Bitcoin Forum

Other => Meta => Topic started by: Pmalek on June 02, 2021, 08:47:31 AM

Title: How to stop wallet shilling?
Post by: Pmalek on June 02, 2021, 08:47:31 AM
It becomes tiring seeing certain members shilling the same crypto wallets over and over again. I know of two individuals who do it, sujon5 (;u=734251) and 415jeremy (;u=896600), but there are many more for sure. I wouldn't care if the shillers created their own topics and discussed whatever software they want there. Still, they keep spamming threads started by other people adding little value to the discussions. Their only goal is to advertise the ORWN (spelt wrong intentionally) wallet.

Honest users read those posts and think that's an excellent choice for a wallet, when there are many better options in reality. Most of the posts these two users write are one-liners stating how they store coins in the wallet, bought a coin securely, or highlight some of their features.

I hate seeing it. I can ignore the users, and I know not to use wallets like that, that's not a problem, but newbies who come here to find help and use the forum for the first time are the targets of these shills. I was wondering if the post is an obvious low-quality shill and advertisement, will such posts be deleted if reported, with reference to Rule #22 (
Advertising (this includes mining pools, gambling services, exchanges, shops, etc.) in others threads' is no longer allowed, including, but not limited to, in altcoin announcement threads.

I used to find how many times they mentioned ORNW wallet within their posts. Just have a look:
sujon5 (
415jeremy (

Title: Re: How to stop wallet shilling?
Post by: Rikafip on June 02, 2021, 09:19:13 AM
Reporting those posts should do the trick imho, if you haven't tried so far.

edit: Just looking at their post history and it doesn't look like a big issue to me, as they are not that active at all. Unless there were way more posts and you reported them so they are removed already.

Title: Re: How to stop wallet shilling?
Post by: The Sceptical Chymist on June 02, 2021, 10:16:43 AM
I took a look at 415jeremy's recent posts and I did see that he mentioned that wallet in a few of them, but he's also made a bunch of posts in the Economics section on topics that had nothing to do with wallets--do you think he's getting paid to promote the Ownr wallet or somehow has a vested interest in doing so?  To me it's hard to tell in this case, but I agree that it would be annoying had I come across such posts in threads having nothing to do with that particular wallet.  They could both just be really big fans of it, but somehow I seriously doubt that.

And yeah OP, I think if you reported their posts as being off-topic you'd probably have a good case since it's not like they just mentioned the wallet once or twice in passing.  It definitely looks like shilling IMO, and that and off-topic posts are against the rules.

Title: Re: How to stop wallet shilling?
Post by: isaac_clarke22 on June 02, 2021, 10:38:32 AM
Either those users you mentioned really shill those wallets or it is the only wallet they know or got used to that is why they cannot recommend other wallets.
If you would ask about my opinion, I don't think they're shilling....just yet. Even if the mentioned users seems to do, they are really bad at doing so. I just checked one of 415jeremy's post and I got this comparison of his "favorite wallet" to "giants".
There could be a lot of options. But coinomi and ownr wallet are my favorite
I think so. And moreover, Ownr is relatively young, but it's a competitor to giants like Coinomi and Jaxx.

Makes me remember awhile back on those posts that claims to be an investment/trading advice in the title only to transition into shilling their coins in the content of the OP itself, though it isn't wallet as what is being discussed in here.
It is really a tricky one to catch because one would thought that it is just a casual advice that you will stumble upon everyday.
Just report them, OP just like what others mentioned in here.

Title: Re: How to stop wallet shilling?
Post by: Lucius on June 02, 2021, 10:41:42 AM
Pmalek, simply report them for shilling, off-topic, spam or on any other basis that seems more appropriate given how the post is constructed and which board is located. What is important is to always put in the report that user post history so that the moderator has an insight into what that user is doing - otherwise it can happen that only the post that you report is deleted.

