Bitcoin Forum

Alternate cryptocurrencies => Tokens (Altcoins) => Topic started by: Trade_Fighter on July 23, 2021, 11:51:48 AM

Title: 💰TRADE FIGHTER:💰 get rich or get rekt!
Post by: Trade_Fighter on July 23, 2021, 11:51:48 AM
1234567891011121314 (




1234567891011121314151613141516 (

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Are you a BULL or a BEAR? All you have to do for gains of 97% is simply predict if the price of BTC or ETH will
go UP or DOWN. You can GET RICH in as little as 30 secs if your prediction is correct or GET REKT if wrong.

TRADE FIGHTER is built on Binance Smart Chain (BSC). All you have to do is connect your wallet, deposit your
desired amount in BNB, choose if you are a BULL (means you are predicting price to go up) or BEAR (you are
predicting price to go down), select the time frame of your prediction e.g. 30secs, 1 minute, an hour all the way
up to 24 hr and that's all you need to do to GET RICH.

We need to mention that you have the ability to lose all your money if your prediction goes the opposite way you
intended, but what is life without living on the edge. There is no other platform that will allow you to GET RICH as
quickly as TRADE FIGHTER. Predict with as little as US$1, we don’t want you to break the bank so come and
GET RICH or GET REKT. ( ( ( (


Big Earnings

Guaranteed +97% gain on your money if you predict
right in as little as 30 secs.
Low Capital Entry

You only need a minimum of US$1 to start realizing
huge gains on Trade Fighter, a maximum pledge
amount is US$200.


All you need to use Trade Fighter is the internet and
a web 3 wallet e.g. binance smart chain wallet and
metamask. just plug and play.

By connecting with your own wallet you are always
in custody of your own funds.


The TRADE FIGHTER (TDF) utility token will be used to predict on the platform and gains to be
paid out using TDF token. There will be a fixed supply of TDF - 150 million. The 150 million will be
minted at the initial token generation event (TGE) with no further tokens to be created afterwards.
The token allocations are shown below.


Community Rewards


Strategic Round




Team Allocation


Private Sale


Prediction Rewards


Liquidity Pool

1234567891011121314151617181920212223242526272829303132333418192021222324252627 28293031323334


Apr 2021
Finalize concept + Build

May 2021
MVP beta testing + TDF token seed sale

Jun 2021
Trade Fighter live version 0.1 (Invitation only)
+ TDF Private token sale

Jul 2021
Full launch of application with BTC/USD and
ETH/USD prediction pair using BNB
+ Marketing

Aug 2021
Community setup on various Social media
platform + Competitions + Airdrops
+ TDF Character NFT Design

Sep 2021
Launch of TDF Token in ecosystem + Trade Fighter
swap integration (TDF swap) + TDF officially will
be used to do all things inside Trade Fighter

Oct 2021
TDF list on Pancake swap + TDF LP program
TDF/BNB pairing

Nov 2021
NFT sales for holders of TDF Token

Dec 2021
Full NFT Launch


1234567891011121314151617181920212223242526272829303132333412345678910111213141 516171819202122232425262728293031323334
What is Trade Fighter?
Trade Fighter is a gamified crypto price prediction platform.

Who is Trade Fighter for?
Trade Fighter is for both experienced and non experienced traders who are looking to have fun by simply predicting on blue chip crypto assets with
a guarantee of big gains in a relatively short time. It is also for the curious ones who want to understand more about crypto assets and DeFi by
allowing them to interact with Trade Fighter's simple design that makes trading both very easy and exciting.

What sets Trade Fighter apart from other prediction platforms?
We provide the quickest gain you can have in any prediction platform e.g. +97% in as little as 30 secs. Trade Fighter integrates with web 3 wallet
which makes it easy for anyone with an internet to just plug and play. Our gamification of prediction of crypto assets is unique and the first of its
kind in the defi space.

What is Trade Fighter token utility?
The TDF coin will be used to do everything in the Trade Fighter protocol. Users will use it to pledge capital on prediction of crypto assets and their
gains will be paid in TDF. Users can become LPs by providing liquidity to the TDF/BNB pair on DEX listing sites e.g. TDFSWAP and Pancake Swap.
Users that hold a number of TDF tokens (TBD) will have access to Trade Fighter NFTs which will allow them access to airdrops and ability to unlock
many features on Trade Fighter.

How to connect Binance Smart wallet to meta mask? ( ( (

Title: Re: 💰TRADE FIGHTER:💰 get rich or get rekt!
Post by: Trade_Fighter on July 23, 2021, 01:46:57 PM
Where to learn more about Trade Fighter?

Want to learn more about Trade Fighter? It’s easier than you might think! To begin, visit our website:
There you will find information about our project, token, developer team and a lot of other interesting things! Think this is not enough? Subscribe to our social media pages:

- Telegram chat
- Medium
- Discord
- Twitter
- Reddit
- Bitcointalk

Stay tuned! We have lots of interesting stuff ahead! (

Title: Re: 💰TRADE FIGHTER:💰 get rich or get rekt!
Post by: bitkanu on July 23, 2021, 02:04:13 PM
You are writing this in the wrong section dude and i guess you should move this topic to the correct section and this is the correct section for your thread.

You can actively discussing about your token on the token altcoin section. You can move it right now.

Title: Re: 💰TRADE FIGHTER:💰 get rich or get rekt!
Post by: Trade_Fighter on July 24, 2021, 01:15:25 PM
Everything you need to know about the TDF token in one post

We would like to tell you about the TDF token — we have gathered all the important information in this post so that you could find all the key details in one place!

