Bitcoin Forum

Other => Off-topic => Topic started by: butcher_spam on May 25, 2021, 09:32:54 PM

Title: Elon Musk is getting boring!
Post by: butcher_spam on May 25, 2021, 09:32:54 PM
Guys, of course I understand that Elon Musk is a very cool dude, but there's too much of him here now.
I don't know about you, but I'm already very bored reading bitcoin discussions, where almost every third topic is about this "respected" man.
It seems to me that the more we write about him here, the more I become uninterested in reading bitcoin discussions.
I suggest that, at the very least, we create a separate topic about Elon Musk.  >:(

Title: Re: Elon Musk is getting boring!
Post by: Mahanton on May 25, 2021, 11:25:26 PM
Guys, of course I understand that Elon Musk is a very cool dude, but there's too much of him here now.
I don't know about you, but I'm already very bored reading bitcoin discussions, where almost every third topic is about this "respected" man.
It seems to me that the more we write about him here, the more I become uninterested in reading bitcoin discussions.
I suggest that, at the very least, we create a separate topic about Elon Musk.  >:(

Get used to it on where things that are currently on trend will be basically or normally be discussed yet its quite relevant since this man is really dealing up with crypto market
and on how he do make out some effect out of those shills and hypes neither with bitcoin or with dogecoin.If you do get tired on reading Elon based type of topics then you can
just simply ignore these threads and find out another topic or threads that would suit out your interest.This is a forum so you cant really stop someone on creating
one specially if its mainly the talk in town.

Title: Re: Elon Musk is getting boring!
Post by: franky1 on May 25, 2021, 11:37:49 PM
apart from the fact that you made this topic [about elon] to complain about reading about topics made about elon. where your solution is.. 'create a separate topic about.. elon'

Title: Re: Elon Musk is getting boring!
Post by: philipma1957 on May 25, 2021, 11:39:33 PM
apart from the fact that you made this topic [about elon] to complain about reading about topics made about elon. where your solution is.. 'create a separate topic about.. elon'

Yeah but they got paid for their signatures.

Title: Re: Elon Musk is getting boring!
Post by: Bitcoin_Arena on May 25, 2021, 11:45:09 PM
You just created an Elon Musk topic to complain about how it's getting boring people discussing Elon Musk here. Now you tell me, who are the people fueling the stupid Elon Musk topic here?
You are definitely one of them, aren't you? ;D

Title: Re: Elon Musk is getting boring!
Post by: kawetsriyanto on May 25, 2021, 11:58:41 PM
You are definitely one of them, aren't you? ;D
True.  :D
Complaining to others but doing the same thing. I don't understand what OP means by doing this. I think we already have many similar suggestions about avoiding to create more Elon Musk topics. So, actually, it is more than enough, we just need to follow it.

OP @butcher_spam, I suggest to lock this thread. I guess your purpose is to warn others, so no need for further discussion.

Title: Re: Elon Musk is getting boring!
Post by: taufik123 on May 26, 2021, 12:09:46 AM
Indirectly, in this thread there is also a discussion about Elon Musk, if you are fed up with the genius man and the richest man on this earth you just need to close your eyes, don't read the news about him.
Don't make the "Elon Musk getting boring" thread

I think this post can be stopped for now.

Title: Re: Elon Musk is getting boring!
Post by: californiaquail on May 26, 2021, 12:38:14 AM
Indirectly, in this thread there is also a discussion about Elon Musk, if you are fed up with the genius man and the richest man on this earth you just need to close your eyes, don't read the news about him.
Don't make the "Elon Musk getting boring" thread

I think this post can be stopped for now.

I think it should not, and frankly this is a forum, not a fanbase.

Musk is not a "Cool Dude" or a "Genius" he has never been.

I've been calling him out way before he went full McAFee on everyone, but nobody would hear it.

Anyway, there are numerous videos dating back to 2014 calling him out on his various bullshitery ( solar city, hyperloop, tesla takeover, the fact that he wasn't even a paypal dev during the merger with, etc. ) : ( hilarious & science based ) ( pretty cool sum-up)

The very fact that he ended up "world's richest person" without any significant invention was already a big red flag.
He has no business being #1. And if it wasn't for "people" like you pumping his rocket, he would be a low tier billionaire ( which is already cool, but still, he's an investor, not an inventor ).

