Bitcoin Forum

Economy => Micro Earnings => Topic started by: ferohora on June 04, 2021, 10:14:49 AM

Title: [ANN] - a bit different URL shortener
Post by: ferohora on June 04, 2021, 10:14:49 AM

i am finishing the  ( URL shortener, that has "few" differences in comparation with others:

  • no popups / popunders / redirects
  • no heavy traffic
  • easy to complete
  • custom design , functions created from the scratch
  • fast and secure
  • no fixed CPM
  • every registered user can have 1x 468x60 banner for free, that is the part of the URL shortened link. The chance to be shown depends on your links usage
  • No registration, no email verification, just use your linked BTC address as a login. This will be the payment address

This shortener service has no CPM, but it will be probably lower than other shorteners, because i have no popunders and another annoying things. I will add more ad networks (that will increase the CPM) once they will accept this site (when it will be older / better alexa ranking)

Every finished URL will add to the owners account 1 virtual PINKIE
More PINKIEs = more global share ratio = the users will see your custom banner more often. Also you will be paid more (that is completely logical)

The webiste has only few functions  - just exactly what is needed, there is an option to create links manually , or via API (GET). The website is easy to use also for newbies (like me haha)

Payments will be processed via FaucetPay API to your linked BTC addresses, once we will get paymetns from ad networks. For the beginning, it will be once per month , then i am planning to do it once per 2 weeks, later weekly.

I am finishing the testing phase, i just need your cooperation - so please share with us your ideas / opinions.

Title: Re: [ANN] - a bit different URL shortener
Post by: Mist3rX on June 04, 2021, 10:59:11 AM
I really like your service.

The shortener looks very clean, and good that you don't use google recaptcha!!! :)

Two things would be maybe really awesome:
1. If we could delete our own created shorten-URLs, via an API Request.
2. An overview (on the site or per API Request), to show all created links!

If you add this, i'll definitly gonna use your service!  ;D

Title: Re: [ANN] - a bit different URL shortener
Post by: ferohora on June 04, 2021, 11:02:08 AM
I really like your service.

The shortener looks very clean, and good that you don't use google recaptcha!!! :)

Two things would be maybe really awesome:
1. If we could delete our own created shorten-URLs, via an API Request.
2. An overview (on the site or per API Request), to show all created links!

If you add this, i'll definitly gonna use your service!  ;D

In few hours bro, thanks for the idea  ;)
Just don't be disappointed with the first few payouts, it will be probably trash, i will donate 20-30k satoshis for the hardest times :)

Title: Re: [ANN] - a bit different URL shortener
Post by: ferohora on June 04, 2021, 12:19:51 PM
I really like your service.

The shortener looks very clean, and good that you don't use google recaptcha!!! :)

Two things would be maybe really awesome:
1. If we could delete our own created shorten-URLs, via an API Request.
2. An overview (on the site or per API Request), to show all created links!

If you add this, i'll definitly gonna use your service!  ;D

1. If we could delete our own created shorten-URLs, via an API Request.  - DONE
2. An overview (on the site or per API Request), to show all created links!- DONE

ctrl+F5 to apply the changes

Title: Re: [ANN] - a bit different URL shortener
Post by: limmurk on June 04, 2021, 05:34:01 PM

Title: Re: [ANN] - a bit different URL shortener
Post by: ferohora on June 04, 2021, 05:56:24 PM

it points to ebay :)

Title: Re: [ANN] - a bit different URL shortener
Post by: limmurk on June 05, 2021, 08:48:09 AM
Some ideas:
- custom urls that doesn't look spammy (or at least a bit shorter)
- generated links on a separate page from website integration
- link addition date

Title: Re: [ANN] - a bit different URL shortener
Post by: ferohora on June 06, 2021, 08:22:47 AM
Some ideas:
- custom urls that doesn't look spammy (or at least a bit shorter)
- generated links on a separate page from website integration
- link addition date

Now the URL is shorter (approx a half of the original)
Generated links has a separate menu - Link addition date is the part of this menu (but older links have fake link addition date)

To apply these changes, Ctrl+F5 refresh of the page is needed

Still nobody added his banner advertisement (that is completely for free)   , nobody wants 500 free satoshi to FuacetPay + absolutely free banner advertisement?? :O   

I wanted to test today the payment system, but i will need to postpone it due to inactivity (that is understandable)

FYI: Financial stuff: I am positively surprised, we generated first 800 satoshis from the ad etworks (pretty good with 10 links and 5 link clicks haha)

Title: Re: [ANN] - a bit different URL shortener
Post by: ferohora on June 06, 2021, 10:49:08 AM
First few payments sent to faucetpay, based on URLs completed count.

