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Other => Off-topic => Topic started by: cabron on October 22, 2021, 01:11:47 AM

Title: Surgeons Attached a Pig Kidney to a Man and Worked
Post by: cabron on October 22, 2021, 01:11:47 AM

Surgeons in New York have successfully attached a kidney grown in a genetically altered pig to a human patient and found that the organ worked normally, a scientific breakthrough that one day may yield a vast new supply of organs for severely ill patients.

More of it

All patients wouldn't have to wait very long for available kidneys for a human willing to give their kidney to someone with this breakthrough. Families of patients are hoping to find someone every day to save a member of their family, I guess this is a solution. Many families will probably try this which I think is also much cheaper than human kidneys. If this is possible, we could get lungs too right?

What are your thoughts on this approve it or not. I know Muslims will definitely not.

Title: Re: Surgeons Attached a Pig Kidney to a Man and Worked
Post by: Oshosondy on October 22, 2021, 06:40:48 AM
I do not know if the news is quite true but this type of news will be rear to be false, according to the article, scientists has been researching something like this right from the past and this one will open a door to new research which can lead to using such organs extracted from genetically modified pig can be transplanted into humans that are in emergency need of organ transplant.

But more research should be carried out, how about the life expectancy of the organ because pigs can not leave more than 15 to 20 years, this should lead to further research to know if the organ can survive in humans for a very long time over 20 years and more and more years.

But this kind of research is kind of weird.

Title: Re: Surgeons Attached a Pig Kidney to a Man and Worked
Post by: Cnut237 on October 22, 2021, 07:36:39 AM

Surgeons in New York have successfully attached a kidney grown in a genetically altered pig to a human patient and found that the organ worked normally, a scientific breakthrough that one day may yield a vast new supply of organs for severely ill patients.

We should make clear that this was an experiment on a human patient who was already brain-dead and being kept alive artificially; there's no suggestion that we are ready to perform this sort of transplant on live patients.
But it's intriguing, and an advance, yes. I think pig heart valves have already been used in human transplants for decades, but the kidney is a new one.

As for whether this will be a viable option in the long-term, I'm not sure. Tissue engineering is a rapidly developing field, and it may be that we will be able to grow new organs (with zero chance of rejection) artificially in the near(ish) future. But I'm no expert; this is just uneducated speculation.

Title: Re: Surgeons Attached a Pig Kidney to a Man and Worked
Post by: acroman08 on October 22, 2021, 12:01:40 PM
What are your thoughts on this approve it or not. I know Muslims will definitely not.
the Idea disturb me but if the experiment proved to be successful and is approved this could help a lot of people who are in need of body organs. besides, this isn't the first time animal parts are used to treat someone. I remember reading once that tilapia skin is being used to treat burn injuries. anyway, I am pretty sure this experiment will definitely disturb a lot of people.

Title: Re: Surgeons Attached a Pig Kidney to a Man and Worked
Post by: Gyfts on October 22, 2021, 03:38:06 PM
What are your thoughts on this approve it or not. I know Muslims will definitely not.

I think in instances where life saving measures are needed, the Quran will allow a muslim to accept a pig's kidney in order to live. The arbitrary standards are set by whatever scholars a muslim chooses to follow, and the adherence to the core tenants of Islam only applies when convenient. The modern world of medicine is no match for ancient Islam.

Anyway, I predicted a lot of this would happen in the future, reusing animal components and transplanting them in humans. No ethical concerns as far as I'm aware, except for maybe a few rabid vegans.

Title: Re: Surgeons Attached a Pig Kidney to a Man and Worked
Post by: yhiaali3 on October 22, 2021, 07:05:02 PM

All patients wouldn't have to wait very long for available kidneys for a human willing to give their kidney to someone with this breakthrough. Families of patients are hoping to find someone every day to save a member of their family, I guess this is a solution. Many families will probably try this which I think is also much cheaper than human kidneys. If this is possible, we could get lungs too right?

