Bitcoin Forum

Alternate cryptocurrencies => Mining (Altcoins) => Topic started by: grendel25 on May 06, 2021, 03:03:55 AM

Title: EPIC -- Epic Private Internet Cash The Most Profitable GPU and CPU Mining!
Post by: grendel25 on May 06, 2021, 03:03:55 AM

Epic cash has been the most profitable GPU mining option for many months even before the latest booms in altcoin mining and especially when dual (actually switch) mined on Nvidia GPUs (52% of the day on alts, 48% on EPIC).  

Learn more about Epic Cash here   It's a One-Stop Shop with 16 documents in 16 different languages quickly capturing critical data about Epic Cash

This is now a self-moderated thread.  No time for text-diarrhea-troll-bots making skid marks all over my thread while touting their hyper-inflated DeFi shitcoins for "digital land." Such nonsense will be quickly dispatched from this thread!

The Epic Cash community is smart, thoughtful, and always growing.  Come check it out.

Title: Re: EPIC -- Epic Private Internet Cash The Most Profitable GPU & CPU Mining
Post by: grendel25 on May 07, 2021, 02:29:59 AM
Two significant announcements in the past 24 hours.  Kadena and Polygon (MATIC) partnering with Epic Cash.

Still a great time to mine Epic Cash.  

Come see what we're all about.

Title: Re: EPIC -- Epic Private Internet Cash The Most Profitable GPU Mining
Post by: grendel25 on May 09, 2021, 08:23:20 PM

A recent Epic Cash mining tutorial and meetup held in Miami.  Should be the first of many.

The Epic Cash army of Freeman shall grow.

Come see

Title: Re: EPIC -- Epic Private Internet Cash The Most Profitable GPU Mining
Post by: Gorosden on May 09, 2021, 08:53:45 PM
Two significant announcements in the past 24 hours.  Kadena and Polygon (MATIC) partnering with Epic Cash.

Still a great time to mine Epic Cash. 

Come see what we're all about.
Can you please drop the link to this partnering news with matic project? That's not a small news to begin with 😁 also what is the algorithm for mining this coin? I'm surprised honestly because this coin has no good volume yet

Title: Re: EPIC -- Epic Private Internet Cash The Most Profitable GPU Mining
Post by: Ms.Fungible on May 09, 2021, 10:09:09 PM
Two significant announcements in the past 24 hours.  Kadena and Polygon (MATIC) partnering with Epic Cash.

Still a great time to mine Epic Cash. 

Come see what we're all about.

Good Morning from Manila ღƪ(ˆ◡ˆ)ʃ♡ƪ(ˆ◡ˆ)ʃ♪

I am glad to see our community is getting noticed by other friendly blockchain people. My Epic Cash mining is still going strong ❤️
Have not sold any yet to anyone. I want my own island some day ヅ

Good Luck and God Bless,
ÅÑÇ€£Å ヅ

Title: Re: EPIC -- Epic Private Internet Cash The Most Profitable GPU Mining
Post by: coinhammer on May 10, 2021, 05:59:47 PM
Two significant announcements in the past 24 hours.  Kadena and Polygon (MATIC) partnering with Epic Cash.

Still a great time to mine Epic Cash. 

Come see what we're all about.

Good Morning from Manila ღƪ(ˆ◡ˆ)ʃ♡ƪ(ˆ◡ˆ)ʃ♪

I am glad to see our community is getting noticed by other friendly blockchain people. My Epic Cash mining is still going strong ❤️
Have not sold any yet to anyone. I want my own island some day ヅ

Good Luck and God Bless,
ÅÑÇ€£Å ヅ

Mining difficulty is still low, mining is well worth it. I am hitting it with RandomX and Progpow 24/7!

Title: Re: EPIC -- Epic Private Internet Cash The Most Profitable GPU Mining
Post by: Bitbtc8 on May 11, 2021, 07:46:05 AM
Two significant announcements in the past 24 hours.  Kadena and Polygon (MATIC) partnering with Epic Cash.

Still a great time to mine Epic Cash. 

Come see what we're all about.

Good Morning from Manila ღƪ(ˆ◡ˆ)ʃ♡ƪ(ˆ◡ˆ)ʃ♪

I am glad to see our community is getting noticed by other friendly blockchain people. My Epic Cash mining is still going strong ❤️
Have not sold any yet to anyone. I want my own island some day ヅ

Good Luck and God Bless,
ÅÑÇ€£Å ヅ

Mining difficulty is still low, mining is well worth it. I am hitting it with RandomX and Progpow 24/7!
Hi can you please share me the name of the pool you are using to mine this epic cash and also the miner software? Or epic cash has its own separate miner software?

Title: Re: EPIC -- Epic Private Internet Cash The Most Profitable GPU Mining
Post by: grendel25 on May 12, 2021, 03:42:35 AM
Two significant announcements in the past 24 hours.  Kadena and Polygon (MATIC) partnering with Epic Cash.

Still a great time to mine Epic Cash.  

Come see what we're all about.
Can you please drop the link to this partnering news with matic project? That's not a small news to begin with 😁 also what is the algorithm for mining this coin? I'm surprised honestly because this coin has no good volume yet

Of course.  Here are some links

Polygon (MATIC) Ann

Kadena ann

Title: Re: EPIC -- Epic Private Internet Cash The Most Profitable GPU Mining
Post by: grendel25 on May 12, 2021, 03:49:33 AM
Two significant announcements in the past 24 hours.  Kadena and Polygon (MATIC) partnering with Epic Cash.

Still a great time to mine Epic Cash. 

Come see what we're all about.

Good Morning from Manila ღƪ(ˆ◡ˆ)ʃ♡ƪ(ˆ◡ˆ)ʃ♪

I am glad to see our community is getting noticed by other friendly blockchain people. My Epic Cash mining is still going strong ❤️
Have not sold any yet to anyone. I want my own island some day ヅ

Good Luck and God Bless,
ÅÑÇ€£Å ヅ

Mining difficulty is still low, mining is well worth it. I am hitting it with RandomX and Progpow 24/7!
Hi can you please share me the name of the pool you are using to mine this epic cash and also the miner software? Or epic cash has its own separate miner software?  is the best information portal with links to mining rooms where people will share full guides for mining

a new pool was also just announced here:

Title: Re: EPIC -- Epic Private Internet Cash The Most Profitable GPU Mining
Post by: grendel25 on May 12, 2021, 03:51:07 AM
Two significant announcements in the past 24 hours.  Kadena and Polygon (MATIC) partnering with Epic Cash.

Still a great time to mine Epic Cash.  

Come see what we're all about.

Good Morning from Manila ღƪ(ˆ◡ˆ)ʃ♡ƪ(ˆ◡ˆ)ʃ♪

I am glad to see our community is getting noticed by other friendly blockchain people. My Epic Cash mining is still going strong ❤️
Have not sold any yet to anyone. I want my own island some day ヅ

Good Luck and God Bless,
ÅÑÇ€£Å ヅ

Good morning and God Bless you!

Mining Epic Cash continues to be a fantastic option for Ethereum miners using dual mining software

Title: Re: EPIC -- Epic Private Internet Cash The Most Profitable GPU Mining
Post by: grendel25 on May 12, 2021, 09:41:57 PM
For anyone who missed it earlier this week, two significant announcements:

Kadena and Polygon (MATIC) partnering with Epic Cash.

Polygon (MATIC) Ann

Kadena ann

Still a great time to mine Epic Cash.

Come see what we're all about.

Title: Re: EPIC -- Epic Private Internet Cash The Most Profitable GPU Mining
Post by: epicmine on May 13, 2021, 08:28:07 AM
New Epic Cash mining pool online! (
With a promotional fee of 0.1%

Title: Re: EPIC -- Epic Private Internet Cash The Most Profitable GPU Mining
Post by: grendel25 on May 13, 2021, 06:50:05 PM
I believe in fair launch and fair distribution when it comes to PoW.  I have been seeking a 3rd party AMD miner for Epic Cash that also supports dual mining because I think it is fair and acting in good faith.

Wider AMD support for GPU mining Epic Cash is important and I also understand ProgPow may be more aligned with Nvidia even though AMD mining ProgPoW is possible and profitable.  Profitability is especially high (has been since early this year and hugely profitable when speculatively mined prior to that) when dual mined since Epic Cash ProgPoW only consumes 38% of the 24-hour duty cycle.  The rest of the day (62%) can be spent mining Ethereum or whatever.

