Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: RainbowKun on July 22, 2021, 03:48:20 PM

Title: Why do many people call Bitcoin "digital gold"?
Post by: RainbowKun on July 22, 2021, 03:48:20 PM
My last post described that Bitcoin was given the attribute of matter when it was created by Satoshi Nakamoto. Bitcoin is as unique and non-replicable as matter. For this reason, Bitcoin is often compared with gold. Why is Bitcoin called "digital gold"? I want to discuss it with everyone.

Satoshi Nakamoto's original intention to create Bitcoin was to establish an A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System. This kind of electronic cash can be used for daily payment and circulation, and can also serve as a "world currency" function. The role of "world currency" was once played by gold, so some people compare Bitcoin to digital gold.

To a certain extent, Bitcoin is replacing gold as a "world currency" and a "store of value" function. This is also the basic consensus that supports the price of Bitcoin. I summarized the following points:

1)Bitcoin, like gold, has a limited total amount and is scarce, and neither can be supplied infinitely. At the same time, it is very difficult to obtain, and it requires cost.
2)Bitcoin and gold have similar physical properties, and both have the uniqueness of matter. Can not be tampered with, can not be copied, can be physically divided.
3)Both Bitcoin and gold have similar monetary properties and can be used for daily payments or as a store of value.
4)Bitcoin can also perform the function of "world currency" and anchor global assets.

Compared with gold, Bitcoin also has the following advantages:

1)Continuous deflation in quantity:
The total amount of Bitcoin is 21 million, and the total amount is constant, and it is constantly being mined in the form of "mining". But at the same time, more and more Bitcoin owners may lose their private keys for various reasons, causing Bitcoins to no longer be found and circulated. This phenomenon occurs every day, so the total amount of bitcoins that can be circulated will only become less and less in the future.
2)Easier to divide:
Compared to gold, Bitcoin is easier to divide. The smallest unit of bitcoin is 1 satoshi, and a bitcoin can be divided into 100 million satoshis. At the same time, the Bitcoin split has almost no cost, while the golden section has a huge cost.
3)Easier to carry and trade:
Benefiting from the fast-growing cryptocurrency exchange business, Bitcoin can be traded uninterruptedly within a 24-hour time frame around the world. At this point, Bitcoin's global circulation is better than gold.
4)Can not forge:
All Bitcoin data is controlled by the Bitcoin network and cannot be forged or tampered with. On this basis, Bitcoin successfully established code trust. To a certain extent, gold can be faked. We often see various news or fraud cases about gold fraud. At this point, Bitcoin is also a winner.
5)More transparent:
Compared to gold, Bitcoin has the advantage of being more transparent. Gold trading is not public, and many traders use "paper gold." But every transaction of Bitcoin is open and transparent, and its transaction records can be found on the chain. This is the cornerstone of Bitcoin's value.
6)More decentralized:
Gold is a product controlled by a centralized organization, that is, the government. On the one hand, the central banks of various countries monopolize the vast majority of gold reserves. On the other hand, the government can introduce policies to restrict ordinary people from holding gold. This has resulted in the vast majority of people being only able to invest in gold derivatives such as "paper gold".

But for Bitcoin, anyone can buy and sell Bitcoin without restriction at any time. At the same time, individuals have absolute ownership of Bitcoin's private keys instead of relying on some centralized institutions. Bitcoin puts assets under the control of their owners.

We found that Bitcoin has many advantages that gold does not have on the basis of the characteristics of gold. If Bitcoin replaces gold as a value anchor, the market value of Bitcoin will definitely exceed gold. This is the basic logic that supports the price of Bitcoin.

According to statistics, the total market value of global gold currently exceeds 8 trillion U.S. dollars. If the market value of Bitcoin exceeds 8 trillion U.S. dollars, the value of a single Bitcoin will exceed 400,000 U.S. dollars. This is just a judgment on Bitcoin's value as a "digital gold".

Why do many people call Bitcoin "digital gold"?

Title: Re: Why do many people call Bitcoin "digital gold"?
Post by: maisao1991 on July 22, 2021, 04:15:09 PM
in my opinion BTC is called digital gold because it has a position and is at the top of the virtual currency market, but if talking about higher value I think diamond, I also have a question. is why BTC is not likened to diamond but gold, do you think like me?.

Title: Re: Why do many people call Bitcoin "digital gold"?
Post by: hd49728 on July 22, 2021, 04:34:35 PM
Because people think Bitcoin can be a digital store of asset. Gold as physical store of asset. When they believe like that, it means they believe in the intrinsic value of Bitcoin.

Their belief can be right and is based by valuable reasons or can be wrong and is not based on anything.

If you see good reasons from their belief, Bitcoin has good future. I share on informative article to you. They bullish case for Bitcoin (

Title: Re: Why do many people call Bitcoin "digital gold"?
Post by: velosepur on July 22, 2021, 04:40:43 PM
They say that because bitcoin is no1 crypto asset-coin. In crypto world is strongest so that can be first reason I think. Bitcoin is in eyes of holders potential money in pocket which can grow x10 or x100, what happen before so people hope history will happen again.

Title: Re: Why do many people call Bitcoin "digital gold"?
Post by: Ucy on July 22, 2021, 04:50:27 PM
 I think the price of gold could be worth more than it currently is if not for the industrial uses and possibly fake gold in circulation.

Bitcoin deserves the price at the end of your post if it can do alot more without compromising on its ideals. And it deserves the name digital gold but for some reasons I'm not sure it should be called Digital Gold

Title: Re: Why do many people call Bitcoin "digital gold"?
Post by: maju69 on July 22, 2021, 04:51:42 PM
Simply put, in addition to the function, the nature and benefits of both have in common, don't forget as one that can be parallel to gold in any aspect. because when you don't compare it with gold, then what else can be equalized and equalized in value, function, characteristics, and benefits that are the same as Bitcoin?

Title: Re: Why do many people call Bitcoin "digital gold"?
Post by: haidil on July 22, 2021, 05:04:03 PM
people call it that not without reason, because we have seen the prospects of bitcoin getting better and better and it has been proven that now btc is still at the top and there is still no one to compete with it.
besides that btc is an asset that will be very valuable in the future which is why bitcoin is called that

Title: Re: Why do many people call Bitcoin "digital gold"?
Post by: mk4 on July 22, 2021, 05:43:52 PM
You pretty much covered most of it; and I totally agree that Bitcoin's total addressable market is huge, even bigger than gold's. It's just that a lot of people are skeptical of Bitcoin solely because of it being intangible(besides some other things that's mostly because of ignorance). While digitization definitely has it's advantages, it's just that people like shiny good looking things.

Title: Re: Why do many people call Bitcoin "digital gold"?
Post by: Renampun on July 22, 2021, 06:00:58 PM
some well-known investors like Robert Kiyosaki continue to call Bitcoin is 'digital gold'

I myself don't mind what they call Bitcoin but Bitcoin is actually not digital gold because its value is not based on gold. Bitcoin to me is more valuable than gold, the position of Bitcoin is higher than gold.

Title: Re: Why do many people call Bitcoin "digital gold"?
Post by: Welsh on July 22, 2021, 06:05:48 PM
it's just that people like shiny good looking things.
This is backed up by the evidence we have from how popular Casascius conis were, and all the other variations which were released after. People just love to hold a physical item, and I'm not sure what the psychology is behind that, but there's definitely a reason for it. Casascius identified this early, and made major profits during the time they were selling the coins.

However, despite us wanting to hold a physical item, modern times are changing quite quickly, most people are becoming accustomed to handling their finances online, where as 5-10 years ago, most people thought of it as insecure.  So, while at the moment people like shiny physical things, it is quickly changing. Several challenging banks are now operating entirely online, and don't even have any local branches that you can go too. Bitcoin will most certainly benefit from this psychological shift in our culture.

Title: Re: Why do many people call Bitcoin "digital gold"?
Post by: tulusikhlas on July 22, 2021, 06:40:43 PM
I think the price of gold could be worth more than it currently is if not for the industrial uses and possibly fake gold in circulation.

with respect to fake gold in circulation can bitcoins equate to having fake bitcoins in circulation? wouldn't that have a pretty basic bit of difference?
so far if gold is placed in your house with a nominal 1 BTC. will be very vulnerable than storing BTC in a wallet and securing seeds offline.

Title: Re: Why do many people call Bitcoin "digital gold"?
Post by: franky1 on July 22, 2021, 07:10:46 PM
2)Easier to divide:
Compared to gold, Bitcoin is easier to divide. The smallest unit of bitcoin is 1 satoshi, and a bitcoin can be divided into 100 million satoshis. At the same time, the Bitcoin split has almost no cost, while the golden section has a huge cost.

in the blockchain... there is no btc..
there is no 21mill limit rule

in gold in the ground there is no bars of 1tonne, 12kg. or ounces of 28 grams
there is no 195thousand tonne limit that then gets divided

the real limit and measures.. start small
miners mine sats and grams

its only 'basket termed' for easy human brain to understand big numbers after the mine

in 2009 the first block reward was not 50btc.
it was 5000000000sats. and every 4 years that reward number halves

for graphic user interface after the data fact. this is divided down by 100mill to become 1btc basket term
so technically your not splitting a bitcoin. your instead lumping sats into a btc basket

grams of gold can be lumped together into bags of kg gold or smelted into tonne bars
but humans years ago decided to lump gold into bars of 12,000 grams as their basket number
and a subset 28gram = 1 ounce

but the point is
bitcoin always is a unit of measure from sats -up
gold always is a unit of measure from gram -up

it only becomes basket terms down.. AFTER humans play around with it

some well-known investors like Robert Kiyosaki continue to call Bitcoin is 'digital gold'

I myself don't mind what they call Bitcoin but Bitcoin is actually not digital gold because its value is not based on gold. Bitcoin to me is more valuable than gold, the position of Bitcoin is higher than gold.
According to statistics, the total market value of global gold currently exceeds 8 trillion U.S. dollars. If the market value of Bitcoin exceeds 8 trillion U.S. dollars, the value of a single Bitcoin will exceed 400,000 U.S. dollars. This is just a judgment on Bitcoin's value as a "digital gold".

Why do many people call Bitcoin "digital gold"?

its an concept analogy..... not a asset-peg-reference

EG concept analogy :-yes
'its mined, like gold.. bit digitally'
EG pegged asset:- no
'its digitally backed by gold'

Title: Re: Why do many people call Bitcoin "digital gold"?
Post by: Welsh on July 22, 2021, 07:33:08 PM
with respect to fake gold in circulation can bitcoins equate to having fake bitcoins in circulation? wouldn't that have a pretty basic bit of difference?
Nah, since its not currently possible to inject any more Bitcoin into the network, and the way of introducing more Bitcoin into circulation is through mining. There isn't another way of doing it. Obviously, you could potentially argue that double spending might be considered as fake coins, since it would give the illusion at first that you've paid legitimately, but only one transaction of that double spend would be accepted by the miners, while the other one would be made invalid, and rejected by the network. So, double spend is probably the closest you can get to "fake coins" in circulation, however its not truly in circulation.

Title: Re: Why do many people call Bitcoin "digital gold"?
Post by: bosede1 on July 22, 2021, 08:20:56 PM
I think people call bitcoin digital gold because of the qualities gold possesses. We operate bitcoin digitally i.e electronically and internet-based but the gold aspect gold is something valuable, of high recognition to everybody, mention gold to poor, average, and middle class they know what this is even the illiterate knows about it. I think they took it contextually and at the face value.

Title: Re: Why do many people call Bitcoin "digital gold"?
Post by: swogerino on July 22, 2021, 08:57:57 PM
The only analogy I can find useful is that both "goods" can be used as store of value,gold physically and bitcoin digitally.There is no other analogy that fits into play because everything else is different,gold can be stolen a whole lot more easily than bitcoin can so in this sense bitcoin is more secure and I am not talking here for people who don't know how to safe guard their wallets.Gold is heavier to carry while Bitcoin can be kept in your mobile phone wallet and there are a lot of other differences like these.Not anyone can easily buy gold but everyone can easily buy Bitcoin.So the only true analogy is the first one,they both are some of the best store of values we have out there.

