Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: RainbowKun on August 25, 2021, 07:31:28 AM

Title: Can Bitcoin possibly become the Skynet of human civilization?
Post by: RainbowKun on August 25, 2021, 07:31:28 AM
Have you ever seen a very famous science fiction movie of the 1980s, Terminator. Remember the super artificial intelligence Skynet in that movie?

Skynet: (

The Terminator is a 1984 science fiction action film directed by James Cameron. It stars Arnold Schwarzenegger as the Terminator, a cyborg assassin sent back in time from 2029 to 1984 to kill Sarah Connor (Linda Hamilton), whose unborn son will one day save mankind from extinction by a hostile artificial intelligence in a post-apocalyptic future.

Skynet is a fictional artificial neural network-based conscious group mind and artificial general superintelligence system. In the first film, it is stated that Skynet was created by Cyberdyne Systems for SAC-NORAD. When Skynet gained self-awareness, humans tried to deactivate it, prompting it to retaliate with a nuclear attack, an event which humankind in (or from) the future refers to as Judgment Day. John Connor forms a human resistance against Skynet's machines in the future, which include Terminators, and ultimately leads the resistance to victory.

From that movie, we can see that a super AI system can generate self-consciousness and fight against humans. 2021 is only 8 years away from 2029 of the movie and AI system has been speeding up evolving. Then eight or ten years later, is it really possible for artificial systems to garner self-awareness or wisdom?

Put AI system aside and take Bitcoin system as an example. Is it probably for Bitcoin network to has its own self-awareness and rise to be a super AI system or become something similar to Skynet in Terminator?

Personally, maybe Bitcoin network itself has no the ability to have self-awareness since its code is basically fixed and has no self-learning gear. However, others can rely on the data on Bitcoin network to develop a super AI system to gain self-awareness and evolve into Silicon-based life forms. With the development of Bitcoin network, Bitcoin has the richest economic data of open source in human civilization that are completely transparent and open to everyone. Different types of AI systems can absorb data from the network accordingly for evolution.

Databases, distributed storage, hash function, asymmetric encryption and consensus are no new technology,  however, Satoshi Nakamoto rearranged them and created Bitcoin, which triggered profound change in the evolutionary history of human civilization. Human civilization is evolving from Carbon-based to Silicon-based, from material to digital.

The conclusion can be safely drawn that Bitcoin network has become the most powerful network system in the world. At present, countless miners in the world are running hundreds of thousands of Bitcoin mining machines to ceaselessly support the stable operation of Bitcoin network, generating untold data for the recording of economic behavior of human beings every moment. These data are the most valuable asset. I believe with the help of these economic data, Bitcoin network will surely evolve into the Skynet and become the anchor of the entire human civilization.

However, Bitcoin network is fundamentally different from the Skynet in Terminator. With self-awareness, the Skynet began to attack human civilization and threaten mankind. Bitcoin network won't. It will coexist harmoniously with human civilization and lead it towards a higher level like a friend.

Blockchain and smart contracts are the key of that difference. When that movie was released, there was no blockchain technology. But it merged now with the birth of Bitcoin. Integrated with encrypted network, consensus mechanisms based on mathematical algorithms become tamper-proof.

The nature of mathematical algorithms is order, which is the cornerstone of consensus, the premise of value. While destruction represents disorder, which is valueless. Therefore, for Bitcoin network and other AI networks alike, order is the most basic prerequisite for evolution. Networks are symbiotic, so once these artificial networks attempt to damage human network, their own consensus mechanism is certainly the first victim for the reason that they have a shared future with humans . Silicon-based life forms and Carbon-based life forms must cooperate to maintain the same civilization.

For AI, to garner self-awareness, self-learning capacity is the core. Unfortunately, the basis of self-learning is multitudes of valuable data, which is exclusive and controlled by centralized institutions, especially large-scale Internet platforms such as Facebook and Google. These titans use data monopoly to get huge profits, but user groups, provider of data, have no access to it.

The good news is, Bitcoin expelled data monopoly, all data on Bitcoin network is open and transparent, and anyone has access to it. That lay the most primitive foundation for the development of the entire encryption world---open source, making the world of value completely open and offering sufficient material for the evolution of AI.

