind about the investment thing, they will search for how they can have the investment while playing gambling.
I strongly agree with you mate, well I guess it is because the more people who used to engaged themselves more on gambing I've meet in life was those people who I know has no interest in market investment or even in business. But there are also those people I know who gamble but  also a business minded. They are relating their hobby like gambling to generate a profit and those people are great in their life.
Suppose they relating their hobby like gambling to make a profit. In that case, I am afraid that can impact their business because if they have a big passion for gambling and in business simultaneously, one of that thing will not survive. I think the gambling side will become strong because he will see the opportunity to make money will be bigger from that side. That can ruin his business because he will spend more time gambling instead continue his business and make money.

Title: Re: The fine line between market investment and sports gambling
Post by: l3pox on April 23, 2021, 06:18:30 PM

It is hard to see a gambler has an investor mindset as they want to make money. But not all of them will do like that because I am still sure that some of them will not just think about winning from the gambling games. If they can have an open mind about the investment thing, they will search for how they can have the investment while playing gambling.
I strongly agree with you mate, well I guess it is because the more people who used to engaged themselves more on gambing I've meet in life was those people who I know has no interest in market investment or even in business. But there are also those people I know who gamble but  also a business minded. They are relating their hobby like gambling to generate a profit and those people are great in their life.

I guess most of the times this will fall into the 4 different situations scenarios, with 2 that overlap


a gambler that does it just to have fun
a gambler that does it for the money
an investor that invests to make more money
an investor that acts like a gambler.

some of the possibilities.

Title: Re: The fine line between market investment and sports gambling
Post by: Silberman on April 23, 2021, 08:16:43 PM
That's true, but based on the high rollers of different gambling sites myself have asked the same question. Why these People aren't prioritising investment. We can understand it, only when we get into gambling hard. The instant return is the major factor, which we can't expect with investment. However investing from the profit of gambling is always a better perspective.
We have no way to know what is behind the high rollers that we see at the casino, there maybe a lot of reasons why they behave this way, many high rollers have too much bitcoin already and most likely they are just gambling with a small portion of their capital, so while for us they are making huge bets this is nothing for them, the other option is that they are in fact addicted to gambling and they are mad they have lost so much money at the casino and now they want it back not understanding that attitude will only lead them to lose even more money.

Title: Re: The fine line between market investment and sports gambling
Post by: just_Alice on April 24, 2021, 06:08:50 PM
We have no way to know what is behind the high rollers that we see at the casino, there maybe a lot of reasons why they behave this way, many high rollers have too much bitcoin already and most likely they are just gambling with a small portion of their capital, so while for us they are making huge bets this is nothing for them
Exactly, it's hard to drive reasonable conclusions from simply high bets. I used to assume that these people must be very rich to afford losing thousands of dollars in a matter of minutes, but there's also another side of the coin. Sometimes poor people, who aren't gambling addicts, but simply are up to the neck in debts, see gambling as a quick opportunity to win and settle their debts. Recently there was a post here from a person like that. At first, they decided to make an investment, but that took too long, so they switched to gambling, which resulted in even more debts...

Title: Re: The fine line between market investment and sports gambling
Post by: on April 24, 2021, 09:21:52 PM
This is a very interesting topic for me as I often wonder about the same.

I think the concepts have similarities but also are different in some ways. Why? Well, there are some high-risk investing practices and volatile stocks. In this case, I agree that investing is pretty much identical as betting or gambling. You give your money without having any idea what the outcome will be. Plus, as some of you said, the stock market is often an unfair place to be, and people with small budget can easily lose everything if they can't afford to wait out periods when the stock prices go down.

On the other hand, I'd say there are the stable stocks like Microsoft for example that generally move in a positive direction and give dividends. So, you get there in order to slowly grow your investment and possibly save money for retirement or whatever. I wouldn't place these investments in the same basket as betting and gambling. Sure, there's always the chance that something will go wrong. But still, I think these chances are small and if you read the news etc. you can probably react in time to cash in your profits.

So, my overall opinion is divided in half. If you buy new stocks and see what happens or invest in volatile stocks like Tesla that can easily grow by 50% but also drop by 60%, you are gambling in a way.

Also, to me the main difference is what money you use for investing. If you invest your retirement fund in stable investment opportunities hoping to slowly grow it, then I wouldn't say you're gambling. If you get some $5,000 you are ready to lose and just want to see what will happen by investing them in some new stock that can prove awesome or terrible, then you're gambling. You can easily decide to bet those $5,000 on a football match or place them on red on roulette and see what happens. If you are ready to lose the money, you are always gambling.

