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Alternate cryptocurrencies => Tokens (Altcoins) => Topic started by: Oleh Khoroshko on July 17, 2021, 11:02:28 AM

Title: [ANN] Sienna Network - PRIVACY MEETS DeFi
Post by: Oleh Khoroshko on July 17, 2021, 11:02:28 AM
Website (  |  Blog (  |  Whitepaper (  |  Twitter (  |  Medium (  |  Reddit (  |  Telegram (  |  Discord (  |  Github (  |  ICODrops (  |  CoinMarketCap (  | (                                                                        (                                                                            
What is Sienna Network?
Sienna is a privacy-first decentralised finance protocol build on Secret Network that enables trustless financial instruments, such as trading and lending with complete privacy.

We live in a world where data is a given, but also a key asset for people and companies. Data is useful for many purposes and can lead to new inventions and progress. However, we must distinguish between what is publicly accessible data and what is not. Your data belongs to you and should not become the property of others, including how you transact assets online.
Sienna is on a mission to protect your privacy. Not only do we protect your privacy by default - we also do not have access to any information about you. All we do is help you use the privacy preserving blockchain in a user-friendly way and we do so without access to your data which actually never passes us due to the blockchain’s inherent privacy design. We save no login information, no wallet data, no transaction data or anything else. We do not even track our website or give any information to any Third Party.
For money to function properly, it must be private.
Sienna is built on Secret Network, which is the first blockchain with privacy-preserving smart contracts. This means no one can see your wallet balance, all transactions are completely private and allows you to build privacy-first applications on top of it, which is exactly what we have done at Sienna.
Native privacy not only gives you the comfort of not being monitored, but it also prevents front-running.
Front-running is the phenomenon where future trades can be seen by everyone prior to execution. Execution priority on ie. Ethereum is driven by transaction fees. A transaction can be preempted by simply introducing a transaction and paying a higher transaction fee. This is known as front-running and is illegal in the regulated financial system for good reasons.
Sienna's AMM (a privacy-first decentralized exchange) is inherently front-running-resistant due to its private nature. No one can follow or exploit your positions.

Instant transactions and low fees
Sienna is built on Secret Network, which is the first blockchain with privacy-preserving smart contracts. That means applications built on Secret can utilize encrypted data without revealing it to anyone, even the nodes in the network.
Secret Network is also highly scalable, transactions get confirmed in seconds and cost a fraction of Ethereum’s.
Subsequently, as the Sienna protocol is scalable, transaction cost is low. This means all types of investors can participate in the ecosystem without getting eaten up by exorbitant fees - even the smaller ones.
To read more about Secret Network, visit their website (

Automated Market Maker (AMM)
Sienna’s Automated Market Maker (AMM) is a balance principle market maker. Instead of running an order book with bids and asks, which have to match and delay trades and makes them expensive to execute, Sienna Swap requires liquidity providers to deposit both tokens from a given pair.
The dual deposit system is the foundation for a balanced approach that makes it possible to trade without delay as the buyer is always present and there is no need for a matching bid as we know it from an order book principle.
How does the Sienna Swap determine the trading price?
Sienna Swap is based on a simple principle and math.

The formula is: X*Y=C
The platform automatically finds the constant (C) by finding the common denominator from X and Y.

An example for finding the constant (C) from a pair of sETH (X) and sDAI (Y): Currently, as we write this, the prices are USD 1,300 (X) and USD 1 (Y). For the equation to align, we will do the simple maths.
1,300 * 1 = 1,300
Therefore, USD 1,300 is our swap price.

This example is easy to understand because DAI is a stable coin that is soft pegged 1:1 with the US Dollar so it will always be close to 1 USD. The concept is, however, similar when it comes to other tokens with different values.
Swapping comes with the de facto standard price of decentralized exchanges, which is 0.30%, constituted of 0.28% is for the liquidity providers and 0.02% is automatically converted into SIENNA tokens and burned in order to reduce the total SIENNA supply.
This means that the more people use Sienna Swap, the more the SIENNA governance token will appreciate in value. It also means Sienna is not taking any commission on the trades.

