Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: KevinRosa on July 09, 2021, 03:05:50 AM

Title: What if all the currencies in the movie are Bitcoin?
Post by: KevinRosa on July 09, 2021, 03:05:50 AM

As soon as the new season of the American drama "Billions" began, the male protagonist "Federal Prosecutor" Chuck shut down a Bitcoin mine with his subordinates.

My point of view is very clear, that is, I hope that more and more cultural industries and film industries will promote Bitcoin. Although technology changes lives, I hope that Bitcoin will be known to more and more people and will continue to be widely used. Global consensus, I believe this is not just my personal thoughts.

Although more and more people are participating in Bitcoin, especially this year, the back-end servers of many exchanges have stalled due to the excessive number of newly registered users, and wallet addresses are increasing, but the normal application scenarios are very few.

I always believe that there are two things in our lives that are most important. Sometimes they are life-saving straws, and sometimes they are really terrible things. They are hope and habit respectively. Therefore, Satoshi Nakamoto brings us endless hope. We have to get used to using Bitcoin, I believe this day will come soon.

Why the first sentence is blue, because blue represents hope

Title: Re: What if all the currencies in the movie are Bitcoin?
Post by: mk4 on July 09, 2021, 03:14:07 AM
They'll only use Bitcoin in their story only when it makes sense to do so. Why? Like it or not, local fiat currencies are still what the masses(the views in this case) think is "money". Quite unrealistic to hope that movie directors/studios will just randomly use and promote Bitcoin in their movies just to pump our bags.

Title: Re: What if all the currencies in the movie are Bitcoin?
Post by: DapanasFruit on July 09, 2021, 03:22:36 AM
They'll only use Bitcoin in their story only when it makes sense to do so. Why? Like it or not, local fiat currencies are still what the masses(the views in this case) think is "money". Quite unrealistic to hope that movie directors/studios will just randomly use and promote Bitcoin in their movies just to pump our bags.

Most likely, these directors and writers do not really fully comprehend Bitcoin though we have to understand that it is not their job to do and in cases where Bitcoin is mentioned it is because they can feel it is a big trend and they are just adding something to make us feel that they are in touch with things happening outside of their own industry. Anyway, thanks to OP for pointing us towards that great HOPE that push Satoshi Nakamoto to gave us Bitcoin and the blockchain technology. The saga of Bitcoin will continue in years to come and by the time of its 20th anniversary maybe we can look back if it has served the very reasons why it has been existing.

Title: Re: What if all the currencies in the movie are Bitcoin?
Post by: pooya87 on July 09, 2021, 04:32:53 AM
We want bitcoin to be known and promoted as it really is and is meant to be, a censorship resistant global currency. But that is too boring for movies to show. Who would watch a movie where the protagonist uses a regular currency and nothing happens?! But when they shed a negative light on all of it and show bitcoin as this shady internet thing that is only used by criminals, etc. then it becomes a "movie" that they can sell.

Look at all the cases where bitcoin was used in movies. It is either as some get rich quick scheme or used to buy drugs!

Title: Re: What if all the currencies in the movie are Bitcoin?
Post by: Obito on July 09, 2021, 04:42:30 AM
It's not good for the story and for bitcoin for us to force it down the throats of the people, I mean I am sure that if bitcoin doesn't help the story, it will only make it cringey and make the story or the movie a shill. I think that making the right story and timing in putting it there is the much better way of approaching of promoting bitcoin without being too annoying.

Title: Re: What if all the currencies in the movie are Bitcoin?
Post by: verita1 on July 09, 2021, 07:56:10 AM
We will surely continue to see movies with some plot and scenes about bitcoin as it becomes more popular, just as it happened when other technologies began their boom.
In particular, it gives me a lot of emotion to know about these films and that the big industries give us recognition as a community.

Bitcoin has become popular with all segments of the population and not just with industry experts.
Millions of people use Bitcoin on a daily basis for payments and blockchain for secure transactions and contracts. And that is why the film industry is so interested in this topic. (

January 26, 2016

Title: Re: What if all the currencies in the movie are Bitcoin?
Post by: cryptomaniac_xxx on July 09, 2021, 08:00:33 AM
Then good, if currencies in Hollywood movies are bitcoin. But still, this is just movies, some story teller that most like is not accurate portrayal of bitcoin. But as others have been saying before, bad or good publicity is still publicity for us. I think it's better not to get excited to hear and see bitcoin in the wide screen, just my opinion.

Title: Re: What if all the currencies in the movie are Bitcoin?
Post by: leea-1334 on July 09, 2021, 09:17:59 AM
My point of view is very clear, that is, I hope that more and more cultural industries and film industries will promote Bitcoin. Although technology changes lives, I hope that Bitcoin will be known to more and more people and will continue to be widely used. Global consensus, I believe this is not just my personal thoughts.