But for me, what triggered it was his last Joe Rogan appearance, it was shady AF.

I'm glad people are finally waking up to the fact that he's no good ( and not just for our wallets ) so eventually his bs TSLA net worth will deflate, as will his influence on the market, and we'll move on to the next McAfee revamp.

He is a boring weirdo who invested african blood diamond money ( emeralds to be fair ) during the internet bubble.

Don't get it wrong, Musk is a glorified Mark Cuban, except the latter is actually cool.

I can get why Zuck, Ellison, Page, Gates, Brin or Bezos ended up in the top 10, they created globally accepted inventions and I respect them for that, at least.

Title: Re: Elon Musk is getting boring!
Post by: franky1 on May 26, 2021, 01:01:16 AM
The very fact that he ended up "world's richest person"

anyone can copy elon musk to be on paper the richest person
stage one
realise elons riches are not based on money in the bank. but based on valuations of markets he created

stage two
realise the valuations of the markets he created are not backed dollar by dollar.

step three
create a premined altcoin of 1 trillion coins. and get some sap to publicly buy a single coin for $5
and instantly you are hoarding a market valued at a market cap of $5trillion

its cheap to become a multi trillionaire on paper.

the next bubble to burst is the stock market when investors realise these fiat markets are not worth the market cap valuations. because the market cap valuations are not based on any backed dollars per share/stock. they are based on current single share price multiplied by shares available.. much like step three

Title: Re: Elon Musk is getting boring!
Post by: californiaquail on May 26, 2021, 01:08:13 AM
The very fact that he ended up "world's richest person"

anyone can copy elon musk to be on paper the richest person
stage one
realise elons riches are not based on money in the bank. but based on valuations of markets he created

stage two
realise the valuations of the markets he created are not backed dollar by dollar.

step three
create a premined altcoin of 1 trillion coins. and get some sap to publicly buy a single coin for $5
and instantly you are hoarding a market valued at a market cap of $5trillion

its cheap to become a multi trillionaire on paper.

That 😂 . Exactly what my point was but I didn't even want to debate this ridiculous valuation, due to the amount of shills, and the fact that I already was trying to make a point that he was just another snake oil salesman bullshitter.

My personal bet is that this Musk fellow will announce his own centralized "green" shitcoin in the incoming months or weeks, once markets recover.

He already profited from his pump, and the short following his pump ( 10,000BTC dumped a few minutes before his fatal tweet ) and now he's moving to the next level, and morons will follow.

Title: Re: Elon Musk is getting boring!
Post by: btc78 on May 26, 2021, 02:46:46 AM
Guys, of course I understand that Elon Musk is a very cool dude, but there's too much of him here now.
I don't know about you, but I'm already very bored reading bitcoin discussions, where almost every third topic is about this "respected" man.
Respected in what sense of meaning? because you have Highlighted the word i don't know if that is sarcasm .

But being Cool ? i don't know where did you get that idea because he is Not.

It seems to me that the more we write about him here, the more I become uninterested in reading bitcoin discussions.
I suggest that, at the very least, we create a separate topic about Elon Musk.  >:(

But what you did is another Elon Musk thread , the only difference is that you are praising the man when majority of us aren't doing same .

Title: Re: Elon Musk is getting boring!
Post by: amishmanish on May 26, 2021, 03:00:37 AM
the next bubble to burst is the stock market when investors realise these fiat markets are not worth the market cap valuations. because the market cap valuations are not based on any backed dollars per share/stock. they are based on current single share price multiplied by shares available.. much like step three
Umm..but isn't is true that "shares", "stock" "equity", whatever we call them do not need to be backed by dollars. It is not like Tether's claims on USDT being backed.

The price of a stock is actually considered to be based on its growth potential. Expectations of high future earnings can push the stock to be over-valued. Yet, this doesn't really justify a P/E ration of >500 for TSLA. But they are not alone to have such high valuations. A look a this link ( will show that so many corporations have these right now.

To a value investor, all of those would be an eye-sore. There are a lot of Pharma companies in there. It seems like everyone is banking on a Post-pandemic boom similar to what happened in the so-called roaring twenties.

