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Other => Off-topic => Topic started by: 2girls1facemask on August 29, 2021, 03:06:42 PM

Title: My dauhgter wants a cellular phone
Post by: 2girls1facemask on August 29, 2021, 03:06:42 PM
Yeah shes 16 and thinks it about time to get her his own phone.  What yours thoughts?

Title: Re: My dauhgter wants a cellular phone
Post by: Chato1977 on August 30, 2021, 01:43:41 AM
Yeah shes 16 and thinks it about time to get her his own phone.  What yours thoughts?
depend on how you know her mate , because as parents we are the one who can assess if what they deserve to have even if they are in right age or not.

and also your CAPACITY TO MONITOR THEIR ACTIVITIES because this is the most important part in front of gadgets .

i let my Son have a mobile but confiscating this if he had some mistakes in our agreements .

Title: Re: My dauhgter wants a cellular phone
Post by: ethereumhunter on August 30, 2021, 03:43:56 AM
I think she deserves to have her own phone to communicate with family or friends. I will buy her a new phone but I will always remind her not to use her phone most of her time because that can make her addicted to the phone and she might not do the other things. As long as she can have a responsibility to her life, that will not be a problem but we still need to keep an eye on it.

Title: Re: My dauhgter wants a cellular phone
Post by: AnoniX1 on August 30, 2021, 04:21:42 AM
The childs from my sister got their phone when most other kids in their school had one. It's just cause in these ages it's quite important that kids don't feel "less" than other kids.
The "system" is not cool cause the average age of getting a own phone is getting lower, but come on, let's be serious - you need it in your adult life daily so lerning these things early as possible + the benefits for the parents that the child has a phone (safety aspects).

So it's more about how u handle it instead - if playing with it is like TV time or game time, it's totally fine to let them have one.
The childs of my sister are not allowed to play all the time on their phone, but they have one.

....And they are 10 years old.  8)

So tbh your daughter is 16. She's not a child anymore and if you don't allow her a phone (which is for every young woman a very important thing, I mean we all know they love to call and use Insta and so on.) it would be wrong.

I mean I'm open for other opinions for kids at the age of 13 or younger to have an own phone - but 16? At this time I already was a master in SNAKE  ;D

Title: Re: My dauhgter wants a cellular phone
Post by: bitterguy28 on August 30, 2021, 04:25:28 AM

I mean I'm open for other opinions for kids at the age of 13 or younger to have an own phone - but 16? At this time I already was a master in SNAKE  ;D
Lol mobile those days aren't internet connected meaning purely call and text only that's why SNAKE and Bantomi is the only game installed  ;D

Title: Re: My dauhgter wants a cellular phone
Post by: Melignya on August 30, 2021, 09:15:44 AM
I think it's absolutely normal at 16 to have a personal phone, personal boundaries hi

Title: Re: My dauhgter wants a cellular phone
Post by: boyptc on August 30, 2021, 10:18:04 AM
That's fine.

Give her the phone and let her discover things through her phone, I mean of discovering, it's going to be handy for her to search for her projects and other school stuff.

I'm even given a phone I think when I was 11 years old.

Title: Re: My dauhgter wants a cellular phone
Post by: semobo on August 31, 2021, 12:31:04 PM
Yeah shes 16 and thinks it about time to get her his own phone.  What yours thoughts?
This is 2021 and 3-year-old kids start having their own Ipads. :o

16 and still asking you for permission to have her own phone, must be living in a stone age. ;D

Title: Re: My dauhgter wants a cellular phone
Post by: Jolankaa on August 31, 2021, 12:51:53 PM
I think it's high time, a girl needs her own space, her own friends, constant contact with her parents

Title: Re: My dauhgter wants a cellular phone
Post by: Melignya on August 31, 2021, 01:04:36 PM
I think it's absolutely normal at 16 to have a personal phone, personal boundaries hi

Title: Re: My dauhgter wants a cellular phone
Post by: Ucy on August 31, 2021, 05:12:09 PM
I wouldn't get her a smartphone that is not well controlled and suitable for her. We will likely discuss the right things that should be allowed on her phone and whether she will be willing to let us see what she uses/have. We could have good approved apps our family can used together.
It should be possible for all trustworthy members of my family to have some sort of shared Mobile Interface with the right rules, for mobile phone or pc where  all the Internet/Online/Mobile activities of the family members are collected and can be seen by every family members, so we don't have those who don't have control over their evil desires from being misled. The kids can become independent once they reach certain age and have self control.

Title: Re: My dauhgter wants a cellular phone
Post by: Renampun on August 31, 2021, 07:17:23 PM
Yeah shes 16 and thinks it about time to get her his own phone.  What yours thoughts?
I think at the age of 16, you should give her a smartphone, but you have to control her online activities so that her don't abuse that phone...

btw I have a child who is 8 years old but I have to buy a smartphone because my country still enforces 'study from home'

Title: Re: My dauhgter wants a cellular phone
Post by: DeathAngel on August 31, 2021, 08:26:44 PM
Yeah shes 16 and thinks it about time to get her his own phone.  What yours thoughts?