Title: Re: Why do many people call Bitcoin "digital gold"?
Post by: nurilham on July 22, 2021, 09:32:07 PM
Bitcoin is actually not digital gold because its value is not based on gold.
Of course, no correlation between the BTC value and gold. People call it digital gold because people assume the potential of Bitcoin in the future can be as good as gold, even it can be better than gold.

Bitcoin to me is more valuable than gold, the position of Bitcoin is higher than gold.
What position? Make it clear, mate.
Which one is more valuable should depend on a personal viewpoint. Valuable doesn't always refer to the price. If we consider its use for various purposes, gold seems easier to use as it is legal in all countries around the world. While Bitcoin still has many limitations for its use, especially for a payment tool. But if we consider the possible profits to hold BTC or Gold, BTC is better. BTC price can increase significantly, much higher than the gold price.

Title: Re: Why do many people call Bitcoin "digital gold"?
Post by: DoublerHunter on July 22, 2021, 09:41:58 PM
Bitcoin to me is more valuable than gold, the position of Bitcoin is higher than gold.
What position? Make it clear, mate.
Which one is more valuable should depend on a personal viewpoint. Valuable doesn't always refer to the price. If we consider its use for various purposes, gold seems easier to use as it is legal in all countries around the world. While Bitcoin still has many limitations for its use, especially for a payment tool. But if we consider the possible profits to hold BTC or Gold, BTC is better. BTC price can increase significantly, much higher than the gold price.
^ This does not make any sense to me while I always heard comparing these two valuable assets the gold and the BTC. They had different characteristics, the pros and cons on each other, they had different usage so we can't compare the physical one into a digital valuable currency. It is very simple and we don't this thing becomes complicated, BTC is profitable in saving value and does not spend but it has a high risk. It is digital gold because its value has like gold.

Title: Re: Why do many people call Bitcoin "digital gold"?
Post by: hatshepsut93 on July 22, 2021, 10:44:29 PM
Gold is an iconic store of value, so people who want to highlight that they view Bitcoin as a store of value compare it to gold. You provided arguments why Bitcoin is better than gold, but there are also arguments why it's worse. It relies on electricity, electronic devices and the Internet, the things that we take for granted but could disappear if some catastrophic event happens. Bitcoin wallets can be hacked, there are countless examples of huge thefts. Gold is less likely to be stolen, because physical heists are less common than hacks. Gold has thousands of years of being store of value, Bitcoin only existed for a little more than a decade. Bitcoin is still not 100% proven, even the devs call it a beta version.

Title: Re: Why do many people call Bitcoin "digital gold"?
Post by: taufik123 on July 22, 2021, 10:50:40 PM
it is not wrong if people refer to Bitcoin as digital gold because of its value. But Bitcoin and gold are very different even though bitcoin is very popular today. Gold is a type of investment that has physics and a stable price. Gold is also used as a "safehaven" asset or a very good hedging asset. While bitcoin cannot be used as a hedging asset because of the fluctuating price of bitcoin and bitcoin too

Higher returns always look profitable and attract speculation in assets, but high returns are always accompanied by high risk.
Bitcoin and gold are similar assets, but they are different. The main difference between Bitcoin and Gold lies in their growing environment. Bitcoin thrives during “risk-on” conditions, while gold prefers “risk-off”

Title: Re: Why do many people call Bitcoin "digital gold"?
Post by: Vaskiy on July 22, 2021, 11:10:52 PM
In the past and at present people prioritise gold as an asset that helps in emergency. It can be exchanged easily through banking and other financial services. Maybe people might've experienced something similar with bitcoin. Once it is not an easy task to exchange bitcoin,, now with the increasing adoption and access for for more exchanges make it easier than the past. This looks to be the reason for bitcoin getting termed as digital gold.

Title: Re: Why do many people call Bitcoin "digital gold"?
Post by: kawetsriyanto on July 22, 2021, 11:30:10 PM
it is not wrong if people refer to Bitcoin as digital gold because of its value.
I can agree with you. Bitcoin value is always very fluctuating, this cannot be compared with gold. We know that Gold value has more stability than Bitcoin, but I don't say it has no fluctuation. The fundamental difference between Bitcoin and Gold is on the possibility of the value change shortly. Gold looks a bit stable, while Bitcoin can change its value very significantly in a short time.

Bitcoin thrives during “risk-on” conditions, while gold prefers “risk-off”
Does it mean Gold has no risk?
I don't think so. Gold value can decrease, too.
But if you look at the price history, the change is not very significant as Bitcoin value.

Title: Re: Why do many people call Bitcoin "digital gold"?
Post by: mk4 on July 23, 2021, 01:40:27 AM
This is backed up by the evidence we have from how popular Casascius conis were, and all the other variations which were released after. People just love to hold a physical item, and I'm not sure what the psychology is behind that, but there's definitely a reason for it. Casascius identified this early, and made major profits during the time they were selling the coins.

However, despite us wanting to hold a physical item, modern times are changing quite quickly, most people are becoming accustomed to handling their finances online, where as 5-10 years ago, most people thought of it as insecure.  So, while at the moment people like shiny physical things, it is quickly changing. Several challenging banks are now operating entirely online, and don't even have any local branches that you can go too. Bitcoin will most certainly benefit from this psychological shift in our culture.

With almost everything going digital, my opinion is that it's mostly because you can see and feel it outside your/phone computer, which makes it more sort of "real". But then again, I think this will easily change in the next generation, because today's kids and teenagers are just so accustomed to digital everything due to video game skins and such.

Title: Re: Why do many people call Bitcoin "digital gold"?
Post by: Darker45 on July 23, 2021, 02:18:04 AM
1)Bitcoin, like gold, has a limited total amount and is scarce, and neither can be supplied infinitely. At the same time, it is very difficult to obtain, and it requires cost.
2)Bitcoin and gold have similar physical properties, and both have the uniqueness of matter. Can not be tampered with, can not be copied, can be physically divided.
3)Both Bitcoin and gold have similar monetary properties and can be used for daily payments or as a store of value.

1. The difference between Bitcoin and gold, however, in terms of scarcity is that Bitcoin's 21 million is hard-coded while gold's is questionable. Perhaps it's just a matter of time before gold is to be obtained outside of earth.

2. What do you mean by "similar physical properties?" Does Bitcoin, which is not physical, have physical properties? Could Bitcoin be physically divided? Gold could be tampered, could be copied or faked to a certain extent, and physically dividing gold properly requires expertise unlike Bitcoin's breaking down into Sats.

3. I don't think Bitcoin and gold have similar monetary properties. And is there still a place where gold is still accepted as daily payments?

Title: Re: Why do many people call Bitcoin "digital gold"?
Post by: NeverSop on July 23, 2021, 03:02:57 AM
In a digital age that plays a major role in the economy and society, bitcoin has emerged with popularity, accompanied by increasing demand, decentralization, and a low fixed supply. The bigger problem is that bitcoin mining is getting more and more difficult. This means that bitcoin becomes scarcer, rarer and more valuable than gold. It's a figurative term for bitcoin.

Title: Re: Why do many people call Bitcoin "digital gold"?
Post by: vania vin on July 23, 2021, 03:27:47 AM
In my opinion bitcoin and gold are equally important, they can be stored in the long term but for now the price of bitcoin tends to change quickly compared to gold to seek better profits, choose bitcoin but remember the risk that must be borne is also large.

Title: Re: Why do many people call Bitcoin "digital gold"?
Post by: andeluna on July 23, 2021, 03:43:28 AM
in my opinion some people called it digital gold is because of its value and usage. Value by means that this is the only crypto currency that can be use to buy stuffs and the whole world already know it and use it as common digital currency. Also we can get btc by mining the same like mining gold thats why I think the reason why some of the people called it digital gold.

Title: Re: Why do many people call Bitcoin "digital gold"?
Post by: ethereumhunter on July 23, 2021, 04:05:18 AM
I would make it a simple thing as gold is available in real life while bitcoin is available on the internet. People can touch gold because gold has a form, while people can only see bitcoin in the wallet using many devices such as computers, mobile phones, or else. Without the internet, people can not use bitcoin, but gold can use with the internet. So bitcoin can be the digital gold that is only available using the internet.

Title: Re: Why do many people call Bitcoin "digital gold"?
Post by: Obito on July 23, 2021, 04:07:52 AM
in my opinion some people called it digital gold is because of its value and usage. Value by means that this is the only crypto currency that can be use to buy stuffs and the whole world already know it and use it as common digital currency. Also we can get btc by mining the same like mining gold thats why I think the reason why some of the people called it digital gold.
This is wrong in my opinion, value just because it can be used to buy stuff can be done by other currencies too you know so I don't think that it's the only reason for the value, I think the utility that bitcoin has is comparable to gold with it's code being able to be used by others to create their own coin.

Title: Re: Why do many people call Bitcoin "digital gold"?
Post by: ropyu1978 on July 23, 2021, 04:32:33 AM
people say bitcoin is gold in digital, most likely it can be accepted by our common sense, because we can see bitcoin is now at its peak, it can be said that for now no one can match bitcoin, bitcoin can also be used as an asset that very valuable. that's why many say bitcoin as gold in gital..

Title: Re: Why do many people call Bitcoin "digital gold"?
Post by: taufik0911 on July 23, 2021, 04:56:47 AM
I think why bitcoin is called digital gold because bitcoin has some similarities with gold, how to get it through digital mining
in essence bitcoin is almost the same as gold, not printed arbitrarily like fiat and it is very promising for the next few years and in my opinion bitcoin will become a safe haven later

Title: Re: Why do many people call Bitcoin "digital gold"?
Post by: BlackHatCoiner on July 23, 2021, 08:24:59 AM
People call it “digital gold” due to its properties. It is divisible, highly difficult for an average person to extract it from “the ground”, storing value etc. Generally, it is referred as digital gold, because it really isn't owned by anyone, but everyone has the same rights.

Here's a nice quote from Satoshi:
As a thought experiment, imagine there was a base metal as scarce as gold but with the following properties:
- boring grey in colour
- not a good conductor of electricity
- not particularly strong, but not ductile or easily malleable either
- not useful for any practical or ornamental purpose

and one special, magical property:
- can be transported over a communications channel

If it somehow acquired any value at all for whatever reason, then anyone wanting to transfer wealth over a long distance could buy some, transmit it, and have the recipient sell it.

Maybe it could get an initial value circularly as you've suggested, by people foreseeing its potential usefulness for exchange.  (I would definitely want some)  Maybe collectors, any random reason could spark it.

I think the traditional qualifications for money were written with the assumption that there are so many competing objects in the world that are scarce, an object with the automatic bootstrap of intrinsic value will surely win out over those without intrinsic value.  But if there were nothing in the world with intrinsic value that could be used as money, only scarce but no intrinsic value, I think people would still take up something.

(I'm using the word scarce here to only mean limited potential supply)

in 2009 the first block reward was not 50btc.
it was 5000000000sats. and every 4 years that reward number halves
It was 50 BTC. The fact that this unit doesn't exist in the source code doesn't mean that we can't name it. There are just ways to measure it. In gold, you can use grams, ounces, tones etc. They're all correct.

Title: Re: Why do many people call Bitcoin "digital gold"?
Post by: mk4 on July 23, 2021, 08:56:55 AM
In my opinion bitcoin and gold are equally important, they can be stored in the long term but for now the price of bitcoin tends to change quickly compared to gold to seek better profits, choose bitcoin but remember the risk that must be borne is also large.

Something being "important" is subjective. It's just the matter of who we're asking. When we're talking about goldsmiths and central banks, then gold would be the answer. When we're talking about people in countries with slowly-but-surely dying currencies, then bitcoin would most likely be the answer.

Title: Re: Why do many people call Bitcoin "digital gold"?
Post by: mbe48 on July 23, 2021, 09:06:57 AM
I think many people call Bitcoin “digital gold” because of its good reputation. Gold has been known as a precious metal, while Bitcoin is known as the king of crypto assets. Although Bitcoin and Gold are similar but the main difference between the two lies in their growth environment. Bitcoin thrives during “risk-on” conditions, while gold prefers “risk-off”. Risk-on occurs when the economy grows, bond yields increase (and thus bond prices fall). On the other hand, gold thrives when real interest rates, i.e. bond yields minus inflation expectations, continue to decline. Please correct me if my opinion is different from yours.

