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Economy => Economics => Topic started by: Gozie51 on July 15, 2021, 07:03:59 AM

Title: EFCC launches app for online reporting of economic crimes called "Eagle Eye"
Post by: Gozie51 on July 15, 2021, 07:03:59 AM
Nigeria may be getting the fight to curtail the spate of curruption in the system as Economic And Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) launches a mobile app yesterday Wednesday (13/7/21) to help in the reportage of financial crimes.

According to a statement, Apart from complementing the existing channels for reporting economic crimes, the unique advantage of this application, the EFCC Chairman further explained, is that it eliminates direct person-to-person interface in the reporting process and guarantees anonymity which is an added incentive to effective whistleblowing.

Bawa was also quoted as saying, With the app, those who hitherto were afraid to report corruption cases to the Commission either for fear of being identified by the culprits or having their identities revealed, can now do so with the assurance of full anonymity.


When you put a young mind in an office, he is likely to be proactive and innovative to meet up with the current realities of the world. IMO opinion I think is a laudable innovation because Nigerians don't feel secured to report corruptions going on in their different offices to avoid being victimised in the offices but the opportunity has now been presented with the app that can also be utilised by anybody with proper information on corruption and not fake information.

Mr. Abdulrasheed Bawa who is 40 years has been trying to redirect the focus of EFCC with the app called Eagle Eye and can be downloaded from Apple or Google Play Store.

However, hope he won't go in the way of his predecessor, Ibrahim Magu

Title: Re: EFCC launches app for online reporting of economic crimes called "Eagle Eye"
Post by: Lucius on July 15, 2021, 01:57:17 PM
Given how whistleblowers often end up after reporting bribery or corruption, this is definitely a step forward to protect and encourage them. The question that arises is whether this app is completely anonymous, because although it is not necessary to provide any data, I believe that any person can be identified via IP, so it might be good to advise those who report to protect themselves in this regard.

I just hope this isn’t one of those things that politicians do to get some attention and turn out good in the eyes of the public, and that in a few months that project falls into oblivion. While those who report something are important, it's also important that those who handle those reports do their job - otherwise the drawers will quickly fill up with piles of paper that will end up in a basement.

Title: Re: EFCC launches app for online reporting of economic crimes called "Eagle Eye"
Post by: Smartvirus on July 15, 2021, 02:13:45 PM
The question that arises is whether this app is completely anonymous, because although it is not necessary to provide any data, I believe that any person can be identified via IP, so it might be good to advise those who report to protect themselves in this regard.
That's an eye opener indeed. Thanks for that, not like I plan on reporting anything though but, its advisable not to go all in, believing in the complete anonymous proclaiming of the app.
Again, for a case or a crime be completely proven, there has to be a backed up evidence to establish the crime. This is one problem most reported cases face and the point where most criminals goes scot-free, simply because the case or crime isn't completely proven and I a good one.

So, having an anonymous app doesn't say it all but, its an advantage on the existing system for sure. Though, it would work more on the average Nigerian than the elites of the Nigerian society. If there is one thing I learnt from the ENDSARS protect and the various clips that pointed out the murder of Nigerianyouths, its the fact that, the government and its officials can tag a crime whatever name they like and make demands that won't be met eventually for them to strike out the case.

It's a good one coming from a young proactive fellow and I hope we be safe!

Title: Re: EFCC launches app for online reporting of economic crimes called "Eagle Eye"
Post by: Gozie51 on July 15, 2021, 02:21:13 PM
While those who report something are important, it's also important that those who handle those reports do their job - otherwise the drawers will quickly fill up with piles of paper that will end up in a basement.

This is the point to it because it is another thing to ensure that reports done are followed up. If I were close to corridor of power, I would have suggested new employment of staff for the commission  ;D because alot of work will be on there table. Regarding the identity of the reporters, I read it has a little kind of security but I hope it really works as remaining anonymous will give the required confidence to the public and office workers.

Title: Re: EFCC launches app for online reporting of economic crimes called "Eagle Eye"
Post by: Coyster on July 15, 2021, 02:29:13 PM
I know the Nigerian government to be a very corrupt one, thus I don't even consider this to be a development of any sort, whistleblowers have been reporting cases for a very long time in Nigeria with the government taking little or no action, most of the cases brought up are even against government officials, thus you'd expect the ruling to be manipulated.

