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Other => Politics & Society => Topic started by: BADecker on May 21, 2021, 01:44:04 PM

Title: Do ALL vaccines kill people?
Post by: BADecker on May 21, 2021, 01:44:04 PM
Do vaccines kill people? (

The CDC says through VAERS - - that some vaccines kill some people. No vote necessary, except if you don't believe what the medical says in part. And another part of the medical says that less than 1% of vaccine adverse events that should have been reported to VAERS, is all that has been reported to VAERS. That makes for a whole lot more deaths than VAERS shows... like 99% of the vaccine deaths not being shown in VAERS.

Does the Covid virus kill people? The CDC says that it does. But they also say that 94% of the deaths from Covid have comorbidities in existence with the Covid. In other words, the people died from one or more of the comorbidities. Some of the time it was mostly Covid, and some of the time it was any number of things other than Covid, or a combination of them any of it. The determinations of cause of death are all judgemental by the doctors who rarely ever do an autopsy to find what the cause of death really was.

That leads us to a peculiar question. Do ALL vaccines kill people? No, of course not. There are people who die from car accidents, that obviously wouldn't have died otherwise. And there are lots of deaths from things other than vaccines. So, let's refine the question.

Do all vaccines kill vaccinated people, who would have otherwise died from old age? This is highly possible... that ALL vaccines kill vaccinated people who looked like they died from the comorbidity of death. Nobody knows for a fact that a person might or might not have lived ten more years if he had never been vaccinated.

You can do studies across the board for people who look very similar in life, but those studies might take 50 years or longer. And they would have to take into account multitudes of variables that people have in their lives. Such studies that might have a chance at being rather accurate, simply haven't been done in a large enough cross-section of the population, in such a way that they could be deemed accurate.

And on top of it, the whole thing would would be done by the medical (who bows to Big Pharma) so that absolutely NOBODY could have any idea if they had not been manipulated to favor the idea that vaccines are good.

For all we know, vaccines might be one of the biggest, most subtle killers out there.


Title: Re: Do ALL vaccines kill people?
Post by: Lorence.xD on May 21, 2021, 01:50:44 PM
The things that were put on the vaccines are tamed and weak version of the disease so it is highly unlikely that it will kill someone plus if it was administered to infants, it is different because infants have a stronger immune system compared to an adult, that's why some of the vaccines are added during these times, they exploit the immunity of the child to put an immunity against something. If vaccines do kill people, then how come we don't see a lot of polio deaths because a lot of people have been vaccinated with polio vaccine?

Title: Re: Do ALL vaccines kill people?
Post by: BADecker on May 21, 2021, 02:11:36 PM
^^^ Good story. But who has done a big enough study - like, to old-age death - on enough people in enough groups of vaccinated vs. unvaccinated to determine who has lived longer?

But if these studies have been done, it would be the medical who did them; can we trust them? I mean, who would have ever thought that there could be 4,000 to 400,000 deaths from the Covid vaccines, if VAERS hadn't reported it? How many deaths are there, really?

What's really going on? Any other company would shut themselves down voluntarily if there were even a couple of deaths from their products. But not the corrupt medical.


Title: Re: Do ALL vaccines kill people?
Post by: Cnut237 on May 21, 2021, 02:57:42 PM
For all we know, vaccines might be one of the biggest, most subtle killers out there.

It's lucky that we have vast quantities of data from numerous independent and reputable sources around the world, otherwise we might have to fall back on baseless conjecture.

Title: Re: Do ALL vaccines kill people?
Post by: franky1 on May 21, 2021, 03:08:10 PM
had second vaccine other day.
no arm ache this time
maybe a bit of fatigue. but then again i am up at weird hours communicating with businesses in different time zones so its not really a symptom thats any different then i normally get

but im still not dead.

37million UK folk have had the vaccine...
.. there's not been 37mill deaths
.. there's not been 370k deaths(1%)
.. there's not been 37k deaths(0.1%) related to being caused by or associated or within timeframe of vaccine
.. there's not been 3k deaths(0.01%) related to being caused by or associated or within timeframe of vaccine
.. there's not been 300 deaths(0.001%) related to being caused by or associated or within timeframe of vaccine

Title: Re: Do ALL vaccines kill people?
Post by: Natsuu on May 21, 2021, 03:08:40 PM
For all we know, vaccines might be one of the biggest, most subtle killers out there.

It's lucky that we have vast quantities of data from numerous independent and reputable sources around the world, otherwise we might have to fall back on baseless conjecture.

Indeed, how lucky we are right now that this sources are open for anyone who wants to read.

Title: Re: Do ALL vaccines kill people?
Post by: BADecker on May 21, 2021, 09:03:48 PM
For all we know, vaccines might be one of the biggest, most subtle killers out there.

It's lucky that we have vast quantities of data from numerous independent and reputable sources around the world, otherwise we might have to fall back on baseless conjecture.

Did you keep them all in the little inside pocket of your other suit?

Good thing all those studies are there, though, right? :D


Title: Re: Do ALL vaccines kill people?
Post by: virasog on May 22, 2021, 10:02:37 AM
The things that were put on the vaccines are tamed and weak version of the disease so it is highly unlikely that it will kill someone plus if it was administered to infants, it is different because infants have a stronger immune system compared to an adult, that's why some of the vaccines are added during these times, they exploit the immunity of the child to put an immunity against something. If vaccines do kill people, then how come we don't see a lot of polio deaths because a lot of people have been vaccinated with polio vaccine?

We will never know the side effects of these vaccine. What if you were supposed to live for 80 years but by taking these vaccines , we might live 60 years. The vaccine has eaten up our 10-20 years which we will never know. Maybe polio vaccine was harmless but with this covid-19 vaccine, there is an agenda to kill the population and control the world. Same is the reason why in the first place this covid-19 virus was developed.

Title: Re: Do ALL vaccines kill people?
Post by: BADecker on May 22, 2021, 09:21:35 PM
^^^ But click this link - - to see all the paralysis in India that the polio vaccine did.


Title: Re: Do ALL vaccines kill people?
Post by: virasog on May 23, 2021, 03:15:38 AM
^^^ But click this link - - to see all the paralysis in India that the polio vaccine did.


That's a shame really. Why doesn't government or the law enforcement agencies take any action against these pharmaceutical companies who are giving poison in the name of vaccine  ??? Why the media does not speak in these issue  :o
They should not be allowed to play with the life's of the children.  >:(

Title: Re: Do ALL vaccines kill people?
Post by: Cnut237 on May 23, 2021, 07:08:51 AM
^^^ But click this link - - to see all the paralysis in India that the polio vaccine did.


I normally counter your misinformation by providing links to data - in this instance I don't really need to, as the second link in the search results debunks your claim for me. Nevertheless...

You can go to the World Health Organisation website, and filter for vaccine-derived polio (cVDPV) cases in India since 2000:
The results? 17 cases in total. Quite a contrast with the reported 496,000 incidents of paralysis - for which, as usual for these 'think of a random big number' claims, there is absolutely zero evidence.

You can also read about how this particular anti-vaxxer hoax spread on Facebook, here:
The post was also tagged by Facebook as 'false or misleading'.

Or you could just skip all that, and look at the data for polio here:
If you start from the facts, and develop an understanding that way, then you'll give little credence to the manipulative anti-vaxxer WuHaN LaB BiG PhArMa mInD CoNtRoL BiLl gAtEs 5G MiCrOcHiP stuff.

Anti-vaxxers are not just wrong, they're dangerous. If they had their way, they'd bring back both polio and smallpox. Anyone who makes outrageous claims, but is unwilling to supply supporting data, must be regarded with a huge degree of skepticism.

Title: Re: Do ALL vaccines kill people?
Post by: BADecker on May 24, 2021, 05:53:31 PM
^^^ But click this link - - to see all the paralysis in India that the polio vaccine did.


I normally counter your misinformation by providing links to data - in this instance I don't really need to, as the second link in the search results debunks your claim for me. Nevertheless...

You can go to the World Health Organisation website, and filter for vaccine-derived polio (cVDPV) cases in India since 2000:
The results? 17 cases in total. Quite a contrast with the reported 496,000 incidents of paralysis - for which, as usual for these 'think of a random big number' claims, there is absolutely zero evidence.

You can also read about how this particular anti-vaxxer hoax spread on Facebook, here:
The post was also tagged by Facebook as 'false or misleading'.

Or you could just skip all that, and look at the data for polio here:
If you start from the facts, and develop an understanding that way, then you'll give little credence to the manipulative anti-vaxxer WuHaN LaB BiG PhArMa mInD CoNtRoL BiLl gAtEs 5G MiCrOcHiP stuff.

Anti-vaxxers are not just wrong, they're dangerous. If they had their way, they'd bring back both polio and smallpox. Anyone who makes outrageous claims, but is unwilling to supply supporting data, must be regarded with a huge degree of skepticism.

Vaxxers are not just wrong, they're dangerous. If they had their way, they would keep people dying and being harmed from vaccines... which didn't do anything to help with the reduction of polio and smallpox. These diseases and others go away naturally. The medical simply sits around and waits for disease to start going away naturally, and then they administer their vaccines just to say that they made it happen.


Title: Re: Do ALL vaccines kill people?
Post by: Cnut237 on May 25, 2021, 10:03:21 AM
vaccines... which didn't do anything to help with the reduction of polio and smallpox. These diseases and others go away naturally.

This is an absurd argument.

I can understand initial skepticism around the Covid vaccine... skepticism which should have fallen away over the course of this year as the effects of the vaccine became apparent from the increasing quantities of data.