Title: Re: Elon Musk is getting boring!
Post by: Alucard1 on May 26, 2021, 05:24:14 AM
Respected in what sense of meaning? because you have Highlighted the word i don't know if that is sarcasm .
But being Cool ? i don't know where did you get that idea because he is Not.
Maybe he has double meaning on the word "Respected", yeah that is true that Elon Musk is a respected person because of what he is now and that is why a lot of people are trusting him and following what he tweets, but for the people who already know what he is in the world of crypto, they wouldn't respect Elon Musk for what he is doing to the market, he is really big no for the world of crypto.

Being cool just because he is one of the richest people in the world, don't make things too complicated.

Title: Re: Elon Musk is getting boring!
Post by: ethereumhunter on May 26, 2021, 05:59:16 AM
The very fact that he ended up "world's richest person"

anyone can copy elon musk to be on paper the richest person
stage one
realise elons riches are not based on money in the bank. but based on valuations of markets he created

stage two
realise the valuations of the markets he created are not backed dollar by dollar.

step three
create a premined altcoin of 1 trillion coins. and get some sap to publicly buy a single coin for $5
and instantly you are hoarding a market valued at a market cap of $5trillion

its cheap to become a multi trillionaire on paper.
That 😂 . Exactly what my point was but I didn't even want to debate this ridiculous valuation, due to the amount of shills, and the fact that I already was trying to make a point that he was just another snake oil salesman bullshitter.

My personal bet is that this Musk fellow will announce his own centralized "green" shitcoin in the incoming months or weeks, once markets recover.

He already profited from his pump, and the short following his pump ( 10,000BTC dumped a few minutes before his fatal tweet ) and now he's moving to the next level, and morons will follow.
It is interesting to wait for what he will tweet later because maybe that can also move the market to what he expected. And yes, the morons will follow behind him and give him more big money ;D

If Elon is a respected person, he can treat the market well and not make a tweet that can make a crowd to the market. But Elon can do anything he wants.

Title: Re: Elon Musk is getting boring!
Post by: Rexler on May 26, 2021, 06:27:41 AM
So bad the world of crypto is just following a man's tweet which isn't healthy for the crypto space, we all saw the recent event of what this guy's tweet caused in the market, this actually made the crypto enthusiast to have hatred on him because he is using his influence to favour himself making thousands of people loosing their life's fortune or net worth, his tweet of dumping bitcoin caused a great FUD in the crypto space and at same time China came in with the news of banning bitcoin which made prices went very down because people were already panicking abd and dumping

Title: Re: Elon Musk is getting boring!
Post by: pooya87 on May 26, 2021, 06:29:15 AM
create a premined altcoin of 1 trillion coins. and get some sap to publicly buy a single coin for $5
and instantly you are hoarding a market valued at a market cap of $5trillion
It is a bad comparison though. Doing the same thing in stock market is so much harder and I'd say it is impossible to just create shares out of thin air for no reason and never let them enter the market for trading. Every share is accounted for and most importantly is backed by an actual company/business not vaporware (unless you count penny stocks).
Conversely in altcoin market you can create 1 trillion coins and only let a tiny portion of it like 1000 coins to enter circulation and be traded. Real example is ethereum with 72 million premine owned by Vitalik.

Title: Re: Elon Musk is getting boring!
Post by: jjdub7 on May 26, 2021, 06:52:13 AM
Guys, of course I understand that Elon Musk is a very cool dude, but there's too much of him here now.
I don't know about you, but I'm already very bored reading bitcoin discussions, where almost every third topic is about this "respected" man.
It seems to me that the more we write about him here, the more I become uninterested in reading bitcoin discussions.
I suggest that, at the very least, we create a separate topic about Elon Musk.  >:(

As banal as the Elon Musk topics we read more and more may become, I don't think we have a choice and that will soon change.

We all know how volatile the crypto market is and how it is affected by speculation and we just can't miss every single statement or action from people like Elon Musk that can lead to huge market changes.

And when such people (who have huge assets and have also invested huge sums) benefit from a rise or collapse in the market, they always take advantage of such weaknesses.

