Bitcoin Forum

Local => Español (Spanish) => Topic started by: famososMuertos on September 06, 2021, 11:56:27 PM

Title: Donativos En bitcoin Organizaciones Oficiales
Post by: famososMuertos on September 06, 2021, 11:56:27 PM
A priori encontré estas:

Donate more, pay less taxes.
Want to change the world with crypto? We can help.

Save the Children was the world’s first INGO (international non-governmental organizations) to accept a bitcoin donation since 2013. We were the first nonprofit beneficiary of Bitcoin Black Friday via the BitGive Foundation in response to Typhoon Haiyan that struck Southeast Asia and devastated the Philippines.
How we work
Initially Donate a Bit will serve as a platform whereas donors are given the opportunity to donate cryptocurrencies to a charity of their choosing. Subsequently, with your help as a participant, we intend to develop and implement these applications for charity organizations themselves. Our aim is to create more transparency5 concerning the charity industry by using this new blockchain technology. Donate a Bit and revolutionize global philanthropy through blockchain technology.

Por otra parte en sugieren segùn sus investigaciones:

Does the Charity Accept Bitcoin?
These concerns only come into play if the charity you're giving to actually accepts bitcoin donations. Chances are they don't – few do – unless the price is right. If you want to donate $100,000 of bitcoin or even a relatively obscure altcoin – Neo or Quantum – "most charities have a point where, if the numbers are big enough, they'll make it work."

If you're considering a donation in the tens or hundreds of dollars, on the other hand, it's best to restrict your donations to charities that already accept cryptocurrencies. This list is far from exhaustive, but below are a few examples:

United Way2
Representan a varias organizaciones relacionadas al sector salud y educación principalmente.

Wikimedia Foundation2
Wikipedia, con la popular frase done una taza de café.
El enlace proporcionado esta roto.

Su link para donaciones por la vía tradicional es :

El enlace actualizado es:
You can donate with cryptocurrencies including Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, and Ether using BitPay.


Open Medicine Foundation2

Internet Archive2
Si no conoces esta web en su nombre la explicaciòn.

Es una fundación donde se puede donar a personas individualmente que lo necesiten.
“Watsi has held crypto since 2012. Participated in Stellar’s launch, partnered with Coinbase in 2014, and received the first Pineapple Fund donation in 2017. The org is more OG than half of CT. If you’re looking for a nonprofit that’s impactful and believes in web3, Watsi is it."
- /Chase Adam, Co-founder, Watsi/- Fuente:

Tecnología y acceso a la Internet.
No conseguí enlace o la ruta a donde se confirme que se aceptan bitcoin, pero igual lo dejo.

The Water Project2

Give Directly2
Personas que están en extrema pobreza.
Selección en "otros" Bitcoin.

Ayuda a personas con trastorno de estrés postraumático.

Esta fundaciòn ha recibido 3.91 BTC no hay necesidad de consultar esta informaciòn pues en la pàgina al hacer clic en el icono del bitcoin sale ese dato.

Wild Me2
Vida salvaje, animales en extinción.
El enlace de la página proporcionado esta roto
Pero mantienen su iniciativa a las criptodivisas:

The most common way to donate is via PayPal, but we also accept cryptocurrency and offer other options for large donations, grants, and partnerships.

Human Rights Watch.
Site: HRW
URGENT: In Afghanistan, thousands of lives are at stake.
Taliban forces have seized control of Afghanistan, putting countless men, women, and children at grave risk of human rights violations and even death.

These civilians need our help to be safe, and we need your support to defend them.

Your gift today will help Human Rights Watch advocate that all governments act quickly to evacuate and protect at-risk Afghans. And, with your support today, we can fight to ensure that those who commit crimes face justice tomorrow. Donate now!

-/Other Ways to Give/-1
Nada en relaciòn con el  tema que nos compete, no aparece nada relacionado al mundo de las criptodivisas.
Dada la situaciòn actual he querido mencionarle e incluirle a pesar de no tener donativos en cripto.
Como dato adicional al final del proceso tambièn aceptan paypal.