It will happen in time,,, do not you worry. Rememer, even the internet took a lot of time to be portrayed in the movies, and the early versions they showed were half accurate only (same as crypto now everyone is making one version for films but none of it really portrays the real stuff).

No need to rush and force acceptance. It will happen if we keep using it regularly and as normal!

Title: Re: What if all the currencies in the movie are Bitcoin?
Post by: avikz on July 09, 2021, 02:08:34 PM

As soon as the new season of the American drama "Billions" began, the male protagonist "Federal Prosecutor" Chuck shut down a Bitcoin mine with his subordinates.

Not sure about this particular American series. But the television industry have the power to influence people's mind. However, it is also important that bitcoin is shown in good sense and not in bad sense. That also has effect on people's minds.

If bitcoin is constantly shown as a hacker's tool or as a way to transact in dark web, that will bring bad popularity for bitcoin. On the other hand, if it shown as a normal currency system or a method of technically advanced paperless payment, then it would create good reputation. So all depends on that.

Title: Re: What if all the currencies in the movie are Bitcoin?
Post by: Welsh on July 09, 2021, 03:35:50 PM
They will do, Bitcoin's popularity has definitely reached a new high this year, with infulencers from various different outlets now promoting getting into cryptocurrencies, so naturally as people become more interested, movie directors will want to scratch that itch, and include Bitcoin in their movies. I'm actually surprised that Sci Fi movies haven't included Bitcoin more often that they do, in fact I don't actually know a science fiction movie that has included, only politics related movies.

Look at all the cases where bitcoin was used in movies. It is either as some get rich quick scheme or used to buy drugs!
To be fair, most fiat currencies are used in crime related movies, since that's what the movie fans like to watch. You kind of touched upon it, but no one is going to enjoy a movie about Bitcoin or fiat without some drama added too it. I don't think the movie makers are actually trying to make Bitcoin bad by showing it involved with drugs, and crime its just what sells to the public.

Title: Re: What if all the currencies in the movie are Bitcoin?
Post by: adzino on July 09, 2021, 04:21:26 PM
Lol, if all currencies in a movie was bitcoin, we would be seeing them waiting for hours in line while buying a coffee. Jokes apart, I doubt any movies would do that. It would be an unnecessary act/event. They would do it if it made sense to the plot. Or else they would just avoid it. Like how often do you see in movies that focuses on money?
But there are movies out there that is about bitcoin or at least talks about crypto currencies.

Title: Re: What if all the currencies in the movie are Bitcoin?
Post by: michellee on July 09, 2021, 05:44:20 PM
If they use bitcoin as their currency in their movie, that really helps the bitcoin popularity because many people will watch one of those movies and know the bitcoin existence. If they have a big curiosity about a new thing, they will try to search for bitcoin and follow what others did. The day for bitcoin to be used by many people out there will come. We will see only patience and wait for more and have faith that it will come true.

Title: Re: What if all the currencies in the movie are Bitcoin?
Post by: AakZaki on July 10, 2021, 04:17:24 PM
Like how often do you see in movies that focuses on money?
But there are movies out there that is about bitcoin or at least talks about crypto currencies.
Yes, it's an old story and it's a classic problem, but it still makes Bitcoin more attractive. Looks like it will not happen, many people want cheap and safe costs. Of course they pay attention to the issue of cost, so I don't think it will be effective and it will cost quite a lot. They will choose another coin.

For money problem movies I'm not very interested in TV so I rarely see it. In the past some were just paper money robbery films, for crypto money in my country it is still rare.

Title: Re: What if all the currencies in the movie are Bitcoin?
Post by: sapnu on July 10, 2021, 04:23:46 PM
As long as the information about bitcoin is factual and helpful to make people further understand what it is, I see no problem having bitcoin involved in movies as a currency. It will end up becoming like an advertisement or help to make bitcoin more popular considering that many people are fond of watching movies. Also, it would be best if the movies comes from famous film producers so that the influence rate would be much faster and much higher. Nevertheless, we cannot really demand cause they are doing us a favor so whatever movie it is, as long as it does not destroy bitcoin's image, there would be no problem at all.

Title: Re: What if all the currencies in the movie are Bitcoin?
Post by: masterrex on July 10, 2021, 04:48:12 PM
IMO, I believe it was useful because it serves as a promotion for Bitcoin although it was only in the movies. But still, it served a purpose, As long as the movie is not portraying negativity against Bitcoin it's also useful like a series on NetFlix titled MoneyHiest Season 4 Bitcoin was also mentioned as a reference and in the latter part of the series they explain how paper money printed out from thin air. It makes sense that's why if more movies were using Bitcoin as a reference, the better.