Everything seems OK, now the system is officially UP and running every feature.
The CPM at the moment is somewhere around 5800  satoshis , it will change i think.

Title: Re: [ANN] - a bit different URL shortener
Post by: limmurk on June 06, 2021, 01:50:10 PM
I tried to create the banner before. Looks like it hasn't saved it. I'll give it another go.
Any chance for daily/weekly/monthly summary emails? (generated income, clicks...)

Title: Re: [ANN] - a bit different URL shortener
Post by: ferohora on June 06, 2021, 06:21:19 PM
I tried to create the banner before. Looks like it hasn't saved it. I'll give it another go.
Any chance for daily/weekly/monthly summary emails? (generated income, clicks...)

for banners: at least image link and ref lnk must be defined, with http(s)://
all needed data you have shown in the dashboard,but we will add more stats and data, whatever will help to the faucet owners

Title: Re: [ANN] - a bit different URL shortener
Post by: ferohora on June 08, 2021, 07:00:09 AM

More than 2500 links generated, thanks for your trust!
To ensure , that you are dealing with humans only, i added alongside hcaptcha also a simple puzzle captcha that is harder to solve with bots / captcha solvers:

have a nice day!

Title: Re: [ANN] - a bit different URL shortener
Post by: ferohora on June 09, 2021, 07:26:22 AM
Update of API: 09.06.2021

Added optional parameter for API call, that allows few popups/popunders . More info in API documentation when you log in.
The amount is minimal, max 1 popup/popunder.
Default value for this parameter is "disabled"

Actual CPM is 0.994$  , the project is LIVE and in BETA phase, we will see what will do this parameter with the CPM :)

you can test this shortener in the official Pinklink faucet: (

PS: Still awaiting ideas how to make the best URL shortener service and bring you as much money and comfort as it possible  :)

have a nice day!

Title: Re: [ANN] - a bit different URL shortener
Post by: ferohora on June 10, 2021, 06:27:04 AM
Update : 10.06.2021

removed popups/popunders, however the option in API is still there for the future usage.
Also removed low paying ad networks, dealing with bigger ones.

Good news - first time we have CPM above 1$   - exactly 1.02 $ .
So the site is ready for the faucets / bitcoin game pages for the site owners that have FaucetPay account.
However the income from out shortener is lower than from others, BUT: we have easy to complete 2 step shortlinks , that has unique (and easy) captchas that allowing human-only traffic.

have a nice day my friends

Also made a financial prognosis that is dynamic - here is the screenshot of my dashboard:

Title: Re: [ANN] - a bit different URL shortener
Post by: limmurk on June 10, 2021, 08:58:09 AM
Could you add a shortlink generator in the my links section as well?

Title: Re: [ANN] - a bit different URL shortener
Post by: ferohora on June 10, 2021, 09:50:15 AM
Could you add a shortlink generator in the my links section as well?

Done bro.

Title: Re: [ANN] - a bit different URL shortener
Post by: ferohora on June 11, 2021, 08:23:22 AM
Payments for this week sent to faucet owners that cooperating with us.

Title: Re: [ANN] - a bit different URL shortener
Post by: limmurk on June 11, 2021, 01:20:46 PM
Could you add a shortlink generator in the my links section as well?

Done bro.
Thank You!

Title: Re: [ANN] - a bit different URL shortener
Post by: ferohora on June 12, 2021, 04:04:31 PM
Updated the description, we are no more popup/popunder free.

I was really angry when i saw the statistics, how many users are using adblocker software (47% of the completed links) and lowering our CPM. So I added some popunder scripts that very effectively detect adblockers. No worries, they are resetting every 1-2 hours when you are popping them out all :)

Now the good news:  Our CPM is 2.07$  - no geo limitations.
Waiting for the new ad network statistics to refresh and hopefuly the CPM will grow even more!

have a nice weekend my friends

Title: Re: [ANN] - a bit different URL shortener
Post by: limmurk on June 12, 2021, 04:22:02 PM
It's getting worse day by day. Even more popups, a timer before captchta... I'd rather have a decent sevice with lower payouts.

Title: Re: [ANN] - a bit different URL shortener
Post by: ferohora on June 12, 2021, 05:17:17 PM
It's getting worse day by day. Even more popups, a timer before captchta... I'd rather have a decent sevice with lower payouts.

i will reduce the amount of pops,just need to chose the the best one.
the timer is needed for alexa ranking and for some ad networks
in few days it will be cleaner with top networks only,but i need to analyze which ones are the best, but if we can reach 3.5+$ CPM this way, it worth to close few popups per hour.