This is a truly amazing scientific achievement, it is a great work for human civilization in general, the problem of kidney replacement is one of the problems that has been afflicting many patients and their families because finding a donor with an identical kidney is never easy, even if you find a matching donor you will have to pay a lot of money for the kidney This may not be available to everyone, especially the poor. With this great scientific achievement, patients will not have to wait to find a matching kidney donor, and they will not have to pay such large sums either.

What are your thoughts on this approve it or not. I know Muslims will definitely not.

I don't know if Muslims will do that or not, but in my personal opinion Islam does not forbid that since it allows eating pork in case of necessity. I think it will also accept replacing a pig's kidney in case of necessity as well.

Title: Re: Surgeons Attached a Pig Kidney to a Man and Worked
Post by: macson on September 22, 2023, 09:53:18 PM
Doctors Transplant Pig Heart Into Dying Man—Only The Second Time It’s Ever Been Done.

Surgeons with the University of Maryland Medical Center were able to successfully transplant a pig’s heart into 58-year-old Lawrence Faucette on Wednesday, who was facing death with end-stage heart disease, the doctors announced Friday—marking just the second time this procedure, which doctors hope leads to a breakthrough in saving the lives of terminal heart disease patients, has been performed.


the shocking news about the transplantation of pig organ into humans continues, the article above passed by on my time line and i was quite surprised to read it, as reported by the article, this is the second attempt to transplant a pig's heart into a dead human body and they say that quite successful even though it only took a few seconds, on the site it is also written that the pig's heart has been modified in such a way, in the future it is not impossible that this will become a reality, we will see many patients who need heart donors survive because of this breakthrough, but the Researchers still need a long time to decide whether this will be successful in placing it in the human body for a long time.

Title: Re: Surgeons Attached a Pig Kidney to a Man and Worked
Post by: paxmao on September 23, 2023, 09:33:05 AM
It is not really that new, I recall news of using the liver from a pig to produce an implant. This has been a line to explore for quite a while, the newer technologies are speculating with growing the organs from the individuals dna or using germinal cells taken from the umbilical cord. The "problem" with all these therapies and others is that they are ridiculously expensive.

Title: Re: Surgeons Attached a Pig Kidney to a Man and Worked
Post by: DeathAngel on September 23, 2023, 12:49:15 PM
Anything that can save or extend a human life is worth it. Medicine has come on so much now, many surgeons are modern day, real life super heroes. I commend everybody in the medical field who is able to do procedures like this. It’s fascinating what they can do these days.

Title: Re: Surgeons Attached a Pig Kidney to a Man and Worked
Post by: Rivaldine on September 23, 2023, 01:06:04 PM

Surgeons in New York have successfully attached a kidney grown in a genetically altered pig to a human patient and found that the organ worked normally, a scientific breakthrough that one day may yield a vast new supply of organs for severely ill patients.

More of it

All patients wouldn't have to wait very long for available kidneys for a human willing to give their kidney to someone with this breakthrough. Families of patients are hoping to find someone every day to save a member of their family, I guess this is a solution. Many families will probably try this which I think is also much cheaper than human kidneys. If this is possible, we could get lungs too right?

What are your thoughts on this approve it or not. I know Muslims will definitely not.

This is a welcome development for the medical space and individuals in dire need of kidney transplant but i know for sure that it has its side effects which we might not necessarily consider as we are saving a life already

Title: Re: Surgeons Attached a Pig Kidney to a Man and Worked
Post by: Hispo on September 23, 2023, 05:51:30 PM
It may be disturbing to many, including me; but is this is proven to be a reliable way to provide for kidneys to those who need it to live a normal and fulfilling life, then I am okey with it.

I say it from the perspective of someone who has personally had people in family who suffered from kidney dysfunction, and I must say it is quite hard to see people to climb on life through the use of machines, which they are supposed to hook on several days per week in order not to die.

If this option was available for someone I love and there is no option left, I would happy to go for it.