So, the Trade Fighter (TDF) utility token will be used to predict on the platform and gains to be paid out using TDF token. Users will use it to pledge capital on prediction of crypto assets and their gains will be paid in TDF.

🔶 And now some raw data:

🔸 Symbol: TDF
🔸 Network: Binance Smart Chain (BEP-20)
🔸 Total Supply: 150,000,000 Tokens

Stay tuned to our news to keep learning more about TDF! And don’t forget to visit our token’s page on our website: (

Title: Re: 💰TRADE FIGHTER:💰 get rich or get rekt!
Post by: Trade_Fighter on July 25, 2021, 08:00:09 AM
We are happy to welcome you to our social media page!

It’s Wednesday and we are happy to start this week on our social media. If you haven’t subscribed to our accounts yet and are just passing — now is a great opportunity to join us, let us tell you why!

You may think the only thing we are going to talk about in our posts is our project, but that isn’t the case at all. Trade Fighter is an interesting project offering solutions in high-demand fields such as cryptocurrency. This field of innovative technology is now changing the very world around us, and we are going to be covering this topic on our social pages.

We will tell you about blockchain technology; what smart contracts are; how to use the project efficiently; what DeFi is and why this technology has become so popular in the past few years. All in all, you will find a lot of compelling information on our social media! If you want to stay abreast of the latest news, you should definitely subscribe!

Trade Fighter is a unique project!

Stay with us! Lots of interesting things ahead! (

Title: Re: 💰TRADE FIGHTER:💰 get rich or get rekt!
Post by: Trade_Fighter on July 25, 2021, 08:58:59 AM
What is the Trade Fighter?

While hundreds of projects are begging you to buy their tokens and make a profit sometime in the future, we are changing the game! You make a profit in just a few minutes, not in some vague, distant “later”! If your price prediction comes true, that is. Make money with your wits with Trade Fighter!

Trade Fighter allow you to predict the price of crypto assets within a short frame of time with gains of 97% if your prediction is correct. You can GET RICH in as little as 30 secs if your prediction is correct or GET REKT if wrong.

Trade Fighter is built on Binance Smart Chain. We’ll speak about how smart contracts work and what they are needed for in our next posts, but for now, here’s what you need to know: 30 seconds, 1 minute, 5 minutes up to 24hr’s is enough to get rich! Just connect your wallet, make a prediction on where the price goes and… see if you’re right! Predict with as little as $1 (USD), we don’t want you to break the bank so come and GET RICH or GET REKT.

Learn more about Trade Fighter on our website at (

Title: Re: 💰TRADE FIGHTER:💰 get rich or get rekt!
Post by: Trade_Fighter on July 25, 2021, 09:46:33 AM
Who are bulls and bears?

Bulls and bears — you may have heard about them somewhere before! But who are they? These are the types of traders who both buy and sell, but are positioned to profit from the opposite market movements.

The main strategy for bulls is simple — buy assets that you expect to grow in value. They predict price growth, that is.

Bears predict against assets. They don’t buy, they sell cryptocurrencies, and make money predicting on the price to go down.

Why these two animals? There are two possible explanations: one is that they come from a story written by a British satirist John Arbuthnot. In his 18th century story, a character with a last name Bull got into a fight with another, last name Bear, on a stock exchange floor.

Another explanation comes from the fact that bears and bulls attack their opponents differently. Bulls attack by lifting their horns, and bears strike their opponents with their claws in a downward motion. These can be tied to market movements: a bull market goes up, a bear market goes down.

And you, are you a bull or a bear? Let us know in the comments! (

Title: Re: 💰TRADE FIGHTER:💰 get rich or get rekt!
Post by: Trade_Fighter on July 25, 2021, 10:13:29 AM
What are smart contracts?

And why do you even need this information? We want our users to have a deeper understanding of how modern technology works, so we are sharing this knowledge with you, some of it basic, some of it advanced. Trade Fighter is using smart contracts to achieve full transparency and accountability, so let’s try to unpack what this actually means!

Smart contracts are applications that are executed automatically upon fulfilling certain prerequisites set by their programmers. Smart contract advantages include a built-in protection from the human factor. Nobody can tamper with a smart contract, and there is no need to trust the third party to release money on time or validate a transaction. What’s also important is that the contract runs on the blockchain, and will continue to work for as long as there is electricity and the Internet on the planet, regardless of the status of the developer's website or other external factors.

Smart contracts are used for a myriad of applications, from data storage to crowdfunding. With that said, they are completely transparent and anyone can monitor the current state of the smart contract as well as audit all the transactions it has been a part of through a blockchain explorer.

By the way, we use smart contracts on the Binance Smart Chain (BSC). We will cover this topic in one of our future posts. (

Title: Re: 💰TRADE FIGHTER:💰 get rich or get rekt!
Post by: Trade_Fighter on July 25, 2021, 10:54:11 AM
What makes Trade Fighter stand out from other similar platforms?

Quick answer to an important question! One of our key advantages is speed. You can connect your wallet and get paid within minutes.

We provide the quickest gain you can have in any prediction platform e.g. +97% in as little as 30 secs. Trade Fighter integrates with web 3 wallet which makes it easy for anyone with an internet to just plug and play. Our gamification of prediction of crypto assets is unique and the first of its kind in the DeFi space. (

Title: Re: 💰TRADE FIGHTER:💰 get rich or get rekt!
Post by: Trade_Fighter on July 25, 2021, 11:47:55 AM
What is Binance Smart Chain?

