Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: BitcoinFX on July 02, 2021, 08:45:21 AM

Title: Article: The Craig Wright May 2016 Signing Sessions Debacle, In Full Context
Post by: BitcoinFX on July 02, 2021, 08:45:21 AM
A must read ...

Article: The Craig Wright May 2016 Signing Sessions Debacle, In Full Context


by MyLegacyKit (twitter).

Excerpt: "Intro

In Bitcoin, signing a message is a cryptographical way to prove control and ownership of a public bitcoin address (using the associated private key) via a feature in the Bitcoin wallet. The procedure of signing takes less than a minute to perform, and the output -a so called digital signature, a lengthy string of letters and numbers- can be used by others to verify said ownership and control."


"The proof posted today by Wright and others does not meet any standard for identifying him as Nakamoto." - Nik Cubrilovic, May 2, 2016

Please read:

"The Craig Wright May 2016 Signing Sessions Debacle, In Full Context"



"Facts: Craig Wright has NOT signed with the known satoshi PGP Key associated with the bitcoin whitepaper .pdf , and satoshin @ gmx . com



Therefore, he is NOT the identity 'Satoshi Nakamoto'."

"Considering the above facts alone.

Would you 'trust' and judge Craig Wright to be the identity 'Satoshi Nakamoto', creator of #Bitcoin #BTC ?

Yes or No"


Title: Re: Article: The Craig Wright May 2016 Signing Sessions Debacle, In Full Context
Post by: dkbit98 on July 02, 2021, 12:46:47 PM
I am honestly sick of reading so much news about this and anything connected with this evil slime  :P
We all know that Craig Faketoshi never proved that he owns that bitcoin address and he never signed a message, so he isn't Satoshi Nakamoto, but problem is that some corrupt judge can make a wrong decision.
They don't know anything about Bitcoin and signing of messages, they don't want to learn about it and maybe someone has interest to crown Faketoshi, for whatever notorious reasons they have.
One thing is sure, he will never be accepted by Bitcoin community.

Title: Re: Article: The Craig Wright May 2016 Signing Sessions Debacle, In Full Context
Post by: odolvlobo on July 02, 2021, 10:18:13 PM
  • The fact that Craig Wright would not allow Gavin to use his own verification hardware and software points to fraud since such a restriction has no other reasonable purpose.
  • The most reasonable explanation of the lack of independently verifiable proof from Craig Wright is that he is unable to provide it. Providing independently verifiable proof should be trivial, or providing a reasonable explanation for the inability should be trivial. He can do neither.
  • The subterfuge and the incredible amounts of manipulation and manufacture of evidence over the years (even after disregarding any acts not directly attributable to CSW) indicate to me that he is being deceptive.

Title: Re: Article: The Craig Wright May 2016 Signing Sessions Debacle, In Full Context
Post by: kaggie on July 02, 2021, 10:55:11 PM
or providing a reasonable explanation for the inability should be trivial. He can do neither.[/li][/list]

Like, this. All the way.

W not only has a philosophy that is anti-cryptocurrencies, is antagonistic of developments, and is self-indulgent, all which go against the ideals that Satoshin promoted.

What a proof of Satoshin requires is a non-contradictory story. The keys are one thing, but there are so many questions to bitcoins history, that the candidate must satisfy that knowledge (as well?). W only brings contradiction with his attempts, without giving any key verification.

Title: Re: Article: The Craig Wright May 2016 Signing Sessions Debacle, In Full Context
Post by: verita1 on July 03, 2021, 12:13:29 AM
Done! I voted for your poll on Twitter.
Of course, Craig Wright is fake.
In all the opportunities that he has had, he has not been able to prove that he is Satoshi Nakamoto, on the contrary, he shows that he has some psychological disorder.

While the list of addresses was quickly resealed by the Kleiman legal team, it still exists on Court Listener and looks to have provided a means for another individual to identify a number of addresses they in fact hold the keys to. That, in turn, enabled them to sign a message with the bitcoin keys. It reads:

"Craig Steven Wright is a liar and a fraud. He doesn't have the keys used to sign this message. The Lightning Network is a significant achievement. However, we need to continue work on improving on-chain capacity. Unfortunately, the solution is not to just change a constant in the code or to allow powerful participants to force out others. We are all Satoshi." (

Title: Re: Article: The Craig Wright May 2016 Signing Sessions Debacle, In Full Context
Post by: aoluain on July 03, 2021, 11:24:49 PM

For the life of me I cannot understand how this whole  work of fiction has come to
the latest real casualty in being issued to remove the Whitepaper and
Cobra having to pay costs.

The big flashing multicoloured Elephant in the room taking a dump and spraying water
everywhere is being totally ignored, the only proof of identity is signing with a
Satoshi PGP Key, dont have it, lost it, dog ate it, waiting for it to be delivered?
yea come back to us when you get it, until then eff-off.

No offence to Cobra or any of the other victims of Faketoshi but surely a
recognised cryptographer would be able to explain to any court the simplicities
of signing a message, surely it cant be that simple...