Convert tokens from multiple ecosystems into secret tokens, where all transactions are completely private.
This means ETH becomes sETH (secretETH). DAI becomes sDAI.

You can use these secret tokens to trade on Sienna Swap, or simply convert them back to their original token whenever you like.

With ChainPort you can swap wSIENNA to SIENNA on Binance Smart Chain and of course back again.

Sienna has a wrapped ERC20 token for the Ethereum ecosystem that you’re able to trade on ie. Uniswap, but also uses the Ethereum bridge to convert into SIENNA, the native Sienna Token on Secret Network.

Sienna is built on top of Secret Network, which is built on Cosmos. This means that once Cosmos blockchains upgrade to IBC, there will be native interoperability between these blockchains.
Read more about the Cosmos ecosystem and which blockchains Sienna will be able to support.

While being 100% private, Sienna also provides low transaction fees due to the inherent blockchain scalability Sienna utilizes.
You can swap any private SNIP-20 token at Sienna. If you do not have private tokens yet, you can use the bridge to exchange your tokens for the private equivalent. You can always convert them back again.
This will enable you to trade through Sienna Swap.
An example of a pair is SIENNA + sDAI (secretDAI).
Sienna is a pure SNIP-20 token, and sDAI is a bridged token to its ERC20 equivalent, the DAI stable coin token.

By providing liquidity to a trading pair of tokens, you will help the exchange execute faster and better. In return, you earn some of the trading fees and can further enhance your earning via rewards.

You can earn 0.28% of your share of the daily volume by providing liquidity to a pair of tokens. Not only do you earn from it - you also contribute to the ecosystem and provide a tremendous amount of value to it. You can select one or multiple pairs of tokens you want to provide liquidity for and every time a swap is made, you receive your 0.28% proportionally to your share of the pool.

Example: If your proportional share of the pool is USD 1 million out of USD 100 million, you will receive 0.28% of 1% of the daily swap volume. If the swap volume is USD 200 million, you will receive USD 6,000 per 24 hours for depositing to the swap pair pool. You can, of course, deposit a much smaller amount than USD 1 million.

Siennas AMM is dual and you can deposit tokens for equal amounts in value on each side of the pair.

Rewards is a part of the incentive program at the Sienna protocol. When you provide liquidity to the exchange, you will receive LP-tokens - liquidity provider tokens.
LP-tokens have two main characteristics. You can use them to reclaim your liquidity or you can deposit them and receive additional rewards.
When providing liquidity you will receive a matching set of LP-tokens for the specific pair. Not all LP-tokens are eligible for rewards. Below, we have listed the LP-tokens you will be rewarded for:


In return, you will receive SIENNA according to the daily pool. For each of the pairs, a daily amount of 500 tokens will be rewarded for each pair pool. Tokens are allocated proportionally on a daily basis. If your share of deposited LP-tokens for SIENNA/sETH is 15% you will receive 75 SIENNA per day.

A total of 3.6 million Sienna tokens will be granted as rewards over a four-year period.

The reason for this gradual minting of the 3.6 million SIENNA governance token is to fairly distribute the token to the users of the platform by using Sienna as a platform, thereby having a fully autonomous organization in the future where token holders decide over Sienna.

Sienna is taking over DeFi with privacy-first applications that we will gradually introduce. The platform is controlled by SIENNA, the governance token, which is earned by using the Sienna platform over time, creating a fair distribution for a perfect decentralized future, where SIENNA token holders decide over the entire platform.

1 SIENNA = 1 vote. Whenever a proposal is given you can vote for it with your SIENNA tokens. Proposals will pass with a simple majority, which means 50.1%.

All token holders with more than 1% (100,000) of SIENNA tokens can submit a proposal to the network. Once a proposal is submitted voting will be public within seven days from the submission of the proposal.

You can acquire SIENNA tokens in multiple ways. You can buy SIENNA on Sienna Swap, buy the wrapped token (wSIENNA) on Uniswap or earn SIENNA as rewards for providing liquidity to Sienna Swap.