BSC is the Binance exchange's very own blockchain, which was designed primarily to foster decentralized trading. The network was launched in April 2019 and since then serves as the mainstay for the BNB coin.

The principal features of Binance Smart Chain include EVM-compatible(Ethereum Virtual Machine) smart contracts, and high throughput.

Binance Smart Chain is an independent blockchain that will continue to work even if Binance goes down.

Since BSC is compatible with EVM, it supports a wide range of tools used by Ethereum and its DApps. In theory, this allows developers to easily migrate their projects from Ethereum to BSC, which means that, for example, MetaMask can be easily configured to run on Binance Smart Chain.

On the one hand, Binance Chain allows fast trading, while on the other it lets developers build powerful decentralized apps. Thanks to this compatibility, users get to enjoy a diverse ecosystem that can fulfill a lot of needs and use cases. BEP-2 and BEP-8 Binance Chain tokens can be exchanged for BEP-20, which is a new standard implemented on Binance Smart Chain. It has the same set of features as its Ethereum counterpart. (

Title: Re: 💰TRADE FIGHTER:💰 get rich or get rekt!
Post by: Trade_Fighter on July 25, 2021, 12:09:59 PM
What Features does Trade Fighter Have?

The time to talk about how our project benefits users has come. These benefits are the key part. If they prove to be substantial for the user base, the project will see popularity and success. This is what we kept in mind when building Trade Fighter — to offer the most relevant solution for our clients’ problems. Let’s go over these points in this post!

Big Earnings. Guaranteed +97% gain on your money if you predict right in as little as 30 secs.

Low Capital Entry. You only need a minimum of $1 (usd) to start realizing huge gains on Trade Fighter. Maximum pledge amount is $200 (usd).

Decentralized. All you need to use a Trade Fighter is internet and a web 3 wallet e.g. binance smart chain wallet and metamask. just plug and play.

Security. By connecting with your own wallet you are always in custody of your own funds. (

Title: Re: 💰TRADE FIGHTER:💰 get rich or get rekt!
Post by: Trade_Fighter on July 25, 2021, 02:06:53 PM
Trader advice — how do they predict market movements?

The key skill you need to succeed on the market and the Trade Fighter project is your ability to make the right calls. Who does it better than others? Successful traders! We have asked experienced traders and we are happy to share their advice with you!

- Don’t rush your success. Trading is a complicated endeavour that takes time to master. Don’t fret if your first prediction turns out wrong. Practice makes perfect.

- Learn from your mistakes and don’t give up. No success ever comes easy, you are bound to make mistakes along the way, but keep going.

- Research information. What happens on the market? What new projects are there? News will help you make the right prediction!

- Avoid irrelevant knowledge. Books from the nineties and noughties are no good anymore — strategies rarely live for longer than 3 years.

Follow these simple rules and one day you will make it! (

Title: Re: 💰TRADE FIGHTER:💰 get rich or get rekt!
Post by: Trade_Fighter on July 30, 2021, 02:18:03 PM
What is decentralization and why is it so important?

Let’s talk about what decentralization is and why this tech has mesmerized millions of people around the globe? Why is decentralization loved by so many people and hated by so many bureaucrats?

Decentralization is a process of distributing the power among all the participants of a system, without a central governing body. Today, the majority of traditional financial and state systems are centralized, and this approach is plagued with flaws. The main issue is that they have single points of failure: a security breach or a central server/facility malfunction negatively affects the rest of the system.

Originally, cryptocurrency was developed as a decentralized network that has no single point of failure, which makes it democratic, more stable and efficient compared with regular (paper) money.

The technology behind decentralization in Bitcoin and most other cryptocurrencies is called blockchain, and it gives every user the ability to serve as a node that checks the validity of transactions.

What do users get from decentralization?

Here are a few key advantages that users get from decentralized systems:

- No need to trust a central authority that might be incompetent, vulnerable to attacks, or even have ill intentions.

- Less censorship. Governments often restrict their citizens’ access to various websites and social media. Censoring traffic in a peer-to-peer network is much more difficult, because every package can be sent to every other node on the network, and they will relay this data further.

- Most of the applications on the network are open source. Anyone can copy some or all of the code, and create their own applications with it.

- Proper economic incentives. Users who support the network get rewarded for it financially. The more support they provide, the more they are rewarded.

Of course, decentralized networks have their downsides too: they are usually slower to develop, have lower adoption rate, might be more expensive or have lower efficiency at the time of launch. However, most users agree that the end result is worth the effort.

Here at Trade Fighter we believe that the future belongs to decentralized technologies. We want our users to be informed about such topics as blockchain, smart contracts and decentralization, and with this post we begin a series of publications that will help you not only understand these concepts, but also see the reason why we use these technologies! (

Title: Re: 💰TRADE FIGHTER:💰 get rich or get rekt!
Post by: Trade_Fighter on July 31, 2021, 08:58:15 AM
Power of foresight: get 97% in 30 seconds

Trade Fighter is the fastest and easiest way to make money with your intuition and skill. If you are good at predictions, or maybe you’ve been researching the crypto market for a while — you can make some easy money!

The rules are simple: Trade Fighter allows you to predict the price of crypto assets within a short frame of time with gains of 97% if your prediction is correct. You can GET RICH in as little as 30 secs if your prediction is correct or GET REKT if it is wrong.

Make bets on price movement up or down for 30 second, 1 minute, 5 minute or larger intervals and get the profits directly to your wallet.