Title: Re: Why do many people call Bitcoin "digital gold"?
Post by: Reatim on July 23, 2021, 09:28:13 AM
in my opinion BTC is called digital gold because it has a position and is at the top of the virtual currency market, but if talking about higher value I think diamond, I also have a question. is why BTC is not likened to diamond but gold, do you think like me?.
For me personally , i consider Bitcoin as Digital gold because of the Hardship in Mining each coin , for all those years more than 11 specifically yet 21 million coins still on process of Mining that is why it has been called as GOLD.
and also people are threating the coins valuable as how they handle their Gold.
in terms of Hiding it in most secure place they can be.
So basically this is really a digital gold.

Title: Re: Why do many people call Bitcoin "digital gold"?
Post by: franky1 on July 23, 2021, 10:24:17 AM
in 2009 the first block reward was not 50btc.
it was 5000000000sats. and every 4 years that reward number halves
It was 50 BTC. The fact that this unit doesn't exist in the source code doesn't mean that we can't name it. There are just ways to measure it. In gold, you can use grams, ounces, tones etc. They're all correct.
average joe doesnt buy whole btc anymore.. so the basket term is less applicable
yes i have many whole btc but even i measure things in bits and sats

its like 'boxes of apples'
do people actually care about the box.. or the apples inside
the box (basket term) is not the value in of itself.

yes a container ship box might be $30k
but people only want to buy single apples of $3 bags

world traders might only have 10,000 containerships of apples on their trading exchange suite. but its not actually the container thats the value. its the apples inside

scarcity of apples is not about the box amount. its about the number of apples that can be shared. no matter if they are in boxes or separate

gold was scarce when the smallest shareable size was like a necklace or a coin (multiple grams)

but now gold is everywhere. your device you read this post on now has milligrams of gold in it
everyone on this forum has milligrams of gold.
gold is no longer scarce.. its right now right there within 3 feet of your eyes

its like this
"due to the limit of boating lanes and cargo ships.. there can only ever be 21,000,000 containers of apples"
but reality is people care about how many apples people can eat/consume/share not the apples

so if they GM an apple to be 10x smaller to fit 10x more apples in.
more people can get apples. thus apples. the real value. is 10x less scarce

you will soon learn this when exchanges start measuring market orders in bits or millibits.
the un-importance of btc becomes apparent

if still unsure about scarcity and supply..
if you still think its ok to break the blockchain unit of measure(sat) and have 1000x more divisions

well if you take these two pictures
and still think the supply is still the same
'cos its about them both being the same "one handfull"'
you really dont understand shares. scarcity, supply

Title: Re: Why do many people call Bitcoin "digital gold"?
Post by: lablab03 on July 23, 2021, 10:58:31 AM
Even before a lot of people saying bitcoin is a digital gold. Not because of its color, but because of the value that keep shining but government still don't want to use it as a legal tender and etc.. That's what happened to gold as well when someone stopped to the people to convert gold way back 1970's because of some issues . Which is happening in bitcoin right now even the price is too expensive. For me there's no big difference between bitcoin and gold because both of them can't replace real fiats even they become more valuable in the future..

Title: Re: Why do many people call Bitcoin "digital gold"?
Post by: XavierLaurent on July 23, 2021, 11:23:57 AM
Don't forget about advantages of gold. It can be accepted in any country in the world. I don't think there are laws prohibiting it's use anywhere in the world. You can store gold physically and indefinitely, whereas hard drives can degrade over time or become obsolete in a few years.
Possibily of gold being hacked and stolen is practically 0. With BTC it's higher amount for sure. Everyone understands how shiny metal thing works, but BTC is more complicated to newcomers.

Still tho, out of all cryptos BTC is the most akin to gold due to it's high cost, finite amount, scarcity, popularity and uses as investment funding.

Title: Re: Why do many people call Bitcoin "digital gold"?
Post by: randegibran on July 23, 2021, 01:08:45 PM
nowadays.almost most.people call bitcoin almost similar to gold, especially in.the storage process.virtually very close to having a similar or similar resemblance.but for those who are not investors.they are more save their money into gold at the appropriate price at the moment.people will back when they need money

Title: Re: Why do many people call Bitcoin "digital gold"?
Post by: Sirait on July 23, 2021, 01:40:24 PM
It makes it easier for them to understand what bitcoin is. It is unlikely that they know about stablecoins backed by gold.
right, the mention of Bitcoin is a digital gold to make it easier to explain Bitcoin to ordinary people. many people do not understand what Bitcoin is and is Bitcoin safe then it makes the parable of Bitcoin is digital gold will definitely make it easier for them to understand a little bit about Bitcoin.

Title: Re: Why do many people call Bitcoin "digital gold"?
Post by: mk4 on July 23, 2021, 02:18:28 PM
right, the mention of Bitcoin is a digital gold to make it easier to explain Bitcoin to ordinary people. many people do not understand what Bitcoin is and is Bitcoin safe then it makes the parable of Bitcoin is digital gold will definitely make it easier for them to understand a little bit about Bitcoin.

I disagree slightly. I don't think most people even know the monetary uses of gold, other than it's shiny and it looks good for bracelets, rings, and necklaces. So when you say digital gold, it would make zero sense to most people because you can't physically see nor touch bitcoin.

Title: Re: Why do many people call Bitcoin "digital gold"?
Post by: BlackHatCoiner on July 23, 2021, 02:26:36 PM
So when you say digital gold, it would make zero sense to most people because you can't physically see nor touch bitcoin.

It is then judged by yourself if that's true. It's up to you to define what's Bitcoin. In my opinion, it may not be touched, but it can be seen. In this cryptographic world we've dive, proof speaks for itself. A signature of a message may be considered intangible, but not invisible. I confirm that the signature is authentic by observing it.

To me, Bitcoin is a visible currency where each coin can be represented with a valid signature.

Title: Re: Why do many people call Bitcoin "digital gold"?
Post by: randegibran on July 23, 2021, 02:31:17 PM
for virtual maybe bitcoin almost has similarities with digital gold, especially in the price factor that changes and never stays on its stability, and the price changes in a fairly short time and without our knowledge before we see it, maybe this is one of the the reason why bitcoin is called virtual gold, and for the level of security it is very tight and not easy to break into by people who have no good intentions

Title: Re: Why do many people call Bitcoin "digital gold"?
Post by: AicecreaME on July 23, 2021, 02:45:27 PM
My last post described that Bitcoin was given the attribute of matter when it was created by Satoshi Nakamoto. Bitcoin is as unique and non-replicable as matter. For this reason, Bitcoin is often compared with gold. Why is Bitcoin called "digital gold"? I want to discuss it with everyone.

Satoshi Nakamoto's original intention to create Bitcoin was to establish an A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System. This kind of electronic cash can be used for daily payment and circulation, and can also serve as a "world currency" function. The role of "world currency" was once played by gold, so some people compare Bitcoin to digital gold.

To a certain extent, Bitcoin is replacing gold as a "world currency" and a "store of value" function. This is also the basic consensus that supports the price of Bitcoin. I summarized the following points:

1)Bitcoin, like gold, has a limited total amount and is scarce, and neither can be supplied infinitely. At the same time, it is very difficult to obtain, and it requires cost.
2)Bitcoin and gold have similar physical properties, and both have the uniqueness of matter. Can not be tampered with, can not be copied, can be physically divided.
3)Both Bitcoin and gold have similar monetary properties and can be used for daily payments or as a store of value.
4)Bitcoin can also perform the function of "world currency" and anchor global assets.

Compared with gold, Bitcoin also has the following advantages:

1)Continuous deflation in quantity:
The total amount of Bitcoin is 21 million, and the total amount is constant, and it is constantly being mined in the form of "mining". But at the same time, more and more Bitcoin owners may lose their private keys for various reasons, causing Bitcoins to no longer be found and circulated. This phenomenon occurs every day, so the total amount of bitcoins that can be circulated will only become less and less in the future.
2)Easier to divide:
Compared to gold, Bitcoin is easier to divide. The smallest unit of bitcoin is 1 satoshi, and a bitcoin can be divided into 100 million satoshis. At the same time, the Bitcoin split has almost no cost, while the golden section has a huge cost.
3)Easier to carry and trade:
Benefiting from the fast-growing cryptocurrency exchange business, Bitcoin can be traded uninterruptedly within a 24-hour time frame around the world. At this point, Bitcoin's global circulation is better than gold.
4)Can not forge:
All Bitcoin data is controlled by the Bitcoin network and cannot be forged or tampered with. On this basis, Bitcoin successfully established code trust. To a certain extent, gold can be faked. We often see various news or fraud cases about gold fraud. At this point, Bitcoin is also a winner.
5)More transparent:
Compared to gold, Bitcoin has the advantage of being more transparent. Gold trading is not public, and many traders use "paper gold." But every transaction of Bitcoin is open and transparent, and its transaction records can be found on the chain. This is the cornerstone of Bitcoin's value.
6)More decentralized:
Gold is a product controlled by a centralized organization, that is, the government. On the one hand, the central banks of various countries monopolize the vast majority of gold reserves. On the other hand, the government can introduce policies to restrict ordinary people from holding gold. This has resulted in the vast majority of people being only able to invest in gold derivatives such as "paper gold".

But for Bitcoin, anyone can buy and sell Bitcoin without restriction at any time. At the same time, individuals have absolute ownership of Bitcoin's private keys instead of relying on some centralized institutions. Bitcoin puts assets under the control of their owners.

We found that Bitcoin has many advantages that gold does not have on the basis of the characteristics of gold. If Bitcoin replaces gold as a value anchor, the market value of Bitcoin will definitely exceed gold. This is the basic logic that supports the price of Bitcoin.

According to statistics, the total market value of global gold currently exceeds 8 trillion U.S. dollars. If the market value of Bitcoin exceeds 8 trillion U.S. dollars, the value of a single Bitcoin will exceed 400,000 U.S. dollars. This is just a judgment on Bitcoin's value as a "digital gold".

Why do many people call Bitcoin "digital gold"?

This is such a detailed explanation of why people are calling bitcoin 'digital gold' and why is it often associated with gold in the first place. Bitcoin is indeed a valuable asset that a person can possess. Its value goes up and up after a long period of time. Although volatility is also its nature, we still can't deny the fact that bitcoin has exceeded and overcame the test of time it has undergone. That is why a lot of investors are continually eyeing it for the long-term because it can generate more profit after several years. Some people are even going all-in on bitcoin because they trust its potential so much. Hodling every single amount of bitcoin they have is what they conditioned their minds to do. Delayed gratification is the goal of almost everyone holding btc.

Title: Re: Why do many people call Bitcoin "digital gold"?
Post by: marine4u on July 23, 2021, 02:46:56 PM
Along with scarcity, the value of bitcoin has exploded for modern demand. It has transformed from a pure, freely used investment to an existing, store of "value" asset similar to gold. It is founded on the greatness of digital -  blockchain. Therefore, Bitcoin is likened to "digital gold".

Believe that, in the coming years, bitcoin will be used more than gold!

Title: Re: Why do many people call Bitcoin "digital gold"?
Post by: adzino on July 23, 2021, 02:59:59 PM
But should really stop calling bitcoin as a digital gold. I guess people call it digital gold because it has store of value just like gold. Both are "mined", but the only difference is that gold can be physically felt, but bitcoin exists only digitally. Both of them exhibits some similar properties. Back then coins were made with a mixture of silver and gold. People use those coins to buy goods. People can also use bitcoin as a currency to purchase goods. And like you said both of them are somewhat "scarce", hence people compares bitcoin with gold.

