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Other => Politics & Society => Topic started by: Wiwo on October 12, 2021, 03:17:49 PM

Title: The political undertone of covid-19 and its vaccine
Post by: Wiwo on October 12, 2021, 03:17:49 PM
In the last couple of weeks, I have been wondering what are the political undertones as regards the origin of covid-19 and why China will reject access to a laboratory in China by the world health organization. Why are countries making vaccines mandatory for their citizens?

Title: Re: The political undertone of covid-19 and its vaccine
Post by: BIN-BIN on October 12, 2021, 05:17:23 PM
The covid pandemic have dealt negatively the economy and the total livelihood of the people, and most countries around the world don't have any ideas on the virus, and vaccines are now the only escape root that is the reason most governments are enforcing it on the citizens

Title: Re: The political undertone of covid-19 and its vaccine
Post by: figliar0 on October 14, 2021, 05:47:57 AM
The covid restrictions have dealt negatively the economy and the total livelihood of the people, and most politicians around the world have great ideas on the abusing virus, and vaccines are now the only big money deal that is the reason most governments are enforcing it on the citizens.

Title: Re: The political undertone of covid-19 and its vaccine
Post by: Imam Nuddin on October 14, 2021, 03:06:37 PM
The covid pandemic have dealt negatively the economy and the total livelihood of the people, and most countries around the world don't have any ideas on the virus, and vaccines are now the only escape root that is the reason most governments are enforcing it on the citizens
Pandemic is one of the problems that the world must face today. all sectors have an impact, especially the economic sector and tourism.
there is no other solution but to carry out a comprehensive vaccine. so that the impact of the covid pandemic on the economic and tourism sectors can be overcome.

Title: Re: The political undertone of covid-19 and its vaccine
Post by: Ultegra134 on October 14, 2021, 06:22:35 PM
In the last couple of weeks, I have been wondering what are the political undertones as regards the origin of covid-19 and why China will reject access to a laboratory in China by the world health organization. Why are countries making vaccines mandatory for their citizens?
Vaccinations are our only way to tackle this pandemic, there are quite a few examples of countries that have successfully managed to contain the disease, through a high vaccination coverage. I was one of the first one to do it, when it became available for my age group. I actually can't understand anti-vaxxers and conspiracy theorists, when there is scientific proof that they are safe and efficient.

I can't take a stand against mandatory vaccinations, what I know is that we need a larger coverage to end the pandemic, and if that's the way, so be it.

Title: Re: The political undertone of covid-19 and its vaccine
Post by: rosenbauer02 on October 14, 2021, 06:54:00 PM
My guess is by creating vaccine countries who able to do so will regain the loss/downfall of their economy by selling vaccines or even free if they just wanted to help. China even sold many face mask and face shields because of covid19. I am not sure what you mean vy reject access. Is it that China rejects world health organisation to access china laboratory?. If yes, then my guess or answer to that is they might have something to hide.

Title: Re: The political undertone of covid-19 and its vaccine
Post by: Imam Nuddin on October 15, 2021, 02:33:51 AM
In the last couple of weeks, I have been wondering what are the political undertones as regards the origin of covid-19 and why China will reject access to a laboratory in China by the world health organization. Why are countries making vaccines mandatory for their citizens?
Conditions like this should be questioned, not to attract suspicion to China. but let there be disclosure of information. Don't let the Covid-19 outbreak become an economic ground. I hope the world can make peace with this pandemic.

Title: Re: The political undertone of covid-19 and its vaccine
Post by: Gyfts on October 15, 2021, 03:28:54 AM
In the last couple of weeks, I have been wondering what are the political undertones as regards the origin of covid-19 and why China will reject access to a laboratory in China by the world health organization. Why are countries making vaccines mandatory for their citizens?

To answer your first question - China is a communist dictatorship that is afraid of letting the world know that their shitty hygenic practices in their Wuhan virology lab. And there is mutual agreement about burying this, because it may very well be that the US funded gain of function research into Sars-Cov bat viruses. The suspect nature of the viruses origin should tell you already that the initial story is not to be believed. No, this did not come from a bat in a wet market.

Second question - It's mostly a few countries proposing vaccine mandates. Israel and US to name a couple, as well as the Philippines.

