Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: RainbowKun on August 11, 2021, 06:36:40 AM

Title: What is Bit Civilization?
Post by: RainbowKun on August 11, 2021, 06:36:40 AM
People's opinions vary on Bitcoin. I see it as a new civilization because Bitcoin is ushering humans into a higher civilization, which is what I called Bit Civilization, the focus in most of my recent articles.

To understand Bit Civilization, we need to figure out what’s human civilization.

Explanation from Wikipedia: (

As far as I'm concerned, human civilization refers to the total wealth that humans can create from history, including but not limited to material and spiritual wealth. These two forms made up the body of human civilization. Now let's look at the specific meaning of civilization.

In my opinion, civilization is the accumulation of history, helpful in ramping up the adaptation and cognition of humans for the objective world and conforming to their spiritual pursuit, it's the combination of humanistic spirit, inventions and creations, social customs and orders accepted by the vast majority of people, and the collection of all social and natural behaviors that made human beings free from barbarism.

The collection includes at least the following elements: organization, family concept, tool, language, word, belief, law, system, city-state, country, assets, ethics, culture and art, which composed of the body of our current society and separated us from savage situation. Based on this, we say that we are now in a civilized society. I think all these elements belong to the category of wealth.

Human civilization can be divided into material civilization and spiritual civilization, or material wealth and spiritual wealth. In anthropology and archaeology, civilization is the fact that human beings have escaped from the barbaric nature of animals through evolution and established a fair and regular society with wisdom, such as Mesopotamian civilization, ancient Greek civilization, ancient Egyptian civilization, ancient Indian civilization, Chinese civilization and Mayan civilization. It can also be distinguished by religion and culture, such as Christian civilization, Islamic civilization, Jewish civilization and Buddhist civilization.

The criteria for the emergence of civilization is: the appearance of morality, etiquette, words, culture, art and the division of labor, the establishment of national fairness rules, the changes in farming methods, the evolution of labor tools and the differentiation of labor and social strata. When reasonable rules are set in human society and it completely breaks away from the law of jungle, civilization will come into being in its real meaning.

Civilized society is the opposite of the law of jungle. However, it does not mean that that phenomenon does not exist in a civilized society---it just is not obvious on the surface, but hidden in deep-seated genes of human society.

The emergence of Bit Civilization is to entirely eliminate the law of jungle and build a fairer, freer and opener society.

Now maybe you can understand the concept of Bit Civilization in a better way. It alludes to a new human civilization on the foundation of Bitcoin thought, a more advanced form of civilization. It will transform all facets of human society, including but not limited to organization, family concept, tool, language, word, belief, law, system, city-state, country, assets, ethics, culture and art.

In terms of organization, compared with the corporate system, DAO organization is flourishing; in culture and art, NFT is on the way to prosperity; in financial systems and policies, DeFi is replacing traditional finance; in law, smart contracts have begun to reconstruct the human legal system since code as the law is the strongest call of the new era; in national governance, transparent governance on blockchain is increasingly applied to different national institutions, for example, presidential elections can hold the voting on the chain, which is more transparent.

In fact, crypto world is the embryonic form of the future Bit Civilization. Someone might hold the notion that many encryption projects have nothing to do with Bitcoin itself. That is what I have been emphasizing. Without Bitcoin, there would be no crypto world. We are supposed to learn Bitcoin itself and the ideas, culture, philosophy and spirit Bitcoin demonstrates. This is the more important thing that Bitcoin brings to us.

It is these thoughts of Bitcoin that have guided the crypto world to evolve and prosper, and then step by step into a new human civilization. Personally, the core idea of Bitcoin is decentralization and Bit Civilization can also be called Decentralized Civilization. Human civilization is going from centralization to decentralization and from the governance of human nature to the governance of protocols. Bitcoin is ushering us to a fairer, freer, and opener society where the value of each individual will be treasured and liberated.

Do you know what Bit Civilization is now? What do you think?

Title: Re: What is Bit Civilization?
Post by: HaleyOccam on August 11, 2021, 07:20:29 AM
The revolutionary innovation of the Internet represented by Bitcoin does not belong to the current governance structure of society.
It is not a contradiction between innovation and non-innovation, and it is also different from the traditional contradictions of human nations, religions, and races. This is a kind of "new The conflict between "civilization" and "old civilization".