However the position with polio and smallpox is perfectly clear. The data are utterly conclusive, and go back for many years... as per the charts and links to sources that I have presented many times. You are arguing without putting forward any evidence to support your claims (because there is none), and you are ignoring the vast quantities of evidence that you find inconvenient because it doesn't agree with your pre-established conclusion.

Incidentally, for a nice tie-in with BLM, when you are researching the development of the smallpox vaccine, you will note that an important initial step was the introduction of the procedure of variolation - knowledge brought over to the US by an African slave (, who was key to saving lives during an outbreak in Boston.

Title: Re: Do ALL vaccines kill people?
Post by: tvbcof on May 25, 2021, 11:12:24 AM
vaccines... which didn't do anything to help with the reduction of polio and smallpox. These diseases and others go away naturally.

This is an absurd argument.

It's what anyone who can read a chart sees immediately.  Seems that 'they' only make 'vaccines' for things that are on the decline naturally then try to take credit for the 'solution.'

They missed the boat on scarlet fever which was once a big killer and disappeared with no vaccine at all.

It's as obvious as the nose on one's face that sanitation and nutrition are the biggest factors on reducing disease.

Image from here: (  Not a big pharma funded NWO rag.

Title: Re: Do ALL vaccines kill people?
Post by: yazher on May 25, 2021, 01:28:09 PM

37million UK folk have had the vaccine...
.. there's not been 37mill deaths
.. there's not been 370k deaths(1%)
.. there's not been 37k deaths(0.1%) related to being caused by or associated or within timeframe of vaccine
.. there's not been 3k deaths(0.01%) related to being caused by or associated or within timeframe of vaccine
.. there's not been 300 deaths(0.001%) related to being caused by or associated or within timeframe of vaccine

I think that's the best result you could ever get for an entire country and also good for you, you survived the last dose.

may I know which vaccine did you take?

You see, we have some doubts about it right now since one of the best people in our community died after taking the vaccine.
they only find out that her immune system is not strong to take the side effect of the vaccine which lead to her death.
now everyone is more cautious before taking any vaccine, even if their blood pressure is high they won't take any vaccine until it became normal again.
Others have gone to some sort of test for their immune system to make sure that they will have no problem taking the vaccine.

Title: Re: Do ALL vaccines kill people?
Post by: BADecker on May 25, 2021, 02:57:36 PM
Remember one thing about deaths and their cause. It's doctors and medically trained people who do most of the cause of death evals. Medical people are naturally biased against vaccine deaths from their training. The whole batch of them.

I suggest that, against their own good desire to be truthful, that their ingrained medical training influences them to make false cause of death diagnoses when it comes down to vaccines... even when they WANT to blame a vaccine.

The guy had a lot to drink at the bar. On his way home, he drove off the road and hit a tree and died in the accident.

But he had no problems with drinling and drive for the last 5 years. And, he had gotten the vaccine a week before. Does anybody ever check to see if there was a connection between the vaccine, and his inability to hold his alcohol this time?


EDIT: They DID do a check. They found that he had some Covid viruses in him - which he didn't have in the testing before the vaccine. So, they called it a Covid death.

Title: Re: Do ALL vaccines kill people?
Post by: Cnut237 on May 25, 2021, 03:18:12 PM
It's as obvious as the nose on one's face that sanitation and nutrition are the biggest factors on reducing disease.

Firstly, thanks for posting a chart. Most of the times I disagree with someone on here, the other person just posts a link to someone on youtube ranting in his basement as "evidence". This makes a refreshing change!

Secondly, I'm not disputing that sanitation in particular is vital, of course it is, particularly with typhoid. In more deprived countries, better sanitation and access to clean water would lead to a profound reduction in many afflictions - such as schistosomiasis, which is a huge problem (affecting 240 million people globally, and causing an estimated 200,000 deaths a year... DONATE HERE (

But just because one thing is effective, it doesn't mean it's the reason for everything. Let's consider typhoid - and scarlet fever, which you also mention - antibiotics have been hugely important in reducing case numbers for both of these. It's not merely sanitation. Similarly, vaccines are a vitally important weapon in the medical arsenal. If Covid is transmitted primarily through inhalation of respiratory droplets, then everyone washing their hands isn't going to stop the pandemic... whereas vaccines, as the data show, are.

Title: Re: Do ALL vaccines kill people?
Post by: o_e_l_e_o on May 25, 2021, 08:24:41 PM
Firstly, thanks for posting a chart.
Whenever a conspiracy nut posts any kind of stats, figures, evidence, etc., you can pretty much guarantee they have been cherry picked to support their opinion, while they conveniently gloss over the actual facts.

Just like in this case, where tvbcof has posted a chart of disease mortality rates. The mortality rates of these diseases reduced over the 20th century because of advances in hospitals, in medical care, in antibiotics, etc. Let's take a look at the actual cases of these diseases, and the introduction of vaccines:

Go blind from the measles? Develop liver cirrhosis from hepatitis B? Heart failure from diphtheria? That doesn't matter to tvbcof because you didn't die so therefore vaccines don't work. ::)

Title: Re: Do ALL vaccines kill people?
Post by: BADecker on May 25, 2021, 10:09:27 PM
^^^ Oh BS. Not everybody who doesn't get vaccinated gets harmed by the disease.

Note in the charts above, the medical didn't use the vaccines in a serious way until they saw that the disease was dying down naturally. They were watching for the natural drop so they could take advantage of it, like it was their doing that made the disease go away.

It's the same with Covid. Everybody who looks into it finds that vitamin D and no masks keeps people way healthier than masks and locking down. Mask and lockdown promotions cause people to not get enough natural vitamin D, and enough fresh air... and a whole host of other problems.

Just what the medical wanted. Now that Covid is going away naturally, they are trying to say that their vaccines are doing it, and that people can get out into the sun and fresh air again... 'cause their vaccines worked. What a bunch of medical criminals.


Title: Re: Do ALL vaccines kill people?
Post by: o_e_l_e_o on May 25, 2021, 10:31:42 PM
Not everybody who doesn't get vaccinated gets harmed by the disease.
Good thing I never said otherwise.

Any other strawmen you want to attack?

Title: Re: Do ALL vaccines kill people?
Post by: BADecker on May 25, 2021, 11:09:07 PM
Not everybody who doesn't get vaccinated gets harmed by the disease.
Good thing I never said otherwise.

Any other strawmen you want to attack?

Hey, thank you. Hope you have a great day.     8)

Title: Re: Do ALL vaccines kill people?
Post by: tvbcof on May 26, 2021, 01:31:28 PM

Great demonstration of one very common form of fraud that the vaxxers use:

Note how the vaxx scammers snipped out the years 1900 -> 1912 which shows the steady decline starting well before any vaccines came into the picture.

Another minor technique is to not show how when the vaccine was first introduced in small numbers it resulted in a minor spike.  This is a surprisingly common phenomenon with a number of vaccines I've noticed.  The honest graph shows the actual introduction with a minor note about it's commonality.  The dis-honest one doesn't mention it at all.

Title: Re: Do ALL vaccines kill people?
Post by: o_e_l_e_o on May 26, 2021, 01:45:41 PM
Note how the vaxx scammers snipped out the years 1900 -> 1912 which shows the steady decline starting well before any vaccines came into the picture.
Can't wait to see your data to back that up, since the US government only have data on case numbers from 1912 onwards.

Title: Re: Do ALL vaccines kill people?
Post by: tvbcof on May 26, 2021, 03:57:41 PM
Note how the vaxx scammers snipped out the years 1900 -> 1912 which shows the steady decline starting well before any vaccines came into the picture.

Can't wait to see your data to back that up, since the US government only have data on case numbers from 1912 onwards.

Maybe your sources snipped out data which didn't support a desirable narrative.

Looks like a fair bit of data about many infectious diseases exist LONG before 1912, and that includes for diphtheria.  e.g., ( Some guy won a nobel prize for his work on this particular pathogen in 1901, and you are claiming that nobody got around to estimating infection and/or mortality rates until 1912?  Desperate 'doc' is desperate.  Lol.

Title: Re: Do ALL vaccines kill people?
Post by: o_e_l_e_o on May 26, 2021, 04:51:24 PM
Lol. Try clicking on "4: Infectious Disease Incidence in US (1900-1970)" at the top to be redirected to table with no data prior to 1912. As with the study you linked to before, maybe try actually reading things rather just assuming the top link from Google supports your nonsense opinions.

Title: Re: Do ALL vaccines kill people?
Post by: tvbcof on May 26, 2021, 06:46:46 PM
Lol. Try clicking on "4: Infectious Disease Incidence in US (1900-1970)" at the top to be redirected to table with no data prior to 1912. As with the study you linked to before, maybe try actually reading things rather just assuming the top link from Google supports your nonsense opinions.

3: Infectious Disease Deaths in US (1900-1970) has the data.  I know you are a 'doctor' [chuckle] and not a Mathematician, but the math is pretty straightforward.  Lemme know if you need a hand with it.

Title: Re: Do ALL vaccines kill people?
Post by: o_e_l_e_o on May 26, 2021, 06:55:55 PM
Maybe spend less time throwing out petty insults and more time reading about the difference between "cases" and "deaths".

Once again, there are no data for case numbers prior to 1912.

Title: Re: Do ALL vaccines kill people?
Post by: DigitalFox on May 26, 2021, 09:00:30 PM
It is also a fact that 100% of people who ever ate carrots eventually died. Avoid carrots at all cost.

