Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: seoincorporation on June 18, 2021, 03:31:25 AM

Title: Bitcoin and CO2 emissions (Should we care?)
Post by: seoincorporation on June 18, 2021, 03:31:25 AM
CO2 emissions is the new speech against bitcoin, and is becoming a huge trend since Mr. Musk says he will accept bitcoin payments on tesla when 50% of the miners become green. And it's really fun how bitcoin is becoming the bad guy because of the enormous contamination. and I want to ask you, is it a bitcoin fault?

The city with the biggest energy consumption is Las Vegas, and did you know where that energy comes from? it comes from carbon burning, but bitcoin is the bad guy.

We don't feed the miners with carbon or fuel, we feed them with electricity and we give zero fuck about the source of that energy because it's a service that our governments provide. If it's green energy or not that's out of our hands. So, people need to stop blaming bitcoin for the CO2 emissions, the governments will always choose the cheapest way to produce energy, so, those emissions aren't from bitcoin they are from the providers. If people want to blame someone they should find the right focus.

Elon Musk should be worried about the contamination generated by batteries and not about CO2 emissions, but that's a topic that he never talks about. So, this is just a nonsense drama.

Title: Re: Bitcoin and CO2 emissions (Should we care?)
Post by: Nhazwrath on June 18, 2021, 04:29:08 AM


C02 was successfully framed as the bad guy for global warming.  wait its called climate change now. (your assigned media opinion) And Elon should fucking know this and he probably does therefore hes repeating media bullshit points.

The reason for the No.   C02 isnt the primary greenhouse gas.   its Not even close.  H20 is the primary greenhouse gas.  it accounts for aprox 60-85% of all greenhouse gases.   c02 is under 1% also if you have equal values of CO2 and H2O, h20 is still quite a bit stronger then c02.

Title: Re: Bitcoin and CO2 emissions (Should we care?)
Post by: pakhitheboss on June 18, 2021, 04:45:26 AM
Apparently the crack head skipped the battery pollution which is 74 percent more than a conventional car and also the space rocket emission which not only destroys the ozone  layer but contributes a good amount of CO2 to the atmosphere. He should first looks into his companies rather blaming Bitcoin and the miners.

The best solution is to ignore him whenever he tweets about Bitcoin. These influencers are cancer to the community.

Title: Re: Bitcoin and CO2 emissions (Should we care?)
Post by: TangentC on June 18, 2021, 04:48:49 AM
Ethereum Devs care, which is why they started a roadmap to scrap Proof of waste and move to Proof of Stake.

No Bitcoiners don't have to care,
Just like Bitcoiners don't have to care, that bitcoin raise the electric rates and causes increased fossil fuel usage or promotes excess coal that makes it harder for some to breathe.

But will Bitcoiners care when all of the world governments ban all bitcoin mining and your bitcoin investment turns to crap,
and they use the CO2 emissions as the reason?

Just like I don't have to care if the price of bitcoin collapses because bitcoiners did not care about others.  8)

Title: Re: Bitcoin and CO2 emissions (Should we care?)
Post by: slaman29 on June 18, 2021, 04:50:21 AM
We always should care, I do agree. But I actually don't think countries where economy is needed more than the developed nations should pay as much or at least they should be allowed to use the coal and whatever they need to develop. The West can afford to say a lot of nonsense because they did it first and don't need to anymore. But maybe that's politics. Bitcoin can and should be greener, why not?

Title: Re: Bitcoin and CO2 emissions (Should we care?)
Post by: davis196 on June 18, 2021, 06:28:10 AM
The city with the biggest energy consumption is Las Vegas, and did you know where that energy comes from? it comes from carbon burning, but bitcoin is the bad guy.

Don't you know that the casinos in Las Vegas are more important than BTC miners. ;D
Gambling is more beneficial for the society than cryptocurrency mining. ;D
I agree with your theory.Actually I keep repeating the same theory over and over again.
We shouldn't put the blame on crypto miners for using electricity,that is produced by coal burning power plants.Nobody blames Las Vegas casinos for consuming "dirty energy" that's being produced by burning coal.
All the "crypto mining energy consumption" BS is just pure propaganda.

Title: Re: Bitcoin and CO2 emissions (Should we care?)
Post by: Jating on June 18, 2021, 07:58:10 AM
Totally agree with your point of view, but the thing is Elon Musk has portrayed bitcoin mining as very bad to the environment and many people bought on that argument.

