Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: gmaxwell on June 29, 2021, 11:26:46 AM

Title: So, you want to get sued by a scammer?
Post by: gmaxwell on June 29, 2021, 11:26:46 AM
Earlier thread:

Craig Wright is increasing the intensity of his campaign of harassment.

He recently filed a lawsuit against several former and current Bitcoin developers, including myself. In that case he is attempting to steal 111k BTC which clearly doesn't belong to him-- he claims he was "hacked" but that he has erased his computers to be sure there was no malware, not only does the hack appear fake but the coins were never his to begin with. He is demanding developers distribute effectively backdoored copies of Bitcoin node software -- of course, that wouldn't work even if they developers tried because people wouldn't run them. Failing a recovery via backdoor, he is demanding over $6 billion USD in damages.

He also filed a copyright lawsuit against Cobra for hosting the Bitcoin whitepaper.  Satoshi himself put the whitepaper on back at Bitcoin's beginning.  Unfortunately,  Cobra found it to be procedurally impossible to obtain representation and present a formal defense while preserving his pseudonymity.

Cobra's identity is irrelevant to the case-- the case depends purely on Wright's obviously false copyright claims and the fact that even if his claims were legitimate his complaint would be blocked by the fact that the author put the file there himself and took no action for over a decade.  But Wright intends to use Cobra's identity to harm him (, so Wright is using the case as a pretext to obtain that identity (  This is an indication of what Wright would do to Satoshi if Satoshi were around.

There is an ongoing litigation in COPA v. Wright (IL-2021-00019) over the same subject matter-- the copyright of the Bitcoin Whitepaper-- where another party Wright threatened has filed a lawsuit seeking a declaratory judgement as to the falsehood of Wright's claims.  Because Cobra was unable to obtain representation while protecting his privacy, Cobra threw himself on the mercy of the court presenting four pages for argument and hoping for a stay of his default judgement pending the result of this actively litigated case.

The court was unwilling or procedurally unable to provide that mercy. The court issued a default judgement in Wright's favor, ordering cobra to remove access to the whitepaper for people in the UK and post a message claiming that the site had violated Wright's copyright.  Given that Cobra is, apparently, not subject to UK jurisdiction the court will presumably have a difficult time enforcing its ruling.

Satoshi Nakamoto authored the Bitcoin Whitepaper with the intention that it be shared widely, and Craig Wright’s takedown notices and litigation are fraudulent, but since he is a litigious jerk who has bankrupted ( people with his fraudulent legal claims in court, it is sometimes a wise strategic choice to avoid provoking him into suing, which is expensive and disruptive to a defendant even when they ultimately win, or a wise choice to keep him from obtaining your identity.

But you might be in a good position to host this paper that Craig Wright so desperately wants taken down and kept under his exclusive control.  If you are, you probably also would like to host a mirror of some Bitcoin Node source code-- since Wright will come after that next and node software is more important than the whitepaper.  E.g.  or  or whatever other node software you like.  Wright has also been claiming that some people hosting the white paper are in support of him and his Bitcoin scam-version clone, hosting the code for a node implementation will deny him that excuse.

After hosting it-- You might want to give notice to his attorneys, just to let them know.  Below is an example notice you can send to his attorneys (make sure to fill out the two [ADDRESS] blocks).

Warning: sending this makes you considerably more likely to become the target of a lawsuit by Craig Wright. You should think about whether you are prepared to be in that position before sending this letter.

(This is absolutely, positively, not legal advice, and you are strongly encouraged to consult with your own attorney, especially if you are in the UK.)

To: Simon Cohen <>
Cc: Paul Ferguson <>

Mr. Cohen,

I have recently become aware that the firm of Ontier LLP has been sending notices on behalf of Craig S. Wright to parties hosting “Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System” (the “Bitcoin Whitepaper”), alleging that Mr. Wright is the rightful copyright holder of the Bitcoin Whitepaper and that further distribution is an infringement of Wright’s exclusive rights.

I believe this to be a fraudulent misrepresentation of both the authorship of the paper and of its licensing status for many reasons, including but not limited to the following subset of points:

    • The Bitcoin Whitepaper was released, along with the initial public version of the software, under the MIT license. This license is a perpetual grant to the general public of the right to “use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies” of the software and associated documentation files (including the Bitcoin Whitepaper) and may not be revoked or rescinded, even by the true author.
    • The Bitcoin Whitepaper was authored by a person or entity writing under the name Satoshi Nakamoto, and any exclusive rights under copyright are held by that person or entity (or their assignees). There is no evidence that Wright is that person; in fact, despite challenges in courts of law and mass media journalism, Wright has been either unable to provide proof, unwilling to produce proof, or produced documentary support in the form of forgeries. Any reasonable observer would conclude from this that Wright is unable to claim this connection through legitimate means, and is not Satoshi Nakamoto.