Title: Re: What if all the currencies in the movie are Bitcoin?
Post by: yhiaali3 on July 10, 2021, 05:07:24 PM
Yes, hope is very important, but hope without work means nothing. We must all work to spread the culture of crypto everywhere, especially among young people, because young people are hope. Movies are a very good way to spread the culture around Bitcoin.
But in my opinion the stupidity of governments is the most important and biggest propaganda to spread the culture of crypto, now we see how the whole world started to know about Bitcoin as a result of the campaign launched by China to ban Bitcoin mining.
Personally, I am very optimistic and have great hope that Bitcoin will spread in the future and become a global currency and accepted as a reliable method of payment all over the world.

Title: Re: What if all the currencies in the movie are Bitcoin?
Post by: clint25n on July 10, 2021, 05:54:11 PM
if indeed it is just a discourse then it is completely useless at least we need to re-apply it in films which will really help to promote crypto in the film world, especially for young people, so they can know how bitcoin itself works more positive things. For example, to start a business that is long-term and useful for future investment, especially for young people.

Title: Re: What if all the currencies in the movie are Bitcoin?
Post by: haidil on July 10, 2021, 05:55:30 PM
if adapting bitcoin into the storyline of the story will probably be very possible and there have been several films that have adapted bitcoin as the main story.
but if you want to use bitcoin as currency in a film, I think it's very ineffective because I don't think it will have any impact for those who adapt things like that and I think if implementing bitcoin into a currency in a film will be very boring
what's more, not everyone in the film industry knows about bitcoin so I think it will only have a small impact on bitcoin

Title: Re: What if all the currencies in the movie are Bitcoin?
Post by: wxa7115 on July 10, 2021, 05:58:06 PM
They'll only use Bitcoin in their story only when it makes sense to do so. Why? Like it or not, local fiat currencies are still what the masses(the views in this case) think is "money". Quite unrealistic to hope that movie directors/studios will just randomly use and promote Bitcoin in their movies just to pump our bags.
True, after all the whole point of the entertainment industry is well... to entertain, but that does not mean that there are contexts in which this could be used and they could get away with it, for example if a movie or show is set in the future then they could use bitcoin or a clear reference to it on the show and get away with it.

If the show is about science fiction then they could show an alien race using a similar concept as they needed a form of money that could not be counterfeited and gold was so easily available to them and they could not longer use it as a currency, basically a good writer could insert bitcoin on their show given the show itself could go in that direction.

Title: Re: What if all the currencies in the movie are Bitcoin?
Post by: uneng on July 10, 2021, 09:37:22 PM
Movies seek for audience, so they will introduce any subject that is being commonly discussed by the society at the present moment to grab that public to the movie. Bitcoin popularity is increasing along the years and even more recently after the crash in price and statements from different celebrities and whales about the digital currency. Movies' directors will take this opportunity to turn all this talk talk into money for themselves.
I can't say I'm excited about introduction of bitcoin on movies because movies' industry isn't exciting anymore since at least a decade ago, but I hope it helps bitcoin adoption to increase, as movies have the power of captivating interest from the public for the elements presented on the film.

Title: Re: What if all the currencies in the movie are Bitcoin?
Post by: just_Alice on July 10, 2021, 09:37:45 PM
The problem with Bitcoin adoption nowadays is not that people don't know about it (like 10 years ago), but that they don't trust Bitcoin. Gaining people's trust through culture is generally a good idea because it will draw a lot of attention at once, but there are certain obstacles here too.

For instance, if we're talking about a movie, then the character that promotes Bitcoin should play the main part, should be positive, and very well-known (e.g. Superman level), otherwise people won't be interested. But how to include cryptocurrencies in such a context so that it would not affect the storyline or look too obtrusive?

The other issue is more difficult. Promoting cryptocurrencies has its consequences and not many production companies will be willing to take the responsibility. For instance, WB makes a movie mentioning Bitcoin, next thing they know the movie is banned in China, or they'll be criticized all over the media for "crypto promotion", many would start thinking that they have a personal interest in this.

Title: Re: What if all the currencies in the movie are Bitcoin?
Post by: Shasha80 on July 10, 2021, 10:20:20 PM
IMO, I believe it was useful because it serves as a promotion for Bitcoin although it was only in the movies. But still, it served a purpose, As long as the movie is not portraying negativity against Bitcoin it's also useful like a series on NetFlix titled MoneyHiest Season 4 Bitcoin was also mentioned as a reference and in the latter part of the series they explain how paper money printed out from thin air. It makes sense that's why if more movies were using Bitcoin as a reference, the better.