Bit civilization is a very eye-catching term. Bitcoin is not only a functional embodiment, it will penetrate into all aspects of society a little bit, because its underlying technology, the blockchain, will continue to extend. Blockchain and Bitcoin are inseparable and coexist in symbiosis.

Bitcoin is "invention" and "civilization"

There is no doubt that Bitcoin is a great invention of mankind, and such an invention can be compared with a steam engine. However, unlike steam engines, Bitcoin relies more on human cooperation to operate freely. People are still the mainstay of this transformation. That is to say, people are not weakened by the emergence of bitcoin - the most unstable element (such as the industrial era, the machine replaces people). In a sense, if the steam engine is more of a power substitute, it is a great invention; and bitcoin is more of an institutional optimization, a great civilization evolution.

The contribution of Bitcoin to human civilization is reflected in the breakthrough solution to the "double spend" problem. "Double spend" is the core problem of encrypting digital currency. The so-called "double spend", the popular analogy is "piracy" - you can copy a number of copies of your data, music, video and other data files to anyone. For Bitcoin, if "piracy" exists, you can spend the same amount of money several times.

Bitcoin solves the "double spend" problem through multiple mechanisms such as global ledger and miner verification.

The blockchain is actually a global book. The existence of this book shows the fact that how much money is in one of your accounts, and everyone on Earth knows that you can't spend money that doesn't belong to you. You sign the private key to prove that a certain amount of money is yours.

Miner verification, including two parts, the first part is to verify that you are spending your money; the second part is the miner who gets the bookkeeping right, record your expenses to the blockchain - this global book, let Everyone can check, so you can't spend the second time.

Verification is a veritable invention. Signature data and script execution form the core of the verification mechanism. "Lock-unlock" is an algorithmic expression of "income-expenditure". The private key is signed to unlock the function, which proves that the money is my income, I can spend it on it, who pays it, who will provide a new lock, and so on.

Of course, you can continue to spend money that has already been spent. Perhaps, your second cost is recorded in the blockchain earlier than the first cost, so that the first cost cannot be verified and it is impossible to record it in the blockchain. The way to solve this problem is time. If you are a seller, even if the buyer has found payment and has been recorded in the blockchain. You'd better wait another 60 minutes, because the Bitcoin blockchain will generate a block every 10 minutes, and after 60 minutes there will be 6 blocks. If you find that your payment still exists in the blockchain. You can safely ship the goods. Of course, this is an inconvenience, and some cryptocurrency wallets have developed multi-signature payments, through the wallet as a third-party guarantee - this money will not be spent a second time - to ensure that users will receive every wallet paid A sum of money.

Or, you can use your miner to record the money you spend again. This involves blockchain attacks. When you find that the X+1 block has successfully recorded your first cost. You are so mourning that you want to spend this money again. Of course you know that other miners will no longer record your spending again on the blockchain. So you do the miners yourself, mine yourself, and regenerate the X+1 block. At this time, you are competing with all the miners on the whole network, and the chances of success are very small, unless you have 51% of the total network. However, if you have such a computing power, you are not bothered to do this kind of "stealing the dog and touching the dog", because relying on such powerful computing power, you can get more bitcoin in a brighter way. If you insist on a mining attack, once successful, everyone will lose trust in Bitcoin, and the collapse of the network may become a reality in an instant. At that time, you will also suffer losses. Obviously, this is a game without a winner.

Reason has become the last line of defense for human greed. From a realistic point of view, such a line of defense is still strong, and there have been no reports of mining attacks on Bitcoin.

Maybe you have already discovered. Bitcoin, the contribution to the progress of human civilization is not achieved through moral advocacy and legal regulation. Bitcoin, calmly face the "double spend", using mathematical methods, technical means to solve it. Of course, such a plan may not be perfect, but at least it tells us a possibility: social civilization can be promoted through invention, and the effect is not bad. Perhaps, civilization and invention are in common and mutually reinforcing.

1.Hunting civilization marked by stone tools (primitive civilization).

2.Farming civilization marked by copper and iron.

3.Industrial civilization marked by steam engine.

4.I am very fortunate to live in the Internet age, and it is even more honorable to live in the era of digital civilization represented by Bitcoin. I am ready, are you ready?

Title: Re: What is Bit Civilization?
Post by: Mcphail on August 11, 2021, 07:41:54 AM
Bitcoin is a cultural product, an existence between subjects. Just as Christian culture uses the Bible as its carrier, Confucian culture uses the Four Books and Five Classics as its carrier, Buddhist culture uses Buddhist scriptures as its carrier, and Bitcoin uses code and data as its carrier, it exists in everyone's common imagination.