Title: Re: Do ALL vaccines kill people?
Post by: BADecker on May 27, 2021, 03:12:01 PM
It is also a fact that 100% of people who ever ate carrots eventually died. Avoid carrots at all cost.

Rather, do what should have been done with vaccines. After all, vaccines aren't natural. What is it? this...

Get about a million babies together, from all walks of life. Split them into two equal-sized groups. One group give no carrots. The other group, make sure they have at least a few carrots every week. Track them until they die naturally of old age. Check the age statistics.

Then eat carrots or not, based on who lived longer. Do the same with every new vaccine that comes out before giving it to the public... so at least the people know.


Title: Re: Do ALL vaccines kill people?
Post by: tvbcof on May 28, 2021, 05:33:09 AM
Maybe spend less time throwing out petty insults and more time reading about the difference between "cases" and "deaths".

Once again, there are no data for case numbers prior to 1912.

Firstly, I'm interested in death rates.  I don't really care to much about infection of ailments which are easy to treat.  E.g., syphilis.

But, OK.  I've given you the data from the only source you will accept (corp/gov).  I even did you a solid by adding in population cause that's the kind of guy I am.

Go ahead and make your argument that diphtheria was not on the decline before the vaccine.  Hint:  It involves Fatality Rate.  I'm going to thoroughly enjoy watching you flop about, although I suspect you will take rain-check.

  DR = Death Rate (per 100,000 pop)
  I = Incidence (per 100,000 pop)
  FR = Fatality Rate (per incidence)

Yr	Pop	  Dip_DR Dip_I  Dip_FR
1900 76094000  40.3
1901 77584000  33.6
1902 79163000  29.8
1903 80632000  31.1
1904 82266000  29.3
1905 83822000  23.5
1906 85450000  26.3
1907 87008000  24.2
1908 88710000  21.9
1909 90490000  19.9
1910 92407000  21.1
1911 93863000  18.4
1912 95335000  17.6 139 12.66%
1913 97225000  18.1 142.1 12.74%
1914 99111000  17.2 152.5 11.28%
1915 100546000 15.2 132.7 11.45%
1916 101961000 13.9   129.2 10.76%
1917 103268000 15.6 133 11.73%
1918 103208000 14 101.5 13.79%
1919 104514000 14.9 144.7 10.30%
1920 106461000 15.3 139 11.01%
1921 108538000 17.7 190.7 9.28%  
1922 110049000 14.6 156.7 9.32%  
1923 111947000 12 131.4 9.13%  
1924 114109000 9.3 105.6 8.81%  
1925 115829000 7.8 82.1 9.50%  
1926 117397000 7.4 80.7 9.17%  
1927 119035000 7.7 89.8 8.57%  
1928 120509000 7.2 75.9 9.49%  
1929 121767000 6.5 70.1 9.27%  
1930 123077000 4.9 54.1 9.06%  
1931 124040000 4.8 57.1 8.41%  
1932 124840000 4.4 48 9.17%  
1933 125579000 3.9 40.2 9.70%  
1934 126374000 3.3 34.1 9.68%  
1935 127250000 3.1 30.8 10.06%
1936 128053000 2.4 23.4 10.26%
1937 128825000 2 22.2 9.01%  
1938 129825000 2 23.5 8.51%  
1939 130880000 1.5 18.4 8.15%  
1940 131954000 1.1 11.8 9.32%  
1941 133121000 1 13.5 7.41%  
1943 132885000 0.9 11 8.18%  
1944 132481000 0.9 10.6 8.49%  
1945 140054000 1.2 14.1 8.51%  
1946 143446000 0.9 11.7 7.69%  
1947 146093000 0.6 8.5 7.06%  
1948 148665000 0.4 6.5 6.15%  
1949 151235000 0.4 5.4 7.41%  
1950 153310000 0.3 8.8 3.41%  
1951 155687000 0.2 2.6 7.69%  
1952 158242000 0.1 1.9 5.26%  
1953 161164000 0.1 1.5 6.67%  
1954 164308000 0.1 1.3 7.69%  
1955 167306000 0.1 1.2 8.33%  
1956 170371000 0.1 0.9 11.11%
1957 173320000 0.7
1958 176289000 0.5
1959 177135000   0.5
1960 179979000 0.5
1961 182992000 0.3
1962 185771000 0.2
1963 188483000 0.2
1964 191141000 0.2
1965 193526000 0.1
1966 195576000 0.1
1967 197457000 0.1
1968 199399000 0.1
1969 201385000 0.1
1970 203810000 0.2

In an effort to provide some remedial medical education for the good 'doctor', I'll point out a shocking observation:

Turns out that when sewage is put into a ditch and transferred away from a living area, and when wells are sealed against surface water contamination, diseases such as diphtheria magically diminish!  Who could have known?

The trend toward better sanitation and better nutrition certainly didn't cease when the 'vaccine' was introduced in the 1920's.

Title: Re: Do ALL vaccines kill people?
Post by: Natsuu on May 28, 2021, 05:41:33 AM
It is also a fact that 100% of people who ever ate carrots eventually died. Avoid carrots at all cost.

Rather, do what should have been done with vaccines. After all, vaccines aren't natural. What is it? this...

Get about a million babies together, from all walks of life. Split them into two equal-sized groups. One group give no carrots. The other group, make sure they have at least a few carrots every week. Track them until they die naturally of old age. Check the age statistics.

Then eat carrots or not, based on who lived longer. Do the same with every new vaccine that comes out before giving it to the public... so at least the people know.


Twenty five children who had undergone their full course of childhood immunization schedule were compared with 25 children who did not have any vaccinations for a period of five years. Parameters for comparison were measles, pertussis, poliomyelitis, tetanus and tuberculosis. Out of the 25 vaccinated children, only one child had mild measles at 2 1/2 years while 4 had suspected whooping cough at different points of the study period but not clinically diagnosed as pertussis. Among the unvaccinated group, 2 died of measles before the age of 3 years while 11 others went down with measles during an outbreak in 1986. An unvaccinated child also died of tetanus within the study period. In this paper we advocate the total integration of every community in the ongoing Expanded Programme for Immunization in Nigeria.

Well this articles shows something so give it a quick look  ;)

Title: Re: Do ALL vaccines kill people?
Post by: o_e_l_e_o on May 28, 2021, 08:33:49 AM
Firstly, I'm interested in death rates.
That's my entire point. You deliberately cherry pick statistics that you think fit your narrative (they don't), much like you tried to cherry pick a study you thought fitted your narrative (it didn't). At least you admit it. Good thing your own copy-paste shows your claim about pre-1912 incidence data was a lie.

Feel free to keep going with the petty insults in lieu of any logic, though.

Title: Re: Do ALL vaccines kill people?
Post by: dongyi17 on May 30, 2021, 09:35:23 AM
News everywhere that the vaccines lessen the infected everyday, some people who vaccinated some side effect but this is normal specially you have commodities, declare 1st your commodities they find if you available to give the shot. Some say they is business from our government, maybe right because money is involvement in this situation.

Title: Re: Do ALL vaccines kill people?
Post by: PIR on June 01, 2021, 09:07:17 AM
No one really can tell the effect of vaccine years after one taking it. if it longer your life or shorten your life... its still under observation.. these experimental drug really somehow has effect those who are weak and has allergy on drug. The reason why others do not take it yet is because they are more afraid of it effect rather its cure..

Title: Re: Do ALL vaccines kill people?
Post by: Vatimins on June 01, 2021, 09:55:40 AM
     I think only some are defective or is limited to specific brands like astrazenica. Which was banned here in my place after some people died after taking the second dose of the said vaccine. And just my luck, I was injected with the first dose and now they say that the second dose would be another brand. which is now making me quite skeptical of all the vaccines out there. But despite this, I still believe that vaccinations should continue still since if it doesn't, it would only make way for larger numbers of people getting the virus which is very detrimental for the economy all over the world. This kind of post is really misleading for the people, specially for those that are already doubting the vaccines. Spreading fear will only make things worse. Please stop doing this.

Title: Re: Tất cả các loại vắc-xin có giết chết con người không?
Post by: noorammak on June 01, 2021, 01:15:03 PM
If all vaccines were deadly, we wouldn't be using them. The truth is that only a small number of vaccines kill people. We cannot avoid risks in vaccination because the human body reacts differently to the ingredients of the medicine and we are not aware of it.

Title: Re: Tất cả các loại vắc-xin có giết chết con người không?
Post by: BADecker on June 02, 2021, 06:50:52 PM
If all vaccines were deadly, we wouldn't be using them. The truth is that only a small number of vaccines kill people. We cannot avoid risks in vaccination because the human body reacts differently to the ingredients of the medicine and we are not aware of it.

Actually, we use all the deadly vaccines because doctors are deadly and don't even know it, and Big Pharma who knows it likes the money better than live patients.


Title: Re: Do ALL vaccines kill people?
Post by: Smartvirus on June 02, 2021, 07:00:14 PM
When it comes to the question on either all vaccines kill people,  the answer would always be no. Not all vaccines are killer agents, some would definitely have some positive effect while others would remain negative. The fact still remains that, its not safe yet to be comfortable with any vaccine with the adverse effect some still pose to humanity thus far. A lot of research and experiments still needs to be carried out and the result shouldn't end at logical conclusions but as facts instead. Facts that rules out any side effect either in the long run or short term. I'm still scared of all the vaccines out there.