Title: Re: Why do many people call Bitcoin "digital gold"?
Post by: conected on July 23, 2021, 03:03:22 PM
It makes it easier for them to understand what bitcoin is. It is unlikely that they know about stablecoins backed by gold.
right, the mention of Bitcoin is a digital gold to make it easier to explain Bitcoin to ordinary people. many people do not understand what Bitcoin is and is Bitcoin safe then it makes the parable of Bitcoin is digital gold will definitely make it easier for them to understand a little bit about Bitcoin.
- I just feel this is only meant to make people more curious when the image of gold is linked to investment and wealth, building such images with bitcoin will be a strategy to score points in front of many people, especially in the beginning, the explanation of bitcoin is a very difficult thing, just create such a link, many people do not need to understand and just join, save a lot of time and increase more capital. Now, with the wide spread and success, the name seems to be associated with bitcoin

Title: Re: Why do many people call Bitcoin "digital gold"?
Post by: Gcrypto786 on July 23, 2021, 03:04:25 PM
Believe that, in the coming years, bitcoin will be used more than gold!

At some point you are right but there is a huge difference between Bitcoin and Gold as Bitcoin is not stable and any time the BTC can be down to earth and on the other hand, there is some price fluctuation in Gold but not like BTC.

Title: Re: Why do many people call Bitcoin "digital gold"?
Post by: mrongoz_imut on July 23, 2021, 03:04:35 PM
why do many people call bitcoin as gold in digital,,?? because bitcoin has a fantastic price, while gold has a stable price, the risks experienced by bitcoin and gold are very different, because we can see gold does not have any risk because the price is stable, but if bitcoin has a big risk, but the profit we get can be said to be very large..

Title: Re: Why do many people call Bitcoin "digital gold"?
Post by: mk4 on July 23, 2021, 03:27:43 PM
It is then judged by yourself if that's true. It's up to you to define what's Bitcoin. In my opinion, it may not be touched, but it can be seen. In this cryptographic world we've dive, proof speaks for itself. A signature of a message may be considered intangible, but not invisible. I confirm that the signature is authentic by observing it.

To me, Bitcoin is a visible currency where each coin can be represented with a valid signature.

Precisely. If you really want to make a great explanation, the way you're going to define Bitcoin will completely depend on who you're talking to. Using the "digital gold" narrative might kinda work on a younger dude who are used to trading game currencies and items whereas probably a "uncorrelated asset" narrative would work better for an older finance dude, etc.

Title: Re: Why do many people call Bitcoin "digital gold"?
Post by: bitzizzix on July 23, 2021, 03:28:11 PM
In my opinion, what is meant by digital gold because bitcoin has characteristics like gold does not mean that bitcoin is pure like gold that has a shape or form, and many industry players and analysts refer to Bitcoin as "digital gold", because gold and Bitcoin have a limited supply, so potentially maintain value in the market.
and gold is limited by physical supply and difficulty Bitcoin extraction and mining is limited to 21 million coins based on its source code, which are both valuable and rare, and bitcoin is dubbed the new gold and which is much more portable, transporting and owning Bitcoin is much easier than having gold bullion in your pocket.

Title: Re: Why do many people call Bitcoin "digital gold"?
Post by: taufik123 on July 23, 2021, 03:37:32 PM
Bitcoin thrives during “risk-on” conditions, while gold prefers “risk-off”
Does it mean Gold has no risk?
I don't think so. Gold value can decrease, too.
But if you look at the price history, the change is not very significant as Bitcoin value.
Investing in gold also has risks, but the risks involved are not as extreme as Bitcoin. The value of gold can indeed go down, but fluctuations in gold prices are very slow and will not be detected in the next 1 year, it will take years. Gold is used for long term investment. Another risk of investing in gold is the high risk of loss, because gold is a precious stone that has value.

All types of investment certainly have risks but with different levels.

Title: Re: Why do many people call Bitcoin "digital gold"?
Post by: BOAEDAN on July 23, 2021, 03:49:04 PM
maybe in terms of prices that almost have a lot of similarities contained in it, especially regarding prices that are constantly changing for the future, with many almost all similarities that are not much different in it for something that causes almost the same with pure gold at this time

Title: Re: Why do many people call Bitcoin "digital gold"?
Post by: BlackHatCoiner on July 23, 2021, 03:55:00 PM
Bitcoin extraction and mining is limited to 21 million coins based on its source code
Actually, the coins will be 21M, because the people say so. That's more powerful than a bunch of C++ lines. The people are the ones who will install the software and be in favour of keeping it that way. The people are the ones who have no incentive on increasing the circulating supply. The people can double those 21M coins very easily, but they don't because they don't find a reason to. Because, the remaining people won't agree upon their change.

Bitcoin is a decision made by people for the people.

Title: Re: Why do many people call Bitcoin "digital gold"?
Post by: Issa56 on July 23, 2021, 04:45:50 PM
Seriously bitcoin is obviously the digital gold because is the number one digital currency and the demand for bitcoin is really high. Currently bitcoin is getting scared and the price is getting high which makes it digital gold whenever you talk about digital currency the first coin you will talk about is bitcoin so bitcoin is definitely digital gold.

Title: Re: Why do many people call Bitcoin "digital gold"?
Post by: batako on July 23, 2021, 05:00:37 PM
why do many people call bitcoin as gold in digital,,?? because bitcoin has a fantastic price, while gold has a stable price, the risks experienced by bitcoin and gold are very different, because we can see gold does not have any risk because the price is stable, but if bitcoin has a big risk, but the profit we get can be said to be very large..

People call it digital gold because of the similarity of properties with gold in the real world where we can get big profits when we keep it for a long time. What makes a little difference is, if gold in the real world tends to be stable and safe to use as an investment, while in bitcoin the risk will be higher which of course has the opportunity to get a much bigger profit as well.

Title: Re: Why do many people call Bitcoin "digital gold"?
Post by: Shawn20 on July 23, 2021, 05:12:44 PM
Reason can be many but i think, It is the main Hero of the crypto world and people believe that it can give them more profit than physical gold. As it is the digital money and can give more profit than gold.often called as digital gold. Though there may be some risk but most of the people who believed in Bitcoin previously,  were winner

Title: Re: Why do many people call Bitcoin "digital gold"?
Post by: SaShiRaJaVu on July 23, 2021, 05:14:23 PM
I disagree slightly. I don't think most people even know the monetary uses of gold, other than it's shiny and it looks good for bracelets, rings, and necklaces. So when you say digital gold, it would make zero sense to most people because you can't physically see nor touch bitcoin.
This is just a marketing pitch that Bitcoin is the digital gold by many and for a normal individual it does not make any sense and all they see is people spending money for bits and bytes and you cannot complain them either and anyone who is involved in the stock market will not understand it either as all they look for is underlying valuation of a business and how they are progressing.

The best part is to not compare these investment markets and then it would be easier for anyone new to understand.

Title: Re: Why do many people call Bitcoin "digital gold"?
Post by: kawetsriyanto on July 23, 2021, 08:40:14 PM
Investing in gold also has risks, but the risks involved are not as extreme as Bitcoin.
Yep. That's exactly what I mean above. Investing in Gold has a risk, too. But the risk should be much smaller because the price change of Gold isn't as significant as Bitcoin. Also, Gold investment is always popular every time, it is already proven for many many years. And it is also supported by all parties in the world, including the government. This makes Gold is safer for a long-term asset than Bitcoin, now. However, Bitcoin may be like Bitcoin too in the future.  ;)

All types of investment certainly have risks but with different levels.
Indeed. No investment has no risk.
Sometimes the risks reflect the profits potential. For example, Bitcoin offers potential big profit but it has a big risk as well. While for Gold, the potential profit probably isn't as big as Bitcoin, but the risk is relatively smaller.

Title: Re: Why do many people call Bitcoin "digital gold"?
Post by: verita1 on July 23, 2021, 09:20:25 PM
I agree as some of the members think. In the answer that is because investors see bitcoin as a store of value.
Just as we believe in bitcoin, we are supporting the fact that blockchain is disrupting finance and technology.
We have displaced the PC Internet for the mobile Internet because we spend most of the time using it.
Digital gold reminds us of physical gold that is money and has value that is why people call it that.
Peer to Peer or P2P is the main characteristic of bitcoin in its beginnings as we know but it is more common to associate it with the "store of value", digital gold, active digital.

Title: Re: Why do many people call Bitcoin "digital gold"?
Post by: maxreish on July 24, 2021, 02:24:28 AM
Since many were comparing it with gold because of it's special value and many were considering bitcoin as an asset value like gold, they came up with "digital gold" as bitcoin only existed and transacted online. The newest era already been improved as cashless society begun to use by many of us, thus digital transactions are already been widely operated.
 As those people already proved that the value of bitcoin can help us to financially grow, like gold who increases its value and considered good investment. Digital asset like bitcoin can also proved that it can keep up with gold in terms of being a good investment.

Title: Re: Why do many people call Bitcoin "digital gold"?
Post by: bandungan on July 24, 2021, 04:33:33 AM
they say bitcoin as digital gold because i think it has a good selling value in the future like gold. but the reality is not like that. bitcoin can't even be as stable as gold, where bitcoin still has its ups and downs.
so I think those who mention it don't understand what is bitcoin

Title: Re: Why do many people call Bitcoin "digital gold"?
Post by: Alisha-k on July 24, 2021, 01:09:01 PM
Bitcoin is referred to as digital gold because of it's high volatility and demand just as gold. Bitcoin gets scares as the years goes by and since it's not readily handy it's storage value keeps appreciating and depreciating based on the state of it's demand and supply curves which causes fluctuation in price. And this is on of the attribute bit shares with gold that's why it's referred to as digital gold

Title: Re: Why do many people call Bitcoin "digital gold"?
Post by: Semar Mesem on July 24, 2021, 03:52:58 PM
I agree as some of the members think. In the answer that is because investors see bitcoin as a store of value.
Just as we believe in bitcoin, we are supporting the fact that blockchain is disrupting finance and technology.
We have displaced the PC Internet for the mobile Internet because we spend most of the time using it.
Digital gold reminds us of physical gold that is money and has value that is why people call it that.
Peer to Peer or P2P is the main characteristic of bitcoin in its beginnings as we know but it is more common to associate it with the "store of value", digital gold, active digital.

For now bitcoin deserves to be called digital money, but we have full control and a high level of security, I never worry about keeping large amounts of bitcoin because I have a private key to make bitcoin safe from robbery like gold.

Title: Re: Why do many people call Bitcoin "digital gold"?
Post by: Shasha80 on July 24, 2021, 04:05:05 PM
they say bitcoin as digital gold because i think it has a good selling value in the future like gold. but the reality is not like that. bitcoin can't even be as stable as gold, where bitcoin still has its ups and downs.
so I think those who mention it don't understand what is bitcoin

Many compare Bitcoin with Gold, because Bitcoin is very similar to Gold. Not only is the selling value high, but the way to get it is also the same
as mining, and the amount is limited. So I can understand that many people refer to Bitcoin as digital Gold, but when compared correctly,
both Bitcoin and Gold have differences. The most striking difference is that Bitcoin has a very volatile price, while the price of Gold is relatively
stable. Therefore we should learn about Bitcoin properly, that way you will know that Bitcoin and Gold have some differences. Therefore I prefer
to say Bitcoin as a digital asset.

Title: Re: Why do many people call Bitcoin "digital gold"?
Post by: taufik123 on July 24, 2021, 06:07:10 PM
Indeed. No investment has no risk.
Sometimes the risks reflect the profits potential. For example, Bitcoin offers potential big profit but it has a big risk as well. While for Gold, the potential profit probably isn't as big as Bitcoin, but the risk is relatively smaller.

A simple explanation may be like the image below.
Low Risk Low Return and High Risk High Return
Gold is indeed a low risk investment.

There is no type of investment that is "Low Risk High Return", even if someone offers it, usually the investment will end up being a fraudulent investment or investment fraud.

Title: Re: Why do many people call Bitcoin "digital gold"?
Post by: velosepur on July 24, 2021, 07:17:08 PM
Indeed. No investment has no risk.
Sometimes the risks reflect the profits potential. For example, Bitcoin offers potential big profit but it has a big risk as well. While for Gold, the potential profit probably isn't as big as Bitcoin, but the risk is relatively smaller.