    • Wright has attempted to defraud the courts for his own personal advantage on previous occasions. For one example, he perjured himself in an earlier legal proceeding, which was exposed by the true owners of $200M+ in bitcoins he claimed to own producing unforgeable digital signatures stating that Wright was a fraud. In more recent actions Wright admits to not having a large amount of Bitcoin but instead attempts to force Bitcoin developers to effectively steal Bitcoin for him, were his claims true he would have no need for these supposedly lost coins.  His claims cannot simply be taken at face value, even when made through counsel.

It is therefore my good faith belief that I have valid license to distribute copies of the Bitcoin Whitepaper and that Wright’s claims do not have any bearing on that right. Upon that belief, I am hosting a copy at [ADDRESS] along with the code for a Bitcoin node implementation at [CODE ADDRESS].

I am providing notice to your firm so that any credible claims to the contrary may be addressed in a timely fashion to avoid running out the clock on equitable defenses.


Title: Re: So, you want to get sued by a scammer?
Post by: Obito on June 29, 2021, 11:33:19 AM
You said it yourself OP, Satoshi wants everyone to read and access the whitepaper which means that Faketoshi is just digging the grave much deeper of his claim that he is the one true Satoshi by taking down the whitepaper, it contradicts entirely. If I know anything about the law, I would probably host it myself but I don't want to risk it, is there a possibility that you can get sued if you aren't from UK?

Title: Re: So, you want to get sued by a scammer?
Post by: gmaxwell on June 29, 2021, 11:42:59 AM
If I know anything about the law, I would probably host it myself but I don't want to risk it, is there a possibility that you can get sued if you aren't from UK?

My opinion is this:  If you are a well known person in Bitcoin-- an educator, a developer, a business leader, an advocate-- he will eventually sue you regardless of what you do unless you endorse his scam-- the only way you won't get sued without endorsing him if you're well known is if he's busy suing other people first for long enough that a criminal arrest stops him before he gets to you.  Some of the developers he's already suing haven't been developers for four or more years.

If you are a relatively nobody, he is probably unlikely to sue you regardless of what you do.  However, sending a message like the above might significantly move your position up on the list, and by doing so provide some protection for people in the first group.  You'll also help assure that no matter what he does the whitepaper and Bitcoin node software will remain available and highlight for everyone the futility of his suppression efforts.  Similarly, spreading information about his fraud and encouraging other people to act increases the risk that he'll retaliate.

As Satoshi said:  Bitcoin "takes advantage of the nature of information being easy to spread but hard to stifle."   Information doesn't spread on it's own: it needs everyone's help.

Title: Re: So, you want to get sued by a scammer?
Post by: aoluain on June 29, 2021, 11:54:51 AM
...and my day was going nicely for me.
CSW really stresses me out, he is one dangerous character and we are unfortunate
to have him linked with Bitcoin.

We have to hand it to him, he has one hell of a legal team if only he would use his resources
and skill at litigation to help people.

I cant understand how he has got so far with this charade, I dont have a website but do have
a Blogger blog page. I wonder if everyone here with a google account hosted the whitepaper
and node software it would be impossible to eliminate those unless he went after Google themselves?

and dont bother notifying his legal team?

Title: Re: So, you want to get sued by a scammer?
Post by: NotATether on June 29, 2021, 12:01:20 PM
I cant understand how he has got so far with this charade, I dont have a website but do have
a Blogger blog page. I wonder if everyone here with a google account hosted the whitepaper
and node software it would be impossible to eliminate those unless he went after Google themselves?

Blogger/blogspot is not a good place to host the whitepaper from a legal perspective, all CSW's lawyers have to do is send a DMCA notice to Google saying they are his representatives, he owns the copyright to the whitepaper, and order them to take it down. Google's DMCA handing system is semi-automated so it might even take down your whole blog in the process.

