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Other => Off-topic => Topic started by: Ucy on May 26, 2021, 12:34:35 PM

Title: Something important to note about those living in subhuman conditions (so called Third-Worlders)
Post by: Ucy on May 26, 2021, 12:34:35 PM
Third World countries are typically denigrating/mocking terms for countries living in subhuman conditions.
I can guarantee you that pictures you see flying around the internet about such people are mostly exaggerated... Doesn't mean there are no poor people/places. There are lots of poor people especially with decent properties.
From my experience, those places are not very common, even in cities. You see them once in a while and you will likely be surprised as a resident when you find them because they are strange and uncommon.
I'm writing this so they don't make you fear becoming a third-worlder when you pursue true independence, or make you fear living in places like that when it's time to flee to safe and affordable environments. I would start trying to get use to proper rural areas and cheap places so that I'm used to them when I found my self there.

The kind of images you see when you Google third world living conditions (images of clusters of poorly jointed roofing sheets, wood, leather/plastic materials etc used for homes) are often a symptom of modernity, people fleeing from crisis or could be mis-application of traditional way of living. They could be poor indigenes, migrants from village etc, abandoned by society or using such places as temporary shelters. Their common wealth and resources are centrally channeled into building so called modern world and they don't have much people in governments close enough in their communities to represent them properly and help them develop decent communities.

Where I'm from, most adults build big, small or standard homes you can find anywhere in the world, mainly with their hard-earned money... This has been going on for very long time till now. People would typically develop large expanse of land in rural places without basic infrastructure like road. The problem is centralized governance has made it difficult to build proper infrastructures in such places and maintain them. Sometimes the communities contribute and build the roads

I don't really know why it's is a big deal to build & live in proper/decent homes when bees, birds, beavers, termites, ants etc build their home fairly easily. I guess why this is so is because we live in a world that is too attached to wealth/properties, or glorify/worship them.

Title: Re: Something important to note about those living in subhuman conditions (so called Third-Worlders)
Post by: semobo on May 27, 2021, 03:09:33 AM
Ofcourse media will exaggerate everything what they show then only they can bring emotions to the humans. Third world countries are having less earning opportunities for their people,poor hygiene system and worst health care for an average joe which maybe different in the developed countries.

Many countries are poor but the people who are ruling it on the rich people list.

Title: Re: Something important to note about those living in subhuman conditions (so called Third-Worlders)
Post by: ethereumhunter on May 27, 2021, 05:24:07 AM
It will like that. But I am sure the conditions will change in the future, especially if they can want to have a better life. As long as those people do not give up on their life and always try for doing something good. Maybe those people needed help from their government, but they can not depend on the government to cover what they need. If they can grow by themselves and with the help from the government, I am sure they can become like the other people. They need to change to have a better life, and it will change once they can do something.