Symbol: SIENNA
Contract Address: secret1rgm2m5t530tdzyd99775n6vzumxa5luxcllml4
Type: SNIP-20
Network: Secret Network
Total Supply: 10 million
Circulating Supply: 350,000 SIENNA
Explanation: 300,000 SIENNA tokens locked for liquidity on our AMM once it launches.200,000 tokens are allocated for the public sale on DAO Maker and Polkastarter, of which 25% will be unlocked at TGE (Token Generation Event).
Token distribution: Distribution starts at issuing event.

Sienna also has a wrapped token on Ethereum, wSIENNA. It's 1:1 with Sienna's native token SIENNA.
wSIENNA (wrapped SIENNA) is an ERC-20 version of the native SIENNA token running on Secret Network (SNIP-20).

Name: Sienna (ERC20)
Symbol: wSIENNA
Decimals: 18
Contract Address: 0x9b00e6E8D787b13756eb919786c9745054DB64f9 (
Type: ERC20
Network: Ethereum

Once Sienna goes live, it will be listed on a decentralised exchange on Ethereum and will be compatible with Secret Networks’ Ethereum bridge.
It’s a zero sum game. The total and circulating supply will always be the same regardless of how many wSIENNA or SIENNA that are traded. If, for example 100,000 wSIENNA is circulating, then 100,000 SIENNA will be locked; hence, it is a zero sum balance.
You lock up SIENNA on the bridge and it mints wSIENNA. If you want your SIENNA back - you send it to the bridge, which then burns the wSIENNA and releases your SIENNA back to you. It's that simple.
Note that while SIENNA is a privacy token, wSIENNA is not. To vote at the Sienna Network protocol, you will need to swap your wSIENNA into SIENNA.

36% Minting pool
2,500 SIENNA will mint per 24 hours. 2,000 of the 2,500 are awarded to the rewards pools.The remaining 500 SIENNA will be allocated to a Sienna Network-controlled wallet and the proceeds will be used for competition incentives, community assistance grants and similar purposes.
24% Founders
Vesting: Locked for 6 months, then remaining released daily over 20 months.
20% Private sale
Vesting: Locked for 3 months, then released daily over 16 months. Private sale price (completed): $5 per token.
13% Development fund
Vesting: Locked for five months, then 10% released, then remaining released daily over 24 months.
3% Liquidity provision
3% is used for liquidity provision for Sienna Swap, Uniswap, centralized exchanges and decentralized exchanges.
2% Advisors
Vesting: Locked for 6 months, then released daily over 16 months.
2% Public sale
200,000 tokens are allocated for the public sales on DAO Maker & Polkastarter.Price per token for the public sales are: $6

 Q3 2021
 Q4 2021
 Q1 2022

Contributors & Partners
Sienna Network is currently surrounded by a strong ecosystem as well as a number of keycontributors developing network tooling, core protocol functionality, and more.
Senius is the leading contributor to Sienna Network.Senius AG is a software development and design company that focuses on privacy and protecting personal data.
Secret Network is a decentralized network of computers (secret nodes) that utilize trusted execution environments (TEEs) to enable secure, private computation over encrypted data. TEEs function like a “black box” for data processing, and they are utilized in all types of everyday platforms such as smartphones and video game consoles.
Certik leads blockchain security by pioneering the use of cutting-edge Formal Verification technology on smart contracts and blockchains. Unlike traditional security audits, Formal Verification mathematically proves program correctness and hacker-resistance.
At Figment, our mission is to support the adoption, growth and long term success of the Web 3 ecosystem. This is Figment’s unique approach: we make it simple to build on the next generation of blockchain technology.
Keplr provides a clean and straightforward user experience for interacting with blockchains and smart contracts.
Chain of Secrets are the leading provider in affordable fully-compliant Intel SGX infrastructure to Blockchain Networks, Traditional Software Development Companies and Teams which require Enhanced Application Security through Intel SGX hardware.
Synaps lets you create & manage your digital identity online. Share your secure identity among our trusted network of partners to access features that requires identity verification.


