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Other => Politics & Society => Topic started by: Coyster on July 11, 2021, 09:33:05 AM

Title: Haiti's president assassinated
Post by: Coyster on July 11, 2021, 09:33:05 AM
In the year 2010, the country of Haiti was left devastated by a massive earthquake, 11 years on the country still lives in severe poverty with a plundered economy, Insecurity, political struggle etc, but things could very well go from bad to worst for Haiti as a country, on Wednesday the Haitian president Joveniel Moise was assassinated in his home. This raises a myriad of questions, how were the gunmen able to break through the security operatives in charge of protecting the president? Could they have been aided by one or two Internal members of the presidents team?

From the ongoing investigations, news have it that most of those involved were "foreign mercenaries and professional killers--Well orchestrated" what interests could these foreign mercenaries or their sponsors have with the country of Haiti. Police claim that the total number of suspects in this assassination is 28, with 26 of them from Columbia, why is a large number of the suspects all nationals of one country, Columbia.

Finally, the Haitian prime minister Claude Joseph has take power for the meantime in the country, but for those who didn't know, mind you that the late president Joveniel Moise appointed a new prime minister (Ariel Henry) a day earlier prior to his death, but the new prime minister was yet to be sworn in before the presidents assassination, this raises a bit of controversy as to who really should be in charge, Joseph is in charge for now, but Henry feels he is the rightful person, do you think this would lead to a fresh political struggle in the country? And in your opinion, who should be the rightful Prime Minister?

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Title: Re: Haiti's president assassinated
Post by: tabas on July 11, 2021, 10:43:32 AM
I'm not a political expert and don't know who's in the right place for the succession for the lost of the current president. But there's for sure one motive behind his death.
And this scenario usually happens to countries or even in local government that has a strong political division. Are the president and prime minister of Haiti is from one of the same political parties?

Title: Re: Haiti's president assassinated
Post by: tvbcof on July 11, 2021, 11:24:42 AM
From the ongoing investigations, news have it that most of those involved were "foreign mercenaries and professional killers--Well orchestrated" what interests could these foreign mercenaries or their sponsors have with the country of Haiti. Police claim that the total number of suspects in this assassination is 28, with 26 of them from Columbia, why is a large number of the suspects all nationals of one country, Columbia.

Read: CIA run.

Hillary's brother probably wants to capitalize on some of his gold claims and hit some undesired resistance.  Or maybe (((they))) need more immigration for the eventual civil war and it's easier to raft them over than have them march through Mexico.  Probably a combination of factors, but anyway, you can tell that a so-called 'Democrat' administration is back in charge and settled in.  They've got a 'special relationship' with Haiti so it seems.  Maybe Laura Silsby (new name: Gayler) could shed some light on it?

Title: Re: Haiti's president assassinated
Post by: WNTRjon on July 11, 2021, 05:16:04 PM
This is crazy to me that it barely makes international news for 1 day. Twitter trended it for like 6 hours here in Canada. This is extremely serious. Haiti has a population of over 10,000,000 people, this isn't a nothingburger.

Title: Re: Haiti's president assassinated
Post by: zeuner on July 11, 2021, 08:33:29 PM
In the year 2010, the country of Haiti was left devastated by a massive earthquake, 11 years on the country still lives in severe poverty with a plundered economy, Insecurity, political struggle etc, but things could very well go from bad to worst for Haiti as a country, on Wednesday the Haitian president Joveniel Moise was assassinated in his home. This raises a myriad of questions, how were the gunmen able to break through the security operatives in charge of protecting the president? Could they have been aided by one or two Internal members of the presidents team?

From the ongoing investigations, news have it that most of those involved were "foreign mercenaries and professional killers--Well orchestrated" what interests could these foreign mercenaries or their sponsors have with the country of Haiti. Police claim that the total number of suspects in this assassination is 28, with 26 of them from Columbia, why is a large number of the suspects all nationals of one country, Columbia.

Finally, the Haitian prime minister Claude Joseph has take power for the meantime in the country, but for those who didn't know, mind you that the late president Joveniel Moise appointed a new prime minister (Ariel Henry) a day earlier prior to his death, but the new prime minister was yet to be sworn in before the presidents assassination, this raises a bit of controversy as to who really should be in charge, Joseph is in charge for now, but Henry feels he is the rightful person, do you think this would lead to a fresh political struggle in the country? And in your opinion, who should be the rightful Prime Minister?

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Anything that could be learned from it about how to write a constitution that is resilient against allowing a situation where the country cannot be legally administered anymore?

