Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: Mikayla Buckley on August 05, 2021, 11:11:43 AM

Title: Why should you own at least one Bitcoin?
Post by: Mikayla Buckley on August 05, 2021, 11:11:43 AM
Many people are considering how to invest in Bitcoin. My advice is: try to hold as many Bitcoins as possible. If you are not rich, you also need to hold at least one Bitcoin. If you don’t own one Bitcoin, It is possible that an entire era will be missed.

Why would I suggest this?

Because I think Bitcoin will rise to an unattainable price in the future. In fact, it is difficult to value Bitcoin according to traditional valuation systems and models. Because Bitcoin belongs to a completely different category of assets, I think a more accurate name should be "monetary assets". This is an asset with a very strong currency attribute, and it is also a currency with a very strong asset attribute.

It has become a consensus that the economic crisis will come back every once in a while. The reason for the financial crisis is very simple: both parties are greedy, investors' greed and bankers' greed. Greed is what it should be on Wall Street, it can almost be regarded as an obligation.

And when will the next round of crisis come? We don't know

Title: Re: Why should you own at least one Bitcoin?
Post by: bitmover on August 05, 2021, 11:23:37 AM
Many people are considering how to invest in Bitcoin. My advice is: try to hold as many Bitcoins as possible. If you are not rich, you also need to hold at least one Bitcoin. If you don’t own one Bitcoin, It is possible that an entire era will be missed.

This makes no sense.

One bitcoin is not a trivial value for everyone. One bitcoin is worth the same as a good house here in Brazil. Most of the population in my country will have to work his whole life to be able to pay for 1 BTC.

You don't need 1 BTC, nobody does. Just invest what you can afford to lose. Do not overinvest. There are no warranties, and someone may buy a bitcoin for 40k now and it may be worth 10k in the next month.

On the other hand, I think everyone should buy at least 1% of his personal portfolio in bitcoin. You can buy more, such 10-20% or even more if you are crazy. But that's not necessary and absolutely nobody should try to reach 1 btc if that means 90% of your life savings.

Title: Re: Why should you own at least one Bitcoin?
Post by: Pierre Gerson on August 05, 2021, 11:56:52 AM
21 million Bitcoins are definitely not enough for everyone to hold one.

I respect my wallet very much, and now he is not enough to buy a bitcoin asset. I take bitcoin as the first choice of assets because it allows me to earn a lot of assets, which makes my life a lot better.

I am grateful for all of this. Owning a Bitcoin I put it on my list of goals.

Title: Re: Why should you own at least one Bitcoin?
Post by: hatshepsut93 on August 05, 2021, 12:04:14 PM
Stop. Setting Bitcoin ownership goals can only be harmful for the community, it will promote elitism with people who own more looking down on people who have less, and people who haven't reached the goal would only be stressed, and most importantly, it will push many people to invest more than they can afford to lose, which eventually turns ugly.

No one needs to own any Bitcoin, but if someone decided to buy it, they should buy only as much as they can afford to lose.

Title: Re: Why should you own at least one Bitcoin?
Post by: RokokGudangGaram on August 05, 2021, 12:09:07 PM
What you have said is is something like this "Buy a lot of properties, if you are not rich own at least 1 house" does this make sense? In the first place if you are not rich you won't be able to have at least 1 Bitcoin. It's easy to say rather than to do it.

Title: Re: Why should you own at least one Bitcoin?
Post by: mabeyak on August 05, 2021, 12:14:32 PM
It's a speculative asset. Doesn't matter who says that it will reach one million, it's just a gamble. So don't gamble what you can't afford to lose.

Title: Re: Why should you own at least one Bitcoin?
Post by: Kittygalore on August 05, 2021, 12:25:10 PM
That's a bit of privileged bullshit that you're spouting to be honest, not everyone can own exactly one bitcoin because it's expensive as heck and you might not get it or you haven't got out of your privileged rock yet but there are poor people out there and even the middle income can't afford to do it.

Title: Re: Why should you own at least one Bitcoin?
Post by: Yaunfitda on August 05, 2021, 12:31:01 PM
Of course everyone wanted to have 1 bitcoin, but it's not that easy to get though, specially that the price has grown exponentially in the last ten years or so.

What we should do is just to save as many satoshi as we call, #stacking sats is the goal and not to immediately jump and buy 1 whole BTC. Because majority of us are just average joes who can't afford it right away.

Title: Re: Why should you own at least one Bitcoin?
Post by: Lucius on August 05, 2021, 12:33:19 PM
21 million Bitcoins are definitely not enough for everyone to hold one.

Of course, there isn’t enough for everyone, but again not everyone is even interested in owning a BTC. If only the world's millionaires wanted to own 1 BTC, it wouldn't be enough for even half of them if we take into account that there are about 50 million of them with a tendency of constant increase.

Ordinary people dream about this goal, but the price is currently such that few can really achieve it, although those who really want something always find a way to achieve it. I believe there will come a time when people will say that anything under $100k was cheap, just like we used to say for $10k or $1000.

Title: Re: Why should you own at least one Bitcoin?
Post by: bL4nkcode on August 05, 2021, 01:44:08 PM
There is no required numbers whole number or decimal on how much you should have/stored bitcoin.

Everyone cannot afford to get whole a whole BTC.

To have any amount and understanding how bitcoin works and why its important to have fractions of it is enough.

Title: Re: Why should you own at least one Bitcoin?
Post by: ChiBitCTy on August 05, 2021, 01:52:14 PM
As a financial advisor by trade, I would disagree with your assessment to an extent. Now I do agree that everyone should try and own at least 1 bitcoin, but for a lot of people, or I should say most people that simply isn't realistic.  Bitcoin is around 40,000 right now and that is a heck of a lot of money for most people.  First off you should have a well diversified portfolio with traditional assets before you have any or any significant amount of bitcoin.  There still is super high risk with bitcoin and you need to be willing to accept substantial lows.

Title: Re: Why should you own at least one Bitcoin?
Post by: 20kevin20 on August 05, 2021, 01:56:30 PM
For the average Joe, $40k might not even account for total life savings. It's unaffordable right now for most people to invest in an entire BTC. Also, while I agree that owning 1 BTC will most likely change your life in only a matter of time, many people simply aren't fit to be Bitcoin investors due to its volatility. Its quickly-changing price makes it hard to keep up emotionally every time the market goes into a rollercoaster.

Title: Re: Why should you own at least one Bitcoin?
Post by: dimonstration on August 05, 2021, 01:56:44 PM
Bitcoin is the future. So, I would really advise buying before it's too late.

There is no such late on investment especially on Bitcoin, People just need to appreciate it's use and invest what they can afford to lose so that they will not treat there investment just like there life depends on it. This is the main reason why people always feel FUD whenever the price is falling instead of accumulating more for a lower price. Bitcoin will be alive in the future but there's no guarantee that the price will still sky rocket in the future because we can't predict the competetion when the time comes.

Title: Re: Why should you own at least one Bitcoin?
Post by: electronicash on August 05, 2021, 01:58:16 PM
what does it mean if you  don't own at least 1BTC?

there are more than hundred million people out there that have not heard of BTC their entire life, sound like they are really in big trouble if they don't have one. some of us here doesnt even have 0.5BTC. i'm about to jump infront of a running train. 😄

anyway well get to see the future i'm sure there is something stored for us. maybe that doge we dump really will be vakuable too and elon was right after all. or maybe not.

Title: Re: Why should you own at least one Bitcoin?
Post by: Fundamentals Of on August 05, 2021, 02:02:45 PM
Owning 1 Bitcoin is not a matter of should. Everybody who has money to spare should consider having Bitcoin. But it doesn't mean that it is required. Especially to those who have very limited savings and extra money, I think they should not put it into Bitcoin because by the time they need it for whatever urgent reasons, they might be forced to sell it at a lower price. Money that should be invested into Bitcoin should be the extra excess, an amount that one could leave idle for years.

Title: Re: Why should you own at least one Bitcoin?
Post by: michellee on August 05, 2021, 02:06:26 PM
I think no one will force us to have at least one bitcoin because that will be up to us. If we prefer to have one bitcoin, we will try to have that amount, no matter how we can do that. If you believe that the bitcoin price will increase more than just $100,000 in the future or reach the fantastic price that we can not imagine, you should try to accumulate more bitcoin from now on before the price starts increasing. Besides that, having bitcoin or not will depend upon us and that is our option.

Title: Re: Why should you own at least one Bitcoin?
Post by: worldofcoins on August 05, 2021, 02:08:10 PM
It was hard to understand what OP meant totally....
I don't think it's necessary to own 1 full Bitcoin for newcomers who're not rich to afford the bitcoin anymore so it's ok to own a fraction of it.
Price impact will be on full quantity and fraction on bitcoin this is where newbies to bitcoin think something else.

Title: Re: Why should you own at least one Bitcoin?
Post by: Poker Player on August 05, 2021, 02:31:57 PM
Well, actually what the OP says, although not explained very clearly, I used to hear it years ago: that you get and keep at least one Bitcoin. Today with institutional adoption, with most predictions giving at least $100K for this cycle, and $500K-$1M for the next, I'm already seeing how the amount has dropped. The other day JJG was talking about 0.21 BTC in the WO thread.