Standing on the coordinate axis of the development of human civilization, in the context of the era when mankind has moved from material civilization to digital civilization, the invention of Bitcoin will surely become an indelible milestone on the road of human consciousness and spiritual evolution.

Title: Re: What is Bit Civilization?
Post by: Rainbow-queen on August 11, 2021, 09:02:09 AM
“Every civilization sees itself as the center of the world and writes its history as the central drama of human history.”

― Samuel P. Huntington, The Clash of Civilizations and the Remaking of World Order

We are in the era of Bitcoin, and perhaps it is not possible to conclude that Bitcoin has developed into a civilization.

Title: Re: What is Bit Civilization?
Post by: 5thFear on August 11, 2021, 09:58:20 AM
Or may be we can call it intergalactic financial system as we don't need to send anything physical but the information. And studying about quantum entanglement, it is clear that the information can travel faster then light so it can become a system among planets, solar systems or even galaxies. But first we have to find if really someone is out there to receive them

Title: Re: What is Bit Civilization?
Post by: RainbowKun on August 11, 2021, 10:15:46 AM
Or may be we can call it intergalactic financial system as we don't need to send anything physical but the information. And studying about quantum entanglement, it is clear that the information can travel faster then light so it can become a system among planets, solar systems or even galaxies. But first we have to find if really someone is out there to receive them

Yes, I believe that Bit civilization must cross the interstellar. In the follow-up, I will also write a few articles specifically to explain my plan for the concept of bit civilization from this point of view. As Musk's exploration of Mars is getting deeper and deeper, I believe that he or other top humans can definitely achieve human interstellar migration. Human beings will truly go out of the earth, to the solar system, and to the universe. At this time, human beings will change from earth civilization to interstellar civilization. In the process of human evolution to interstellar civilization, there is still the problem of value transfer. At this time Bitcoin is the best or even the only choice. I don't believe it, but 50 years later, when humans start interstellar trade, they will use paper money to trade. At that time, Bitcoin was the best choice. We humans have reached a key point in the evolution of civilization. In order to facilitate everyone's understanding of the concept of "bit civilization", I will write articles from different angles to explain this point of view in the follow-up.

Title: Re: What is Bit Civilization?
Post by: Kong Hey Pakboy on August 11, 2021, 11:49:00 AM
Or may be we can call it intergalactic financial system as we don't need to send anything physical but the information. And studying about quantum entanglement, it is clear that the information can travel faster then light so it can become a system among planets, solar systems or even galaxies. But first we have to find if really someone is out there to receive them
Even if we get to send things at the speed of light, it will still take years if the distance is lightyears away, unless we have portals or wormholes to create a shortcut, there's no point hyping bitcoin as a money for interstellar civilization, bitcoin and technology has it's own limits.

Title: Re: What is Bit Civilization?
Post by: CryptoBuds on August 11, 2021, 12:36:57 PM
Your article is a bit longer but very interesting.

When the Internet was invented, people climbed another stage of civilization. The first step of type-1 civilization is global computer networking. Through this, a revolution took place in the system of communication and exchange of information.

Now in the case of the economy, The only currency that is performed its activity by using computing power is Bitcoin (pioneer).
The most widely discussed and attention-grabbing system in the economy right now is the blockchain system aka Bitcoin. Its pervasiveness is from the very marginal stage to the government quarters. It has revolutionized the way money is exchanged. Only Bitcoin is eligible to be recognized as a global currency. When it will be recognized as a worldly currency, it would be considered as the currency of a type-1 civilization.

Title: Re: What is Bit Civilization?
Post by: RainbowKun on August 11, 2021, 12:51:45 PM
Your article is a bit longer but very interesting.

When the Internet was invented, people climbed another stage of civilization. The first step of type-1 civilization is global computer networking. Through this, a revolution took place in the system of communication and exchange of information.

Now in the case of the economy, The only currency that is performed its activity by using computing power is Bitcoin.
The most widely discussed and attention-grabbing system in the economy right now is the blockchain system aka Bitcoin. Its pervasiveness is from the very marginal stage to the government quarters. It has revolutionized the way money is exchanged. Only Bitcoin is eligible to be recognized as a global currency. When it will be recognized as a worldly currency, it would be considered as the currency of a type-1 civilization.