I don't know if this makes sense to you.  ;D

Title: Re: The fine line between market investment and sports gambling
Post by: Silberman on April 27, 2021, 04:19:04 PM
We have no way to know what is behind the high rollers that we see at the casino, there maybe a lot of reasons why they behave this way, many high rollers have too much bitcoin already and most likely they are just gambling with a small portion of their capital, so while for us they are making huge bets this is nothing for them
Exactly, it's hard to drive reasonable conclusions from simply high bets. I used to assume that these people must be very rich to afford losing thousands of dollars in a matter of minutes, but there's also another side of the coin. Sometimes poor people, who aren't gambling addicts, but simply are up to the neck in debts, see gambling as a quick opportunity to win and settle their debts. Recently there was a post here from a person like that. At first, they decided to make an investment, but that took too long, so they switched to gambling, which resulted in even more debts...
As you state the scenarios are infinite, this is something that I have not thought because it would have never occurred to me to try to solve my debt problems through gambling but this is in fact quite common for those that are desperate and do not want to go through the trouble of solving their problems the old fashioned way, it is important to remember that gambling should be done only as a way to entertain yourself and if you happen to earn some money then be happy about it but you should not try to make it your profession.

Title: Re: The fine line between market investment and sports gambling
Post by: l3pox on April 27, 2021, 08:22:33 PM

cool post.
there are some gambling ways to invest
but on both gambling and investing one can act with more responsability (doing good risk management, paying attention to payroll, etc...) or less (spending it all, revenge trading, burning all the money, etc...)

Title: Re: The fine line between market investment and sports gambling
Post by: Silberman on April 30, 2021, 04:18:07 PM
This is a very interesting topic for me as I often wonder about the same.

I think the concepts have similarities but also are different in some ways. Why? Well, there are some high-risk investing practices and volatile stocks. In this case, I agree that investing is pretty much identical as betting or gambling. You give your money without having any idea what the outcome will be. Plus, as some of you said, the stock market is often an unfair place to be, and people with small budget can easily lose everything if they can't afford to wait out periods when the stock prices go down.

On the other hand, I'd say there are the stable stocks like Microsoft for example that generally move in a positive direction and give dividends. So, you get there in order to slowly grow your investment and possibly save money for retirement or whatever. I wouldn't place these investments in the same basket as betting and gambling. Sure, there's always the chance that something will go wrong. But still, I think these chances are small and if you read the news etc. you can probably react in time to cash in your profits.

So, my overall opinion is divided in half. If you buy new stocks and see what happens or invest in volatile stocks like Tesla that can easily grow by 50% but also drop by 60%, you are gambling in a way.

Also, to me the main difference is what money you use for investing. If you invest your retirement fund in stable investment opportunities hoping to slowly grow it, then I wouldn't say you're gambling. If you get some $5,000 you are ready to lose and just want to see what will happen by investing them in some new stock that can prove awesome or terrible, then you're gambling. You can easily decide to bet those $5,000 on a football match or place them on red on roulette and see what happens. If you are ready to lose the money, you are always gambling.

I don't know if this makes sense to you.  ;D
It makes sense and we see this in the market as well, the majority of the money is invested in bitcoin and if you invest in it with the intention to hold for the long term then you are not really gambling, but if someone invest in the 997th coin in the market thinking of becoming rich then that person is gambling no matter what they say, the confusion is also exacerbated because they both borrow terms from each other and this confuses people about both being the same when in fact they could not be more different.

Title: Re: The fine line between market investment and sports gambling
Post by: Poker Player on April 30, 2021, 04:28:03 PM
It makes sense and we see this in the market as well, the majority of the money is invested in bitcoin and if you invest in it with the intention to hold for the long term then you are not really gambling, but if someone invest in the 997th coin in the market thinking of becoming rich then that person is gambling no matter what they say, the confusion is also exacerbated because they both borrow terms from each other and this confuses people about both being the same when in fact they could not be more different.

Well, I would qualify that by saying that if the person investing in the 997th coin but having great knowledge about it and the market, if perhaps he has inside information, then he is not gambling, he is investing. But well, you get the idea of what you mean. The difference is that in gambling there is a mathematical certainty that is against you, in the long term, while in the investment world that certainty does not exist.

Title: Re: The fine line between market investment and sports gambling
Post by: uneng on April 30, 2021, 08:50:13 PM
This is a very interesting topic for me as I often wonder about the same.