Title: Re: Why should you own at least one Bitcoin?
Post by: bosede1 on August 05, 2021, 03:31:46 PM
To have at least one bitcoin that is a whole lot of money we are talking about there, for me I will say one should at least invest in bitcoin if we are preaching one bitcoin at least many people will not invest, in my Country you have to work at least close to twenty years for a minimum wage earner before you can save to own that.

Title: Re: Why should you own at least one Bitcoin?
Post by: Renampun on August 05, 2021, 04:34:10 PM
Many people are considering how to invest in Bitcoin. My advice is: try to hold as many Bitcoins as possible. If you are not rich, you also need to hold at least one Bitcoin. If you don’t own one Bitcoin, It is possible that an entire era will be missed.

if you suggest me to have at least 1 bitcoin then I can't do that...

everyone must have Bitcoin but for investment and the amount no one can peg it, if I force myself to have 1 bitcoin then I will not succeed. 1 bitcoin in my country at the current price is able to buy a luxury house complete with its contents.

Title: Re: Why should you own at least one Bitcoin?
Post by: Fesatmas on August 05, 2021, 05:06:33 PM
For someone who can afford one Bitcoin, it won't be difficult. For us it becomes a very easy thing, that's the reason why I'm on this forum. In addition to seeking knowledge, there are always bonus points in it.
There really isn't a standard for how much one should have in Bitcoin, but don't let it all end unfulfilled and leave a few Satoshi.
So my advice, have what you can have even a little, because one day what you have (a little at the moment) can become something someone else wants.

Title: Re: Why should you own at least one Bitcoin?
Post by: Welsh on August 05, 2021, 08:17:19 PM
Many people are considering how to invest in Bitcoin. My advice is: try to hold as many Bitcoins as possible. If you are not rich, you also need to hold at least one Bitcoin. If you don’t own one Bitcoin, It is possible that an entire era will be missed.
This isn't exactly accurate. This is goal specific. If you want to add 100k to your net worth, then holding just 0.1 Bitcoin might be enough in the future, if Bitcoin was to reach 1 million per coin. Obviously, that's quite a specific example, but my point is you don't need to own 1 full Bitcoin to be able to profit, and in fact accumulating as much as you can is probably the best bet, whether that's 0.1, 0.005 or 0.0006. At the end of the day, that's more than you would have had if you passed up the idea of investing.

Title: Re: Why should you own at least one Bitcoin?
Post by: wxa7115 on August 05, 2021, 09:12:19 PM
Many people are considering how to invest in Bitcoin. My advice is: try to hold as many Bitcoins as possible. If you are not rich, you also need to hold at least one Bitcoin. If you don’t own one Bitcoin, It is possible that an entire era will be missed.

Why would I suggest this?

Because I think Bitcoin will rise to an unattainable price in the future. In fact, it is difficult to value Bitcoin according to traditional valuation systems and models. Because Bitcoin belongs to a completely different category of assets, I think a more accurate name should be "monetary assets". This is an asset with a very strong currency attribute, and it is also a currency with a very strong asset attribute.

It has become a consensus that the economic crisis will come back every once in a while. The reason for the financial crisis is very simple: both parties are greedy, investors' greed and bankers' greed. Greed is what it should be on Wall Street, it can almost be regarded as an obligation.

And when will the next round of crisis come? We don't know
It is not bad advice however we must recognize that the majority of people do not really have the money to buy a single bitcoin, even people living in first world countries do not really have the money to do so, after all many of those people do not really have any savings so they cannot even buy a fraction of it.

So for all of those that are not able to afford a single bitcoin what can they do? And the answer is very simple, begin to stack satoshis, it is not the most exciting thing to do and you're not going to become rich overnight but over the long term this is going to be incredibly beneficial for you, so you might as well start now before the price of bitcoin keeps increasing.

Title: Re: Why should you own at least one Bitcoin?
Post by: Viscore on August 05, 2021, 09:44:39 PM
For someone who can afford one Bitcoin, it won't be difficult. For us it becomes a very easy thing, that's the reason why I'm on this forum. In addition to seeking knowledge, there are always bonus points in it.
There really isn't a standard for how much one should have in Bitcoin, but don't let it all end unfulfilled and leave a few Satoshi.
So my advice, have what you can have even a little, because one day what you have (a little at the moment) can become something someone else wants.
A single bitcoin today has already a very expensive price so its very risky if you'll buy today without knowing the price might fall the following day. So its always best in to invest in bitcoin on the amount you can only afford to lose. After all, if you will make profits once your investment become successful, your bitcoin will definitely grow in number from time to time. Just an advice, once you get there, never sell all your bitcoins once the price is at its peak. Bitcoin will always be a good investment and will definitely be a good store of value and a good retirement when you reach your old age.

Title: Re: Why should you own at least one Bitcoin?
Post by: aoluain on August 05, 2021, 09:48:31 PM
21 million Bitcoins are definitely not enough for everyone to hold one.

Of course, there isn’t enough for everyone, but again not everyone is even interested in owning a BTC. If only the world's millionaires wanted to own 1 BTC, it wouldn't be enough for even half of them if we take into account that there are about 50 million of them with a tendency of constant increase.

Ordinary people dream about this goal, but the price is currently such that few can really achieve it, although those who really want something always find a way to achieve it. I believe there will come a time when people will say that anything under $100k was cheap, just like we used to say for $10k or $1000.

In the future, possibly the near future a millionaire coming late into Bitcoin may not
own 1 bitcoin because of scarcity.

Today with the price of Bitcoin being ~$40k low earners cannot even buy 1 Bitcoin.

There is a psychology behind owning 1 Bitcoin but in the near future owning 0.1 will
be quite a large amount of Bitcoin/Satoshi's.

Title: Re: Why should you own at least one Bitcoin?
Post by: on August 05, 2021, 09:49:32 PM
Relax guys, this is just an opinion and we don't have to have 1 Bitcoin in our wallet or this is also not a compulsion to buy Bitcoin. The OP only expressed his opinion on the results of his research on Bitcoin, where according to him Bitcoin is a savior during the upcoming economic crisis.
Buy Bitcoin without coercion and buy it because you understand the risks. Never make a decision without doing some research first.

Title: Re: Why should you own at least one Bitcoin?
Post by: livingfree on August 05, 2021, 09:50:42 PM
Just get to have bitcoin at the best capacity that you can. Not everyone is in good standing to own at least one bitcoin.

Don't set the standards too high in owning bitcoin and let the people assess what they can with their capacity, we advice people to invest in bitcoin but only invest what they can afford to lose. Although I'm partial agree with what you're bringing op but it's just that not everyone can avail to do that so at least, you've said it already that to hold as much as we can.

Title: Re: Why should you own at least one Bitcoin?
Post by: n0ne on August 05, 2021, 10:48:55 PM
Having limited supply always make the bitcoin to have high demand. Think of the world population. Being one among the 21million to hold atleast one bitcoin is really a big thing. In future this will be more worth once the entir number of bitcoins were mined.

There is nothing as more Bitcoins. Once the entire number of bitcoin is mined each satoshi will be valued big, because only in terms of Satoshi it is possible to fulfill the necessity of growing population.

Title: Re: Why should you own at least one Bitcoin?
Post by: Rengga Jati on August 06, 2021, 12:00:08 AM
One of the reasons why investing in Bitcoin is because this is an affordable investment. We don't need to invest 1 BTC, but we can invest the amount of BTC that we can really afford. 1 Bitcoin is too many for me and maybe for other people.  ;D
Taking the decision of how much we can invest should be wisely, not about how much we must invest, but how much we can invest exactly. This is actually good investment both for short and long term (IMO)

Title: Re: Why should you own at least one Bitcoin?
Post by: johnyj on August 06, 2021, 12:48:14 AM
You never buy one ton of gold

Title: Re: Why should you own at least one Bitcoin?
Post by: peter0425 on August 06, 2021, 01:44:13 AM
Many people are considering how to invest in Bitcoin. My advice is: try to hold as many Bitcoins as possible. If you are not rich, you also need to hold at least one Bitcoin. If you don’t own one Bitcoin, It is possible that an entire era will be missed.

Why would I suggest this?

Because I think Bitcoin will rise to an unattainable price in the future. In fact, it is difficult to value Bitcoin according to traditional valuation systems and models. Because Bitcoin belongs to a completely different category of assets, I think a more accurate name should be "monetary assets". This is an asset with a very strong currency attribute, and it is also a currency with a very strong asset attribute.

It has become a consensus that the economic crisis will come back every once in a while. The reason for the financial crisis is very simple: both parties are greedy, investors' greed and bankers' greed. Greed is what it should be on Wall Street, it can almost be regarded as an obligation.

And when will the next round of crisis come? We don't know
All of [people here in forum wanted to have at least 1 bitcoin and you don't have to remind us that , the only problem is how to accumulate when majority of people here are  small time investors, most of them even sell their bitcoin in losses because of no capacity in life to survive.

Title: Re: Why should you own at least one Bitcoin?
Post by: Kiley33 on August 06, 2021, 05:57:08 AM
If you are investing in Bitcoin, you can slowly set goals for yourself and accumulate bit by bit. There is no need to invest all your money in Bitcoin. If you need money urgently in your daily life, you have to Converting Bitcoin into legal currency is more troublesome.
Investing in Bitcoin is more stable than investing in houses and stocks.