Title: Re: [ANN] - a bit different URL shortener
Post by: ferohora on June 14, 2021, 04:23:19 AM
Drastically reduced the number of popups/popunders , also the number of ads, the CPM may be still around 1.9$ :)

Title: Re: [ANN] - a bit different URL shortener
Post by: ferohora on June 16, 2021, 05:53:57 AM
Guys i made some adjustments,  optimized for mobiles, tablets and desktop .
Finally cooperating with some bigger ad networks, waiting 2 more to respond. Then i can remove 1 of 2 pop ad networks and the shortener will be more user friendly.
Also made some changes in the design, now it's more pink-link :)

Title: Re: [ANN] - a bit different URL shortener
Post by: ferohora on June 16, 2021, 06:18:03 PM
Just for curiosity i turned on some activity recording scripts (click tracking, javascript logging etc)...

It was a very bad surprise what i found! 59% of people used some advanced ad blockers, or even worse, created small javascript scripts that clicking to the buttons, or trying to solve captchas (i have easy diff hcaptcha for the users comfort).
So the last 5 hours i was reworking the security scripts behind the shortener and suspended all of these id*ot selfish claimers that forcing faucets / shortener owners to go in red numbers.

I will continue monitoring the situation, i hope i eliminated all of these parasites from my shortener service...
I am wondering how many "beginner" faucet owners has this problem and they are being sucked out of their satoshis without ad network rewards.

Off topic question (however i think nobody will answer  - here is so quiet also) :

Do you think there is still hope to have profitable faucets / shorteners / other services?

Title: Re: [ANN] - a bit different URL shortener
Post by: limmurk on June 17, 2021, 09:00:39 AM
It just became useless for me in the last days. Can't even get through page one since the new popups :(

Title: Re: [ANN] - a bit different URL shortener
Post by: ferohora on June 17, 2021, 09:15:11 AM
It just became useless for me in the last days. Can't even get through page one since the new popups :(

When you tried last time?
The limit of popups is 1 / hour on page 1,  2(3) / hour on page 2
removed 75% of popups

Title: Re: [ANN] - a bit different URL shortener
Post by: limmurk on June 17, 2021, 12:05:22 PM
It just became useless for me in the last days. Can't even get through page one since the new popups :(

When you tried last time?
The limit of popups is 1 / hour on page 1,  2(3) / hour on page 2
removed 75% of popups
Literally right now. I'll add my experience. (I'm talking about the faucet here, but I think the method is the same)
step 1
- clicked on "click here first", got 3 pop-ups
- solved puzzle, + 1 pop up
- tried to solve captcha (again on pop up)
- solved captcha
- click on ad again, + 1 pop up
- solved puzzle, + 1 pop up
- solved captcha
- clicked on destination link, + 1 pop up
- new page, clicked twice

all this for 1 satoshi :(

I hope you can figure something out.

Title: Re: [ANN] - a bit different URL shortener
Post by: limmurk on June 17, 2021, 12:07:35 PM
It just became useless for me in the last days. Can't even get through page one since the new popups :(

When you tried last time?
The limit of popups is 1 / hour on page 1,  2(3) / hour on page 2
removed 75% of popups
Literally right now. I'll add my experience. (I'm talking about the faucet here, but I think the method is the same)
step 1
- clicked on "click here first", got 3 pop-ups
- solved puzzle, + 1 pop up
- tried to solve captcha (again on pop up)
- solved captcha
- click on ad again, + 1 pop up
- solved puzzle, + 1 pop up
- solved captcha
- clicked on destination link, + 1 pop up
- new page, clicked twice

all this for 1 satoshi :(

I hope you can figure something out.
For the second time, I got trough with only 1 popup.

Title: Re: [ANN] - a bit different URL shortener
Post by: ferohora on June 17, 2021, 12:17:43 PM
It just became useless for me in the last days. Can't even get through page one since the new popups :(

When you tried last time?
The limit of popups is 1 / hour on page 1,  2(3) / hour on page 2
removed 75% of popups
Literally right now. I'll add my experience. (I'm talking about the faucet here, but I think the method is the same)
step 1
- clicked on "click here first", got 3 pop-ups
- solved puzzle, + 1 pop up
- tried to solve captcha (again on pop up)
- solved captcha
- click on ad again, + 1 pop up
- solved puzzle, + 1 pop up
- solved captcha
- clicked on destination link, + 1 pop up
- new page, clicked twice

all this for 1 satoshi :(

I hope you can figure something out.
For the second time, I got trough with only 1 popup.