Title: Re: Do ALL vaccines kill people?
Post by: BADecker on June 02, 2021, 11:26:08 PM
When it comes to the question on either all vaccines kill people,  the answer would always be no. Not all vaccines are killer agents, some would definitely have some positive effect while others would remain negative. The fact still remains that, its not safe yet to be comfortable with any vaccine with the adverse effect some still pose to humanity thus far. A lot of research and experiments still needs to be carried out and the result shouldn't end at logical conclusions but as facts instead. Facts that rules out any side effect either in the long run or short term. I'm still scared of all the vaccines out there.

Bit how do you know this? After all, maybe the vaccines kill at age 70 for some people, when they got vaccinated at age 0. Did you do the study?

How about taking several million babies from around the world. Split them into 2 equal groups. Vaccinate 1 group but not the other. Then track them until they die, and see for sure.


Title: Re: Do ALL vaccines kill people?
Post by: gagika on June 04, 2021, 10:04:11 PM
Probably it is but mostly from the complications, lack of awareness when not to give vaccine to a person with disease and when to give. I read some shared post in facebook,his father is ok before he get vaccinated tho his having medication to diabetes butwhen he got the injection his health condition went to total chaos, he had vomitted blood,got high blood pressure and went to vegatative state. His child is asking for some help to doctors but no one is helping them due to high amount of patient to hospital. So I guess,vaccine become an irony instead of saving someones live it becomes your doze of death.

Title: Re: Do ALL vaccines kill people?
Post by: Phanditha Echevarria on July 28, 2021, 01:30:13 AM
Vaccines can prevent the virus from spreading and help reduce the risk of vaccinated patients. Vaccines are a huge benefit for humans. The chance that the vaccine will kill people is very small, and accidental events are bound to exist.

Title: Re: Do ALL vaccines kill people?
Post by: Tash on July 28, 2021, 04:29:28 AM
Not all, only the more or less pure Graphen oxide injection like the covid gene therapy.
It has only negative effect on the person itself, only others benefit from it.

Delta mehh wait for when Lambda hit's later in the year.  Λ  Notice the bottom missing, aka Vaccineted.

What is said here?

As it leads to this

Title: Re: Do ALL vaccines kill people?
Post by: BADecker on July 28, 2021, 03:27:52 PM
The great virus assumption is this. That viruses exist. Why is it an assumption? Because exoxomes have exact counterparts that are called viruses.

Suppose a doctor picks a virus up off a table. How did it get to the table in the first place since nobody saw it go there from wherever? It's all assumption.

Where do viruses come from? Do they simply develop out of nothing in the air? No. They come from two places:
1. out of the bodies of plants, animals and microbes;
2. Lab development by researchers.

In the bodies of plans, animals, and microbes, viruses are simply exosomes. They are expelled right along with anything else the body expels, like sweat, or other excretions. What are exosomes?
Exosomes are nano-sized biovesicles released into surrounding body fluids upon fusion of multivesicular bodies and the plasma membrane. They were shown to carry cell-specific cargos of proteins, lipids, and genetic materials, and can be selectively taken up by neighboring or distant cells far from their release, reprogramming the recipient cells upon their bioactive compounds. Therefore, the regulated formation of exosomes, specific makeup of their cargo, cell-targeting specificity are of immense biological interest considering extremely high potential of exosomes as non-invasive diagnostic biomarkers, as well as therapeutic nanocarriers. ...


Title: Re: Do ALL vaccines kill people?
Post by: Tash on July 29, 2021, 05:48:43 PM
When trigger day?

Zombie Preparedness

We know, we know

Title: Re: Do ALL vaccines kill people?
Post by: usernameyaya on July 30, 2021, 02:19:38 AM
Vaccines are designed to produce antibodies against certain diseases in humans body. It is of great benefit to human beings. The value of vaccines cannot be denied because of special events.

Title: Re: Do ALL vaccines kill people?
Post by: Natsuu on July 30, 2021, 04:26:21 PM
The great virus assumption is this. That viruses exist. Why is it an assumption? Because exoxomes have exact counterparts that are called viruses.

Suppose a doctor picks a virus up off a table. How did it get to the table in the first place since nobody saw it go there from wherever? It's all assumption.

Where do viruses come from? Do they simply develop out of nothing in the air? No. They come from two places:
1. out of the bodies of plants, animals and microbes;
2. Lab development by researchers.

In the bodies of plans, animals, and microbes, viruses are simply exosomes. They are expelled right along with anything else the body expels, like sweat, or other excretions. What are exosomes?
Exosomes are nano-sized biovesicles released into surrounding body fluids upon fusion of multivesicular bodies and the plasma membrane. They were shown to carry cell-specific cargos of proteins, lipids, and genetic materials, and can be selectively taken up by neighboring or distant cells far from their release, reprogramming the recipient cells upon their bioactive compounds. Therefore, the regulated formation of exosomes, specific makeup of their cargo, cell-targeting specificity are of immense biological interest considering extremely high potential of exosomes as non-invasive diagnostic biomarkers, as well as therapeutic nanocarriers. ...


Are we in psych class now?

Okay, so next will be discussing if Humans really exist.

Do humans really exist? then how did they exist on earth? where did they come from? from animals? specie from outer space? No, Humans are just assumptions

Title: Re: Do ALL vaccines kill people?
Post by: Tash on July 30, 2021, 06:56:39 PM

Do humans really exist?
You cerainly are not, no human lies lies and lies like you are

Title: Re: Do ALL vaccines kill people?
Post by: Natsuu on July 31, 2021, 02:56:25 AM

Do humans really exist?
You cerainly are not, no human lies lies and lies like you are

At last, the problem has been solved, and I am now not a human specie.

But do humans really exist?, or is it just an assumption that humans do exist.

Title: Re: Do ALL vaccines kill people?
Post by: Mauser on July 31, 2021, 06:57:02 AM

Do humans really exist?
You cerainly are not, no human lies lies and lies like you are

At last, the problem has been solved, and I am now not a human specie.

But do humans really exist?, or is it just an assumption that humans do exist.

Can't everybody here on the forum check if they exist? The easiest test would just go for 4-5 days to the woods and tell nobody about it. Disappearing for some days and go complete into hiding is like falling off the earth. Once we come back we should check what happened. Did anything happen, did anybody notice us being away? Made it any difference? If we had no impact at all than we might not even exist in the first place.

Title: Re: Do ALL vaccines kill people?
Post by: BADecker on July 31, 2021, 03:12:06 PM

Do humans really exist?
You cerainly are not, no human lies lies and lies like you are

At last, the problem has been solved, and I am now not a human specie.

But do humans really exist?, or is it just an assumption that humans do exist.

Forget psych class, and go back to elementary 4th grade on up, and really listen in class this time.

[ spee-shee, -see ]

coined money; coin.

At least you have monetary value... IF you are a human specie.


Title: Re: Do ALL vaccines kill people?
Post by: Natsuu on July 31, 2021, 03:24:42 PM

Do humans really exist?
You cerainly are not, no human lies lies and lies like you are

At last, the problem has been solved, and I am now not a human specie.

But do humans really exist?, or is it just an assumption that humans do exist.

Forget psych class, and go back to elementary 4th grade on up, and really listen in class this time.

[ spee-shee, -see ]

coined money; coin.

At least you have monetary value... IF you are a human specie.


Good job, I will give you a star for doing an effort to search and write something towards a word with a missing letter that can be conceived by 3rd grader and above by simply using their "COMMON SENSE". Be happy

But going back to this psych 101 with BADecker:
Do you really exist? or you are just an assumption made by your own mind, which can be also an assumption as there is still no explanation how humans exist in this planet in the first place.

Title: Re: Do ALL vaccines kill people?
Post by: BADecker on July 31, 2021, 03:43:47 PM

Do humans really exist?
You cerainly are not, no human lies lies and lies like you are

At last, the problem has been solved, and I am now not a human specie.

But do humans really exist?, or is it just an assumption that humans do exist.

Forget psych class, and go back to elementary 4th grade on up, and really listen in class this time.

[ spee-shee, -see ]

coined money; coin.

At least you have monetary value... IF you are a human specie.


Good job, I will give you a star for doing an effort to search and write something towards a word with a missing letter that can be conceived by 3rd grader and above by simply using their "COMMON SENSE". Be happy

But going back to this psych 101 with BADecker:
Do you really exist? or you are just an assumption made by your own mind, which can be also an assumption as there is still no explanation how humans exist in this planet in the first place.

So you went back to elementary school and stole a star from some other kid to give to me. Sounds about right for you.

Creation of mankind, Genesis chapter 1:
1In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.
26Then God said, “Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals, a and over all the creatures that move along the ground.”

27So God created mankind in his own image,

in the image of God he created them;

male and female he created them.


Title: Re: Do ALL vaccines kill people?
Post by: Natsuu on July 31, 2021, 03:49:58 PM

Do humans really exist?
You cerainly are not, no human lies lies and lies like you are

At last, the problem has been solved, and I am now not a human specie.

But do humans really exist?, or is it just an assumption that humans do exist.

Forget psych class, and go back to elementary 4th grade on up, and really listen in class this time.

[ spee-shee, -see ]

coined money; coin.

At least you have monetary value... IF you are a human specie.


Good job, I will give you a star for doing an effort to search and write something towards a word with a missing letter that can be conceived by 3rd grader and above by simply using their "COMMON SENSE". Be happy

But going back to this psych 101 with BADecker:
Do you really exist? or you are just an assumption made by your own mind, which can be also an assumption as there is still no explanation how humans exist in this planet in the first place.

So you went back to elementary school and stole a star from some other kid to give to me. Sounds about right for you.