Title: Re: Why should you own at least one Bitcoin?
Post by: dataispower on August 06, 2021, 08:37:59 AM
Such rules doesn't apply to everyone, many people come from countries whose minimum wage are far below $100 monthly, they will have to pay for health bills, food, basic utility will be sorted at the end of the whole thing they will be left with $10-20 to save maybe they could consider investing $5 monthly in Bitcoin. Annually they would not be able to purchase a full bitcoin. Your advice should be people should prioritize the idea of investing in Bitcoin instead of telling them to own a minimum of 1 BTC. It is not necessary.

Title: Re: Why should you own at least one Bitcoin?
Post by: bitzizzix on August 06, 2021, 10:13:12 AM
Many people are considering how to invest in Bitcoin. My advice is: try to hold as many Bitcoins as possible. If you are not rich, you also need to hold at least one Bitcoin. If you don’t own one Bitcoin, It is possible that an entire era will be missed.

Why would I suggest this?

Because I think Bitcoin will rise to an unattainable price in the future. In fact, it is difficult to value Bitcoin according to traditional valuation systems and models. Because Bitcoin belongs to a completely different category of assets, I think a more accurate name should be "monetary assets". This is an asset with a very strong currency attribute, and it is also a currency with a very strong asset attribute.

It has become a consensus that the economic crisis will come back every once in a while. The reason for the financial crisis is very simple: both parties are greedy, investors' greed and bankers' greed. Greed is what it should be on Wall Street, it can almost be regarded as an obligation.

And when will the next round of crisis come? We don't know
All of [people here in forum wanted to have at least 1 bitcoin and you don't have to remind us that , the only problem is how to accumulate when majority of people here are  small time investors, most of them even sell their bitcoin in losses because of no capacity in life to survive.
Yes, the majority in this forum are only small investors who are only able to invest a small part of their income and besides looking for bitcoin through expertise that will be paid with bitcoin to grow it, so in my opinion to own 1 BTC it is not easy for small investors unless they are big investors or rich people and also those who want to sacrifice something valuable to get 1 BTC.
Everyone's bitcoin holdings here are mostly up and down because if there is an urgent need to be resolved, inevitably have to sell it as needed.
and i am also like that even though i don't have much bitcoin which i invest at the moment, but my needs and whatever i want can be fulfilled from bitcoin proceeds.
so ownership of 1 BTC is not the main goal, the most important thing is to have bitcoin regardless of the amount and besides that it can meet the needs of life financially and peacefully and I think it's strange if someone forces to have 1 BTC beyond their ability, but their life is difficult and also tormented.

Title: Re: Why should you own at least one Bitcoin?
Post by: Lucius on August 06, 2021, 10:37:28 AM
There is a psychology behind owning 1 Bitcoin but in the near future owning 0.1 will
be quite a large amount of Bitcoin/Satoshi's.

Psychology changes over time, or rather with the price of BTC. Those who have been on the forum for a long time (5+ years) know that it used to be very popular to be part of the so-called 21 BTC club, those who own at least 21 BTC. At the end of December 2016, ticket for that club cost only $16 180, which today is not enough even for 0.5 BTC.

It is possible that in 5 years 0.1 BTC will indeed be something that few will be able to afford - but given the standard of billions of people today, for them even today it is a real fortune.

Entrance for 1 in a million 21 BTC club is now $16.180 (

Title: Re: Why should you own at least one Bitcoin?
Post by: Kong Hey Pakboy on August 06, 2021, 10:54:45 AM
It's a delusional advice to be honest, doesn't OP know that there are countries out there that have middle income earners that aren't even enough to feed a family for a month let alone invest in bitcoin or cryptocurrency even just by a little? It's promising but it's a stupid advice because it's expensive to buy 1 bitcoin.

Title: Re: Why should you own at least one Bitcoin?
Post by: Reatim on August 06, 2021, 10:58:02 AM
Many people are considering how to invest in Bitcoin. My advice is: try to hold as many Bitcoins as possible. If you are not rich, you also need to hold at least one Bitcoin. If you don’t own one Bitcoin, It is possible that an entire era will be missed.
this is not how much you must be obliged to invest but how much you can afford to lose , you are forcing people to own one bitcoin while majority of people here treasure 1 bitcoin as their more than 3 years of their salaries?

just buy and hold the amount you know that wont make you cry if losses.

Why would I suggest this?

Because I think Bitcoin will rise to an unattainable price in the future. In fact, it is difficult to value Bitcoin according to traditional valuation systems and models. Because Bitcoin belongs to a completely different category of assets, I think a more accurate name should be "monetary assets". This is an asset with a very strong currency attribute, and it is also a currency with a very strong asset attribute.

It has become a consensus that the economic crisis will come back every once in a while. The reason for the financial crisis is very simple: both parties are greedy, investors' greed and bankers' greed. Greed is what it should be on Wall Street, it can almost be regarded as an obligation.

And when will the next round of crisis come? We don't know
if bitcoin will attain very high price in the future , then it is ok if a person owns 10,000 satoshis because this will be meaningful that time?

Title: Re: Why should you own at least one Bitcoin?
Post by: kryptqnick on August 06, 2021, 11:07:50 AM
If you aren't rich, you probably don't have 1 BTC and can't have it if we consider the current value. I've personally never had that much money in my life, and where I come from, you can buy a flat in the capital with this sort of money. Also, BTC has grown in price significantly already, and nobody knows its limits and potential, so a person might also lose money this way. It's a high-performing asset for now, but it can easily change. I'm really glad to see that most people in the thread aren't supportive of the whole 'at least 1 BTC' thing.

Title: Re: Why should you own at least one Bitcoin?
Post by: Kayum10029 on August 06, 2021, 01:09:22 PM
Many are saying that the price of Bitcoin will exceed one million dollars in the near future In the meantime, many have begun to invest in Bitcoin. But this is a trick because many people make such baseless tweets to increase the price of Bitcoin. You don't have to have a bitcoin. As much as you You can invest in Bitcoin as much as you can.

Title: Re: Why should you own at least one Bitcoin?
Post by: ipanks on August 06, 2021, 03:43:52 PM
The price of bitcoin for now is still cheap and can be reached maybe in the future the price of bitcoin will be more expensive for me bitcoin is an asset for the future it is appropriate that we have assets for old age.
Although it is still cheap, not many people can buy 1 bitcoin directly, especially if the price is up and down. People tend to buy a small fraction many times to get many lower prices to have bitcoin. If you want to make money from bitcoin, 1 bitcoin is your target and that is not easy to reach because you will need more effort to always buy at many lower prices.

Title: Re: Why should you own at least one Bitcoin?
Post by: imstillthebest on August 06, 2021, 10:32:02 PM
The price of bitcoin for now is still cheap and can be reached maybe in the future the price of bitcoin will be more expensive for me bitcoin is an asset for the future it is appropriate that we have assets for old age.
Although it is still cheap, not many people can buy 1 bitcoin directly, especially if the price is up and down. People tend to buy a small fraction many times to get many lower prices to have bitcoin. If you want to make money from bitcoin, 1 bitcoin is your target and that is not easy to reach because you will need more effort to always buy at many lower prices.
to the person that says its cheap well maybe they are a little richer but for the poorer ones they think that 1 btc is already high to them but it was still possible for them to enter .you said btc is up and down ? then they can wait for the price to go down before they buy  .
 they can just repeat this simple proccess till they reach 1 btc .
i think 1 btc isnt necesary but what important is that you understand btc and you have some btc , that makes you a part of this movement .

Title: Re: Why should you own at least one Bitcoin?
Post by: Boov on August 06, 2021, 10:51:13 PM
Many people are considering how to invest in Bitcoin. My advice is: try to hold as many Bitcoins as possible. If you are not rich, you also need to hold at least one Bitcoin. If you don’t own one Bitcoin, It is possible that an entire era will be missed.

Why would I suggest this?

Because I think Bitcoin will rise to an unattainable price in the future. In fact, it is difficult to value Bitcoin according to traditional valuation systems and models. Because Bitcoin belongs to a completely different category of assets, I think a more accurate name should be "monetary assets". This is an asset with a very strong currency attribute, and it is also a currency with a very strong asset attribute.

It has become a consensus that the economic crisis will come back every once in a while. The reason for the financial crisis is very simple: both parties are greedy, investors' greed and bankers' greed. Greed is what it should be on Wall Street, it can almost be regarded as an obligation.

And when will the next round of crisis come? We don't know

We don't know exactly when will crisis come, what we only need is positivity and determination to conquer all those hindrance in achieving successful life. If we desire to buy bitcoin during this year, I guess it's so difficult to make it possible because it's at the peak level compared from the past 4 years. Maybe those days, I'm able to own at least 1 btc but I failed to do so due to several reasons related to spending needs. For now, we're still capable of owning btc but maybe 10% of one whole value can be an assurance for our future profit.

Title: Re: Why should you own at least one Bitcoin?
Post by: isaac_clarke22 on August 07, 2021, 06:20:13 AM
Not to be pessimistic but how sure are you to say that Bitcoin will be in an "unattainable price" in the future.

