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Other => Politics & Society => Topic started by: mu_enrico on June 01, 2021, 04:16:39 AM

Title: "UFO sightings spark concern from more than just conspiracy theorists"
Post by: mu_enrico on June 01, 2021, 04:16:39 AM
"UFO sightings spark concern from more than just conspiracy theorists" - USA Today (

In recent years, "the issue itself has acquired a level of credibility," Kean said, citing a variety of reasons. Politicians from both parties have expressed national security concerns. The videos published by the Times provided new evidence. Pilots began talking on the record about their experiences.

The evidence would be:
- video
- witness
- radar data

Even conservative media the likes of Ben Shapiro and Michael Knowles talked about it. (

What's with this UFO hype? Is this just a government tactic to divert people's attention?

Title: Re: "UFO sightings spark concern from more than just conspiracy theorists"
Post by: franky1 on June 01, 2021, 08:07:46 AM
they are not looking for space aliens

they are looking for
illegal immigrants on unchartered flights.
soviet/korean/chines new flying tech
stealth planes, drones, rockets

think about it. when a registered passenger plane 'goes missing' this is proof that governments do not have good surveilance gear. they rely on plans transmitting its position. rather than having any long distance radar to detect position.
that being said. if they have a hard time locating missing planes for months. then missiles and drones can slip through easily... and thats the fear

Title: Re: "UFO sightings spark concern from more than just conspiracy theorists"
Post by: cabron on June 01, 2021, 10:34:12 AM

Its to divert people or maybe the government is just asking for peace and unite each other because there is an external threat rather than go war against China.
I've come across these videos from RT news where they interview airforce pilot, quite intriguing to see them confirming the sights, and then there are also revealing statements from Obama. Conspiracy theorists can always come up with something if you dig deeper you'll reach an Agartha story and its BS.

Title: Re: "UFO sightings spark concern from more than just conspiracy theorists"
Post by: yazher on June 01, 2021, 11:05:13 AM
The fishy thing about this recent news about UFOs is the agenda behind it. I mean, they don't usually cover such kind of news back then. looks like they have some hidden motives about it. I was really shocked when watching some Youtube videos the other day when I see they came from trusted sources that are not usually the normal thing to see when it comes to this kind of thing. If you guys read the comments on the video, they too think that there's something fishy about the recent news.

Title: Re: "UFO sightings spark concern from more than just conspiracy theorists"
Post by: mu_enrico on June 02, 2021, 02:13:23 AM
they too think that there's something fishy about the recent news.
Yes, it's strange that the government takes serious action about this UFO now, during COVID, Middle East conflict, and threat of imminent economic crisis. My bet is, this UFO hype is just to divert people's attention from more serious case.

Voter fraud?

if they have a hard time locating missing planes for months. then missiles and drones can slip through easily... and thats the fear
I don't think all of this hype just to get more funds to develop radar and stuff (surveillance system), or military. Why choose this absurd method though.

This part also worries me too because it shows how vulnerable humans on earth are. For those who think their government assurances of security is something to be relied on, they should know it is all wash up.
Just YOLO, since if the aliens exist with superior technology, we have a zero chance of survival if they attack us.

Title: Re: "UFO sightings spark concern from more than just conspiracy theorists"
Post by: Mauser on June 02, 2021, 09:26:31 AM

What's with this UFO hype? Is this just a government tactic to divert people's attention?

In my opinion talking about UFOs is just a way to get people excited about aliens and try to avoid talking about serious issues at hand. UFOs and Aliens is a very hard debate because usually such information is confidential and we will only know the truth 30 years later. Like with the UFOs being sighted in USA in the 60s. Only now know the truth that is was new spy planes being tested to observe Russian nuclear facilities. So as long as I don't see pictures in a good quality about an Alien I won't believe it. What I do believe however is that the universe is so large and aliens likely exist, but they are too far away and we will likely never meet them.

Title: Re: "UFO sightings spark concern from more than just conspiracy theorists"
Post by: Gyfts on June 03, 2021, 03:52:14 PM

Some of the video was debunked, turns out in one of the videos, it was probably just a goose  ???