Title: Re: How to stop wallet shilling?
Post by: Pmalek on June 02, 2021, 12:25:31 PM
do you think he's getting paid to promote the Ownr wallet or somehow has a vested interest in doing so?  To me it's hard to tell in this case, but I agree that it would be annoying had I come across such posts in threads having nothing to do with that particular wallet.  They could both just be really big fans of it, but somehow I seriously doubt that.
I seriously doubt they are fans of the wallet. If it was a more popular wallet, I could understand if they were fans of it. Seems like they have some ulterior motives here. I will try to report a few posts mentioning rule #22 as well as shilling and low quality posts and see what the mods think about it.

Title: Re: How to stop wallet shilling?
Post by: NotATether on June 02, 2021, 01:19:44 PM
As someone employed by OWNR for writing I highly doubt they would pay people to shitpost on bitcointalk about their wallet.

Title: Re: How to stop wallet shilling?
Post by: BlackHatCoiner on June 02, 2021, 02:14:35 PM
I confirm Pmalek's observation. Yes, I've also noticed those two spamming on several threads, but most importantly, they create off-topic replies.  They don't participate in the discussion. Instead, they usually just throw some non-sense responds, one line each and they never get involved in that topic again. I doubt that they'd answer you if you quoted them.

As someone employed by OWNR for writing I highly doubt they would pay people to shitpost on bitcointalk about their wallet.
Don't be that sure about it. It's the way you see it. Right now, whether we want it or not, this thread is advertising OWNR wallet.

“Defamation is the best advertising”.

Title: Re: How to stop wallet shilling?
Post by: Pmalek on June 02, 2021, 05:50:14 PM
As someone employed by OWNR for writing I highly doubt they would pay people to shitpost on bitcointalk about their wallet.
I wouldn't be so sure about that. Two accounts that have been asleep for a long time wake up to tell the Bitcointalk community over and over again how good ROWN wallet is? I seriously doubt that.

I confirm Pmalek's observation. Yes, I've also noticed those two spamming on several threads, but most importantly, they create off-topic replies.  They don't participate in the discussion. Instead, they usually just throw some non-sense responds, one line each and they never get involved in that topic again. I doubt that they'd answer you if you quoted them.
Exactly. It's one or two sentences mentioning the wallet in combination to whatever the topic title is. So, if it's about storing crypto, they will say store it in that wallet. If it's about purchasing coins, they'll say that you can easily buy coins with that wallet.  

Right now, whether we want it or not, this thread is advertising OWNR wallet.
To be honest, I never mentioned the brand because I don't want to advertise it. NotATether and you did. ;)

I reported a few posts to see how the admins would react. From 6 reported posts, 2 were deleted and 4 reports are still unhandled. I guess the admins don't see it as too big of an issue or they are still unsure about what do do. However, the unwritten rule is if the report is left unhandled, it's almost a bad report, kind of soft-bad.

Edit: All reports have now been marked as good!

Title: Re: How to stop wallet shilling?
Post by: Rikafip on June 03, 2021, 08:24:54 AM
As someone employed by OWNR for writing I highly doubt they would pay people to shitpost on bitcointalk about their wallet.
I wouldn't be so sure about that. Two accounts that have been asleep for a long time wake up to tell the Bitcointalk community over and over again how good ROWN wallet is? I seriously doubt that.
As a matter of fact, those are not the only two newbie accounts that are promoting OWNR either in other threads, or bumping their own. If you check Visa cards affiliate program from OWNR (  you can find more newbie accounts with the same M.O:  waking up after the break and going straight to OWNR wallet thread.

Few examples:
icewitch0612 (;u=1069337) wakes up after 6 months break just to leave this comment
Your crypto card is not much different from other cards right now, but it's not bad. I hope you will continue to develop this direction.

achach (;u=634599) comes back after big break, and goes to some thread to promote OWNR
I'd rather not do that. I keep my funds on Ownr and can buy major cryptocurrencies via Bitfinex. No problem.

And then one month later goes to before mentioned thread and answers to icewitch0612. Coincidence? I think not.
Your crypto card is not much different from other cards right now, but it's not bad. I hope you will continue to develop this direction.

It seems to me that their card is now quite developed, and performs all the declared functions.