1 BTC is equal to 1 BTC regardless. Buy Bitcoin when you can only afford one. Take advantage of the dips, but don't force everyone to buy a whole Bitcoin.

Title: Re: Why should you own at least one Bitcoin?
Post by: cryptoaddictchie on August 07, 2021, 07:05:17 AM
Honestly everyone wishes to have one bitcoin at least. However the current price isnt affordable for for everyone. We allnknew how expensive bitcoin it is at the moment and only fraction can be acquired.

There is a limited supply of bitcoin and the 21million is fixed while some supply have been lost forever. Meaning it gonna become scarce in the future or if only few major hodl some or majority of the supply. They can control the price as it is.

But even a fraction could be worth a lot in the future and its not necessary to own one.

Title: Re: Why should you own at least one Bitcoin?
Post by: BuNga_cute on August 07, 2021, 07:23:31 AM
Honestly everyone wishes to have one bitcoin at least. However the current price isnt affordable for for everyone. We allnknew how expensive bitcoin it is at the moment and only fraction can be acquired.

There is a limited supply of bitcoin and the 21million is fixed while some supply have been lost forever. Meaning it gonna become scarce in the future or if only few major hodl some or majority of the supply. They can control the price as it is.

But even a fraction could be worth a lot in the future and its not necessary to own one.

If we look at Bitcoin's extraordinary performance as a profitable asset in a pandemic situation like now. It's natural to finally make Bitcoin's
popularity increase, because many people want to buy Bitcoin. With increasing demand, while the supply is limited, we can predict the price of
Bitcoin will be very expensive in the future. So many people are now starting to compete to collect Bitcoin, even though the current Bitcoin price is
quite high. But we don't need to buy 1 Bitcoin, it is enough to buy a small fraction of Bitcoin according to our financial capabilities. This is enough
to provide profit in the future.

Title: Re: Why should you own at least one Bitcoin?
Post by: EdenHazard on August 07, 2021, 07:31:21 AM
Honestly everyone wishes to have one bitcoin at least. However the current price isnt affordable for for everyone. We allnknew how expensive bitcoin it is at the moment and only fraction can be acquired.

There is a limited supply of bitcoin and the 21million is fixed while some supply have been lost forever. Meaning it gonna become scarce in the future or if only few major hodl some or majority of the supply. They can control the price as it is.

But even a fraction could be worth a lot in the future and its not necessary to own one.
the same thing when bitcoin touched $1k $5k $10k and $20k ... everyone sayss its not affordable and its a bubble until its getting much more valueable year after year. tired hearing this especially from those people who just know about bitcoin and regretting it later in the future (im not talking bout you tho) :p

to own 1 bitcoin its necessary for those who can resist in case the price dropped 80% from the inital price. otherwise yeah its not really necessary.

Title: Re: Why should you own at least one Bitcoin?
Post by: Nunoluck on August 07, 2021, 07:32:25 AM
I don't like greedy people. Human has potential to be greedy but I think it is not a good behavior. In the past I think I need atleast 1 btc but now I think the most important thing is knowledge and the blessing of god. I calculate the profit probability of some coin, of course the profit that may I can get from bitcoin is big probably more than 300% for minimum in a bullish market. But lately I also calculate the probability of some other cryptocurrencies such as TRX, DASH, ETH and etc. I think the price of TRX has very big potential to increase for more than 2000% maximum in a bullish market or 700% for a minimum as the company is working on gamers community market. As a gamer I spent a lot of money to buy game items once there is new event in game that I like, I think it is general gamers behavior. I think the market is very big. For Dash, I think this coin is unique, Dash is one of popular coin but I personally think that the bubble is very big. In the bullish market this coin price is pretty expensive but this is not for long time and when bearish market happen the price is very cheap, but still the lowest price level is getting higher and higher. I am not an expert maybe I am wrong. So the conclusion is in my opinion the best thing to do for know is looking the biggest opportunity with the lowest risk that we can get, I don't invest in unpopular altcoin or only based on what I thinking, I choose cryptocurrency based on data and other factors such as internal factors (people behind the project) and external factors. But still I will be grateful if I have 1 BTC. I already have 3 BTC before but I sold it at bearish market that is my biggest loss. Atleast I learn from my mistake and trying to don't do the same thing.

Title: Re: Why should you own at least one Bitcoin?
Post by: rodskee on August 07, 2021, 07:35:24 AM
wrong belief mate , you cannot force anyone to hold a single bitcoin or more because of

First - higher price

Second - volatility

Third - capacity

those mentioned things are the one hinders every small investors or traders to purchase and keep holding bitcoin.

also why need to hold one bitcoin when you can only afford small chunks?

and also there are tons of altcoin to choose that might give you "One time Big time"?

Title: Re: Why should you own at least one Bitcoin?
Post by: BlackHatCoiner on August 07, 2021, 07:53:23 AM
My advice is: try to hold as many Bitcoins as possible.
This is probably a good advice. (assuming you won't buy if you can't afford to lose)

If you are not rich, you also need to hold at least one Bitcoin.
This, on the other hand, is a nonsensical advice. First off, what does it mean “If you're not rich”? If you don't have a million dollars? A billion? If you don't own currently $43,217.80? That you're an average Joe? Lots of people consider that one Bitcoin worths lots of money today. If they're not rich, how can they accumulate it?

Secondly, why exactly one Bitcoin? These 100,000,000 satoshis aren't going to make you as rich. At least not as much as you may think. It is just affecting you psychologically that 1 of the 21,000,000 BTC (which aren't tangible to somehow affect you, but anyway) will be owned by you. Would it be more appealing if I said that 100,000,000 of the total 2,100,000,000,000,000 sats will be owned by me? Nah.

Title: Re: Why should you own at least one Bitcoin?
Post by: lenovop-70 on August 07, 2021, 07:56:51 AM
I am not that rich that own one bitcoin mate, but i am investing on it too, one bitcoin is very valuable, and i dont have that much.
I am agreed with OP said that we must start investing in bitcoin, according in our condition, investing is our guarantee to our future.
If i were rich, i will investing not just one bitcoin, i save as much as i can because we all know bitcoin is future.

Title: Re: Why should you own at least one Bitcoin?
Post by: YouYou0321 on August 07, 2021, 08:12:35 AM
Many people are considering how to invest in Bitcoin. My advice is: try to hold as many Bitcoins as possible. If you are not rich, you also need to hold at least one Bitcoin. If you don’t own one Bitcoin, It is possible that an entire era will be missed.

Why would I suggest this?

Because I think Bitcoin will rise to an unattainable price in the future. In fact, it is difficult to value Bitcoin according to traditional valuation systems and models. Because Bitcoin belongs to a completely different category of assets, I think a more accurate name should be "monetary assets". This is an asset with a very strong currency attribute, and it is also a currency with a very strong asset attribute.

It has become a consensus that the economic crisis will come back every once in a while. The reason for the financial crisis is very simple: both parties are greedy, investors' greed and bankers' greed. Greed is what it should be on Wall Street, it can almost be regarded as an obligation.

And when will the next round of crisis come? We don't know

I very much hope that my wallet will be as you suggested.

I think that the result of Bitcoin reform is like a singularity in the universe. It is difficult to imagine and understand the future world from today's perspective.

I also believe that in the future world, there will be a Bitcoin that will have a huge impact on me.

Title: Re: Why should you own at least one Bitcoin?
Post by: Kakmakr on August 07, 2021, 08:22:43 AM
Many people are considering how to invest in Bitcoin. My advice is: try to hold as many Bitcoins as possible. If you are not rich, you also need to hold at least one Bitcoin. If you don’t own one Bitcoin, It is possible that an entire era will be missed.

Why would I suggest this?

Because I think Bitcoin will rise to an unattainable price in the future. In fact, it is difficult to value Bitcoin according to traditional valuation systems and models. Because Bitcoin belongs to a completely different category of assets, I think a more accurate name should be "monetary assets". This is an asset with a very strong currency attribute, and it is also a currency with a very strong asset attribute.

It has become a consensus that the economic crisis will come back every once in a while. The reason for the financial crisis is very simple: both parties are greedy, investors' greed and bankers' greed. Greed is what it should be on Wall Street, it can almost be regarded as an obligation.

And when will the next round of crisis come? We don't know

Why do you need to hoard bitcoins, when Bitcoin (Lightning Network) is such a great payment system? You say the Banks are greedy, but you forget that people hoarding bitcoins are greedy too...right? The speculators in the Crypto currency scene could care less about the technology, because they are too focused on their profits.

If Bitcoin is built on "greed" ...then they will also fall like Wall Street and like the Banks, because you need people to create a use case for Bitcoin for it to survive. The use case is it being used as a "Currency" and not as a "Commodity"  ::)

Title: Re: Why should you own at least one Bitcoin?
Post by: cryptoaddictchie on August 07, 2021, 08:41:15 AM
the same thing when bitcoin touched $1k $5k $10k and $20k ... everyone sayss its not affordable and its a bubble until its getting much more valueable year after year. tired hearing this especially from those people who just know about bitcoin and regretting it later in the future (im not talking bout you tho) :p
Simply relates that to a stock that matures over time. Plenty of people have been scares with the nature of bitcoin but its always a good thing to have an open minded feeling about some form of investment. At first I was hesitant to invest bigger than I can afford to lose but I totally understand now.