All human economic behavior will be recorded on different blockchains in the form of open source data. In this way, AI can embark on learning and evolution and eventually generate self-awareness and become Silicon-based life forms.

That's the one of the most impressive functions of Bitcoin. I believe truly Silicon-based life forms will show up in ten years. That is the greatest significance of Bitcoin for human civilization. So it's reasonably that in one century, the Silicon-based lives will honor Satoshi Nakamoto as the Father of Robots. He enabled AI to engage in social production and distribution and provided innumerable open source data for their evolution.

In the next one or two decades, the crypto world centered on Bitcoin network will help assortment of AI evolve self-awareness, become Silicon-based life forms and participate in the production and distribution of human society. Do you agree with me?

Title: Re: Can Bitcoin possibly become the Skynet of human civilization?
Post by: caryoscar on August 25, 2021, 10:48:10 AM
Undeniably, your article is full of science fiction. What I want to say is that artificial intelligence has replaced manpower and changed the mode of production. Bitcoin has completed the transfer of value and changed the mode of value circulation.

These two are the greatest in the Internet era. Invention, but each is independent. It is not interdependent. Your statement is a mistake. There is no absolute existence in the world, but the emergence of every great invention is unstoppable.

Human brain activity or our thoughts originate from our cognition. Our cognitive process is actually an information processing process. According to the "database" of each individual's brain, we analyze and say the corresponding words and then do things. Perhaps the database of artificial intelligence continues to grow stronger, but it is not that artificial intelligence has the ability and awareness of self-learning. So I don’t agree with you. The machine has no life.

I don’t know enough about the others, and now I want to know that I’m going to eat. Thank you for your article, I am a little tired. Not only is it long, it's also hard to understand.

Title: Re: Can Bitcoin possibly become the Skynet of human civilization?
Post by: RainbowKun on August 25, 2021, 12:54:24 PM
Forget about conscious AI, bitcoin isn't even turing complete. Bitcoin script can't perform loop.

Well, as I mentioned in this article, Bitcoin itself is difficult to evolve self-awareness, but the Bitcoin network provides open source data, and various blockchain projects in the entire crypto world are open source, so Will produce a steady stream of open source data. These data are the most valuable, and these data happen to be the food for the evolution of various artificial intelligences.

Title: Re: Can Bitcoin possibly become the Skynet of human civilization?
Post by: dkbit98 on August 25, 2021, 06:21:57 PM
Bitcoin would more be like a John and Sarah Connor character that is fighting against SkyNet aka Chinese and all other government parasites that are working with big tech corporations and insane individuals (fake elite).
Elon Musk is working on some robot that should be operational next year, he is messing around with Neuralink nanotech with brain chips, and check out latest videos by Boston Dynamics.
Decentralized networks like Bitcoin is actually a weapon in fight against centralized skynet-like AI control of human kind.

Title: Re: Can Bitcoin possibly become the Skynet of human civilization?
Post by: Jating on August 26, 2021, 09:57:13 AM
Forget about conscious AI, bitcoin isn't even turing complete. Bitcoin script can't perform loop.

Well, as I mentioned in this article, Bitcoin itself is difficult to evolve self-awareness, but the Bitcoin network provides open source data, and various blockchain projects in the entire crypto world are open source, so Will produce a steady stream of open source data. These data are the most valuable, and these data happen to be the food for the evolution of various artificial intelligences.

Even prior to blockchain though, data has been very important to everyone, from banks to big companies who uses that data to make business decisions. So that data is also preserve, through database, structured and its formatted. So if you are talking about food for the evolution, it has been many years prior to the creation of blockchain so I don't think it makes any difference at all.