Title: Re: [ANN] Sienna Network - PRIVACY MEETS DeFi
Post by: Oleh Khoroshko on July 18, 2021, 02:20:10 PM
Weekly Dev. Update #01 (20/06/2021)
A member of the Sienna community asked if Sienna could do weekly development updates to which the answer was — definitely! So here is the first of many coming.
We’d also like to apologize for the lack of communication around this area, which also has led to delayed launch date due to audits taking longer than anticipated and final tweaks to the smart contacts were needed for it to work with the frontend.
Recent Developments:
- Received final audit report for the rewards contracts
- Awaiting the final audit report from the AMM
- Frontend is ready
- Node infrastructure provided by ChainOfSecrets is ready
- The current smart contracts on testnet have a claim time interval of 5 minutes for the SIENNA rewards to speed up testing.
Expecting the final testnet version with 24h claims to be deployed on Monday / Tuesday, which then can be tested out as the final version before deploying to mainnet.
- The only thing missing from the backend is a cloud function that calls claim on the vesting contract for the SIENNA rewards people can earn by staking the LP tokens, which should be done by Monday or Tuesday. Once that is running and the tests look good, then a firm launch date will be set for Mainnet, which should be before end of this month.
- Once the firm launch date is set, marketing will be fired up for the launch event.
- Development of Sienna Lend is going well and underway.

Weekly Dev. Update #02 (27/06/2021)
Recent Developments:
-Tested the final testnet during this week and had to make some tweaks to the rewards contracts, which is now done and awaiting deployment on testnet tomorrow.
-Expecting to receive final audit report from Certik mid next week for the tweaked rewards logic and tweaked AMM logic (mostly making it more easy to interact with via the frontend).
-Deploying final rewards contract tomorrow with short claim interval to for final testing. If that goes well, deployment of the final testnet version with 24h claim interval will be done the same day.
-If all testing goes well for the second final deployment, Sienna will set the final launch date for mainnet Monday or Tuesday in upcoming week (28th / 29th)
-Expecting mainnet launch in the first week of July. Extremely close now.
-Sienna Lend development is still going well and Paralink has said they will begin to develop the price oracles for Secret Network (the blockchain Sienna is built on) in July, so Sienna can utilize them.

Weekly Dev. Update #03 (04/07/2021)
While performing more tests we discovered a potential issue with the rewards that arises when depositing / withdrawing LP-tokens to claim rewards, where the calculated rewards amount per 24h could be potentially taken advantage of.
There is now a solution for this and should be resolved in the upcoming week.
Two algorithms have been constructed and each one is undergoing testing as we speak to pick the best and most efficient one, gas wise.
Once that’s resolved, a launch date can be set. The Sienna contributors, which is now over 20 people are working as quick as possible to have this resolved, so that SiennaSwap can go live.
Recent Developments:
-V2 Design for SiennaSwap with UI/UX improvements, which will be implemented after the launch of SiennaSwap combined with a new secret product that will kept secret until the day it launches — so don’t bother asking about it.
-More work on SiennaLend.
-Work on optimizing the developer tooling so Sienna can onboard more developer contributors faster.
-New website is done and will go live in this upcoming week.

Weekly Dev. Update #04 (11/07/2021)
In this week’s update there is latest news about the progress of implementing the best solution to the problem discovered with the rewards.
There are two solutions proposed of which now is undergoing final extensive testing at scale to see how the handles itself gas-wise.
In this coming week the implementation will most likely be fixed and Sienna will be ready to launch. We will keep the community updated on all progress made on this**.**
Recent Developments:
-In the meantime a new fresh look to the website was launched on Check it out and let us know what you think!
‍-A new blog for Sienna Network:
‍-Read the latest article here on Why Privacy Matters:
‍-UI/UX for SiennaSwap V2 is almost done and UI/UX is being made for the secret product that will begin development the next week after this current one. Then the development will begin for it. All we can say at this point is that the secret product will enhance SiennaSwap significantly.
‍-Minor frontend fixes after more user testing while we wait for the rewards logic to be complete as described above.
‍-Exchange listing confirmed. Sienna’ will time the listing around the same time as when SiennaSwap launches. Which exchange remains hidden until announced.