Thank you for your recognition of my article. This article belongs to my core opinion article. I have been thinking deeply about Bitcoin for the past four years, explaining Bitcoin from human knowledge in different disciplines. As I became more aware of Bitcoin, I became more aware of the greatness of Satoshi Nakamoto. After several years of systematic study, I believe that Bitcoin is not just a currency or a technology, but a brand new human civilization. On the basis of this knowledge system, I created the concept of "bit civilization" for the first time. In my opinion, Bitcoin represents a new civilization of mankind. Here, what is important is not just Bitcoin itself, but more importantly the ideas behind Bitcoin. Decentralization, freedom, transparency, equality, openness, and fairness. Such thinking will stimulate more and more people to awaken and devote themselves to building a new human society based on mathematics and algorithms. This process may be very long, but I firmly believe that it will come.

Title: Re: What is Bit Civilization?
Post by: kryptqnick on August 11, 2021, 03:05:46 PM
I believe that at current rates of adoption and usage, it's a bit of a stretch to talk about Bit civilization. A civilization doesn't need to encompass all humanity (in fact, they're often local), but it needs a community on a common territory that produces something different from others and doesn't limit its production by things of great utility. I'm not sure that it can work digitally and still be of enough significance to be called a civilization, and if we're talking about humanity as a whole, 1-2% of 'active members' scattered around the world is definitely not enough.

Title: Re: What is Bit Civilization?
Post by: Tim-BTC on August 11, 2021, 04:38:45 PM
If the legitimacy of the Internet age is to improve the efficiency of human communication and increase social productivity, then the series of innovations led by Bitcoin are showing more offensive thinking logic-the technological elite hopes to destroy the existing "centers" with new rules The “decentralization” of the relocation of the aborigines and the re-acquisition of a “free world”.

In their eyes, the traditional social governance structure is selfish and evil, and their idealism is about to smash all unreasonable supervision, and is free from the "people".

Their real driving forces are twofold: the first is the reality of finance Dissatisfaction with the order, the second is the high recognition of the "new civilization" of Bitcoin.

The new thinking represented by Bitcoin does not belong to the governance structure of the current society. It is not a contradiction between innovation and non-innovation, and it is also different from the traditional contradictions of human nations, religions, and races. This is a kind of "new civilization" and The conflict of the "old civilization".

Title: Re: What is Bit Civilization?
Post by: MIner1448 on August 11, 2021, 04:50:15 PM
In fact, you are right somewhere, somewhere we are living the era of bitcoin and also probably will soon enter the civilization of bitcoin, because in fact, it will soon be able to build a whole civilization around itself, it can no longer be stopped, its development and hype is moving around the world by leaps and bounds ...

Title: Re: What is Bit Civilization?
Post by: psychic fans on August 12, 2021, 02:23:09 AM
I believe that at current rates of adoption and usage, it's a bit of a stretch to talk about Bit civilization. A civilization doesn't need to encompass all humanity (in fact, they're often local), but it needs a community on a common territory that produces something different from others and doesn't limit its production by things of great utility. I'm not sure that it can work digitally and still be of enough significance to be called a civilization, and if we're talking about humanity as a whole, 1-2% of 'active members' scattered around the world is definitely not enough.

The term Bitcoin civilization is very new. I searched the forum and no one has said this term before. I agree with your point of view. Bitcoin must break through two points: 1. The huge volatility of Bitcoin price. 2. With global participation, more application scenarios will appear. So this road is still relatively long. This is what the Bitcoin forum is always doing, thank you everyone in the Bitcoin forum.

Title: Re: What is Bit Civilization?
Post by: RainbowKun on August 12, 2021, 02:39:48 AM
I believe that at current rates of adoption and usage, it's a bit of a stretch to talk about Bit civilization. A civilization doesn't need to encompass all humanity (in fact, they're often local), but it needs a community on a common territory that produces something different from others and doesn't limit its production by things of great utility. I'm not sure that it can work digitally and still be of enough significance to be called a civilization, and if we're talking about humanity as a whole, 1-2% of 'active members' scattered around the world is definitely not enough.