Creation of mankind, Genesis chapter 1:
1In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.
26Then God said, “Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals, a and over all the creatures that move along the ground.”

27So God created mankind in his own image,

in the image of God he created them;

male and female he created them.

Bible? really? awww too bad, psych 101 with BADecker is ending, as the argument he chose is coming from the "BIBLE". awwww  :(

Title: Re: Do ALL vaccines kill people?
Post by: BADecker on July 31, 2021, 04:04:12 PM

So you went back to elementary school and stole a star from some other kid to give to me. Sounds about right for you.

Creation of mankind, Genesis chapter 1:
1In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.
26Then God said, “Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals, a and over all the creatures that move along the ground.”

27So God created mankind in his own image,

in the image of God he created them;

male and female he created them.

Bible? really? awww too bad, psych 101 with BADecker is ending, as the argument he chose is coming from the "BIBLE". awwww  :(

Since you can't see that your god, Satan, the Devil, is hiding the true God from you... but you still have time.

What's interesting is that my offering of clear truth to you is being rejected by you. I don't need what I already have. But I offer it for you. No skin off my nose when you suffer damnation by not accepting what I offer.


Title: Re: Do ALL vaccines kill people?
Post by: sapnu on August 01, 2021, 06:02:11 PM
It is still a mystery I think if the vaccine is real and effective or detrimental and deadly. The signs and the proofs will show up years after the vaccine has been given to many and it will be clear to all of us if it is really served as an extra protection from the virus or it just caused the virus or other illnesses to be more effective on the vaccinated ones. Nevertheless, I think the government should not only work on gathering the vaccine but also with regards to the freedom we all have right before the vaccine was announced to be voluntary which appears now to be forcefully given to the people through authorizations you might not get if you don't have a vaccine yet.

Title: Re: Do ALL vaccines kill people?
Post by: o_e_l_e_o on August 01, 2021, 07:15:56 PM
It is still a mystery I think if the vaccine is real and effective or detrimental and deadly.
It isn't a mystery, like, at all. Around 97% of COVID hospital admissions in the US are in the unvaccinated, and around 99% of COVID deaths in the US are in the unvaccinated. There is no doubt whatsoever that the vaccine is safe and effective.

Title: Re: Do ALL vaccines kill people?
Post by: Shamm on August 04, 2021, 09:55:02 AM
  We can not say that all Vaccine's can kill people, and this word can arrest and imprison cause they dis obey the rules. People have a different genes and instructions of the body some have and serious illness so there's an reaction once they take the Vaccine sometime we heard in the news that there's a people died due of the vaccine, so I think it depends the body of the people can take the Vaccine.

Title: Re: Do ALL vaccines kill people?
Post by: Tash on August 04, 2021, 11:23:02 AM
What the experts, scientists the people who worke all life with this stuff have to say about it, not looking promising. As the lab rats did not finish long term testing someone has to take there place.

Of course the corrupt liars would say otherwise (

Title: Re: Do ALL vaccines kill people?
Post by: inoes on August 04, 2021, 11:10:45 PM
about vaccines can kill people the answer is yes.  however it only happens in some cases and not all.  it could be for several reasons.  namely the type of vaccine, the patient's medical history, the type of virus that attacks.  indeed in essence the vaccine is not 100% helpful.  but helpful.  so I'm not very happy if I have to make vaccines mandatory for all people.  that's really outrageous

Title: Re: Do ALL vaccines kill people?
Post by: Lordhermes on August 04, 2021, 11:55:19 PM
about vaccines can kill people the answer is yes.  however it only happens in some cases and not all.  it could be for several reasons.  namely the type of vaccine, the patient's medical history, the type of virus that attacks.  indeed in essence the vaccine is not 100% helpful.  but helpful.  so I'm not very happy if I have to make vaccines mandatory for all people.  that's really outrageous
When we say vaccine,we are referring to giving drugs that can cure a particular virus to the masses,if you don't like the idea of taking a vaccine maybe because you are scared of it effect on you,then you risk your life against the trending virus.Vaccine wasn't prepared to kill people,rather to cure a particular virus.

Title: Re: Do ALL vaccines kill people?
Post by: Smitt on August 05, 2021, 06:28:17 PM
Information circulating on social media states that the Corona virus vaccine will kill and destroy the world's human population. It is also stated that everyone who is injected will die prematurely, and the longest estimated period of time for someone who is injected with the vaccine is to live for 3 years.

After tracking the claim that the Corona virus vaccine will kill and annihilate the world's population, it turned out to be untrue or a hoax. The claim that a person who has been injected with the vaccine has decreased function of certain organs and only lasts for 3 years, is unfounded. The current Corona virus vaccine is proven to be safe and effective in preventing infection. There is no evidence that the vaccine causes lethal damage.

Title: Re: Do ALL vaccines kill people?
Post by: BADecker on August 05, 2021, 10:08:59 PM
Information circulating on social media states that the Corona virus vaccine will kill and destroy the world's human population. It is also stated that everyone who is injected will die prematurely, and the longest estimated period of time for someone who is injected with the vaccine is to live for 3 years.

After tracking the claim that the Corona virus vaccine will kill and annihilate the world's population, it turned out to be untrue or a hoax. The claim that a person who has been injected with the vaccine has decreased function of certain organs and only lasts for 3 years, is unfounded. The current Corona virus vaccine is proven to be safe and effective in preventing infection. There is no evidence that the vaccine causes lethal damage.

If this and a handful of others were all that was there, somebody might think that anti-vaxx talk was fake news. But with loads of sites, including the CDC (VAERS), stating that deaths aren't waiting for 2 or 3 years to happen, but that some people are dying within hours of taking the jab, you might even be worth listening to a little... maybe.

Association of American Physicians and Surgeons Says COVID Shots Risk Millions of Lives (

Dr. Paul Kempen, MD, who leads the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS), responded to mandatory COVID vaccines for health-care workers by pointing out that 30-million people have recovered from COVID-19 in the US and now have natural immunity. For them, the shots confer only risk with no benefit. It is absurd that they are not exempt from these mandates. A statement from AAPS warns that COVID cases, hospitalizations and deaths have increased at the same time that half of the US population was taking the inoculation. Long-term effects are unknown and may cause autoimmune disorders, antibody-enhanced disease, infertility, cancer, and birth defects. The benefit to the public is mythical, because uninfected people cannot transmit COVID. but vaccinated people can. Instead of taking the jab, the AAPS recommends early-treatment options, of which there are many. The AAPS acknowledges that everyone has a right to liberty, “which they do not forfeit when they serve the sick or the disabled.” -GEG



Title: Re: Do ALL vaccines kill people?
Post by: tvbcof on August 06, 2021, 05:30:38 AM

Who's afraid of the Big Bad Measles?
  Big Bad Measles.
    Big Bad Measles.

Wanna know why/how: (

Title: Re: Do ALL vaccines kill people?
Post by: Mauser on August 06, 2021, 07:37:30 AM
Why should "ALL" vaccines kill people? Vaccines are helpful and protect us. Just look at Polio for example, the vaccine didn't kill anybody and we managed to get rid of it world wide ( ( Without the vaccine a lot of kids would have died. I know there is a big difference between Polio where scientist had many years to come up with a good vaccine  and the corona virus, where scientist came up with different vaccines in a few month.

Title: Re: Do ALL vaccines kill people?
Post by: tvbcof on August 06, 2021, 09:58:56 AM
Why should "ALL" vaccines kill people? Vaccines are helpful and protect us. Just look at Polio for example, the vaccine didn't kill anybody and we managed to get rid of it world wide ( ( Without the vaccine a lot of kids would have died. I know there is a big difference between Polio where scientist had many years to come up with a good vaccine  and the corona virus, where scientist came up with different vaccines in a few month.

The polio problem was eventually solved by re-naming all of the cases caused by the vaccine 'not polio' by definition.  Although 'clinically indistinguishable' from wild-strain polio, the new name 'acute flaccid paralysis' (which has paralyzed some 50,000 kids in India) made the OPV program a success story for Gates.  At least as he (meaning all of the corp/gov media outlets) tell the story...many Indians will tell a different story, but they have no voice and very few people give a shit about them or their shit-hole country.  The people who think about it at all tend to feel like decimating their brown asses is doing the ones who are left a favor anyway.  And saving the planet.  It's no accident that the 'educated' tend to feel that way because the same people who pushed the OPV in India control the curriculum in the 'developed world.'

Title: Re: Do ALL vaccines kill people?
Post by: Tash on August 06, 2021, 04:58:25 PM
Does not look good for the vaccinated, just no good reports, one more devastating than the next

Bill Gates says his years long close friendship with Jeffrey Epstein, a man who operated and owned a child rape island, was a mistake.
When will the world emerge from this collective insanity and not listen to this man creep for advice on how to recover from a pandemic?

Title: Re: Do ALL vaccines kill people?
Post by: tvbcof on August 06, 2021, 06:56:18 PM
Bill Gates says his years long close friendship with Jeffrey Epstein, a man who operated and owned a child rape island, was a mistake.
When will the world emerge from this collective insanity and not listen to this man creep for advice on how to recover from a pandemic? (

Lots of links in the article to sources I've read before (including ones only found on the way-back machine.)  Epstein's 'sacrifice' has all the makings of biblical creation narrative story...once the next addition of the one-world religion bible is ready.  Or maybe it is a few versions down the road.