Title: Re: Elon Musk is getting boring!
Post by: bitbollo on May 26, 2021, 07:22:29 AM
my interest in bitcoin and blockchain technologies isn't related to any individual.
nothing less it can be influenced by some one promoting a shitcoin .

Title: Re: Elon Musk is getting boring!
Post by: asyakashi on May 26, 2021, 07:31:49 AM
Are you among the Elon Musk victims who bought high-priced doge? I didn't even follow the doge but still panicked when Elon and china FUD. Cut the loss by 50%. But now the price is starting to go up, but I am sure at this time the crypto will come back down, and will try to take advantage of that moment.

Title: Re: Elon Musk is getting boring!
Post by: peter0425 on May 26, 2021, 07:35:57 AM
my interest in bitcoin and blockchain technologies isn't related to any individual.
nothing less it can be influenced by some one promoting a shitcoin .

actually this must be our views and beliefs in crypto , we must not relying  in any people specially in stupid person like which mentioned above.

I myself don't just listen to anything that related to any personalities , but what i wanted is to just take our profit if there is a chance or keep holding for the span of time that we allocate .

Title: Re: Elon Musk is getting boring!
Post by: Maslate on May 26, 2021, 07:41:38 AM
my interest in bitcoin and blockchain technologies isn't related to any individual.
nothing less it can be influenced by some one promoting a shitcoin .

actually this must be our views and beliefs in crypto , we must not relying  in any people specially in stupid person like which mentioned above.

I myself don't just listen to anything that related to any personalities , but what i wanted is to just take our profit if there is a chance or keep holding for the span of time that we allocate .
The truth is that we can't think that Elon Musk has to ruin himself. We know him to have a good reputation, a known personality with a lot of life's accomplishements, it was enough that many people will admire him so much but it was changed once he (tried) join crypto. We all never think that this will be the result, who knows exactly? So what happens now and with Elon, it tells something that some abusers are rich people. It is really hard to think but that is it, and a lot of rich people had come before Elon and the same thing they do, to manipulate the market...

Title: Re: Elon Musk is getting boring!
Post by: bakasabo on May 26, 2021, 07:46:57 AM
While you are bored with Elon Musk "crypto popularity", Elon seems to be bored in real life. What Elon and Tesla did recently? They last thing I remember was that only cybertruck. SpaceX - I remember how people were happy when they had launched their first rocket. But that all was last year.

Elon started pumping crypto last year, starting with dogecoin. The market used to react positively on his every announcement and tweet. Now (or soon) imo, cryptocurrency market and "Elon Musk crypto related announcements" will be two separate flows. The market is satiated with Elon Musk and soon will start to forget about this influencer.

Title: Re: Elon Musk is getting boring!
Post by: indo1 on May 26, 2021, 08:38:55 AM
It's hard, man. We are always talking about Elon Musk, as a market manipulator, unmasking Elon Musk who turned out to be pro against dogecoin, but trying to destroy bitcoin, I think you should also take advantage of this moment, do you include buying above?

Title: Re: Elon Musk is getting boring!
Post by: Lorence.xD on May 26, 2021, 08:42:48 AM
my interest in bitcoin and blockchain technologies isn't related to any individual.
nothing less it can be influenced by some one promoting a shitcoin.
That's the right mentality for this kind of thing, people always complain about things that are out of their control when there is a clear way to adapt to the situation, they always get blinded by anger.

Title: Re: Elon Musk is getting boring!
Post by: jesselui on May 26, 2021, 09:25:20 AM
Elon Musk manipulates bitcoin when he gets bored at home. Now he wants bitcoin to go up, so he started posting positive tweets. Elon, enough that you lost us money, please leave us now.

Title: Re: Elon Musk is getting boring!
Post by: mr_ROBOTT on May 26, 2021, 10:48:41 AM
I agree with you that Elon Musk has had a huge impact on the Bitcoin environment, and it is a fact that Elon Musk is not done with Bitcoin.
certainly in the future this person will say a lot of interviews and tweets about Bitcoin and the world of digital currencies.
So should we create a separate topic for Elon?