A simple explanation may be like the image below.
Low Risk Low Return and High Risk High Return
Gold is indeed a low risk investment.

There is no type of investment that is "Low Risk High Return", even if someone offers it, usually the investment will end up being a fraudulent investment or investment fraud.

Yes, thats it, simple. If someone invest in high risk solution and trying to get fast and big profit that is way of gambling. nothing to add, fully agree.

Title: Re: Why do many people call Bitcoin "digital gold"?
Post by: MinoRaiola on July 24, 2021, 07:36:13 PM
Bitcoin is not 100% comparable to gold. I'll give a few points:

You have something in your hand, not on the „internet“
Hard to transport + delivery expensive
Risk of loss in case of transfer
Storage space necessary
Purchase must be registered
Difficult to divide into small quantities

Easy, fast and cheap to transport
Small area of storage necessary
Easy to divide into small quantities
P2P tradable without registration
You do not have it physically in the has, but an access to the blockchain

Title: Re: Why do many people call Bitcoin "digital gold"?
Post by: RainbowKun on July 26, 2021, 03:48:22 AM
Indeed. No investment has no risk.
Sometimes the risks reflect the profits potential. For example, Bitcoin offers potential big profit but it has a big risk as well. While for Gold, the potential profit probably isn't as big as Bitcoin, but the risk is relatively smaller.

A simple explanation may be like the image below.
Low Risk Low Return and High Risk High Return
Gold is indeed a low risk investment.

There is no type of investment that is "Low Risk High Return", even if someone offers it, usually the investment will end up being a fraudulent investment or investment fraud.

Yes, thats it, simple. If someone invest in high risk solution and trying to get fast and big profit that is way of gambling. nothing to add, fully agree.

Yes,there is no type of investment that is "Low Risk High Return".The risk and return of any of our investments are directly proportional. This is the most basic law. If we want to obtain the safest investment, we should not expect it to bring us high returns. The main reason why the crypto world attracts many people to participate is that it can create very high returns, but high returns also mean high risks. In the process, many people lose all of their funds. The control of investment behavior has a very high relationship with everyone's cognitive level. For us, the only way to reduce risk is to continuously strengthen our own learning and improve our cognitive ability.

Title: Re: Why do many people call Bitcoin "digital gold"?
Post by: Kimonoe on July 26, 2021, 04:08:00 AM
they say bitcoin as digital gold because i think it has a good selling value in the future like gold. but the reality is not like that. bitcoin can't even be as stable as gold, where bitcoin still has its ups and downs.
so I think those who mention it don't understand what is bitcoin

Many compare Bitcoin with Gold, because Bitcoin is very similar to Gold. Not only is the selling value high, but the way to get it is also the same
as mining, and the amount is limited. So I can understand that many people refer to Bitcoin as digital Gold, but when compared correctly,
both Bitcoin and Gold have differences. The most striking difference is that Bitcoin has a very volatile price, while the price of Gold is relatively
stable. Therefore we should learn about Bitcoin properly, that way you will know that Bitcoin and Gold have some differences. Therefore I prefer
to say Bitcoin as a digital asset.
indeed bitcoin has higher fluctuations than gold, this is because gold has been accepted by everyone, so it has lower fluctuations. but both are assets that have a bright future. Therefore, many bitcoins also call it digital gold, because of the potential in the future

Title: Re: Why do many people call Bitcoin "digital gold"?
Post by: Rajamuda on July 26, 2021, 04:39:47 AM
they say bitcoin as digital gold because i think it has a good selling value in the future like gold. but the reality is not like that. bitcoin can't even be as stable as gold, where bitcoin still has its ups and downs.
so I think those who mention it don't understand what is bitcoin
Those who judge like that, only focus on investment matters, which indeed both provide profit opportunities in terms of investing, even though both have different characteristics and advantages+disadvantages.
bitcoin is like a big hope that has more potential to spread the future

Title: Re: Why do many people call Bitcoin "digital gold"?
Post by: bryant.coleman on July 26, 2021, 04:58:44 AM
If you check the returns spread out during the last 100-120 years, then you can see that gold has given the best returns for any asset. You can cherry-pick individual stocks such as AMZN, MSFT or TSLA and claim that their return is good, but the stock market is full of ups and downs during this period. Gold is one asset that has given good returns on a consistent basis. Also, it is one of the few assets which has maintained it's purchasing power. If you check the USD, you can see that it's purchasing power decreased by almost 99% during the same period.

Title: Re: Why do many people call Bitcoin "digital gold"?
Post by: yazher on July 26, 2021, 05:23:59 AM
It's been so long since they called it that way when they compared it to the gold where you don't need to worry about long-term investment since it's always on demand in the market. That's how the traits of bitcoins until now, didn't change at all because, after more than 10 years, it still dominates the market and the assurance is high compared to the other cryptocurrencies. Gold on the other hand has some kind of stable prices compared to the volatility in the crypto market but the way they compared bitcoins to gold is the assurance that anytime you can sold it whenever you want.

Title: Re: Why do many people call Bitcoin "digital gold"?
Post by: StanleyBoyle on July 26, 2021, 06:12:31 AM
You pretty much covered most of it; and I totally agree that Bitcoin's total addressable market is huge, even bigger than gold's. It's just that a lot of people are skeptical of Bitcoin solely because of it being intangible(besides some other things that's mostly because of ignorance). While digitization definitely has it's advantages, it's just that people like shiny good looking things.

My friends around me question Bitcoin mainly from two aspects:

  • The attitude of the national policy is very restrictive and unfriendly to Bitcoin. Most people trust the government for whatever reason.
  • The second aspect is their lack of knowledge, they are not good at Bitcoin investment, and the price of Bitcoin is very volatile and easy to be guided by individual people, such as Musk. The final point is that Bitcoin is not in their control. It is better to be a restaurant and have some income every day.

Title: Re: Why do many people call Bitcoin "digital gold"?
Post by: randegibran on July 26, 2021, 07:20:57 AM
for me virtual bitcoin almost has similarities with virtual gold as it relates to the issue of prices that continue to change in a short period of time, and like some other things we can find similarities, therefore many people call bitcoin almost like gold virtual, but we also recognize that gold is a common thing for people to save their money in the form of gold, of course if bitcoin has received permission from various countries it is not impossible that this will be able to compete with virtual gold

Title: Re: Why do many people call Bitcoin "digital gold"?
Post by: mrongos on July 26, 2021, 12:41:27 PM
since the year before I was born and now people prioritize gold as an asset that helps in an emergency. Gold is also loved by women, even in my country many women decorate themselves with gold, besides gold can also be exchanged easily through banking and other financial services. It used to be not an easy task to exchange bitcoins, now with increasing adoption and access to more exchanges it is making it easier than in the past. This seems to be the reason bitcoin is referred to as digital gold.

Title: Re: Why do many people call Bitcoin "digital gold"?
Post by: goldade on July 26, 2021, 01:13:07 PM
I am of the opinion that bitcoin is called digital gold because it has some of the characteristics of gold and other characteristics that make bitcoin even better. One must wonder why bitcoin wasn't called 'digital diamond' in terms of value, I believe it is because unlike diamond, it can be sold in smaller units which makes it affordable for almost everyone just like gold.
I believe it is also called that because of the fact that both of them can be used as a store of value.

Title: Re: Why do many people call Bitcoin "digital gold"?
Post by: Fecofelix on July 26, 2021, 06:33:01 PM
In the past, many has called bitcoin a digital gold, due to it weak  relationship with other assets/stock especially. Bitcoin is also like gold and at that it's not issued by federal government or Central Bank.

Title: Re: Why do many people call Bitcoin "digital gold"?
Post by: 19Nov16 on July 27, 2021, 04:53:18 AM
Bitcoin is referred to as digital gold because of it's high volatility and demand just as gold. Bitcoin gets scares as the years goes by and since it's not readily handy it's storage value keeps appreciating and depreciating based on the state of it's demand and supply curves which causes fluctuation in price. And this is on of the attribute bit shares with gold that's why it's referred to as digital gold

Bitcoin deserves to be called gold because of many similarities, but I think bitcoin is safer and certainly profitable than gold. Bitcoin is increasingly popular and the influence of bitcoin makes many parties especially banks afraid. The presence of bitcoin that does not require storage and delivery services, fast and small transaction fees make it easy for anyone to make everything easy.

Title: Re: Why do many people call Bitcoin "digital gold"?
Post by: Husnain651 on July 27, 2021, 05:14:07 AM
Just like gold, bitcoin is scarce and durable. In addition, bitcoin exhibits high portability, is easily transactable and programmable. What it lacks relative to gold, of course, is a long history of being perceived as a store of value.” “As digital gold

Title: Re: Why do many people call Bitcoin "digital gold"?
Post by: GeorgeJohn on July 27, 2021, 05:52:42 AM
From the beginning of my understanding of cryptocurrency i notice that many people give definition of cryptocurrency especially bitcoin to whatever they feel like to call it, so therefore anyone that's into crypto will give a preferential meaning of bitcoin base on the person's perspective, bitcoin is a currency and is decentralized, it's not something that we can argue about, that, BTC is a digital gold or not, everyone can stand to make a hate speech to any circumstances of everything but when you make a research or carry on research you in conclusion without accepting wrong or embracing negative name btc people tagged it.

Title: Re: Why do many people call Bitcoin "digital gold"?
Post by: Sir Legend on July 27, 2021, 06:53:14 AM
Just like gold, bitcoin is scarce and durable. In addition, bitcoin exhibits high portability, is easily transactable and programmable. What it lacks relative to gold, of course, is a long history of being perceived as a store of value.” “As digital gold

Bitcoin certainly has a lot of disadvantages compared to gold, but I use bitcoin to get big profits. gold has been used since thousands of years ago, 100% of the world's people know gold so that everyone is always looking for it, besides that gold has always been the standard of wealth so that everyone will save gold

Title: Re: Why do many people call Bitcoin "digital gold"?
Post by: RainbowKun on July 28, 2021, 09:26:14 AM
You pretty much covered most of it; and I totally agree that Bitcoin's total addressable market is huge, even bigger than gold's. It's just that a lot of people are skeptical of Bitcoin solely because of it being intangible(besides some other things that's mostly because of ignorance). While digitization definitely has it's advantages, it's just that people like shiny good looking things.

My friends around me question Bitcoin mainly from two aspects:

  • The attitude of the national policy is very restrictive and unfriendly to Bitcoin. Most people trust the government for whatever reason.
  • The second aspect is their lack of knowledge, they are not good at Bitcoin investment, and the price of Bitcoin is very volatile and easy to be guided by individual people, such as Musk. The final point is that Bitcoin is not in their control. It is better to be a restaurant and have some income every day.

Yes, this is also the current attitude of most ordinary people towards Bitcoin. They believe more in the government's propaganda of Bitcoin. But I believe that this is short-lived. Bitcoin is fundamentally different from gold. The government can pass laws to prohibit the circulation of gold as currency, but the government cannot prevent the circulation of Bitcoin. Bitcoin is truly decentralized and no one can control it.

Title: Re: Why do many people call Bitcoin "digital gold"?
Post by: Rehan Zakir on July 28, 2021, 11:22:18 AM
Gold is the most popular metal in all over the world. And Bitcoin works same like the gold. It can be used in all over the world. It is not any country currency. It is now become a global currency that anyone can use from anywhere in the world. That's why many peoples say Bitcoin the digital gold. But gold is a metal and bitcoin is currency both have difference. But both can be used for exchange of goods.

Title: Re: Why do many people call Bitcoin "digital gold"?
Post by: Luzin on July 28, 2021, 11:32:21 AM
Gold is the most popular metal in all over the world. And Bitcoin works same like the gold. It can be used in all over the world. It is not any country currency. It is now become a global currency that anyone can use from anywhere in the world. That's why many peoples say Bitcoin the digital gold. But gold is a metal and bitcoin is currency both have difference. But both can be used for exchange of goods.
A global currency that has not been recognized by the rest of the world. I think only a few countries recognize it as a means of payment. It also goes against World Bank rules. They do not recognize bitcoin as legal tender. Therefore, access is still limited.
Regarding the name I think it's only in some circles this is seen because of the special value of Bitcoin. If in the real world gold then in crypto bitcoin. It's just a parable because of its value alone. IMO

Title: Re: Why do many people call Bitcoin "digital gold"?
Post by: CryptoStar19 on July 28, 2021, 12:18:28 PM
The comparison to gold is primarily as store of value...