Title: Re: So, you want to get sued by a scammer?
Post by: Lorence.xD on June 29, 2021, 12:27:48 PM
My opinion is this:  If you are a well known person in Bitcoin-- an educator, a developer, a business leader, an advocate-- he will eventually sue you regardless of what you do unless you endorse his scam-- the only way you won't get sued without endorsing him if you're well known is if he's busy suing other people first for long enough that a criminal arrest stops him before he gets to you.  Some of the developers he's already suing haven't been developers for four or more years.

If you are a relatively nobody, he is probably unlikely to sue you regardless of what you do.  However, sending a message like the above might significantly move your position up on the list, and by doing so provide some protection for people in the first group.  You'll also help assure that no matter what he does the whitepaper and Bitcoin node software will remain available and highlight for everyone the futility of his suppression efforts.  Similarly, spreading information about his fraud and encouraging other people to act increases the risk that he'll retaliate.

As Satoshi said:  Bitcoin "takes advantage of the nature of information being easy to spread but hard to stifle."   Information doesn't spread on it's own: it needs everyone's help.

Maybe if everyone in the bitcoin community hosts the whitepaper to their own websites, it's not like he can sue everyone who will do it, this is like the meme event "Storming the Area 51" except that CSW really can't stop us at all and we don't need to run like ninjas in Naruto.

Title: Re: So, you want to get sued by a scammer?
Post by: o_e_l_e_o on June 29, 2021, 12:41:00 PM
There is an ongoing litigation in COPA v. Wright (IL-2021-00019) over the same subject matter
Do you have any update on how this case is progressing?

Given that Cobra is, apparently, not subject to UK jurisdiction the court will presumably have a difficult time enforcing its ruling.
Has Cobra given any inclination as to whether he will continue to host the bitcoin whitepaper and make it available for users in the UK? What are the next steps for the UK courts if he does not comply? Presumably go to the ISPs and have them block access, meaning it is easily circumvented by Tor or a VPN.

Other than hosting on a website, is it worth looking in to sharing it in other ways? Torrenting? Via Blockstream Satellite? Hell, let's print it out and put it in public libraries.

Title: Re: So, you want to get sued by a scammer?
Post by: dkbit98 on June 29, 2021, 05:19:05 PM
Cobra is now taking a break from twitter after this court decision, and it's unfortunate that many insane individuals like Faketoshi have lots of money that can be used for endless court battles with his law firm Ontier.
It is obvious that he wants to have some global recognition from authorities that would accept him as real Satoshi Nakamoto and his clone coin as real Bitcoin, and this court decision means that United Kingdom official stance is that Craig Wright is Satoshi... so stupid  ::)
Legal system worldwide is obviously fkd up and corrupted.

Just look at this slime Calvin Ayre threats:
this is not over yet Cobbie...far far from over.

Title: Re: So, you want to get sued by a scammer?
Post by: NotATether on June 29, 2021, 06:13:33 PM
It is obvious that he wants to have some global recognition from authorities that would accept him as real Satoshi Nakamoto and his clone coin as real Bitcoin...

Which is a completely dumb thing for him to do as the first thing authorities would do to the real Satoshi would be to extract government taxes from that huge BTC stash sitting around for a decade, under threat of arrest/extradition/etc and also being hounded by the media with anti-bitcoin/crypto criticism (and by extension his BSV scamcoin). I don't see why he thinks this is such a good thing.

Title: Re: So, you want to get sued by a scammer?
Post by: aoluain on June 29, 2021, 07:03:55 PM
I cant understand how he has got so far with this charade, I dont have a website but do have
a Blogger blog page. I wonder if everyone here with a google account hosted the whitepaper
and node software it would be impossible to eliminate those unless he went after Google themselves?

Blogger/blogspot is not a good place to host the whitepaper from a legal perspective, all CSW's lawyers have to do is send a DMCA notice to Google saying they are his representatives, he owns the copyright to the whitepaper, and order them to take it down. Google's DMCA handing system is semi-automated so it might even take down your whole blog in the process.

What about using an anonymous hosting service. If its cheap im sure a lot of people
would only be too happy to defy CSW's claims and demands.

This service below is "offshore" so im sure and "laws" passed in the U.K or elsewhere
wont matter? I stand to be corrected.

All our offshore web hosting solutions are guaranteed with total privacy and data security. Your data is protected with us.

What can you host with us?
Our offshore hosting solutions are meant:

1) for those who wish to host their data outside of their own country;

2) for those who do not want their data or identity shared with third parties;

3) for those who want to express themselves through freedom of speech;

4) for those who want to host adult, gambling, movie websites, etc.