There was a hack recently.  It affected all mimblewimble coins, not just Epic Cash.  Recovery from that has been good.  The chain is restored and mining rewards are really good (and profitable) right now.  We are awaiting deposits/withdrawals on one of our main exchanges and even without that there have been times volume exceeded $100K (non-bot) shortly after chain restoral on the exchange.

Meanwhile, PoW is a small part of what is going on at Epic Cash.  Dozens of organic team members work daily to develop wallets, the community, new technology, and further integration.  So far, Epic Cash is integrated on one highly reliable dex (vite) and stellar.  Stellar adds the additional convenience of credit card and paypal access.

A new wallet is the top priority of lead technical experts in the Epic Cash Community at this time.  However, integration wins as targets of opportunity have been wildly successful and the community led team is making important new friends.  For example, partnerships with Polygon (MATIC), Veriblock, and Kadena were all recently announced.

If you want to mine on AMD GPUs or have friends that would like to, here are some links you can go to say something like, "I am also interested in AMD GPU support for Epic Cash ProgPow"  ::


Team Red Miner


If anyone has additional ideas for extended 3rd party AMD GPU mining support I would love to talk about it. 

I only post this here in the interest of fair PoW.  It's part of the fundamentals the Epic Cash community believe in.  Take care.  Hope all is well wherever you are

Come check out out community

Title: Re: EPIC -- Epic Private Internet Cash The Most Profitable GPU Mining
Post by: grendel25 on May 16, 2021, 04:05:50 PM
Wallet release is the #1 community priority right now.  The current wallet design also represents a logical lead-in to a mobile wallet transition.  Our community continues to grow.  We have a small army of technologically inclined super troopers.  I estimate our numbers to be over 2000.  So far, Alaska is still small but I've got five people mining and holding epic.  I'm just one introvert and I know at least 20 less technical people that I'll send epic too when there's a mobile wallet.  And I know there are people here singlehandedly responsible for hundreds of current new community members who will bring in thousands when a mobile platform is released. 

Wallet and mobile wallet is the first and last thing developers talk about.  But that doesn't mean opportunities are lost.  Veriblock, kadena, polygon, and many more partnerships are underway.  Thousands who use stellar and bsc may soon have epic on our radar.  RADAR, love that word.  Radio detection and ranging.  Reminds me of one of our talented web devs, @blacktyg3r EPIC-RADAR Official Group and from @Yogadude. Point being is that we are doing all the right things to grow our community.  When people finally listen we'll be another "why did I never see this coming" coin.  And the truth is we've been here for anyone to see since the beginning.  Fair launched and announced on the primary announcement vehicle that anyone who knows anything about crypto has used since 2009.  In this regard, it's another example of how Epic Cash follows the bitcoin standard.  Grass roots organic community growing from the ground up.  Community members on the phone, sending emails, scheduling meet ups, web and application developing. 

Cex, no doubt is on the horizon as are gambling platforms and even more fiat ramps than we already have. 

And... The first thing that @maxfreeman4 @PinsertIco @rehrar Diego, @poolboy51 and many others are laser focused on is the wallet and a few other VERY critical and invitational technical pieces that will flow into the wallet and other parts of Epic Cash development.  Everyone doing what they can.  I helped with some mac testing recently and even made some of my first github updates towards moving the wallet forward.

A wallet and most critically, the mobile wallet, will instantly patch us to a community sized over 50k.  It's hard to imagine a community  that size not being on some notable centralized exchanges and even free of listing fees.  That's what a mobile wallet gets us and it will come.  It doesn't have to come by this summer to keep EPIC relevant but that would help the near-term community growth and coin price.  I would like to see the mobile version not later than July on both Apple and Android but I can't say definitively it will happen.  Mobile wallet is the primary target.

Come check out out community

Title: Re: EPIC -- Epic Private Internet Cash The Most Profitable GPU Mining
Post by: grendel25 on May 21, 2021, 12:12:04 AM
Hashrate leasing is available on eBay:

Title: Re: EPIC -- Epic Private Internet Cash The Most Profitable GPU Mining
Post by: grendel25 on May 22, 2021, 06:45:34 PM
Good news for Randomx miners

By the way, Epic Cash was the first to mainnet with randomx

Title: Re: EPIC -- Epic Private Internet Cash The Most Profitable GPU Mining
Post by: grendel25 on June 13, 2021, 07:50:32 PM has pool servers in Europe and US and could use a few more miners. 

Mining on Nvidia cards along with some other profitable algorithm continues to be the most profitable mining option in all of crypto. 

Title: Re: EPIC -- Epic Private Internet Cash The Most Profitable GPU Mining
Post by: grendel25 on June 21, 2021, 03:31:37 AM
There is a renewed interest in Epic Cash.

Come find out why

It is early for Epic Cash.  Buy some and see what's up in 2028, known as the singularity for Epic Cash. 

Epic Cash remains profitable and remains the most egalitarian blockchain ever developed.

Title: Re: EPIC -- Epic Private Internet Cash The Most Profitable GPU Mining
Post by: grendel25 on June 26, 2021, 08:29:03 PM
Epic Cash hovers around 10-12 Gh/s network hash for ProgPow and 10Mh/s RandomX

Available to trade on Vite, BSC, Stellar, peer-to-peer.  Credit/Debit card can be used to purchase on Stellar.

It is still early.  More exchanges and mobile options are coming.

Telegram is the most active forum

and there are sub-groups in telegram

and reddit, facebook, youtube, twitter

EPIC is still the most profitable to mine.  If you want other coins it's best to mine and sell epic to exchange for some other coin.

Partnerships with Polygon (MATIC), Kadena, Veriblock.  ECR DAO governance token is coming along with many other tokens.  Epic Cash will be a vast ecosystem with attractive financial use cases. 

Title: Re: EPIC -- Epic Private Internet Cash The Most Profitable GPU Mining
Post by: grendel25 on July 04, 2021, 05:20:45 AM
My 1080ti gets $3.50 daily mining Epic Cash 38% of the day and another $1.50 mining Ethereum the rest of the day.  If I only mined eth it would only be about $2.50 a day on my 1080ti.  So by dual mining Epic Cash and Ethereum I earn twice as much.

Come check out the Epic Cash community

Title: Re: EPIC -- Epic Private Internet Cash The Most Profitable GPU Mining
Post by: TD891 on July 04, 2021, 05:29:42 AM
I love Epic Cash :) to easy to mine  ;D
With my RX 6900 XT up to 5$/day and only 38% Thats Great.

Title: Re: EPIC -- Epic Private Internet Cash The Most Profitable GPU Mining
Post by: grendel25 on July 07, 2021, 03:33:39 AM
I love Epic Cash :) to easy to mine  ;D
With my RX 6900 XT up to 5$/day and only 38% Thats Great.

Excellent!   It's really efficient.  I do wish there were dual mining for AMD GPUs but even without it, mining just 38% of the day and profiting is very effective. 

Title: Re: EPIC -- Epic Private Internet Cash The Most Profitable GPU Mining
Post by: grendel25 on July 25, 2021, 04:07:15 AM
Definitely difficult to mine right now.  And the price hasn't changed much.  Only on one exchange too.  I think this is coiling up to explode.  Just my opinion and I've been wrong before.  But when considering what Epic Cash has with it's small supply, PoW model, growing community, growing partnerships, technical development, token releases, and considering comparisons to competitors like bitcoin gold it's hard to imagine this not getting recognition it deserves.

Title: Re: EPIC -- Epic Private Internet Cash The Most Profitable GPU Mining
Post by: grendel25 on August 24, 2021, 04:03:15 AM
Still kickin'

Title: Re: EPIC -- Epic Private Internet Cash The Most Profitable GPU Mining
Post by: dragonmike on August 25, 2021, 08:21:12 AM
Been mining EPIC for a while. Needs more liquidity on (better) exchanges. ViteX sucks donkey balls.

Title: Re: EPIC -- Epic Private Internet Cash The Most Profitable GPU Mining
Post by: sxemini on August 25, 2021, 12:11:24 PM
And where can i trade this coin? I see nearly zero trading volume.