The argument the government will provide is that this is a "deadly" virus, therefore every man, women, child, and animal must get 5 vaccines, a few boosters, and they'll receive their stamp of approval in the form of a vaccine passport, so they may ostentatiously display their vaccine status for the world to see. What they may not be willing to admit is the deaths related to Covid are almost exclusively of those with preexisting conditions or are old age.

Simply put, any government willing to impose a vaccine mandate doesn't trust their citizens can perform their own risk assessment analysis. You see, you're too stupid to make a decision about your own health, therefore, a government official must be put in charge of that decision.

Title: Re: The political undertone of covid-19 and its vaccine
Post by: Jet Cash on October 15, 2021, 11:45:40 AM
The world has changed considerably recently. China is no longer a communist country, but has become an oligarchy, and it has been recruited into the long established anglophile/anglophone empire. There are many who believe that the virus was leaked from the Fort Detrick research centre in the US, and it spread to Wuhan via a number of infected US marines who were transferred to the US army base near to the Wuhan laboratories. There is no doubt that gain of function research was being undertaken at Wuhan, Fort Detrick, and Porton Down. Obviously the restrictions on reporting are intended to conceal the fact that the virus was an American ( sorry, I mean Washington ) creation, and an attempt to preserve the myth that it was created by horseshoe bats. I think that the latter hypothesis is batty horseshit. :)

The virus was designed to be highly contagious, but not very dangerous to most people. Over 80% of those undergoing serious treatment for Covid are obese, and vaccine status doesn't seem to make much difference. When you couple this with the fact that poor people used to be thin, and rich people were fat, and today the reverse is true, you start to see a pattern emerging. Covid vaccination is not a health improvement tool, but is another engine to facilitate the transfer of wealth to the controlling dynasties.

Title: Re: The political undertone of covid-19 and its vaccine
Post by: Ultegra134 on October 15, 2021, 04:51:53 PM
The world has changed considerably recently. China is no longer a communist country, but has become an oligarchy, and it has been recruited into the long established anglophile/anglophone empire. There are many who believe that the virus was leaked from the Fort Detrick research centre in the US, and it spread to Wuhan via a number of infected US marines who were transferred to the US army base near to the Wuhan laboratories. There is no doubt that gain of function research was being undertaken at Wuhan, Fort Detrick, and Porton Down. Obviously the restrictions on reporting are intended to conceal the fact that the virus was an American ( sorry, I mean Washington ) creation, and an attempt to preserve the myth that it was created by horseshoe bats. I think that the latter hypothesis is batty horseshit. :)

The virus was designed to be highly contagious, but not very dangerous to most people. Over 80% of those undergoing serious treatment for Covid are obese, and vaccine status doesn't seem to make much difference. When you couple this with the fact that poor people used to be thin, and rich people were fat, and today the reverse is true, you start to see a pattern emerging. Covid vaccination is not a health improvement tool, but is another engine to facilitate the transfer of wealth to the controlling dynasties.
You are completely out of context, do you have any valid proof for what you're mentioning? Nope, it's just some conspiracy theory. Yes, there is a suspicion that it could have leaked from the Wuhan laboratory, but till now, no scientific proof has been found to back that. Everything else, about the USA transferring infected US marines etc. is utter bullshit.

Vaccine does make a difference, and it can be seen in the statistics of those countries with high vaccination coverage, it's proven that it has reduced both the transmission and mortality rate from Covid-19. Covid won't necessarily kill you, but it may have its toll on you, just have a look at what, Long Covid is, and educate yourself, no one designed anything, that's the ultimate conspiracy theory.

While most Covid-19 deaths are older people with underlying conditions, that doesn't mean that you are immortal if you're young and healthy. Just have a quick look at USA's deaths by Covid, sorted by age. The percentage might be relatively small, but it's definitely not unimportant.

Title: Re: The political undertone of covid-19 and its vaccine
Post by: Gyfts on October 16, 2021, 03:51:40 PM
You are completely out of context, do you have any valid proof for what you're mentioning? Nope, it's just some conspiracy theory. Yes, there is a suspicion that it could have leaked from the Wuhan laboratory, but till now, no scientific proof has been found to back that. Everything else, about the USA transferring infected US marines etc. is utter bullshit.