This doesn’t mean that you can engage in illegal activities, which we strictly forbid. This includes, but is not limited to, spam, phishing, and fraud. We’ll immediately close your account and blacklist all your labels. To see the full prohibition list, click here.

Title: Re: So, you want to get sued by a scammer?
Post by: 2double0 on June 29, 2021, 07:21:30 PM
You asked, "What would he do to Satoshi if Satoshi were around?"
I ask, "What would have happened if he was Satoshi himself (according to his claims)?" All the participants in the bitcoin ecosystem would have been sued by him just because they use his 'services' without permission. What a beggar this guy is, he is begging us to believe him as an identity he does not relate to, by any means. This must be stopped somewhere or he will destroy everything only to satisfy his ego.

Title: Re: So, you want to get sued by a scammer?
Post by: NotATether on June 29, 2021, 10:11:02 PM
What about using an anonymous hosting service. If its cheap im sure a lot of people
would only be too happy to defy CSW's claims and demands.

This service below is "offshore" so im sure and "laws" passed in the U.K or elsewhere
wont matter? I stand to be corrected.

Yeah that will work, decentralized file sharing solutions like IPFS, Arweave and Skynet are also good options for hosting files for free on the clearnet. This topic of mine has a few copies hosted in those locations:

Title: Re: So, you want to get sued by a scammer?
Post by: Lucius on June 30, 2021, 10:08:00 AM
This must be stopped somewhere or he will destroy everything only to satisfy his ego.

How are you going to stop a lunatic who obviously has a lot of money, and apparently he doesn't do all this alone - so maybe we should ask ourselves who is actually behind him in a project called "How to privatize and centralize Bitcoin"?

Other than what we got as advice from @gmaxwell, I don't see how we little people can oppose what Faketoshi does - and we all know that he can't possibly be Satoshi even in some parallel universe. These days, some controversial people have ended their lives - maybe luck will smile on us and a black reaper will come for this idiot.

This is not a death threat or anything like that, for all those who support scammers, pedophiles, drug dealers and all other types of human scum.

Title: Re: So, you want to get sued by a scammer?
Post by: aoluain on July 02, 2021, 04:16:38 PM
Is anyone else planning on hosting the whitepaper and code?

It can be done anonymously through > with a domain name and availing of a basic hosting package.
They accept crypto payment and dont require personal information.

I thought it would spark more people to make a stand.

What Do We Do?
We are an Iceland-based freedom of speech web hosting provider. Our mission is to provide everyone in the world an equal opportunity to publish their words freely without being harassed or censored. The services we offer are specifically designed for people who are concerned about security and privacy matters.

*I am not affiliated to these in any way.

Title: Re: So, you want to get sued by a scammer?
Post by: cr1776 on July 02, 2021, 04:54:11 PM
What about using an anonymous hosting service. If its cheap im sure a lot of people
would only be too happy to defy CSW's claims and demands.

This service below is "offshore" so im sure and "laws" passed in the U.K or elsewhere
wont matter? I stand to be corrected.

Yeah that will work, decentralized file sharing solutions like IPFS, Arweave and Skynet are also good options for hosting files for free on the clearnet. This topic of mine has a few copies hosted in those locations:

There are also things like ZeroNet, file coin, and freenet (among others) that might be useful in hosting copies of the paper and the source.  I would be surprised if there are not copies on there already, but I haven't looked specifically for it.

Presumably one could also post the paper in snippets on Twister and similar platforms. 

Title: Re: So, you want to get sued by a scammer?
Post by: gmaxwell on July 09, 2021, 10:44:30 PM
I don't see how we little people can oppose what Faketoshi does - and we all know that he can't possibly be Satoshi even in some parallel universe
The best tool we have is mockery.

Among well informed people they look at Wright and see an obvious fraud-- so they turn away: nothing to see here.  But people who don't know better are fooled. Reliably.  They might believe a "lite" version of his scam-- like that he was involved and was exaggerating his involvement, or that he wasn't satoshi but really had 111k BTC that was stolen from him---- and a big part of that is because Wright's paid press activities are substantial, while the opposition is mostly silent and uncoordinated.

We need to all go out and make sure that the whole world knows that wright and his congames are jokes.

Title: Re: So, you want to get sued by a scammer?
Post by: Lucius on July 10, 2021, 02:11:46 PM
The best tool we have is mockery.
We need to all go out and make sure that the whole world knows that wright and his congames are jokes.

