Bitcoin Forum

Other => Politics & Society => Topic started by: Nickbryan10 on May 03, 2021, 01:24:07 PM

Title: Corona virus, man's biggest lesson
Post by: Nickbryan10 on May 03, 2021, 01:24:07 PM
       If the human race hasn't had any lesson in our existence then the corona virus is our biggest lesson. It thought many what life is all about. It dealt many a blow, crumbled markets, economy, businesses, lives, and so on. The level of poverty and suffering after the coronavirus has never been seen. And to make matters worse, we are not even done fighting the coronavirus.
       We say it's the second wave, we don't know  If the virus is in its first, second, or third mitotic phase, we don't even know what we are fighting right now. We only pray we've got it all figured out and what we have in store is enough to combat the virus.

Title: Re: Corona virus, man's biggest lesson
Post by: BADecker on May 03, 2021, 06:08:42 PM
This lesson shows only one major fundamental thing. Go to to see what the lesson is. Put on your thinking cap.

VAERS is the Vaccine Adverse Effect Reporting System, where the statistics of the number of vaccine injuries, etc., go to the CDC (for the USA).

Because of the Harvard School of Medicine study...
- The VAERS report of 12,261 deaths, is really supposed to be 1,226,100;
- Total VAERS injuries of 923,209 should really be 92,320,900.

This can be interpreted in many ways. But one of the ways is that there are other deaths and injuries that are not even noted in medical reports, so that they could even get reported to VAERS if the medical were honestly doing their job. And the way we can tell that the medical isn't doing its job is, most doctors have barely heard of VAERS, with few of them even using it, and many of them who haven't even heard of it.

So, in the broadest interpretation of the VAERS report and the Harvard interpretation of it, maybe regarding ALL the sicknesses and illnesses of people who have seen a doctor... most of their illnesses and deaths have been worsened or caused by the medical.


Title: Re: Corona virus, man's biggest lesson
Post by: Rruchi man on May 04, 2021, 05:28:06 AM
You can describe the corona virus as one of man's lesson if you want, but not the biggest. I believe man has faced more in times before even when there was very limited knowledge. Research still has it that the worst pandemic to affect humans is the Bubonic plague (black death) of 1346–1353 that killed over 75–200 million people. A very huge figure compared to the number the government says covid has killed.

See a list of the world's worst pandemics here, ranking made according to death toll.

Title: Re: Corona virus, man's biggest lesson
Post by: Mauser on May 04, 2021, 12:23:30 PM
       If the human race hasn't had any lesson in our existence then the corona virus is our biggest lesson. It thought many what life is all about. It dealt many a blow, crumbled markets, economy, businesses, lives, and so on. The level of poverty and suffering after the coronavirus has never been seen. And to make matters worse, we are not even done fighting the coronavirus.
       We say it's the second wave, we don't know  If the virus is in its first, second, or third mitotic phase, we don't even know what we are fighting right now. We only pray we've got it all figured out and what we have in store is enough to combat the virus.

But what exactly is the lesson learned from the corona pandemic? We all know it is bad, there are still so many people dying of it and it is going to take years to rebuild everything that was lost during the pandemic. Is there something important we need to learn from this crisis? It seems that once the world is back to normal we are very vulnerable for another crisis, the large plane and ship traffic makes it very easy to transfer a virus across continents.

Title: Re: Corona virus, man's biggest lesson
Post by: Jet Cash on May 04, 2021, 07:57:05 PM
Your post would be better if you replaced "Corona Virus" with " Central Banks".

Title: Re: Corona virus, man's biggest lesson
Post by: jrrsparkles on May 04, 2021, 07:59:36 PM
People die everyday, not only due to the corona virus.

The spread is the deadly thing not the virus because the fatality rate is really low and the death caused from covid 19 virus is very less compared to the people dying due to tobacco consume or accidents,etc.

Title: Re: Corona virus, man's biggest lesson
Post by: ammodotcom on May 05, 2021, 05:33:35 AM
You can describe the corona virus as one of man's lesson if you want, but not the biggest. I believe man has faced more in times before even when there was very limited knowledge. Research still has it that the worst pandemic to affect humans is the Bubonic plague (black death) of 1346–1353 that killed over 75–200 million people. A very huge figure compared to the number the government says covid has killed.

See a list of the world's worst pandemics here, ranking made according to death toll.

Exactly. I know my ancestors weathered far worse – I have it in me to persevere as well.