Gold is not used as a medium of exchange or currency... and in the same way bitcoin doesn't need to be used for payments... it can grow tremendously from here just with the current narrative of being the world's first and best digital store of value.

Title: Re: Why do many people call Bitcoin "digital gold"?
Post by: Hughes_Ryan on July 28, 2021, 02:35:39 PM
I think bitcoin is considered as digital gold because bitcoin is the largest digital currency, attracts world attention and is considered an anti-inflation asset, bitcoin is comparable to the value of physical gold  traditional substance.

Title: Re: Why do many people call Bitcoin "digital gold"?
Post by: macson on July 28, 2021, 03:02:42 PM
Gold is the most popular metal in all over the world. And Bitcoin works same like the gold. It can be used in all over the world. It is not any country currency. It is now become a global currency that anyone can use from anywhere in the world. That's why many peoples say Bitcoin the digital gold. But gold is a metal and bitcoin is currency both have difference. But both can be used for exchange of goods.
because many people hear that Bitcoin is mined, many perceive Bitcoin as gold.  for me it doesn't matter because even now robert kiyosaki still calls bitcoin is digital gold.  I respect other people's opinion about Bitcoin.

Title: Re: Why do many people call Bitcoin "digital gold"?
Post by: BuNga_cute on July 28, 2021, 03:16:53 PM
Gold is the most popular metal in all over the world. And Bitcoin works same like the gold. It can be used in all over the world. It is not any country currency. It is now become a global currency that anyone can use from anywhere in the world. That's why many peoples say Bitcoin the digital gold. But gold is a metal and bitcoin is currency both have difference. But both can be used for exchange of goods.
because many people hear that Bitcoin is mined, many perceive Bitcoin as gold.  for me it doesn't matter because even now robert kiyosaki still calls bitcoin is digital gold.  I respect other people's opinion about Bitcoin.

Bitcoin and Gold are indeed obtained by mining, and not only that Bitcoin and Gold also have a limited supply. With some similarities that Bitcoin and
Gold have, finally some people call Bitcoin as digital Gold. And we don't really need to worry about that, everyone has their own thoughts, we appreciate
it if someone calls Bitcoin as digital Gold. Although Bitcoin and Gold are actually different assets, but as long as it doesn't have a negative effect then
let's appreciate it for people who call Bitcoin as digital Gold.

Title: Re: Why do many people call Bitcoin "digital gold"?
Post by: ropyu1978 on July 28, 2021, 03:29:50 PM
why do many people call bitcoin as gold in digital, maybe from the price of bitcoin which is much more expensive than the price of ordinary gold, we can also make bitcoin an asset, to get bigger profits, but when compared to diamonds, bitcoin is still below diamonds. .

Title: Re: Why do many people call Bitcoin "digital gold"?
Post by: seramania on July 28, 2021, 03:38:52 PM
I think it's because bitcoin has the same value as gold.  the same is possible for investment but the difference is that gold does not have a fast and high increase like bitcoin, and bitcoin also cannot be as safe as gold.

Title: Re: Why do many people call Bitcoin "digital gold"?
Post by: pawanjain on July 28, 2021, 03:56:36 PM
I think it's because bitcoin has the same value as gold.  the same is possible for investment but the difference is that gold does not have a fast and high increase like bitcoin, and bitcoin also cannot be as safe as gold.

Bitcoin has a similar intrinsic value as that of gold. A lot of people invest in gold and a lot of people invest in bitcoin too and it's just a matter of their prioriities.
I think bitcoin and gold both are equally unsafe. A thief can steal your physical gold whereas a hacker can steal your bitcoins if you don't have the proper security.
Matter of fact I think bitcoin is more secure if we don't leave any vulnerabilities.

Title: Re: Why do many people call Bitcoin "digital gold"?
Post by: dificanovi on July 28, 2021, 04:33:28 PM
Many people say bitcoin is digital gold because bitcoin has a very fantastic price and has a price that often goes up and down so many people benefit from it.
The existence of bitcoin has been known by the whole world so that many people who want to buy bitcoin as well as gold, bitcoin and gold do have a lot in common so that many people also make pictures or metals made of gold bearing the Bitcoin symbol.

Title: Re: Why do many people call Bitcoin "digital gold"?
Post by: LongStand on July 28, 2021, 06:20:56 PM
I think that Bitcoin is called digital gold by most of people because its price is very high and there is less amount of Bitcoin. So Bitcoin is similar as gold. Bitcoin is consider as precious as gold. Bitcoin is safe and secure. Due to these reason Bitcoin is consider as gold.

Title: Re: Why do many people call Bitcoin "digital gold"?
Post by: Shenzou on July 28, 2021, 06:33:15 PM
The main reason why people are comparing bitcoin to gold is because they are both have a finite source there can only be so much of them available  in the world, sure you can say that fiat and physical money are also finite but governments are able to always print more and more where gold you can't create and so as the case with bitcoin

Title: Re: Why do many people call Bitcoin "digital gold"?
Post by: AniviaBtc on July 28, 2021, 07:50:57 PM
From the value itself and you can see it by the numbers. Bitcoin is limited and can vary its price over time so it is considered as gold by many.

Many people are treating it and making it as a store of value and a way to earn profit in the market.

Bitcoin is the start of digital investment or a digital asset like gold, before anything else like buy and sell, bitcoin is the first digital asset.

Title: Re: Why do many people call Bitcoin "digital gold"?
Post by: RainbowKun on July 29, 2021, 02:46:46 AM
From the value itself and you can see it by the numbers. Bitcoin is limited and can vary its price over time so it is considered as gold by many.

Many people are treating it and making it as a store of value and a way to earn profit in the market.

Bitcoin is the start of digital investment or a digital asset like gold, before anything else like buy and sell, bitcoin is the first digital asset.

Yes, in my opinion, Bitcoin not only has some of the characteristics of gold, but also has its own unique advantages. Bitcoin is more suitable as a store of value than gold, and it is not controlled by any single force.

Title: Re: Why do many people call Bitcoin "digital gold"?
Post by: Wong Gendheng on August 03, 2021, 11:01:46 AM
bitcoin is called digital gold, that's because bitcoin is like gold.  If we keep it, the value will continue to rise.  Like gold, the more you keep, the more expensive it is.  Even if we compare bitcoin and gold, the profit of bitcoin is much greater than gold.

Exactly, the many similarities between bitcoin and gold, the value that continues to increase and the number of active users continues to grow is proof that bitcoin deserves to be called digital gold, this makes me optimistic that bitcoin can last for a long time and of course with a price that continues to skyrocket.

Title: Re: Why do many people call Bitcoin "digital gold"?
Post by: MIner1448 on August 03, 2021, 12:01:12 PM
First of all, due to the fact that this asset is quite expensive and always keeps in price, and also in the digital world it is difficult to find an asset more expensive than bitcoin itself, I would say that it is impossible to find, because it is the leader in the digital world in terms of assets for many years ...

Title: Re: Why do many people call Bitcoin "digital gold"?
Post by: Tahsin Kabir Kollol on August 03, 2021, 12:39:03 PM
The main reason why people consider Bitcoin as digital gold is that investing in Bitcoin is as profitable as gold. However, in my opinion, the use and popularity of Bitcoin are not as high as that of Gold, but Bitcoin has surpassed Gold in terms of price growth. If you analyze the comparative growth of the price of Bitcoin and gold since the beginning of the creation of Bitcoin, you will see that the growth of the price of Bitcoin is several times higher than that of gold. Although there is a difference in price growth, Bitcoin and gold are a profitable way to invest and that is why Bitcoin is considered as digital gold.

Title: Re: Why do many people call Bitcoin "digital gold"?
Post by: juliepower on August 03, 2021, 04:37:56 PM
People call Bitcoin a digital gold that's because it is not issued by a central bank or federal government. Investing in Bitcoin is as profitable as gold because the value of bitcoin increases. Bitcoin is a digital gold is that it is very scarce this is why Bitcoin is a successful cryptocurrency and not controlled by external authority and also financial crises, monetary policies don't affect the price of Bitcoin. That's why investers treat as a safe assets and as a digital gold.

Title: Re: Why do many people call Bitcoin "digital gold"?
Post by: tanjiran on August 03, 2021, 06:48:02 PM
because it is valuable, rare, limited in number, and must be mined to get it. yes, digitally bitcoin is almost like gold, the only difference is the regulation. op already explained the comparison of the two, and it's really worth it to have both. there are also those who say that btc is a safe heaven just like gold, on the other hand there are those who disagree because btc's volatility is very high.
if asked to choose which one is better, of course both have their respective advantages, so no need to bother and just choose both :)

Title: Re: Why do many people call Bitcoin "digital gold"?
Post by: RainbowKun on August 05, 2021, 03:33:10 AM
because it is valuable, rare, limited in number, and must be mined to get it. yes, digitally bitcoin is almost like gold, the only difference is the regulation. op already explained the comparison of the two, and it's really worth it to have both. there are also those who say that btc is a safe heaven just like gold, on the other hand there are those who disagree because btc's volatility is very high.
if asked to choose which one is better, of course both have their respective advantages, so no need to bother and just choose both :)
because it is valuable, rare, limited in number, and must be mined to get it. yes, digitally bitcoin is almost like gold, the only difference is the regulation. op already explained the comparison of the two, and it's really worth it to have both. there are also those who say that btc is a safe heaven just like gold, on the other hand there are those who disagree because btc's volatility is very high.
if asked to choose which one is better, of course both have their respective advantages, so no need to bother and just choose both :)

In my opinion, the reason why the price of Bitcoin is currently volatile is that we are still in the earliest stage of Bitcoin's development. The market value of Bitcoin is not yet large enough. When the market value of Bitcoin is large enough in another 10 or 20 years, I believe that Bitcoin will not fluctuate so much.

Title: Re: Why do many people call Bitcoin "digital gold"?
Post by: romero121 on August 05, 2021, 07:50:29 AM
Right now gold is the accepted collateral from banks and financial services apart from bonds and stocks. Earlier investment on gold is a tedious job, now everything has turned digital. Most people prefer gold over bitcoin for different purposes. Based on the growth bitcoin has experienced in a short time period people started to make it as digital gold in conversation even though there is separate digital gold for investment.

Title: Re: Why do many people call Bitcoin "digital gold"?
Post by: YOSHIE on August 05, 2021, 08:14:57 AM
Why do many people call Bitcoin "digital gold"?
The image of the logo displayed on Bitcoin resembles Gold, but not gold, the posture and shape resembles metal and is colored gold, but not gold, nowadays people don't want to bother in calling something, if the object resembles silver, gold, bronze they will say as they see it, to make it easier to pronounce and remember.

What you to know, Bitcoin is not physical, besides that Bitcoin can only be obtained when the internet is active, while real gold is in the bowels of the earth, does not need the internet and gold is physical, not imaginary, gold is a precious metal item, Bitcoin cannot be replaced as gold, that will not happen.

The nature of gold is unlimited and inexhaustible as long as the earth still exists, Bitcoin only has 21 million coins, if 21 million people in this world buy Bitcoin, Bitcoin will run out.

Title: Re: Why do many people call Bitcoin "digital gold"?
Post by: Tigerheart3026 on August 05, 2021, 03:05:07 PM
many reasons here because people have made the highest profit by investing here and its price is rising day by day so most people consider it a more valuable asset than gold.

this digital gold goes up a lot in a very short period of time and people made the highest profit more than gold investment in a few years record so everyone wants to invest here.

Title: Re: Why do many people call Bitcoin "digital gold"?
Post by: RainbowKun on August 06, 2021, 02:11:56 AM
Why do many people call Bitcoin "digital gold"?
The image of the logo displayed on Bitcoin resembles Gold, but not gold, the posture and shape resembles metal and is colored gold, but not gold, nowadays people don't want to bother in calling something, if the object resembles silver, gold, bronze they will say as they see it, to make it easier to pronounce and remember.