Yes, in terms of the current global adoption rate and usage rate of Bitcoin, the concept of bit civilization is still relatively reluctant. Because Bitcoin's current influence is far from reaching a level of civilization. Here, I propose the concept of bit civilization, which is to propose a direction for the development of Bitcoin in the next 20 years. Build a brand new civilization around Bitcoin. The currently prosperous crypto world is the predecessor of the bit civilization. DeFi has begun to transform traditional finance in an all-round way, NFT has enabled the art market to become active, and governance on the encrypted chain is beginning to be adopted in more and more fields. The embryonic form of these bit civilizations. When the blockchain continues to transform the traditional world, a brand new human civilization will be born.

Title: Re: What is Bit Civilization?
Post by: caryoscar on August 12, 2021, 08:06:06 AM

A civilization doesn't need to encompass all humanity (in fact, they're often local), but it needs a community on a common territory that produces something different from others and doesn't limit its production by things of great utility.

Hello kryptqnick
I don't agree with your point of view. I think your point of view is a bit narrow. It does not stand on a higher level to talk about this issue, and it is not objective enough and has obvious personal feelings.
First of all, I want to say that human civilization includes material civilization and spiritual civilization, and civilization belongs to the whole world, but it has different origins and is not regional.
A. Would you say that Christianity, which is based on culture and wisdom, has not affected the world? There are 2.4 billion Christians in the world, distributed all over the world
B. Would you say that the ancient Egyptian civilization has no influence on future generations and the world? The ancient Egyptian civilization has become a part of the curriculum for students all over the world.
Don't you say that human civilization is local?

1.Hunting civilization marked by stone tools (primitive civilization).

2.Farming civilization marked by copper and iron.

3.Industrial civilization marked by steam engine.

4.I am very fortunate to live in the Internet age, and it is even more honorable to live in the era of digital civilization represented by Bitcoin. I am ready, are you ready?

We are receiving the wisdom fruits of human civilization all over the world all the time. Of course, the development and formation of civilization takes time. We are just a small individual, and we are not a knowledge base. What we don’t know does not mean that we don’t exist. At the beginning of development, there will be many difficulties, but I will not refuse. I believe you will do the same.

Title: Re: What is Bit Civilization?
Post by: RainbowKun on August 12, 2021, 10:24:26 AM

1.Hunting civilization marked by stone tools (primitive civilization).

2.Farming civilization marked by copper and iron.

3.Industrial civilization marked by steam engine.

4.I am very fortunate to live in the Internet age, and it is even more honorable to live in the era of digital civilization represented by Bitcoin. I am ready, are you ready?

Very good, these four summaries are a good way to see the evolution of civilization. We have entered the information Internet civilization from the industrial civilization. Now that Bitcoin is born, the value can be freely transmitted through the network, and we are entering a period of civilization where the value can be freely transferred.

Title: Re: What is Bit Civilization?
Post by: kxwhalexk on August 12, 2021, 12:32:46 PM
When it comes to civilization, my first reaction is the political system.

At present, we may only use Bitcoin as a means of payment. If you combine politics with blockchain, all I can think of is DAO.Through DAO we can achieve more fair and transparent voting.Whether it’s an election or a proposal, I believe that DAO can upgrade the existing political decision-making system to a higher level.

However, the current DAO is still too weak compared to the mature parliamentary system and constitutional monarchy.The current DAO can only do simple voting, and there is still a long way to go before being called a civilization.

But I believe that such a DAO will appear one day in the future, which will have a huge impact on the existing political system.

Title: Re: What is Bit Civilization?
Post by: Maxine4466 on August 12, 2021, 12:46:44 PM
elusive yet impressive remarks!
I know not so much about human history but I do feel Bitcoin is factually leading us into a new era, esp, in the world of network.
I'm fed up with the exploitation that governments imposed on people, particularly the hegemony of USD, I hate it when a lot of money got printed, that devalues my wealth!
nothing can save us from that jam, but Bitcoin and blockchain can. I think we humans are in desperate need of Bitcoin and I couldn't wait to embrace this Bit Civilization. what Bitcoin brought to us is more than a tool of wealth maintenance, it is revolution, to shake off the chain of centralization. we need a fairer, freer and opener society

Title: Re: What is Bit Civilization?
Post by: worle1bm on August 12, 2021, 01:49:44 PM
Bitcoin has provided and opened new doors to completely decentralised world where there are no ruler's and all people live on their own trust network and work is carried in harmony and proper order of chain without any breaks in that chain.The current political system maybe acting as outside forces trying to supress this system and finding some flaws in bit civilization but they won't succeed in this attempt.The internet money which can be used to make money but also replaces money overtime is the best possible invention by Sathosi making us all bitcoiners in this world and can live freely.Yes the article you have mentioned is quite interesting with some nice explanations to prove your point and still a lot of new technical aspects are yet to come which can change the current monetary system and blockchain revolution in every key feild of Operations would emerge as bitcoin world.