For people with not enough knowledge about it then study it. Surely you have the means to do that and when the tike you already accumulate at least 1 btc then you can say its worth the time and money.

Title: Re: Why should you own at least one Bitcoin?
Post by: blue_nexus15 on August 07, 2021, 08:50:03 AM
Currently, I think in cryptocurrency investing bitcoin is the best with less risk and the price of bitcoin will go higher as bitcoin is more and more popular attracting high investment capital.  however my account is not enough to invest 1 bitcoin.  I can only invest some altcoins.  I hope my investment will give good return and at some point I can own at least 1 bitcoin.

Title: Re: Why should you own at least one Bitcoin?
Post by: Shasha80 on August 07, 2021, 09:07:04 AM
Currently, I think in cryptocurrency investing bitcoin is the best with less risk and the price of bitcoin will go higher as bitcoin is more and more popular attracting high investment capital.  however my account is not enough to invest 1 bitcoin.  I can only invest some altcoins.  I hope my investment will give good return and at some point I can own at least 1 bitcoin.

Bitcoin is indeed a safe investment choice compared to other coins, because the risk of investing in Bitcoin is not as big as investing in altcoins.
So it is highly recommended for beginners to invest in Bitcoin, because to make a profit from Bitcoin is not too difficult, we only need to hold
Bitcoin until the price reaches the target we want. After all, Bitcoin recovers faster if it experiences a decline in price, that's because the demand
for Bitcoin is very high. In contrast to investing in altcoins, which has a very large risk,  especially when it comes to investing in shitcoins,
it is certain that it will take a very long time to recover if the price falls. So if you can't afford to buy 1 Bitcoin, you can buy several satoshis,
no need to buy 1 Bitcoin. Instead of forcing investments in altcoins, the risk of losing money in altcoins is very large.

Title: Re: Why should you own at least one Bitcoin?
Post by: LogitechMouse on August 07, 2021, 09:41:50 AM
There is nothing wrong investing into Bitcoin.
What is wrong is that the mindset that owning 1 Bitcoin is a requirement.
Remember that is why every Bitcoin has been divided into 100,000,000 Satoshis so that every people can get a portion of it because we know that Bitcoin is scarce and limited.

It doesn't matter if you only own 0.001 BTC or 0.01 BTC or even lesser as long as you are holding and using Bitcoin then there is nothing wrong there. Well, if you own a Bitcoin already then well and good. There will be a time that you will sell those Bitcoin and take profit :).

Title: Re: Why should you own at least one Bitcoin?
Post by: DOH! on August 07, 2021, 09:48:21 AM
also why need to hold one bitcoin when you can only afford small chunks?
My strategy is to accumulate.
I think, There are many reasons to keep a minimum of 1 bitcoin because its supply is becoming increasingly scarce, the halving every 4 years makes the supply deflate lower than the demand. As you can see, when bitcoin adjusts its hashrate, the value of bitcoin has a long-term upward trend. Bitcoin is freely used or held for long-term profit without worry, like a high-yield savings fund.

Title: Re: Why should you own at least one Bitcoin?
Post by: JerryKin on August 07, 2021, 10:19:51 AM
Stop. Setting Bitcoin ownership goals can only be harmful for the community, it will promote elitism with people who own more looking down on people who have less, and people who haven't reached the goal would only be stressed, and most importantly, it will push many people to invest more than they can afford to lose, which eventually turns ugly.

No one needs to own any Bitcoin, but if someone decided to buy it, they should buy only as much as they can afford to lose.
I totally agree with you
There's no point creating a competition where there's none . The fact that market rises and falls often is enough stress to deal with. If you can afford many good for you.if it's just 1 or less than 1 you can afford, you have tried.
It's not a race neither is there a finish line, just invest what you can and earn a living.

Title: Re: Why should you own at least one Bitcoin?
Post by: buwaytress on August 07, 2021, 10:47:42 AM
It's not a new reason I hear from people who decide to buy some other alt and not Bitcoin (1 BTC is too expensive, I feel better owning 100 units of ABC coin instead). I don't really get it, but that's because I'm so used to dealing in fractions of Bitcoin -- yes, even in 2016 when Bitcoin wasn't even $1000. I do understand the psychology of seeing 0.x though.

But I think encouraging people to own a whole coin is counter-productive to encouraging people to get into Bitcoin. I can't think of a single regular person able to afford 1 BTC right off the bat.

Title: Re: Why should you own at least one Bitcoin?
Post by: AverageGlabella on August 07, 2021, 11:07:02 AM
It's not a new reason I hear from people who decide to buy some other alt and not Bitcoin (1 BTC is too expensive, I feel better owning 100 units of ABC coin instead). I don't really get it, but that's because I'm so used to dealing in fractions of Bitcoin -- yes, even in 2016 when Bitcoin wasn't even $1000. I do understand the psychology of seeing 0.x though.

But I think encouraging people to own a whole coin is counter-productive to encouraging people to get into Bitcoin. I can't think of a single regular person able to afford 1 BTC right off the bat.
The different fractions of Bitcoin is alien to a lot of people if you think about it how many people use fiat and pay in whole numbers instead of using their change. They treat their pennies and smaller amounts than a whole number as throwaway change. It is not their fault but fiat has changed the way people think if you do not own whole numbers you are not rich. There are probably a lot of people who could afford 1 Bitcoin off the bat but for regular normal people I doubt many would have enough money to invest 10% of it because of other responsibilities they might have.

Title: Re: Why should you own at least one Bitcoin?
Post by: ipanks on August 07, 2021, 11:26:10 AM
The price of bitcoin for now is still cheap and can be reached maybe in the future the price of bitcoin will be more expensive for me bitcoin is an asset for the future it is appropriate that we have assets for old age.
Although it is still cheap, not many people can buy 1 bitcoin directly, especially if the price is up and down. People tend to buy a small fraction many times to get many lower prices to have bitcoin. If you want to make money from bitcoin, 1 bitcoin is your target and that is not easy to reach because you will need more effort to always buy at many lower prices.
to the person that says its cheap well maybe they are a little richer but for the poorer ones they think that 1 btc is already high to them but it was still possible for them to enter .you said btc is up and down ? then they can wait for the price to go down before they buy  .
 they can just repeat this simple proccess till they reach 1 btc .
i think 1 btc isnt necesary but what important is that you understand btc and you have some btc , that makes you a part of this movement .
I observe not many people can repeat those simple processes because they will think it is a waste of time waiting for the price to go down and then determine the lowest price. Yes, they need to realize that is the only way for them to buy bitcoin at a lower price but they also have the other way to wait for the lowest price to buy bitcoin. But the problem is no one will know how deep bitcoin price will go down and we can only predict the price. Maybe they should realize how they can make money from bitcoin so they will think that buying bitcoin at a low price and selling it at a high price will give them a chance to make money.

Title: Re: Why should you own at least one Bitcoin?
Post by: dimonstration on August 07, 2021, 12:12:24 PM
with us having just one bitcoin means that we already have an investment in the business, with such a thing means that we have succeeded in having our assets in the crypto world. and I think this is very appropriate with us having only 1 bitcoin then it is not impossible if one day the price goes up we can have not just one bitcoin even more than that, I think what this person did is very meaningful he has a soul in business

The current price of Bitcoin is 43K and its a huge amount for normal people having a normal job in a 3rd world country. Maybe its a possible goal for people in rich country like US, EU and China but not in general. Having a piece of it is already enough and not necessarily 1 Bitcoin. I'm case a poor manage 1 Bitcoin, there's no guarantee that the price will gonna grow that much and might give a huge loss. Any amount of Bitcoin is enough, Just invest what you can afford to lose.

Title: Re: Why should you own at least one Bitcoin?
Post by: Cling18 on August 07, 2021, 12:15:47 PM
Everyone couldn't afford even a single Bitcoin to be honest. However, that's onw of the goals I have. To own at least a single Bitcoin would be a huge achievement and that will assure our future since we're holding a good investment. It might take time to earn a single Bitcoin but through hard work and perseverance, I know that we could make this suggestion possible.

Title: Re: Why should you own at least one Bitcoin?
Post by: imstillthebest on August 07, 2021, 12:57:58 PM
The price of bitcoin for now is still cheap and can be reached maybe in the future the price of bitcoin will be more expensive for me bitcoin is an asset for the future it is appropriate that we have assets for old age.
Although it is still cheap, not many people can buy 1 bitcoin directly, especially if the price is up and down. People tend to buy a small fraction many times to get many lower prices to have bitcoin. If you want to make money from bitcoin, 1 bitcoin is your target and that is not easy to reach because you will need more effort to always buy at many lower prices.
to the person that says its cheap well maybe they are a little richer but for the poorer ones they think that 1 btc is already high to them but it was still possible for them to enter .you said btc is up and down ? then they can wait for the price to go down before they buy  .
 they can just repeat this simple proccess till they reach 1 btc .
i think 1 btc isnt necesary but what important is that you understand btc and you have some btc , that makes you a part of this movement .
I observe not many people can repeat those simple processes because they will think it is a waste of time waiting for the price to go down and then determine the lowest price. Yes, they need to realize that is the only way for them to buy bitcoin at a lower price but they also have the other way to wait for the lowest price to buy bitcoin. But the problem is no one will know how deep bitcoin price will go down and we can only predict the price. Maybe they should realize how they can make money from bitcoin so they will think that buying bitcoin at a low price and selling it at a high price will give them a chance to make money.
we also need to be realistic . adoption is getting bigger and this cause the value to remain at higher points .
 lets accept that theres only a slim chance for btc to go back at 10k or lower if that is our target .
price of btc now is over 40k dollar but if it gets lower like 39k , we can buy that . lets make it this as a new normal if only we want to get involved and earn .