What you to know, Bitcoin is not physical, besides that Bitcoin can only be obtained when the internet is active, while real gold is in the bowels of the earth, does not need the internet and gold is physical, not imaginary, gold is a precious metal item, Bitcoin cannot be replaced as gold, that will not happen.

The nature of gold is unlimited and inexhaustible as long as the earth still exists, Bitcoin only has 21 million coins, if 21 million people in this world buy Bitcoin, Bitcoin will run out.

As a thought experiment, imagine there was a base metal as scarce as gold but with the following properties:
- boring grey in colour
- not a good conductor of electricity
- not particularly strong, but not ductile or easily malleable either
- not useful for any practical or ornamental purpose

and one special, magical property:
- can be transported over a communications channel

If it somehow acquired any value at all for whatever reason, then anyone wanting to transfer wealth over a long distance could buy some, transmit it, and have the recipient sell it.

Maybe it could get an initial value circularly as you've suggested, by people foreseeing its potential usefulness for exchange.  (I would definitely want some)  Maybe collectors, any random reason could spark it.

I think the traditional qualifications for money were written with the assumption that there are so many competing objects in the world that are scarce, an object with the automatic bootstrap of intrinsic value will surely win out over those without intrinsic value.  But if there were nothing in the world with intrinsic value that could be used as money, only scarce but no intrinsic value, I think people would still take up something.

(I'm using the word scarce here to only mean limited potential supply)

This is Satoshi's description of some properties of Bitcoin, and this post was found by other friends on the forum. When I saw this passage, I was really stunned. This is exactly the kind of state I envisioned.

Title: Re: Why do many people call Bitcoin "digital gold"?
Post by: sou-kou on August 07, 2021, 08:53:41 AM
As the world's first cryptocurrency, Bitcoin is hard-coded with digital scarcity, and its supply is limited to 21 million, which makes this asset similar to precious metals such as gold.

Although other cryptocurrencies have adopted the same method, they cannot attract the public and reach its height (whether in price or influence) like Bitcoin.

The title of the Bitcoin white paper clearly refers to the concept of a "peer-to-peer electronic cash system". Obviously, Satoshi Nakamoto created Bitcoin as a means of payment.

In short, adoption is the key.

Title: Re: Why do many people call Bitcoin "digital gold"?
Post by: ilovealtcoins on August 07, 2021, 09:39:39 AM
Because Bitcoin is scarce, mining deflates over time, is perfectly secure, and stored on computer space. Bitcoin is providing great payment applications, companies all over the world choose Bitcoin as a reserve asset instead of FIAT. With that comes regulatory corridors in countries that are being built for Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies. Those are the points that make Bitcoin legit and increase in value over time the way gold did.

Title: Re: Why do many people call Bitcoin "digital gold"?
Post by: elisabetheva on August 07, 2021, 09:51:39 AM
Right now gold is the accepted collateral from banks and financial services apart from bonds and stocks. Earlier investment on gold is a tedious job, now everything has turned digital. Most people prefer gold over bitcoin for different purposes. Based on the growth bitcoin has experienced in a short time period people started to make it as digital gold in conversation even though there is separate digital gold for investment.
agree, gold is indeed an investment, which has been around for a long time. so it is natural to receive special treatment if for collateral at the bank it is certainly acceptable, even in other places there are those who accommodate it because it is clear that making sales is also easier if it has to be conventionally or digitally. but after bitcoin began to appear we can not close our eyes that, bitcoin is very coveted. bitcoin is better and very profitable for long-term investments than gold, even though both are equally profitable.

Title: Re: Why do many people call Bitcoin "digital gold"?
Post by: tabas on August 07, 2021, 10:16:31 AM
Bitcoin is an asset like gold. Gold  price always up down . Bitcoin price also updown always but bitcoin has reached at the peak as like gold price. And in future is all about bitcoin. As big big personalities are also showing their interest in btc. So I can say bitcoin is an asset like gold and it is called digital gold
No, not in the future it's going to be only with bitcoin. It's going to be with every asset and investment that revolutionized the traditional assets and that's why and how it will take over those type of assets. As for the people, we tend to call whatever we seem to be familiar with it and the comparison that it has.

Title: Re: Why do many people call Bitcoin "digital gold"?
Post by: Gcrypto786 on August 07, 2021, 10:22:18 AM
Bitcoin is an asset like gold. Gold  price always up down . Bitcoin price also updown always but bitcoin has reached at the peak as like gold price. And in future is all about bitcoin. As big big personalities are also showing their interest in btc. So I can say bitcoin is an asset like gold and it is called digital gold

In few terms you are right but still, crypto users can't trust BTC completely and they are well aware of the risk. BTC got popularity when it first pumped and the price reached $20k but now it's been recognized as GOLD in digital currency.

Title: Re: Why do many people call Bitcoin "digital gold"?
Post by: RainbowKun on August 08, 2021, 09:19:24 AM
Bitcoin is an asset like gold. Gold  price always up down . Bitcoin price also updown always but bitcoin has reached at the peak as like gold price. And in future is all about bitcoin. As big big personalities are also showing their interest in btc. So I can say bitcoin is an asset like gold and it is called digital gold
No, not in the future it's going to be only with bitcoin. It's going to be with every asset and investment that revolutionized the traditional assets and that's why and how it will take over those type of assets. As for the people, we tend to call whatever we seem to be familiar with it and the comparison that it has.

In my opinion, in the future, Bitcoin is the foundation of other assets and will serve as a reserve asset. In the future, the issuance of some digital currencies or the issuance of legal tenders may anchor Bitcoin. Bitcoin will play a role similar to gold in history.

Title: Re: Why do many people call Bitcoin "digital gold"?
Post by: carrigan on August 08, 2021, 01:22:08 PM
I think most people call bitcoin as digital gold because bitcoin itself has such a large nominal and can be used as an investment, not only that the appearance and design of bitcoin itself also looks like a golden color that is so luxurious this is of course synonymous with gold. but the difference is that bitcoin is a digital currency while gold does exist in real form so maybe this is why some people call it digital gold

Title: Re: Why do many people call Bitcoin "digital gold"?
Post by: marissa23 on August 08, 2021, 02:26:58 PM
I think bitcoin is very appropriate to say digital gold because bitcoin is invested in the long term and bitcoin is getting more and more interested in the same as in the real world there are many people who want to invest in gold and of course gold is very much interested in it so bitcoin in the digital world and gold in the real world .

Title: Re: Why do many people call Bitcoin "digital gold"?
Post by: BobK71 on August 13, 2021, 06:01:07 AM
The most important thing behind the gold we know as a valuable asset is its price. Naturally, the price is much higher that is why people save it as an asset to them. They can use it by selling it for any special need if they want. According to this concern bitcoin is one another gold or more then it. It is easy to save and sell. Moreover, financial problems can be solved  faster then gold. 

Title: Re: Why do many people call Bitcoin "digital gold"?
Post by: molsewid on August 13, 2021, 11:54:07 AM
The most important thing behind the gold we know as a valuable asset is its price. Naturally, the price is much higher that is why people save it as an asset to them. They can use it by selling it for any special need if they want. According to this concern bitcoin is one another gold or more then it. It is easy to save and sell. Moreover, financial problems can be solved  faster then gold. 

If we will going to look back the history of money or currency we can found out that it really evolved. What I mean have you remember that our ancestors treat their live stocks as their wealth then as long as the quality of life of people changing and also the way they purchase products and services then here it comes the gold then after that we have the fiat or paper currency then we have now bitcoin. Bitcoin is now being called as the digital gold because of it's undeniable value that really amazing.

Title: Re: Why do many people call Bitcoin "digital gold"?
Post by: Mamun74 on August 13, 2021, 03:44:53 PM
People compare Bitcoin with Gold because Bitcoin highlighted now like gold. Gold price always up and down like bitcoin . We are know that gold is valuable asset thing and golds price much higher. Now bitcoin is highest valuable coin in crypto market. So people called Bitcoin is digital gold bcoz Bitcoin play a role like gold in history.

Title: Re: Why do many people call Bitcoin "digital gold"?
Post by: Findingnemo on August 13, 2021, 04:09:49 PM
The most important thing behind the gold we know as a valuable asset is its price. Naturally, the price is much higher that is why people save it as an asset to them. They can use it by selling it for any special need if they want. According to this concern bitcoin is one another gold or more then it. It is easy to save and sell. Moreover, financial problems can be solved  faster then gold. 
Bitcoin is certainly a lot better than gold, I never seen a place where they accept gold for the payments of their services or goods, we only can use it as a store of value whereas bitcoin is different which can be used for the transactions with complete convenience and also it is accepted by some major companies and will be accepted by a lot in the near future.

Title: Re: Why do many people call Bitcoin "digital gold"?
Post by: Marvelman on August 13, 2021, 04:35:38 PM
The strength of a cryptocurrency is in its underlying technology, so the reason people refer to it as "digital gold" is to draw parallels between the two. Bitcoin is similar to gold because it is a scarce, valuable asset that cannot be copied, counterfeited, or destroyed. And like gold, it is a decentralized asset that can be moved without any middlemen or intermediaries.

Both are financial assets whose value is based on a scarcity of product, unlike conventional fiat currency.

Title: Re: Why do many people call Bitcoin "digital gold"?
Post by: Sollaes on August 14, 2021, 06:58:20 AM
Gold was one of the first valuable things that people could use for exchanges and payments. It also was the first tool of investments. Bitcoin is also a beginner of the crypto industry. The majority of people consider gold to be the best investment, as well as Bitcoin is thought to be the most reliable investment.  Also we had to mine gold using our energy, and in terms of bitcoin, we also mine it to have more. Moreover, both of these assets are limited, so there are a lot of similarities.

Title: Re: Why do many people call Bitcoin "digital gold"?
Post by: CaptainCrapper on August 14, 2021, 07:35:02 AM
Because people think Bitcoin can be a digital store of asset. Gold as physical store of asset. When they believe like that, it means they believe in the intrinsic value of Bitcoin.

Their belief can be right and is based by valuable reasons or can be wrong and is not based on anything.

If you see good reasons from their belief, Bitcoin has good future. I share on informative article to you. They bullish case for Bitcoin (
I think when the end of total mining in the 2041 year or other any year this time will justify our goal and demand of bitcoin. Now we cant imagine the mattar already 80% mining is complete. All of the Big investors involving with bitcoin so think this time when every transaction will complete by BTC. For that reason everyone telling it digital gold and I agree with this.

Title: Re: Why do many people call Bitcoin "digital gold"?
Post by: conected on August 14, 2021, 03:02:37 PM
we might say that bitcoin is almost like gold whose price tends to fluctuate.and storage is almost like gold that's why bitcoin is called digital gold. as we see today how bitcoin performs both in the storage process and at the time of release that we want to sell on the global stock market, maybe that is why bitcoin is said to be digital gold,
- Storage is not exactly the same, sometimes I feel that the name seems to be the manipulation of a genius brain, although the odds of determining the similarity between bitcoin and gold are very low but quite a few people have removed and cut the important points, combined the both and created a special relationship. Bitcoin fluctuations are a disrespect for theories and separations between technical and predictive while gold respects those laws due to its links to the economy and government.

Title: Re: Why do many people call Bitcoin "digital gold"?
Post by: Qirtov on August 15, 2021, 01:19:11 PM
I think many people call bitcoin digital gold because the nominal bitcoin is so large and its appearance is similar to gold but in digital form. Bitcoin can also be used as an investment like gold maybe things like that are generally the reason some people call bitcoin digital gold. Actually both bitcoin and gold complement each other. Bitcoin has its own advantages in one of its fields compared to gold and vice versa.