I'm sure it will help more people know Bitcoin, if any movies show Bitcoin as currency. Because for now Bitcoin still needs a lot of promotion, one of
which is by bringing up Bitcoin in movies. I also watched Money Heist and one scene mentions Bitcoin, which is a good thing in my opinion.
Hopefully Bitcoin can be in many movies in the future, especially this year Bitcoin was quite surprising where the Bitcoin price managed to rise
above $60k. This might be a reference for filmmakers to include Bitcoin in movies.

Title: Re: What if all the currencies in the movie are Bitcoin?
Post by: blockman on July 10, 2021, 10:22:52 PM
There is a sort of matrix and newness if they're going to add bitcoin as their currency. Well, just like the modern days, that will make the story more interesting as bitcoin is interesting for no coiners and if they ever hear that it is in a sequel or movie, that's a free advertisement for bitcoin. And it could also be part of their marketing as they know there's a huge community that supports bitcoin so with just 1 or two mentions of bitcoin, it will spread quickly to the community that there's this movie that has endorsed or mentioned bitcoin.

Title: Re: What if all the currencies in the movie are Bitcoin?
Post by: GreatArkansas on July 10, 2021, 11:15:01 PM
Not all people are into Bitcoin in Bitcoin or interested in Bitcoin or know Bitcoin.
If you are the movie producer, you will probably have a target audience, base on what genre your movie is.
You will use all terms that your target audience will easily understand the movie and everything talking in the movie.
So it's difficult. Just my 2 cents.

Title: Re: What if all the currencies in the movie are Bitcoin?
Post by: CaVO32 on July 10, 2021, 11:20:51 PM
Not all people are into Bitcoin in Bitcoin or interested in Bitcoin or know Bitcoin.
If you are the movie producer, you will probably have a target audience, base on what genre your movie is.
You will use all terms that your target audience will easily understand the movie and everything talking in the movie.
So it's difficult. Just my 2 cents.

And if they will dedicate a movie only with bitcoin as currency, they will only gain small percentage of audience. And one of their aims is to generate money from what they are making. So nope, they can't sacrifice with that. Unless, their aim is to educate people with bitcoin and they don't aim to earn money from it. But that I think is still far from happening.

Title: Re: What if all the currencies in the movie are Bitcoin?
Post by: sheenshane on July 10, 2021, 11:24:36 PM
IMO, why not.
I have seen many movies that talking about Bitcoin in a short scene.  There's nothing bad using Bitcoin as a currency in a movie as long it has a good concept.  But my concern most is that most that I have seen are that Bitcoin was commonly used in illegal activities which makes people think that Bitcoin is for a bad purpose, if there's new to Bitcoin and saw that movie might think not to use Bitcoin at all.

It has been used so many times and if this will continue using it gives more benefits to Bitcoin becomes well known but this will depend on the concept of the movie how Bitcoin will use.

Title: Re: What if all the currencies in the movie are Bitcoin?
Post by: ziennakarishma21 on July 11, 2021, 07:05:31 AM
I heard that it is quite interesting with such movies, it is like advertising BTC cryptocurrency, if the director is a person who also plays BTC, in his mind, he wants BTC more and more more known users. that's my personal opinion.

Title: Re: What if all the currencies in the movie are Bitcoin?
Post by: Wexnident on July 11, 2021, 07:59:28 AM
Honestly, the only movie I'd only consider to actually be about Bitcoin is first, a movie about its development, which would probably be short, but if added with its purpose and it's kind of a makeup story of going against the government, then it'd probably work. But if you consider it, that's almost directly going against the current government, since you're plainly trying to advertise that the current system is bad, while Bitcoin could bring innovation to it, so I highly doubt anyone would actually make it.

Other than that really, it's rather unimaginable, since Bitcoin is a currency after all. Other movies would simply talk about Bitcoin in a small part and not really the center of the story in most cases.

Title: Re: What if all the currencies in the movie are Bitcoin?
Post by: Peanutswar on July 11, 2021, 11:57:53 AM
Most of the movies today are referring the use of the bitcoin in terms of investment and hacking movies because this is the most used coin to get transactions in investment it can give you a profit by holding it in hacking movies it's used for the payment method because of using the term "untraceable " for those people who makes an investment to the bitcoin and sees this on a movie it gives a different experience and to that newbie with the word of it they become more curious and trying about the bitcoin itself. I don't think it's intentional its part of the movie to deliver a good story.

Title: Re: What if all the currencies in the movie are Bitcoin?
Post by: SacriFries11 on July 11, 2021, 01:05:45 PM
The popularity of a bitcoin will be further boosted if it is included in movies. Because the movie is a great platform to express and promote something. Many will be curious about bitcoin and how to use it. Like sport events where it already gets promotion and exposure. The demand of a market will also increase when this happens. This will be a good result and healthy in the world of cryptocurrency

Title: Re: What if all the currencies in the movie are Bitcoin?
Post by: Fundamentals Of on July 11, 2021, 02:22:01 PM
Look at all the cases where bitcoin was used in movies. It is either as some get rich quick scheme or used to buy drugs!