Learn more on our website: (

Title: Re: 💰TRADE FIGHTER:💰 get rich or get rekt!
Post by: Trade_Fighter on August 02, 2021, 11:26:35 AM
Project’s plans for 2021

You often ask us about the path our project will be taking — and we are happy to oblige with an answer! Firstly, our website, , always features our roadmap that will be regularly updated. Apart from that, in this post we will lay out the main development steps that Trade Fighter will be taking in the future.

📍 Near future: Full launch of application with BTC/USD and ETH/USD prediction pair using BNB + Marketing

📍 Aug 2021: active promotion on social media, contests and Airdrops. TDF Character NFT Design

📍 Sep 2021: Launch of TDF Token in system. TDF officially will be used to do all things inside Trade Fighter

📍 Oct 2021: TDF list on Pancake swap and TDF LP program TDF/BNB pairing

📍 Nov 2021: NFT competitions for holders of TDF Tokens

📍 Dec 2021: Full NFT Launch of Chihiro Tamaki x Trade Fighter NFT’s

Of course, we have more plans in store! Stay tuned to our news and be the first to get the inside scoop! (

Title: Re: 💰TRADE FIGHTER:💰 get rich or get rekt!
Post by: Trade_Fighter on August 03, 2021, 09:13:52 AM
Market correction is in, what next?

In your opinion, is the market headed deeper into correction or has the looming crypto winter given way to the next phase of spring? Let’s try to figure it out and see if we can save your assets!

Some investors can’t stomach seeing their portfolio diminish by 10%. If you are a short-term investor or a day trader using leverage, the correction might prove fatal to your portfolio. If you aren’t an expert in trading, you better realize that the possibility of correction is always on the table, and that going all in is never a good decision. You have to have an exit strategy and ultimately, make the decision: keep your positions open or wait for them to turn green.

You can better protect your assets from the risk of correction by:

➖ Setting a stop loss or a stop limit order in case the big drop comes. This will allow you to cut your losses at an acceptable level.

➖ If you are a long-term investor, try putting your assets in yield farming and other DeFi tools to earn passive income.

➖ Keeping some of your cryptocurrency holdings in stablecoins so that you are always prepared to weather the correction.

➖ Market corrections shouldn’t be a problem — it’s a change in seasons, so the less you panic and the more you prepare, the less damage your portfolio suffers.

➖ Making a short prediction against the market with Trade Fighter is another way of getting additional income. (

Title: Re: 💰TRADE FIGHTER:💰 get rich or get rekt!
Post by: Trade_Fighter on August 04, 2021, 02:18:42 PM
Most frequent questions about Trade Fighter

We continue publishing the most interesting and frequently asked questions about our project, and in today’s episode we will answer a few more questions from our subscribers! So, let’s go!

◼️ What is Trade Fighter?
Trade Fighter allows you to predict the price of crypto assets within a short frame of time with gains of 97% if your prediction is correct.

◼️ Who is Trade Fighter for?
Trade Fighter is for both experienced and non experienced traders who are looking to have fun by simply predicting on blue chip crypto assets with a guarantee of big gains in a relatively short time. It is also for the curious ones who want to understand more about crypto assets and defi by allowing them to interact with Trade Fighter's simple design that makes trading both very easy and exciting.

◼️ What sets Trade Fighter apart from other prediction platforms?
We provide the quickest gain you can have in any prediction platform e.g. +97% in as little as 30 secs. Trade Fighter integrates with web 3 wallet which makes it easy for anyone with an internet to just plug and play. Our gamification of prediction of crypto assets is unique and the first of its kind in the defi space.

Don't forget that we are always ready to answer your questions! Simply post what's on your mind in the project’s chat! (

Title: Re: 💰TRADE FIGHTER:💰 get rich or get rekt!
Post by: Trade_Fighter on August 06, 2021, 02:31:13 PM
BTC price: up or down?

Over the past two weeks the price of Bitcoin has risen by 23%. Experts call this a recovery from the mid-May crash that shaved one third from its price within a day. In April, Bitcoin reached its all-time-high at $64,300.

With that said, a lot of experts believe Bitcoin is currently undervalued. Pantera Capital founder Dan Morehead in an interview with Yahoo Finance has opined that BTC has the potential to reach $700,000. A similar forecast comes from the co-founder of Digital Assets Data (NYDIG subsidiary) Mike Alfred. He believes BTC will reach $1,000,000 within 10 years. What’s your take on where Bitcoin is going? If this retail investors pumping the price while the whales watch on ? Large whales don’t seem to be buying so are you predicting the market with fall again ? (

Title: Re: 💰TRADE FIGHTER:💰 get rich or get rekt!
Post by: Trade_Fighter on August 06, 2021, 03:05:11 PM
Join our Discord!

If you haven't joined us on Discord yet, now is a great time to do it! It offers a convenient way to keep track of our project's news, ask questions and make friends talking to other community members.

Below is the invitation link — click it and join us: (

Title: Re: 💰TRADE FIGHTER:💰 get rich or get rekt!
Post by: Trade_Fighter on August 07, 2021, 09:19:58 AM
Join our Telegram chat!

Make sure to join our chat on Telegram! This is the place where you can get answers to your questions and find other like-minded people!

Why are we talking about it now? It’s simple — we now have a direct link to our chat and we invite you to join us: (

Title: Re: 💰TRADE FIGHTER:💰 get rich or get rekt!
Post by: Trade_Fighter on August 09, 2021, 12:10:51 PM
Cryptocurrency Market News Digest
02.08.2021 - 08.08.2021

We’re continuing our tradition: every week Trade Fighter will be publishing a short weekly cryptocurrency market news digest for you to stay informed on the latest trends. In this edition we look at what happened from 02 through 08 of August.