Title: Re: Haiti's president assassinated
Post by: cmg777 on July 11, 2021, 09:54:56 PM
In the year 2010, the country of Haiti was left devastated by a massive earthquake, 11 years on the country still lives in severe poverty with a plundered economy, Insecurity, political struggle etc, but things could very well go from bad to worst for Haiti as a country, on Wednesday the Haitian president Joveniel Moise was assassinated in his home. This raises a myriad of questions, how were the gunmen able to break through the security operatives in charge of protecting the president? Could they have been aided by one or two Internal members of the presidents team?

From the ongoing investigations, news have it that most of those involved were "foreign mercenaries and professional killers--Well orchestrated" what interests could these foreign mercenaries or their sponsors have with the country of Haiti. Police claim that the total number of suspects in this assassination is 28, with 26 of them from Columbia, why is a large number of the suspects all nationals of one country, Columbia.

Finally, the Haitian prime minister Claude Joseph has take power for the meantime in the country, but for those who didn't know, mind you that the late president Joveniel Moise appointed a new prime minister (Ariel Henry) a day earlier prior to his death, but the new prime minister was yet to be sworn in before the presidents assassination, this raises a bit of controversy as to who really should be in charge, Joseph is in charge for now, but Henry feels he is the rightful person, do you think this would lead to a fresh political struggle in the country? And in your opinion, who should be the rightful Prime Minister?

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I'd say that the Haitian president was hesitant about giving his people the vaccine as many third-world countries have gotten the shaft when it comes to obtaining experimental or untested treatment (or hell instead of sugar-coating my words eugenics sterilization methods). So for his initial reluctance they tried to initiate a Coup D'Etat in February.

Fast forward to today they just flat out killed him and why? Because he was uncertain about the vaccines and their side effects. If the new president or heath minitster for Haiti is on every mainstream media publications all of a sudden about getting the vaccine then I am right.

Title: Re: Haiti's president assassinated
Post by: BADecker on July 12, 2021, 01:03:41 AM
You don't have to look very deep.

Three Countries on Earth Declined the COVID Vax; All Three of their Presidents are now DEAD (

There are only three (3) countries on this planet whose government officials refused to accept the COVID-19 vaccine from the World Health Organization: Burundi, Tanzania, and Haiti.

The officials in those countries who declined the vax were Presidents in each of those countries.

In Burundi it was President Pierre Nkurunziza

In Tanzania, it was President John Magufuli

In Haiti, it was President Jovenel Moïse

All three of those Presidents are now DEAD.


What are the odds of these three particular men, all dying in office . . . and the only thing they have in common is that they refused to accept the vaccine for their countries?

To many people, their deaths look like murder; although the one in Haiti was straight up murder, he was assassinated by men with guns.


Many people have speculated that the entire COVID-19 was a staged, intentionally deadly attack on humanity itself.   

There are people on this planet who believe that humanity itself is like a virus against the planet.  They believe humanity is destroying the planet and so, they continue, humanity must be culled.

Many of those people are in positions of great power and wealth.

It is thought by a large number of people that the so-called "vaccine" for COVID-19 is the method by which these people have decided to cull humanity.



Title: Re: Haiti's president assassinated
Post by: Gyfts on July 14, 2021, 01:09:44 PM

Surely there is a conspiracy tied to this, but US citizens were part of the plot to kill Haiti's President, and turns out a couple of them were law enforcement informants in the past. What are the odds? Well, hope they enjoy the death penalty.

Title: Re: Haiti's president assassinated
Post by: famososMuertos on July 14, 2021, 08:54:23 PM
It is difficult to give an opinion on an issue that is under development and research, which includes several countries and even goes so far as to speak of a network of mercenaries who are openly hired by different politicians in various countries.

In any case, it is curious how news of these characteristics tends to decrease in relevance with the days.

The following article or study, it can be understood how the matter of mercenaries is an issue that has been seen for a long time .

An Emerging Threat
Private force has become big business, and global in scope. No one truly knows how many billions of dollars slosh around this illicit market. All we know is that business is booming. Recent years have seen major mercenary activity in Yemen, Nigeria, Ukraine, Syria, and Iraq. Many of these for-profit warriors outclass local militaries, and a few can even stand up to America’s most elite forces, as the battle in Syria shows.

Title: Re: Haiti's president assassinated
Post by: hornetsnest on July 15, 2021, 11:27:22 AM
Surprised it wasn't classed as coVid related

Title: Re: Haiti's president assassinated
Post by: tvbcof on July 15, 2021, 11:48:31 AM
Surprised it wasn't classed as coVid related

This was one of a dozen deaths which actually _was_ 'covid related'.  Starting most probably with Kary Mullis ( back in 2019.

Given that the script likely called for the elevation of Dr. Fausti to demigod status for years, there were extra reasons for Mullis to be out of the picture: (