Having said that, if this app was prolly launched in a developed country with little or no corruption then I'd consider the prospects of it to be exciting, for Nigeria, I think this can even be an opportunity for the government to continue their corrupt activities, reporting the cases with evidence through this app could be counterproductive, cause the government can destroy evidences, secretly close cases or pretend to be carrying out investigations when the reports are against them.

Title: Re: EFCC launches app for online reporting of economic crimes called "Eagle Eye"
Post by: Issa56 on July 15, 2021, 02:50:33 PM
Seriously how I wish this application is launched in another country I will have said this is a really nice step in fighting corruption but seriously the people laughing the application are also corrupt which are the EFCC, even if they are to report anybody I believe the EFCC are the first set of people to report and I believe this application is very useless and is of no use in Nigeria they creating a application is just another way of embezzling money only God knows the amount they use in creating the application.

Title: Re: EFCC launches app for online reporting of economic crimes called "Eagle Eye"
Post by: Gozie51 on July 15, 2021, 08:46:15 PM
The issue with the Nigerian government is that they know the right thing to do but they cover it up with unserioness at the end of the day. This app that was launched by Bawa is a very good progressive approach to Nigerian corruption problem but I hope it will serve it's purpose of sanitizing the place and not to be politicized and abondoned.

Title: Re: EFCC launches app for online reporting of economic crimes called "Eagle Eye"
Post by: TheMimic1 on July 16, 2021, 11:56:38 AM
I don't believe in this crap, EFFC is corrupt too and there is nothing left in Nigeria that's not corrupted already, wherever there is power in Nigeria there is always corruption too, I could remember the first EFCC chairman who is a big criminal on his own, this won't solve anything

Title: Re: EFCC launches app for online reporting of economic crimes called "Eagle Eye"
Post by: Kittygalore on July 16, 2021, 12:37:31 PM
What's the app going to do besides informing the public of economic crimes though? I am sure that if you can properly and skillfully tweak your online news outlet, you will probably be able to do the same because it's not like economic crimes are something that isn't publicized.

Title: Re: EFCC launches app for online reporting of economic crimes called "Eagle Eye"
Post by: goldade on July 16, 2021, 03:25:48 PM
Given how whistleblowers often end up after reporting bribery or corruption, this is definitely a step forward to protect and encourage them. The question that arises is whether this app is completely anonymous, because although it is not necessary to provide any data, I believe that any person can be identified via IP, so it might be good to advise those who report to protect themselves in this regard.

I just hope this isn’t one of those things that politicians do to get some attention and turn out good in the eyes of the public, and that in a few months that project falls into oblivion. While those who report something are important, it's also important that those who handle those reports do their job - otherwise the drawers will quickly fill up with piles of paper that will end up in a basement.

This is a laudable development and I strongly believe this will help curtail corruption to an extent if not it doesn't totally eradicate it.
However, just like you mentioned, the security of whistle-blowers is of utmost importance and the reason most people font report corrupt practices is because their security isn't guaranteed.
One step towards this security will anonymous reports. If one can make reposts anonymously, I am sure many people will speak out and that will really help in curbing corruption.

Title: Re: EFCC launches app for online reporting of economic crimes called "Eagle Eye"
Post by: Silberman on July 16, 2021, 10:00:30 PM
Given how whistleblowers often end up after reporting bribery or corruption, this is definitely a step forward to protect and encourage them. The question that arises is whether this app is completely anonymous, because although it is not necessary to provide any data, I believe that any person can be identified via IP, so it might be good to advise those who report to protect themselves in this regard.

I just hope this isn’t one of those things that politicians do to get some attention and turn out good in the eyes of the public, and that in a few months that project falls into oblivion. While those who report something are important, it's also important that those who handle those reports do their job - otherwise the drawers will quickly fill up with piles of paper that will end up in a basement.
This is my question as well, are they truly anonymizing the information of the one doing the report? Because if this is not the case then they could easily be identified and as long as a few cases in which the people that made those reports face consequences for what they did it could be more than enough to kill the good intentions behind the app, however if they did in fact took the right precautions and people can send reports about economic crimes safely then we could see an important decrease in the levels of corruption present in Nigeria if those reports are followed through.

Title: Re: EFCC launches app for online reporting of economic crimes called "Eagle Eye"
Post by: dothebeats on July 16, 2021, 10:34:18 PM
I don't think this will be effective, especially if the commission that handles the said reporting are also plagued with corruption and reeking with interests for self-gain. Perhaps leave everything to the civilian body that are really wanting to take politicians to jail for mishandling the public's money, but I guess that isn't going to happen since some of those in the commission would be wanting to protect some of their buddies who are still actively working in the government, and just get some kickback on whatever they are working for.

