Title: [ANN] GreenEarthMoon - Advancing Green Energy and Crpyotcurrency for everyone Post by: GreenEarthMoon on July 20, 2021, 07:25:05 PM https://i.imgur.com/iPLDf47.jpg https://i.imgur.com/9UsrqTy.jpg https://i.imgur.com/UGmk03u.jpg https://i.imgur.com/8gt6R5H.jpg https://i.imgur.com/7mzN1Aw.jpg (http://greenearthmoon.com/) https://i.imgur.com/UmeVlrc.png (http://greenearthmoon.com/)https://i.imgur.com/H7XYRc4.png (http://twitter.com/@GreenEarthMoon_)https://i.imgur.com/yIXB0xD.png (https://t.me/GreenEarthMoon)https://i.imgur.com/TzV1FdE.png (https://www.reddit.com/u/GreenEarthMoon?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share)https://i.imgur.com/22MOEF5.png (https://github.com/GreenEarthMoonCoin/GreenEarthMoonCoinToken/commit/3c3eb0e1b1523404498bc3ef5225289748c1a227)https://i.imgur.com/ibRzPDE.png (greenearthmoon@protonmail.com)https://i.imgur.com/CwiMF4B.png (https://discord.gg/X3TFsTH692) Title: Re: [ANN] GreenEarthMoon - Advancing Green Energy and Crpyotcurrency for everyone Post by: GreenEarthMoon on July 20, 2021, 07:28:38 PM Reserved for updates/news.
Title: Re: [ANN] GreenEarthMoon - Advancing Green Energy and Crpyotcurrency for everyone Post by: UmerIdrees on September 19, 2021, 04:25:58 AM I was searching for undervalued projects but surprised to know this ANN thread which had no discussion. Even though there was once a Signature campaign for this project but this seems to be no update here on the project.
I searched myself GREEN token and found that it has a lot of supply (1,000,000,000,000,000 ). Any plans of burning this supply. The price of GREEN is so much less 0.0000000000650072 BUSD per GREEN This token can be traded here https://poocoin.app/tokens/0xb3654e2434c712ad9804fe7c2d875a9861073244 We need more updates from the project owners here. Title: Re: [ANN] GreenEarthMoon - Advancing Green Energy and Crpyotcurrency for everyone Post by: Miiike on September 19, 2021, 12:36:56 PM I was searching for undervalued projects but surprised to know this ANN thread which had no discussion. Even though there was once a Signature campaign for this project but this seems to be no update here on the project. I searched myself GREEN token and found that it has a lot of supply (1,000,000,000,000,000 ). Any plans of burning this supply. The price of GREEN is so much less 0.0000000000650072 BUSD per GREEN This token can be traded here https://poocoin.app/tokens/0xb3654e2434c712ad9804fe7c2d875a9861073244 We need more updates from the project owners here. They've burned 30% of the token, as said on their website, sent to this address (https://bscscan.com/address/0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000001), or as can be seen on the list of token holders (https://bscscan.com/token/0xB3654E2434C712ad9804Fe7c2D875A9861073244#balances). Nonetheless, their total supply is still massive Title: Re: [ANN] GreenEarthMoon - Advancing Green Energy and Crpyotcurrency for everyone Post by: VulcanBearBull on September 19, 2021, 01:21:47 PM GreenEarthMoon,
I just decided to pop into your topic here because my team's project is also "green". In fact we're carbon neutral allowing us to use the taxes in our smart contract to go one step further and become carbon negative. I read over your website and I have a few questions, is there any reason you chose the tokenomics that you did? Surely you could have went with a more moderate supply? Secondly, why did you chose BSC to launch your contract? Third, how is your coin actually going to solve any of the worlds current green issues? Title: Re: [ANN] GreenEarthMoon - Advancing Green Energy and Crpyotcurrency for everyone Post by: AmoreJaz on September 19, 2021, 08:52:54 PM GreenEarthMoon, I just decided to pop into your topic here because my team's project is also "green". In fact we're carbon neutral allowing us to use the taxes in our smart contract to go one step further and become carbon negative. I read over your website and I have a few questions, is there any reason you chose the tokenomics that you did? Surely you could have went with a more moderate supply? Secondly, why did you chose BSC to launch your contract? Third, how is your coin actually going to solve any of the worlds current green issues? their mission is very noble but wondering if they can realised such mission. the op has not been online here for a month already, so don't know if this project is pushing thru or what. most projects with the theme "going green" are great, however, only few to none, can really achieve their goals. and the usual reason - they are just using it as a front and has no real intentions of achieving such mission. but definitely, we are more than happy if they can tick their goals and say that, they are about to achieve what they want. Title: Re: [ANN] GreenEarthMoon - Advancing Green Energy and Crpyotcurrency for everyone Post by: mandor on September 19, 2021, 10:45:44 PM Their community said so much news about this project, but strangely it didn't make the price any better than it is now. Even the amount of donations in charity address was so small.
People in the group also talked about V2 of the website, but I couldn't find the release schedule. looks like they were really looking forward to it. |