Or simply as an underground currency, which is still related of course, but not necessarily referring to it as a criminal's currency. But this is still the old way of looking at it. Their understanding of Bitcoin must have been stuck many years ago during the Silk road days. That is obviously not anymore the case today. Bitcoin is already thriving in the open. I guess the way Bitcoin is portrayed in the movies should also change.

Title: Re: What if all the currencies in the movie are Bitcoin?
Post by: Iceblast on July 11, 2021, 03:03:11 PM
don't be too high for bitcoin expectations in the film world because what we know will be cons from countries that don't approve of bitcoin and that's for sure. because they think differently from the point of view of the film scenario. but there is a positive side that the audience will know what crypto is even though I'm sure I don't understand globally

Title: Re: What if all the currencies in the movie are Bitcoin?
Post by: fiulpro on July 11, 2021, 03:27:43 PM
I do hope that we can understand for a fact that we cannot live in Bitcoins entirely. There are places where it would be a big problem. In places where it's not really a big deal to use online cryptos and the local businesses have not integrated themselves with Bitcoins and other cryptocurrencies right now, it's a really big deal.

But it would definitely be an amazing step if in the future such things are done since people would not actually watch the news but they would rather see the movies and videos. So I do think that this does not only depend on companies making the films but also the cultural influence, how the whole culture is accepting Bitcoins. We have to still wait for a fully fledged society to do such thing.

Title: Re: What if all the currencies in the movie are Bitcoin?
Post by: Keila Faith Villanueva on July 12, 2021, 06:35:23 AM
I very much support your idea. I also hope that Bitcoin will be known to the world, but as far as I know, most of the Bitcoins that appear in movies are due to the particularity of Bitcoin, and because it cannot be censored, many of them are bad transactions. When these film directors mentioned Bitcoin in his work, it was not because he believed in Bitcoin. I don't like his motivation.

Title: Re: What if all the currencies in the movie are Bitcoin?
Post by: leea-1334 on July 12, 2021, 09:14:27 AM
Movies seek for audience, so they will introduce any subject that is being commonly discussed by the society at the present moment to grab that public to the movie. Bitcoin popularity is increasing along the years and even more recently after the crash in price and statements from different celebrities and whales about the digital currency. Movies' directors will take this opportunity to turn all this talk talk into money for themselves.
I can't say I'm excited about introduction of bitcoin on movies because movies' industry isn't exciting anymore since at least a decade ago, but I hope it helps bitcoin adoption to increase, as movies have the power of captivating interest from the public for the elements presented on the film.

Or movies can challenge subjects that are not being discussed by society to spur this discussion:) Which is what a really good crypto movie would do. Because all it does now is feed the "crypto is used by criminals and evil people" narrative,,, which we all know is false but if Bitcoin is continuously talked about as such in films then can we blame people for believing so?

Title: Re: What if all the currencies in the movie are Bitcoin?
Post by: Mistafreeze on July 12, 2021, 01:57:04 PM
This is a way of marketing goods and services where the latest trend in the society that is a talk of the the town will now be use to illustration or presumptuous display so that people can agitate on it bringing more consumers and interest of people to long for it. Bitcoin is use just to attract more viewers that are lovers and holders of Bitcoin to patronage them.

Although it is not normal seeing such kind of scenerio which can also give awareness to people who does not know about Bitcoin and it's existance. But it depends on the actual illustration that is being passed to the society without affecting the altimate reasons about the development of Bitcoin. Some may see it as a means to escape money laundering attention from the government.

Just imagine if all currency in the movie are Bitcoin. If this occurs then their would be lesser currency in display minding the price of Bitcoin. This is a good innovation in display which will attract more viewers, the same time publicing Bitcoin and it altcoins to the society.

Title: Re: What if all the currencies in the movie are Bitcoin?
Post by: ropyu1978 on July 12, 2021, 03:58:36 PM
I think if they make a film all currency is bitcoin, I think this is less interesting, and becomes a boring spectacle, because every scene that is shown there is only money and money, but if they want to make a film about bitcoin's journey from zero to development, and for the benefit of many people, I think it will be better, because in every scene there will be sacrifices, sorrows, and challenges..

Title: Re: What if all the currencies in the movie are Bitcoin?
Post by: cotton ball on July 12, 2021, 04:11:34 PM
don't be too high for bitcoin expectations in the film world because what we know will be cons from countries that don't approve of bitcoin and that's for sure. because they think differently from the point of view of the film scenario. but there is a positive side that the audience will know what crypto is even though I'm sure I don't understand globally
I really agree with your opinion, bitcoin is indeed good for showing, so that everyone will know more about bitcoin, but I think this film must be full of controversy, because the government will definitely ban all of that, so it's better if we introduce bitcoin through media networks , although slow but sure .. and the government can't find our faults ..