Title: Re: Corona virus, man's biggest lesson
Post by: Natsuu on May 06, 2021, 03:41:55 AM
       If the human race hasn't had any lesson in our existence then the corona virus is our biggest lesson. It thought many what life is all about. It dealt many a blow, crumbled markets, economy, businesses, lives, and so on. The level of poverty and suffering after the coronavirus has never been seen. And to make matters worse, we are not even done fighting the coronavirus.
       We say it's the second wave, we don't know  If the virus is in its first, second, or third mitotic phase, we don't even know what we are fighting right now. We only pray we've got it all figured out and what we have in store is enough to combat the virus.

New generations will come, and they will have no knowledge about the significance of this event. Just like what we are right now, just a decade ago, there's a pandemic, yet we don't know any significance of it aside from being a lesson in our history class.

Title: Re: Corona virus, man's biggest lesson
Post by: tabas on May 07, 2021, 06:21:03 AM
It taught everyone to be humble. Jobs are not guaranteed to stay forever, there were layoffs and businesses and companies that had closed due to it.
A lot became jobless and many that weren't too active in saving had taught a lesson to be financially aware and prepared for times like this.

Title: Re: Corona virus, man's biggest lesson
Post by: Poker Player on May 07, 2021, 06:46:27 AM
Well, it could be said that Coronavirus is the biggest lesson for those of us who have not lived through a war. Also most of the effects you mention:

    ... crumbled markets, economy, businesses, lives, and so on.

are the consequence of political decisions, not of the disease itself. In theory they were taken to avoid greater evils, although I believe that it could have been done differently.

    The level of poverty and suffering after the coronavirus has never been seen. 

You mean you haven't seen that level of poverty and suffering in your life, but going back to what I was saying before, in historical terms it's nothing. Look at what happened in Europe during WWII and compare.

Title: Re: Corona virus, man's biggest lesson
Post by: Xinarae* on May 07, 2021, 04:21:02 PM
The corona virus has thrown a lot of challenges in front of us but we have always had and will continue to learn from such situations when we have seen in our lives. This situation has taught us exactly what we are doing and what we should do this corona situation has taught me a lot it has made it very clear to us that we have to rely on ourselves to survive many have lost their jobs and gone through financial crisis. The country's economy has collapsed various organizations have laid off their employees.

Title: Re: Corona virus, man's biggest lesson
Post by: aomakun on May 07, 2021, 04:38:00 PM
Corona virus is indeed man’s biggest lesson. During this time, many have been revealed and people also start seeing and realising the things that they took for granted. But more than that are the issues in the society and politics that have been long going and stayed unresolved and lingering because people are not just using their voices.

Title: Re: Corona virus, man's biggest lesson
Post by: hornetsnest on June 14, 2021, 11:12:39 AM
The greatest lesson would be how easy it was to manipulate the owned plebs through deception and fear  8)

Title: Re: Corona virus, man's biggest lesson
Post by: BADecker on June 15, 2021, 12:56:19 AM
The greatest lesson would be how easy it was to manipulate the owned plebs through deception and fear  8)

I like that.

Easy Rider - Freedom spoken by Jack Nicholson (


Title: Re: Corona virus, man's biggest lesson
Post by: hornetsnest on June 15, 2021, 11:10:14 PM
The greatest lesson would be how easy it was to manipulate the owned plebs through deception and fear  8)

I like that.

Easy Rider - Freedom spoken by Jack Nicholson (


...Right on man 8)

Title: Re: Corona virus, man's biggest lesson
Post by: BADecker on June 15, 2021, 11:16:56 PM
^^^ Right! Now that Covid has united the nation under one disease, time for these united people to rise up and show government and the political parties what kind of liars government really is!


Title: Re: Corona virus, man's biggest lesson
Post by: cmg777 on June 15, 2021, 11:24:56 PM
The greatest lesson would be how easy it was to manipulate the owned plebs through deception and fear  8)

I like that.

Easy Rider - Freedom spoken by Jack Nicholson (


...Right on man 8)

Hell yeah tell it brother. And I'd say man's biggest lesson in this is to obey the government itself and that the people in western governments are weak. They kneel and obey the COVID orders when the virus isn't even as bad as Ebola or the Plague. It is only bad because most of the world is aging and most in the west subsist on a poor diet defiant in the nutrients that would help weather a severe sickness such as COVID. Therefore, governments do as they always have ruled with fear and oppression.