Title: Re: EPIC -- Epic Private Internet Cash The Most Profitable GPU Mining
Post by: grendel25 on September 17, 2021, 06:54:55 AM
Trading volume has frequently been around $10-50K for years on just one solid DEX.

Title: Re: EPIC -- Epic Private Internet Cash The Most Profitable GPU Mining
Post by: grendel25 on September 17, 2021, 06:56:30 AM
Epic Cash has been the most profitable coin to mine for years now.  At least, dual mining Epic/Eth and probably other Epic/XXXX variables if you have the time or profit switching software.

I've tried to tell people.  We're getting some new miners though. 

Title: Re: EPIC -- Epic Private Internet Cash The Most Profitable GPU Mining
Post by: grendel25 on September 17, 2021, 06:58:02 AM
And we are getting a significant exchange very soon.  No big secret.  It's all over our telegram groups if anyone cares to tune in.

But it's like people are stuck in their ways.  That's fine.  I do that too.  But I do try new things.  And I always go to what works best. 

For NVIDIA GPUs, there's just nothing better than dual mining EPIC/<your choice here>

Title: Re: EPIC -- Epic Private Internet Cash The Most Profitable GPU Mining
Post by: grendel25 on September 17, 2021, 07:01:07 AM
Been mining EPIC for a while. Needs more liquidity on (better) exchanges. ViteX sucks donkey balls.

It's happening

I disagree about ViteX but we are getting more exchanges quite soon.

ViteX as it is now, I agree, needs more users more volume and improved UI.  These things will come and ViteX should grow to be a fantastic DEX.  They have the talent to make that happen.

Title: Re: EPIC -- Epic Private Internet Cash The Most Profitable GPU Mining
Post by: fmz89 on September 17, 2021, 03:19:55 PM
what is this  ;D maybe weekend will take a look deeper, if dual mining eth can profitable like good old days, this must spike in the network if the market support the project

i think this was ecash from rebranding bitcoin abc fork, lol that name, make me confused epic cash, ecash, epic games ;D

Title: Re: EPIC -- Epic Private Internet Cash The Most Profitable GPU Mining
Post by: grendel25 on September 17, 2021, 04:09:45 PM
what is this  ;D maybe weekend will take a look deeper, if dual mining eth can profitable like good old days, this must spike in the network if the market support the project

i think this was ecash from rebranding bitcoin abc fork, lol that name, make me confused epic cash, ecash, epic games ;D

Yes, please.  Come have a look!  

Epic Cash is not ecash.  Epic Cash implements Mimblewimble in innovative ways.  It was forked from Grin coin but has a totally unique PoW implementation compared to other Mimblewimble coins.  And if you don't understand Mimblewimble yet, it is basically the next major step in Elliptical Curve Cryptology (ECC) technology which is the same proven technology Bitcoin uses to secure transactions.  With Mimblewimble, this technology is used to make transaction amounts 100% private.  

Epic Cash is not part of Epic Games or ANY corporate entity.  We are 100% community led.  No paid influencers, no premine, not a security.  And we aren't 'just' EPIC which is our store of value coin that was released first.  As far back as 2018, the Epic Cash team has been developing an ecosystem which is just now beginning to materialize with ECR tokens making their way into markets connected to Ethereum, Wanchain, Polygon, Binance Smart Chain, etc

Markets: , Stellar , BSC
Link collection:

Title: Re: EPIC -- Epic Private Internet Cash The Most Profitable GPU Mining
Post by: grendel25 on September 23, 2021, 02:34:10 AM
Epic Cash remains the most profitable coin to mine on nvidia GPUs as it has been for years now.  You can dual mine Epic Cash and some other coin and then sell the EPIC for some other coin if you wanted and get more of whatever coin you want.

I mine and hodl EPIC and ETH.  I'm typically 40% more profitable compared to miners mining ETH alone. 

Title: Re: EPIC -- Epic Private Internet Cash The Most Profitable GPU Mining
Post by: grendel25 on October 06, 2021, 04:10:15 AM
Ehem.  Yep.  Still the most profitable GPU mining option out there.  Just 38% of the day mining Epic Cash ProgPoW gets as much $$ as mining Eth 100% of the day and you can still mine eth the other 62% of the day. 

Whoever came up with Epic Cash and their PoW model... well, I love them.

Title: Re: EPIC -- Epic Private Internet Cash The Most Profitable GPU Mining
Post by: sxemini on October 06, 2021, 08:56:04 AM
Ehem.  Yep.  Still the most profitable GPU mining option out there.  Just 38% of the day mining Epic Cash ProgPoW gets as much $$ as mining Eth 100% of the day and you can still mine eth the other 62% of the day. 

Whoever came up with Epic Cash and their PoW model... well, I love them.

Yes but no good miner out there.

Title: Re: EPIC -- Epic Private Internet Cash The Most Profitable GPU Mining
Post by: grendel25 on October 07, 2021, 01:44:25 AM
Ehem.  Yep.  Still the most profitable GPU mining option out there.  Just 38% of the day mining Epic Cash ProgPoW gets as much $$ as mining Eth 100% of the day and you can still mine eth the other 62% of the day. 

Whoever came up with Epic Cash and their PoW model... well, I love them.

Yes but no good miner out there.

AMD or Nvidia?

Title: Re: EPIC -- Epic Private Internet Cash The Most Profitable GPU Mining
Post by: io8621 on October 07, 2021, 05:48:23 AM
For amd gpu only epic-miner-opencl is available?
Try to mine on icemining with 6x570 rig, get around 8 mhs for each card, progpow algo.
And, other question, dual mining with other coin is possible only with nvidia miner?
Example, with my 4 gb amd gpu mine Ergo, but it would be nice to mine ergo by default and when epic progpow time coming mine epic then back to ergo.
Something like teamred or srbminer made for zilliqa.

Title: Re: EPIC -- Epic Private Internet Cash The Most Profitable GPU Mining
Post by: doktor83 on October 07, 2021, 06:54:11 AM
Example, with my 4 gb amd gpu mine Ergo, but it would be nice to mine ergo by default and when epic progpow time coming mine epic then back to ergo.

Coming soon  8)

Title: Re: EPIC -- Epic Private Internet Cash The Most Profitable GPU Mining
Post by: io8621 on October 07, 2021, 07:08:11 AM
Thank you. Great news!

Title: Re: EPIC -- Epic Private Internet Cash The Most Profitable GPU Mining
Post by: sxemini on October 07, 2021, 08:54:19 AM
Ehem.  Yep.  Still the most profitable GPU mining option out there.  Just 38% of the day mining Epic Cash ProgPoW gets as much $$ as mining Eth 100% of the day and you can still mine eth the other 62% of the day. 

Whoever came up with Epic Cash and their PoW model... well, I love them.

Yes but no good miner out there.

AMD or Nvidia?

For Nvidia i use TT Miner, but it is to slow on progpow. But maybe the next version give us more speed -> he is working on it  ;)

And yes for AMD no good miner at the moment -> but thanks doktor83 we waiting for your new miner version  :D

Title: Re: EPIC -- Epic Private Internet Cash The Most Profitable GPU Mining
Post by: grendel25 on October 08, 2021, 06:07:26 AM
Example, with my 4 gb amd gpu mine Ergo, but it would be nice to mine ergo by default and when epic progpow time coming mine epic then back to ergo.

Coming soon  8)

Awesome!  That is great news!!  This will help a lot of people in our always growing Epic Community!!!

Title: Re: EPIC -- Epic Private Internet Cash The Most Profitable GPU Mining
Post by: grendel25 on October 08, 2021, 06:10:32 AM
Ehem.  Yep.  Still the most profitable GPU mining option out there.  Just 38% of the day mining Epic Cash ProgPoW gets as much $$ as mining Eth 100% of the day and you can still mine eth the other 62% of the day. 

Whoever came up with Epic Cash and their PoW model... well, I love them.

Yes but no good miner out there.

AMD or Nvidia?

For Nvidia i use TT Miner, but it is to slow on progpow. But maybe the next version give us more speed -> he is working on it  ;)

And yes for AMD no good miner at the moment -> but thanks doktor83 we waiting for your new miner version  :D

I also use TT Miner and it has served me very well for my Nvidia 1080ti.  that is fantastic that TrailingStop of TT Miner is working on making it even faster!?!?  whhaaatt?  AWESOME

I use SRB miner whenever I do CPU mining.  I know they support GPU but I just always went with TTminer for switch-mining EPIC and ETH.  Man I'm soooo stoked for more AMD support for our friends!