Well, we would have more information about the origin of the virus, except China will not allow for a full and transparent investigation. So what does that tell you about the origin? Maybe something nefarious? And have we seen any evidence that the virus originated in a wet market? I'd say we have seen none. We have seen, though, that the US's NIH provided funding to Wuhan Virology lab where they conducted research on bat coronaviruses. Do the math and tell me what's more likely.

Title: Re: The political undertone of covid-19 and its vaccine
Post by: tabas on October 17, 2021, 10:30:23 PM
In the last couple of weeks, I have been wondering what are the political undertones as regards the origin of covid-19 and why China will reject access to a laboratory in China by the world health organization.
Who knows if there's another biowarfare that they're trying to prepare or it's just that they want privacy from outer lands. There really are countries that reject some investigation if it's related to their important infrastructure and we don't know why they don't want someone like WHO go there and investigate.
Why are countries making vaccines mandatory for their citizens?
It's the solution that they see to end the pandemic.

Title: Re: The political undertone of covid-19 and its vaccine
Post by: Similificator on October 18, 2021, 06:50:30 AM
When there is pain, we will want relief. And so we look for remedies. That is what's happening with the world. The cause which is covid has affected more than just the people it infects. Which is why leaders are going crazy looking for remedies to rud the world of this pain. Although there are quite a lot of varieties when we talk about conspiracies behind this pandemic, I won't dive into that. The main thought is that the world is desperate and would rather care looking for the solution that waste time pointing fingers.

Title: Re: The political undertone of covid-19 and its vaccine
Post by: Wiwo on November 13, 2021, 07:04:23 PM
When there is pain, we will want relief. And so we look for remedies. That is what's happening with the world. The cause which is covid has affected more than just the people it infects. Which is why leaders are going crazy looking for remedies to rud the world of this pain. Although there are quite a lot of varieties when we talk about conspiracies behind this pandemic, I won't dive into that. The main thought is that the world is desperate and would rather care looking for the solution that waste time pointing fingers.
The government is considering another lock down as the covid 19 pandemic surge high in this weekend countries in the UK have recorded higher number despite the vaccine.

Title: Re: The political undertone of covid-19 and its vaccine
Post by: Ultegra134 on November 13, 2021, 10:21:12 PM
When there is pain, we will want relief. And so we look for remedies. That is what's happening with the world. The cause which is covid has affected more than just the people it infects. Which is why leaders are going crazy looking for remedies to rud the world of this pain. Although there are quite a lot of varieties when we talk about conspiracies behind this pandemic, I won't dive into that. The main thought is that the world is desperate and would rather care looking for the solution that waste time pointing fingers.
The government is considering another lock down as the covid 19 pandemic surge high in this weekend countries in the UK have recorded higher number despite the vaccine.
There are thousands' of cases here in Greece too, more than we used to have, however, the government is trying to avoid a full-scale lockdown. To be honest, despite the great number of cases, I believe that there isn't a budget to spend for Covid-19 repercussions, thus, they'll try to do whatever it takes to avoid it, by taking other preventive measures.

Title: Look at these undertones.
Post by: BADecker on November 14, 2021, 02:17:21 AM
Two articles in this post.

Just because you only hear Gates here, doesn't mean there aren't more wealthy all over the place mumbling the same things.

Bill Gates says governments must PUNISH people for questioning mask and vaccine mandates online (

In a recent interview with British politician Jeremy Hunt, Bill Gates said that governments around the world must begin to PUNISH people for questioning mask and vaccine mandates online. It’s not enough that social media companies have gone the way of the Chinese Communist Party, targeting information that exposes crimes against humanity and blacklisting critical information that would help people make an informed decision. Now, Bill Gates wants not only to silence those who disagree with him, but he also wants to turn governments against their own people when those people dare speak out of line against Bill Gate’s global agendas, surveillance systems, economic controls, genetic engineering and medical mandates.

Bill Gates seeks to indemnify himself from public scrutiny, accountability, the rule of law

Bill Gates has insistently funded and promoted vaccine passports systems around the world. He aggressively promotes authoritarian lockdowns, and he defends medical mandates that violate the sanctity of the individual. Gates expresses his desire to inject every man, woman and child routinely, while restricting the civil liberties of those who do not comply.