Title: Re: What is Bit Civilization?
Post by: Zilon on August 12, 2021, 09:31:27 PM
Bit civilization in a nutshell is the adaption of the human race to the new era of digital advancement and technological era. It's really amazing how the human race got adapted so quick regardless of it's decentralized nature alongside the treats hovering around the crypto industry. The very first decentralized scheme that ever emerged before the Bitcoin got viral was Ponzi scheme which rendered a whole lot cashless a lot of persons likened this innovation to Ponzi scheme and as such feared to invest in it. Over the years bitcoin has actually proven to be a currency and with lots many investors

Title: Re: What is Bit Civilization?
Post by: RainbowKun on August 13, 2021, 11:49:26 AM
Bitcoin has provided and opened new doors to completely decentralised world where there are no ruler's and all people live on their own trust network and work is carried in harmony and proper order of chain without any breaks in that chain.The current political system maybe acting as outside forces trying to supress this system and finding some flaws in bit civilization but they won't succeed in this attempt.The internet money which can be used to make money but also replaces money overtime is the best possible invention by Sathosi making us all bitcoiners in this world and can live freely.Yes the article you have mentioned is quite interesting with some nice explanations to prove your point and still a lot of new technical aspects are yet to come which can change the current monetary system and blockchain revolution in every key feild of Operations would emerge as bitcoin world.

Yes, I fully approve of your explanation, and thank you for approving my article. Bitcoin has set off a vigorous decentralization revolution. Especially the idea of Bitcoin decentralization, it is constantly transforming all aspects of our existing society. More and more people are reaching consensus on the idea of Bitcoin. Bitcoin brings us a completely free and completely equal world.

Title: Re: What is Bit Civilization?
Post by: Ryder Kudrow on August 14, 2021, 03:31:45 AM
Bitcoin has essentially surpassed technological innovation and is an invasion of a new civilization. This civilized aggression has gained value support on Bitcoin.
The emergence of Bitcoin is an inevitable product of the development of human civilization. Throughout the history of human development, the change of dynasties and the decline and fall of empires have a common underlying factor that is the financial problem. The government issues additional currency to solve fiscal problems. Appropriate additional issuance can stimulate economic development. However, excessive issuance can stimulate economic development. Too much issuance will directly lead to the collapse of the entire economic system, trigger social unrest, and even trigger changes in the times. But bitcoin's decentralization can get rid of anyone's control and bring people a fairer, freer, and more open society.
Bitcoin represents a new human civilization, increases people’s consensus, and moves towards a more prosperous social and civilized life.

Title: Re: What is Bit Civilization?
Post by: RainbowKun on August 16, 2021, 02:47:56 AM
Bitcoin has essentially surpassed technological innovation and is an invasion of a new civilization. This civilized aggression has gained value support on Bitcoin.
The emergence of Bitcoin is an inevitable product of the development of human civilization. Throughout the history of human development, the change of dynasties and the decline and fall of empires have a common underlying factor that is the financial problem. The government issues additional currency to solve fiscal problems. Appropriate additional issuance can stimulate economic development. However, excessive issuance can stimulate economic development. Too much issuance will directly lead to the collapse of the entire economic system, trigger social unrest, and even trigger changes in the times. But bitcoin's decentralization can get rid of anyone's control and bring people a fairer, freer, and more open society.
Bitcoin represents a new human civilization, increases people’s consensus, and moves towards a more prosperous social and civilized life.

Yes, the birth of Bitcoin has essentially surpassed technological innovation. It is a brand new civilization, and it is an aggression against the old civilization. The existing civilization of mankind is a centralized civilization, and a centralized organization controls the world's resources and wealth. The civilization built by Bitcoin is a decentralized civilization, which disperses human wealth among different groups of people, and is controlled by these groups in a decentralized manner. I believe that the old civilization will die out, and the new civilization will be born!

Title: Re: What is Bit Civilization?
Post by: Nora Olin on August 17, 2021, 08:34:23 AM
The term Bitcoin civilization is indeed very novel. In the course of history, people have been innovating step by step and moving towards new stages. Bitcoin civilization is based on Bitcoin. There is no doubt that Bitcoin is an invention and a civilization. Perhaps this is precisely the creation of a free civilization. If the Internet era has improved human communication efficiency and social productivity, then the new civilization drawn by Bitcoin will regain a free world with technology and new rules.