Title: Re: Elon Musk is getting boring!
Post by: iTradeChips on May 26, 2021, 10:59:53 AM
Being a billionaire that he is, of course it is expected of us mere pleebs that we will always discuss such man of very high stature. Who does not want to be like him. Of course most of us did not like what he did to the crypto market for the past few weeks so many of us here ranted their way through the forum, but too much that we always see threads about him, different titles but same topic nevertheless. Anyway I think we should stop talking about him for the meantime and focus on getting richer with this dip.

Title: Re: Elon Musk is getting boring!
Post by: Anonylz on May 26, 2021, 11:05:13 AM
Guys, of course I understand that Elon Musk is a very cool dude, but there's too much of him here now.
I don't know about you, but I'm already very bored reading bitcoin discussions, where almost every third topic is about this "respected" man.
It seems to me that the more we write about him here, the more I become uninterested in reading bitcoin discussions.
I suggest that, at the very least, we create a separate topic about Elon Musk.  >:(

Same here, there is no need for members to keep discussing him, we should get pass that by now, lately like 20% of topics are relating to Elon, he his already a popular figure and has gain more since his tweet on btc because we devote our time trying to make meaning from his action, and the sad part is Elon probably love the attention so he will keep doing what he feels. i will suggest we give it a rest already.

Title: Re: Elon Musk is getting boring!
Post by: bitterguy28 on May 26, 2021, 11:26:48 AM
It's hard, man. We are always talking about Elon Musk, as a market manipulator, unmasking Elon Musk who turned out to be pro against dogecoin, but trying to destroy bitcoin, I think you should also take advantage of this moment, do you include buying above?
Good question here, instead of talking allot why not consider buying at discounted price right?

like what's happening now lol.

Bitcoin stays below 40 and that's great chance.

Title: Re: Elon Musk is getting boring!
Post by: elisabetheva on May 26, 2021, 11:49:33 AM
Same here, there is no need for members to keep discussing him, we should get pass that by now, lately like 20% of topics are relating to Elon, he his already a popular figure and has gain more since his tweet on btc because we devote our time trying to make meaning from his action, and the sad part is Elon probably love the attention so he will keep doing what he feels. i will suggest we give it a rest already.
right, don't give people who want to benefit themselves by using their social media anymore. because what was done really made investors too trusting, even though what was done was to seek profit from what happened from the noise it made through social media. I hope this becomes a lesson and don't give people like that to be trusted again. Enough is enough and do not give too much chance for him.

Title: Re: Elon Musk is getting boring!
Post by: Questat on May 26, 2021, 12:08:33 PM
People can't easily forget about him as he was the cause of this dramatic dump.
Yeah, too boring to hear almost all the topics are talking about this person. But for sure this will have an end, later this year until people have to found another issue again.

So this time, we have to accept that we keep hearing this one. People are happy talking about the curse that Elon Musk brought to us but we can't deny also that many people are becoming profitable as one of his tweets gives the hypes of the market, and that included altcoins.

Title: Re: Elon Musk is getting boring!
Post by: acener on May 26, 2021, 01:05:44 PM
If you have been in crypto for so long you would already be bored with those kind of people,
They are only good with the start just like most pump and dump shit coins,
Once they already reach high and started to drop low you would doubt believing on them again.

Title: Re: Elon Musk is getting boring!
Post by: DapanasFruit on May 26, 2021, 01:21:39 PM

When people can get tired reading on Elon Musk that must be telling us that his influence in the world of cryptocurrency has now started to wane and rightly so. I don't think it is to the advantage of this industry that we let a single man be taking the power of sway. I respect the man though lately I have to admit that I am not agreeing with his opinions. First and foremost, I don't consider Elon Musk to be a real player in this industry as he is just an insider trying to wiggle in and be an influence when in fact he is just nothing. Don't get me wrong, I know his accomplishments but as far as cryptocurrency is concerned he is so hollow.

Title: Re: Elon Musk is getting boring!
Post by: Vishnu.Reang on May 26, 2021, 01:36:24 PM
Elon Musk's case is similar to the story of the boy who cried wolf. He has millions of followers in the social media and obviously he has a lot of influence over his followers. But when he misuses this influence very often, at least some of these followers will stop taking him seriously. And that is happening right now. People are getting tired of his flip-flops and inconsistency, especially with regards to cryptocurrency. Now a lot of his followers have cast doubt on his real intent as well. Hopefully he has taken notice of this and will make an attempt to come clean. 