Title: Re: Corona virus, man's biggest lesson
Post by: PIR on June 16, 2021, 05:14:11 AM
This corona Virus taught us many things... it gives us the opportunity to realize the importance of... family being away from our loves ones is painful and makes us learn the value of relationship, second is health nothing is more importance than giving time to keep our body healthy and strong as always, third is savings so that in times of crisis you'll have something to spend on when you loss your job, as per our economy, the readiness to keep our hospital and other medical facilities should improve and government quick response to face the challenge.

Title: Re: Corona virus, man's biggest lesson
Post by: songchunlai on June 16, 2021, 09:35:36 AM
In every time civilization, in every where of the galaxy, they will be tested by individual crizzy man.

Title: Re: Corona virus, man's biggest lesson
Post by: LTU_btc on June 16, 2021, 07:39:30 PM
You must be kidding by calling Corona Virus as man's biggest lesson. There was much worse thing than this virus. How about bubonic plague or Black Deather, there was between 75-200 million victims. Ok, not so deep in history - Spanish flu with estimate 17-100 million deaths. Or how about WW1 or WW2? I think that war with 75 million victims is worse thing than virus with 3% mortality rate.
Yes, Covid is big challenge for our generation, but there was many much worse things in world history.

Title: Re: Corona virus, man's biggest lesson
Post by: Similificator on June 16, 2021, 08:53:53 PM
Indeed this virus was woken up a lot of people. Many habe realized that in the face of such problems, not even your momey or your syatus can save you. Just like how some rich and influential people here in my city died due to lack of medical resources and could not cater the huge number of people getting infected. Rich or poor, all had the same chances of dying on tents outside of the hospital and get cremated without even having the chance to have proper final goodbyes with their loved ones or even funerals. This pandemic has taught us how important every breath we take is along with every ounce of food and water as supply runs out. And yes, the leaders of every country in the world saw their own flaws and what their country needs most to be always prepared for unprecedented pandemics such as covid-19. I just hope that it isn't too late yet in learning about these things.

Title: Re: Corona virus, man's biggest lesson
Post by: BADecker on June 16, 2021, 09:21:55 PM
You must be kidding by calling Corona Virus as man's biggest lesson. There was much worse thing than this virus. How about bubonic plague or Black Deather, there was between 75-200 million victims. Ok, not so deep in history - Spanish flu with estimate 17-100 million deaths. Or how about WW1 or WW2? I think that war with 75 million victims is worse thing than virus with 3% mortality rate.
Yes, Covid is big challenge for our generation, but there was many much worse things in world history.

Those old diseases from the past were nothing, just like Covid. Nobody had instant communication like we do today. Government officials and the medical back then, stretched the numbers all out of proportion. The people would never find out until well after the fact.

Today they can't stretch the numbers so easily. Too many of us realize that the few who died, really died from vitamin D deficiency, and that the numbers were boosted by lying statistics.

Same as usual. Government and the medical and the media causing fear in the hearts of people... for nothing, just to gain more control.


Title: Re: Corona virus, man's biggest lesson
Post by: virasog on June 17, 2021, 03:48:46 AM
Same as usual. Government and the medical and the media causing fear in the hearts of people... for nothing, just to gain more control.

Not only to control , but also they are experimenting on how to conquer countries without using the weapons  8)
If you see and analysis the percentage of people dying from Covid-19 that you will realize that it is not as deadly as the fear which is being raised by the media.

Title: Re: Corona virus, man's biggest lesson
Post by: Wakate on June 17, 2021, 10:43:58 AM
This virus really killed a lot of people in my community, but I just thank God that i was not a victim of it. This virus is really a great disaster just like the black death that happens many years back claiming a lot of lives both children and adults. One can even compare it with other disease outbreak that killed thousands of people in the 19th century.

Title: Re: Corona virus, man's biggest lesson
Post by: blackened515 on June 17, 2021, 02:40:56 PM
The news of corona virus now seem stale,but it lessons thereafter is one that we cannot was a time that everybody was worried,devastated,confused and shocked about how the epidemic was able to crumble the whole world,making every activity be at a stand still.But the good thing about it was that so many people deviced another means of living,most people used the lockdown period to learn skills which is certainly helping them today.It was a time that people looked upon farming as the only way to survive.Agriculture was invested in, and farmers benefited alot.Indeed it lessons is one that we can't forget.

Title: Re: Corona virus, man's biggest lesson
Post by: Mauser on June 17, 2021, 04:48:23 PM
The news of corona virus now seem stale,but it lessons thereafter is one that we cannot was a time that everybody was worried,devastated,confused and shocked about how the epidemic was able to crumble the whole world,making every activity be at a stand still.But the good thing about it was that so many people deviced another means of living,most people used the lockdown period to learn skills which is certainly helping them today.It was a time that people looked upon farming as the only way to survive.Agriculture was invested in, and farmers benefited alot.Indeed it lessons is one that we can't forget.