As the greatest financial contributor to the World Health Organization (WHO), Bill Gates is the single most influential figure over public health initiatives. These Bill Gates “public health” initiatives do not adhere to medical ethics, and they violate the informed consent principle, locking people down, restricting movement and coercing compliance to deadly medical experiments (namely covid vaccines).

The WHO is the entity propagating an endless “pandemic,” giving governments indefinite emergency power to seize human rights, restrict human movement and experiment on people’s minds, behavior and physiology. At the behest of Bill Gates and his “philanthropic” GAVI Vaccine Alliance, the WHO is now promoting the implementation of a permanent medical police state, digital vaccine passports and an economic Ponzi scheme that enshrines the global elite as untouchable, immunizing the elite from public criticism, accountability and ultimately, the rule of law.

Bill Gates is feeling the heat of global dissent

The world is in an uproar over the likes of Bill Gates, and a growing number of people are in the process of setting their selves free from the top-down system of financial and political control that has allowed people like Bill Gates to play God and experiment on human lives with no remorse.


A warning to advise you? Sounds more like a threat of what they will do if we don't comply.

<IPFS (>

Bill Gates Warns of Smallpox Terror Attacks as He Seeks Tens of Billions for Research (

Bill Gates has warned governments to prepare for smallpox terror attacks and future pandemics by investing billions into research and development.

Mr Gates made the comments in a Policy Exchange interview with the chair of the health select committee Jeremy Hunt.

He said that countries like the US and the UK must spend "tens of billions" to fund the research adding that while it may be expensive, it could lead to the eradication of the flu and common cold.

"I'm hoping in five years, I can write a book called, 'We are ready for the next pandemic', but it'll take tens of billions in R&D – the US and the UK will be part of that", he said.

"It'll take probably about a billion a year for a pandemic Task Force at the WHO level, which is doing the surveillance and actually doing what I call 'germ games' where you practise."

The Microsoft founder suggested that the 'germ games' could prepare nations for bio-terrorism such as smallpox attacks on airports. Mr Gates warned that bioterrorism caused epidemics could be worse than naturally occurring ones.


Bill Gates speaks to Rt Hon Jeremy Hunt MP in exclusive Policy Exchange interview (


Title: Re: The political undertone of covid-19 and its vaccine
Post by: Newlifebtc on November 14, 2021, 05:03:37 AM
In the last couple of weeks, I have been wondering what are the political undertones as regards the origin of covid-19 and why China will reject access to a laboratory in China by the world health organization. Why are countries making vaccines mandatory for their citizens?
a corona virus vaccine have to announced to be compulsory because of the damage it caused to the world, if am the President of china will give authentic order that any citizens that reject the covid19 vaccine will put to jail, human don't like free hand, government of country can't give her people fake vaccine for treatment of world challenge virus.

Title: Re: The political undertone of covid-19 and its vaccine
Post by: Loepuenkyou on November 16, 2021, 10:11:25 PM
i think covid 19 , vaccine , pcr and more only bussnes
all the world this now is normal, you can see in youre television, boxing, football,basketball full audience without healht protocol

Title: Re: The political undertone of covid-19 and its vaccine
Post by: RILWAN on November 18, 2021, 03:59:30 PM
The question should be why are all the billionaires like Bill Gate are so interested in manufacturing covid 19 vaccines, which point to only one direction that is there is a conspiracy behind the whole covid virus.

Title: Re: The political undertone of covid-19 and its vaccine
Post by: Newlifebtc on November 19, 2021, 04:53:54 AM
The question should be why are all the billionaires like Bill Gate are so interested in manufacturing covid 19 vaccines, which point to only one direction that is there is a conspiracy behind the whole covid virus.
You suppose to know why the billionaire's that have companies is interested to manufacture the vaccine, one thing is that maybe to produce corona virus vaccine will make his name to come out more to the society and is like world health organization will compensate him if the product is good enough

Title: Re: The political undertone of covid-19 and its vaccine
Post by: Tellek Garing on November 19, 2021, 09:14:07 PM
The question should be why are all the billionaires like Bill Gate are so interested in manufacturing covid 19 vaccines, which point to only one direction that is there is a conspiracy behind the whole covid virus.
You suppose to know why the billionaire's that have companies is interested to manufacture the vaccine, one thing is that maybe to produce corona virus vaccine will make his name to come out more to the society and is like world health organization will compensate him if the product is good enough
That is why some citizens are against receiving the vaccine because they believed there is an undertones to the corona varus is a political tool and the capitalist are taking advantage of the crisis to make huge profits by manufacturing vaccine.