Title: Re: EPIC -- Epic Private Internet Cash The Most Profitable GPU Mining
Post by: io8621 on October 09, 2021, 03:51:29 PM
Nobody mines with amd gpu?
Try to setup 1 rig to test 24h but can use only 4 gpu, if try with 6 gpu 2 dont work.

Setup my config file like this:

device = 0
driver = 2

device = 1
driver = 2

device = 2
driver = 2

device = 3
driver = 2

device = 4
driver = 2

device = 5
driver = 2

If try with one gpu at time works, but when try all together max 4 gpu works.
Win10 with Adrenalin 20.9.1 and epic-miner 2.3.1

Title: Re: EPIC -- Epic Private Internet Cash The Most Profitable GPU Mining
Post by: grendel25 on October 10, 2021, 07:14:14 PM
Nobody mines with amd gpu?
Try to setup 1 rig to test 24h but can use only 4 gpu, if try with 6 gpu 2 dont work.

Setup my config file like this:

device = 0
driver = 2

device = 1
driver = 2

device = 2
driver = 2

device = 3
driver = 2

device = 4
driver = 2

device = 5
driver = 2

If try with one gpu at time works, but when try all together max 4 gpu works.
Win10 with Adrenalin 20.9.1 and epic-miner 2.3.1

Hi, we have several in our mining community using AMD GPUs.  Best place to ask for support is here:

And AMD support is getting better all the time.  SRB miner announced recently that they will improve multi-algo switch mining for Epic on AMD GPUs

Title: Re: EPIC -- Epic Private Internet Cash The Most Profitable GPU Mining
Post by: MCcryptonia on October 12, 2021, 06:17:03 AM
Amy upcoming future plans like use of NFT for example in your system ? I've seen new projects implementing this idea and it drastically increase the project's exposure and adoption too, what are the future plans for epiccash

Title: Re: EPIC -- Epic Private Internet Cash The Most Profitable GPU Mining
Post by: grendel25 on October 17, 2021, 06:05:23 PM
Amy upcoming future plans like use of NFT for example in your system ? I've seen new projects implementing this idea and it drastically increase the project's exposure and adoption too, what are the future plans for epiccash

Yes, our community developers are looking into NFTs.  Great question, thank you!

Title: Re: EPIC -- Epic Private Internet Cash The Most Profitable GPU Mining
Post by: grendel25 on October 17, 2021, 06:06:27 PM
SRB-Miner just added AMD GPU support for EPIC/(Your other coin choice) Dual/Switch mining for MAX profit!

Markets: , Stellar , BSC
Link collection:

Title: Re: EPIC -- Epic Private Internet Cash The Most Profitable GPU Mining
Post by: grendel25 on October 17, 2021, 06:07:49 PM
From doktor83:

SRBMiner-Multi now supports 'progpow_epic' algorithm! (

Some 'dual' mining examples :

EpicCash + Ethereum
SRBMiner-MULTI.exe --disable-cpu --multi-algorithm-job-mode 3 --algorithm progpow_epic;ethash --pool; --wallet epic-username;ethereum-wallet --gpu-boost 3

EpicCash + Ergo
SRBMiner-MULTI.exe --disable-cpu --multi-algorithm-job-mode 3 --algorithm progpow_epic;autolykos2 --pool; --wallet epic-username;ergo-wallet --gpu-boost 3

Title: Re: EPIC -- Epic Private Internet Cash The Most Profitable GPU Mining
Post by: doktor83 on October 18, 2021, 05:56:40 AM
Because SRBMiner supports both the Progpow and RandomX variants of EpicCash, you can mine them together like :

SRBMiner-MULTI.exe --algorithm progpow_epic;randomepic --cpu-threads -1;0 --multi-algorithm-job-mode 3 --pool; --wallet icemining-username;icemining-username --gpu-boost 3

This will mine randomx jobs on your CPU, and progpow jobs on your GPU/S.  8)

Title: Re: EPIC -- Epic Private Internet Cash The Most Profitable GPU Mining
Post by: grendel25 on October 23, 2021, 06:45:42 PM
Because SRBMiner supports both the Progpow and RandomX variants of EpicCash, you can mine them together like :

SRBMiner-MULTI.exe --algorithm progpow_epic;randomepic --cpu-threads -1;0 --multi-algorithm-job-mode 3 --pool; --wallet icemining-username;icemining-username --gpu-boost 3

This will mine randomx jobs on your CPU, and progpow jobs on your GPU/S.  8)

Fantastic.  You ROCK doktor!!!

Title: Re: EPIC -- Epic Private Internet Cash The Most Profitable GPU Mining
Post by: grendel25 on October 24, 2021, 09:25:12 PM
EPIC has been flying under the radar when it comes to mining profitability.  There is a small basket of exchanges that whattomine uses to list numbers and once we get on their list we might get better exposure and raise awareness.  It is still VERY early for Epic Cash.  You'll see...

Title: Re: EPIC -- Epic Private Internet Cash The Most Profitable GPU Mining
Post by: grendel25 on October 30, 2021, 10:38:32 PM
Era 3 started today.  New PoW allocation:  48/48/4  CPU/GPU/ASIC as determined by the community DAO

Prices have been at ATHs this week.

Prices back in Sept around 30 cents and now it's around $3.50. 

Mining is still great.  Dual/Switch mining EPIC/ETH is available for Nvidia --AND-- AMD.  Thank you to the software developers TTminer, SRBMiner, and others if I'm forgetting you. 


Title: Re: EPIC -- Epic Private Internet Cash The Most Profitable GPU Mining
Post by: grendel25 on October 30, 2021, 10:39:14 PM
Bitmart listing early December... Top 15 exchange... More to come...

Title: Re: EPIC -- Epic Private Internet Cash The Most Profitable GPU Mining
Post by: doktor83 on November 04, 2021, 12:43:28 PM
A video tutorial on how to maximise profits on your 4GB Amd GPU's, by 'dual' mining EpicCash + Ergo! (

Title: Re: EPIC -- Epic Private Internet Cash The Most Profitable GPU Mining
Post by: grendel25 on November 06, 2021, 07:02:53 AM
A video tutorial on how to maximise profits on your 4GB Amd GPU's, by 'dual' mining EpicCash + Ergo! (

Wow!  That's awesome!  Thank you so much for this!  This will help a lot of people mining Epic Cash!!!

Title: Re: EPIC -- Epic Private Internet Cash The Most Profitable GPU Mining
Post by: grendel25 on December 13, 2021, 12:16:34 AM
A new Epic Cash Explorer is available on ( !!

Love this!  Epic Cash has the BEST community!!!

Title: Re: EPIC -- Epic Private Internet Cash The Most Profitable GPU Mining
Post by: grendel25 on December 13, 2021, 12:18:39 AM
I'm still mining Epic Cash.  Still the most profitable of any GPU mining options.  I guess $6 EPIC helps.  That's a 20X from not too long ago and more than that from earlier posts I put up on bitcointalk about mining EPIC.

Mine EPIC unless you are allergic to success.

Title: Re: EPIC -- Epic Private Internet Cash The Most Profitable GPU Mining
Post by: sxemini on December 13, 2021, 01:36:22 PM
I'm still mining Epic Cash.  Still the most profitable of any GPU mining options.  I guess $6 EPIC helps.  That's a 20X from not too long ago and more than that from earlier posts I put up on bitcointalk about mining EPIC.

Mine EPIC unless you are allergic to success.

Yeah i get around 1 Epic per day, with 1x 1070 and 2 CPU´s + a little bit ETH and Verus. Over 150 EPIC in 2 Months with this gear. This is insane.

Title: Re: EPIC -- Epic Private Internet Cash The Most Profitable GPU Mining
Post by: ronnieb on December 14, 2021, 06:18:35 PM
Hey, can i dualmine ETH+EPIC with 8gb rx470 cards on HiveOS? and whats the best config if you know it.