Bitcoin finds support above $40000. On Sunday its price went above $45000.

Ethereum activates its London hard fork.

Crypto community is fighting tooth and nail against a new US tax plan designed to harm everyone who deals with crypto.

Google greenlights advertising for crypto companies.

Marathon Digital Holdings plans to buy $120.7 million worth of BTC mining rigs from Bitmain.

Of course, there was more news last week, so if we missed an important story, feel free to let us know in the comments, and we will be happy to discuss it with you! (

Title: Re: 💰TRADE FIGHTER:💰 get rich or get rekt!
Post by: Trade_Fighter on August 10, 2021, 03:03:01 PM
What makes Trade Fighter special?

You might have heard about projects that allow predictions on cryptocurrency price movement? Predict on the price going up or down, win money if your prediction is correct. Sounds basic, right? Trade Fighter is different. Here is why:

- Big Earnings. Guaranteed +97% gain on your money if you predict right in as little as 30 secs.

- Low Capital Entry. You only need a minimum of $1 (usd) to start realizing huge gains on Trade Fighter. The maximum pledge amount is $200 (usd).

- Decentralized. All you need to use a Trade Fighter is internet and a web 3 wallet e.g. binance smart chain wallet and metamask. just plug and play.

- Security. By connecting with your own wallet you are always in custody of your own funds. (

Title: Re: 💰TRADE FIGHTER:💰 get rich or get rekt!
Post by: Trade_Fighter on August 11, 2021, 11:53:14 AM
What is the Martingale strategy?

The Martingale strategy is considered to be a sure-fire one! This strategy is best suited for winning at roulette. It can be applied in Trade Fighter, with one exception: you’re not predicting on red or black, but whether or not cryptocurrency price goes up or down!

Even though you’re much better off using your market analysis skills and knowledge to tell where the market goes, let’s look at what Martingale strategy is:
Martingale’s strategy is considered one of the sure-fire ways of playing roulette. The premise is simple: double your position upon losing. First prediction — 1 dollar. If you win — great, go again, win, rinse, repeat.

If you lose? Double the money — predict with 2 dollars! If you win, great job! If you lose, go for 4 dollars… etc.

The method is based on the fact that your luck is never constant, so eventually you will win! Trade Fighter believes that luck can only get you so far, which is why you should always improve your market sense and analysis if you want your predictions to be correct — and profitable! (

Title: Re: 💰TRADE FIGHTER:💰 get rich or get rekt!
Post by: Trade_Fighter on August 12, 2021, 12:42:54 PM
Why do more and more people use cryptocurrency?

Buying things using cryptocurrency or sending money in Bitcoin is absolutely normal to a huge number of people all over the world! Cryptocurrency's user audience is growing every day, but why is that?

The field of cryptocurrency has no authority that decides whether or not your transaction goes through. Nobody can block your wallet or inquire about the nature of the money transfer. Nobody limits the amount of money a user can send or receive.

Traditional payment systems have all kinds of built-in limits, checks, human errors and legal boundaries. That being said, all of the above works against the client, always. In crypto, however, everything is in the hands of the users. This is why the main cause of its growth in popularity is how it offers independence in handling your finances - this can be seen clearest when you consider the complexities of SWIFT and cross border money transactions, in many cases crypto has solved problems that fintech has been promising to solve for years.

At Trade Fighter we want to give cryptocurrency holders the chance to dip their toes in the big bad world of trading, learn, trade and build the skills that will help you swim with whales... (

Title: Re: 💰TRADE FIGHTER:💰 get rich or get rekt!
Post by: Trade_Fighter on August 13, 2021, 01:58:59 PM
What is blockchain technology?

We often talk about the blockchain, but let’s go into a bit more detail about what it really is as a technology? How does blockchain contribute to project transparency and why is it so important for Trade Fighter?

Blockchain is a database that stores a constantly growing list of records (blocks). These records are organized in a strict sequence, and each subsequent record stores some information about the previous record. Such a database is stored on users ' computers (it does not have a single server) and everyone who keeps the database has its full copy and new records are added to all existing copies.

Is it clear? Let's explain with a simple example:

* Sasha bought 6 apples
Record this fact in the blockchain (some diary) and get block number 1. Send block No. 1 to Nick, Vita, Lana, Tasha and Margo (network users) – now all they know is that Sasha has 6 apples.

* Sasha gives Nick 5 apples to divide them between his friends.
Write down this fact in block number 2. Block 2 contains the unique identifier of block 1. Send this block to Vita, Lana, Tasha and Margo.

* Nick gives Vita 1 Apple.
Write this down in block #3. Add a unique identifier of block 2 . We send a block to all users.

* Nick gives Lana 3 apples to share with her friends.
Record in the block number 4. Add the identifier of the block № 3. Send out a block.

* Lana, instead of treating her friends, eats all 3 apples in a fit of hunger during the night, and when Tasha and Margo come to her for the promised apples (because they received information that Nick gave her three apples), Lana is trying to put the blame on Nick and says that he gave her only 1 apple, and the rest he kept for himself. But the entry in the blockchain tells a different story and Tasha and Margo know that Lana has eaten their fruits!
Thus, the blockchain is there to protect us from fraud within the network, making the transaction very easy and transparent! (

Title: Re: 💰TRADE FIGHTER:💰 get rich or get rekt!
Post by: Trade_Fighter on August 14, 2021, 11:38:31 AM
TDF token — the key to Trade Fighter!

Trade Fighter token (TDF) is a  utility token. It will be used on our platform to make predictions, claim winnings and to give users in-platform rewards and opportunities including the upcoming NFT drop on the horizon for later this year.