Title: Re: Why do many people call Bitcoin "digital gold"?
Post by: mrongos on August 15, 2021, 01:33:52 PM
Bitcoin has all the same characteristics as gold. The number of Bitcoins is limited (only a certain amount will be produced), Bitcoins can be broken down into smaller units without losing the value of those units (1 Bitcoin = 100,000,000 Satoshi - the smallest unit of Bitcoin, just like cents in Dollars or pennies in Pounds, so we can buy less than one Bitcoin), Bitcoin technology is also stable and will not degrade, nor is it possible to create fake Bitcoins. Also, unlike gold, you can move Bitcoins anywhere in the world in a matter of minutes, regardless of the amount of Bitcoins. That's why people call Bitcoin digital gold, but better digital gold.

Title: Re: Why do many people call Bitcoin "digital gold"?
Post by: RainbowKun on September 06, 2021, 04:12:26 AM
According to statistics, the total market value of global gold currently exceeds 8 trillion U.S. dollars. If the market value of Bitcoin exceeds 8 trillion U.S. dollars, the value of a single Bitcoin will exceed 400,000 U.S. dollars. This is just a judgment on Bitcoin's value as a "digital gold".

Why do many people call Bitcoin "digital gold"?

I'm sure some people refer to bitcoin as digital gold, because they don't analyze it as far as you do, they only look at the basic physical aspects of bitcoin like limited supply and to own it we also have to do mining, if we look at it from this physical only, it's not wrong if they analogize bitcoin as gold in digital form, and some people also claim that bitcoin is better than gold.

Yes, in my opinion, Bitcoin not only has similar characteristics to gold, but also has many advantages that gold does not. This is why I think that Bitcoin will replace gold and become the real world currency.
In the future world currency system, we will build around Bitcoin. The most important role that Bitcoin will play in the future is not to pay, but to store value. Humans store wealth and value in Bitcoin.

Title: Re: Why do many people call Bitcoin "digital gold"?
Post by: Marvell1 on September 06, 2021, 05:32:06 AM
When it comes to gold, it represents expensive scarcity and wealth if someone owns gold. "expensive as gold", "precious as gold", that's what people keep saying. People call bitcoin digital gold because it simply has many similarities like very precious and rare. Even in terms of technology bitcoin is superior to gold in every way. Bitcoin can be used as a payment method, is an investment tool and also a safer store of assets than gold because it is anonymous.

Title: Re: Why do many people call Bitcoin "digital gold"?
Post by: anil07 on September 06, 2021, 06:39:08 AM
Bitcoin is an digital currency and it's value very high BTC growth day by day like gold. we can called btc digital gold. we store it for the future like gold
in the future btc give us more profit so people says btc digital gold.

Title: Re: Why do many people call Bitcoin "digital gold"?
Post by: syedakhlaque on October 26, 2021, 03:16:05 PM
The people rightly call Bitcoin "digital gold".Because it was Gold that was used as the main trade matter in the history of the world.
After Gold on the world level, This is bitcoin that is been used For the last decade. Bitcoin business is growing day by day without any border or country limit. The flow of this business cannot be controlled by any country. So it is expected that Bitcoin will take place of Gold in future world trade. So we can say it is "Digital Gold".

Title: Re: Why do many people call Bitcoin "digital gold"?
Post by: habebe on October 27, 2021, 03:55:57 PM
 :)well about the bitcoin crypto asset  was a digital currency but many people they don't know about bitcoin and they think is like an expensive gold they compared gold to bitcoin and nown as always gold but about bitcoin i know  is a higher than gold but the truth is bitcoin are the most popular crypto currency, in the world

Title: Re: Why do many people call Bitcoin "digital gold"?
Post by: eXtremal on October 27, 2021, 04:09:45 PM
It's a parable. But it really looks like real gold. Gold is non-renewable, supply is limited, scarce, and valuable. It also exists in bitcoin but bitcoin is the digital version. This makes the times more interesting.

Title: Re: Why do many people call Bitcoin "digital gold"?
Post by: MIner1448 on October 28, 2021, 08:46:43 AM
This is, of course, a hackneyed topic for discussion, but it is called digital gold for the main reason, and this is its market value and its capitalization, now it is difficult to imagine or find a digital value that would be so worth it, perhaps there is no such value anywhere and never will will. Bitcoin took the lead in digital asset and will be there for a long time.

Title: Re: Why do many people call Bitcoin "digital gold"?
Post by: Gyfts on October 28, 2021, 10:06:55 AM
However, despite us wanting to hold a physical item, modern times are changing quite quickly, most people are becoming accustomed to handling their finances online, where as 5-10 years ago, most people thought of it as insecure.  So, while at the moment people like shiny physical things, it is quickly changing. Several challenging banks are now operating entirely online, and don't even have any local branches that you can go too. Bitcoin will most certainly benefit from this psychological shift in our culture.

It's a bit of a double edged sword because it's hard to make the case to someone that Bitcoin should replace traditional currencies when it isn't a tangible asset. Granted, currencies shifted away from the gold standard anyways so there is nothing supporting traditional currencies anyways.. And, most modern banking is just digital numbers shown as a balance on an account, but the idea is that the number on the screen can be exchanged for physical cash. With Bitcoin, there is no such concept.

Title: Re: Why do many people call Bitcoin "digital gold"?
Post by: rodskee on October 28, 2021, 10:38:51 AM
It's a parable. But it really looks like real gold. Gold is non-renewable, supply is limited,
 scarce, and valuable. It also exists in bitcoin but bitcoin is the digital version. This makes the times more interesting.
Indeed here mate, Bitcoin named digital gold because Like gold both characteristics are the same though Gold may still regenerate after 2070 yet this will take long years again not Like bitcoin that after mining the 21 million btc there are no other to be mined forever.
and besides the use of Bitcoin and Gold are almost the same.

Title: Re: Why do many people call Bitcoin "digital gold"?
Post by: Imran232 on October 28, 2021, 11:09:24 AM
How do I understand these things? What do people call bitcoins as digital gold? But there is a simple thing. No one says bitcoin is digital gold. They just compare it with gold and conclude that bitcoin can be a value like gold in the digital world. Gold is a valuable thing in the physical world, where bitcoin has value like gold in the virtual world. Though people can now invest gold virtually, like they don't need to hold gold, they just need a wallet where they can get an amount of gold virtually. That is the reason people are almost saying bitcoin is a version of gold, digitally, all because of its value.

Title: Re: Why do many people call Bitcoin "digital gold"?
Post by: peter0425 on October 28, 2021, 11:09:31 AM
Do we really need to elaborate that, if you are here and believer of Bitcoin you will understand why we are calling this as digital gold.
Not like Fiat that has been provided by the government , Bitcoin is like a gold that needs to go in process of Mining and the stocks are limited, it may be mined in future and the value will surely increase to the max.
so meaning that either Gold or Bitcoin both are very valuable in physical and digital world.

Title: Re: Why do many people call Bitcoin "digital gold"?
Post by: marilynmanson21 on October 28, 2021, 12:53:19 PM
Bitcoin has all the same characteristics as gold. That's why people call Bitcoin digital gold, but better digital gold. Bitcoin also has value as a payment system. The more people use Bitcoin for payments, the more valuable this payment system becomes.

Title: Re: Why do many people call Bitcoin "digital gold"?
Post by: Alert31 on October 28, 2021, 12:55:45 PM
I think because of it's value which is precious like gold. Digital because bitcoin was created as digital currency which comparable to gold. You know the only thing that’s great about bitcoin that isn’t in gold is that every person in the digital community can have bitcoin even smaller. Many people have bitcoin in their wallet but no gold.

Title: Re: Why do many people call Bitcoin "digital gold"?
Post by: rozak on October 28, 2021, 01:05:49 PM
Bitcoin has all the same characteristics as gold. That's why people call Bitcoin digital gold, but better digital gold. Bitcoin also has value as a payment system. The more people use Bitcoin for payments, the more valuable this payment system becomes.
I don't like having to equate the two. although I have both for investment, Gold is like a very passive asset to save money when we need it in the future.
but bitcoin is an asset that can give us money whenever we want. I mean, daily, monthly, or maybe yearly. It all depends on our planning.
both are different. but maybe many give the term because they see a very large increase in the price of bitcoin.
as a means of payment, both have their history. because in the past, we could recognize gold coins (gold coins used for transactions). now everything has been made simpler and cheaper.
while bitcoin is currently struggling, or maybe only a few commodities are accepting payments using bitcoin.

Title: Re: Why do many people call Bitcoin "digital gold"?
Post by: zaesvlas on October 28, 2021, 01:11:56 PM
Is not it so? As for me, now for investment this is a really worthy option, which can be quite profitable.

Title: Re: Why do many people call Bitcoin "digital gold"?
Post by: worldofcoins on October 28, 2021, 01:23:57 PM
I don't call it digital gold but it has some similarities but isn't the same!
There's a coin named "Bitcoin Gold" and if I'm not wrong then it's backed up by real Gold and there's a smart contract on it where you pay a percent every "x" days as a tax cut from real gold.

I don't know what to say about it but in simple words, Bitcoin isn't real gold or Backed up by real gold.

Title: Re: Why do many people call Bitcoin "digital gold"?
Post by: Wawa2013 on October 28, 2021, 01:49:51 PM
I think because of it's value which is precious like gold. Digital because bitcoin was created as digital currency which comparable to gold. You know the only thing that’s great about bitcoin that isn’t in gold is that every person in the digital community can have bitcoin even smaller. Many people have bitcoin in their wallet but no gold.

Apart from both having a value which is precious, Bitcoin and Gold also have several other things in common. Like getting it by being mined,
then Bitcoin and Gold are also limited in number. Because Bitcoin is only used in the digital world, therefore many call Bitcoin as digital gold.
In fact, when compared again, both Bitcoin and Gold have several differences, because they are indeed different. There is no need to compare
which is better between Bitcoin and Gold, because both are very worthy of long-term investment. If both are equally good, why should we choose one?.
I even now invest in Gold and Bitcoin.

Title: Re: Why do many people call Bitcoin "digital gold"?
Post by: kopijos on October 28, 2021, 01:51:16 PM
actually it is not correct if bitcoin is called digital gold.
because the nature of bitcoin is easy to increase and decrease drastically, in contrast to gold which is always stable and increases even though slowly.
this is actually just a designation but for the nature of the two are very different

Title: Re: Why do many people call Bitcoin "digital gold"?
Post by: ChiBitCTy on October 28, 2021, 01:59:13 PM
I for one have always been someone who has gotten VERY annoyed by all of the bitcoin vs gold or bitcoin or gold talk, because the two are very different things.  That being said they of course also have some properties in common that make them somewhat comparable, but that being said there are plenty of things you can compare from one to another so it still annoys me a bit.  However the book Digital Gold is fantastic and a highly recommended read!

Title: Re: Why do many people call Bitcoin "digital gold"?
Post by: rizqoAD on October 29, 2021, 03:47:15 AM
In my opinion, the reason Bitcoin is called digital gold is because Bitcoin has characteristics like real gold, even though in digital form Bitcoin has a limited amount and cannot be counterfeited. In addition, the price that continues to rise makes Bitcoin more valuable like gold, so it is often referred to as digital gold. Bitcoin is the only cryptocurrency that has the highest value compared to other cryptocurrencies, this makes Bitcoin an alternative investment other than gold because it is more economical to store in a digital wallet.

Title: Re: Why do many people call Bitcoin "digital gold"?
Post by: breathlessz on October 29, 2021, 04:25:42 AM
I think this is because bitcoin is a potential investment tool like gold, while the difference is that gold has a physical form, while bitcoin does not. so bitcoin is widely said to be digital gold. actually investing in bitcoin is very profitable as long as we are patient to hold it, many of the investors who see the wild movement so panic sell

Title: Re: Why do many people call Bitcoin "digital gold"?
Post by: Reatim on October 29, 2021, 04:28:37 AM
Is not it so? As for me, now for investment this is a really worthy option, which can be quite profitable.
have you read the thread or even the title? i see no direct connection in your post and this sounds funny lol.
actually it is not correct if bitcoin is called digital gold.
WHy ? what is not correct on this to be called as digital gold? mind explaining please?

because the nature of bitcoin is easy to increase and decrease drastically, in contrast to gold which is always stable and increases even though slowly.
this is actually just a designation but for the nature of the two are very different
they may be different because one is digital and another is physical but it is indeed best to have them both for future use.