But even way back in 2017, it has been debunked already and now that bitcoin is again on the limelight, this argument surface again, but this time there was a face to it, Elon Musk. I guess he didn't understand how everything works, or just have his own narrative behind attacking bitcoin using this angle.

Title: Re: Bitcoin and CO2 emissions (Should we care?)
Post by: dkbit98 on June 18, 2021, 08:46:52 AM
Dude please it's enough with this CO2 bad propaganda, this is natural gas we (and all animals) exhale all the time and same gas plants need to live and grow.
This stupid idea that mainstream media and researchers paid by big corporations are pushing so hard is ridiculous, and connecting that with Bitcoin is even worse.
If we compare Bitcoin ''dangerous'' CO2 emission with gold, finance sector or with military-industrial complex we can see how insignificant Bitcoin is in this story.
Again, if you can convince bunch of people that cheap face masks protect them from some boogeyman virus then you can also convince them that CO2 is bad, that Bitcoin is bad, and that to much people on planet are also bad...
Pay mainstream media to report about this 24/7 and it looks like something is real even if it's not, and solution would be to stop watching tv, but it's not so easy to give up digital drug addiction :)

Interesting bitcoinmagazine reading material regarding this subject to put things into perspective:

Title: Re: Bitcoin and CO2 emissions (Should we care?)
Post by: zanezane on June 18, 2021, 08:49:25 AM
Yes we should care about the emissions but the problem is that the people in power don't care about it because the leading reasons for carbon emissions are lobbying these people to stay in business.

Title: Re: Bitcoin and CO2 emissions (Should we care?)
Post by: so98nn on June 18, 2021, 08:55:08 AM
Ideally there is no need to have war over this topic in the media, social platforms or forums because if we start comparing the list then we will know how every stuff affects the carbon emission and also affects the ozone layer and thereof leading to the green house effect.

I mean since the Industrial Revolution happened there is huge spike in use of transportation whether it is ground or air or ocean every engine is responsible for the CO2 emissions. Well nobody said anything about it?

If we start then we may need to shut down the F1 racing for that matter, or may be stop cutting down the trees for making house, furnitures and what not?

Come on, this is taught in the schools man.

And suddenly they call it after effect of Bitcoin Mining. What pity mercy on the earth.  ::)

Title: Re: Bitcoin and CO2 emissions (Should we care?)
Post by: ranochigo on June 18, 2021, 11:41:26 AM
CO2 emissions is the new speech against bitcoin, and is becoming a huge trend since Mr. Musk says he will accept bitcoin payments on tesla when 50% of the miners become green. And it's really fun how bitcoin is becoming the bad guy because of the enormous contamination. and I want to ask you, is it a bitcoin fault?
The city with the biggest energy consumption is Las Vegas, and did you know where that energy comes from? it comes from carbon burning, but bitcoin is the bad guy.

We don't feed the miners with carbon or fuel, we feed them with electricity and we give zero fuck about the source of that energy because it's a service that our governments provide. If it's green energy or not that's out of our hands. So, people need to stop blaming bitcoin for the CO2 emissions, the governments will always choose the cheapest way to produce energy, so, those emissions aren't from bitcoin they are from the providers. If people want to blame someone they should find the right focus.

Elon Musk should be worried about the contamination generated by batteries and not about CO2 emissions, but that's a topic that he never talks about. So, this is just a nonsense drama.
Consider this: How much utility is gained by expending the energy on Bitcoin mining (and thereby the security of Bitcoin) as compared to its alternatives? How much ewaste is produced as a byproduct of Bitcoin mining? These are still fairly real concerns. Deflecting criticisms by directing them at something else isn't a solution, neither is shifting to an alternate algorithm. Your only way is to prove that the environmental impacts is worth it for the benefits that Bitcoin provide.

Title: Re: Bitcoin and CO2 emissions (Should we care?)
Post by: Leviathan.007 on June 18, 2021, 02:07:09 PM
CO2 producing by the governments fiat money to print and transfer the money is much more than the CO2 producing by bitcoin and bitcoin miners. Specially, if the miners start to use the green power sources such has sun solar system. Bitcoin can help the nature by decreasing the usage of fossil fuels. According to many reseachs even right now when the miners are using fossil fuels instead of sun solar systems, the fossil fuels that produce the CO2 are using much less than the fossil fuels used for the traditional fiat money payment system. Bringing this case up by Elon mask had no goal but playing with the price. 