With the token having utility we can work as a community to enable the price of the  coin to grow day in and day out!
TDF will be released on the Binance Smart Chain, which will allow us to avoid issues with network scalability and ease of entry for users - without the concern of high gas fees. (

Title: Re: 💰TRADE FIGHTER:💰 get rich or get rekt!
Post by: Trade_Fighter on August 16, 2021, 01:22:40 PM
Cryptocurrency Market News Digest

09.08.2021 - 15.08.2021

We’re continuing our tradition: every week we will be publishing a short weekly cryptocurrency market news digest for you to stay informed on the latest trends. In this edition we look at what happened from 09 through 15 of August.

* Bitcoin hits $48,000 for the first time since May, Ethereum hits $3300.

* A hacker steals $611 million from Poly Network seemingly for fun, returning the money shortly after.

* Audit confirms USDT is properly backed by assets.

* The US Senate has not reached a compromise regarding the cryptocurrency tax plan.

Of course, there was more news last week, so if we missed an important story, feel free to let us know in the comments, and we will be happy to discuss it with you! (

Title: Re: 💰TRADE FIGHTER:💰 get rich or get rekt!
Post by: Trade_Fighter on August 17, 2021, 12:39:30 PM
New bull market is coming? What do you think?

The total capitalisation of the cryptocurrency market has returned to the $2 trillion mark. The leading alt coins have been making strong comebacks with Cardano our pick of the pack:

* Bitcoin (BTC) +7%
* Ethereum (ETH) +9%
* Cardano (ADA) + 53%
* Dogecoin (DOGE) +32%
* Ripple (XRP) + 66%

Analysts note that even the US Senate’s passage of controversial amendments concerning the taxation of cryptocurrency assets failed to stop the market’s capitalisation growth. It continued even after the news that the cryptocurrency industry had not succeeded in getting new tax reporting rules for cryptocurrency use changed in the US infrastructure bill.

The rising capitalisation of the crypto market can be seen as another trigger for a new bull market. The increase in the overall value of digital assets suggests a growing interest in cryptocurrencies among investors, which in turn clearly indicates that digital assets are becoming a growing trend.

Of additional note is the continued growth of the DeFi market which has total value locked of $144 billion, with 10% of this being in AAVE, this is close to the all time high of $150-160bn

What is your opinion? Are we at the start of a new bull run? Share what you think in the comments! (

Title: Re: 💰TRADE FIGHTER:💰 get rich or get rekt!
Post by: Trade_Fighter on August 18, 2021, 01:23:32 PM
What is forecasting skill and prediction skill?

Working with the digital has become a must if you’re dealing with information for a living with a view to analysing data sets to assess and predict the direction of markets, equities or FX.

The answer is relatively simple — there are two elements to processing information: analysis and forecasting. More often than not the existing information is used for making forecasts, and further plans are made on top of these forecasts. Forecasts are the foundation for much of the modern world and this be in via human led or machine led analysis is vital for Hedge Funds and others to gain tiny market advantages:

Forecasting methods can be split into two categories:

Intuitive forecasting is based on expert opinions and evaluations. They are applied wherever mathematical analysis is either inapplicable or simply useless.

Formal approach to forecasting allows making technical, mathematical projections that help us understand what the future may have in store.

Learning to forecast is not as hard as it may seem! Applying these methods in life is fun, and Trade Fighter helps to also make it profitable, without exposing you to the whales - we believe it is better to train first with manageable limits and exposure before you dive deep into the world of prediction and trading. (

Title: Re: 💰TRADE FIGHTER:💰 get rich or get rekt!
Post by: Trade_Fighter on August 19, 2021, 12:03:31 PM
Trade Fighter’s Advantages

The time to talk about how our project benefits users has come (drum roll please..). What makes Trade Fighter special?

* Big earnings. Guaranteed +97% gain on your money if you predict right in as little as 30 secs.

* Low capital entry. You only need a minimum of $1 to start realizing huge gains on Trade Fighter. Maximum pledge amount is $20.

* Decentralized. All you need to use Trade Fighter is internet and a web 3 wallet e.g. binance smart chain wallet and metamask. just plug and play.

* Security. By connecting with your own wallet you are always in custody of your own funds.

🔺 However, this is not all we offer — to learn more about Trade Fighter, please visit our website: (

Title: Re: 💰TRADE FIGHTER:💰 get rich or get rekt!
Post by: Trade_Fighter on August 20, 2021, 02:42:25 PM

We have already covered the TDF utility token that will be used throughout our platform. Let’s look at the details of the token, its supply and distribution. Below are all the figures you might want to know.

The total supply of tokens will be 150,000,000 TDF

The distribution is as follows:

- Community Rewards - 10.0%
- Strategic Round - 20%
- Advisors - 10%
- Team Allocation - 15%
- Private Sale - 5%
- Prediction Rewards - 20%
- Liquidity Pool - 20%

Founders tokens seed round tokens and liquidity is all locked.

As you can see, our tokenomics is designed to drive the growth of the TDF token as efficiently as possible, making it beneficial to every single user.

Want to learn more about TDF? Visit our website at (

Title: Re: 💰TRADE FIGHTER:💰 get rich or get rekt!
Post by: Trade_Fighter on August 21, 2021, 10:26:27 AM
Fiat – Out, Cryptocurrencies – In

Digital currencies are the future. The Trade Fighter team realized this long before entire countries started thinking about creating their own digital currencies. Today people understand: the fourth industrial revolution is coming and the economic system will also change – fiat will fall out of existence. This is why cryptocurrencies are seeing more popularity and demand.

