Bitcoin Forum

Other => Politics & Society => Topic started by: Tash on October 08, 2021, 03:31:08 PM

Title: Where did all the shills go?
Post by: Tash on October 08, 2021, 03:31:08 PM

Noticable downturn in shill activity in recent times.
Did the vaccine take care of them or have pay-cheque been canceled?

Title: Re: Where did all the shills go?
Post by: cmg777 on October 08, 2021, 04:10:46 PM

Noticable downturn in shill activity in recent times.
Did the vaccine take care of them or have pay-cheque been canceled?

Maybe their starting to see the side effects that we've discussed in detail on here or as you said their free lunch from the government dried up. Oh well, the stimmy is good for crypto that much I can shill for.

Title: Re: Where did all the shills go?
Post by: BADecker on October 08, 2021, 04:50:32 PM
I suspect that there money mongers of the world were only using this as this whole Covid thing as a test to see how far they could push the people. Of course, if it had worked, they would have loved it.

It's time for us to enact the tenets of the Nuremberg Adjudications for the whole world in everything, not just things medical. The basic way to make it effective is to take power away from attorneys in court, and to activate jury rule as the foundation method to adjudicate everything. Remember, juries only ac on behalf of one case. They don't adjudicate for a government or the world.

In other words, no law is a legal law for anybody until the government takes that person to court in a jury trial, to make it legal for him to obey. And people have the right and duty to take big corporations to court for anything that they do that might potentially harm people, and make them stop or break up.

If this were the case worldwide, Fauci wouldn't have had the power and authority to go to China to do his gain-of-function. Somebody in China would have asked he questions for proof of what they were doing, and if it seemed questionable, they would have take Fauci and the Wuhan labs to court to get them shut down in a jury trial.


Title: Re: Where did all the shills go?
Post by: acroman08 on October 08, 2021, 05:44:43 PM

Noticable downturn in shill activity in recent times.
Did the vaccine take care of them or have pay-cheque been canceled?

I am pretty sure they just got tired of the never-ending cycle of stupidity that has been spewed with that topic.

I don't care much about the things you guys are debating or arguing about but it was fun reading all the things that have been said regarding the vaccine, and covid but it does become boring reading the same thing after a year or so.

Title: Re: Where did all the shills go?
Post by: af_newbie on October 08, 2021, 06:14:23 PM

Noticable downturn in shill activity in recent times.
Did the vaccine take care of them or have pay-cheque been canceled?

Your paranoia is working overtime.

There is nothing to discuss.  Everyone should get vaccinated, wear a mask and avoid physical contact until the infection rates drop to zero.

All the non-scientific noise you anti-vaxxers make is not worth a dime.

It does not matter what you think the virus is or does.

Title: Re: Where did all the shills go?
Post by: Tash on October 08, 2021, 06:24:44 PM

Noticable downturn in shill activity in recent times.
Did the vaccine take care of them or have pay-cheque been canceled?

Your paranoia is working overtime.

There is nothing to discuss.  Everyone should get vaccinated, wear a mask and avoid physical contact until the infection rates drop to zero.

All the non-scientific noise you anti-vaxxers make is not worth a dime.

It does not matter what you think the virus is or does.

Oh hello long time no see.
As for anti-vaccine i don't know anyone. The forum still does have some pro freedom (financial, medical..) members. generally known as Bitcoiners.

Title: Re: Where did all the shills go?
Post by: BADecker on October 09, 2021, 12:41:39 AM

Noticable downturn in shill activity in recent times.
Did the vaccine take care of them or have pay-cheque been canceled?

Your paranoia is working overtime.

There is nothing to discuss.  Everyone should get vaccinated, wear a mask and avoid physical contact until the infection rates drop to zero.

All the non-scientific noise you anti-vaxxers make is not worth a dime.

It does not matter what you think the virus is or does.

Oh hello long time no see.
As for anti-vaccine i don't know anyone. The forum still does have some pro freedom (financial, medical..) members. generally known as Bitcoiners.

af_newbie simply has a good pair of blinders that he is wearing. They work so well that even when he is shown all kinds of reports and studies - or where he can go to find them - he just isn't interested. It's so much more peaceful in his blinder comfort zone.

You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink. But some of the horses are drinking. In fact, Del Bigtree just showed us yesterday, that the W.H.O. said the anti-vaxxers are converting vaxxers over to the anti- side 5 times faster -

Maybe af_newbie will wake up. Or maybe the blinders will slip down for a moment and he will see reality. Nobody knows. One benefit that he is giving us, he is prompting us to keep on showing what's going on, simply by mouthing his silly faith in what isn't reality.


Title: Re: Where did all the shills go?
Post by: suchmoon on October 09, 2021, 01:29:57 AM
Noticable downturn in shill activity in recent times.
Did the vaccine take care of them or have pay-cheque been canceled?