I think the concepts have similarities but also are different in some ways. Why? Well, there are some high-risk investing practices and volatile stocks. In this case, I agree that investing is pretty much identical as betting or gambling. You give your money without having any idea what the outcome will be. Plus, as some of you said, the stock market is often an unfair place to be, and people with small budget can easily lose everything if they can't afford to wait out periods when the stock prices go down.

On the other hand, I'd say there are the stable stocks like Microsoft for example that generally move in a positive direction and give dividends. So, you get there in order to slowly grow your investment and possibly save money for retirement or whatever. I wouldn't place these investments in the same basket as betting and gambling. Sure, there's always the chance that something will go wrong. But still, I think these chances are small and if you read the news etc. you can probably react in time to cash in your profits.

So, my overall opinion is divided in half. If you buy new stocks and see what happens or invest in volatile stocks like Tesla that can easily grow by 50% but also drop by 60%, you are gambling in a way.

Also, to me the main difference is what money you use for investing. If you invest your retirement fund in stable investment opportunities hoping to slowly grow it, then I wouldn't say you're gambling. If you get some $5,000 you are ready to lose and just want to see what will happen by investing them in some new stock that can prove awesome or terrible, then you're gambling. You can easily decide to bet those $5,000 on a football match or place them on red on roulette and see what happens. If you are ready to lose the money, you are always gambling.

I don't know if this makes sense to you.  ;D
It makes sense and we see this in the market as well, the majority of the money is invested in bitcoin and if you invest in it with the intention to hold for the long term then you are not really gambling, but if someone invest in the 997th coin in the market thinking of becoming rich then that person is gambling no matter what they say, the confusion is also exacerbated because they both borrow terms from each other and this confuses people about both being the same when in fact they could not be more different.
The difference between the 997th coin in the market and the top ones is probably the features they offer and the originality of each one. While the top coins are innovative and have their own technology, the 997th is just a copy of another coins. By investing in the top ones you aren't gambling, but investing, because you know their features will lead them up on long run, but once you exclude the features, innovation, creativity and originality of the coin, nothing is left. That is the case of the coins on the bottom of the crypto market list. So when investors put their money on these cheap (or priceless) coins, they aren't investing anymore, but gambling instead, because there isn't any logical reason they can use to explain why this specific coin is going to return them profit on long run.

So I think we can say we are investing when our actions are well based and make sense from a technical perspective, but when we put our money in something that isn't possible to explain why that is a good investment in a reasonable way, it's because that isn't an investment at all. Besides the coin example you gave, I could also mention ponzi, high yield *investment* programs.

Title: Re: The fine line between market investment and sports gambling
Post by: dunfida on April 30, 2021, 09:12:54 PM
It makes sense and we see this in the market as well, the majority of the money is invested in bitcoin and if you invest in it with the intention to hold for the long term then you are not really gambling, but if someone invest in the 997th coin in the market thinking of becoming rich then that person is gambling no matter what they say, the confusion is also exacerbated because they both borrow terms from each other and this confuses people about both being the same when in fact they could not be more different.

Well, I would qualify that by saying that if the person investing in the 997th coin but having great knowledge about it and the market, if perhaps he has inside information, then he is not gambling, he is investing. But well, you get the idea of what you mean. The difference is that in gambling there is a mathematical certainty that is against you, in the long term, while in the investment world that certainty does not exist.

Investing can really be considered to be gambling most of the time and just like with strategic type of gambling games on where there are factors which can really be dealt of for you to take advantage.
Its up to someone on how they would do proper things neither they do make out analysis or just simply relying into their guts.Investment and gambling should really be separated because there are some
factors which are really very different in between things.Its up to someones approach into investing or gambling.You would really be needing to separate it.

Title: Re: The fine line between market investment and sports gambling
Post by: sunsilk on April 30, 2021, 11:43:55 PM
but if someone invest in the 997th coin in the market thinking of becoming rich then that person is gambling no matter what they say,
That's a good comparison and representation of gambling and investing. There is this belief that when we invest, we're also gambling but the example that you've given for investing to those low ranking coins is totally a gamble.

The description of it differentiates from the people discussing it.

Title: Re: The fine line between market investment and sports gambling
Post by: Smartprofit on May 01, 2021, 11:02:52 AM
but if someone invest in the 997th coin in the market thinking of becoming rich then that person is gambling no matter what they say,
That's a good comparison and representation of gambling and investing. There is this belief that when we invest, we're also gambling but the example that you've given for investing to those low ranking coins is totally a gamble.