Can we even start any kind of resistance on a legal level without any of us revealing our identity? He seems to be winning his battles precisely because most don’t want to openly engage in battle with him, and as the other side, we probably look frivolous in the eyes of the court.

I'm not sure how much mockery can help against some court decisions, because it might look like we're throwing pebbles at him and he's attacking us with heavy artillery. Maybe we should use part of his tactics - there are individuals who can fund publications in all major crypto media, and I think most of those who know what this is about will be very happy to make voluntary contributions to convince the public who CW Faketoshi really is.

Until recently, there was an opinion on the forum from older members that we were giving unnecessary attention to the CW and its actions and that we should ignore it - and then I thought it was the wrong tactic, because ignoring the problem we did not achieve anything good.

Title: Re: So, you want to get sued by a scammer?
Post by: DapanasFruit on July 10, 2021, 02:52:00 PM

So the saga of Craig Wright really continues and he will never stop until he get everything he wanted...and since he got the money at his arsenals he is getting creative lawyers at his side. This is what money can can harm others in the hands of a stupid and corrupt person. Now, am wondering...will there be a time when members of this forum can be barred from talking about him or the many cases he has lodged in the court? I dread that day.

Title: Re: So, you want to get sued by a scammer?
Post by: fiulpro on July 10, 2021, 03:30:43 PM
Exactly why Mr. Satoshi never choose to reveal his identity. He is behaving like a kid hungry for attention and at the end of the day when you are not getting any, you have to start up new things go stir things up. I do believe that last time when the government decided to hold him accountable, it was not a good lesson for him therefore he needs a little more pat in the back again.

I don't see how we little people can oppose what Faketoshi does - and we all know that he can't possibly be Satoshi even in some parallel universe
The best tool we have is mockery.

Among well informed people they look at Wright and see an obvious fraud-- so they turn away: nothing to see here.  But people who don't know better are fooled. Reliably.  They might believe a "lite" version of his scam-- like that he was involved and was exaggerating his involvement, or that he wasn't satoshi but really had 111k BTC that was stolen from him---- and a big part of that is because Wright's paid press activities are substantial, while the opposition is mostly silent and uncoordinated.

We need to all go out and make sure that the whole world knows that wright and his congames are jokes.

But that also won't take him long to be back in the game. He will come to harass people again really fast. I do think that people have to reverse complain against him.

Title: Re: So, you want to get sued by a scammer?
Post by: kaggie on July 10, 2021, 04:13:05 PM
Who are you guys talking about?

Isn't that the guy who said himself that he was a fraud? (

Or is it that one guy who is so against crypto that he changed all code to make a centralized version with few servers. (Probably so that he can eventually reverse transactions..?) (

Is that the guy that Electrum said BS regarding downloading a file that Gavin Andresen was supposed to have (but didn't according to them on that day), to prove that CSW was Satoshi?

Isn't that the guy who hired David Kleinman, a year or two after David was dead? [ref needed]

The one who spent several dozen years as the VP of a cyber warfare company:
The one who was a pastor, so who knows what relgious angle he may have.


You need clear, fast, verifiable/referencable, archived facts. The more the better.
A "cheat-sheet" of sorts.

Title: Re: So, you want to get sued by a scammer?
Post by: swogerino on July 10, 2021, 04:39:09 PM
You asked, "What would he do to Satoshi if Satoshi were around?"
I ask, "What would have happened if he was Satoshi himself (according to his claims)?" All the participants in the bitcoin ecosystem would have been sued by him just because they use his 'services' without permission. What a beggar this guy is, he is begging us to believe him as an identity he does not relate to, by any means. This must be stopped somewhere or he will destroy everything only to satisfy his ego.

I hope that we can sue him that he is the false Satoshi as long as he can't prove he is in charge of the wallet with 1 million Bitcoins,he cannot sign a message from that wallet.This guy must be stopped,even in the Wikipedia page it clearly says that he said he is Satoshi Nakamoto but the vast majority of the people in the crypto ecosystem do not believe his claims.

Title: Re: So, you want to get sued by a scammer?
Post by: kaggie on July 11, 2021, 09:24:10 AM
I hope that we can sue him that he is the false Satoshi

If CSW is successful in making courts believe that he is Satoshi, he will owe billions in taxes. In CSW's own words:

Quote from: CSW link=
Bitcoin was created in 2009 with all 21 million bitcoin issued. The system was constructed so that nodes (aka miners — note that only miners are nodes) are paid to validate transactions. At no point do they own the database.