Title: Re: Bitcoin and CO2 emissions (Should we care?)
Post by: stompix on June 18, 2021, 02:51:39 PM
The city with the biggest energy consumption is Las Vegas, and did you know where that energy comes from? it comes from carbon burning, but bitcoin is the bad guy.

Are you sure about that, yeah it has a lot of hotels and casinos and a lot of lights but still the town itself is small and there are just 3 million tourists a month, and around 2 million population in the entire metro area, NY has itself 8 million and gets twice as many tourists?

Consider this: How much utility is gained by expending the energy on Bitcoin mining (and thereby the security of Bitcoin) as compared to its alternatives? How much ewaste is produced as a byproduct of Bitcoin mining? These are still fairly real concerns. Deflecting criticisms by directing them at something else isn't a solution, neither is shifting to an alternate algorithm. Your only way is to prove that the environmental impacts is worth it for the benefits that Bitcoin provide.

That's the usual way a normal person would deal with it.
But seems like the prospect of bitcoin losing value because of this has turned a lot of users into a mob that brings out only stupid comparisons, just for the sake of doing so, culminating in some saying that bitcoin mining is good because it consumes excess energy! No shit sherlock!
And dare you to try to bring logic to this mob, you'll be lynched. The same stupid propaganda, the banks that serve 3 billion customers a day and make 1 million more transactions in the same time are burning more energy! Yeah, so? A Walmart hyper store burns more energy than a 7 eleven, does that mean anything?

Rather than focusing on trying to make all the coal green the focus should be on exactly the same utility that bitcoin provides.

Does somebody care how much energy is used by people playing games? Nobody gave a fuck and nobody cares what that energy comes from, it's an economic process, people pay for what they want. Does anyone think their favorite eco salad is planted with electric solar-powered tractors and is transported with the same type of vehicles to the chain stores? No, and again people don't give a damn!

Yes, bitcoin does consume a lot of energy compared to the number of transactions it can process currently, but at the same time, it can do something that no bank is able to do, allow you to be your own bank, and safe from people that would be able to take over it by just printing money, I see TangentC is here so I assume he is right on track with his PoS propaganda.

Title: Re: Bitcoin and CO2 emissions (Should we care?)
Post by: kryptqnick on June 18, 2021, 03:10:29 PM
I think we should case about the ecology and fighting climate change because the scientific consensus on this topic is crystal clear: climate is changing because of human activities faster than ever before. So being conscious about the energy and resources in general that we are using is important. However, you're right that many things are actually the responsibility of governments and big corporations, and they are out of our direct control. Moreover, even if everyone stopped mining Bitcoin at once, it wouldn't even make a significant impact on climate change because it's only a small part out of many that contribute to this global problem. So focusing on Bitcoin is unfair.

Title: Re: Bitcoin and CO2 emissions (Should we care?)
Post by: Carlton Banks on June 18, 2021, 03:47:11 PM

Rich industrialists (with the help of some fellow Malthusian scientists) dreamt up the climate change concept in the 1970s; the same rich industrialists that are responsible for all the real environmental damage

Anthropogenic climate change is a long con, perpetrated by depraved, lying eugenicists. Quite a clever con, to their credit. Bitcoin hilariously cuts through the con, by incentivizing energy use against the root of the most corrupt system of all, the monetary system.

As long as Bitcoin remains a low resource network that can handle disruptions, it cannot be stopped. Hence, someone will always find some power and some miners to keep it moving.

Title: Re: Bitcoin and CO2 emissions (Should we care?)
Post by: Nhazwrath on June 18, 2021, 03:50:37 PM
I think we should case about the ecology and fighting climate change because the scientific consensus on this topic is crystal clear: climate is changing because of human activities faster than ever before. So being conscious about the energy and resources in general that we are using is important. However, you're right that many things are actually the responsibility of governments and big corporations, and they are out of our direct control. Moreover, even if everyone stopped mining Bitcoin at once, it wouldn't even make a significant impact on climate change because it's only a small part out of many that contribute to this global problem. So focusing on Bitcoin is unfair.