Title: Re: Why should you own at least one Bitcoin?
Post by: Rigon on August 07, 2021, 01:04:52 PM
We should have a bitcoin in our wallet in proportion to how long we have been working on this bitcoin forum. When I work at Bitcoin this crowd did it at a much lower price. Then I had two bitcoins. I sold my bitcoins for my family's needs. If I had that bitcoin today, my life would have changed a lot today.

Title: Re: Why should you own at least one Bitcoin?
Post by: Semar Mesem on August 07, 2021, 01:55:41 PM
Everyone couldn't afford even a single Bitcoin to be honest. However, that's onw of the goals I have. To own at least a single Bitcoin would be a huge achievement and that will assure our future since we're holding a good investment. It might take time to earn a single Bitcoin but through hard work and perseverance, I know that we could make this suggestion possible.

For me to buy 1 bitcoin for now which is $43k it takes 7 years of monthly salary without losing 1 cent, of course this is a difficult dream, but optimistically and following the bounty on this forum hopefully there will be tokens skyrocketing 1000x so I can buy 1 btc .

Title: Re: Why should you own at least one Bitcoin?
Post by: marissa23 on August 07, 2021, 03:05:53 PM
We should have a bitcoin in our wallet in proportion to how long we have been working on this bitcoin forum. When I work at Bitcoin this crowd did it at a much lower price. Then I had two bitcoins. I sold my bitcoins for my family's needs. If I had that bitcoin today, my life would have changed a lot today.
I've experienced the same thing, I sold bitcoin in 2018 when I sold bitcoin to meet my family's needs at that time the family was at the lowest point, but if I have other assets I don't sell bitcoin because I believe bitcoin is a very valuable asset.

Title: Re: Why should you own at least one Bitcoin?
Post by: Ararbermas on August 07, 2021, 03:24:55 PM
any amount is enough to put as a investment in bitcoin wherein amount of capital that you are sure after all it can give you good return , even not atleast one bitcoin because it a huge amount of money.  :D
And yes it's a good investment for future but just remember to invest what amount you can afford to lose so that no more worries and you can control your emotions when something bad happen in the market, what i mean not when we you see a bad situation you will dump because it's a big mistakes..always think positive when you invest in it..

Title: Re: Why should you own at least one Bitcoin?
Post by: BIT-BENDER on August 07, 2021, 04:01:16 PM
Many people are considering how to invest in Bitcoin. My advice is: try to hold as many Bitcoins as possible. If you are not rich, you also need to hold at least one Bitcoin. If you don’t own one Bitcoin, It is possible that an entire era will be missed.
I think there might not be any one living who is into crypto-currency especially Bitcoin that doesn't want more than A Bitcoin, I also don't think many people care interestingly about any era, they are investing in Bitcoin, to get what comes when you investing in something that speculated to rise, I don't have A Bitcoin -complete one bitcoin- or more, but am very excited as to when I would have and furthermore the era sound like crypto-currency isn't begun am not sure if am excited about any era, because my whole excited is what I can do with bitcoin now.

Title: Re: Why should you own at least one Bitcoin?
Post by: Koro-Sensei on August 07, 2021, 04:31:11 PM
Many people are considering how to invest in Bitcoin. My advice is: try to hold as many Bitcoins as possible. If you are not rich, you also need to hold at least one Bitcoin. If you don’t own one Bitcoin, It is possible that an entire era will be missed.

Why would I suggest this?

Because I think Bitcoin will rise to an unattainable price in the future. In fact, it is difficult to value Bitcoin according to traditional valuation systems and models. Because Bitcoin belongs to a completely different category of assets, I think a more accurate name should be "monetary assets". This is an asset with a very strong currency attribute, and it is also a currency with a very strong asset attribute.

It has become a consensus that the economic crisis will come back every once in a while. The reason for the financial crisis is very simple: both parties are greedy, investors' greed and bankers' greed. Greed is what it should be on Wall Street, it can almost be regarded as an obligation.

And when will the next round of crisis come? We don't know
I believe what you believe in. As a hard core bitcoiner, the hoarding of bitcoin is like an addiction. You'll get greedy once you have one and then you will try to have 1 again. I hold BTC since 2017 and it really helps me this pandemic. I am still planing to hoard more and more as I know times weren't always good. Its better to have another back up for your funds once shit happens.

Title: Re: Why should you own at least one Bitcoin?
Post by: pawanjain on August 07, 2021, 04:55:24 PM
It doesn't really matter if you hold one bitcoin or not because as long as you are holding bitcoin, you are holding it's proportionate value.
It's not absolutely necessary to hold one whole bitcoin. Many people including myself don't have that kind of money to invest in bitcoin.
But we still are holding as much as we can accumulate and that itself makes us the part of the bitcoin community.
So we are good as long as we accumulate as much as we can.

Title: Re: Why should you own at least one Bitcoin?
Post by: Rruchi man on August 07, 2021, 06:06:44 PM
Not everyone has a goal of owning 1 BTC. Ideally, the rationale behind it is good but in reality it is not a solid financial advice at least not for everyone. I think what people should do is to plan to invest a small percentage of their monthly income. This is for those who are not day traders. Weather there's going to be an economic crisis or not humans will be fine and will also do quite well with or without ownership of 1BTC.

Title: Re: Why should you own at least one Bitcoin?
Post by: uneng on August 07, 2021, 06:54:36 PM
I don't understand why people think 1 BTC is an absurd amount of money right now. Honestly, what can you do with 40,000$ nowadays? It used to be a decent amount many years ago, but not anymore, since inflation ate a lot of dollar's value. 1 BTC isn't even sufficient to generate enough passive income to pay for the most basic needs in a monthly basis.
OP's suggestion is a very good one. People should aim at least 1 BTC portfolio on short run, to be benefited by the next bitcoin bull runs. Not everyone will have the opportunity to hold 1 BTC futurely, but you who are reading this message right now still have the chance of holding. Don't think about it like an impossible task to be achieved. It's still possible with some effort and savings management.

Title: Re: Why should you own at least one Bitcoin?
Post by: Woodie on August 07, 2021, 06:55:15 PM
You need to own 1 bitcoin so that in the future it could become your retirement package as price is expected to rise with time,so if you want an idea of how you can use bitcoin, take it as a parallel savings account for your kids, save some money for your kids and family both in fiat and crypto (bitcoin). In a few years time you are likely to find the bitcoin pot to be more valuable than your fiat savings account. If you have never looked at bitxoin this way here is a savings project for you, happy  savings.

Title: Re: Why should you own at least one Bitcoin?
Post by: Distinctin on August 07, 2021, 07:27:58 PM
You need to own 1 bitcoin so that in the future it could become your retirement package as price is expected to rise with time,so if you want an idea of how you can use bitcoin, take it as a parallel savings account for your kids, save some money for your kids and family both in fiat and crypto (bitcoin). In a few years time you are likely to find the bitcoin pot to be more valuable than your fiat savings account. If you have never looked at bitxoin this way here is a savings project for you, happy  savings.

This is a great advice for everyone but i think its not necessary that you should set a goal reaching  one bitcoin because although its easy to say buy definitely hard to be realized. Just invest little by little and of course, on the amount you are ready to lose.

I believe bitcoin will be a good retirement package in our old days because its value will definitely grow in the future. Even with the current price, the price is really incomparable and very amazing for everyone but let's not forget how risky it is too especially if your prefer to buy it with the current price. So just invest on the amount we can afford to lose.

Title: Re: Why should you own at least one Bitcoin?
Post by: blackened515 on August 07, 2021, 08:42:42 PM
It doesn't really matter if you hold one bitcoin or not because as long as you are holding bitcoin, you are holding it's proportionate value.
It's not absolutely necessary to hold one whole bitcoin. Many people including myself don't have that kind of money to invest in bitcoin.
But we still are holding as much as we can accumulate and that itself makes us the part of the bitcoin community.
So we are good as long as we accumulate as much as we can.
I agree with you. Not everybody have that amount of money to buy 1 bitcoin. We just have to invest the little we have. Is not a must that one should basically own 1 BTC. I understand that the idea of owing at least 1 Bitcoin is a good one, to enable us make a huge profit when the price hit a high price. But, someone like me can't afford such amount, I just invest as much as I can.