At any rate, I would certainly question the parentage of any kids 'I' had after getting these guys' experimental gene therapy masquerading as a 'vaccine'.  There are even some questions if one avoids the jab given the 'mosquito vaccinator' work that Gates funded and interest in spraying the atmosphere to deal with the scourge of 'global climate change.'

Anyone who cannot see that there is some 'weird fuckin shit' going on with this whole scamdemic has a real problem with cognitive dissonance.

Title: Re: Do ALL vaccines kill people?
Post by: verita1 on August 07, 2021, 02:43:18 AM
Guys, we are at an important step in our lives in deciding what is best for our health in the midst of the Covid19 crisis.

As we have realized, there has been various information for and against Covid19 vaccines. I already chose, and chose the vaccine, in my country Venezuela the health authorities are placing the following vaccines: Sinopharm (China) Sputnik V (Russia) and Abdala (Cuba) to immunize our inhabitants.

I have asked family members who have already been vaccinated and the perceived side effects have been mild.

I respect each one the way of thinking. I follow posts like the following:

A new study from Imperial College London suggests that unvaccinated people are three times more likely than those who are fully vaccinated to test positive for COVID-19. Researchers also said fully vaccinated people are less likely to transmit the virus to others.

That’s good news for vaccinated people looking to safely gather with other vaccinated people who don’t live together. (

Title: Re: Do ALL vaccines kill people?
Post by: Ebede on August 07, 2021, 06:23:04 AM
Really people are complaining bitterly about corona virus that is giving problem, their is a lot complications that on going through the vaccine, some people complained that theirs microchips on the vaccine that's causing a metal magnet to the body, and is not one or two persons that complain to such problem, right now i can conclude that the vaccine have to be test over and over before using for anything especially in human body because the vaccine can kill if it continue like that.

Title: Re: Do ALL vaccines kill people?
Post by: Tash on August 07, 2021, 06:31:45 AM
Scientific madness

Title: Re: Do ALL vaccines kill people?
Post by: Avantikakaur on August 07, 2021, 07:12:52 AM
The vaccine is not playing an effective role many people refrain from vaccinating because the immune system is not working properly it is weakening the human body this vaccine must be properly tested and administered otherwise, it will be harmful to the body. Many people are suffering from coronavirus infection in order to overcome the problem, it is necessary to take the vaccine as per the advice of the doctor.

Title: Re: Do ALL vaccines kill people?
Post by: Tash on August 08, 2021, 05:50:49 AM

Looking at the "Stunning Covid report from Israel…"  or "The Vaccinated account for 95% of severe hospitalizations…" it becomes clearer
the so called “vaccine” is the virus. Always has been that is how vaccines supposedly work but covid vaccine is effectively delayed  euthanasia.

Title: Re: Do ALL vaccines kill people?
Post by: SmokerFace on November 12, 2021, 07:49:42 PM
It's not true that vaccines kill people. They are just made for making the human system immune against the disease for which they are created. Also, there are different types of vaccines for different diseases and mostly are mandatory for humans. If it was true then there would be no human being on the globe.

Title: Re: Do ALL vaccines kill people?
Post by: Tash on November 13, 2021, 06:58:00 AM
It's not true that vaccines kill people. They are just made for making the human system immune against the disease for which they are created. Also, there are different types of vaccines for different diseases and mostly are mandatory for humans. If it was true then there would be no human being on the globe.

You and main stream media totaly don't lie. In two countries more people died from the covid vaccine then covid itself.

Last check over 10000 deaths reported, only a small number is reported.

Some of them certainly will have a reduced lifetime or and

More testimonies - the movie
If someone likes it or not there is a gap of intellect in the world.

Title: Re: Do ALL vaccines kill people?
Post by: Uang_kartal on November 13, 2021, 01:47:50 PM
there are several vaccines in my country.. the funny thing is that up to 3 doses are given in stages which are medically given a few weeks.. this is sad bro when people die in the country and officials are not responsible they just think this is God's way...everything there is a way.. maybe not.. now almost all of them have been vaccinated, not including me.. maybe there is another way besides this impromptu vaccine.. not all bad vaccines have been passed down from generation to generation. but people only follow the vaccine certificate to be able to enjoy a normal life freely. is this bait to advance the vaccine economy or what is this?? ;D

Title: Re: Do ALL vaccines kill people?
Post by: Tash on November 14, 2021, 09:53:50 AM
How deathly the one or other "vaccine" is we will discover in years to come.
I for my part will stick to science and remain part of the control group (gold standard) with unchanged DNA, 100% pure blood not vaccine diluted.
Spike protein inside nucleus enhancing DNA damage?

Title: Re: Do ALL vaccines kill people?
Post by: hornetsnest on November 15, 2021, 01:16:51 AM
No ALL vaccines do NOT kill people. That would be ridiculous.

Title: Re: Do ALL vaccines kill people?
Post by: tvbcof on November 15, 2021, 02:36:00 AM
No ALL vaccines do NOT kill people. That would be ridiculous.

The population effect of administering neurotoxins and immune system disrupting 'platforms' in early life is a generalized dysfunction of mental abilities and a lot of immune system issues.  Particularly issues with allergies and auto-immunity.  This is useful because it weakens any potential resistance against the power structure.  People are broke and distracted just trying to deal with sick and failing family, and also to dumbed down to put two and two together.

Until 2020, a relatively few victims 'eat the big one' directly from the injections.  The design of these things avoid it.  Not because it would be an undesirable thing in it's own right, but more because it would cause resistance to the program more generally as people would wise up and resist.

By 2020, the health care strain of the highly vaccinated populations such as the U.S. were already under such pressure that there is no real hope to ever dig out of the hole.  In other words, the costs of just trying to treat the heath impacts would bankrupt the country leaving no excess money for such things as education, defense, etc.  At least in the longer term for the lifetime of the population.  Time for a controlled demolition.

The strategy with the plandemic is to generally accelerate the process of damage by use of injection.  Try to get it done so fast, and under such a state of confusion that people don't have time to react and take self-protective measures.  Having more vaccine damage within a few months than the full previous 30 years combined as represented by VAES was 'not a bug but a feature.'

Yes, the country will collapse, but that is kind of the idea.  People will be offered hope under a 'new global regime', but of course such a regime would also face an impossible problem.  They'll claim to have solutions and desperate people will grasp at anything.  As a matter of fact they will have solutions, and they've been not particularly secretive about these.  These are chiefly mass depopulation down to about 1/10th of current levels.  Anyone who wants 'net zero' will probably get exactly what they ignorantly asked for.

Title: Re: Do ALL vaccines kill people?
Post by: Cnut237 on November 15, 2021, 12:36:40 PM
Why should "ALL" vaccines kill people?

Their opinions stand in direct contradiction to all available facts and evidence. This means they can't build any sort of compelling logical argument to promote the anti-vaxxer cause. So instead they just try to shout really loud to make sure they're heard... lots of drama and hyperbole. Hence the 'all' in the title. Caps and bold and red fonts have been known to make an appearance, too.

Vaccines are helpful and protect us. Just look at Polio for example, the vaccine didn't kill anybody and we managed to get rid of it world wide ( (

Yes. Vaccines save lives. I've shared the data on this many times, especially on Polio... but they don't believe it. The problem is that their position is based on faith rather than reason. We can't use logic and facts to persuade them. Apparently it's all some big government plan to control ordinary people... but this argument neglects the fact that governments and elites already control ordinary people, a system that has been carefully refined over many generations so that it works perfectly for those at the top... they have no incentive to change it.

Title: Re: Do ALL vaccines kill people?
Post by: Natalim on November 15, 2021, 12:57:27 PM
I'm not a doctor or anyone who has enough knowledge about the vaccine.

I just have to believe that our government will not allow people to get vaccinated if that will kill people, that's hilarious, I mean if people think like that, they won't have the confidence to get vaccinated. The new normal now is that you should be vaccinated in order to enjoy life again, otherwise you'll be limited in going to place that does allow people that are not vaccinated.

In our country, there's already a discrimination on unvaccinated people as the government itself is thinking of not granting a help if they will not vaccinated, so in the end, people who seek help has no choice but to get vaccinated.

Title: Re: Do ALL vaccines kill people?
Post by: tvbcof on November 15, 2021, 01:23:32 PM
In our country, there's already a discrimination on unvaccinated people as the government itself is thinking of not granting a help if they will not vaccinated, so in the end, people who seek help has no choice but to get vaccinated.

It's looking more and more by the day that the so-called 'vaccine' is part of a depopulation operation, but it's still very much up-in-the-air what the percentage of people rubbed out will be, and how long it will take.

An alternate hypothesis is that the jab really is protection, or more generally, getting people conditioned to go in for a jab on direction from authorities and which would be used that way in an environment of more unrestricted biological warfare (which I've long considered the most likely major feature characterizing the next world war.)  The main idea that gives this theory strength is that the ruling classes tend to prefer as controllable a populace as possible.

Anyhoo, the very valid observation that those forced into the jab are those who need to or want to 'seek help' has some significant ramifications for humanity after the dust settles down a bit.  I must admit that I would probably enjoy a world with more capable people and fewer 'needy' people.  I just don't think that the net benefits are worth doing the deed, and the after-effects are highly unpredictable.  I (and those running the 'great reset') might be surprised and disappointed by the real-world consequences of doing people like that.

Title: Re: Do ALL vaccines kill people?
Post by: Tash on November 15, 2021, 01:27:47 PM
Hilarious it certainliy is not, it is nothing but a lethal injection with delayed death.
Dr. Malone (inventor of mRNA technic) was warning about this the whole time

Our findings provide evidence of the spike protein hijacking the DNA damage repair machinery and adaptive immune machinery in vitro. We propose a potential mechanism by which spike proteins may impair adaptive immunity by inhibiting DNA damage repair.