Title: Re: What if all the currencies in the movie are Bitcoin?
Post by: Dhoe on July 12, 2021, 04:20:27 PM
what if all the currency in the movie is bitcoin,,?? I think this will add a new problem, don't add to the wound, don't sprinkle lime water on the scratch, because it's definitely sore, bitcoin is currently in trouble, price declines, China prohibits bitcoin mining and the world bank closing the krypto exchange, when it comes to the film the government will definitely do everything possible to bring down bitcoin, and scare weak hands, etc.. we better introduce bitcoin through social media, so it's safer and more secure..

Title: Re: What if all the currencies in the movie are Bitcoin?
Post by: wxa7115 on July 18, 2021, 06:38:28 PM
I can't say I'm excited about introduction of bitcoin on movies because movies' industry isn't exciting anymore since at least a decade ago, but I hope it helps bitcoin adoption to increase, as movies have the power of captivating interest from the public for the elements presented on the film.
LOL, that is a good point, I could probably count with one hand the movies that I like that have been produced during the last decade, producers and directors have concentrated themselves on giving the audience the best possible viewing experience they can but the storytelling and the stories themselves are awful.

So even if bitcoin was introduced in many shows and movies then most likely I will not watch the movie anyway as for the most part I do not really watch too much TV these days.

Title: Re: What if all the currencies in the movie are Bitcoin?
Post by: AniviaBtc on July 18, 2021, 06:53:59 PM
They'll only use Bitcoin in their story only when it makes sense to do so. Why? Like it or not, local fiat currencies are still what the masses(the views in this case) think is "money". Quite unrealistic to hope that movie directors/studios will just randomly use and promote Bitcoin in their movies just to pump our bags.

This is true especially that bitcoin is getting popular since 2018 and it is surely become implemented in some movies soon.

Promoting bitcoin is so flexible right now and it can be seen in many platforms specially in social media and other entertainment features.

Hoping that more movies will also adopt bitcoin especially that when it comes to reality, sci-fi, or futuristic movies.

Title: Re: What if all the currencies in the movie are Bitcoin?
Post by: Rajamuda on July 19, 2021, 01:21:55 AM

I always believe that there are two things in our lives that are most important. Sometimes they are life-saving straws, and sometimes they are really terrible things. They are hope and habit respectively. Therefore, Satoshi Nakamoto brings us endless hope. We have to get used to using Bitcoin, I believe this day will come soon.

Related to that, I hope that bitcoin is indeed used for positive things that do not harm each other, which avoids crime as well as a fraud because of the increasing number of bitcoin users.
We here have the same hope, and bitcoin is indeed one hope and opportunity for humans in general, it's just that the disadvantages are still widely considered with many things related to the government system of each country.

Title: Re: What if all the currencies in the movie are Bitcoin?
Post by: Tina H on July 19, 2021, 02:25:40 AM
I think this is because everyone knows that the virtual currency field is the future trend, so Bitcoin will appear in the theme of the movie. Bitcoin can be known and recognized by people. I'm very happy about this, but what I want to express is that Bitcoin is a good thing, because some people didn't understand Bitcoin at first, but just heard about the rubbish coin incident. I hope to be able to promote some of the good meanings of Bitcoin.

Title: Re: What if all the currencies in the movie are Bitcoin?
Post by: Nora Olin on July 19, 2021, 02:39:00 AM
I think this idea is possible, but this theme is not very attractive and can be used in movies in the form of events. If it is only currency, it would be boring. And if it mainly focuses on Bitcoin, the only people who may watch it are our fans who love Bitcoin, and other people may not take the initiative to watch it.

Title: Re: What if all the currencies in the movie are Bitcoin?
Post by: bitterguy28 on July 19, 2021, 02:56:14 AM

As soon as the new season of the American drama "Billions" began, the male protagonist "Federal Prosecutor" Chuck shut down a Bitcoin mine with his subordinates.

My point of view is very clear, that is, I hope that more and more cultural industries and film industries will promote Bitcoin. Although technology changes lives, I hope that Bitcoin will be known to more and more people and will continue to be widely used. Global consensus, I believe this is not just my personal thoughts.

Although more and more people are participating in Bitcoin, especially this year, the back-end servers of many exchanges have stalled due to the excessive number of newly registered users, and wallet addresses are increasing, but the normal application scenarios are very few.

I always believe that there are two things in our lives that are most important. Sometimes they are life-saving straws, and sometimes they are really terrible things. They are hope and habit respectively. Therefore, Satoshi Nakamoto brings us endless hope. We have to get used to using Bitcoin, I believe this day will come soon.