I really hope this year we will break the corona cycle finally. Last year the corona cases where very low during summer and rose sharply during winter. At the moment it all looks like we are going to have a quite summer with not so many cases. The biggest thing is that we need to get vaccinated during the summer. If we can manage to reach a level of 60-70% of the population being vaccinated until winter then we should be in a good position.

Title: Re: Corona virus, man's biggest lesson
Post by: speedy963 on June 17, 2021, 07:04:18 PM
Same as usual. Government and the medical and the media causing fear in the hearts of people... for nothing, just to gain more control.

Not only to control , but also they are experimenting on how to conquer countries without using the weapons  8)
If you see and analysis the percentage of people dying from Covid-19 that you will realize that it is not as deadly as the fear which is being raised by the media.

Somehow this kind of makes sense. Countless wistle blowers are popping out of nowhere more often than before trying to expose people or entities that are up to no good. While others may be attention seekers or paid for by some group of people, there is a high possibility that there are a few that are really speaking the truth. Just imagine how huge the numbers are. We cannot just rule out the chance of someone actually telling the truth. Too bad people never really care that much about these things and tend to ignore or laugh about this matter. If things keep going like this, legitimate wistle blowers would be hesitant to reveal the truth they know and people would stay blinded all throughout their lives. This is just sad.

Title: Re: Corona virus, man's biggest lesson
Post by: tabas on June 17, 2021, 10:23:32 PM
I really hope this year we will break the corona cycle finally. Last year the corona cases where very low during summer and rose sharply during winter. At the moment it all looks like we are going to have a quite summer with not so many cases. The biggest thing is that we need to get vaccinated during the summer. If we can manage to reach a level of 60-70% of the population being vaccinated until winter then we should be in a good position.
I'm wishing it too because it's been so hard to get out and travel across around even to your local because of the virus. Some countries have already gotten themselves back to normal and doesn't have to wear mask anymore because they've got the herd immunity.
And I hope that those populated countries will have themselves back and the active cases will start to decrease overtime.

Title: Re: Corona virus, man's biggest lesson
Post by: BADecker on June 17, 2021, 10:49:32 PM
I really hope this year we will break the corona cycle finally. Last year the corona cases where very low during summer and rose sharply during winter. At the moment it all looks like we are going to have a quite summer with not so many cases. The biggest thing is that we need to get vaccinated during the summer. If we can manage to reach a level of 60-70% of the population being vaccinated until winter then we should be in a good position.
I'm wishing it too because it's been so hard to get out and travel across around even to your local because of the virus. Some countries have already gotten themselves back to normal and doesn't have to wear mask anymore because they've got the herd immunity.
And I hope that those populated countries will have themselves back and the active cases will start to decrease overtime.

In the USA, it's time we started Private Membership Associations, and hooked them up to every facet of life. This way we can have our own businesses that are barely controlled by government.


Title: Re: Corona virus, man's biggest lesson
Post by: lienfaye on June 18, 2021, 02:30:17 AM
Same as usual. Government and the medical and the media causing fear in the hearts of people... for nothing, just to gain more control.

Not only to control , but also they are experimenting on how to conquer countries without using the weapons  8)
If you see and analysis the percentage of people dying from Covid-19 that you will realize that it is not as deadly as the fear which is being raised by the media.
Well thats true, its like a business to them that they need to spread fear in order to control the lives of many by listening to what they has to say. Covid is not really a rare disease because the symptoms are similar to the usual fever, cough and colds.

Anyway because of this virus we realized how great our lives before this pandemic hits us. We are all affected and there's no timeframe when can we eliminate the virus even there's a vaccine already.

Title: Re: Corona virus, man's biggest lesson
Post by: BADecker on June 18, 2021, 02:44:29 AM
^^^ The part of the lesson that is important has 3 sections to it, and maybe 4:
1. Covid is a vitamin D deficiency disease;
2. Ivermectin will protect any people who get Covid;
3. Government and the medical took advantage of people not knowing this;
4. Now that the people are finding out, what are we going to do about it?


Title: Re: Corona virus, man's biggest lesson
Post by: famososMuertos on June 18, 2021, 06:20:40 AM
The current pandemic has been difficult but in the history of humanity even worse situations have occurred, perhaps not as globalized as the current one, in any case it is horrible to make comparisons of this type.