LincolnMikkel (;u=2353246) wakes up after  a year long break just to leave this in OWNR thread
Speaking of reward system is it possible to receive those rewards in any kind of crypto such as assets already supported by your wallet or not?

nguyenvl159 (;u=1565589) does the same thing, after 5-6 months break, he visits OWNR
Now, when there is competition in crypto cards it is necessary to offer the user more favorable conditions. So lowering fees is the only sure way.

christhemaner (;u=1683295) doing exactly the same thing
Reducing the price of ordering cards makes this offer better. It seems that after some time, such services can get a large audience.

Then comes yet another newbie kecha1 (;u=1535099), again same M.O.
What about your cooperation with Bitfinex? Should we expect any news about this?

Then there is a one month break, and next round of newbies doing the same thing

I hope such cards will become commonplace for us in the future. The price is a bit high but I think it's just a matter of time. When such a service becomes more common the price will decrease.

I hope that such cards will become a common thing in the future. This should make using crypto much more convenient.

You are working in the right direction. Feesin were high and this could discourage the acquisition of new users.

To much coincidence for my taste, it looks like classic thread bumping. Same thing can be found in their main thread OWNR wallet. Buy, exchange and store crypto. Order Visa prepaid card (, in which majority of the accounts i mentioned also wrote.

So yeah, I think that you are onto something @Pmalek, this is not just some random users of OWNR talking casually about it, this looks like a paid campaign.

Title: Re: How to stop wallet shilling?
Post by: Pmalek on June 03, 2021, 09:15:38 AM
I certainly don't have the detective skills that you and many other scam/spam busters have, but I had a hunch that there was something off with the way those two keep finding reasons to mention that particular wallet. It just doesn't seem natural. It looks like they managed to stay under the radar for quite some time because of the way they were doing it. They are not necrobumping threads or posting out of context like many spammers do. The threads they are posting in are about software wallets, suggestions and recommendations, places to buy and store coins, and things like that. At first glance, it seems like everything is ok, until you realize they are doing it regularly, but not too much to arouse suspicion.

Title: Re: How to stop wallet shilling?
Post by: Rikafip on June 03, 2021, 10:23:55 AM
but I had a hunch that there was something off with the way those two keep finding reasons to mention that particular wallet. It just doesn't seem natural.
Yep. It's one thing when you see someone mentioning Metamask or MEW, two widely used wallets, and OWNR is complete opposite. I honestly don't know anyone that trued using it, and if it weren't for signature campaign I would probably never heard about it.

It looks like they managed to stay under the radar for quite some time because of the way they were doing it.They are not necrobumping threads or posting out of context like many spammers do. The threads they are posting in are about software wallets, suggestions and recommendations, places to buy and store coins, and things like that. At first glance, it seems like everything is ok, until you realize they are doing it regularly, but not too much to arouse suspicion.
They didn't mindlessly  spammed either forum or their threads, making it much harder to notice them. So yeah, this thread bumping and prmotion is level above classical shitposters that are doing this kind of thing.

Beside them, I think that there is a group of high ranking accounts doing the same thing but on much higher level. The only problem is that they are doing pretty good job making it really hard to connect the accounts and certain threads where they are active.

Title: Re: How to stop wallet shilling?
Post by: Delightcrypto1 on June 06, 2021, 12:40:33 PM
Presumably this is done because the “shills” owns token share from the wallet creator and wants this share to increase by posting about such a wallet. It's not a good idea seeing off topic in the forum.
I suggest the mod should locate such account user and give a warning note to them.

Title: Re: How to stop wallet shilling?
Post by: Cryptoflirt on June 06, 2021, 01:53:31 PM
Mod has the solution to this very topic because from the look I feel the users of those account responsible for the wallet shilling will never stop. It is clear they earn token reward from doing this task.

Title: Re: How to stop wallet shilling?
Post by: Delight Media on June 06, 2021, 02:37:24 PM
Mod has the solution to this very topic because from the look I feel the users of those account responsible for the wallet shilling will never stop. It is clear they earn token reward from doing this task.
I don't think those account users are doing wrong things by shilling the wallet. I think there is a features that exist in the wallet that makes it more unique than other wallet that they want members to pay attention to. I urge the mod to carry out an investigation plan on the users to be sure they are not against the rules of this forum.