Weekly Dev. Update #05 (18/07/2021)
In this week’s development update we share the status of getting closer to launch and the status on the rewards logic fix that was discovered some weeks ago.
Recent Developments:
-Final pass of testing + refactoring of the fixes to the rewards logic. It has been an interesting process developing an algorithm that uses a fixed allocation budget contrary to minting. Final tests are being run and should be ready next week, which then will be sent to Certik for a auditing, which shouldn’t take long.
-The refactoring has lead to implementing a couple of helper harness libraries and Rust traits that are now useful for other parts of the development, such as viewing keys helpers, reusable testing harness and simplified actions on SNIP-20 tokens.
-UI/UX for SiennaSwap 2.0 + UI/UX SiennaSwap’s new secret features are completely done. Coding begins Monday for the implementation.
-UI/UX for investor claim panel done. Implementation begins next week.
-More work on SiennaLend.

Title: Re: [ANN] Sienna Network - PRIVACY MEETS DeFi
Post by: Oleh Khoroshko on July 18, 2021, 03:02:55 PM
Youtube-blogger Josh Cross reviewed the Sienna Network:  Sienna Network EXPLAINED - The Privacy DeFi NEEDS | DeFi NOW ( 

Title: Re: [ANN] Sienna Network - PRIVACY MEETS DeFi
Post by: Oleh Khoroshko on July 22, 2021, 04:10:56 PM
Sienna's weekly discussion #1:

Based on Sienna's previous article about privacy ( we'd like to know more why privacy matters to you?

So let's start this discussion on Monday in  @GoSiennaNetwork ( from 2pm to 2:30pm UTC - why privacy matters to you?

2 random draw participants will be rewarded with 10 SIENNA (  each!

Title: Re: [ANN] Sienna Network - PRIVACY MEETS DeFi
Post by: Oleh Khoroshko on July 25, 2021, 04:23:43 PM
Weekly Dev Update #06 (25/07/2021)

In this week’s development update we share more news about the fix for the rewards logic and many of the other exciting developments going on.
Simulation of rewards logic has been made with 10.000 users in testing. The logic for the rewards will be shared openly with the community once completed.

Priorities remaining for the rewards:
-Adding the new cooldown feature;
-Adding an “endgame mode” for when the RPT runs out;
This should not take long and should hopefully be resolved in this coming week.

Other developments:
-More work on SiennaLend.
-A deeper dive into oracles for Secret Network that Sienna can utilize for SiennaSwap before the implementation begins shortly.
-Full speed ahead with frontend development for SiennaSwap 2.0 + its new secret feature coming with it.
-Minor UI/UX tweaks to SiennaSwap 2.0
-Significant code optimization for SiennaSwap 1.0 is done. It was decided to audit the frontend code as well a few weeks back and the minor fixes have now been implemented, making it even better.

Outside of development you can read more about the difference between privacy and anonymity in CityAM here by Chief Evangelist and Core Contributor, Monty Munford:

Title: Re: [ANN] Sienna Network - PRIVACY MEETS DeFi
Post by: Oleh Khoroshko on August 01, 2021, 09:54:39 AM
Weekly Dev Update #07 (01/08/2021)

-Rewards logic was completed Wednesday this week and is now undergoing auditing at Certik! 🚀
-If there are no critical findings in the pre-report, then a firm launch date will be set. Expecting to receive the pre-report sometime in this coming week.
-Updated the library that is used to communicate between the frontend and the smart contracts.
-More work on the SiennaSwap 2.0 frontend implementation.
-More work on SiennaLend.
-An additional smart contract developer is now working full time as well.

The community will be kept up to date with events around receiving the audit report from Certik.