Title: Re: What is Bit Civilization?
Post by: iTradeChips on August 17, 2021, 11:08:58 AM
Your article is a bit longer but very interesting.

When the Internet was invented, people climbed another stage of civilization. The first step of type-1 civilization is global computer networking. Through this, a revolution took place in the system of communication and exchange of information.

Now in the case of the economy, The only currency that is performed its activity by using computing power is Bitcoin (pioneer).
The most widely discussed and attention-grabbing system in the economy right now is the blockchain system aka Bitcoin. Its pervasiveness is from the very marginal stage to the government quarters. It has revolutionized the way money is exchanged. Only Bitcoin is eligible to be recognized as a global currency. When it will be recognized as a worldly currency, it would be considered as the currency of a type-1 civilization.

Bitcoin is decentralization. Decentralization means not controlled by a central authority. I am not sure how Bitcoin plays out in a type-1 civilization where man has total control over its resources and also total control over the planet's mechanisms. I don't think that a type-1 civilization is decentralized. Maybe I am wrong but Bitcoin should not be controlled or governed by any authority. What would be the role of Bitcoin when there is one central power that governs all over the earth? That is the only possible way a type-1 civilization will survive, by becoming the sole authority over the whole planet.

Title: Re: What is Bit Civilization?
Post by: Tina H on August 18, 2021, 01:50:31 AM
The progress of mankind is inseparable from the advancement of science and technology. The real start of the acceleration of productivity comes from the industrial age. Machines have liberated human hands and productivity has achieved a very rapid increase.Now we have already entered the information age. The Internet has enabled a lot of interaction between us humans.It can be said that we have already entered the era of digital economy.Bitcoin is such a wealth that is born out of nothing, and the coin carries the lethality of the new civilization, and it also reflects the various injustices and imbalances of the old civilization.What we should hope for is a new civilization, not a change in values.

Title: Re: What is Bit Civilization?
Post by: RainbowKun on August 18, 2021, 12:33:29 PM
Your article is a bit longer but very interesting.

When the Internet was invented, people climbed another stage of civilization. The first step of type-1 civilization is global computer networking. Through this, a revolution took place in the system of communication and exchange of information.

Now in the case of the economy, The only currency that is performed its activity by using computing power is Bitcoin (pioneer).
The most widely discussed and attention-grabbing system in the economy right now is the blockchain system aka Bitcoin. Its pervasiveness is from the very marginal stage to the government quarters. It has revolutionized the way money is exchanged. Only Bitcoin is eligible to be recognized as a global currency. When it will be recognized as a worldly currency, it would be considered as the currency of a type-1 civilization.

Bitcoin is decentralization. Decentralization means not controlled by a central authority. I am not sure how Bitcoin plays out in a type-1 civilization where man has total control over its resources and also total control over the planet's mechanisms. I don't think that a type-1 civilization is decentralized. Maybe I am wrong but Bitcoin should not be controlled or governed by any authority. What would be the role of Bitcoin when there is one central power that governs all over the earth? That is the only possible way a type-1 civilization will survive, by becoming the sole authority over the whole planet.

Yes, Bitcoin is completely decentralized, and no single force can completely control Bitcoin. There is no force that can tamper with the information in the Bitcoin ledger. Does Bitcoin have any ultimate significance to human civilization? In my opinion, it is the ideas behind Bitcoin that influence the evolution of human civilization. Through various encryption projects, human civilization is practicing the real Bitcoin idea, is changing the way of social governance, and is revolutionizing the world's financial system. Decentralization, equality, freedom, harmony, and transparency, these are real Bitcoin thoughts.

Title: Re: What is Bit Civilization?
Post by: TheGreatPython on August 19, 2021, 06:12:51 PM
I am all new about a civilization where everything will be decentralized. Is that going to be possible with the government? I see decentralization as something that means that there will not be any control, and since centralization has a control which is the government, will it be possible for the government to allow decentralization to happen?

If there is decentralization, the government is going to lose control of everything , and it’s then going to be all man for himself. So I can’t really imagine a fully decentralized world. I know for sure that Bitcoin has really made some serious changes in the way we see and do things on the internet and that’s very good.