What is hilarious is to the think that being extorted for some money by means of tax (unless paid volantary) that mob is now the best friend.

Title: Re: Do ALL vaccines kill people?
Post by: Cnut237 on November 15, 2021, 01:31:15 PM
It's looking more and more by the day that the so-called 'vaccine' is part of a depopulation operation, but it's still very much up-in-the-air what the percentage of people rubbed out will be, and how long it will take.
It's clear to me that the vast majority of those who have taken the vaccine (close to 100%) will be rubbed out within the next hundred years. Of course 'official' reason for death will be cancer, heart disease etc... because that's what they want you to think.

An alternate hypothesis is that the jab really is protection
Yes, agreed. I didn't bother reading your post past this point - presumably you were just expanding on why it's a good idea to take it.

Title: Re: Do ALL vaccines kill people?
Post by: Tash on November 23, 2021, 08:04:45 AM
Graphene Oxide in masks and PCR test swabbs
Graphene Oxide is the so called Sars-Cov-2 "virus"

15 Stillborn Deaths In 24 Hours
...blow past in the finish line

Title: Re: Do ALL vaccines kill people?
Post by: Lordhermes on November 24, 2021, 10:30:53 PM
There is no way all vaccines can kill people.This vaccine killing people rumour, spreading every where is just a story fabricated by people who are dulging vaccine,they don't want to be vaccinated,and the only means of averting it is by fabricating fake news about it.

I have not seen any vaccine that has been approved by the government that kill people before.Before it can be approved and accepted,it must have passed all the test that they needed it to pass before announcing it out to the public,that it's a cure for any form of disease at that time.

Title: Re: Do ALL vaccines kill people?
Post by: Gosgosking on November 25, 2021, 06:27:20 AM
There is no way all vaccines can kill people.This vaccine killing people rumour, spreading every where is just a story fabricated by people who are dulging vaccine,they don't want to be vaccinated,and the only means of averting it is by fabricating fake news about it.

I have not seen any vaccine that has been approved by the government that kill people before.Before it can be approved and accepted,it must have passed all the test that they needed it to pass before announcing it out to the public,that it's a cure for any form of disease at that time.

Yes you are right. People  are only spreading  rumours because I haven't  seen anyone  who died as a result  been vaccinated. Instead the vaccine is only to prevent from deadly disease.  Why people are saying the vaccine  kills could  fear for the vaccine thinking it kills.

Title: Re: Do ALL vaccines kill people?
Post by: tvbcof on November 25, 2021, 07:01:51 AM
There is no way all vaccines can kill people.This vaccine killing people rumour, spreading every where is just a story fabricated by people who are dulging vaccine,they don't want to be vaccinated,and the only means of averting it is by fabricating fake news about it.

I have not seen any vaccine that has been approved by the government that kill people before.Before it can be approved and accepted,it must have passed all the test that they needed it to pass before announcing it out to the public,that it's a cure for any form of disease at that time.

Yes you are right. People  are only spreading  rumours because I haven't  seen anyone  who died as a result  been vaccinated. Instead the vaccine is only to prevent from deadly disease.  Why people are saying the vaccine  kills could  fear for the vaccine thinking it kills.

You two do your faith-based strategies for your health and let we who choose to employ our evidence based ones.  That's about all we demand.

In the 'sad but true' department, there is probably no hope for society which is being dragged into a totalitarian technocratic hell by use of you faith-based peeps.  You are a tool used by TPTB to inflict blunt force trauma and us independent thinkers.  Ergo, the de-pop shot could be the only real hope.  It's the best hope for TPTB who are existentially threatened by too high a population, and they in turn are an existential threat to us critical thinkers.  The sooner the de-pop operation is complete, the sooner the more important battles can commence.

If 'we' could get rid of TPTB directly we probably could and would spare the useless eaters since the main difference between us and TPTB are difference in empathy levels.  Alas, with the useless eaters as mindless drone blockers, there seems to be no feasible solution along these lines.  The next-best would be to let TPTB do the deed they need done, then try to beat them on the battlefield which follows.

Title: Re: Do ALL vaccines kill people?
Post by: Newlifebtc on November 25, 2021, 08:45:33 AM
The answer to this question Do all vaccines kill people, is very strong either yes or no, one will be correct through your explanation. I choosed no, but it depends on the kind of the vaccines weather it does not pass through thorough inspection during manufacturing process of the vaccine, so if the inspection of the vaccine is well directed the vaccine dont have to be harm to the consumers but if during the time is been manufactured in the industry their is errors it will cause harm for consumption. Is my suggestion,

Title: Re: Do ALL vaccines kill people?
Post by: Uang_kartal on November 30, 2021, 03:32:32 PM
Are you aware that when various types of vaccines have been on the floor in all health centers and have been distributed, suddenly there are cases. both the spread and the direct reports (news) suddenly disappeared.. everything seems like nothing happened.. one of them is in my country.. do you realize? ).. until this moment there are news of new variants in other countries.. is this a gimmick or has it been organized by certain people?

maybe this is the best way for all the people of the world to make a healthy lifestyle .. even though the way is dramatic.

do you care about the news?

Title: Re: Do ALL vaccines kill people?
Post by: Kkhair on December 01, 2021, 04:21:11 AM
the vaccine does not kill, as we know that death is not solely caused by the vaccine but the history of the disease in the person and keeps it secret from the medical team so that death occurs, one bottle of vaccine liquid is injected into 10 people, if 1 person dies why are the people injected with the same bottled liquid does not die?

it is true that behind this vaccine there are parties who control it for economic purposes.

Title: Re: Do ALL vaccines kill people?
Post by: Tash on December 01, 2021, 07:37:05 AM
the vaccine does not kill, as we know that death is not solely caused by the vaccine but the history of the disease in the person and keeps it secret from the medical team so that death occurs, one bottle of vaccine liquid is injected into 10 people, if 1 person dies why are the people injected with the same bottled liquid does not die?

it is true that behind this vaccine there are parties who control it for economic purposes.

One of the reason the cheap money chassing staff at hand every now and then inject into the blood stream. Well  bad luck death is certain  (, in some cases minutes in others it will be years, death by a billion cuts.

About  1/3 of injections  ( are saline so nothing will happen, obvious it's not the same bottle.

Lets be clear: To be forced to have a needle inserted into your body without consent is rape with a foreign object.

Its like you have to be vaccinated in  Germany to qualify for Euthanasia

Title: Re: Do ALL vaccines kill people?
Post by: D-law on December 02, 2021, 04:53:41 AM
Down my ends, people are taking vaccine's shot comfortably without any side effects as been said by a whole lot.
Wondering why this doesn't affect me that much.
A close Pal I played soccer had his shots recently,been safe and sound after that,no headache's, fever and death.
Asthrazanitha is name to the vaccine.

Title: Re: Do ALL vaccines kill people?
Post by: tvbcof on December 02, 2021, 06:14:39 AM
Down my ends, people are taking vaccine's shot comfortably without any side effects as been said by a whole lot.
Wondering why this doesn't affect me that much.
A close Pal I played soccer had his shots recently,been safe and sound after that,no headache's, fever and death.
Asthrazanitha is name to the vaccine.

Only about 0.5% of the vaccine lots (or 'batches') to date seem to be really problematic in the short term.  I still wouldn't want to play Russian Roulette with a 200 shot revolver, but it's not going to create a problem in the mind of the typical sheeple which cannot be papered over.

Most jabbed people probably did get some genetic modifications.  That almost certainly will create some questions over whether A) you are fully 'human', and B) are a commercially own-able organism.  The questions will exist, and will be adjudicated, at a level well beyond what you are aware of and you won't probably notice (or recognize) the impacts directly.

tl;dr:  You're good.

Title: Re: Do ALL vaccines kill people?
Post by: Kkhair on December 02, 2021, 06:28:44 AM
the vaccine does not kill, as we know that death is not solely caused by the vaccine but the history of the disease in the person and keeps it secret from the medical team so that death occurs, one bottle of vaccine liquid is injected into 10 people, if 1 person dies why are the people injected with the same bottled liquid does not die?

it is true that behind this vaccine there are parties who control it for economic purposes.

One of the reason the cheap money chassing staff at hand every now and then inject into the blood stream. Well  bad luck death is certain  (, in some cases minutes in others it will be years, death by a billion cuts.

About  1/3 of injections  ( are saline so nothing will happen, obvious it's not the same bottle.

Lets be clear: To be forced to have a needle inserted into your body without consent is rape with a foreign object.

Its like you have to be vaccinated in  Germany to qualify for Euthanasia

not all countries are like that, in our country there is no compulsion to vaccinate, so everyone who wants to get vaccinated is asked if he has a history of serious illness and is asked to be prepared voluntarily, if the patient is ready then the medical team will vaccinate.

Hopefully this pandemic period will pass soon..

Title: Re: Do ALL vaccines kill people?
Post by: Tash on December 05, 2021, 03:33:40 PM
It very much lines up what head nurse in Slovania said. Politician and people with right membership received nothingburger (saline) injections the others experimental toxic shots with varying toxicity and unknown long term outcome. Some act slow (years) others faster. Detailed breakdown of batches.

Way to deal with the garbage (get out of the way..)