No, they're still here, spamming fake news, so... vaccine must be working, amirite:

Title: Re: Where did all the shills go?
Post by: BADecker on October 09, 2021, 01:37:17 AM
Noticable downturn in shill activity in recent times.
Did the vaccine take care of them or have pay-cheque been canceled?

No, they're still here, spamming fake news, so... vaccine must be working, amirite:

I'm sure that when Tash gets here, he will thank you for helping him advertise these truths.


Title: Re: Where did all the shills go?
Post by: Hispo on October 09, 2021, 02:27:07 AM
What a way to derail/ spoil a discussion.

I can't wait for the pandemic to be over to see whether we all can drop this vaccine pushing & anti vaccine thing and have more fruitful debate on Society and Politics. Picture me optimistic...

Title: Re: Where did all the shills go?
Post by: Cnut237 on October 09, 2021, 06:12:14 AM
As for anti-vaccine i don't know anyone. The forum still does have some pro freedom (financial, medical..) members. generally known as Bitcoiners.

If you're pro-freedom, you should be glad that you don't know any anti-vaxxers. You'd get really angry with them. Their refusal to take the vaccine keeps the R value high, keeping the virus in circulation, and ensuring we continue to need restrictions such as masks, social distancing and lockdowns.

Title: Re: Where did all the shills go?
Post by: Tash on October 09, 2021, 06:56:29 AM
Noticable downturn in shill activity in recent times.
Did the vaccine take care of them or have pay-cheque been canceled?

No, they're still here, spamming fake news, so... vaccine must be working, amirite:

I'm sure that when Tash gets here, he will thank you for helping him advertise these truths.

Just got going for today and the first thing discovered suchshill found his footing again. He is usually a bit slack when it comes to promoting knowledge (science effectively). One can only hope he quotes offten to spread science (aka knowledge) far and wide.

Title: Re: Where did all the shills go?
Post by: Cnut237 on October 09, 2021, 08:36:28 AM
knowledge (science effectively) [...] science (aka knowledge)
As you believe there is no link between science and knowledge, how do you obtain knowledge? The device on which you typed your post... was that created by science or religion/magic?
Scientific knowledge is the thing that underpins modern civilisation. Science is knowledge of the world, derived from observation and experimentation. Science is everywhere in everyday life. If you don't like it, find a cave to live in. But if you plan on hunting wild animals, don't use a knife or even stone tools, because that's science. Maybe just forage for berries instead, but just pick them at random, don't rely on a scientific understanding of which ones are poisonous.

Title: Re: Where did all the shills go?
Post by: cmg777 on October 09, 2021, 01:04:53 PM

As you believe there is no link between science and knowledge, how do you obtain knowledge? The device on which you typed your post... was that created by science or religion/magic?
Scientific knowledge is the thing that underpins modern civilization. Science is knowledge of the world, derived from observation and experimentation. Science is everywhere in everyday life. If you don't like it, find a cave to live in. But if you plan on hunting wild animals, don't use a knife or even stone tools, because that's science. Maybe just forage for berries instead, but just pick them at random, don't rely on a scientific understanding of which ones are poisonous.

Had to use the science of auto-correct to correct the word Civilization for you or is that an allegory to anarchy over perceived science? What I'm sure Tash and others have tried to tell you is what modern science or shall I say the modern science of 2020 is... Follow Cult of Personality leaders that are paid by big pharma in their fields to push the poison berries you mention. They didn't have 5 years to experiment on animals and others to show a real scientific result instead YOU are the experiment. Now I would not give two shits if they didn't make this such a big deal to do anything at all in this world without it perceivably. That to me is antithetical to science making YOU the experiment the hypothesis just for profit and the worst part is mandating this to be taken by everyone. Seems almost biblical that you can't buy or sell without the mark (vaccine) of the beast (symbol of graphene oxide or later to be determined logo).

So if you believe in this fantasy science so much you should believe more in the USD Fed Stamps and stocks. Oh keep buying stocks so we can consolidate power when you're all dead is the reality and why I'm in crypto. Then you see all those people on crypto cruising by in Lambos and you say "I want some of that" is that not the same science you perceive or an actual survival instinct that the system failed me this other system is better?

Just give us the autotomy to live our lives without this particular vaccine and I am certainly happy to let you live your with the vaccine is all I'm asking.

Title: Re: Where did all the shills go?
Post by: BADecker on October 09, 2021, 04:55:15 PM
knowledge (science effectively) [...] science (aka knowledge)
As you believe there is no link between science and knowledge, how do you obtain knowledge? The device on which you typed your post... was that created by science or religion/magic?
Scientific knowledge is the thing that underpins modern civilisation. Science is knowledge of the world, derived from observation and experimentation. Science is everywhere in everyday life. If you don't like it, find a cave to live in. But if you plan on hunting wild animals, don't use a knife or even stone tools, because that's science. Maybe just forage for berries instead, but just pick them at random, don't rely on a scientific understanding of which ones are poisonous.