Why the first sentence is blue, because blue represents hope

Sorry but we can't expect that to happen worldwide and even that part of america supports bitcoin yet we also knew that majority does not so how can we ask for the use of bitcoin in movies when they don't even believe this exist? or at least legitimate?

Title: Re: What if all the currencies in the movie are Bitcoin?
Post by: andeluna on July 19, 2021, 03:02:26 AM
If hollywood movie creator makes a movie and use bitcoin as currency it will make a huge change to a movie because almost all the movies use fiat currency. Also if its happen bitcoin will promoted and will notice it by someone who dont know about bitcoin.

Title: Re: What if all the currencies in the movie are Bitcoin?
Post by: kotajikikox on July 19, 2021, 03:12:04 AM
I can't say I'm excited about introduction of bitcoin on movies because movies' industry isn't exciting anymore since at least a decade ago, but I hope it helps bitcoin adoption to increase, as movies have the power of captivating interest from the public for the elements presented on the film.
LOL, that is a good point, I could probably count with one hand the movies that I like that have been produced during the last decade, producers and directors have concentrated themselves on giving the audience the best possible viewing experience they can but the storytelling and the stories themselves are awful.
because Movie goers nowadays love that they are being fooled by the story as long as they are  being entertained by the Eyes.

So even if bitcoin was introduced in many shows and movies then most likely I will not watch the movie anyway as for the most part I do not really watch too much TV these days.
Lol it is not about your interest but helping the spread of bitcoin , you should watch the movies and introduced to your friends for the adoption .

Title: Re: What if all the currencies in the movie are Bitcoin?
Post by: BuNga_cute on July 19, 2021, 03:23:30 AM
If hollywood movie creator makes a movie and use bitcoin as currency it will make a huge change to a movie because almost all the movies use fiat currency. Also if its happen bitcoin will promoted and will notice it by someone who dont know about bitcoin.

Hollywood movies can indeed have a big enough influence on the entire population of the world. So if it turns out that Hollywood decides to make
movies that include Bitcoin transactions as currency, this is certainly a good promotion for Bitcoin. Will make ordinary people who do not know
Bitcoin will be a little educated, I wish there were movies that could use Bitcoin as a currency. But it looks like the American government won't
allow that, because the reason could threaten the existence of USD. I think so, because I've only seen Bitcoin in some movie scenes and it's also
related to illegal activities.

Title: Re: What if all the currencies in the movie are Bitcoin?
Post by: Pethanou on July 19, 2021, 05:29:13 AM
Since bitcoin is really very popular and cryptocurrency is now no longer an innovation for anyone, I think it will soon appear even in films

Title: Re: What if all the currencies in the movie are Bitcoin?
Post by: Robinson66 on July 21, 2021, 08:11:41 AM
Cool, if the coins paid in the movie are cryptocurrency, it means that cryptocurrency has been widely used in daily life. Fortunately, the lightning network payment is fairly convenient now, otherwise it will take a long time to pay for a pizza. However, no movie will specifically talk about Bitcoin, only a few shots.

Title: Re: What if all the currencies in the movie are Bitcoin?
Post by: kryptqnick on July 21, 2021, 10:09:44 AM
They'll only use Bitcoin in their story only when it makes sense to do so. Why? Like it or not, local fiat currencies are still what the masses(the views in this case) think is "money". Quite unrealistic to hope that movie directors/studios will just randomly use and promote Bitcoin in their movies just to pump our bags.
Oh, but they do that sometimes. Not to pump our bags, of course, but to pump theirs. Whenever a TV show or a movie mentions Bitcoin, it makes it to the news, which is publicity that helps acquire more viewers and, in turn, more money. The Big Bang Theory did an episode on Bitcoin a while ago, and it sort of made sense that nerds like them would be into Bitcoin. It also makes perfect sense in Mr Robot because the whole show is centered on cryptos. But some TV shows mention Bitcoin casually, even though it's not related to the plot at all. I'm talking about Atypical, The Simpsons, Family Guy.

Title: Re: What if all the currencies in the movie are Bitcoin?
Post by: wahyu wida on July 21, 2021, 10:21:01 AM
If hollywood movie creator makes a movie and use bitcoin as currency it will make a huge change to a movie because almost all the movies use fiat currency. Also if its happen bitcoin will promoted and will notice it by someone who dont know about bitcoin.