Title: Re: EFCC launches app for online reporting of economic crimes called "Eagle Eye"
Post by: Gozie51 on July 17, 2021, 11:17:48 AM
I don't think this will be effective, especially if the commission that handles the said reporting are also plagued with corruption and reeking with interests for self-gain. Perhaps leave everything to the civilian body that are really wanting to take politicians to jail for mishandling the public's money, but I guess that isn't going to happen since some of those in the commission would be wanting to protect some of their buddies who are still actively working in the government, and just get some kickback on whatever they are working for.

Cartel is a problem in every system and I think that is why things are the way that they are especially in Nigeria which is why the politicians don't have the political will to carry out some policies as they fear it is going to affect some of their buddy who will as wait to pay them bad in return and this because a circle that keeps bastardizing the system, economy and country. A system that is built on strong institutions are better equipped to fight the hurdles of corruption than country ran as oligarchy.

Title: Re: EFCC launches app for online reporting of economic crimes called "Eagle Eye"
Post by: zanezane on July 17, 2021, 11:32:06 AM
I don't think this will be effective, especially if the commission that handles the said reporting are also plagued with corruption and reeking with interests for self-gain. Perhaps leave everything to the civilian body that are really wanting to take politicians to jail for mishandling the public's money, but I guess that isn't going to happen since some of those in the commission would be wanting to protect some of their buddies who are still actively working in the government, and just get some kickback on whatever they are working for.
Exactly, they will just be another catalyst for misinformation among the public which continues to think that they are doing so well that they think that there's nothing wrong with their government. Also, this kind of thing is pretty useless to be honest because news outlets or the television can probably do the job.

Title: Re: EFCC launches app for online reporting of economic crimes called "Eagle Eye"
Post by: gabbie2010 on July 18, 2021, 08:01:49 AM
I don't think this will be effective, especially if the commission that handles the said reporting are also plagued with corruption and reeking with interests for self-gain. Perhaps leave everything to the civilian body that are really wanting to take politicians to jail for mishandling the public's money, but I guess that isn't going to happen since some of those in the commission would be wanting to protect some of their buddies who are still actively working in the government, and just get some kickback on whatever they are working for.

Cartel is a problem in every system and I think that is why things are the way that they are especially in Nigeria which is why the politicians don't have the political will to carry out some policies as they fear it is going to affect some of their buddy who will as wait to pay them bad in return and this because a circle that keeps bastardizing the system, economy and country. A system that is built on strong institutions are better equipped to fight the hurdles of corruption than country ran as oligarchy.
Those top officials in the commission (cartels) will always protect their corrupted cronies thus the cycle continues while head of EFCC will surely be influenced in taking decisive punishment on any top corruption that involves a top politician in the ruling party thus discharging his duty will be very difficult I don't see any big deal in launching the app due to some bias in prosecuting high ranking government official the effective use of the app will only affect the unconnected and non influential citizens of the country, unfortunately there are many corruption cases in Nigeria that was uncovered in the past however those culprits were charged to court by EFCC later released unconditionally and the case was buried, no wonder corruptions had been thriving and has been the major obstacles to the infrastructural development in some African countries.

Title: Re: EFCC launches app for online reporting of economic crimes called "Eagle Eye"
Post by: el kaka22 on July 19, 2021, 08:03:20 AM
Not like any reports of corruption will do any good neither. I am not living in Nigeria so I do not know their situation, however in my nation literally from the president to bottom everyone did a whole crime and nobody did anything about it.

Take USA for example, we all seen Trump rallying thousands of people to Capitol building and storm in, a cop and an attacker died, and nothing else happened... literally nobody got any criminal charge, if you ask me we should have seen Trump, few senators and a lot of congressmen to end up in jail let alone not be able to do their jobs but they still do their jobs, and there are tens of millions of people supporting them for it. So assuming we have seen people end up reporting corruption, if nobody does anything about it then how could we end up actually helping anyone by simply reporting it? It becomes useless.

Title: Re: EFCC launches app for online reporting of economic crimes called "Eagle Eye"
Post by: Gozie51 on July 19, 2021, 01:49:05 PM
What's the app going to do besides informing the public of economic crimes though? I am sure that if you can properly and skillfully tweak your online news outlet, you will probably be able to do the same because it's not like economic crimes are something that isn't publicized.