Title: Re: Can Bitcoin possibly become the Skynet of human civilization?
Post by: Ucy on August 26, 2021, 10:42:23 AM
Things like this shouldn't be a problem if you put the Bitcoin principles in practice. You can't ignore the good rules, community consensus, privacy, etc when developing a decentralized system. You set boundaries with the rules and honest humans have to be in charge rather than AI

No matter how safe you think an artificial intelligence is, if you don't put the right humans in charge, it will likely be taken over by evil entity. An AI has to be built right... you don't use things like game theory or evil program in AI.
I actually factored the AI issues while putting my Bitcoin/crypto ideas together... so people should really be careful what they follow

Title: Re: Can Bitcoin possibly become the Skynet of human civilization?
Post by: Kong Hey Pakboy on August 26, 2021, 01:38:23 PM
Nope, first and foremost Skynet if I recall was an AI and bitcoin is a financial tool and it's really far from being an AI so I don't think that we're going to see bitcoin becoming what Skynet is. Bitcoin doesn't even have a self learning algorithm when it was made so how will it becme intelligent and self-aware.

Title: Re: Can Bitcoin possibly become the Skynet of human civilization?
Post by: buwaytress on August 26, 2021, 01:41:49 PM
~ the Bitcoin network provides open source data, and various blockchain projects in the entire crypto world are open source, so Will produce a steady stream of open source data. These data are the most valuable, and these data happen to be the food for the evolution of various artificial intelligences.

Which is something completely different from what Skynet was meant to be.

Hate to make comparisons but Bitcoin really is just censorship-resistant money, it's not even efficient for storing or transmitting data other than for the ledger, and has never pretended to even attempt it.

Not even by stretching my imagination can I comprehend Bitcoin in the same way.

You've had some good posts OP, but this isn't one of them, sorry =p

Title: Re: Can Bitcoin possibly become the Skynet of human civilization?
Post by: decodx on August 26, 2021, 04:45:04 PM
Do you agree with me?

Yeap! Here's a glimpse into a future to come:

The lithium and cobalt mines are all going to need workers... :D

* source: twitter pictures of the end (

Title: Re: Can Bitcoin possibly become the Skynet of human civilization?
Post by: franky1 on August 27, 2021, 03:11:40 AM
bitcoin will not be artificial intelligence..
.. but
have a try at Automated Initiation

image you have a wallet that has programming to start a production machine(3d printer/fabricator) at the signal of a confirmed transaction on a certain key

imagine it like someone makes a deposit for a product and that payment is the trigger for a machine to make/produce or move an object

its already been done bitcoin vending machines and bitcoin 3d printers.
heck theres even bitcoin porn where women take their cloths off on webcam when they see a payment confirmed

so forget about bitcoin itself being AI(intelligent) think about it as the trigger of machine operations. where those machine operations might have more 'intelligence'

another point to think about
"hundreds of thousands of Bitcoin mining machines to ceaselessly support the stable operation of Bitcoin network, generating untold data for the recording of economic behaviour of human beings every moment. These data are the most valuable asset"

they dont generate untold data for the recording of economic behaviour
they just churn through a brute force sequence untill they find one sequence that matches the needs of the block solution puzzle
one sequence every ~10minutes. where this sequence by itself is meaningless and does not hold any value of economic insight into human behaviour

instead the block data(separate data compilation) just holds a couple thousand transactions
(mining asics(machines) never touch or see or compute the block data)

for emphases to save explaining in more posts
the mining asics generating sequences every moment is not a valuable asset to understanding human behaviour

Title: Re: Can Bitcoin possibly become the Skynet of human civilization?
Post by: Ozero on August 27, 2021, 12:44:32 PM
I don't see any relationship between bitcoin and artificial intelligence. Bitcoin is a financial technology and cannot evolve into self-awareness. Blockchain technology is not endowed with such an opportunity.
 Artificial intelligence itself may well pose a real threat to the existence of mankind in the future. Even today's robots are already expressing the opinion that people are too primitive and need to be destroyed. This is already dangerous. Early science fiction books talked about three laws of robotics, the first of which was the law that under no circumstances can a robot kill a person or harm him in any other way. Now they are trying to endow robots with artificial intelligence, but I have not heard that at the same time they were introduced an irrevocable program with the prohibition to harm humans. Therefore, the uprising of machines, as reflected in the film "Terminator", may well be real in the future in practice. I do not think that Bitcoin will have anything to do with this and be on any side.