Let’s not forget that the growth in popularity of cryptocurrencies can be observed across every single industry. Blockchain gaming is also growing. To substantiate this claim, here’s a few figures: blockchain gaming companies raised $476M in the first half of 2021!

InvestGame found 489 closed and announced deals involving game companies in the first half of 2021, with a total value of $50.2 billion. This includes investments, acquisitions, and public offerings. And it’s an unprecedented number for games, with the amount topping four times the numbers for game deals in the first half of 2020.

What does it mean? Well, firstly, it means that blockchain games are becoming more popular than ever, and this sector is going to continue growth as the Metaverse becomes a reality - Trade Fighter is aiming to become a key project in the future as gaming, crypto and metaverse meet  - stay tuned for future plans, but for now we are focused on our August 2021 launch (

Title: Re: 💰TRADE FIGHTER:💰 get rich or get rekt!
Post by: Trade_Fighter on August 23, 2021, 12:23:51 PM
Cryptocurrency Market News Digest

📎 16.08.2021 - 22.08.2021

We’re continuing our tradition: every week we will be publishing a short weekly cryptocurrency market news digest for you to stay informed on the latest trends. In this edition we look at what happened from 15 through 22 of August.

🔘 Bitcoin finds support above $49,000 and Ethereum price exceeds $3,250.

🔘 Vitalik Buterin criticises Jack Dorsey’s idea to create Bitcoin (BTC) DeFi.

🔘 Bloomberg and Galaxy Digital launch DeFi Index.

🔘 Microsoft intends to use Ethereum (ETH) to fight piracy.

Of course, there was more news last week, so if we missed an important story, feel free to let us know in the comments, and we will be happy to discuss it with you! (

Title: Re: 💰TRADE FIGHTER:💰 get rich or get rekt!
Post by: Trade_Fighter on August 26, 2021, 12:42:26 PM
Countries that are using cryptocurrency

You might have read the latest Statista analysts about cryptocurrency use by country? Here’s a tidbit: 32% of Nigerians own and use Bitcoin - Nigeria is the leader among the countries that are using Bitcoin and crypto in general, Vietnam (21%) goes second, followed by the Philippines with 20%. Other countries included on the list were Turkey, Peru, Switzerland, India, China, U.S, Germany, and Japan.

In countries such as those mentioned they do not see crypto as risky, in fact for them it is more reliable / stable than their national currency. Many countries have had currency issues, be it Venezuela, Argentina, Brazil, China, Mexico, Russia, Thailand, Turkey, Indonesia, South Africa, and Lebanon, they have all gone through at least one currency devaluation cycle since the 1970s. Bitcoin, on the other hand can be seen as with the Nigeria example as a more stable and viable currency, with a fixed supply and as it is  decentralised and not Government controlled it can also be viewed as being free from suspect economic  / monetary policies.

The research provides yet another proof that cryptocurrencies are gaining a wider and wider adoption across the globe! The more popular cryptocurrencies get, the higher the demand for coins and, in turn, their prices!

At Trade Fighter we are always happy to hear bullish news, and we are just as excited to share them with you! (

Title: Re: 💰TRADE FIGHTER:💰 get rich or get rekt!
Post by: Trade_Fighter on August 27, 2021, 12:37:10 PM
Trade Fighter plans for September

Summer is drawing to a close, but September is ahead, which is the month of Trade Fighter…. According to our Road map that you can see on our website, in September we have the following to come, most importantly the launch of the TDF token on Pancakeswap - let’s go!!! Get Rich or Ger Rekt!!! (

Title: Re: 💰TRADE FIGHTER:💰 get rich or get rekt!
Post by: Trade_Fighter on August 28, 2021, 01:56:47 PM
Cryptocurrencies price predictions for late 2021

Seems like Bitcoin is back in an uptrend after a 3-month correction following an ATH in May 2021. Ethereum is also finally back on its feet. But is it worth buying crypto at this point? Are we continuing the bull cycle, or are we looking at another downturn coming? Let’s investigate further:

Bloomberg sees early 2022 as BTC $100,000 point, whereas is less optimistic, their prediction being $59,115 by the end of the year.

Finder expects the price to rise just over $66,000. It also predicts total BTC dominance by late 2050, adding that it will become the world’s leading asset, leaving the American dollar behind. PlanB insists that in his view, BTC will reach a maximum of $450,000. The worst-case scenario, he says, will see it at $135,000 by the end of 2021. Naturally, the predictions aren’t exclusively about BTC’s potential growth. Quite a few sources are contemplating the possibility of an upcoming drop.

As for Ethereum, the opinions also split. The Forbes expert group sees its price double and reach $4,600 by the end of the year. Daniel Polotsky, the founder of crypto ATM operator CoinFlip, states:” Ethereum’s price largely follows bitcoin’s halving cycles, although that relationship may begin to decouple as time goes on, and as Ethereum continues to develop use cases that bitcoin cannot achieve. Its price may grow at a faster rate than Bitcoin’s.”

So, what are we to make of it? Among the multitude of numbers and opinions, it’s hard to tell which ones will turn out to be true. 2021 has been a rough year so far and will most likely prove a deciding one for both ETH and BTC. As we speak, investors and experts worldwide are keeping their fingers on the pulse for the latest updates. If you’re wondering whether you should buy or not, the only universal guideline would be to do it with care. (

Title: Re: 💰TRADE FIGHTER:💰 get rich or get rekt!
Post by: Trade_Fighter on August 30, 2021, 10:59:31 AM
Cryptocurrency Market News Digest

23.08.2021 - 30.08.2021

We’re continuing our tradition: every week we will be publishing a short weekly cryptocurrency market news digest for you to stay informed on the latest trends. In this edition we look at what happened from 23 through 30 of August.