Title: Re: [ANN] Sienna Network - PRIVACY MEETS DeFi
Post by: Oleh Khoroshko on August 08, 2021, 12:40:55 PM
Weekly Dev Update #08 (08/08/2021)

As described in last week’s development report, the rewards code was submitted to Certik which in return said the pre-report will most likely be ready around Monday August 9th.
If the pre-report turns out fine then a launch date can be set.

Besides the eager wait for the pre-report here’s what else has been happening since last week:
-More front end work on SiennaSwap 2.0
-Design optimizations
-Marketing preparation for launch 🚀
-UI panel for private sale investors launching this coming week where they can claim their vested private sale tokens.

Stay tuned early next week!
News about the pre-report will be shared with the community as soon it has been received.
Until then — see you next week!

Title: Re: [ANN] Sienna Network - PRIVACY MEETS DeFi
Post by: Oleh Khoroshko on August 15, 2021, 08:30:49 AM
Weekly Dev Update #09 (15/08/2021)

In this week’s update it’s getting much closer to the launch of SiennaSwap.
Pre-report from Certik was received August 11th where no major issues were identified.
Two minor issues and eight informal issues were found, which is now being implemented with an ETA for Monday 16th or Tuesday 17th.
Once resubmitted to Certik early next week the final testnet version will be deployed and tested thoroughly with the front end - and then a launch date will be set.

Other things that happened last week:
-More work on SiennaSwap 2.0
-Dark mode UI/UX for SiennaSwap 2.0 completed.
-More work on SiennaLend
-Smart contracts 80% complete for a secret product that will remain secret until launched 🤫
-Claim panel for private sale investors was launched

Until next time! 🚀

Title: Re: [ANN] Sienna Network - PRIVACY MEETS DeFi
Post by: Oleh Khoroshko on August 22, 2021, 10:00:50 AM
Weekly Dev Update #10 (22/08/2021)

Here are the latest developments for Sienna.

As mentioned in the previous development update the pre report from Certik was received. Changes were submitted a few days after and now awaiting the final audit report for the final go before launch.
Expecting the final audit report in the coming week.

This week has been used to optimize the deploy scripts for testnet (making it faster and easier to test new deployments in the future across all contracts).

The final SiennaSwap version (as per final commit that Certik is currently reviewing) is expected to be deployed on testnet early next week to be tested with the front end.
After some front end tweaks and a few days testing with the front end a final launch date will be set — which should be very soon.

Here’s what else has been happening:
-More work on SiennaSwap 2.0 front end;
-More work on SiennaLend;
-More work on the secret product that will be a surprise when launched. A few features left to be implemented for the smart contracts, and then it’s ready for audit submission. All we can say now is that it will be great for the Secret ecosystem!

Getting close 🚀 Until next time!

Title: Re: [ANN] Sienna Network - PRIVACY MEETS DeFi
Post by: Oleh Khoroshko on August 22, 2021, 10:09:17 AM
2 days ago 8,285 wSIENNA were moved to Kucoin Ether Wallet,
Is it future listing? Will see..

Title: Re: [ANN] Sienna Network - PRIVACY MEETS DeFi
Post by: Oleh Khoroshko on August 23, 2021, 07:03:32 PM
More interesting facts about Sienna Network:

Tor Bair - CEO of Sienna Network (
& Founder at Secret Foundation (


Are you still in doubt about the future of the project? ;)

Title: Re: [ANN] Sienna Network - PRIVACY MEETS DeFi
Post by: Oleh Khoroshko on September 04, 2021, 09:28:50 AM
Weekly Dev Update #11 (29/08/2021)

Sienna is pleased to announce that the final audit report was received this week with no issues in it! 🎉

The audit report can be found on the website:

Following receiving the audit report, a rough testnet version was deployed to test the front end, which worked successfully.

Early in this coming week a final testnet version will be uploaded and tested with the front end and then tested in a private beta with 20–40 selected people in the inner Sienna circle for a few days.
If all goes well then a launch date will be set immediately! 🚀

Other things happened this week:
-More work on SiennaSwap 2.0
-More work in SiennaLend
-More work on the secret product that will be announced sometime in September.
-UI/UX optimizations across all products.