Title: Re: Why should you own at least one Bitcoin?
Post by: retnoanjani on August 07, 2021, 10:40:22 PM
I believe bitcoin will be a good retirement package in our old days because its value will definitely grow in the future. Even with the current price, the price is really incomparable and very amazing for everyone but let's not forget how risky it is too especially if your prefer to buy it with the current price. So just invest on the amount we can afford to lose.
Setting targets is good, but we have to keep thinking rationally, we still have to enjoy the process and be prepared to face the worst risks. whether it can reach 1 btc or not, if we plan a good strategy, plan investments well, then we will be more comfortable than just forcing our will.
currently i am very interested in DCA strategy, i want to invest around 10-20% of my income to buy btc. I want to buy it, collect it, forget it, lol... and will hope the bullrun in a few years will become my treasure.

Title: Re: Why should you own at least one Bitcoin?
Post by: germsite on August 07, 2021, 11:30:19 PM
Many people are considering how to invest in Bitcoin. My advice is: try to hold as many Bitcoins as possible. If you are not rich, you also need to hold at least one Bitcoin. If you don’t own one Bitcoin, It is possible that an entire era will be missed.

Why would I suggest this?

Because I think Bitcoin will rise to an unattainable price in the future. In fact, it is difficult to value Bitcoin according to traditional valuation systems and models. Because Bitcoin belongs to a completely different category of assets, I think a more accurate name should be "monetary assets". This is an asset with a very strong currency attribute, and it is also a currency with a very strong asset attribute.

It has become a consensus that the economic crisis will come back every once in a while. The reason for the financial crisis is very simple: both parties are greedy, investors' greed and bankers' greed. Greed is what it should be on Wall Street, it can almost be regarded as an obligation.

And when will the next round of crisis come? We don't know

That is serious utopia. The advice is nice and cool and so on but how in the world should it be possible for the vast majority of people to hold a whole Bitcoin? That is just not doable for at least every single person that belongs to the set consisting of "total population - 21 million people". Statistically, chances are very low you'll ever hold a whole Bitcoin. ;)

Title: Re: Why should you own at least one Bitcoin?
Post by: Sollaes on August 08, 2021, 06:24:22 AM
Many people are considering how to invest in Bitcoin. My advice is: try to hold as many Bitcoins as possible. If you are not rich, you also need to hold at least one Bitcoin. If you don’t own one Bitcoin, It is possible that an entire era will be missed.

Why would I suggest this?

Because I think Bitcoin will rise to an unattainable price in the future. In fact, it is difficult to value Bitcoin according to traditional valuation systems and models. Because Bitcoin belongs to a completely different category of assets, I think a more accurate name should be "monetary assets". This is an asset with a very strong currency attribute, and it is also a currency with a very strong asset attribute.

It has become a consensus that the economic crisis will come back every once in a while. The reason for the financial crisis is very simple: both parties are greedy, investors' greed and bankers' greed. Greed is what it should be on Wall Street, it can almost be regarded as an obligation.

And when will the next round of crisis come? We don't know

I also strongly believe in Bitcoin, so I am going to hodl it for at least 5 years. And I will sell it only when I see a big bull run and I really need money. But, of course, I am not going to sell all, I will sell small parts to fix my profit.
But you were too previous to say that everybody should have at least one BTC, moreover poor people. Not all of us can afford it.

Title: Re: Why should you own at least one Bitcoin?
Post by: pawanjain on August 08, 2021, 07:05:03 AM
It doesn't really matter if you hold one bitcoin or not because as long as you are holding bitcoin, you are holding it's proportionate value.
It's not absolutely necessary to hold one whole bitcoin. Many people including myself don't have that kind of money to invest in bitcoin.
But we still are holding as much as we can accumulate and that itself makes us the part of the bitcoin community.
So we are good as long as we accumulate as much as we can.
I agree with you. Not everybody have that amount of money to buy 1 bitcoin. We just have to invest the little we have. Is not a must that one should basically own 1 BTC. I understand that the idea of owing at least 1 Bitcoin is a good one, to enable us make a huge profit when the price hit a high price. But, someone like me can't afford such amount, I just invest as much as I can.

That's the right approach. Alternatively, we can also find some good altcoins like ETH, SOL and other potential coins which are worth to invest in.
Although bitcoin should be the coin to hold for long term. These coins can give better returns than bitcoin in the short term.
Accumulating them and selling them in short term for BTC will give us a better amount of BTC. Hence even better returns in the long term.
Also, we can also split the portfolio into BTC and ETH for short term and then later sell ETH for BTC. #DYOR

Title: Re: Why should you own at least one Bitcoin?
Post by: iTradeChips on August 08, 2021, 07:08:43 AM
What you have said is is something like this "Buy a lot of properties, if you are not rich own at least 1 house" does this make sense? In the first place if you are not rich you won't be able to have at least 1 Bitcoin. It's easy to say rather than to do it.

Maybe, this user is just trolling around. Posting something that everybody knows is non-sensical for us to talk about and discuss. Or maybe she has good motives, but just doesn't thought of the ideas very well. One bitcoin is 40,000 dollars. Do you think that 21 million bitcoin investors is all there is in a world with 8 billion people? This might be a case of post that has good motives but bad execution and ideas. I still applaud the attempt made to motivate people to go with Bitcoin.

Title: Re: Why should you own at least one Bitcoin?
Post by: molsewid on August 08, 2021, 07:12:38 AM
I don't understand why people think 1 BTC is an absurd amount of money right now. Honestly, what can you do with 40,000$ nowadays? It used to be a decent amount many years ago, but not anymore, since inflation ate a lot of dollar's value. 1 BTC isn't even sufficient to generate enough passive income to pay for the most basic needs in a monthly basis.
OP's suggestion is a very good one. People should aim at least 1 BTC portfolio on short run, to be benefited by the next bitcoin bull runs. Not everyone will have the opportunity to hold 1 BTC futurely, but you who are reading this message right now still have the chance of holding. Don't think about it like an impossible task to be achieved. It's still possible with some effort and savings management.

In my case having or owning even a 1 bitcoin is challenging, it cost me anything to have it on my own though you have a point mate the amount that 1 bitcoin have today was not that decent enough due to inflation. Let's add also the volatility of the market so if I could only have a chance to have my own kind of bitcoin in my wallet I would like to have at least 5 or more than bitcoin I could acquire. But today I know that it was hard for me to have it so I currently investing in altcoins instead.

Title: Re: Why should you own at least one Bitcoin?
Post by: worle1bm on August 08, 2021, 08:21:00 AM
Stacking sats is also similar thing because accumulating more and more btc is not everyone's cup of tea due to high prices at this time.The current prices are above $40k for one bitcoin more than average salary of many so how does they accumulate btc.I understand your point of investment which is necessity to be part of bitcoin but you don't need to have exactly one coin as 0.002 btc will also be worth much in coming time.So invest what you can timely.

Title: Re: Why should you own at least one Bitcoin?
Post by: germsite on August 08, 2021, 08:51:43 AM
Stacking sats is also similar thing because accumulating more and more btc is not everyone's cup of tea due to high prices at this time.The current prices are above $40k for one bitcoin more than average salary of many so how does they accumulate btc.I understand your point of investment which is necessity to be part of bitcoin but you don't need to have exactly one coin as 0.002 btc will also be worth much in coming time.So invest what you can timely.

It does of course depend on your monthly income and probably the price and income level of the country you are from, but stacking up sats over time can definitely be a good alternative to large one time investments in many parts of the world. Sure, striving for a whole Bitcoin that way makes almost no sense at all, but it still allows people to not fully forego the opportunity to take part in the transition into a fully digital age.

Title: Re: Why should you own at least one Bitcoin?
Post by: Pokapoka124 on August 08, 2021, 08:35:35 PM
As of today 1 bitcoin is worth $45,000 now that makes it even harder to afford one bitcoin. The high value price of Bitcoin has discouraged newbies from buying and they opt for alts just because it is cheaper. Thinking about owning a whole Bitcoin is too much pressure to put on one's self. One should only buy as much as you can afford

Title: Re: Why should you own at least one Bitcoin?
Post by: topbitcoin on August 08, 2021, 09:15:41 PM
Maybe in past i already feel to have 1 bitcoin but i sell in cheap price. Honestly, for me no matter how much bitcoin that people have as long they are profit with it. Because bitcoin itself really can help people when other investment usually got offered with minimum investment, but in crypto and bitcoin itself, no matter how much we buy it as long it is on minimal rule in the market, we can buy it.

Title: Re: Why should you own at least one Bitcoin?
Post by: sapnu on August 08, 2021, 09:50:26 PM
Many people are considering how to invest in Bitcoin. My advice is: try to hold as many Bitcoins as possible. If you are not rich, you also need to hold at least one Bitcoin. If you don’t own one Bitcoin, It is possible that an entire era will be missed.

Why would I suggest this?

Because I think Bitcoin will rise to an unattainable price in the future. In fact, it is difficult to value Bitcoin according to traditional valuation systems and models. Because Bitcoin belongs to a completely different category of assets, I think a more accurate name should be "monetary assets". This is an asset with a very strong currency attribute, and it is also a currency with a very strong asset attribute.

It has become a consensus that the economic crisis will come back every once in a while. The reason for the financial crisis is very simple: both parties are greedy, investors' greed and bankers' greed. Greed is what it should be on Wall Street, it can almost be regarded as an obligation.