Title: Re: Elon Musk is getting boring!
Post by: butcher_spam on May 26, 2021, 09:27:08 PM
Yes, you're right.
On the one hand the situation seems very silly when I write about Elon, at a time when I am bored to read about Elon.
I am not an opponent of this wonderful man, but lately it is too much, and the cry of my soul, very much asks to create a separate topic for Elon.
That would be very cool)

Title: Re: Elon Musk is getting boring!
Post by: finaleshot2016 on May 26, 2021, 09:47:11 PM
Guys, of course I understand that Elon Musk is a very cool dude, but there's too much of him here now.
I don't know about you, but I'm already very bored reading bitcoin discussions, where almost every third topic is about this "respected" man.
It seems to me that the more we write about him here, the more I become uninterested in reading bitcoin discussions.
I suggest that, at the very least, we create a separate topic about Elon Musk.  >:(

I'm still puzzled as to why you guys keep focusing on him; he's not the type of guy we're used to seeing. Also, I realized that in the crypto market, we shouldn't rely on such a well-known and wealthy individual like him because there are drawbacks, and I know you don't want them to have complete control over the market.

But, in terms of Doge, I'm sure he's an excellent man working to improve it, but in the crypto community as a whole, I don't recommend him as a place where newcomers can rely.

Title: Re: Elon Musk is getting boring!
Post by: Shasha80 on May 26, 2021, 10:00:42 PM
Guys, of course I understand that Elon Musk is a very cool dude, but there's too much of him here now.
I don't know about you, but I'm already very bored reading bitcoin discussions, where almost every third topic is about this "respected" man.
It seems to me that the more we write about him here, the more I become uninterested in reading bitcoin discussions.
I suggest that, at the very least, we create a separate topic about Elon Musk.  >:(
I'm still puzzled as to why you guys keep focusing on him; he's not the type of guy we're used to seeing. Also, I realized that in the crypto market, we shouldn't rely on such a well-known and wealthy individual like him because there are drawbacks, and I know you don't want them to have complete control over the market.

But, in terms of Doge, I'm sure he's an excellent man working to improve it, but in the crypto community as a whole, I don't recommend him as a place where newcomers can rely.

It's not healthy to focus too much on Elon Musk, it's better to focus on the Bitcoin movement. I even ignored whatever Elon Musk said, I was tired of
the manipulation Elon Musk did in the crypto world. And from the beginning we should have invested not to be influenced by Elon Musk, because
whatever Elon Musk does is in his own interest. We must invest based on the results of our own analysis and research. Because of that, it's best if
we stop talking about Elon Musk again, let's just focus on Bitcoin, which was our original goal to enter the world of crypto.

Title: Re: Elon Musk is getting boring!
Post by: Sirait on May 26, 2021, 10:09:56 PM
Guys, of course I understand that Elon Musk is a very cool dude, but there's too much of him here now.
I don't know about you, but I'm already very bored reading bitcoin discussions, where almost every third topic is about this "respected" man.
It seems to me that the more we write about him here, the more I become uninterested in reading bitcoin discussions.
I suggest that, at the very least, we create a separate topic about Elon Musk.  >:(
^ In recent days, Elon Musk has really stolen the attention of the whole world because his statement which is aimed at bitcoin miners is very reasonable to discuss massively. You can still ignore all offensive topics which about elon here, it will calm you down.

Title: Re: Elon Musk is getting boring!
Post by: californiaquail on May 26, 2021, 11:10:16 PM
While you are bored with Elon Musk "crypto popularity", Elon seems to be bored in real life. What Elon and Tesla did recently? They last thing I remember was that only cybertruck. SpaceX - I remember how people were happy when they had launched their first rocket. But that all was last year.

Elon started pumping crypto last year, starting with dogecoin. The market used to react positively on his every announcement and tweet. Now (or soon) imo, cryptocurrency market and "Elon Musk crypto related announcements" will be two separate flows. The market is satiated with Elon Musk and soon will start to forget about this influencer.

This dude is anything but bored ( or at least I would hope so for my own sanity 😂).

However, it is common knowledge that he is cash poor.
He has always been, so I have to say kudos to his last pump&dump, he probably made anywhere between $0.2 to $0.5 B for himself this Tweet alone, from shorting the market, I would guess.