Buy her one, she could need one in an emergency one time. I had my first phone when I was about 13 & that was 20 years ago. Buy her one dude.

Title: Re: My dauhgter wants a cellular phone
Post by: ethereumhunter on September 01, 2021, 01:34:14 AM
Yeah shes 16 and thinks it about time to get her his own phone.  What yours thoughts?
I think at the age of 16, you should give her a smartphone, but you have to control her online activities so that her don't abuse that phone...

btw I have a child who is 8 years old but I have to buy a smartphone because my country still enforces 'study from home'
It is no surprise to see a child 8 years old carrying a smartphone in their daily activities because they are now live in the telecommunication era, which needs smartphones.

So it is normal to see that teenagers 16 years old need a smartphone because smartphone now becomes a need for their life.

Title: Re: My dauhgter wants a cellular phone
Post by: Chato1977 on September 01, 2021, 02:14:08 AM
Yeah shes 16 and thinks it about time to get her his own phone.  What yours thoughts?

Buy her one, she could need one in an emergency one time. I had my first phone when I was about 13 & that was 20 years ago. Buy her one dude.
But they must be responsible in having one , because internet nowadays is really more dangerous than wild forest .
they can be lured into somewhere that we don't want them to go.

Title: Re: My dauhgter wants a cellular phone
Post by: Gosgosking on September 01, 2021, 06:40:54 AM
If it's okay by you for her to get phone it's cool , nothing wrong to have a phone @16. The world is changing and technology everywhere

Title: Re: My dauhgter wants a cellular phone
Post by: mich on September 02, 2021, 07:23:53 AM
I think it’s important to be able to get in touch with your daughter when she’s out, to confirm she’s safe and make sure she’s able to reach out for help if she needs it.

However, smart phones may have many different negative consequences for young people and I wouldn’t want to encourage her to adopt a social media habit that could potentially have a negative affect on her sense of self.

You could potentially buy her a cell phone but something very simple that doesn’t have apps or you could buy her a smart phone but limit her usage to make sure she’s not compulsively using social media. 

Title: Re: My dauhgter wants a cellular phone
Post by: Hannu on September 02, 2021, 10:44:40 AM
Yeah shes 16 and thinks it about time to get her his own phone.  What yours thoughts?

You are in trouble if she get millions of USA dollars "credit" or/and loan on collateral. Example buy pony on collateral loan, without your permission.

Title: Re: My dauhgter wants a cellular phone
Post by: Melignya on September 03, 2021, 08:58:07 AM
I think it's absolutely normal at 16 to have a personal phone, personal boundaries hi

Title: Re: My dauhgter wants a cellular phone
Post by: Yalalagh on September 14, 2021, 02:30:58 PM
I think that this is a normal age for a child to have a personal phone, it's still the 21st century, so I think it's quite normal, and if it's her first phone a push-button is just fine, the child will not be distracted and have unnecessary time to communicate with your parents

Title: Re: My dauhgter wants a cellular phone
Post by: Barinekapaul on September 15, 2021, 11:22:52 AM
Yeah shes 16 and thinks it about time to get her his own phone.  What yours thoughts?

A parent of a teenage girl of 16 should be able to know what runs in the veins of teenage,
and have better understanding of what the use of a cellular phone will be to her ward.

I believe you have had a close look at her and know what she is capable of doing with the
proposed cellular phone she is demanding for, so I will advise.

Have a good understanding of her aim for demanding for a cellular phone and if its convincing enough
by you, then make provision for it, if its within your reach. POSITIVITY is what is REQUIRED.

Title: Re: My dauhgter wants a cellular phone
Post by: averagestudent on September 15, 2021, 11:51:03 AM
Yeah shes 16 and thinks it about time to get her his own phone.  What yours thoughts?

16 years old isn't that young. In some parts of the world, people buy cars for teenagers at those ages, and in some places, 16 is the legal age to drive.
The youngsters in my family are age-appropriate to own a cell phone when they are 12-13 years old.

Title: Re: My dauhgter wants a cellular phone
Post by: Xinarae* on September 15, 2021, 02:28:09 PM
Suitable age for 16 year old girl to hold mobile phone adolescents have the opportunity to learn more about technology than ever before and it's never too late to learn anything. Therefore the use of various means of social communication such as mobile phones facebook instagram should be allowed to be used after the specified age but through this you will also learn the practice of morality. Showing a child over the age of 13 is not a difficult task but it should be explained to the child that it should not be done before a certain age.

Title: Re: My dauhgter wants a cellular phone
Post by: plr on September 15, 2021, 02:34:52 PM
Yeah shes 16 and thinks it about time to get her his own phone.  What yours thoughts?

She should get one, here in our country children as young as 10 years can own a phone, they need it because we are in a pandemic and they are in a distance learning, your child is already 16 years old, old enough to operate a phone and only two years before he becomes a woman, her age is right to own a phone.