The description of it differentiates from the people discussing it.

In my opinion, investing in cryptocurrency is significantly different from gambling.  

When choosing a coin or token for investment, the investor evaluates the project idea, the qualifications of the developers and the project roadmap.  

The investor also evaluates the project based on the general trends in the development of the crypto industry.  This allows him to assess the likelihood of making a profit and calculate its size in monetary terms.  

It also allows you to assess the likelihood of losing.  

Therefore, investing is more like poker than roulette.  

An investor's knowledge and intuition greatly increases his chances of making a profit.

Title: Re: The fine line between market investment and sports gambling
Post by: Zilon on May 01, 2021, 04:07:45 PM
Sports gamblers and market investors share a very thin line of difference but for the both there is a big difference. For betting we stake without certainty although most of the times we check out of past performances and also the records a particular team has kept over a period of time. But we forget that the other team we are negleting might have had series of trainings ready to breakthrough from the weakpoints of the stronger team.

When it comes to market investments we have different strategies that directs the trader on direction of the trending market. Investing in the financial markets require analysis and if not properly analyzed could be considered as gambling. It's like our general day-to-day business venture. You have to understand a particular business before you trade it

Title: Re: The fine line between market investment and sports gambling
Post by: AmoreJaz on May 02, 2021, 10:33:28 PM
Sports gamblers and market investors share a very thin line of difference but for the both there is a big difference. For betting we stake without certainty although most of the times we check out of past performances and also the records a particular team has kept over a period of time. But we forget that the other team we are negleting might have had series of trainings ready to breakthrough from the weakpoints of the stronger team.

When it comes to market investments we have different strategies that directs the trader on direction of the trending market. Investing in the financial markets require analysis and if not properly analyzed could be considered as gambling. It's like our general day-to-day business venture. You have to understand a particular business before you trade it

they may have similarities in nature as it seems we are also gambling when it comes to market investments. but the processes involved are very different. if you are not a person who knows the financial market, can you make it thru the day on this venture? don't think so. same with sports gambling, if you are really not into sports, would be a very hard task for you to place bets as you have no idea what you are doing.
so what i am saying here - these 2 are quite similar in nature but if you know any of these 2 by heart, the gambling side will be reduced in its effect.

Title: Re: The fine line between market investment and sports gambling
Post by: Lorence.xD on May 03, 2021, 04:13:18 AM

Profit is not guaranteed,,, you can always fall victim to pure dumb luck, which is why crypto gambling is still a bit risky as you cannot have insurance to cover the unlikely scenario where lucky gamblers can wipe you out.

I know this well as a crypto investor in casino bankrolls. If lucky gamblers win big, you can wipe out years of house edge profit!
It's not that big of a deal that they are going to win big if you are a bankroll investor because it is split among all the investor, it's pretty sad if a years worth of profit is going to get wiped out.

Title: Re: The fine line between market investment and sports gambling
Post by: peter0425 on May 03, 2021, 04:41:50 AM
but if someone invest in the 997th coin in the market thinking of becoming rich then that person is gambling no matter what they say,
That's a good comparison and representation of gambling and investing. There is this belief that when we invest, we're also gambling but the example that you've given for investing to those low ranking coins is totally a gamble.

The description of it differentiates from the people discussing it.
Depend in which coin they are investing because if they are into the very promising coin then it is not gambling but trusting the coin.

we can invest like a gambler or we can gamble like a investor.

Title: Re: The fine line between market investment and sports gambling
Post by: Wexnident on May 03, 2021, 05:31:40 AM
they may have similarities in nature as it seems we are also gambling when it comes to market investments. but the processes involved are very different. if you are not a person who knows the financial market, can you make it thru the day on this venture? don't think so. same with sports gambling, if you are really not into sports, would be a very hard task for you to place bets as you have no idea what you are doing.
so what i am saying here - these 2 are quite similar in nature but if you know any of these 2 by heart, the gambling side will be reduced in its effect.
But there are indeed circumstances where you can just enter both markets without knowing anything, and yet still profit. Now this is purely the gambling side of both things, and if we were to get into it then it'd simply just be an act where you rely on luck. Now if we were taking the luck part away, then they're actually just the same, just that they research different things. It's like sports, you play tennis, I play volleyball, two different things and yet actually the same. You play, I play, we both have enemies to defeat, we train to defeat them, etc. The core idea is the same, but the specifics are quite different.