Hollywood movies can indeed have a big enough influence on the entire population of the world. So if it turns out that Hollywood decides to make
movies that include Bitcoin transactions as currency, this is certainly a good promotion for Bitcoin. Will make ordinary people who do not know
Bitcoin will be a little educated, I wish there were movies that could use Bitcoin as a currency. But it looks like the American government won't
allow that, because the reason could threaten the existence of USD. I think so, because I've only seen Bitcoin in some movie scenes and it's also
related to illegal activities.

actually with a film about bitcoin will have a big influence on its development. but indeed with the film there will be many pros and cons, and it seems the government is difficult to give permission. but before bitcoin exploded like it is today, actually there used to be a movie that told this story, but I forgot the title

Title: Re: What if all the currencies in the movie are Bitcoin?
Post by: lablab03 on July 21, 2021, 12:28:35 PM
It's impossible because who will pay for them to promote it? It's very hard to think honestly,  and if its possible there will be a problem because its very confidential also for your information, which for sure those movies that will promote bitcoin will be banned in other country that against on bitcoin because of some bad activities of it, so IMO it's still impossible..

Title: Re: What if all the currencies in the movie are Bitcoin?
Post by: Shenzou on July 21, 2021, 01:26:07 PM
I think that for the past couple of years i have seen more about bitcoin and crypto in movies/ series and games, it sort has became more of mainstream thingy and i think that it really influenced the popularity of it and put it out there, even though that some of these mentions did not really put it in the best picture that is, but at least it moved the curiosity of some people that made them look it up and lean more about it, i know at least a couple of people who got invested in bitcoin because they learned it about it  from the movie crypto.

Title: Re: What if all the currencies in the movie are Bitcoin?
Post by: ChiBitCTy on July 21, 2021, 01:38:21 PM
This is a really good show, and it sucks not having Showtimes anymore so I can watch it.  Oddly enough I can't even remember how or why I had showtime when I watched the first couple seasons ( I'm a pretty tight ass when it comes to subscription services so just surprises me I ever had it lol).

I have seen mentions of bitcoin in quite a few shows and love seeing it.  Mr Robot talked about bitcoin a lot.  It was also even mentioned in Shameless (another showtime show I don't know how I had access to lol).

Title: Re: What if all the currencies in the movie are Bitcoin?
Post by: abrahamtownsend on July 22, 2021, 04:03:02 AM
First of all I love that show because it covers so many relevant aspects of trading and second of all yes bitcoin is a revolutionary technology that should be embraced and promoted widely. It is the solution to many issues that the economy is facing at the moment.

Title: Re: What if all the currencies in the movie are Bitcoin?
Post by: Rruchi man on July 23, 2021, 04:23:32 AM
If you happen to be the type that see lots of movies maybe for educational or entertainment sake, you will get to notice that the entertainment industry use movies and musics as a great way to introduce a technology, culture or something else to people first, sometimes so it doesn't look strange later or for some other reasons.

Take for instance, same sex marriage and homosexuality was not a thing in movies originally, but since recently even though not still legal in some countries, you have more movie directors and movies having scenes about same sex love & marriage, homosexuality etc, just to introduce the concept to the new and indoctrinate people.

So if we start having all/some currencies in movies as bitcoin, or even more mentions of bitcoin in movies, this will definitely bring the goal of widespread acceptance closer to achieving as more persons will be introduced and indoctrinated to bitcoin and cryptocurrency more easily.

Title: Re: What if all the currencies in the movie are Bitcoin?
Post by: cotton ball on July 23, 2021, 05:02:43 AM
it's true as you said my friend, if we want to make a film about bitcoin it is a very good idea, so that bitcoin can be known by all layers, but it would be nice if we made a film not only with bitcoin, there must be another interlude,

Title: Re: What if all the currencies in the movie are Bitcoin?
Post by: leea-1334 on July 23, 2021, 07:57:52 AM
Cool, if the coins paid in the movie are cryptocurrency, it means that cryptocurrency has been widely used in daily life. Fortunately, the lightning network payment is fairly convenient now, otherwise it will take a long time to pay for a pizza. However, no movie will specifically talk about Bitcoin, only a few shots.

It is not cool it is stupid. Notice how stupid stuff is mentioned in movies a lot,,, it makes all of us cringe to hear something being spoken about so casually on films that they are no longer accurate.

LN is fairly convenient but not yet fairly adopted.

I bet you never paid for pizza with Bitcoin in your life:P

Title: Re: What if all the currencies in the movie are Bitcoin?
Post by: glendall on July 23, 2021, 01:45:34 PM
bitcoin in the film is always synonymous with crime, where as payment for drugs, gambling capital, so why you hope  be a currency, it will add to the bad line if bitcoin is legalized, you should know that in the film is a subtle opposition to bitcoin

Title: Re: What if all the currencies in the movie are Bitcoin?
Post by: marilynmanson21 on August 25, 2021, 02:30:42 PM
bitcoin can be used as a means of payment in movies but I think if all films use bitcoin, it means that fiat has no value and has no meaning, while fiat is a currency that is unique to each country,
if for the introduction of bitcoin and other crypto, I think the director will make a special film for it and there will definitely be fiat intervention in the film