Any climatologist that wants to continue to get money must toe the line since the vast majority function off gov grants.  That's the narrative that won.  Reframed global warming to climate change cemented this.  How can you argue against wording like climate change? Then link it back to the framed bogeyman? C02

Every Single climate scare mongering for the last 50 years hasn't come true.  Not once. Not a single one, zero.  C02 levels are higher then all the world ending predictions.  the worlds still here.  

This is the EXact same thing as how CRT is taking hold.  Schools for the most part function off government money Not going to teach CRT? expect gaslighting loss of job social shunning.  Since there is much push back on CRT like global warming was.  Expect a reframing Soon.

Reality isnt important for these things Only the Narrative.

elite(<<<this is the wrong word) using their Media tools are attempting to control bitcoin like those above with Narratives  which one will stick?  

Title: Re: Bitcoin and CO2 emissions (Should we care?)
Post by: tiCeR on June 18, 2021, 03:54:40 PM
Of course we should care. As much as our previous generations cared about CO2 emissions of their cars and in general of their overall behavior (sarcastic). They needed decades and science to find out that it's bad for our planet to produce such a high carbon footprint. We are much more sensitive now and that is great. We put our eyes on Bitcoin and we should pay attention and invest resources to make it a viable payment ecosystem alternative from an ecological perspective. I am sure we will succeed, but as it is with everything, transitions require time and smart decisions. We'll get there in the end. We aren't shutting down the world today because we could lose it in 20 years if we keep living like today. Bitcoin must improve, and we as a community that is increasing on a daily basis will take care of that.

Title: Re: Bitcoin and CO2 emissions (Should we care?)
Post by: Cvetik56 on June 18, 2021, 03:56:16 PM
We should care but it seems like everyone is blamig BTC for CO2 emissions too much and forgetting about other stuff that does a lot more damage to environment. Crypto should be all green at some point in my opinion.

Title: Re: Bitcoin and CO2 emissions (Should we care?)
Post by: yhiaali3 on June 18, 2021, 03:58:16 PM
I completely agree with you, Bitcoin is not the reason for the pollution of the planet, the age of pollution is about 200 years since the machines were discovered and operated on coal, and after that the discovery of oil and its use to operate machines, factories and cars all this huge amount of pollution and they blame Bitcoin that did not exist It has only been around ten years and does not constitute any value in front of the pollution caused by the smoke of factories and cars.
Elon Musk should stop this nonsense and go towards practical solutions to preserve the environment if he really wants to, he is the richest man in the world and can provide clean energy for Bitcoin mining but!!!!

Title: Re: Bitcoin and CO2 emissions (Should we care?)
Post by: TangentC on June 18, 2021, 03:59:35 PM
I see TangentC is here so I assume he is right on track with his PoS propaganda.

Since you invoked my name, here is my latest post.
Do you also believe Power Grid operators are propaganda?

Genuine question, wouldn’t large mining farms avoid regions where electricity is in high demand, and therefore have higher electricity rates, making it unprofitable for mining? Plus electricity generated is only “wasted” if there’s a surplus and the surplus isn’t used.

Excess Energy is never wasted, that is a myth.
Texas energy rate prices are lower than average, which is why miners are flocking there.

Most Power Grids are interconnected, they have to maintain a % of power to keep their grid stable,
when their usage is lower, they sell the so called excess energy to the other grids. (Their is No wasted energy.)
So their is no massive amount of excess energy in the grid system.

But in regions with low demand for electricity, don’t the power stations regulate the output themselves, which could lower profit? Wouldn’t industrial POW miners be welcome consumers for those power stations because it makes them generate the output to their capacity? I don’t know why some people believe this is bad. It’s simply commerce.

Actually in the US,  power plants and power generators hand over control of their output to Power Grid Operators.
They do this to avoid a monopoly.
Grid operators constantly monitor and manage the demand, supply, reserve margins, and power mix to ensure that you have immediate access to power in your home or business. What is the reserve margin? It is a specified backup generation capacity that can compensate for potential forecasting errors, unexpected power plant shutdowns or weather events

The grid operator uses a three-phase planning process to ensure that power plants produce the right amount of electricity to meet electric demand at any given time. Electricity supply must balance demand at all times in order to avoid a blackout or other cascading problem. The production of electricity is adjusted in 15 minute intervals to account for demand changes throughout the day. For this reason, there are three main types of power plants: baseload, load-following, and peakers.