Quote from: CSW link=
Nodes and miners are thus subcontracting in accordance with the initially constructed set of rules that I created. That is, they are following a set of rules and acting as my agents.

One might argue that since he is claiming rights to bitcoin via lawsuits, like the white paper and software, that
every time a miner is paid out, CSW has said that he, personally, is responsible for those payments.

So, CSW owes tax on the monetary value of ~6 BTC every ten minutes
in the countries that miners are mining or selling in, according to his alleged claims, because
that's what he claims he is paying them to secure the network.
He does not get compensation though, as those values have been paid to those miners,
who are now the owners of those bitcoins.
It wouldn't change that the miners owe tax too, I doubt, but perhaps they can pass off their tax to CSW.
It's a funny thing -- to only owe tax!?

This will be taxed at a higher rate than capital gains because he is claiming it as a business. And because he is now claiming all nodes as his agents, he is now liable for every single crime that has occurred under the system that he claims to have developed. Business law creates all sorts of liability. He would have a fiduciary and legal responsibility, and abandoning the system (if it were true) would not absolve him perhaps. It won't be just the Australian Tax authorities for his previous endeavours that will be after him if he successfully defends a case. (Nevermind that 21 million weren't issues then. And his definition of nodes disagrees with the developed software.. Also, ownership of a database does not automatically give ownership of the values within that database. A person never loses the right to their birthdate just because its in a random database somewhere, for example.)

Title: Re: So, you want to get sued by a scammer?
Post by: Kakmakr on July 11, 2021, 09:58:27 AM
The guy is ruining everybody that touch him in any way, just look how quickly Gavin Andresen's reputation was shattered when he fooled Gavin into acknowledging that he was Satoshi Nakamoto.  ::) 

I think he is suing lots of people, hoping that one of these courts will drop the ball and unknowingly validates that he is the real Satoshi Nakamoto. That will open up a Pandora's box of possibilities for him to chase more people for more money. The thing is, Karma can be a Bitch and this can explode in his face, because being Satoshi Nakamoto can bring down a bunch of trouble for him.  ;)

Title: Re: So, you want to get sued by a scammer?
Post by: GeorgeJohn on July 11, 2021, 10:26:37 AM
I don't know if this is going to be a good idea but would it be bad if everyone here try and annoy this fucker we call Faketoshi and create the things that he take down and then bring it up when it gets taken down again?
This fakesatoshi of persons have to be penalize, if really everyone become silent of this, i think this guy will tarnish the images of cryptocurrencies, claiming to be real Satoshi Nakamoto is just a strategies to scam people From my perspective, so the best option is to sue this guy and prosecute it with immediate effect, because i notice that been adamant of this, can equally caused harm to people who will be victim. So no need of bringing his ideas up or making it to come in existence, the best answer to these after the first option i gave is to introduce a new method to suppress all his scamming strategies and possibly remind him to jail.

Title: Re: So, you want to get sued by a scammer?
Post by: btc-room101 on July 11, 2021, 11:47:04 AM
If I know anything about the law, I would probably host it myself but I don't want to risk it, is there a possibility that you can get sued if you aren't from UK?

My opinion is this:  If you are a well known person in Bitcoin-- an educator, a developer, a business leader, an advocate-- he will eventually sue you regardless of what you do unless you endorse his scam-- the only way you won't get sued without endorsing him if you're well known is if he's busy suing other people first for long enough that a criminal arrest stops him before he gets to you.  Some of the developers he's already suing haven't been developers for four or more years.

If you are a relatively nobody, he is probably unlikely to sue you regardless of what you do.  However, sending a message like the above might significantly move your position up on the list, and by doing so provide some protection for people in the first group.  You'll also help assure that no matter what he does the whitepaper and Bitcoin node software will remain available and highlight for everyone the futility of his suppression efforts.  Similarly, spreading information about his fraud and encouraging other people to act increases the risk that he'll retaliate.

As Satoshi said:  Bitcoin "takes advantage of the nature of information being easy to spread but hard to stifle."   Information doesn't spread on it's own: it needs everyone's help.

BITCOIN is anonymous, Wright is NOT; Yet people try to become famous in the btc world, and then become attacks vectors for the scammers; I think everybody still anonymous should know to stay that way, as its stands now, everybody on the internet is a dog, and any dog can hold 10k bitcoins, and nobody is to even know.

