Bitcoin Forum

Other => MultiBit => Topic started by: Atmanadas on May 04, 2021, 07:58:26 PM

Title: Multibit Issue to recover old wallet and export private key
Post by: Atmanadas on May 04, 2021, 07:58:26 PM

Want to recover some 0.x BTC from a few years mining stored in a Multibit Wallet.
Got the files (wallet and key) and my password.
I was able to recover and decompress my private key via ssl, and all the different keys via


1) Multibit 0.5.18 : unable to syncronise the wallet (error)
2) Multibit Classic : Connexion seems to start, but staying near 0% a few hours later, message : cannot save wallet
3) Tried to import my private key (i test everything WIF or not private Keys, even public ones), in two different new wallets :
- Electrum : error message (No inputs found)
- Exodus : invalid private key

Can someone help ?

Thanks a lot !

Title: Re: Multibit Issue to recover old wallet and export private key
Post by: HCP on June 25, 2021, 10:53:48 PM
It's a long shot, given the old age of this OP... but are you still looking for help with recovering your coins from Multibit? ???