Title: Re: The fine line between market investment and sports gambling
Post by: Silberman on May 03, 2021, 04:14:54 PM
The difference between the 997th coin in the market and the top ones is probably the features they offer and the originality of each one. While the top coins are innovative and have their own technology, the 997th is just a copy of another coins. By investing in the top ones you aren't gambling, but investing, because you know their features will lead them up on long run, but once you exclude the features, innovation, creativity and originality of the coin, nothing is left. That is the case of the coins on the bottom of the crypto market list. So when investors put their money on these cheap (or priceless) coins, they aren't investing anymore, but gambling instead, because there isn't any logical reason they can use to explain why this specific coin is going to return them profit on long run.

So I think we can say we are investing when our actions are well based and make sense from a technical perspective, but when we put our money in something that isn't possible to explain why that is a good investment in a reasonable way, it's because that isn't an investment at all. Besides the coin example you gave, I could also mention ponzi, high yield *investment* programs.
Exactly, how many people have we seen in the forum claiming the coin in which they are invested is better than bitcoin because it is a copy of it and as such it should go up in value as much as bitcoin? It is as if they do not understand the concept of originality and trust, people trust in bitcoin because satoshi created this forum and gave long explanations about what were his goals while many developers only have one goal in mind which is to make money for themselves, and as such their coins have a high chance of failure making it way more risky than the worst bet in most casinos.

Title: Re: The fine line between market investment and sports gambling
Post by: dimonstration on May 03, 2021, 04:39:34 PM
but if someone invest in the 997th coin in the market thinking of becoming rich then that person is gambling no matter what they say,
That's a good comparison and representation of gambling and investing. There is this belief that when we invest, we're also gambling but the example that you've given for investing to those low ranking coins is totally a gamble.

The description of it differentiates from the people discussing it.
Everything will depend n our own understanding, some already have beliefs that is too hard to analyzed since they wanted to believe that way. Investing can be a gamble in terms of risk that we don’t know when we will be able to be in profit but not in-terms of gambling that we stake our money for the sake that others will lose for us to win. In investing everyone can lose or win without opponents

Title: Re: The fine line between market investment and sports gambling
Post by: l3pox on May 05, 2021, 03:30:25 PM
but if someone invest in the 997th coin in the market thinking of becoming rich then that person is gambling no matter what they say,
That's a good comparison and representation of gambling and investing. There is this belief that when we invest, we're also gambling but the example that you've given for investing to those low ranking coins is totally a gamble.

The description of it differentiates from the people discussing it.
Everything will depend n our own understanding, some already have beliefs that is too hard to analyzed since they wanted to believe that way. Investing can be a gamble in terms of risk that we don’t know when we will be able to be in profit but not in-terms of gambling that we stake our money for the sake that others will lose for us to win. In investing everyone can lose or win without opponents
a key point we can learn from that is that studying and improving our skills will help better decision-making, be it in investing or in the way we gamble, studying is not only reading and learning about the world but also learning about ourselves and developing better emotion control, awareness.

don't you think?

Title: Re: The fine line between market investment and sports gambling
Post by: Silberman on May 06, 2021, 04:33:01 PM
but if someone invest in the 997th coin in the market thinking of becoming rich then that person is gambling no matter what they say,
That's a good comparison and representation of gambling and investing. There is this belief that when we invest, we're also gambling but the example that you've given for investing to those low ranking coins is totally a gamble.

The description of it differentiates from the people discussing it.
Everything will depend n our own understanding, some already have beliefs that is too hard to analyzed since they wanted to believe that way. Investing can be a gamble in terms of risk that we don’t know when we will be able to be in profit but not in-terms of gambling that we stake our money for the sake that others will lose for us to win. In investing everyone can lose or win without opponents
I think that many times people confuse the concept of gambling and risk, it is true that no matter what kind of investing strategy you use there is going to be an inherent risk but this is not the same as gambling, in gambling you cannot really choose the odds, the casino offers a series of games with different odds and you can just take those odds if you want to play a particular game, but when it comes to investing you can choose moments to invest in which your risk is as low as possible and it is important to distinguish this difference.

Title: Re: The fine line between market investment and sports gambling
Post by: l3pox on May 14, 2021, 07:27:13 PM
but if someone invest in the 997th coin in the market thinking of becoming rich then that person is gambling no matter what they say,
That's a good comparison and representation of gambling and investing. There is this belief that when we invest, we're also gambling but the example that you've given for investing to those low ranking coins is totally a gamble.