Title: Re: EPIC -- Epic Private Internet Cash The Most Profitable GPU Mining
Post by: doktor83 on December 15, 2021, 03:32:55 AM
Hey, can i dualmine ETH+EPIC with 8gb rx470 cards on HiveOS? and whats the best config if you know it.

yes you can with SRBMiner.

use these parameters to set it up :

--disable-cpu --multi-algorithm-job-mode 3 --algorithm progpow_epic;ethash --pool; --wallet epic-username;ethereum-wallet

Title: Re: EPIC -- Epic Private Internet Cash The Most Profitable GPU Mining
Post by: grendel25 on December 16, 2021, 02:06:25 AM
I'm still mining Epic Cash.  Still the most profitable of any GPU mining options.  I guess $6 EPIC helps.  That's a 20X from not too long ago and more than that from earlier posts I put up on bitcointalk about mining EPIC.

Mine EPIC unless you are allergic to success.

Yeah i get around 1 Epic per day, with 1x 1070 and 2 CPU´s + a little bit ETH and Verus. Over 150 EPIC in 2 Months with this gear. This is insane.

That's awesome!  I'm a fan of all these projects.  Epic Cash is just getting started too.  Lots of milestones to hit with the ecosystem. 

Title: Re: EPIC -- Epic Private Internet Cash The Most Profitable GPU Mining
Post by: grendel25 on December 18, 2021, 07:00:25 PM
I love mining Epic Cash because it has been the most consistently profitable GPU mining option for a number of years. 

I dual/switch mine EPIC with ETH.  So currently, it mines 48% of the day on EPIC and then 52% to ETH.  Or, I could just mine EPIC and it would still be 2X more profitable than mining ETH.  But since ETH is still profitable, I mine both. 

Epic Cash is setup to be mineable by CPU, GPU, and ASICs currently allocated as a 48/48/4 CPU/GPU/ASIC split.

More explanation on how mining works in EPIC:

Imagine we have 100 beans and 3 jars we'll place those beans.  Let's just label the jars CPU, GPU, and ASIC.  And we'll place 48 beans in the CPU jar, 48 more into the GPU jar, and the remaining 4 beans to ASIC.  But instead of making it so predictable and boring, we'll randomize bean assignments throughout the day so on one turn the CPU jar gets a bean and then maybe the next turn the same CPU jar gets another bean but eventually a round robin pattern emerges and the 48/48/4 allocation to the CPU, GPU, and ASIC jars is achieved.
This is how mining works in epic cash. 
A block is mined every minute.  That is 1440 blocks per day.  Randomly but consistently, 48% goes to CPU miners, 48% to GPU miners, and 4% to ASIC miners.  This allocation was chosen by the Epic Cash community via DAO governance.  It is agile to change as needed and as determined by the community.
I ran numbers this morning with a newcomer miner and on a 1080 ti they would get about two blocks a week.  At $5 a coin that is about $37.50 weekly.  Mining Ethereum alone would get about $17.5 weekly.
The really cool thing is he can dual/switch mine and get epic's $37.5 plus about $8.75 from eth bringing it up to $46.25 weekly.  2.6 times better than mining ETH alone.

It's more work because you'll have to learn new things and take additional steps to sell.  But for as consistent as this has been for profit I think it's worth it.

EPIC is currently only tradeable on one DEX called Vite.  No kyc.  ios/android apps are easy to use.  A little different than other apps but really easy once you do it a few times.  And it's non-custodial so the security responsibility of securing your seed phrase is up to you.  Non-Custodial and Non-KYC a lot of people like these features but it's not for everyone. 

EPIC has a listing on Bitmart coming in January.  It's paid for.  Would have been December but there was a big hack and Bitmart was delayed but they are doing a fantastic job of recovering and assuring no loss to customers.  Top 15 exchange on Coingecko. 

Lots of other stuff about Epic Cash.  There's an entire ecosystem being built up. Business leaders, artists, tech gurus, small/vibrant/growing community. 

Title: Re: EPIC -- Epic Private Internet Cash The Most Profitable GPU Mining
Post by: grendel25 on January 22, 2022, 02:13:16 AM
Dual/switch mining EPIC/ETH remains the most profitable GPU mining on NVIDIA cards.  EPIC pulls about $20 and Eth about $10.  Mining Eth alone would pull about $20.  So switch mining Epic/Eth pulls 50% more than Eth alone.

Title: Re: EPIC -- Epic Private Internet Cash The Most Profitable GPU Mining
Post by: igotek on January 24, 2022, 01:32:38 PM
yes you can with SRBMiner.

use these parameters to set it up :

--disable-cpu --multi-algorithm-job-mode 3 --algorithm progpow_epic;ethash --pool; --wallet epic-username;ethereum-wallet

Could you give me an example for HiveOS flight sheet, pls ?
I couldnt set it for dual. I can only ETH or EPIC.

Title: Re: EPIC -- Epic Private Internet Cash The Most Profitable GPU Mining
Post by: igotek on January 24, 2022, 01:49:22 PM
Dual/switch mining EPIC/ETH remains the most profitable GPU mining on NVIDIA cards.  EPIC pulls about $20 and Eth about $10.  Mining Eth alone would pull about $20.  So switch mining Epic/Eth pulls 50% more than Eth alone.

TTminer has a bug. The miner restarts itself randomly in 5-10 minutes. I reported it.
They will release new update of the miner.

Anyway, I know how to mine only EPIC.
How to mine ETH+EPIC at the same time with NVIDIA GPUS ?
I use HiveOS.

Title: Re: EPIC -- Epic Private Internet Cash The Most Profitable GPU Mining
Post by: grendel25 on April 06, 2022, 03:50:21 PM

Title: Re: EPIC -- Epic Private Internet Cash The Most Profitable GPU Mining
Post by: grendel25 on April 06, 2022, 03:50:41 PM
$EPIC is now available on Bitmart exchange!

Title: Re: EPIC -- Epic Private Internet Cash The Most Profitable GPU Mining
Post by: MidNite36 on April 06, 2022, 05:41:06 PM
$EPIC is now available on Bitmart exchange!
How profitable is this coin now compared to other PoW coins?.
Why isn't this coin available on mining calculators out there?.
Last time I checked this EPIC out it lacks enough volumes and liquidity, things are better now?.

Title: Re: EPIC -- Epic Private Internet Cash The Most Profitable GPU Mining
Post by: grendel25 on April 16, 2022, 08:55:02 AM
$EPIC is now available on Bitmart exchange!
How profitable is this coin now compared to other PoW coins?.
Why isn't this coin available on mining calculators out there?.
Last time I checked this EPIC out it lacks enough volumes and liquidity, things are better now?.

Mining EPIC has been possible since 2019. There hasn't been a time that I've mined it and it wasn't profitable.

The community is growing and more people will know about EPIC. This will help liquidity. We're doing the tech things required and the fundamentals are solid so it's just a matter of actual people understanding the value here. It is happening. Slowly but surely. What BTC lost, EPIC restores. This is the DNA. It is the design.

I haven't done calculations lately. Let me do that real quick.

With 22 Mh/s ProgPoW, I get about $1.70 daily mining EPIC.  Keep in mind, that is with the worker only active for 48% of the day.  The other 52% I can leave it turned off OR, what I do is mine Ethereum but really the miner can choose any coin supported by ttminer or SRB mining software.  Sticking with my Ethereum mining, I get about $1.50.  But to be fair and consider the most profitable according to whattomine, there's another coin showing $1.63. Even if I have free electricity, it is still more profitable to mine EPIC and nothing else. But if I have free energy, why not mine both.  So I could get $1.70 for EPIC and then another .85 cents for the other algo, about $2.55 altogether.  So, switch/split mining EPIC (it's not dual mining since the algos are not worked at the same time, rather they 'switch' or 'split' to take turns mining) is about 35% more profitable than mining other coins.

I swear, every time I run this calculation it is like this.  Anywhere from 25% to 50% more profitable on any given day. And if you are able to hold some of the coins and sell them when the price jumps it's even better. And the supply and finance ecosystem being built around it is built to make it do exactly that as time goes on.

Title: Re: EPIC -- Epic Private Internet Cash The Most Profitable GPU Mining
Post by: grendel25 on June 25, 2022, 06:38:01 AM
Still the best. Nothing comes close

Title: Re: EPIC -- Epic Private Internet Cash The Most Profitable GPU Mining
Post by: waywoos2 on June 25, 2022, 02:20:28 PM
Get in more exchanges!!!!

