Bitcoin Forum

Other => MultiBit => Topic started by: thesolian on October 08, 2021, 08:53:53 AM

Title: Multibit classic password help
Post by: thesolian on October 08, 2021, 08:53:53 AM
Sounding like a broken record here  >:( but I've got an old Multibit classic wallet with bitcoin in it. I set it up way back in 2013 and only used it for 2 transactions and there is some not quite a full bitcoin (enough for me to want to get it out).
I've got the private key files and the wallet files but I can't unencrypt it. I searched for a previously unencrpyted file but no luck.

I'm using Hashcat and BTCRecover with my limited knowledge.

To test my understanding of Hashcat and BTCRecover, I created a new encrypted wallet in Multibit and then tried to use Hashcat and BTCRecover to break into it but to no avail even though I knew the password. I created a token/ word list and tried that but that didn't work.

It only worked when I had the exact password in the token/word list. As an example the password used was James2021 and my token list only had 4 passwords to try (james, James20, James2000, james2) and this even couldn't crack the password unless I inputted James2021 in the token list, I was unable to break into the test wallet.

For hashcat, this is what I used >>> hashcat.exe -a 3 -m22700 wallethash.txt wordlist.txt
For BTCRecover, this is what I used >>>  btcrecover-master>python --tokenlist tokens.txt --wallet newwallet.key --no-dupchecks --no-eta

I thought that Hashcat and BTCRecover would take token list and use the passwords in there and then try iterations of the words listed in the token list but seems I'm doing something wrong or my understanding of these tools is flawed. Any help???  :'(

I don't want to try the main wallet as I can't even use a sample Multibit wallet as proof of concept.  ???

Title: Re: Multibit classic password help
Post by: btc2doge on October 04, 2023, 09:08:49 AM
the key is do you have a rough idea of the password?
do you have backup files of the multibit wallet?

Title: Re: Multibit classic password help
Post by: CryptoRecoveryCZ on January 14, 2024, 09:11:27 PM
Hi, do You recovered it? If not, try Google me. I like Multibit for their fast hash, and I have machine ready. J.