Mwahahahaha! You quote Tash saying that knowledge is science, and science is knowledge, and then you claim he says they are not connected. Lol.

Relax, man. (I didn't say relapse.) There's gotta be some psychiatrist out there who can help you. At least, now, the rest of us know how deep your mental problems lie, so we can take your stuff with a few, laughing grains of salt. Lol. ;D


Title: Re: Where did all the shills go?
Post by: Maestro75 on October 09, 2021, 05:59:46 PM
There is nothing to discuss.  Everyone should get vaccinated, wear a mask and avoid physical contact until the infection rates drop to zero.

This is not going to be possible, not everyone will ever get vaccinated. And the infection rate will never drop to zero. There are countries whose citizens do not see any need to be vaccinated because of the deplorable living conditions in those countries, especially in Africa. About the main question asked here, I can say the shills are silent now because they are getting more enlightenment than before and realizing the foolishness of their actions.

Title: Re: Where did all the shills go?
Post by: bishopcrypto on October 09, 2021, 06:04:10 PM

Noticable downturn in shill activity in recent times.
Did the vaccine take care of them or have pay-cheque been canceled?

News cycle flipped because normies are starting to see through it and the data is undeniable.

Title: Re: Where did all the shills go?
Post by: tvbcof on October 10, 2021, 09:51:59 PM

Where's little Franky1?  It's not like him to take an hour off, much less a number of days.  Maybe his 'booster' shot did him in?

Title: Re: Where did all the shills go?
Post by: cmg777 on October 10, 2021, 10:57:51 PM

Where's little Franky1?  It's not like him to take an hour off, much less a number of days.  Maybe his 'booster' shot did him in?

He was on another thread yelling this recently:

Title: Re: Where did all the shills go?
Post by: Tash on October 11, 2021, 05:05:46 AM

Where's little Franky1?  It's not like him to take an hour off, much less a number of days.  Maybe his 'booster' shot did him in?

The booster franked him, three days no show (
He been in solitary confinement in my ignore box for most of the time

Title: Re: Where did all the shills go?
Post by: Cnut237 on October 11, 2021, 09:17:21 AM
Had to use the science of auto-correct to correct the word Civilization for you or is that an allegory to anarchy over perceived science?

No, it's simply you failing to understand that the world contains different countries, and different languages. And even the same language but with different spellings. But a lack of consideration of others is a characteristic of anti-vaxxers, so I'm not surprised. I am British. Here, it's civilisation.

Are you the same anti-vaxxer that tried to mock my English last time, in some garbled stream-of-consciousness diatribe, or was that someone else? Or are you the one who accused me of being 'fancy' because I used the word 'analogy'? Probably someone else. I appreciate that anti-vaxxers tend to resort to personal insults, because they have no other arguments.

Title: Re: Where did all the shills go?
Post by: franky1 on October 11, 2021, 09:21:31 AM
boring thread.

i have better things to do with my life
no need to say anymore.

Title: Re: Where did all the shills go?
Post by: Cnut237 on October 11, 2021, 09:32:28 AM
boring thread.

i have better things to do with my life
no need to say anymore.

I understand completely. I find it tiring more than anything else. They won't accept anything that involves actual data or even coherent rational thought.

Title: Re: Where did all the shills go?
Post by: tvbcof on October 11, 2021, 09:48:46 AM
boring thread.

i have better things to do with my life
no need to say anymore.

'my life' = cowering in a studio apartment bobbing for nickels with footer spam and slathering oneself with alcohol to fight off an imaginary virus while waiting to die from the gene therapy.

Title: Re: Where did all the shills go?
Post by: franky1 on October 11, 2021, 11:13:09 AM
boring thread.

i have better things to do with my life
no need to say anymore.

'my life' = cowering in a studio apartment bobbing for nickels with footer spam and slathering oneself with alcohol to fight off an imaginary virus while waiting to die from the gene therapy.

footer spam? .. um thats badecker
cowering in a studio apartment.. again thats badecker, well more like a basement.

your the one fighting off imaginary virus.. the rest of us are fighting off a real virus.
you fight soo many imaginary things (from your own imagination)
and its you that fears death by gene therapy. slowing waiting for your time to come fearing dangers you imagine up. giving them names to scare yourself even further. while the rest of us are getting on with life

anyway. boring topic. moving on

Title: Re: Where did all the shills go?
Post by: tvbcof on October 11, 2021, 12:57:50 PM
boring thread.

i have better things to do with my life
no need to say anymore.

'my life' = cowering in a studio apartment bobbing for nickels with footer spam and slathering oneself with alcohol to fight off an imaginary virus while waiting to die from the gene therapy.
your the one fighting off imaginary virus.. the rest of us are fighting off a real virus.
anyway. boring topic. moving on

Not sure how boring it has to be to keep you from coming back to say how boring it is.

BTW, do you rub sanitizer on your hands between every post to keep you safe from the bad bad virus?  Just curious.