Title: Re: EPIC -- Epic Private Internet Cash The Most Profitable GPU Mining
Post by: Coinfarm ventures on June 26, 2022, 06:14:31 AM
I've started experimenting with mining EPIC+RVN with TT-miner on my RTX 3080 Ti. It definitely looks like the daily profit is higher than ETH or ERG. I will try EPIC+SERO next.

I believe that the older cards, like Turing, will actually be the best investment in this bear market compared to the current gen. FLUX, ERG, EPIC, FIRO are taking over. In fact, their exchange rate to ETH or BTC has actually increased.

I just figured out how to get a 5.3¢/kWh power rate, so hopefully I can get 100+ GPUs in a garage this year. Maybe they will all mine EPIC. Instead of repeating my million-dollar mistake from the past where I sold the coins everyday, this time I will HODL!

Title: Re: EPIC -- Epic Private Internet Cash The Most Profitable GPU Mining
Post by: grendel25 on August 20, 2022, 02:13:02 AM
I've started experimenting with mining EPIC+RVN with TT-miner on my RTX 3080 Ti. It definitely looks like the daily profit is higher than ETH or ERG. I will try EPIC+SERO next.

I believe that the older cards, like Turing, will actually be the best investment in this bear market compared to the current gen. FLUX, ERG, EPIC, FIRO are taking over. In fact, their exchange rate to ETH or BTC has actually increased.

I just figured out how to get a 5.3¢/kWh power rate, so hopefully I can get 100+ GPUs in a garage this year. Maybe they will all mine EPIC. Instead of repeating my million-dollar mistake from the past where I sold the coins everyday, this time I will HODL!

Wow, that's cheap power. Wish I could get that!

Title: Re: EPIC -- Epic Private Internet Cash The Most Profitable GPU Mining
Post by: grendel25 on September 15, 2022, 01:36:44 PM
Just another PSA. Come check out EPIC mining.  It's unique and different than any other crypto you can mine.

Title: Re: EPIC -- Epic Private Internet Cash The Most Profitable GPU Mining
Post by: grendel25 on September 16, 2022, 12:41:20 AM
Communities like ours have to take back the narrative. Vast swaths of so called "crypto influencers" express apathy and concede to ideals of centralization and corporate greed while using ESF as some lame excuse that makes it OK. They blindly ignore what so many of us have learned to be an obvious red flag:

***Massively Premined Coins***

Ethereum is proving why we should always beware of the intent of those in power by way of their own tokenomics design.

These are the narratives that people who actually believe in crypto should be driving:

1) Proof of Work can be done efficiently. We can't let the narrative be that crypto Proof of Work is destroying the planet just because corporate industry has exploited the use of ASICs. EPIC is proof of the possibility for energy conservation having designed a mining protocol that is predominantly mineable by CPUs and GPUs and adds the step of splitting the duty cycle so that either of the main components can only mine 48% of the day thus making it more than twice as energy efficient than any comparable coin on Randomx or ProgPoW. Developers of this type of tech innovation are also aiming to make mining available on mobile phones which would be the next major leap for any fundamentally sound crypto project. Aside from that, within the next decade, optical coprocessors will be mainstream and this will mean massive efficient gains. At least 10X performance at 1/10th the cost.

2) Massively accessible Proof of Work available to billions of people will always be more decentralized compared to Proof of Stake ecosystems where:
        a) The only way to attain coins in Proof of Stake is to buy them from people who held coins before you or to buy enough coins to stake to garner rewards and
        b) Seizure of network control merely requires heist or purchase of native coins/tokens rather than the logistical feat of acquiring compute gear.

3) The dystopian reality and outcome of massively successful premined projects are
        a) A rug pull to early community founders and adopters of their ecosystems,
        b) The reality of regulatory obliged corporate validators, and
        c) Censorship.

Title: Re: EPIC -- Epic Private Internet Cash The Most Profitable GPU Mining
Post by: grendel25 on September 17, 2022, 06:00:00 AM
Network hash rate can affect the price indirectly.

More efficient miners may squeeze out less efficient miners.  The less efficient miners may consider buying rather than mining. If you were going to spend $20 on electric every month to mine but it's not profitable, why not just spend the electric bill money to buy EPIC on the Vite app?

Compared to other coins, EPIC is more profitable. Actually, there's only one other coin, Kaspa, that is profitable according to and EPIC is between 25% to 40% more profitable while also consuming 52% less energy! We're still flying under the radar since whattomine still refuses to list us because we're not on their list of approved CEXs.  BUT... people do know about us and we will continue to grow just as we have gradually 2X'd our network hashrate since ethereum's 'merge'.

More miners = more dumpers, sure.  And when the miners stay it could mean more 3rd party mining support and a continued growth for our community. Indirectly, more miners equates to more coin holders.  Ethereum 'had' more miners and it didn't hurt them at all.

More miners also means more distributed Proof of Work and even better network security making it all the more difficult to attack by acquiring hashrate.

More miners and more miners selling also means opportunities for buyers. And really it just depends on the miners. The markets will work themselves out. Miners aim to be profitable and could hold coins just as well as they can sell them. By now, most experienced miners and likely many miners coming from Ethereum have covered their electric costs many times over. We are probably seeing a massive scope of speculative mining from miners previously specialized in 'the sure thing' until it wasn't, Ethereum.

Title: Re: EPIC -- Epic Private Internet Cash The Most Profitable GPU Mining
Post by: ronnieb on September 18, 2022, 04:03:16 PM
What's the avg hashrate for a RX 470 8GB card on this algo?

I have some cards left over and free approved electricity to use

Title: Re: EPIC -- Epic Private Internet Cash The Most Profitable GPU Mining
Post by: grendel25 on September 19, 2022, 07:18:07 AM
What's the avg hashrate for a RX 470 8GB card on this algo?

I have some cards left over and free approved electricity to use

15 Mh/s

Title: Re: EPIC -- Epic Private Internet Cash The Most Profitable GPU Mining
Post by: ddrenova on September 19, 2022, 12:59:31 PM
Is it possible mining on linux?

Title: Re: EPIC -- Epic Private Internet Cash The Most Profitable GPU Mining
Post by: grendel25 on September 20, 2022, 01:07:47 AM
Is it possible mining on linux?

Yes. Definitely. We have people GPU and CPU mining on Linux. I must warn you, mining EPIC is not easy mode but it is worth it!

Any support questions should be asked in the helpdesk. There are some helpful posts already there for people using HiveOS for GPU mining

And we have many other community work groups.

Title: Re: EPIC -- Epic Private Internet Cash The Most Profitable GPU Mining
Post by: grendel25 on October 16, 2022, 01:45:46 AM
btc is a proposition of antiquated tech and diminishing returns when there are coins like EPIC with advanced tech and far more upside.

Divide BTC's bottom to top runup of any cycle by 5.33 and we know how much the next run up will be from the cycle's bottom.  3200X diminished to 600X diminished to 112x diminished to 21 and now diminished to a possible 4X from the recent low of $17,500 ($71,600 + 17,500 = $89K estimate based on previous cycle performance). 

People are becoming aware of this diminishing BTC trend along with all the shortcomings. BTC deficiencies such as being ASIC mined since 2012, TradFi take over complete with fractional reserve and rehypothecated lending, public ledgers, severely degraded fungibility, 432GB blockchain size requiring server-class computer resources,  and the fact that better options such as Epic Cash exist.

EPIC is built defensively against ASIC domination. This assures decentralized distribution with agile flexibility to rapidly swap out mining algorithms and parameters as needed.

EPIC is built for organic adoption into decentralized exchanges (EDEX), network bridges (EXBR), and self-lending platforms (EONE/EUSD) that will finally awaken public consciousness to the scandal that is TradFi "Banking". 

EPIC's transactions are not recorded on any publicly viewable blockchain, there are no addresses to filter or block, and no coins are distinctively identifiable from each other.  This results in perfect fungibility. 

EPIC's blockchain size is 3GB and a full node can run on mobile phones.

For bitcoin to 4X requires the MC to go from $366B to $1.46T.  EPIC will 100X with a MC of $730MM

When the next privacy coin season comes which crypto community is best equipped to seize the most market share and which coin with privacy has the vision to be here centuries from now?

