Bitcoin Forum

Economy => Web Wallets => Topic started by: cameronh0 on June 03, 2021, 08:14:37 AM

Title: Please HELP: Wallet problem- Large Reward paid
Post by: cameronh0 on June 03, 2021, 08:14:37 AM
Hi all,

Years ago I used the old online wallet and had some btc sent to an address in there. When the website upgraded to the new version of the wallet one of my addresses with btc in it merged into the new wallet/version but not properly.

I can see that address with the unspent btc in it when I go to click on the 'used addresses' tab however my main wallet balance has not changed and does not recognise that older 'used address'.

Please DM me or write on here with any ideas as to why this has happened or how it can be fixed. I will happily pay a handsome reward for the person who can help me extract my btc. I have multiple screenshots etc I can send to help explain the situation.

Thanks for your time, much appreciated!

Title: Re: Please HELP: Wallet problem- Large Reward paid
Post by: NeuroticFish on June 03, 2021, 08:20:13 AM
I recommend you edit the screenshots to strip out the data you don't want to display and put them here.
I recommend you use public channels, else you may end up with scammers PM-ing you.

And, more on the topic, is there any chance you get the recovery seed from Because if so, I'd advise you try to restore that wallet into Electrum (but make sure you run it on a clean computer and you verified Electrum ( before running it). I don't use blockchain wallet, but maybe these steps would be of help (

Title: Re: Please HELP: Wallet problem- Large Reward paid
Post by: AB de Royse777 on June 03, 2021, 08:39:22 AM
NeuroticFish already gave you the possible suggestions however let me elaborate some of the terms he wanted to point out.

On the screenshots make sure that you have removed any QR code that was for recovery seed or private key type things. On the screenshots make sure that you do not end up displaying words of your private key/seed phrase.

Let's hope you have the recovery seeds and using the seeds you can easily restore the wallet using Electrum.

Title: Re: Please HELP: Wallet problem- Large Reward paid
Post by: o_e_l_e_o on June 03, 2021, 09:36:17 AM
There are two possibilities for this address. Either it is derived from your wallet's seed phrase, or you imported it from another wallet.

If it is derived from your seed phrase, then simply take your seed phrase (which you can find in the security settings of your blockchain wallet) and import it in to a wallet like Electrum, as NeuroticFish has suggested.

If it is imported from another wallet, then you may have imported a private key, or you may have imported a watch only address. If you can access the private key (from the settings button next to the address in question), then again you can import that in to Electrum to spend the funds. If the address is watch only, then you will be unable to spend any coins on it unless you can track down the original wallet you imported it from.

Title: Re: Please HELP: Wallet problem- Large Reward paid
Post by: BitMaxz on June 03, 2021, 02:20:44 PM
How did you recover your wallet? Do you have the seed backup or wallet.aes.json?

If it's a seed mnemonic did you recover it through HD recovery from if you recover through this all of your old funds will be transfer to the new wallet?

Try to recover it again through this link for a legacy wallet. Let see if you can have control of your old used addresses.

Title: Re: Please HELP: Wallet problem- Large Reward paid
Post by: bitmover on June 03, 2021, 11:19:57 PM
Please DM me or write on here with any ideas as to why this has happened or how it can be fixed. I will happily pay a handsome reward for the person who can help me extract my btc. I have multiple screenshots etc I can send to help explain the situation.

Thanks for your time, much appreciated!
I recommend you edit the screenshots to strip out the data you don't want to display and put them here.
I recommend you use public channels, else you may end up with scammers PM-ing you.

The best support you can get in this forum is here, in public discussions.
As NeuroticFish pointed out, it's very unlikely a legit user will PM you, and you will most likely just receive pm from scammers.

We need more information to help you out.

Title: Re: Please HELP: Wallet problem- Large Reward paid
Post by: nc50lc on June 04, 2021, 03:57:26 AM
When trying to recover my old legacy wallet using the 19 word "Wallet Recovery Mnemonic" on the link above- I just get invalid checksum. Is it possible I have one word misspelt then? I have half a BTC in there and hence why I would happily pay a reward to whoever can help me as this has gone on for years and is extremely frustrating!

Im not sure how to include a screenshot of the current wallet with the btc sitting in the used addresses part but I will work it out and send it ASAP
You can upload them to any image hosting site like ( then insert the direct link (with .png /.jpg / image extension) in your post using [img][/img]
but since you're newbie rank, those will be displayed as link temporarily (which is fine).