Baseload power plants meet the minimal power needed by the grid and are designed to be on most of the time. Their capacity factor, or percent of time operational, is above 80%. They are only shut down or curtailed when performing maintenance or repair. Baseload power is the cheapest type of generation and usually supplied by coal fired and nuclear power plants because they can provide large amounts of power (up to 1.6 GW).

Load-following plants, also known as intermediate load plants, are typically combined-cycled gas fired power plants, which have a high thermal efficiency of up to 58%.  They have a gas turbine and a waste heat recovery system to capture the gas turbine’s exhaust to drive a steam turbine that produces additional electricity. Generation from load-following plants can be ramped up and down as needed. Their capacity factor is usually less than 30% of the time. But they are more complex to maintain and more expensive to operate/

The power plant of “last resort” are peaker plants. They are turned on for even shorter periods of time to meet extremely high high demands, for example, when air conditioning is used during hot days. Due to their low capacity factor, which could be as low as a few hours for the entire year, they the most expensive type of generation.

How is power bought and sold in the US?

Electricity is bought and re-sold on the wholesale power market before finally reaching the final consumer.  With the exception of Texas, this market is regulated by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) due to the interstate nature of the grid.

The wholesale market is open to utility owned suppliers and marketers, non-utility independent power producers (IPPs), and excess generation from traditional vertically-operated utilities. Furthermore, participants in the wholesale market do not necessary have own generation capacity or serve the end-user. Much like other commodity markets, individual traders (power marketers) buy electricity on the market to re-sell it.

Once the electricity is procured from the wholesale market, it is sold to the final consumer through the retail market. In states where full retail competition exists, customers may choose from either their incumbent utility supplier or from an array of new competitive suppliers

How do grid operators work together?
Within the regional wholesale markets, grid operators organize under a regional transmission organization (RTO) or independent system operator (ISO). These entities serve as a third-party independent operator of the transmission system to control, monitor, and coordinate the operations of a grid.

About 60% of the U.S. electric power supply is managed by RTOs. Ten Regional Transmission Organizations (RTOs) operate bulk electric power systems across much of North America.

These operators ensure that no preference is given in the dispatch of a utility-owned generator over a competitive generator. Grid operators must be certified under the North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC).

Since PoW miners require 24x7 power, they draw down a large % of the Baseload power plants ,
which in turn means more Intermediate Load plants, are running longer,
and that when weather extremes happen, the “last resort” are peaker plants which if unable to meet the increased demand,
that is when the power grid operators start rolling blackouts to avoid the whole grid collapsing and transformers burning out.

Bitcoin Miners draw such large amounts of power in small regions , they totally remove a large % of the energy generated by the Baseload power plants.

If the Number of Bitcoin Mining devices were regulated to limit their number per power grid, then their power drain could be managed better by the power grid operators thus avoiding the rolling blackouts that have to happen to protect the grid.
* Regulating the number of ASICS per grid would have huge impact on Miners Profits as further separates locations increases their costs. Which is one reason Ethereum dev decided to avoid the potential coming government regulations by switching to PoS.*

A lot of people in the bitcoin community want to cry fud and ignore the power drain of PoW,
It is not fud, when the Power Grid operators start rolling blackouts, which has already happen in China and Iran,
which is why they started banning mining.
Power Grid operators only concern is protecting the Power grids, they don't care about bitcoins , altcoins or any of our opinions on algorithms, so the pretense that they are involved in fud is totally baseless, all they care about is a functioning power grid.

It is like this, Bitcoiners don't have to switch to PoS,
but they will have to do something to combat the energy drain they are placing on the power grids,
before the Governments step in and make the decision for them.
Which in China , they decided it was easier to ban bitcoin PoW mining than regulate it.

Title: Re: Bitcoin and CO2 emissions (Should we care?)
Post by: fiulpro on June 18, 2021, 04:24:08 PM
Well first of all regarding the part about worrying about the carbon emissions, we need to worry about them for sure ! I do think that we cannot just be biased towards bitcoins what we can say is :

The miners have to change their tactics , they have to engage in mining in such a way that they do not harm the environment at the same time.

There are actually plenty of ways that they can go forth, using renewable sources of energy is not only more cost efficient in the longer run but at the same time you enjoy more governmental benefits too.