Title: Re: EPIC -- Epic Private Internet Cash The Most Profitable GPU Mining
Post by: grendel25 on November 11, 2022, 07:33:57 AM
EPIC is still the most profitable coin to mine.

EPIC still has the best tech, fundamentals, and community of any coin to mine.

Probably why it has remained the most profitable coin to mine for years now.

Title: Re: EPIC -- Epic Private Internet Cash The Most Profitable GPU Mining
Post by: doktor83 on January 04, 2023, 10:24:02 AM
SRBMiner-MULTI now supports mining of EPIC Progpow on Nvidia GPU's too, check it out :

Title: Re: EPIC -- Epic Private Internet Cash The Most Profitable GPU Mining
Post by: doktor83 on January 30, 2023, 11:13:16 AM
It's now possible to TRIPLE mine EPIC with SRBMiner-MULTI v.2.1.0 [ EPIC + ANY ALGORITHM + ZIL ]


--algorithm progpow_epic --pool --wallet 51POOL-USERNAME --algorithm kaspa --pool --wallet KASPA-WALLET --zil-enable --zil-pool --zil-wallet ZIL-WALLET --zil-esm 2 --multi-algorithm-job-mode 3

Title: Re: EPIC -- Epic Private Internet Cash The Most Profitable GPU Mining
Post by: grendel25 on February 18, 2023, 09:55:16 PM
It's now possible to TRIPLE mine EPIC with SRBMiner-MULTI v.2.1.0 [ EPIC + ANY ALGORITHM + ZIL ]


--algorithm progpow_epic --pool --wallet 51POOL-USERNAME --algorithm kaspa --pool --wallet KASPA-WALLET --zil-enable --zil-pool --zil-wallet ZIL-WALLET --zil-esm 2 --multi-algorithm-job-mode 3

Wow! this is really cool!

Title: Re: EPIC -- Epic Private Internet Cash The Most Profitable GPU & CPU Mining
Post by: grendel25 on February 18, 2023, 10:06:33 PM
SRBMiner-MULTI now supports mining of EPIC Progpow on Nvidia GPU's too, check it out :

Wow! Nvidia support now too!!! You're on fire!  Tech dev ftw!!!

Title: Re: EPIC -- Epic Private Internet Cash The Most Profitable GPU & CPU Mining
Post by: grendel25 on April 12, 2023, 11:26:16 PM
Just some updates:

1. Epic Pay mobile wallet has been released on Android and iOS. It is useable but still considered beta while broader connectivity is achieved to things like Vite and other exchanges coming soon. We are also on Stack Wallet mobile app, also on Android and iOS. Both of these mobile apps are developed by Cypher Stack whom we absolutely LOVE for their embracement of FOSS.

2. CoinStore listing is imminent. I expect by April or May. Technical integrations are underway. This exchange is similar to MEXC in platform and growth. The EPIC community is excited to grow with CoinStore!

3. ChangeNOW listing is imminent. Similar service as MoonPay, Transak, and Simplex so this gets Epic Cash onto more network and fiat ramps.

4. Our community growth and outreach is phenomenal. Ordinary people like you and I are getting involved putting up billboards in Nigeria, signage on public buses and sports venues in Turkey, Earthquake relief in Turkey, Music events in the US, independent podcasts and Twitter spaces, and MUCH more!

5. We are back up to 3 mining pools now that has spun their servers up again! also made improvements to their pool to be more user friendly. And of course, our beloved "pool boy" is providing the awesome and amazing 51pool!

Oh and... EPIC IS STILL THE MOST PROFITABLE TO MINE!!! Our price performance has been mighty fine I tell you!

Lots more going on. Come check us out!

Title: Re: EPIC -- Epic Private Internet Cash The Most Profitable GPU & CPU Mining
Post by: grendel25 on June 19, 2023, 07:59:28 AM
CoinStore listing was complete but it's currently offline while devs work out some API issues.

ChangeNOW listing should happen early this week. Possibly Monday.

Node and Wallet updates were released last week.

Sorry I don't post here very often but I'll try to do better :)

Title: Re: EPIC -- Epic Private Internet Cash The Most Profitable GPU and CPU Mining!
Post by: grendel25 on October 24, 2023, 02:57:24 AM
#EpicCash is actual #Crypto

🚀21Mil Scarcity
🚀Fast transactions <1 minute
🚀Censorship/Surveillance Resistant
🚀No VC/Corp
🚀Best Mining Design
🚀DEX DeFi u/ChangeNOW_io & u/ViteXExchange
🚀CEX CeFi u/CoinstoreExc

Can your #cryptocurrency say that?

Title: Re: EPIC -- Epic Private Internet Cash The Most Profitable GPU and CPU Mining!
Post by: grendel25 on October 24, 2023, 02:59:15 AM
Tales From The Crypt - A Weekly Core Dev Team Wrap-up

Our Core Devs are deep into the node and wallet code looking for old problem areas to clean up and make improvements.

ECK development continues with an Alpha Test version due maybe next week for our Alpha Test team to pound on.

We are now listed on Start9 Community Registry (Marketplace) in the Beta section under 'All'. This will move to the Main Registry in a week or so.

Title: Re: EPIC -- Epic Private Internet Cash The Most Profitable GPU and CPU Mining!
Post by: grendel25 on October 24, 2023, 03:00:37 AM
Welcome back to the Epic Momentum Memo, your no-nonsense guide for Epic Cash performance statistics. Get that coffee ready and take a seat; we're about to dissect this some crucial data. Let's dive right in.

Week-over-Week Analysis

Price Movement:
In USD: The increase from $0.51 to $0.51 represented an 1.6% uptick.
In BTC: From 1.9k to 1.8k Sats, we experienced a 5% decrease.

Market Capitalization:
In USD: Our market went from $8.5 million to a modest $8.7 million—a nominal 1.6% increase.
In BTC: From 320 BTC to 303 BTC, a 5.4% decrease.

Average Daily Trading Volume:
In USD: Decreased from $3,273 to $5,692, a 74% increase.
In BTC: A 70.2% increase, shifting from 0.12 to 0.20 BTC.

Mcap Ranking:
This week we slid back 23 spots, landing at #921.

Year-to-Date Metrics

Price Movement:
In USD: Jumped from $0.34 to $0.51, achieving a respectable 51% increase.
In BTC: We went from 2.1k to 1.8k Sats, marking a 13% decrease.

Market Capitalization:
In USD: Soared from $5.3 million to $8.6 million, a strong 64% upswing.
In BTC: Steady at 303 BTC.

Average Daily Trading Volume:
In USD: Clocking in at a humble $20,846.
In BTC: Steady as she goes, hovering around 0.79 BTC.

Post-Black Thursday Trajectory

Price Movement:
In USD: A tremendous rise from $0.009 to $0.51, marking a remarkable 5,610% climb.
In BTC: From 0.175k to 1.8k Sats, we’ve made a monumental 923% ascent.

Market Capitalization:
In USD: We’ve rocketed from $44,512 to $8.6 million. That’s a 19,428% explosion.
In BTC: We’re up by a massive 3,397%, moving from 8.7 to 303 BTC.

Average Daily Trading Volume:
In USD: Holding steady at a solid $36,711.
In BTC: Consistently around 1.5 BTC.

Emerging Horizons: Ecosystem Expansion

Price action may grab headlines, but the real story is the robust growth within our ecosystem. This year is all about laying the groundwork for a future that transcends market cap. We're negotiating deals to boost both access and liquidity, while eyeing strategic marketing that will cement our brand in the crypto universe.

Above all, our volunteer army is the engine powering this revolution. Your individual efforts are magnifying our collective impact. Stay tuned; you ain't seen nothing yet.

Title: Re: EPIC -- Epic Private Internet Cash The Most Profitable GPU and CPU Mining!
Post by: grendel25 on November 07, 2023, 04:27:21 AM

$EPIC community has not stopped building. We have not stopped believing. Magic still exists. Join us.

Title: Re: EPIC -- Epic Private Internet Cash The Most Profitable GPU and CPU Mining!
Post by: grendel25 on November 07, 2023, 04:39:13 AM
We cover a lot of bases. Liquidity will come.