I think you are talking abou pinklink faucet isn't it?

what browser are you using? The behavior you described me is at least 3 days old.
Try co clear cache and cookies , probably you have some outdated browser or something - it cached wrong scripts.

if you using PC/Laptop - just refresh with Ctrl+F5 , otherwise clear cookies/cache for the pinklink domain

please let me know if it helped.

PS: Average speed of 1500+ faucet users is 38 seconds for 1 link that is very good in comparation with other shorteners

Title: Re: [ANN] - a bit different URL shortener
Post by: ferohora on June 18, 2021, 06:13:44 AM
Made some improvements again:

  • Removed one popunder network, so the final number of popunder networks is 2, they are non agressive, generating 2-3 popups per hour, that is better than other shorteners i hope
  • Brutally optimized the dashboard performance
  • Made new design for the main page (for users that are not logged in)
  • Removed low paying ad networks, still dealing with one

I am examining now the CPM , you can participate on it, just by joining and testing the faucet: (
I still have 50k satoshis from my pocket reserve to give to the faucet claimers until i will know the final CPM  :)

have a nice day my virtual friends :)

Title: Re: [ANN] - a bit different URL shortener
Post by: ptrlol on June 18, 2021, 12:18:04 PM

i am finishing the  ( URL shortener, that has "few" differences in comparation with others:

  • no popups / popunders / redirects
  • no heavy traffic
  • easy to complete
  • custom design , functions created from the scratch
  • fast and secure
  • no fixed CPM
  • every registered user can have 1x 468x60 banner for free, that is the part of the URL shortened link. The chance to be shown depends on your links usage
  • No registration, no email verification, just use your linked BTC address as a login. This will be the payment address

This shortener service has no CPM, but it will be probably lower than other shorteners, because i have no popunders and another annoying things. I will add more ad networks (that will increase the CPM) once they will accept this site (when it will be older / better alexa ranking)

Every finished URL will add to the owners account 1 virtual PINKIE
More PINKIEs = more global share ratio = the users will see your custom banner more often. Also you will be paid more (that is completely logical)

The webiste has only few functions  - just exactly what is needed, there is an option to create links manually , or via API (GET). The website is easy to use also for newbies (like me haha)

Payments will be processed via FaucetPay API to your linked BTC addresses, once we will get paymetns from ad networks. For the beginning, it will be once per month , then i am planning to do it once per 2 weeks, later weekly.

I am finishing the testing phase, i just need your cooperation - so please share with us your ideas / opinions.

This is a really good shortlink service to be honest.
+1 Merit

Faucet does payout in FP like it promises.
Free banner user-ad is also pretty good, but you can't click them - Is this normal?

Title: Re: [ANN] - a bit different URL shortener
Post by: ferohora on June 18, 2021, 01:49:13 PM

i am finishing the  ( URL shortener, that has "few" differences in comparation with others:

  • no popups / popunders / redirects
  • no heavy traffic
  • easy to complete
  • custom design , functions created from the scratch
  • fast and secure
  • no fixed CPM
  • every registered user can have 1x 468x60 banner for free, that is the part of the URL shortened link. The chance to be shown depends on your links usage
  • No registration, no email verification, just use your linked BTC address as a login. This will be the payment address

This shortener service has no CPM, but it will be probably lower than other shorteners, because i have no popunders and another annoying things. I will add more ad networks (that will increase the CPM) once they will accept this site (when it will be older / better alexa ranking)

Every finished URL will add to the owners account 1 virtual PINKIE
More PINKIEs = more global share ratio = the users will see your custom banner more often. Also you will be paid more (that is completely logical)

The webiste has only few functions  - just exactly what is needed, there is an option to create links manually , or via API (GET). The website is easy to use also for newbies (like me haha)

Payments will be processed via FaucetPay API to your linked BTC addresses, once we will get paymetns from ad networks. For the beginning, it will be once per month , then i am planning to do it once per 2 weeks, later weekly.

I am finishing the testing phase, i just need your cooperation - so please share with us your ideas / opinions.