Title: Re: Look at these undertones.
Post by: hornetsnest on November 24, 2021, 06:36:29 PM
Two articles in this post.

Just because you only hear Gates here, doesn't mean there aren't more wealthy all over the place mumbling the same things.

Bill Gates says governments must PUNISH people for questioning mask and vaccine mandates online (

In a recent interview with British politician Jeremy Hunt, Bill Gates said that governments around the world must begin to PUNISH people for questioning mask and vaccine mandates online. It’s not enough that social media companies have gone the way of the Chinese Communist Party, targeting information that exposes crimes against humanity and blacklisting critical information that would help people make an informed decision. Now, Bill Gates wants not only to silence those who disagree with him, but he also wants to turn governments against their own people when those people dare speak out of line against Bill Gate’s global agendas, surveillance systems, economic controls, genetic engineering and medical mandates.

Bill Gates seeks to indemnify himself from public scrutiny, accountability, the rule of law

Bill Gates has insistently funded and promoted vaccine passports systems around the world. He aggressively promotes authoritarian lockdowns, and he defends medical mandates that violate the sanctity of the individual. Gates expresses his desire to inject every man, woman and child routinely, while restricting the civil liberties of those who do not comply.

As the greatest financial contributor to the World Health Organization (WHO), Bill Gates is the single most influential figure over public health initiatives. These Bill Gates “public health” initiatives do not adhere to medical ethics, and they violate the informed consent principle, locking people down, restricting movement and coercing compliance to deadly medical experiments (namely covid vaccines).

The WHO is the entity propagating an endless “pandemic,” giving governments indefinite emergency power to seize human rights, restrict human movement and experiment on people’s minds, behavior and physiology. At the behest of Bill Gates and his “philanthropic” GAVI Vaccine Alliance, the WHO is now promoting the implementation of a permanent medical police state, digital vaccine passports and an economic Ponzi scheme that enshrines the global elite as untouchable, immunizing the elite from public criticism, accountability and ultimately, the rule of law.

Bill Gates is feeling the heat of global dissent

The world is in an uproar over the likes of Bill Gates, and a growing number of people are in the process of setting their selves free from the top-down system of financial and political control that has allowed people like Bill Gates to play God and experiment on human lives with no remorse.


A warning to advise you? Sounds more like a threat of what they will do if we don't comply.

<IPFS (>

Bill Gates Warns of Smallpox Terror Attacks as He Seeks Tens of Billions for Research (

Bill Gates has warned governments to prepare for smallpox terror attacks and future pandemics by investing billions into research and development.

Mr Gates made the comments in a Policy Exchange interview with the chair of the health select committee Jeremy Hunt.

He said that countries like the US and the UK must spend "tens of billions" to fund the research adding that while it may be expensive, it could lead to the eradication of the flu and common cold.

"I'm hoping in five years, I can write a book called, 'We are ready for the next pandemic', but it'll take tens of billions in R&D – the US and the UK will be part of that", he said.

"It'll take probably about a billion a year for a pandemic Task Force at the WHO level, which is doing the surveillance and actually doing what I call 'germ games' where you practise."

The Microsoft founder suggested that the 'germ games' could prepare nations for bio-terrorism such as smallpox attacks on airports. Mr Gates warned that bioterrorism caused epidemics could be worse than naturally occurring ones.


Bill Gates speaks to Rt Hon Jeremy Hunt MP in exclusive Policy Exchange interview (


Mr Gates job is to be the proxy for MIT development of the mark of the beast quantum dot tattoo and the bio marking system to show who is positive or negative. Frontman and fixer as with all criminal cartels. Refuse to be marked BADecker. Dump at the pump and get stacked up on food and provisions because dark days are a comin from all angles 8)