People go around flaunting that their whales should not be surprised they are victims of the Wrights, I would even add that Wright probably has a team of 100's of lawyers working on contingency knowing well that wherever there is  money, there is settlement that then there is a percentage of the take going to the lawyers say 40%

Thus it never ends, but if nobody know u got the bitcoin, and u ain't a public figure, then u got not worry; Even in the real world all rich people are targets all the time.

Title: Re: So, you want to get sued by a scammer?
Post by: Artemis3 on July 11, 2021, 03:11:11 PM
Maybe we can get Bukele to engage their judicial system issue an extradition warrant against this impersonator, see how he likes having a red interpol flag (Yes, States can do that, screw you Craig).

With zero proof, cyber bullying people world wide, basically stealing, or trying to steal from the entire world. He should also be declared persona non-grata and banned entry in other countries, and with the red flag he would be arrested immediately for extradition, the way he deserves. He would love sharing a cell with the maras...

The fundamental reason would be: there is this person threatening to destroy the national currency. El Salvador has all the rights to demand extradition for trial of this fraud. This is not a British coin, so its not their problem.

In parallel, please do provide alternative sources to keep the project going. A .onion address for example...

The world will never let this guy destroy Bitcoin.

Title: Re: So, you want to get sued by a scammer?
Post by: aoluain on July 12, 2021, 11:43:42 PM
So I have finished creating the relevant pages on my site in order
to host the Whitepaper and Node software > as
per @gmaxwell in the OP. I am not planning on announcing this
directly to any attorneys. Its in the public domain, let them look
for it.

Is anyone else bothering to make a stand and d3fy CSW?
we can have strength in numbers, if there is enough of us hosting
on various platforms it will be impossible to attack all sources.

Title: Re: So, you want to get sued by a scammer?
Post by: NotATether on July 12, 2021, 11:53:21 PM
Its in the public domain, let them look for it.

I don't think Craig and his law firm will bother looking for "small fry" links hosted by us as trying to identify us would waste a large amount of their time they could spend suing more well-known personalities.

So they're ignoring us, and it appears that they're more interested in harassing devs (most of whom aren't even hosting the whitepaper).

Title: Re: So, you want to get sued by a scammer?
Post by: o_e_l_e_o on July 13, 2021, 10:02:36 AM
I don't think Craig and his law firm will bother looking for "small fry" links hosted by us as trying to identify us would waste a large amount of their time they could spend suing more well-known personalities.
Speaking of, the thought occurred to me that we could look in to getting "big players" to start hosting the whitepaper. Big centralized exchanges would be good. Given that they have made millions or even billions in profits because of this whitepaper, the least they could do is to host a copy of it. Looking in to it, it seems a few exchanges do already host it, a couple in direct response to CSW's lies back in January.

Coinbase -
Kraken -
BitMex -

There are several more exchanges, such as Binance, Gemini, and Bittrex, which do not host the whitepaper themselves but do link to from various pages.

Anyone want to see if CSW and his band of rent-a-cops want to try suing Coinbase with one his frivolous lawsuits?

Title: Re: So, you want to get sued by a scammer?
Post by: Kong Hey Pakboy on July 13, 2021, 10:12:56 AM
That's a fucked up scheme, to have the people who helped developed bitcoin have their bitcoins stolen from them by someone who fakes their identity and claims to be the founder. Have you thought of ways to hide your bitcoin so in the worst case, you won't be giving any? If I was in that position where they are trying to take away my bitcoin, I would probably hide it somewhere or a drastic but pretty hurtful for Faketoshi is to burn all those bitcoin.

Title: Re: So, you want to get sued by a scammer?
Post by: fara_buduk on July 13, 2021, 10:25:18 AM
That's a fucked up scheme, to have the people who helped developed bitcoin have their bitcoins stolen from them by someone who fakes their identity and claims to be the founder. Have you thought of ways to hide your bitcoin so in the worst case, you won't be giving any? If I was in that position where they are trying to take away my bitcoin, I would probably hide it somewhere or a drastic but pretty hurtful for Faketoshi is to burn all those bitcoin.
this is a madness that has just woken up from its sleep. until whenever a new sathosi will appear and claim to be the founder, creator and inventor ... this is all because the value in bitcoin is also a fantastic and promising price, sometimes this is what makes someone confess and make up