This is a really good shortlink service to be honest.
+1 Merit

Faucet does payout in FP like it promises.
Free banner user-ad is also pretty good, but you can't click them - Is this normal?

user banners are clickable the same way as ad network banners, unless you are blocking javascript / using incognito mode

Title: Re: [ANN] - a bit different URL shortener
Post by: ptrlol on June 18, 2021, 02:20:38 PM

i am finishing the  ( URL shortener, that has "few" differences in comparation with others:

  • no popups / popunders / redirects
  • no heavy traffic
  • easy to complete
  • custom design , functions created from the scratch
  • fast and secure
  • no fixed CPM
  • every registered user can have 1x 468x60 banner for free, that is the part of the URL shortened link. The chance to be shown depends on your links usage
  • No registration, no email verification, just use your linked BTC address as a login. This will be the payment address

This shortener service has no CPM, but it will be probably lower than other shorteners, because i have no popunders and another annoying things. I will add more ad networks (that will increase the CPM) once they will accept this site (when it will be older / better alexa ranking)

Every finished URL will add to the owners account 1 virtual PINKIE
More PINKIEs = more global share ratio = the users will see your custom banner more often. Also you will be paid more (that is completely logical)

The webiste has only few functions  - just exactly what is needed, there is an option to create links manually , or via API (GET). The website is easy to use also for newbies (like me haha)

Payments will be processed via FaucetPay API to your linked BTC addresses, once we will get paymetns from ad networks. For the beginning, it will be once per month , then i am planning to do it once per 2 weeks, later weekly.

I am finishing the testing phase, i just need your cooperation - so please share with us your ideas / opinions.

This is a really good shortlink service to be honest.
+1 Merit

Faucet does payout in FP like it promises.
Free banner user-ad is also pretty good, but you can't click them - Is this normal?

user banners are clickable the same way as ad network banners, unless you are blocking javascript / using incognito mode

I'm not blocking javascript or using incognito or any type of private browser.

Title: Re: [ANN] - a bit different URL shortener
Post by: kikimypet on June 19, 2021, 05:46:55 AM
 ??? Have been using site as a satoshi faucet , been clicking the ads and completing the captcha , but all of the sudden "VPN/TOR/PROXY/HOSTING DETECTED... USE A REAL BROWSER BRO, DO NOT CHEAT!!!!!!!!!!!!" this appeared .
This is a big shame .. improve the system or it will be over soon

Title: Re: [ANN] - a bit different URL shortener
Post by: ferohora on June 19, 2021, 06:41:40 AM
??? Have been using site as a satoshi faucet , been clicking the ads and completing the captcha , but all of the sudden "VPN/TOR/PROXY/HOSTING DETECTED... USE A REAL BROWSER BRO, DO NOT CHEAT!!!!!!!!!!!!" this appeared .
This is a big shame .. improve the system or it will be over soon

Based on my IT guy, we have - paid service that detects VPN TOR PROXY  - PM me your ip address, he will look at it

Title: Re: [ANN] - a bit different URL shortener
Post by: kikimypet on June 19, 2021, 07:21:53 AM
??? Have been using site as a satoshi faucet , been clicking the ads and completing the captcha , but all of the sudden "VPN/TOR/PROXY/HOSTING DETECTED... USE A REAL BROWSER BRO, DO NOT CHEAT!!!!!!!!!!!!" this appeared .
This is a big shame .. improve the system or it will be over soon

Based on my IT guy, we have - paid service that detects VPN TOR PROXY  - PM me your ip address, he will look at it
User 'ferohora' has not chosen to allow messages from newbies. You should post in their relevant thread to remind them to enable this setting.

Title: Re: [ANN] - a bit different URL shortener
Post by: ferohora on June 19, 2021, 07:23:15 AM
??? Have been using site as a satoshi faucet , been clicking the ads and completing the captcha , but all of the sudden "VPN/TOR/PROXY/HOSTING DETECTED... USE A REAL BROWSER BRO, DO NOT CHEAT!!!!!!!!!!!!" this appeared .
This is a big shame .. improve the system or it will be over soon

Based on my IT guy, we have - paid service that detects VPN TOR PROXY  - PM me your ip address, he will look at it
User 'ferohora' has not chosen to allow messages from newbies. You should post in their relevant thread to remind them to enable this setting.

email me to

Title: Re: [ANN] - a bit different URL shortener
Post by: Mist3rX on June 22, 2021, 03:51:11 PM
Can you maybe explain the banner feature? :)

Does it get anywhere shown?
Should i implement it on my website?
How to earn with that feature?

Thank you, for your support!

Title: Re: [ANN] - a bit different URL shortener
Post by: ferohora on June 22, 2021, 04:38:34 PM
Can you maybe explain the banner feature? :)

Does it get anywhere shown?
Should i implement it on my website?
How to earn with that feature?

Thank you, for your support!