For the checksum, means that it could be shuffled since mistyping a word will produce a different error: "Unknown word <word>".
Unless the misspelled word produced a valid word from their legacy recovery phrase wordlist.

Title: Re: Please HELP: Wallet problem- Large Reward paid
Post by: Btcspot on June 04, 2021, 04:02:22 AM
 Maybe you have the words in the wrong order or misspelled one. You can try change the order of the words then enter them again.

Title: Re: Please HELP: Wallet problem- Large Reward paid
Post by: nc50lc on June 04, 2021, 06:33:46 AM
The blockchain support team looked into this for weeks and I never got a clear answer on what had happened or why the address was 'used' then they closed my support ticket and I have since re opened it multiple times with them but have gotten nowhere. (
Those addresses under "used" in Bitcoin wallets are addresses that received bitcoin at least once and should belong to your HD wallet while I'm not sure if 6-8years old wallets are non-HD.
Anyways, the balance of 'used' addresses should reflect to your total balance but it didn't.

Based from your conversation with the customer support, specially about the xPub, it seems like it's not covered by the master public key and erroneously included to the default wallet.
From that, your wallet itself might be missing the private key for that address so I doubt that you can find the keys using the export wallet file method.
If you want to try it, here are the steps:
  • Export your wallet file (wallet.aes.json), use btcrecover to download it: (
    That's a command line tool and requires Python, the tool you need is inside "extract-scripts" folder.
    Watch the video tutorial by BTCRecover (from start to 3:50): ( to see how to use the tool.
  • And decrypt it using blockchain's offline decryption tool: (
    It's easy to use since it has a GUI, you just have to browse to the wallet.aes.json file and type your password. But make sure to use this in an offline PC to be safe.

Note: the private keys will be displayed in "Base58" and you wont be able to use it to other wallets, you can use brainwallet's converter to convert it to "WIF" = Wallet Import Format (Base58Check) to be able to import the key to another wallet.
I'd suggest you to use the offline version to be safe: ( | Code->Download Zip | Extract it and open index.html on an offline PC's browser.
Go to "Converter" tab, Select "Base58" in the 'Source Encoding' and "B58Check" in the 'Convert to', then paste the Base58 private key to the Source text, the WIF private key will be displayed in the result.
You can import it to Electrum ( ( | verify its signature ( using a new wallet option: "Import bitcoin addresses or private keys".

That's quite a long process... but if there's no private key for the address, try to export the master private key (xprv) instead in the backup decryption tool's button "View JSON".
That can be imported to Electrum using these new wallet options: "Standard->Use a master key".

Other than those, I have no other suggestion.

Title: Re: Please HELP: Wallet problem- Large Reward paid
Post by: LoyceV on June 04, 2021, 08:49:34 AM
So what originally happened from my memory of 6-8 years ago is when they upgraded from version 1 legacy wallet to the HD version 2 wallets I sent some BTC into one of my addresses but it didn't show up in my wallet after multiple confirmations.
This transaction ( was made 5 years ago. On the same day the same address received a smaller transaction (, and more than a year later another small transaction ( Did you send those too? Are you sure the address is yours, and not coming from - say - clipboard malware (

I've barely used Blockchain's wallet, but read many problems people have had. I've seen different mnemonic lengths ( too.

Title: Re: Please HELP: Wallet problem- Large Reward paid
Post by: The Cryptovator on June 04, 2021, 06:17:33 PM
Do you have full access to your wallet including the second password? If so, please export your recovery and seed phrase. Blockchain has an instruction ( where will you find your recovery seed phrase. Write it carefully and try to import it Electrum wallet as suggested by other users.

Just be careful, for your information many scammers around us in the forum. Perhaps a scammer would PM you to help recover your wallet. Don't hand over your wallet credentials to anybody. Ask everyone to come on this thread and make an open discussion if really anyone wants to help you.

Title: Re: Please HELP: Wallet problem- Large Reward paid
Post by: Kakmakr on July 03, 2021, 05:42:47 PM
I have to tell you that I too struggled my ass off with when they changed things up and I know people were complaining a lot about them, back in the day. (The randomness of their Seed generator also came into question at some time)

I am worried that your Seed words might also be compromised, if you tried them before on another wallet. I never even "unlocked" the Private Key option on the site, when I still used it... because it gave a warning that it would be compromised if you did.

Good luck getting those coins back, because the support on that site is horrible.  ::)