The description of it differentiates from the people discussing it.
Everything will depend n our own understanding, some already have beliefs that is too hard to analyzed since they wanted to believe that way. Investing can be a gamble in terms of risk that we don’t know when we will be able to be in profit but not in-terms of gambling that we stake our money for the sake that others will lose for us to win. In investing everyone can lose or win without opponents
I think that many times people confuse the concept of gambling and risk, it is true that no matter what kind of investing strategy you use there is going to be an inherent risk but this is not the same as gambling, in gambling you cannot really choose the odds, the casino offers a series of games with different odds and you can just take those odds if you want to play a particular game, but when it comes to investing you can choose moments to invest in which your risk is as low as possible and it is important to distinguish this difference.

well, I agree in parts:
you can still choose which game you play and in some games you can calculate the odds
you can still choosethe% of our income you'll use for gambling and from that the % of money you'll use for each game.

Title: Re: The fine line between market investment and sports gambling
Post by: Fortify on May 14, 2021, 07:36:19 PM
but if someone invest in the 997th coin in the market thinking of becoming rich then that person is gambling no matter what they say,
That's a good comparison and representation of gambling and investing. There is this belief that when we invest, we're also gambling but the example that you've given for investing to those low ranking coins is totally a gamble.

The description of it differentiates from the people discussing it.

I think you definitely need to differentiate between different types of investment. However, gambling is almost always built around a negative return on investment for the average person in the long run, at a bare minimum the company providing the gambling facilities have costs to cover, but they also seek the maximum profit too - which means retaining every cent that they can get people to deposit. Investment for most people in the traditional sense means either buying property or buying stocks. Residential property is a fairly safe bet as long as you don't overpay and has continued rising for many decades due to that demand. If you are buying into a basket of stocks (instead of individual shares) then that too has brought a decent return of around 7% over time. The reason people are drawn to gambling is because they seek much greater returns than that in a shorter time frame.. which is usually what leads them to lose it all.

Title: Re: The fine line between market investment and sports gambling
Post by: carlfebz2 on May 14, 2021, 08:15:12 PM
but if someone invest in the 997th coin in the market thinking of becoming rich then that person is gambling no matter what they say,
That's a good comparison and representation of gambling and investing. There is this belief that when we invest, we're also gambling but the example that you've given for investing to those low ranking coins is totally a gamble.

The description of it differentiates from the people discussing it.
Everything will depend n our own understanding, some already have beliefs that is too hard to analyzed since they wanted to believe that way. Investing can be a gamble in terms of risk that we don’t know when we will be able to be in profit but not in-terms of gambling that we stake our money for the sake that others will lose for us to win. In investing everyone can lose or win without opponents
a key point we can learn from that is that studying and improving our skills will help better decision-making, be it in investing or in the way we gamble, studying is not only reading and learning about the world but also learning about ourselves and developing better emotion control, awareness.

don't you think?
Its overall!

Becoming better player or gambler would always vary on being good in different factors on different angles not only limited on the capability or skills but also into emotion handling.

You would really become better if you do able to make yourself good into these fields and dont find any hardship whether you do decide on what to engage or whats not.
It all matters with experience in general sense. Being aware on different conditions and acting appropriate that would correlate to it.

Title: Re: The fine line between market investment and sports gambling
Post by: l3pox on May 19, 2021, 02:42:43 PM
but if someone invest in the 997th coin in the market thinking of becoming rich then that person is gambling no matter what they say,
That's a good comparison and representation of gambling and investing. There is this belief that when we invest, we're also gambling but the example that you've given for investing to those low ranking coins is totally a gamble.

The description of it differentiates from the people discussing it.
Everything will depend n our own understanding, some already have beliefs that is too hard to analyzed since they wanted to believe that way. Investing can be a gamble in terms of risk that we don’t know when we will be able to be in profit but not in-terms of gambling that we stake our money for the sake that others will lose for us to win. In investing everyone can lose or win without opponents
a key point we can learn from that is that studying and improving our skills will help better decision-making, be it in investing or in the way we gamble, studying is not only reading and learning about the world but also learning about ourselves and developing better emotion control, awareness.

don't you think?
Its overall!

Becoming better player or gambler would always vary on being good in different factors on different angles not only limited on the capability or skills but also into emotion handling.

You would really become better if you do able to make yourself good into these fields and dont find any hardship whether you do decide on what to engage or whats not.
It all matters with experience in general sense. Being aware on different conditions and acting appropriate that would correlate to it.

its interesting how the knowledge is not separate, the world is chaos
we separate it to better understand it

that said, studying math, probabilities, body language, learning to bluff, learning to calculate your edeg vs house edge, etc... will help a lot depending on the game