From your account go to the User Profile ->  Your banner section.
Fill the form (text description is not required)
You need to place an url + banner image to the fields in the form, the result is automatically visible on the same page.
Once the banner us set up and you submitted it with the "POST/UPDATE YOUR BANNER" button, it will automatically showing on the first shortener page in the "User advertisement" banner space -> it's random (every user has the same chance ). The best thing is, it's for free and not affected how many pinkies you have.
My IT guy checking these banners once-twice per day, removing the URLs that are pointing to another URL shortener service (or pinklink), also removing illegal banners (or nudity-ones)


Title: Re: [ANN] - a bit different URL shortener
Post by: ferohora on June 25, 2021, 03:27:11 PM
Just a quick update: We have now less popups and less captchas, the CPM still above 1$ :)

have a nice weekend my friends!

Title: Re: [ANN] - a bit different URL shortener
Post by: Mist3rX on June 25, 2021, 05:08:52 PM
Hey man,

i have another question, do i see anywhere my current balance?

I see on Dashboard "Pinky Coins", but the value "Your income" is changing a lot..soo i am not sure, what my current balance is? :)

Title: Re: [ANN] - a bit different URL shortener
Post by: ferohora on June 25, 2021, 05:41:00 PM
Hey man,

i have another question, do i see anywhere my current balance?

I see on Dashboard "Pinky Coins", but the value "Your income" is changing a lot..soo i am not sure, what my current balance is? :)

hi, i am guarranting 1$ cpm, probably it will be more. to have more accurate balance, we need more publishers and users, the ad network reward is unstable. email me where i can see yiur integration :)

Title: Re: [ANN] - a bit different URL shortener
Post by: ferohora on June 26, 2021, 09:11:05 AM
I had 22 shortlink clicks, at the beginng that were 18 Satoshi. Now it shrank down to only 6 Satoshi. Yesterday was payday, and even that 6 Satoshi couldnt be payed: The faucet "does not have sufficient funds for this transaction."

6 Satoshi for 22 Impressions + Popup clicks is a bit low  :-\

No worries, we are still only two "publishers"..  There was no ad networks payment for now, we are close to 100$ payout, so you will see the real difference ;)  
also dealing with bigger publishers , they will bring the CPM to the skies

Edit: also i hope you will update your payout status as the manager paid out the REAL income few minutes ago

Title: Re: [ANN] - a bit different URL shortener
Post by: Mist3rX on June 26, 2021, 09:22:08 AM
Ahh okay, well then thank you for the update!  ;D

Yes, i received my payment, thank you!  ;)

Title: Re: [ANN] - a bit different URL shortener
Post by: ferohora on June 26, 2021, 09:23:44 AM
Ahh okay, well then thank you for the update!  ;D

Yes, i received my payment, thank you!  ;)

you forgot to mention that it was 3.79$ CPM   based on your impressions :P 

Title: Re: [ANN] - a bit different URL shortener
Post by: Mist3rX on June 26, 2021, 09:24:21 AM
Yes, i am sorry, thank you very much  ::)

Title: Re: [ANN] - a bit different URL shortener
Post by: ferohora on June 30, 2021, 12:21:11 PM
Added new parameter (otpional) to the API.

$customtext -> You can change now the header text of the shortener to your desired text.
It means it will not show PINKLINK STEP 1/3  , but your custom text, upto 80 characters.

API documentation is available on your profile after loggin in.

the code looks like the following:

$your_url = urlencode('');

$api_key = 'your_api_key';

$popunders = 0; //optional parameter, default is 0, at the moment it has no function...

$custom_text = urlencode('x'); //optional parameter,change to your custom text (up to 80 characters) - it will be shown in the shortener header, instead of 'PINKLINK STEP 1/3'. For example: 'Your bonus is ready' , 'Go {$username}!', 'Get your bonus {$your_field}!'  etc...

$api_url = "{$api_key}&url={$your_url}&pops={$popunders}&customtext={$custom_text}";

$result = @file_get_contents($api_url);

if( $result ){

 echo $result;


Title: Re: [ANN] - a bit different URL shortener
Post by: Mist3rX on July 05, 2021, 12:01:23 PM

Sometimes it is not possible to solve the shortener, because PopUps are blocking you get redirected to "ad-Skip" for example (see image).

Even i chose the option "No-Popups" by creating this short-link. That is kinda annyoing...because the user cant finish it or get back to the page.

Would be nice, if you could exclude these kind of ads for the no-popup version :)

Because these are exactly the ads i try to avoid by the other shortlinks too.

Title: Re: [ANN] - a bit different URL shortener
Post by: ferohora on July 05, 2021, 12:52:58 PM

Sometimes it is not possible to solve the shortener, because PopUps are blocking you get redirected to "ad-Skip" for example (see image).