Elon Musk is not entirely wrong but the guy just did that as a market stunt to buy while it drops low and to make profit when it progressively increases.

He could have gone forth a different way , which he eventually did for sure. Telling people how Tesla will against start engaging with bitcoins and how they are going to discuss the green mining.

Being environment friendly is never a negative thing, undoubtedly we would have to evolve eventually.

Title: Re: Bitcoin and CO2 emissions (Should we care?)
Post by: dothebeats on June 18, 2021, 04:33:24 PM
If we are singling out bitcoin in this problem about CO2 emissions without batting an eye on other industries with the same—if not more—output, then there is indeed a problem.

Other industries can easily dismiss bitcoin's usefulness in the society as long as it tramples a few of the aspects of what they can offer, for example the banking sector. They can just throw shade at the energy usage of bitcoin without even acknowledging the fact that they are one of the largest contributors to CO2 emissions, too. Why not look at their own industries first and see that they are also a part of the problem that they are trying to pin so hard on bitcoin?

Suppose we eliminate PoW and shifted to other greener algorithm for minting bitcoin and these other industries continue to emit the same, if not more, CO2 in the atmosphere. The problem still exists, and will never be eliminated as long as there are still industries emitting the said gas. Currently, bitcoin miners are shifting towards other power sources, and cleaner ones at that too. I hope other industries who point their fingers toward bitcoin follow the same thing.

Title: Re: Bitcoin and CO2 emissions (Should we care?)
Post by: Carlton Banks on June 18, 2021, 04:35:16 PM
The miners have to change their tactics , they have to engage in mining in such a way that they do not harm the environment at the same time.

they're already using renewable energy sources anyway

but it's irrelevant, you don't know what you're talking about. Climate change is a sophisticated power play by the rich, powerful companies that are ostensibly a target of the movement.

Green activists have been figuring this all out for some time now, because they actually investigate the issue carefully, because they actually care about protecting against environmental damage.

Title: Re: Bitcoin and CO2 emissions (Should we care?)
Post by: herurist on June 18, 2021, 07:11:06 PM
I don't really care, because how much we talk about saving emissions, the miners will continue to insist on asking for more electricity to be supplied.

I think the current emission levels could equal or even exceed the annual emissions held in various European countries. We remind you again, before China stopped Bitcoin and its mining, there were several reasons that might be quite reasonable, where 2024 will be the peak of the end of carbon emissions from Bitcoin mining. The shadow of nearly 130 million tonnes is released into the Earth's atmosphere from Bitcoin mining activity. LOL

Title: Re: Bitcoin and CO2 emissions (Should we care?)
Post by: tiCeR on June 19, 2021, 09:09:42 PM
By the way, I am wondering how important a globally uniformly planned CO2 certificate market could be crucial to Bitcoin mining. If certificates in some places of the world are much more expensive than in others, wouldn't that lead to geographical centralization? I know it is already centralized China for the most part, but the role these certificates could play could become interesting.

Title: Re: Bitcoin and CO2 emissions (Should we care?)
Post by: Rengga Jati on June 19, 2021, 09:17:29 PM
The use of electricity or energy for Bitcoin mining by miners does require high power. Maybe for a country where many miners are, this is one of the problems because of the limited electrical energy and its influence on the environment.
However, again, this is one. There are still many more things that need energy than Mining Bitcoin. There are still many many more that make pollution and environmental damage on this earth. Are they as bad as it will be slicing or fighting it?
Why? Because this is just a mere interest. Many people don't like Bitcoin. And this is used by them to drop Bitcoin.

Title: Re: Bitcoin and CO2 emissions (Should we care?)
Post by: CaVO32 on June 19, 2021, 09:45:05 PM
The use of electricity or energy for Bitcoin mining by miners does require high power. Maybe for a country where many miners are, this is one of the problems because of the limited electrical energy and its influence on the environment.
However, again, this is one. There are still many more things that need energy than Mining Bitcoin. There are still many many more that make pollution and environmental damage on this earth. Are they as bad as it will be slicing or fighting it?
Why? Because this is just a mere interest. Many people don't like Bitcoin. And this is used by them to drop Bitcoin.

Some people are just highlighting the use of energy of bitcoin mining. Whereas, there are a lot more of these human activities and industries that are just wasting energy. People should educate themselves and know these differences. At least with bitcoin mining, even if we say it is energy intensive, it is helping the community in some way, like in payment system or investment aspects. And for those who don't want bitcoin or crypto, they are finding ways how to make the energy consumption a big deal so people will not support it.