A tragedy should not be binding on our thoughts and actions to change.

Many people individually surely look at life differently but as a society we have changed little, if only our social way of thinking changed in the same way that technology does, we would be so advanced societies that, for example, using bitcoin would be common, this as an example that concerns us for obvious reasons but several could be named in other areas of our daily life.

       If the human race hasn't had any lesson in our existence then the corona virus is our biggest lesson. It thought many what life is all about. It dealt many a blow, crumbled markets, economy, businesses, lives, and so on. The level of poverty and suffering after the coronavirus has never been seen. And to make matters worse, we are not even done fighting the coronavirus.
       We say it's the second wave, we don't know  If the virus is in its first, second, or third mitotic phase, we don't even know what we are fighting right now. We only pray we've got it all figured out and what we have in store is enough to combat the virus.

Curious, this forgotten spelling rule. Well done.

Title: Re: Corona virus, man's biggest lesson
Post by: songchunlai on June 18, 2021, 10:35:13 AM
       If the human race hasn't had any lesson in our existence then the corona virus is our biggest lesson. It thought many what life is all about. It dealt many a blow, crumbled markets, economy, businesses, lives, and so on. The level of poverty and suffering after the coronavirus has never been seen. And to make matters worse, we are not even done fighting the coronavirus.
       We say it's the second wave, we don't know  If the virus is in its first, second, or third mitotic phase, we don't even know what we are fighting right now. We only pray we've got it all figured out and what we have in store is enough to combat the virus.
Bad news, It contains HIV, TSE and RV. It will kill 60% human.

Title: Re: Corona virus, man's biggest lesson
Post by: BADecker on June 18, 2021, 05:59:41 PM
       If the human race hasn't had any lesson in our existence then the corona virus is our biggest lesson. It thought many what life is all about. It dealt many a blow, crumbled markets, economy, businesses, lives, and so on. The level of poverty and suffering after the coronavirus has never been seen. And to make matters worse, we are not even done fighting the coronavirus.
       We say it's the second wave, we don't know  If the virus is in its first, second, or third mitotic phase, we don't even know what we are fighting right now. We only pray we've got it all figured out and what we have in store is enough to combat the virus.
Bad news, It contains HIV, TSE and RV. It will kill 60% human.

And vitamin D and Ivermectin destroy it.     8)

Title: Re: Corona virus, man's biggest lesson
Post by: blackened515 on June 20, 2021, 01:34:54 PM
       If the human race hasn't had any lesson in our existence then the corona virus is our biggest lesson. It thought many what life is all about. It dealt many a blow, crumbled markets, economy, businesses, lives, and so on. The level of poverty and suffering after the coronavirus has never been seen. And to make matters worse, we are not even done fighting the coronavirus.
       We say it's the second wave, we don't know  If the virus is in its first, second, or third mitotic phase, we don't even know what we are fighting right now. We only pray we've got it all figured out and what we have in store is enough to combat the virus.
Bad news, It contains HIV, TSE and RV. It will kill 60% human.

And vitamin D and Ivermectin destroy it.     8)
We've been able to deal with with it, and we are still dealing with it.The only thing that made it tough was because the vaccine was very hard to discover,it took the Scientists months to be able to discover it.Even if it's in it second phase,we are very sure it won't claim the number of life's it claimed in 2020,measures have been put in place to be able to combat it.The world is moving ahead and corona can't stop it.

Title: Re: Corona virus, man's biggest lesson
Post by: Megaquake on June 20, 2021, 02:47:46 PM
       If the human race hasn't had any lesson in our existence then the corona virus is our biggest lesson. It thought many what life is all about. It dealt many a blow, crumbled markets, economy, businesses, lives, and so on. The level of poverty and suffering after the coronavirus has never been seen. And to make matters worse, we are not even done fighting the coronavirus.
       We say it's the second wave, we don't know  If the virus is in its first, second, or third mitotic phase, we don't even know what we are fighting right now. We only pray we've got it all figured out and what we have in store is enough to combat the virus.
Bad news, It contains HIV, TSE and RV. It will kill 60% human.

And vitamin D and Ivermectin destroy it.     8)
We've been able to deal with with it, and we are still dealing with it.The only thing that made it tough was because the vaccine was very hard to discover,it took the Scientists months to be able to discover it.Even if it's in it second phase,we are very sure it won't claim the number of life's it claimed in 2020,measures have been put in place to be able to combat it.The world is moving ahead and corona can't stop it.

India had huge spike when  they were forced to stop ivermectin.