And when will the next round of crisis come? We don't know
Having bitcoin is surely the key to success in the future wherein if in the next few years you are still clueless and you don't have any investment on it, you'll surely die from either war or starvation. No matter how expensive it has become, there are still chances that you can find a good timing wherein you can start buying and begin holding. Also, with consideration to the pandemic, for sure an economic crisis will soon rise which will show the importance of having crypto so find your own way already on how you can esrn and start investing on it to further secure your future.

Title: Re: Why should you own at least one Bitcoin?
Post by: Ryker1 on August 08, 2021, 10:48:38 PM
As of today 1 bitcoin is worth $45,000 now that makes it even harder to afford one bitcoin. The high value price of Bitcoin has discouraged newbies from buying and they opt for alts just because it is cheaper. Thinking about owning a whole Bitcoin is too much pressure to put on one's self. One should only buy as much as you can afford
Well, that is right --because bitcoin is a fixed total amount and it could be from time to time bitcoin will become harder to accumulate because the more the demand will increase it means the supply becomes less and it could be for sure the price will increase too and becomes expensive. It is like saving the value in the future and it could be your future plan. If you have 1 bitcoin it could be enough when you were old enough and don't have a job. Even gold cant do the same with bitcoin and it is far behind when it comes to saving profit either long or short term.

Title: Re: Why should you own at least one Bitcoin?
Post by: AakZaki on August 09, 2021, 03:55:35 AM
It doesn't have to be 1 Bitcoin, at least having an investment in bitcoin is enough. at this time to have 1 Bitcoin must spend more money. first, at the beginning, knowing crypto, having 1 or even 10 bitcoins was very easy because the price of bitcoin at that time was still very cheap.
How many bitcoins or other coins you have must still have a target to achieve.

Title: Re: Why should you own at least one Bitcoin?
Post by: Faysal Fahad on August 09, 2021, 04:02:06 AM
If you are not rich, you also need to hold at least one Bitcoin.

The current value of BTC is around 44K USD! 44K is a huge number! I believe, it was relatively easy in March 2020; when BTC price was around 4K; but now owning 1 Bitcoin is too much costly!

Title: Re: Why should you own at least one Bitcoin?
Post by: marissa23 on August 09, 2021, 04:51:27 AM
the current bitcoin price is expensive, need big capital to get bitcoin, i am very sorry in 2019 i was negligent so i didn't have time to buy bitcoin in 2019 the bitcoin price was very at least in 2019 i bought 1 bitcoin and now i have made a profit but this is experience for me i will not repeat the same mistake in future.

Title: Re: Why should you own at least one Bitcoin?
Post by: Dhaniii on August 09, 2021, 07:37:32 AM
the current bitcoin price is expensive, need big capital to get bitcoin, i am very sorry in 2019 i was negligent so i didn't have time to buy bitcoin in 2019 the bitcoin price was very at least in 2019 i bought 1 bitcoin and now i have made a profit but this is experience for me i will not repeat the same mistake in future.

Now is not the time to think about the past, let the past go, let's look to a brighter future. consider the past an experience to improve in the future. let's look around the bitcoin market, now is a good time to adopt bitcoin. but bitcoin is currently still on the mend after yesterday's market price correction. opportunity don't wait a second time bro!

Title: Re: Why should you own at least one Bitcoin?
Post by: juliepower on August 09, 2021, 03:14:51 PM
It will be difficult to own 1 whole Bitcoin.
Not because there will be a bitcoin shortage. Old Bitcoin holders will be more than willing to sell the Bitcoins in case of price rise but now 1bitcoin price is expensive or you can say high that's why its difficult to buy a whole for normal person. Of course rich peoples can able to offord it but for normal people 1 whole bitcoin will be difficult to own only due to the price and nothing else.

Title: Re: Why should you own at least one Bitcoin?
Post by: laurenB7742 on August 09, 2021, 09:09:51 PM
It is tough for buying 1 Bitcoin at once. It was possible when the price was below $10K; Now buying one bitcoin is nothing but a nightmare.
Better you can do buy some Bitcoin regularly, You can spend some amount of money from your earnings to buy Bitcoin, you can do it weekly or monthly basis.
If you do that, maybe this will act as a fixed deposit when you become disabled in old age, Or maybe you can build a beautiful future for your child.

Title: Re: Why should you own at least one Bitcoin?
Post by: Gbniman on August 11, 2021, 04:43:02 PM
Of course Bitcoin is must have, to be sincerely i will even glad to have 1bitcoin in my country if you can just have one Bitcoin you have make it...
Bitcoin is a way of life and to get out of poverty

Title: Re: Why should you own at least one Bitcoin?
Post by: ShowOff on August 11, 2021, 06:42:12 PM
Many people are considering how to invest in Bitcoin. My advice is: try to hold as many Bitcoins as possible. If you are not rich, you also need to hold at least one Bitcoin. If you don’t own one Bitcoin, It is possible that an entire era will be missed.
I bet you really know how much 1 bitcoin price nowadays before you advise people to have at least 1 in their wallet. I really don't have the financial ability to buy 1 now to keep and maybe only the rich can afford it other than investors. I don't think that your suggestion will be suitable for everyone, but it might be appropriate if you suggested it in the early years of bitcoin being introduced.

Of course Bitcoin is must have, to be sincerely i will even glad to have 1bitcoin in my country if you can just have one Bitcoin you have make it...
Bitcoin is a way of life and to get out of poverty
It seem true and at least 1 bitcoin price can cover the cost of living for several years in my country.

Title: Re: Why should you own at least one Bitcoin?
Post by: Welsh on August 11, 2021, 07:31:29 PM
the current bitcoin price is expensive, need big capital to get bitcoin, i am very sorry in 2019 i was negligent so i didn't have time to buy bitcoin in 2019 the bitcoin price was very at least in 2019 i bought 1 bitcoin and now i have made a profit but this is experience for me i will not repeat the same mistake in future.
Nah, not really. You don't have to go, and buy 1 Bitcoin, the point of this discussion is highlighting the fact that you can buy whatever amount you can afford, and with the prospect of Bitcoin increasing in value exponentially in the future, you'll benefit regardless. You don't need big capital at all to purchase Bitcoin, basically the bigger capital you have the more potential of earning, although the same goes for the opposite theory, the bigger the capital the more you could lose.

Title: Re: Why should you own at least one Bitcoin?
Post by: shield132 on August 11, 2021, 07:33:45 PM
Many people are considering how to invest in Bitcoin. My advice is: try to hold as many Bitcoins as possible. If you are not rich, you also need to hold at least one Bitcoin. If you don’t own one Bitcoin, It is possible that an entire era will be missed.

Why would I suggest this?

Because I think ~snip~
Because you think? It doesn't matter what anyone thinks if it's not backed by very strong arguments and to be fair, in this case, your statement doesn't carry strong value. Also, as I understood, we have to buy bitcoin because it will rise but I would say that only the post halving year matters the most when it comes to profit from investment. You have to use this year on it's max to benefit from it and after gaining a huge profit and selling it nearly on an all-time high, then you have to open a short position in futures trading and look at a profit with a huge smile on your face.

Title: Re: Why should you own at least one Bitcoin?
Post by: Shenzou on August 11, 2021, 07:46:36 PM
Many people are considering how to invest in Bitcoin. My advice is: try to hold as many Bitcoins as possible. If you are not rich, you also need to hold at least one Bitcoin. If you don’t own one Bitcoin, It is possible that an entire era will be missed.

Why would I suggest this?

Because I think Bitcoin will rise to an unattainable price in the future. In fact, it is difficult to value Bitcoin according to traditional valuation systems and models. Because Bitcoin belongs to a completely different category of assets, I think a more accurate name should be "monetary assets". This is an asset with a very strong currency attribute, and it is also a currency with a very strong asset attribute.

It has become a consensus that the economic crisis will come back every once in a while. The reason for the financial crisis is very simple: both parties are greedy, investors' greed and bankers' greed. Greed is what it should be on Wall Street, it can almost be regarded as an obligation.

And when will the next round of crisis come? We don't know
Having to own one whole bitcoin in the current price and volatile price is not for everyone i mean investing 50k or 45k is not easy, the people who are can afford to lose that much money are the ones who are able to buy it right now, but asking the average person to own 1 btc is a bit insane, bitcoin is designed so that you are able to have as much as your budget allow you to, and don't be stressed that you need to buy at a certain price point .

Title: Re: Why should you own at least one Bitcoin?
Post by: passwordnow on August 11, 2021, 10:06:33 PM
It is tough for buying 1 Bitcoin at once. It was possible when the price was below $10K; Now buying one bitcoin is nothing but a nightmare.
Better you can do buy some Bitcoin regularly, You can spend some amount of money from your earnings to buy Bitcoin, you can do it weekly or monthly basis.
If you do that, maybe this will act as a fixed deposit when you become disabled in old age, Or maybe you can build a beautiful future for your child.
You don't have to buy all at once. Just do dollar-cost averaging as it's a very effective strategy for those that can't avail one. Do not say that buying one bitcoin is a nightmare. We've heard and read that before when bitcoin was at $3k but people are reluctant during that time.
And again, when the price has surged and there's a big increase to bitcoin's value and pricing, people are still saying the same thing. You have to make a strategy if you really do believe that there's something big that shall come to bitcoin in a positive way in the future.