As far as what Telsa made ? We'll know on his next next annual SEC report...
Who knows, but Tesla really needed that cash infusion.

He got balls, that's for sure. He has no care for the SEC and he did what he had to do for his company, even though we all ended up paying for it.

Title: Re: Elon Musk is getting boring!
Post by: jellylily on May 27, 2021, 02:21:26 AM
He is not trying to help people make money, to win wealth, or to build a new monetary system. But simply to enrich himself, to rob his followers of their wealth.
Such behaviour is the most vivid illustration of capital's ugliest face.
That's when it dawned on me that Musk is not only a doer and a dreamer, he's also a capitalist.
In addition, in recent years, there have been numerous Tesla accidents in China, and the arrogant attitude of Tesla enterprises to deal with things and the irresponsible attitude that does not take life for granted have greatly reduced my perception of Tesla. So now I am extremely disgusted with Musk.

Title: Re: Elon Musk is getting boring!
Post by: bakasabo on May 27, 2021, 07:25:51 AM
He is not trying to help people make money, to win wealth, or to build a new monetary system. But simply to enrich himself, to rob his followers of their wealth.

What about Neuralink ( Isnt it supposed to help people ? I'm pretty much sure it will be affordable to most of the people. Like tesla cars. You say there lots of accidents where tesla is involved. That only proves that this car, its technology is available and affordable to most of the people. He is not just trying to enrich himself, but as an entrepreneur, he is trying to earn. "rob his followers" makes me laugh. Thanks to him we saw how Bitcoin updated ATH. It is hard to imagine how many people got rich thanks to him. But only greedy now complain how bad he is and how he destroys crypto market.

Title: Re: Elon Musk is getting boring!
Post by: pinggoki on May 27, 2021, 08:16:15 AM
Guys, of course I understand that Elon Musk is a very cool dude, but there's too much of him here now.
I don't know about you, but I'm already very bored reading bitcoin discussions, where almost every third topic is about this "respected" man.
It seems to me that the more we write about him here, the more I become uninterested in reading bitcoin discussions.
I suggest that, at the very least, we create a separate topic about Elon Musk.  >:(
Obviously we are literally bored today especially reading tweets and news about Elon Musk and saying that the Tesla has the diamond hands. I'm very tired of this thing! At the same time, Elon is getting hype the market and coins that doesn't have any purpose in the market. We can just let him and his fellow followers to follow him and ride the hype that he is creating but we all know what would be the result of this market after all.

Title: Re: Elon Musk is getting boring!
Post by: imstillthebest on May 27, 2021, 08:28:42 AM
creating a seperate location for his topics will only make this guy even popular and he will liked it if he discover it but we never made the same idea in the past in other famous personalities ,
what makes elon different to them ? topics will get posted or moved in the bitcoin disscusion as long as there is a bitcoin involved in it but you can look in the title and dont visit if you dont like them .
there will be less topics related to elon after what he did to btc last time  . have a patience bro

Title: Re: Elon Musk is getting boring!
Post by: ILuckyGuyI on May 27, 2021, 08:35:54 AM
Especially after the last incident related to Tesla, Elon Musk has been one of the main topics for some time. I'm also starting to get bored about this. I also talked about his action after the incident but I think it's enough.

Title: Re: Elon Musk is getting boring!
Post by: AniviaBtc on May 27, 2021, 08:47:29 AM
apart from the fact that you made this topic [about elon] to complain about reading about topics made about elon. where your solution is.. 'create a separate topic about.. elon'

This topic is so cliche where most of the posts towards Elon Musk are all negative or saying something bad about him.

We have nothing to do but to accept that he abandon bitcoin and he manipulates the cryptocurrency market.

Small investors like us should just observe the market and wait for another bull run. If we studied the market, we will not panic so hard that we are talking trash to someone.