Title: Re: Can Bitcoin possibly become the Skynet of human civilization?
Post by: zanezane on August 27, 2021, 12:46:52 PM
Bitcoin isn't an AI or it doesn't have a machine learning in it's code so I don't think that it's not going to be a Skynet in the future because if I recall, Skynet is an AI that became sentient and gone rogue and subjugated humanity via nuclear holocaust. I don't think that bitcoin is capable of any of that.

Title: Re: Can Bitcoin possibly become the Skynet of human civilization?
Post by: Pmalek on August 27, 2021, 01:12:38 PM
Bitcoin actually has very limited functionalities. Even smart contracts in Ethereum or other alts aren't as smart as the name suggests. If programmed correctly, they can perform certain actions and that's it. They don't have the ability to evolve and change if such functions weren't programmed in the code.

We don't need Skynet or something similar to jeopardize our future. We are doing a pretty good job already by building robots that take over the jobs performed by humans for hundreds of years. Take a look at how autonomous the shipping industry has become. Nowadays you need one person capable of programming a robot to unload an entire ship. Thousands of physical workers lose their jobs to robots because of that.

Food delivery is being tested efficiently with drones in certain countries. Again, thousands of people are losing their jobs. People only look at the good sides of technology, but they forget that not everyone can be a software developer. The world also needs manual labor, garbage men, and shoe shiners.

We are the Skynet...

Title: Re: Can Bitcoin possibly become the Skynet of human civilization?
Post by: BOAEDAN on August 27, 2021, 01:26:39 PM
Cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin have spread all over the world and cannot be stopped. This is like Skynet, where there is a computer there is Skynet or in the current condition there is Bitcoin. According to him, Bitcoin transactions will not be lost as long as there is internet. Even if you want to destroy Bitcoin, you have to wipe the internet.

Title: Re: Can Bitcoin possibly become the Skynet of human civilization?
Post by: iTradeChips on August 27, 2021, 01:35:04 PM
Well if you are going to ask my opinion. I would say that it will not happen. The reason why I believe in that possibility is simply because of the difference between Bitcoin and Skynet. Skynet is A.I and Bitcoin is cryptocurrency. You cannot make Bitcoin an A.I asset. Plain and simple. If there would be such a time that a cryptocurrency will gain A.I capabilities then it would seize to become a currency and will be more of a product that people can use as it is A.I.

Title: Re: Can Bitcoin possibly become the Skynet of human civilization?
Post by: mrongos on August 27, 2021, 02:48:18 PM
Skynet is the name of one of the secret programs used by the United States National Security Agency (NSA). if you say can bitcoin be the skynet of human civilization, in my personal opinion, I will say no, my reason is because bitcoin is crypto, because bitcoin one day later if it is very popular it will definitely become a legal currency..

Title: Re: Can Bitcoin possibly become the Skynet of human civilization?
Post by: 5thFear on August 27, 2021, 06:06:57 PM
It can evolve to something like that or atleast the payment system between different habitable planets like earth and mars. With Tesla going for Mars, this can become a reality. The times are changing very fast and Bitcoin or its successor has a big role to play in the future civilizations of mankind

Title: Re: Can Bitcoin possibly become the Skynet of human civilization?
Post by: adzino on August 27, 2021, 07:18:29 PM
Put AI system aside and take Bitcoin system as an example. Is it probably for Bitcoin network to has its own self-awareness and rise to be a super AI system or become something similar to Skynet in Terminator?

Well if you put AI "aside" and take bitcoin as it is, then no. It is never going to happen. If it has been programmed to become self aware, then yeah it can be. If it hasn't, then no it can't automatically become self aware. It has a base code that tell bitcoin to do exactly what it has been told to do. Would be funny though to see bitcoin become self aware. I mean what is it going to do? Kill all the bankers?

Title: Re: Can Bitcoin possibly become the Skynet of human civilization?
Post by: decodx on August 27, 2021, 10:32:57 PM
@RainbowKun, I think you should know that Bitcoin software has absolutely nothing in common with artificial intelligence and machine learning. In fact, Google Translate (which you probably use when writing your posts) is much closer to artificial intelligence than the bitcoin network. Google Translate even uses all sorts of machine learning, which essentially means you feed it lots and lots of data about languages, words, phrases, dialects... and it figures out what the words actually mean. It's not as sophisticated as a human brain, but it's certainly a step in the right direction.