Na...the app should do more than what you think is going to be on internet. Most information you have on internet is not verifiable and some are meant to get back on some people, things like photo shopping and fake news are all over the media but the app gives opportunity for direct reportage from even what is happening in the office. If well utilized, it should help.

I could remember the first EFCC chairman who is a big criminal on his own, this won't solve anything

I believe you are talking about Ibrahim Magu. It is appalling how people can betray trust reposed on them and the present government is not showing seriousness to prosecute the matter.

Title: Re: EFCC launches app for online reporting of economic crimes called "Eagle Eye"
Post by: oHnK on July 19, 2021, 05:17:16 PM
When it comes to corruption, my country is also the most corrupt country in Asia.  My country also has an application for reporting acts of corruption but it is not effective because this corruption is rooted and quickly spreads so based on the results of discussions with my friends, the most effective way to overcome corruption is to ban the top 3 generations from leading, and they must be eliminated.  Because the seeds of corruption are like a virus that spreads and nothing can overcome and prevent corruption that has taken root.

Title: Re: EFCC launches app for online reporting of economic crimes called "Eagle Eye"
Post by: Gozie51 on July 19, 2021, 06:14:37 PM

the most effective way to overcome corruption is to ban the top 3 generations from leading, and they must be eliminated.  Because the seeds of corruption are like a virus that spreads and nothing can overcome and prevent corruption that has taken root.

Are you talking of eliminating the 3rd generation of human in the country? If that is what you are suggesting, then it won't work out that way because you will be killing alot of people in the world or country. I think this won't be a better, the better option is by way of building strong institution just like the developed nations have done and who ever goes against the law will face the penalty. This is why you see some ex president after service are facing triers but in Africa, you hardly see such or such cases will not end conclusively. Right now Jacob Zuma is facing triers, we watch to see. Meanwhile, which country are you from.

Title: Re: EFCC launches app for online reporting of economic crimes called "Eagle Eye"
Post by: Dragonfund on July 19, 2021, 10:15:18 PM
The replies I read about citizens from another country about my country is not nice, anyway people are entitled to their opinion.
I think Efcc is confused body. They know exactly who and where to go but they will ignore. They know the real currupt leaders but they are afraid with excuses of immunity to power, they will allow the criminal to escape their hands and now they have launched one useless app to let citizens to fight among themselves.
One can develop hate towards another and might just used the to punish an innocent man. Sigh!!

Title: Re: EFCC launches app for online reporting of economic crimes called "Eagle Eye"
Post by: Silberman on July 19, 2021, 10:41:49 PM
I don't think this will be effective, especially if the commission that handles the said reporting are also plagued with corruption and reeking with interests for self-gain. Perhaps leave everything to the civilian body that are really wanting to take politicians to jail for mishandling the public's money, but I guess that isn't going to happen since some of those in the commission would be wanting to protect some of their buddies who are still actively working in the government, and just get some kickback on whatever they are working for.
If that is what ends up happening then you are right nothing is going to change, however at least they have to try, after all even if not everyone that is guilty of  some form of corruption is sent to jail but at least some are as they are the political enemies of the ones handling the reports at least there will be people in jail for their crimes and corruption could diminish a little bit as the rest of those committing those crimes are not sure they have enough political power to get away with it and stop for a time to commit those crimes, so even if it is not perfect it is a start and it could deliver some results.

Title: Re: EFCC launches app for online reporting of economic crimes called "Eagle Eye"
Post by: SquallLeonhart on July 20, 2021, 05:05:37 PM
I don't think this will be effective, especially if the commission that handles the said reporting are also plagued with corruption and reeking with interests for self-gain. Perhaps leave everything to the civilian body that are really wanting to take politicians to jail for mishandling the public's money, but I guess that isn't going to happen since some of those in the commission would be wanting to protect some of their buddies who are still actively working in the government, and just get some kickback on whatever they are working for.
Exactly, they will just be another catalyst for misinformation among the public which continues to think that they are doing so well that they think that there's nothing wrong with their government. Also, this kind of thing is pretty useless to be honest because news outlets or the television can probably do the job.
Everyone agrees with this even though none of us from Nigeria (I assume), think about what the Nigerians will think about it. We have basically the same thing in our nation, we always had it since internet got more famous, it's been like maybe 15-20 years since it started.