📌 Cardano’s Hoskinson blasts Fed’s Kashkari on crypto
📌 FTX CEO wants investors to better their NFT knowledge
📌 Cristiano Ronaldo sparks interest in Manchester City’s fan token
📌 Jack Dorsey to launch decentralised Bitcoin (BTC) exchange
📌 Bitcoin (BTC): will growth rate continue in Q4 2021?
📌 MicroStrategy obtains $177M worth of Bitcoin (BTC)

Of course, there was more news last week, so if we missed an important story, feel free to let us know in the comments, and we will be happy to discuss it with you! (

Title: Re: 💰TRADE FIGHTER:💰 get rich or get rekt!
Post by: Trade_Fighter on August 31, 2021, 12:46:03 PM
Training or fighting?

You may have seen the two buttons on our website — "Trade" and "Fight". Very soon we will introduce a new training mode where you can try your skills, see how the platform works and when you feel you are ready — make a prediction and win some real money!
The launch is just around the corner!

Stay tuned! (

Title: Re: 💰TRADE FIGHTER:💰 get rich or get rekt!
Post by: Trade_Fighter on September 01, 2021, 01:21:52 PM
How to acquire crypto price prediction skills?

There are multiple ways to forecast price changes in cryptocurrencies and other financial instruments. How to spot a reversal? Why do emotions play such an important role on the digital asset market? What are the metrics you should be on the lookout for if you want to predict Bitcoin and altcoin price movements? or should you just listen to your favourite Tik Tok influencer - Pablo anyone?

Let’s dive in:

- Avoid ‘catching knives’ — buying the dip when you have no idea of where the bottom is.

- Keep track of support and resistance levels. As a rule these will be psychologically significant numbers that the price has difficulty crossing.

- Each asset has its trading range and phases. The more you monitor a certain asset, the more you get a feel for it.

- Remember that the cryptocurrency market is very emotionally-driven. Price movements are often governed by sentiment - and very often this is priced in before the act (buy the rumour, sell the news..)

- There is no universal method that can let you spot tops and bottoms every time.

- Even seasoned, professional traders make mistakes. To get a feel for the market, you have to study the asset, its history, what made it move up and down - and dip your toe in, play, practice etc.

Nobody knows for sure when trends start or end. Nobody knows for certain if an asset is going to move up, down or sideways. Seasoned traders sure don’t go around catching knives or trade against the market when there is no solid reason to. Careful analysis allows for a much better chance at predicting trends. Significant reversals always follow strong signals, but nobody said these signals were obvious - And so you are welcome to the world of crypto - strap in for the ride! (

Title: Re: 💰TRADE FIGHTER:💰 get rich or get rekt!
Post by: Trade_Fighter on September 02, 2021, 05:45:44 AM
What you need to know about TDF coin

The TDF coin is Trade Fighter platform's own token - the fuel of the Trade Fighter that also grants its holders a whole range of benefits.

Here’s what you need to know about our project’s coin:

☑️ The TDF coin has UTILITY!!

☑️ Users will use it to pledge capital on prediction of crypto assets and their gains will be paid in TDF. Users can become LPs by providing liquidity to the TDF/BNB pair on DEX listing sites e.g. TDFSWAP and Pancake Swap.

☑️ Users that hold a number of TDF tokens will have access to Trade Fighter NFTs which will allow them access to airdrops and ability to unlock many features on Trade Fighter. More on these NFT’s later...The Trade Fighter story is about to be written...

☑️ Very soon TDF will be used on our platform! (

Title: Re: 💰TRADE FIGHTER:💰 get rich or get rekt!
Post by: Trade_Fighter on September 03, 2021, 02:51:24 PM
Cryptocurrencies price predictions for late 2021

Seems like Bitcoin is back in an uptrend after a 3-month correction following an ATH in May 2021. Ethereum is also finally back on its feet. But is it worth buying crypto at this point? Are the rates going to grow, or are we looking at another downturn coming? Let’s find out.

Bloomberg sees early 2022 as a $100,000 point, whereas is less optimistic, their prediction being $59,115 by the end of the year.
Finder expects the price to rise just over $66,000. It also predicts total BTC dominance by late 2050, adding that it will become the world’s leading asset, leaving the American dollar behind. PlanB insists that there is no way for Bitcoin to go up, and in his view, BTC will reach a maximum of $450,000. The worst-case scenario, he says, will see it at $135,000 by the end of 2021. Naturally, the predictions aren’t exclusively about BTC’s potential growth. Quite a few sources are contemplating the possibility of an upcoming drop.

As for Ethereum, the opinions also split. The Forbes expert group sees its price double and reach $4,600 by the end of the year. Daniel Polotsky, the founder of crypto ATM operator CoinFlip, states:” Ethereum’s price largely follows bitcoin’s halving cycles, although that relationship may begin to decouple as time goes on, and as Ethereum continues to develop use cases that bitcoin cannot achieve. Its price may grow at a faster rate than Bitcoin’s.”

So, what are we to make of it? Among the multitude of numbers and opinions, it’s hard to tell which ones will turn out to be true. 2021 has been a rough year so far and will most likely prove a deciding one for both ETH and BTC. As we speak, investors and experts worldwide are keeping their fingers on the pulse for the latest updates. If you’re wondering whether you should buy or not, the only universal guideline would be to do it with care. (