Title: Re: My dauhgter wants a cellular phone
Post by: CyberGhost33 on September 15, 2021, 02:57:18 PM
You should !
This way you will know all the time where is she and what is going on with her !
She is 16... in my country the most of the girls are not girls anymore at age..

Title: Re: My dauhgter wants a cellular phone
Post by: B1tUnl0ck3r on September 26, 2021, 04:28:18 AM
Yeah shes 16 and thinks it about time to get her his own phone.  What yours thoughts?

if you don't, she will sell herself to get it... and if you do, she will use it to sell herself.


but there is hope, leave for a non coverage area (white zone) !!!

Title: Re: My dauhgter wants a cellular phone
Post by: peter0425 on September 26, 2021, 05:22:52 AM
Yeah shes 16 and thinks it about time to get her his own phone.  What yours thoughts?
My Son has His phone at the age of 12 and he is responsible as how i teach Him so maybe your daughter is 16?
it is right time to have Phone.

Title: Re: My dauhgter wants a cellular phone
Post by: newwest on September 26, 2021, 03:53:08 PM
Many kids actually by around 10 years have started to get it. So if someone is around 16 then nothing to be too much worry as with the each passing year the younger kids have stared to get the phone. As well I will still consider better that till 16 she was without her own personal phone.

Title: Re: My dauhgter wants a cellular phone
Post by: KupaCrypto on September 26, 2021, 06:57:43 PM
She needs it for several purposes.. though it will expose her negatively and positively....
She needs it to maybe do her research and assignments if she's schooling...and maybe do the social media thing and interact with friends..
It's now your job as a parent to go close to her and advise her...the truth is we learn more things  online nowadays

Title: Re: My dauhgter wants a cellular phone
Post by: mistereverything on September 26, 2021, 10:46:21 PM
why not? just be cautious of strange behavior !!!

Title: Re: My dauhgter wants a cellular phone
Post by: SlikStrike on September 28, 2021, 03:06:41 PM
i'd say get her the phone but make her earn it with something ( school grades for example) , that way she wont take it as granted

Title: Re: My dauhgter wants a cellular phone
Post by: WNTRjon on September 28, 2021, 03:41:34 PM
Yeah shes 16 and thinks it about time to get her his own phone.  What yours thoughts?

I would get her a cell phone. No doubt in my mind. There are parental settings you can apply if you think it is necessary. I am a grown adult male and feel unsafe without my cell phone on me. If anything ever happens, police can use the phone to help track her down.

Title: Re: My dauhgter wants a cellular phone
Post by: ethereumhunter on September 29, 2021, 10:55:26 AM
It's not a bad idea to offer her a cell phone, this era is all about technology.
As long as she can use the phone with the right, I think that will be no problem. She can use her phone to communicate with her friends, search for good news, or even search for data for doing her homework using the phone. But if she only uses the phone for playing TikTok, that will be the time for him to discuss the phone's function for her.

Title: Re: My dauhgter wants a cellular phone
Post by: Chato1977 on September 29, 2021, 12:42:41 PM
I think it's absolutely normal at 16 to have a personal phone, personal boundaries hi
Our days now are runs by internet and gadget so having one is not that bad idea , as long as we will completely remind them on how to handle a mobile rightfully and their responsibilities having it.

not entering site that is not for them and only limiting themselves for enough time to study and learn.
i'd say get her the phone but make her earn it with something ( school grades for example) , that way she wont take it as granted
our children now are Online classes , so they need nothing to accel but we are oblige to give them Phone .

Title: Re: My dauhgter wants a cellular phone
Post by: KupaCrypto on January 02, 2023, 10:11:23 PM
As long as my daughter is 15years and above I see no reason not to give her a cellular phone, our concern as parents is to monitor how they use the phone and what they do with the phone, she needs some kind of exposure but there is also a limit to that exposure, she needs a cellular phone for her assignments and the rest, even to keep herself busy with positive things online, she should be aware that using YouTube you can learn whatever u wish to learn visually, whether academically or skillfully and I know it will help her

Title: Re: My dauhgter wants a cellular phone
Post by: Keyreysek on January 03, 2023, 06:18:12 AM
Yeah shes 16 and thinks it about time to get her his own phone.  What yours thoughts?
for that age it is enough to have a cell phone, because he is about to start entering the teenage phase, but don't forget to monitor it too, so that it is safer from something that is not good.

Title: Re: My dauhgter wants a cellular phone
Post by: Tallupooh on January 03, 2023, 12:52:00 PM
I think there's nothing wrong with you buying him a cell phone. You can also always communicate with him, but you have to be careful not to let your child fall into the wrong things.

Title: Re: My dauhgter wants a cellular phone
Post by: BossTrack on January 03, 2023, 08:51:12 PM
You know you can go half way and create some content filters and give them guidance on navigating the internet, you could probably do a better job than boomers could of considering you are tech savvy enough to be on a btc forum. I feel there is a golden mean in-between not allowing phones and zero parental supervision.