Until next time!

Title: Re: [ANN] Sienna Network - PRIVACY MEETS DeFi
Post by: Oleh Khoroshko on September 04, 2021, 09:30:30 AM
Sienna launches wrapped token on Binance Smart Chain

Sienna Network, a decentralized privacy-first DeFi platform built on Secret Network, today launched its wrapped BSC-token on Binance Smart Chain— find the token address at the end of this post.
This is another step, following the similar launch of the ERC-20 wrapped SIENNA token earlier this year, in Sienna Networks strategy to be fully available across multiple chains followed by additional bridges e.g. to Polkadot and Terra later.
This makes SIENNA available to users in the fast growing Binance Smart Chain ecosystem, and will be followed by listings on BSC focused exchanges
The goal is for SIENNA to available across multiple blockchain ecosystems, widening the access to Sienna’s privacy preserving products built on Secret Network that is launching soon.

You can bridge SIENNA from Secret Network to SIENNA on Binance Smart Chain and back on 🌉

SIENNA (BSC) Token Address: 0x130f6e4d338bfd8304f5342d759abe5c6bd7ba9b

Title: Re: [ANN] Sienna Network - PRIVACY MEETS DeFi
Post by: Oleh Khoroshko on September 04, 2021, 09:32:34 AM
Sienna lists on PancakeSwap

Sienna Network, a privacy-first DeFi protocol built on Secret Network has listed on PancakeSwap (SIENNA/BNB) which is possible due to the newly announced wrapped SIENNA token on Binance Smart Chain.

The token is a 1:1 mirror of the native SIENNA token (SNIP-20) taking advantage of the Secret Network bridge to Binance Smart Chain.
Users who prefer Binance Smart Chain and want to earn liquidity provider fees can bring liquidity to the Sienna ecosystem by providing liquidity in the BNB-SIENNA pair on PancakeSwap.
PancakeSwap is the fastest growing DEX on BSC and was chosen by Sienna due to its size and growth rate, and forms a key milestone in Sienna’s plan to achieve true cross-chain availability.

Listing on PancakeSwap will allow users who prefer BSC to move back and forth between Binance Smart Chain and Secret Network effortlessly using the bridge.

The liquidity pair on Pancake is: BNB/SIENNA

Where to find it:
SIENNA (BSC) Token Address: 0x130f6e4d338bfd8304f5342d759abe5c6bd7ba9b
Trade on PancakeSwap:
Dextools (Analytics):
SIENNA/BNB Liquidity:

Title: Re: [ANN] Sienna Network - PRIVACY MEETS DeFi
Post by: Oleh Khoroshko on September 05, 2021, 11:21:05 AM
Weekly Dev Update #12 (05/09/2021)

In this week’s development update the latest news around the upcoming launch is shared:
-Final testnet version is done;
-Unexpected behavior with errors while uploading the build to holodeck-2 has been bothering the team all week. Maintainers of holodeck-2 are looking into and should have a solution shortly;
-Preparing deployment on supernova (the IBC enabled testnet) as well, which requires upgrading different dependencies and changing a few APIs in the deployment library. ETA early next week;
-Once the builds successfully upload to testnet it can be tested with the front end for a day or two before setting an imminent launch date for mainnet!

As you can probably tell from the above it is getting closer than ever.

Here’s other things that happened:
-Added support for SIENNA staking which will be live at the launch of SiennaSwap;
-Front end development of SiennaSwap 2.0;
-More work on Sienna Lend;

Title: Re: [ANN] Sienna Network - PRIVACY MEETS DeFi
Post by: Oleh Khoroshko on September 12, 2021, 08:59:37 AM
Weekly Dev Update #13 (12/09/2021)

Here are the latest development news for Sienna Network.
The contributors have been struggling with deploying to testnet successfully via deployment scripts but with help from ChainOfSecrets, Enigma and a few node tweaks it should be resolved early in this coming week.
Target is Monday.

This means it can be tested out with the front end for a few days and then a launch date can be set.