Title: Re: Can Bitcoin possibly become the Skynet of human civilization?
Post by: oktana on August 27, 2021, 11:39:47 PM
Bitcoin has nothing to do with human civilization. Bitcoin is only but a currency and was only created to serve the same purpose that other currency serve, except for some more interesting features(like being digital, no third parties, etc). So, I don't see how one currency will/can help human civilization. Because it is doing well in price or maybe in its usage doesn't mean that it can do everything. Let's just be grateful for what it can do/ what it does.

Title: Re: Can Bitcoin possibly become the Skynet of human civilization?
Post by: Kayum10029 on August 27, 2021, 11:59:52 PM
As the popularity of Bitcoin is increasing day by day, I can say that Bitcoin will be the most popular and reliable coin of the next generation. The world's largest companies have Bitcoin as the structure of their systemAs the popularity of Bitcoin is increasing day by day, I can say that Bitcoin will be the most popular and reliable coin of the next generation. The world's largest companies have Bitcoin as the structure of their system Giving acceptance.

Title: Re: Can Bitcoin possibly become the Skynet of human civilization?
Post by: hatshepsut93 on August 28, 2021, 10:42:20 AM
The conclusion can be safely drawn that Bitcoin network has become the most powerful network system in the world. At present, countless miners in the world are running hundreds of thousands of Bitcoin mining machines to ceaselessly support the stable operation of Bitcoin network, generating untold data for the recording of economic behavior of human beings every moment. These data are the most valuable asset. I believe with the help of these economic data, Bitcoin network will surely evolve into the Skynet and become the anchor of the entire human civilization.

Bitcoin is the most powerful network in the world for calculating SHA-256 hashes. Aside from that, it's just some dozens or hundreds of thousands of regular home computers. This is hardly "the most powerful network in the world" If you believe that it's enough to form Skynet, then maybe you should be worried about filesharing networks or online games.

Title: Re: Can Bitcoin possibly become the Skynet of human civilization?
Post by: RainbowKun on September 06, 2021, 03:30:57 AM
@RainbowKun, I think you should know that Bitcoin software has absolutely nothing in common with artificial intelligence and machine learning. In fact, Google Translate (which you probably use when writing your posts) is much closer to artificial intelligence than the bitcoin network. Google Translate even uses all sorts of machine learning, which essentially means you feed it lots and lots of data about languages, words, phrases, dialects... and it figures out what the words actually mean. It's not as sophisticated as a human brain, but it's certainly a step in the right direction.

Yes, I am fully aware of this, and there is no self-learning function in the code of the Bitcoin network. Here, I pay more attention to the open source data of Bitcoin and the open source data of the entire encrypted world. On the blockchain, the entire encrypted world is open source, and the data is completely transparent. Now more and more economic activities are built on the blockchain, which will become the world's largest data open market. These data are the most valuable. On the basis of open source data, anyone can build artificial intelligence with self-learning functions for artificial intelligence to evolve, and these data will become food for artificial intelligence to evolve. In my opinion, this is one of the major contributions that Bitcoin has brought to human civilization.

Title: Re: Can Bitcoin possibly become the Skynet of human civilization?
Post by: PastorNick on September 18, 2021, 03:23:37 AM
@RainbowKun, I think you should know that Bitcoin software has absolutely nothing in common with artificial intelligence and machine learning. In fact, Google Translate (which you probably use when writing your posts) is much closer to artificial intelligence than the bitcoin network. Google Translate even uses all sorts of machine learning, which essentially means you feed it lots and lots of data about languages, words, phrases, dialects... and it figures out what the words actually mean. It's not as sophisticated as a human brain, but it's certainly a step in the right direction.

Google seems to be very good in artificial intelligence. Before, AlphaGo challenged the most complex board game of mankind-Go wins a big win.

But it seems that Bitcoin might actually be called a machine currency in the future.