Title: Re: Bitcoin and CO2 emissions (Should we care?)
Post by: UKprod on June 20, 2021, 10:34:58 AM
Bitcoin doesn't amount to much of CO2 emission since most of the times it is generated through cleaned forms of energy i.e. electricity. In many cases the electricity is generated through renewable sources of energy since the electricity generated through burning coal and fossil fuels is not cost-efficient for mining. Further, the burning of the fossil fuels for generation of electricity is something that the governments need to address before pointing fingers on miners.

The reason for the No.   C02 isnt the primary greenhouse gas.   its Not even close.  H20 is the primary greenhouse gas.  it accounts for aprox 60-85% of all greenhouse gases.   c02 is under 1% also if you have equal values of CO2 and H2O, h20 is still quite a bit stronger then c02.

H2O is water, my friend! It is essential for water vapor to be present in the air so that earth has rains. H2O might be the highest contributor of greenhouse effect, but it is quintessential for the earth to survive. However, water vapor in itself doesn't cause the earth to warm up, rather it is other non-condensable gases that cause it such as CO2. You can read about this further here (http://"")

Title: Re: Bitcoin and CO2 emissions (Should we care?)
Post by: sapnu on June 20, 2021, 10:21:23 PM
Apparently the crack head skipped the battery pollution which is 74 percent more than a conventional car and also the space rocket emission which not only destroys the ozone  layer but contributes a good amount of CO2 to the atmosphere. He should first looks into his companies rather blaming Bitcoin and the miners.

The best solution is to ignore him whenever he tweets about Bitcoin. These influencers are cancer to the community.

His reason indeed contradicts the thing he is doing in his company. Space explorations are surely harmful within the earth and while going out of the planet. For sure there are some benefits we may gain because of it but still it is a risk and there is a probability that harm will be much more likely to be obtained on doing such. His tweets should not mean anything anymore, if you really know how bitcoin is mined and how miners are trying to avoid harming the nature, everything he says should just go out on your ear as soon as you hear it. Be smart and consider making researches so you won't be confused anymore.

Title: Re: Bitcoin and CO2 emissions (Should we care?)
Post by: Luqman on June 20, 2021, 11:27:29 PM
Bitcoin has been along the way here and mining is being done from several years ago, And now, mining has decreased. WHy it is so matter with mining Bitcoin and also other things about BTC? WHy those people must care enough about how BTC can give that impact and should care about CO2? Is there any certain importance on it? There are so many things and many people who don't like BTC and this is the reason and they will make it down again by using this very common reason.

Title: Re: Bitcoin and CO2 emissions (Should we care?)
Post by: Kakmakr on June 21, 2021, 05:44:12 AM
The only reason why Elon Musk wants to bring the CO2 emission and clean energy into the issue, is because he wants to sell more "clean energy" solutions. See this ==>

Let's not forget that Elon Musk is a clever business man and he never does something without considering how it will positively impact his pocket, so he made this statement to get people to invest more into "Clean energy" and possibly into his projects.

Should we care about CO2 emission? Yes, it is our responsibility to look after the world we live in. Do Banks care about their energy footprint...? No, they care about their profits.  ::)

Title: Re: Bitcoin and CO2 emissions (Should we care?)
Post by: seoincorporation on June 21, 2021, 06:16:15 AM
The only reason why Elon Musk wants to bring the CO2 emission and clean energy into the issue, is because he wants to sell more "clean energy" solutions. See this ==>
This is a good point, at least some miners could be provided from musk's energy.

Should we care about CO2 emission? Yes, it is our responsibility to look after the world we live in. Do Banks care about their energy footprint...? No, they care about their profits.  ::)
As I mentioned before, we can be worried but it's out of our hands, if the government wants to provide us with nasty energy, there is not much we can do with our daily consumption.

Title: Re: Bitcoin and CO2 emissions (Should we care?)
Post by: Carlton Banks on June 21, 2021, 10:31:53 AM
As I mentioned before, we can be worried but it's out of our hands, if the government wants to provide us with nasty energy, there is not much we can do with our daily consumption.

if someone says:

  • buy this from my friend
  • because you bought it, I will now kick your ass

then maybe buy it somewhere else?