Even i chose the option "No-Popups" by creating this short-link. That is kinda annyoing...because the user cant finish it or get back to the page.

Would be nice, if you could exclude these kind of ads for the no-popup version :)

Because these are exactly the ads i try to avoid by the other shortlinks too.

adskipnow is not my domain , popus served by popup providers are random and country based - pls send me a video or screenshots step-by step how it's happening, never see this one

Title: Re: [ANN] - a bit different URL shortener
Post by: ferohora on July 05, 2021, 01:41:00 PM

Sometimes it is not possible to solve the shortener, because PopUps are blocking you get redirected to "ad-Skip" for example (see image).

Even i chose the option "No-Popups" by creating this short-link. That is kinda annyoing...because the user cant finish it or get back to the page.

Would be nice, if you could exclude these kind of ads for the no-popup version :)

Because these are exactly the ads i try to avoid by the other shortlinks too.

I deleted the possible source, can you please confirm?

Title: Re: [ANN] - a bit different URL shortener
Post by: Mist3rX on July 05, 2021, 01:50:56 PM
Thank you, for your rapid response!

But no, its not gone.

Here you have an example url:

If i click on it, i get redirected to a chrome extension...and cant continue.

Title: Re: [ANN] - a bit different URL shortener
Post by: ferohora on July 05, 2021, 01:52:42 PM
Thank you, for your rapid response!

But no, its not gone.

Here you have an example url:

If i click on it, i get redirected to a chrome extension...and cant continue.

try now, regenerated the version of the links, everything is now on faster easier shortener

Title: Re: [ANN] - a bit different URL shortener
Post by: Mist3rX on July 05, 2021, 01:57:08 PM
try now, regenerated the version of the links, everything is now on faster easier shortener
Yes, then it works.

But thats not a perfect solution, cause i generte these links dynamically and if there are on the "hard" version, they are not solvable...sooo yeah idk  :-\

Title: Re: [ANN] - a bit different URL shortener
Post by: ferohora on July 05, 2021, 02:01:56 PM
try now, regenerated the version of the links, everything is now on faster easier shortener
Yes, then it works.

But thats not a perfect solution, cause i generte these links dynamically and if there are on the "hard" version, they are not solvable...sooo yeah idk  :-\

every new link will be a gen-2 link (PTC style)

removed sh***ty ad networks, that caused lags, removed suspicious popup networks, testing new ones.

Title: Re: [ANN] - a bit different URL shortener
Post by: Mist3rX on July 05, 2021, 02:04:41 PM
Ah okay, then thank you very much for your support! :D

Love your service! 💕

Title: Re: [ANN] - a bit different URL shortener
Post by: ferohora on July 05, 2021, 02:08:58 PM
Ah okay, then thank you very much for your support! :D

Love your service! 💕

now you can click thru this shortener literally in 12 seconds :)
thanks for your support

Title: Re: [ANN] - a bit different URL shortener
Post by: Mist3rX on July 21, 2021, 11:51:49 AM
Hello there, my users are facing another problem:

"The last step with drag and drop on pic isn't working.
I know its not about my laptop or mobile phone. I know some other guys cant finish it too."

Thats the thing i know, maybe you could check the issue?  :-[

Title: Re: [ANN] - a bit different URL shortener
Post by: ferohora on July 21, 2021, 12:38:09 PM
Hello there, my users are facing another problem:

"The last step with drag and drop on pic isn't working.
I know its not about my laptop or mobile phone. I know some other guys cant finish it too."

Thats the thing i know, maybe you could check the issue?  :-[

Hi, i tested it on many devices without problem. Can you please send me more details to  Link , device, screenshot, etc

Title: Re: [ANN] - a bit different URL shortener
Post by: Mist3rX on July 21, 2021, 02:19:18 PM
Sadly i cant test it...there are tooo many popup ads that redirect me...

I dont know man :D The original idea, a short-url without popus and redirect was so amazing...but as it looks like...its not possible or idk.

If i can recommend you some ad-networks:

1. Coinzilla (there you can use popunders, that dont redirect you)
2. PopCash (again popupunder, that dont redirect you)
3. Coinverti - good banners
4. Bitmedia - awesome ads
5. Adex-Network

These are some serious ad-networks, without some stupid redirect or anything else...

Sadly for the purpose of my site its kinda annyoing if they get spammed so hard....

Title: Re: [ANN] - a bit different URL shortener
Post by: ferohora on July 21, 2021, 02:31:00 PM
Sadly i cant test it...there are tooo many popup ads that redirect me...