What does it do? If you complain about the ruling party or anything regarding them, any corruption, any problems, anything that is against the law, they just ignore it, hell they will even find a way to put you in jail, even on the smallest of things they may end up finding something to put you in jail for a while, even if it is just 48 hours (max they can keep you without charging). Whereas if you ever complain to them about the other parties, or anyone that does anything against the ruling party, they take such a swift action that it is incredible how fast they can actually provide justice when they want to.

Title: Re: EFCC launches app for online reporting of economic crimes called "Eagle Eye"
Post by: Bontexkenzy on July 20, 2021, 08:52:46 PM
Well,Nigeria is know with good policies  on paper.but the problem is the enforcement of the policies.

Example of good policies is the NPOWER   which was meant to reduce the rate of Unemployment in the country.

But the bodies expected to spearhead the successful implementation of such policies and programs are politicized and bias.

'eagle eye' is a good policy couple with the current high crime rate in the country.but the enforcement bodies must be all and doing to make the policy a success

Title: Re: EFCC launches app for online reporting of economic crimes called "Eagle Eye"
Post by: Bitstar_coin on July 20, 2021, 09:38:58 PM
I don't think this will be effective, especially if the commission that handles the said reporting are also plagued with corruption and reeking with interests for self-gain. Perhaps leave everything to the civilian body that are really wanting to take politicians to jail for mishandling the public's money, but I guess that isn't going to happen since some of those in the commission would be wanting to protect some of their buddies who are still actively working in the government, and just get some kickback on whatever they are working for.

My thoughts exactly, according to writeup's, the efcc is also known for a one-sided way of service to the corrupt people in Nigeria, if the system behind the app is not transparent then there is not much that this newly launched app can do to fight corruption, there is a strong possibility that this report coming in can be easily influenced, perhaps this can only have effect on the poor masses while the rich elites will still find their way of beating the system and remain untouched.

Title: Re: EFCC launches app for online reporting of economic crimes called "Eagle Eye"
Post by: Ausgewielt on July 21, 2021, 12:55:40 AM
Actually social media can be used for that too. Here in my country social media can be used as surveillance by the people. Today there are a lot of crimes or corruption or any bad things that viral first before law enforcement take action. People in my country tend to protect each other by that method if someone or some people abuse their authority to oppress ordinary people then people around them will make it viral through social media and push law enforcement to take action. I think with that app Eagle Eye the criminal act can be reduced.

Title: Re: EFCC launches app for online reporting of economic crimes called "Eagle Eye"
Post by: Gozie51 on July 28, 2021, 04:28:00 PM
Actually social media can be used for that too. Here in my country social media can be used as surveillance by the people. Today there are a lot of crimes or corruption or any bad things that viral first before law enforcement take action. People in my country tend to protect each other by that method if someone or some people abuse their authority to oppress ordinary people then people around them will make it viral through social media and push law enforcement to take action. I think with that app Eagle Eye the criminal act can be reduced.

The social media in Nigeria is being caged and gagged by the current government. The tweeter ban is still subsisting and the government is making more effort not to allow citizens have freedom of speech, so that can not have a easy fly with social media with the way things have gone. If the government will be sincere, then they can give support to the app and not to pull the effort of the agency down.

Title: Re: EFCC launches app for online reporting of economic crimes called "Eagle Eye"
Post by: Dragonfund on July 28, 2021, 09:46:54 PM
This news looks more like an eyes service to appease the foreign community against corruption among the country's executives. Corruption is system and the leadership are more involved in corruption than the country at large. They control the legislative and Judiciary, even elect the leadership of these arms of Government, which makes enforcement of this law very low or ineffective
Not just the foreign communities but within in it's own nation. The new head office was appointed by the presidency and he will have to do anything to stay loyal to the cabal, that's why they are always on the news.
When was the last time everyone heard they probe the cabal? They will never and wouldn't dare do that because you can't simply just bite the finger that fed you. That's exactly how Effc looks like.

Title: Re: EFCC launches app for online reporting of economic crimes called "Eagle Eye"
Post by: Smartvirus on July 28, 2021, 10:15:05 PM
Good point,  you know working in an appointed slot or office is very much a way of having the one who appointed you to seat right above you as a godfather. Appointment isn't the best way to serve the public know, being a part of a cabinet simple implies you working with that general figure head and part of that intels paying deaf ears, true the blind eye and not being concerned with the unworthy deeds that emanates from that figure solely becuase, your a member in his cabinet. You work for him and not with him and as such, your most likely not to bite the hands that feeds you. A typical parasite and host relationship as most hosts are unlikely to die. Thats how it is with appointed positions and the EFCC is just about that.