UFOs are just conspiracies to me. If they are aliens, why does the Chinese or the Russians or the Indians never report them? Why do we always find them off the coast of the US? Americans are very self centered I get it, but if they're ailiens, you think they might be interested in some place other than the US? Turns out, the US invests a lot of money in R and D into military technology, and these flying objects are probably advanced US military drones or planes. Some of the UFOs are just illusions, see the video above.

When Ben Shapiro and Michael Knowles talk about UFOs, they even admit that the aliens theory is far fetched. Us earthlings are not that interesting!

Title: Re: "UFO sightings spark concern from more than just conspiracy theorists"
Post by: speedy963 on June 03, 2021, 06:09:49 PM
If you think about it, there can be so many reasons and causes for this. And there is a huge chance for it to be just aa hoax, an effort to divert the attention of the people, etc., etc. But in all honesty, regardless of the legitimacy of this conspiracy, I believe that it is truly impossible for us to be alone in this vast universe with billions of galaxies all over it. If we just happened to come into existence because of coincidental series of events, how can it be not possible to happen in other galaxy? So, I just brush off this kind of things to make room for more important thought in my head. Unless it is already  a scenario where we are able to communicate with species outside our galaxy, now that itself would be very appealing to me.

Title: Re: "UFO sightings spark concern from more than just conspiracy theorists"
Post by: Maestro75 on June 03, 2021, 07:30:18 PM
Just YOLO, since if the aliens exist with superior technology, we have a zero chance of survival if they attack us.

I was not even thinking of that direction that aliens may attack us one day. Now that you have mentioned it, I think it may not be a possibility except we humans disrupt their habitation through some of our scientific manipulations. If aliens wanted to show us their presence they would have long done that. They do not even want to be seen and that is why they have stayed away from our radar this too long. Only that man's curiosity is driving man to wander too far to where he is not supposed to be poking his nose. I only hope aliens will not mistake our curiosity as trying to harm them and then attack us.

Title: Re: "UFO sightings spark concern from more than just conspiracy theorists"
Post by: OgNasty on June 03, 2021, 08:01:11 PM
I think the latest videos just show testing of new technology.  I'm sure the higher ups in the military are well aware of exactly what these objects are.  CEOs of military tech companies have been saying for years that they have technology that is far beyond anything we've seen and that their limitations are the costs of these technologies.  I have no doubt that we as a species are capable of building much more advanced things than we know about.  The problem is making these things cheap enough where it is feasible to create them, and perhaps even profitable.

Title: Re: "UFO sightings spark concern from more than just conspiracy theorists"
Post by: mu_enrico on June 04, 2021, 07:46:32 AM
Some of the UFOs are just illusions, see the video above.
True, the birds argument is convincing enough for me, but what's more interesting is why they created the hype? What's the agenda or is it a mere coincidence? I think the question is worth asking :P

In my opinion talking about UFOs is just a way to get people excited about aliens and try to avoid talking about serious issues at hand.
Yeah, but what's the issue they tried to hide though:
- Covid Wuhan Lab (Fauci's email) scandal?
- Border, economic, and all the crises?
- Voter fraud?

Anyway, I see no compelling argument of it being aliens at the moment. Case closed. Or is it?

Title: Re: "UFO sightings spark concern from more than just conspiracy theorists"
Post by: Natsuu on June 06, 2021, 11:07:02 AM
Some of the UFOs are just illusions, see the video above.
True, the birds argument is convincing enough for me, but what's more interesting is why they created the hype? What's the agenda or is it a mere coincidence? I think the question is worth asking :P

Nowadays, media is trying to cope up with the news circulating around the social media especially if they are getting the hype. This medias are still a corporation that needs funding and incomes, and for them to gather incomes, they need viewers in which most probably are very interested in these kind of things. The news about other essential topics such as Covid is still being discussed in those channel, but for new news that will pique the interest of the viewers, they need to covers this such things.

Also, even though they are being covered in by known media, that doesn't mean that those people are believing in this things, I think they debunked it at some point in those news.