Other things that happened:
-More work on SiennaLend;
-More work on SiennaSwap 2.0;
-Fine tuning of SiennaSwap 1.0 front end;
-Marketing team is preparing for launch;

Native SIENNA is on CoinGecko and circulating supply/market cap data should arrive early next week!

Title: Re: [ANN] Sienna Network - PRIVACY MEETS DeFi
Post by: Oleh Khoroshko on September 19, 2021, 11:39:01 AM
Weekly Dev Update #14 (19/09/2021)

Here is what that has been happening this week.
SiennaSwap was deployed on testnet (holodeck-2) and has been tested all week with no issues!
Launch will be set in this coming week!!! 🚀🚀🚀

Other things happening:
-HotBit decided to list wSIENNA
-More work on SiennaLend
-More work on SiennaSwap 2.0 front end
-UI/UX tweaks for Sienna Lend

See you next week!

Title: Re: [ANN] Sienna Network - PRIVACY MEETS DeFi
Post by: Oleh Khoroshko on September 26, 2021, 04:05:54 PM
Weekly Dev Update #SPECIAL EDITION (26/09/2021)

This is probably the development update everyone has been waiting for.
Wen launch? 🚀 Wen lunch? 🌯
Yeah, we agree. Move your eyes a few inches down now ⏬

SiennaSwap will launch October 7th 1pm UTC! 🚀

What will happen in the days up until launch?
-A final testnet version will be uploaded Monday
-Preparing support for the IBC mainnet upgrade in October
-Marketing push
-Front end penetration testing

Other things that happened this week:
-More work on SiennaLend (everyone internally is hyped about the way it looks 🔥)
-More work on SiennaSwap 2.0 front end (launch of the new design is expected to be a few weeks after SiennaSwap
-Awaiting Coingecko adding circulating supply / market cap data. Should happen soon as they have received an API source to use.

Get ready! It’s happening! Remember the early birds will earn high yields from liquidity farming.

Stay tuned for next week!

Title: Re: [ANN] Sienna Network - PRIVACY MEETS DeFi
Post by: Oleh Khoroshko on October 03, 2021, 04:23:16 PM
Weekly Dev Update #15 (03/10/2021)

4 days until the launch of SiennaSwap!!! 🚀 🚀🚀

Meanwhile this week the following has been happening:
-SiennaSwap front end tweaks
-Front end testing
-Mainnet nodes are ready for launch provided by
-More work on SiennaSwap 2.0
-More work on SiennaLend
-More work on internal libraries
-Marketing preparation and activation. More volume will ramp up soon

Here are some of the PR coverage about the launch of SiennaSwap so far:
-“Top Upcoming Crypto Events” —
-CryptoFomo covers the upcoming launch of SiennaSwap (go to 8:38–10:17):
-SiennaSwap launch news on Odaily in China:
-Monty Munford, Chief Evangelist, went to speak about SiennaSwap at CityAM’s crypto conference:

                                                      SiennaSwap comparison with other DEXs:
*SiennaSwap has private swaps in the sense it’s front-running resistant and that you can’t query peoples’ transaction history from the pairs.

High yield + love for the Monero community
At launch there will be high yield for early birds so make sure you’re ready!
More info on eligible reward pairs coming shortly. All we can say is that Sienna loves Monero. There will be high yield for sXMR pairs on SiennaSwap!
All you need to do is to convert XMR into sXMR on the Secret Monero Bridge.

Stay tuned for more information but here is a small teaser in the meantime(more eligible pairs might come). 👀

That’s it for this time. See you next week!

Title: Re: [ANN] Sienna Network - PRIVACY MEETS DeFi
Post by: Oleh Khoroshko on October 07, 2021, 06:01:44 PM
The platform has been launched successfully. Welcome!

Title: Re: [ANN] Sienna Network - PRIVACY MEETS DeFi
Post by: Oleh Khoroshko on October 11, 2021, 10:13:55 AM
Sienna (wSIENNA) Gets Listed on KuCoin!