No wounder they want it of from puplic view for 55 years.
1227 deaths by February reported.
These are pfizer and FDA documents/numbers

Cumulative Analysis of Post-authorization Adverse Event Reports

Title: Re: Do ALL vaccines kill people?
Post by: Spontaneous on December 08, 2021, 10:25:03 AM
  Yes, more questions and wonder in every people regards of all vaccines kill people, because on what they observe in social media and what they just saw they just believe directly even without any reliable resource came from the health worker. That's the problem of everyone who rely information from the other that is not relevant.

Title: Re: Do ALL vaccines kill people?
Post by: tvbcof on December 08, 2021, 12:27:50 PM
  Yes, more questions and wonder in every people regards of all vaccines kill people, because on what they observe in social media and what they just saw they just believe directly even without any reliable resource came from the health worker. That's the problem of everyone who rely information from the other that is not relevant.

The info I see from health care workers on-the-ground is pretty universally that there is immense pressure from management, certification boards, etc, to bury and cover up any information which could be derogatory toward the 'needle in every arm' directive.  It seems to be the same in all countries.  The pressure was certainly there prior to the plandemic, but it is much more extreme now.

Failure to adhere to these directives results in loss of one's career, but

 - there are people who will speak anonymously
 - there are people in tangential fields (Morticians, warehouse personnel responsible for moving body-bags, etc) who have more latitude.
 - there are people who are willing to walk away from their profession or at the end of their careers anyway
 - there are people who are so eminent (Nobel prize laureates, distinguished professors, etc) who are more resistant to pressures
 - there are good people who just cannot help but do the right thing

These people are the types I find 'reliable'.  Generally speaking they have nothing to gain by going against the machine and speaking up.  Just a little bit less to lose than most.

Title: Re: Do ALL vaccines kill people?
Post by: Tash on December 08, 2021, 01:13:24 PM
 Yes, more questions and wonder in every people regards of all vaccines kill people, because on what they observe in social media and what they just saw they just believe directly even without any reliable resource came from the health worker. That's the problem of everyone who rely information from the other that is not relevant.

The info I see from health care workers on-the-ground is pretty universally that there is immense pressure from management, certification boards, etc, to bury and cover up any information which could be derogatory toward the 'needle in every arm' directive.  It seems to be the same in all countries.  The pressure was certainly there prior to the plandemic, but it is much more extreme now.

Failure to adhere to these directives results in loss of one's career, but

 - there are people who will speak anonymously
 - there are people in tangential fields (Morticians, warehouse personnel responsible for moving body-bags, etc) who have more latitude.
 - there are people who are willing to walk away from their profession or at the end of their careers anyway
 - there are people who are so eminent (Nobel prize laureates, distinguished professors, etc) who are more resistant to pressures
 - there are good people who just cannot help but do the right thing

These people are the types I find 'reliable'.  Generally speaking they have nothing to gain by going against the machine and speaking up.  Just a little bit less to lose than most.

Like so

or Funeral Director Says COVID-19 Jabs KILLING Everyone; Destroying Immune Systems
Just like the scientist in my sig predicted
I know the moment the toilet paper crisis happend that this will be a rough ride

Things happen in a strange way (

Title: Re: Do ALL vaccines kill people?
Post by: af_newbie on December 08, 2021, 04:04:57 PM
 Yes, more questions and wonder in every people regards of all vaccines kill people, because on what they observe in social media and what they just saw they just believe directly even without any reliable resource came from the health worker. That's the problem of everyone who rely information from the other that is not relevant.

The info I see from health care workers on-the-ground is pretty universally that there is immense pressure from management, certification boards, etc, to bury and cover up any information which could be derogatory toward the 'needle in every arm' directive.  It seems to be the same in all countries.  The pressure was certainly there prior to the plandemic, but it is much more extreme now.

Failure to adhere to these directives results in loss of one's career, but

 - there are people who will speak anonymously
 - there are people in tangential fields (Morticians, warehouse personnel responsible for moving body-bags, etc) who have more latitude.
 - there are people who are willing to walk away from their profession or at the end of their careers anyway
 - there are people who are so eminent (Nobel prize laureates, distinguished professors, etc) who are more resistant to pressures
 - there are good people who just cannot help but do the right thing

These people are the types I find 'reliable'.  Generally speaking they have nothing to gain by going against the machine and speaking up.  Just a little bit less to lose than most.

Like so

or Funeral Director Says COVID-19 Jabs KILLING Everyone; Destroying Immune Systems
Just like the scientist in my sig predicted
I know the moment the toilet paper crisis happend that this will be a rough ride

Things happen in a strange way (

and also, my cousin knows a guy who used to work at Walmart, and his manager told him that his wife called her sister who used to date a guy who was into trains and knew a train conductor who was allergic to watch leather straps brought to him by the UPS guy who told him that people are getting vaccinated and also they die.  So there you go.  There is your proof. Need more proof?  Talk to people.

Title: Re: Do ALL vaccines kill people?
Post by: Tash on December 09, 2021, 06:37:59 AM
 Yes, more questions and wonder in every people regards of all vaccines kill people, because on what they observe in social media and what they just saw they just believe directly even without any reliable resource came from the health worker. That's the problem of everyone who rely information from the other that is not relevant.

The info I see from health care workers on-the-ground is pretty universally that there is immense pressure from management, certification boards, etc, to bury and cover up any information which could be derogatory toward the 'needle in every arm' directive.  It seems to be the same in all countries.  The pressure was certainly there prior to the plandemic, but it is much more extreme now.

Failure to adhere to these directives results in loss of one's career, but

 - there are people who will speak anonymously
 - there are people in tangential fields (Morticians, warehouse personnel responsible for moving body-bags, etc) who have more latitude.
 - there are people who are willing to walk away from their profession or at the end of their careers anyway
 - there are people who are so eminent (Nobel prize laureates, distinguished professors, etc) who are more resistant to pressures
 - there are good people who just cannot help but do the right thing

These people are the types I find 'reliable'.  Generally speaking they have nothing to gain by going against the machine and speaking up.  Just a little bit less to lose than most.

Like so

or Funeral Director Says COVID-19 Jabs KILLING Everyone; Destroying Immune Systems
Just like the scientist in my sig predicted
I know the moment the toilet paper crisis happend that this will be a rough ride

Things happen in a strange way (

and also, my cousin knows a guy who used to work at Walmart, and his manager told him that his wife called her sister who used to date a guy who was into trains and knew a train conductor who was allergic to watch leather straps brought to him by the UPS guy who told him that people are getting vaccinated and also they die.  So there you go.  There is your proof. Need more proof?  Talk to people.

How much clearer would you like it presented? Cancer after vaccination even affects my own family.

Waking Up!

Title: Re: Do ALL vaccines kill people?
Post by: D-law on December 10, 2021, 05:11:30 AM
Not at all,too bad vaccines are doing the work.
I don't want to talk loads, the vaccine by the name Asthrazanitha works perfectly well,my close Budds I play soccer with in the same ends and streets had there's already.
It's three weeks already and no side effects.

Title: Re: Do ALL vaccines kill people?
Post by: Tash on December 10, 2021, 06:58:27 AM
It's three weeks already and no side effects.
Dont forget to report back in three years.
Maybe scientist in my sig know a little more as corrupt politician.

Title: Re: Do ALL vaccines kill people?
Post by: syedzakir on December 11, 2021, 05:11:27 PM
Vaccine don't kill people they are actually causing change in the hormonal system of human body these changes may be good or bad depending on the nature,age, physical activity and health of human beings. These changes may sometimes prove to be harmful and the body is sometimes not ready to adapt to such changes so that's why it result in some damage to human body or even death

Title: Re: Do ALL vaccines kill people?
Post by: BADecker on December 11, 2021, 11:07:51 PM
The amount of killing of the recipients of all vaccines, that the vaccines do to them, might be very small. In addition, on occasion, the vaccine might increase quality of life while it is doing its killing job. The point is that most vaccines reduce the quality of life of people though they don't even realize it. And, they kill a little even though there is no way to tell how much.

The interesting thing is that now that we are finding out that viruses don't really exist, what kind of health problem helps should have been done that would have made the vaccine idea totally unnecessary?

Alix Mayer is vaccine injured, but not from the COVID vaccine (

On December 9, I interviewed Alix Mayer, President, Children’s Health Defense, California Chapter.

(Article republished from

She’s vaccine injured from a set of vaccines she took prior to a business trip. She’s never recovered.

Here’s the interview on Rumble.

Key things I learned from talking with Alix:

    All the 16 childhood vaccines should be considered unsafe because all the safety data shows that kids are uniformly less healthy after taking the vaccines. However, all the papers published in medical journals documenting this have been censored and the people who wrote them have lost their jobs.
    The CDC is supposed to be assessing the safety of the children’s vaccines every 2 years. They have never done this. They even admit it. They don’t have any plans to comply with the law. Nobody is holding them accountable.
    There has been a huge increase in autism and other disabling conditions after vaccination. There is no doubt they are linked.
    RFK, Jr. has been trying to get a debate with the CDC for 20 years about the safety of the childhood vaccines. The CDC will not debate him. They refuse to be put in a situation where they could be asked questions that they don’t want to answer. Someone is hiding in the shadows and it isn’t RFK, Jr.
    Judy Mikovits discovered impurities in the vaccines but they forced out of her job to silence her.

Hashtag: #covidshotregret | GETTR

Some comments from my subscribers:



Title: Re: Do ALL vaccines kill people?
Post by: Tash on December 12, 2021, 12:16:09 PM
Vaccines are killing and causing serious medical conditions, molecular biologist explains

Vaccines pose 7 times higher death risk than COVID for young people, Japanese experts warn (