Title: Re: What is Bit Civilization?
Post by: RainbowKun on August 20, 2021, 06:04:39 AM
I am all new about a civilization where everything will be decentralized. Is that going to be possible with the government? I see decentralization as something that means that there will not be any control, and since centralization has a control which is the government, will it be possible for the government to allow decentralization to happen?

If there is decentralization, the government is going to lose control of everything , and it’s then going to be all man for himself. So I can’t really imagine a fully decentralized world. I know for sure that Bitcoin has really made some serious changes in the way we see and do things on the internet and that’s very good.

The government will definitely not voluntarily give up the power in its own hands. However, from a centralized civilization to a decentralized civilization, this is an inevitable trend, and no force can stop it. The most important thing is the emergence of Bitcoin, which has allowed more and more ordinary working people to start their minds awakening. It turned out that they were accustomed to the centralized control of the government, but when Bitcoin appeared. The people have better choices. People can freely choose Bitcoin to keep their wealth. The people have real freedom. When more and more people are awakened by Bitcoin, no one can stop the trend of blockchain governance. A decentralized, fairer, free, equal, and harmonious society will slowly emerge. This is what I call bit civilization.

Title: Re: What is Bit Civilization?
Post by: NathanielParker on August 21, 2021, 06:41:47 AM
Bitcoin's contribution to the progress of human civilization is not achieved through legal planning. We can understand that through invention to promote civilization, and the effect is very good. Civilization and civilization should be mutual and mutually promote each other. Compared with traditional transactions, Bitcoin's state is very fast. Bitcoin is a globalized computer, and the data of all parties will not be tampered with. Bitcoin, as a cross-language transaction tool, has had an immeasurable impact on all civilizations.

Title: Re: What is Bit Civilization?
Post by: RainbowKun on August 24, 2021, 06:49:32 AM
Bitcoin's contribution to the progress of human civilization is not achieved through legal planning. We can understand that through invention to promote civilization, and the effect is very good. Civilization and civilization should be mutual and mutually promote each other. Compared with traditional transactions, Bitcoin's state is very fast. Bitcoin is a globalized computer, and the data of all parties will not be tampered with. Bitcoin, as a cross-language transaction tool, has had an immeasurable impact on all civilizations.

Yes, Bitcoin's contribution to human civilization is not realized in the form of law, it is based on mathematical algorithms. Code is law. This is a completely new human civilization system. It is free, equal, and fair to all people. There are no restrictions. Anyone can freely participate in the construction of Bitcoin's civilization. If he loses confidence in Bitcoin, he can leave at any time.

Title: Re: What is Bit Civilization?
Post by: slaman29 on August 24, 2021, 04:10:29 PM
Yes, Bitcoin's contribution to human civilization is not realized in the form of law, it is based on mathematical algorithms. Code is law. This is a completely new human civilization system. It is free, equal, and fair to all people. There are no restrictions. Anyone can freely participate in the construction of Bitcoin's civilization. If he loses confidence in Bitcoin, he can leave at any time.

I agree on some parts, but I can argue that code is equal, but not fair. Not everyone understands how to access that code, or how to use it, or how to fully understand it. Hence scammers in defi manipulate and take advantage of the weak. And not everyone can freely participate either, we have to admit that. No computer, no code:)

Title: Re: What is Bit Civilization?
Post by: RainbowKun on September 06, 2021, 07:38:00 AM
Yes, Bitcoin's contribution to human civilization is not realized in the form of law, it is based on mathematical algorithms. Code is law. This is a completely new human civilization system. It is free, equal, and fair to all people. There are no restrictions. Anyone can freely participate in the construction of Bitcoin's civilization. If he loses confidence in Bitcoin, he can leave at any time.

I agree on some parts, but I can argue that code is equal, but not fair. Not everyone understands how to access that code, or how to use it, or how to fully understand it. Hence scammers in defi manipulate and take advantage of the weak. And not everyone can freely participate either, we have to admit that. No computer, no code:)

From the code itself, it is fair to anyone. Because the rules formulated by the code are applicable to everyone, they are all unified rules, and all are unified policies. Code is law. The unfairness you are talking about here is because everyone's cognitive abilities and learning abilities are different, so the understanding of the code itself is also different, so the understanding of the rules itself is also different. We cannot say, because our own knowledge system is different, to deny the fairness of the code itself. Therefore, for each of us, continuous learning and improving our own cognition is the only way to change the destiny of each of us.