Title: Re: Elon Musk is getting boring!
Post by: LogitechMouse on May 27, 2021, 09:04:45 AM
Guys, of course I understand that Elon Musk is a very cool dude, but there's too much of him here now.
I don't know about you, but I'm already very bored reading bitcoin discussions, where almost every third topic is about this "respected" man.
It seems to me that the more we write about him here, the more I become uninterested in reading bitcoin discussions.
I suggest that, at the very least, we create a separate topic about Elon Musk.  >:(
Its just very funny and ironic to see that you are somewhat bored about Elon Musk but you yourself created a thread about him :D.
Separate topic?? We don't need it anymore. The Elon Musk hype is slowly going down already thus, the number of discussion here regarding will decrease overtime.

Respected?? He might be more respectable if he didn't involve himself into crypto but hey.. he is a businessman after all and he will do anything just to make profits and that includes involving himself into crypto, supporting Bitcoin and Dogecoin and when the time comes that he will sell, he will share some stupid tweets on twitter causing the market to drop more than 50% :D. A good businessman.

Instead of talking about him, lets just ignore about him. Let him do whatever he wants to do. If he wants to upgrade DOGE then so be it. If he wants to support crypto then so be it but lets not focus on him or at least rely our investments on him. I see some investors who went all in because of his tweets and now suffering huge losses. :X

Title: Re: Elon Musk is getting boring!
Post by: gabbie2010 on May 27, 2021, 09:20:09 AM
Guys, of course I understand that Elon Musk is a very cool dude, but there's too much of him here now.
I don't know about you, but I'm already very bored reading bitcoin discussions, where almost every third topic is about this "respected" man.
It seems to me that the more we write about him here, the more I become uninterested in reading bitcoin discussions.
I suggest that, at the very least, we create a separate topic about Elon Musk.  >:(
^ In recent days, Elon Musk has really stolen the attention of the whole world because his statement which is aimed at bitcoin miners is very reasonable to discuss massively. You can still ignore all offensive topics which about elon here, it will calm you down.
The present hype about Elon Musk manipulation of Bitcoin will soon wane down, we had a similar experience with McAfee it has become history now, no matter the influence and manipulation Bitcoin has come to stay and will continue to grow stronger only if we disregard all sort of FUDs and keep hodling, the recent tweets about Bitcoin sent panic to lot of newbies who sold their coins which culminated to more crashing of it price.

Title: Re: Elon Musk is getting boring!
Post by: KenCryptos on May 27, 2021, 09:23:43 AM
I am so fed up with Elon, becoz of him I lost 50%. Whatever he writes and post have huge effect on BTC. Check this article: Elon musk shows in Green Bitcoin Mining operations helping BTC surge to $40k (

Title: Re: Elon Musk is getting boring!
Post by: add1ct3dd on May 29, 2021, 05:02:17 PM
Lolzzz very funny :D. Seriously, people keep ranting about that guy like this is the first time that the market has crashed. They are even forgetting that China had a blackout sometime and like that’s not enough they also banned bitcoin again lol. So, it’s not like the Elon Musk they are all ranting about is our problem. It is better we talk about other very important issues that we are having in this crypto space and stop talking about Elon.

The bull run has reached its highest, we are happy we have been able to go as far as we did, and this is not the end, we are still going to go more than that next time.

Title: Re: Elon Musk is getting boring!
Post by: Toshko on May 29, 2021, 05:41:12 PM
I am so fed up with Elon, becoz of him I lost 50%. Whatever he writes and post have huge effect on BTC. Check this article: Elon musk shows in Green Bitcoin Mining operations helping BTC surge to $40k (

If Elon Musk helps Bitcoin go green, this might turn out to have been worth it, for the long term.

Title: Re: Elon Musk is getting boring!
Post by: (o)(o)ilikeboobs(o)(o) on May 30, 2021, 08:47:32 AM
For the past several months, Elon Musk has just been parodying his tweets about DOGE coin and changing his stance regarding Bitcoin.
People have slowly lost faith in him as well as the tweets. Elon Musk's influence is slowly fading. I think it's a good thing that the crypto market can increase in value naturally.

Title: Re: Elon Musk is getting boring!
Post by: Delightcrypto1 on June 02, 2021, 11:30:11 PM
Elon Musk is a cryptocurrency game player trying to be famous and well recognized. I never knew him before now until I came into cryptocurrency community and started to experience how he's dumping one coin to another.
But the true is that Elon musk is an expert in the Game and one can stop talking about him rather than to learn his techniques so you wouldn't fall a victims of lost of profits