Title: Re: EPIC -- Epic Private Internet Cash The Most Profitable GPU and CPU Mining!
Post by: grendel25 on November 15, 2023, 04:30:48 PM

Title: Re: EPIC -- Epic Private Internet Cash The Most Profitable GPU and CPU Mining!
Post by: grendel25 on November 15, 2023, 04:48:38 PM
From Enrique:

November 3 - November 10

Welcome to another edition of the Epic Momentum Memo, your weekly briefing on the performance dynamics of Epic Cash. Greetings to all of the dedicated and hard-working community members! Get ready and have your reserves ready; we’re about to dive into crucial data that signals significant opportunities. Let’s delve right into these insights.

Week-by-Week Review

Price Movement:
- In USD: An upturn from $0.44 to $0.50, marking a 16% rise.
- In BTC: A climb from 1.25k to 1.37k Sats, reflecting a 10% growth.

Market Capitalization:
- In USD: Advanced from $7.4 million to $8.5 million, a notable 16% growth.
- In BTC: Increased from 211 BTC to 232 BTC, a 10% rise.

Average Daily Trading Volume:
- In USD: Fell from $5,951 to $3,721, indicating a 38% reduction.
- In BTC: Dropped by 39%, moving from 0.171 to 0.105 BTC.

Market Cap Ranking:
- This week, we ascended 34 places, reaching position #1,040.

Year-to-Date Metrics

Price Movement:
In USD: Jumped from $0.34 to $0.50, achieving a solid 48% increase.
In BTC: We went from 2.06k to 1.37k Sats, marking a significant 33% decrease.

Market Capitalization:
In USD: Soared from $5.3 million to $8.5 million, a decent 61% upswing.
In BTC: From 320 BTC down to 232 BTC, representing a 28% downswing.

Average Daily Trading Volume:
In USD: Clocking in at a humble $36,215
In BTC: Steady as she goes, hovering around 0.75 BTC.

Post-Black Thursday Trajectory

Price Movement:
In USD: A noteworthy rise from $0.009 to $0.50, marking a remarkable 5,503% climb.
In BTC: From 0.175k to 1.37k Sats, we’ve made a monumental 684% ascent.

Market Capitalization:
In USD: We’ve rocketed from $44,512 to $8.5 million. That’s a growth of 19,098%.
In BTC: We’re up by an impressive 2,393%, moving from 8.7 BTC to 232 BTC.

Average Daily Trading Volume:
In USD: Holding steady at a solid $36,215.
In BTC: Consistently around 1.52 BTC.

A Moment for Action!

In this dynamic phase, as the broader crypto market often gets caught up in hot trends, our path is distinct. Our community is diligently creating tools for tomorrow's financial autonomy, revealing substantial value often overlooked.

This presents a unique juncture for both seasoned participants and those new to the field. Opportunities like this are infrequent, offering a gateway to join and positively contribute to a project set for upward trajectory. It's a time for those who prioritize financial independence and seek to contribute to a significant movement. For anyone looking to make a real difference and eager for progress, the message is clear: now is the time to step up and take action.

Title: Re: EPIC -- Epic Private Internet Cash The Most Profitable GPU and CPU Mining!
Post by: grendel25 on November 30, 2023, 04:59:03 AM
From SkyKing over at

Tales From The Crypt - A Weekly Core Dev Team Wrap-up

🚨 Black Friday Special Announcement 🚨

New releases are going into pre-release testing for two weeks and will be available publicly after that. CLI Wallet 3.5.0, Node Server 3.5.0, GUI Wallet 5.2.0 (using 3.5.0 wallet and node).

Super fast node sync and super stable wallet transactions!

Title: Re: EPIC -- Epic Private Internet Cash The Most Profitable GPU and CPU Mining!
Post by: grendel25 on December 08, 2023, 04:41:51 AM
From the Amazing Sky KING!!!

🚨🎉 Official Epic Node and Wallet 3.5.0 Release 🎉🚨

After a lot of dedication and hard work, your fantastic Core Dev Team has officially released version 3.5.0 of Epic Node and Wallet. These new versions have also been incorporated into GUI version 5.2.0

Epic Node 3.5.0 available at:

Epic CLI Wallet 3.5.0 available at:

Epic GUI Wallet 5.2.0 available at:

Running a 3.5.0 Wallet will require connecting to a 3.5.0 Node and our main public nodes have upgraded to the latest release: - Poland 3.5.0 - Georgia (US) 3.5.0 - Germany 3.5.0 (no mobile app support)

If you are still running 3.4.0/5.1.x release wallets you will need to change your external node to: which is still on 3.4.0

Because of changes between Ubuntu 20.x and 22.x there was a requirement to install libssl v1.1 (missing in 22.x) and we'd like feedback from anyone getting a 'lib file not found' when you run GUI 5.2.0 so we can correct the lib file issue. Please post your linux version when reporting, and enjoy the latest speed and reliability that is EPIC!

Title: Re: EPIC -- Epic Private Internet Cash The Most Profitable GPU and CPU Mining!
Post by: grendel25 on December 14, 2023, 04:41:59 AM
The real challenge is getting people to understand the value of private money in the broader global construct of finance which has been dominated by the elite for centuries. This is the bigger problem which cryptocurrency was built for and it's a point missed by so many Blockchain projects that mislabel themselves as cryptocurrencies.

Title: Re: EPIC -- Epic Private Internet Cash The Most Profitable GPU and CPU Mining!
Post by: grendel25 on December 20, 2023, 02:26:35 AM
 🌍 Scarcity (21MM Supply): Rarity is built into Epic Cash's DNA with a capped supply of 21 million coins. In a digital age, scarcity meets value, making each Epic Coin a digital gem. 💎🌐 #EpicCash #Scarcity

Title: Re: EPIC -- Epic Private Internet Cash The Most Profitable GPU and CPU Mining!
Post by: grendel25 on January 25, 2024, 03:18:22 AM
🚫 Permissionless: Open the doors to financial freedom. Epic Cash is permissionless, giving everyone access to its digital economy. No gatekeepers, just opportunities. 🚪💸 #EpicCash #Permissionless

Title: Re: EPIC -- Epic Private Internet Cash The Most Profitable GPU and CPU Mining!
Post by: grendel25 on February 14, 2024, 05:54:57 AM
#Cryptocurrencies like $EPIC can solve problems of centralized banks which enslave populations with debt instruments they control. Read Shelling Out by Nick Szabo, understand the prisoner's dilemma, and then you will know the value of cryptocurrencies such as #EpicCash!

Title: Re: EPIC -- Epic Private Internet Cash The Most Profitable GPU and CPU Mining!
Post by: grendel25 on March 04, 2024, 04:07:59 AM
Epic Cash is a #cryptocurrency and community aimed at continuing the work Bitcoin started. #EpicCash is a cryptocurrency with fundamentals lacking in Bitcoin and is next generation privacy technology prepared to meet future challenges.

Title: Re: EPIC -- Epic Private Internet Cash The Most Profitable GPU and CPU Mining!
Post by: grendel25 on March 16, 2024, 11:36:13 PM

Title: Re: EPIC -- Epic Private Internet Cash The Most Profitable GPU and CPU Mining!
Post by: grendel25 on March 26, 2024, 01:44:47 AM
EpicCash is next-generation privacy crypto. Enjoy unconfiscatable private property and superior money! We have been here before more than once... They knock it down and spread FUD. But #Crypto is resilient slips between their fingers! The future is EPIC! $EPIC

Title: Re: EPIC -- Epic Private Internet Cash The Most Profitable GPU and CPU Mining!
Post by: grendel25 on April 21, 2024, 04:20:45 PM
GM Beautiful Epic People!

Want some free #EpicCash ?

➡️Visit and get some!

$EPIC lets people move value all over the world, without anyone's approval, censorship, or oversight:

1️⃣ Quickly 🚀
2️⃣ Securely 🔐
3️⃣ Safely 🛟
4️⃣ Privately 😎

Title: Re: EPIC -- Epic Private Internet Cash The Most Profitable GPU and CPU Mining!
Post by: grendel25 on June 01, 2024, 10:50:17 PM
#EpicCash is the forefront of next-generation technological change. Join our $EPIC journey as we surpass first-generation #crypto like $XMR and $BTC

See you in the rearview mirror #monero #bitcoin