I dont know man :D The original idea, a short-url without popus and redirect was so amazing...but as it looks like...its not possible or idk.

If i can recommend you some ad-networks:

1. Coinzilla (there you can use popunders, that dont redirect you)
2. PopCash (again popupunder, that dont redirect you)
3. Coinverti - good banners
4. Bitmedia - awesome ads
5. Adex-Network

These are some serious ad-networks, without some stupid redirect or anything else...

Sadly for the purpose of my site its kinda annyoing if they get spammed so hard....

at the moment there are MAX 2 pops / page
no redirects (i never faced them)
My original idea was no pops and 1$ CPM , but it's simply impossible.
After eliminating the bots, that lowered the CPM , still cannot go above 1.1$ CPM without popups.

coinzilla - rejected
popcash - low pop count / day (using popads)
coinverti - rejected
bitmedia - rejected 4x (even when my alexa is almost 100k)
adex - 1$ / 2 weeks and ultra low fill rate - i eliminated it

Title: Re: [ANN] - a bit different URL shortener
Post by: Mist3rX on July 21, 2021, 02:40:55 PM
Ahh yeah..ookay, i am sorry  :-\

Its not easy these days...

Title: Re: [ANN] - a bit different URL shortener
Post by: ferohora on July 21, 2021, 02:43:32 PM
Ahh yeah..ookay, i am sorry  :-\

Its not easy these days...

We are in loss 300$ (promoting , server etc). We promised to pay out 95% of income, we will , forever.
But we cannot offer 1$ CPM when we have 0.37$ CPM without pops
So we added pops and still estimating the CPM :)

Title: Re: [ANN] - a bit different URL shortener
Post by: limmurk on July 23, 2021, 05:23:21 PM
What exactly happened to Pinklink? Have I lost all my xp and lp points? Why so many changes? :)

Title: Re: [ANN] - a bit different URL shortener
Post by: ferohora on July 23, 2021, 10:33:47 PM
What exactly happened to Pinklink? Have I lost all my xp and lp points? Why so many changes? :)

tha faucet is converted to a GAME.  LP = honey in the new version and functions the same.   XP was converted to LP 1:1

more info when you join the discord server. Also you are writing to a wrong thread :D

Title: Re: [ANN] - a bit different URL shortener
Post by: ferohora on July 30, 2021, 11:49:37 AM
This week's payouts are sent completely.
I am happy for the growing interest and the CPM finally around 1.4$ :)

have a nice day!

Title: Re: [ANN] - a bit different URL shortener
Post by: AlexClayton on August 04, 2021, 07:03:46 AM
can you make api with destination link because, your api not working on gr8 script (

Title: Re: [ANN] - a bit different URL shortener
Post by: ferohora on August 04, 2021, 07:36:35 AM
can you make api with destination link because, your api not working on gr8 script (

can you write me at telegram? @ferohora  is my nick

or PM me or

Title: Re: [ANN] - a bit different URL shortener
Post by: ferohora on August 04, 2021, 08:35:56 AM
can you make api with destination link because, your api not working on gr8 script (

If you meant the API url that is not the default one (like 99% of other shorteners)  , our dev made a small change that makes pinklink compatible with other shorteners and faucet scripts. I just need your feedback

Title: Re: [ANN] - a bit different URL shortener
Post by: AlexClayton on August 04, 2021, 07:55:22 PM
i need Developer API Link

for example

Title: Re: [ANN] - a bit different URL shortener
Post by: ferohora on August 05, 2021, 06:40:51 AM
i need Developer API Link

for example

the ?api parameter is now available, the rest is compatible i think, try and PM me please

Title: Re: [ANN] - a bit different URL shortener
Post by: AlexClayton on August 05, 2021, 07:44:09 PM
try to add shortener

Title: Re: [ANN] - a bit different URL shortener
Post by: ferohora on August 05, 2021, 08:02:25 PM
try to add shortener

thanks, i registered it:
Quote has been added, shortlink list should be updated within an hour.

now you can use my API, but instead of getlink.php  in the API path use: getlink_json.php

and you will get a JSON output:
{ "status": "success", "shortenedUrl": "" }

Title: Re: [ANN] - a bit different URL shortener
Post by: ferohora on August 13, 2021, 08:46:31 AM
Weekly payouts were processed at the highest CPM for now (1.44$)
We did that with an extra popunder network, however we turned off all adsense-oriented ad networks.

Title: Re: [ANN] - a bit different URL shortener
Post by: zadart on October 12, 2021, 09:37:42 AM
there wasnot any payment for the last month, have they been delayed?

Thank you