Bitcoin Forum

Other => Archival => Topic started by: Symmetrick on June 24, 2021, 07:05:17 PM

Post by: Symmetrick on June 24, 2021, 07:05:17 PM

Title: Re: How to clear the list Show new replies to your posts?
Post by: NeuroticFish on June 24, 2021, 07:33:51 PM
What am I doing wrong?

I think that you should simply stop relying onto "Show new replies to your posts", which you cannot control and focus to "Watchlist" only.
The new posts will sort the watchlist every time and you have the control over it - to unwatch. And if you want to read again something you've already opened and disappeared from the watchlist (for not getting new posts) you can use the "Edit watchlist" as list of topics.

The "Show new replies to your posts" is not related to watchlist, it's related to wherever you ever posted.
Ah, and if necessary, you can obviously also ignore the boards you no longer have interest in.

Title: Re: How to clear the list Show new replies to your posts?
Post by: PrimeNumber7 on June 24, 2021, 07:35:20 PM
The watchlist and show new replies to your posts are different. If you only want to see new replies to threads on your watchlist, you need to click on the watch list button on the top left corner.

If you never want to see any threads in a particular sub, you can add the sub to your ignore list. From your profile, click on ignore board preferences and add whatever boards you are not interested in.

Title: Re: How to clear the list Show new replies to your posts?
Post by: ChuckBuck on June 24, 2021, 09:13:25 PM
Oh, I'm really surprised with how you manage your posts. I have never used the watchlist on this forum once  :D Usually, when I want to follow a certain article, I will turn on notifications for that post and receive email notifications, I think it is the most convenient way for me to respond when someone replies in the topics that interest me. I hope I'm not the only one  :D Honestly, I don't even remember that a watchlist function exists in this forum, lol  :D

Do you think that Watchlist and Show new replies to your posts are two separate functions? It seems that Show new replies to your posts is the function that allows you to see all the latest posts from the topics you've already commented, so it's still there even if you've removed it from the Watchlist. In my opinion, you can't get rid of it, you can only make it pass after a period of use. Let's try!

Title: Re: How to clear the list Show new replies to your posts?
Post by: nc50lc on June 25, 2021, 03:28:09 AM
As already said, you won't be able to modify the "Show new replies to your post" list aside from deleting them (mark all messages as read) one page at a time.

I'd suggest to use the "Watchlist" instead and disable the setting in "Profile->Notifications and Email->Automatically watch topics after replying to them".
That way, you'll have full control on your watch-list as it will disable what's said in the setting.

Title: Re: How to clear the list Show new replies to your posts?
Post by: UserU on June 25, 2021, 05:36:03 AM
At the moment, my Show new replies to your posts list is cluttered and I'm trying to clean it up from unnecessary notifications. But they come all the time. Cleaning them manually every day is not very fun.

If some decades-old thread are showing up, we have to deal with them. After all, that's the purpose of the link.

If you really want to nuke them off the feed, you have to report them and hope the mods would trash them, which I believe, is incredibly rare as long as they don't break the rules

convenient way for me to respond when someone replies in the topics that interest me. I hope I'm not the only one  :D Honestly, I don't even remember that a watchlist function exists in this forum, lol  :D

Do you think that Watchlist and Show new replies to your posts are two separate functions? It seems that Show new replies to your posts is the function that allows you to see all the latest posts from the topics you've already commented, so it's still there even if you've removed it from the Watchlist. In my opinion, you can't get rid of it, you can only make it pass after a period of use. Let's try!

The bread and butter instead of having to search for the titles manually. :p

Title: Re: How to clear the list Show new replies to your posts?
Post by: LTU_btc on June 25, 2021, 03:44:27 PM
Only solution for your problem - delete your own posts from these threads which aren't longer interesting for you. Then these topics will not appear in your "Show new replies to your posts". Otherwise, as long there will be new posts in these topics, it will appear in this list.
I now that my suggestion doesn't sounds as best solution, but it's how "Show new replies to your posts" works. So, maybe for you it would be better to use "Watchlist"?