Title: Re: Surgeons Attached a Pig Kidney to a Man and Worked
Post by: Gozie51 on September 24, 2023, 11:10:30 PM

If this option was available for someone I love and there is no option left, I would happy to go for it.

The urgency of the need is understandable but how long will the changed pig kidney live is the issue. A pig life span is between 15 - 20 years, so it means it is not a durable kidney transplant. However, how will a pig kidney function like that of a human still remains a mystery to human knowledge. No wonder it is said that in the last days, the knowledge of man will increase. Science and technology are helping human to better advancement in their world.

Title: Re: Surgeons Attached a Pig Kidney to a Man and Worked
Post by: Zlantann on September 25, 2023, 12:39:13 AM

If this option was available for someone I love and there is no option left, I would happy to go for it.

The urgency of the need is understandable but how long will the changed pig kidney live is the issue. A pig life span is between 15 - 20 years, so it means it is not a durable kidney transplant. However, how will a pig kidney function like that of a human still remains a mystery to human knowledge. No wonder it is said that in the last days, the knowledge of man will increase. Science and technology are helping human to better advancement in their world.

This scientific method is still an experiment and the longest time these kidneys lasted in humans is just one month. One of the major problems of xenotransplantation is that the human immune system attacks these strange organs making them die. The experiment was conducted on a brain-dead human,  these scientists will move further to use these pig organs on living humans to check how it will work. As these scientists keep experimenting they will discover new ways of applying these genetically modified organs to save lives. 15-20 years is a long time for a patient that will die in a few days without an organ transplant. Maybe some medication can help increase the life of the organ or another transplant could be conducted if the organs start malfunctioning because of old age.

Good luck to these scientists,  at least they would help reduce the number of transplant patients on the waiting list. The rate of increase in internal organ disease is becoming alarming. Environmental pollution is one the major causes of these problems and the main pollutant in my country is electric generators.  Until the government fixes the power sector,  the rate of these diseases might not decline.

Title: Re: Surgeons Attached a Pig Kidney to a Man and Worked
Post by: Hispo on September 25, 2023, 12:57:00 AM

If this option was available for someone I love and there is no option left, I would happy to go for it.

The urgency of the need is understandable but how long will the changed pig kidney live is the issue. A pig life span is between 15 - 20 years, so it means it is not a durable kidney transplant. However, how will a pig kidney function like that of a human still remains a mystery to human knowledge. No wonder it is said that in the last days, the knowledge of man will increase. Science and technology are helping human to better advancement in their world.

This scientific method is still an experiment and the longest time these kidneys lasted in humans is just one month. One of the major problems of xenotransplantation is that the human immune system attacks these strange organs making them die. The experiment was conducted on a brain-dead human,  these scientists will move further to use these pig organs on living humans to check how it will work. As these scientists keep experimenting they will discover new ways of applying these genetically modified organs to save lives. 15-20 years is a long time for a patient that will die in a few days without an organ transplant. Maybe some medication can help increase the life of the organ or another transplant could be conducted if the organs start malfunctioning because of old age.

Good luck to these scientists,  at least they would help reduce the number of transplant patients on the waiting list. The rate of increase in internal organ disease is becoming alarming. Environmental pollution is one the major causes of these problems and the main pollutant in my country is electric generators.  Until the government fixes the power sector,  the rate of these diseases might not decline.

They made this experiment of a brain dead person, because it carries less moral and legal implications than performing it on a living person, keeping in mind this is an unexplored field for the medicine, in comparison to other fields.

In theory, in the experiment was a success, then it would also had worked in a living patient. As for the time period the organ would be functioning, two decades is a good result in my opinion. As they continue to work on organ replacements, those times will increase more and more and hopefully the prices for those procedures will decrease.

Title: Re: Surgeons Attached a Pig Kidney to a Man and Worked
Post by: Broly46 on September 26, 2023, 10:09:47 AM
The DNA structure between human and pig might be very close, but one should not confused it is not fully compatible, they might be some rejection by the immune cells, but we just hope it could last may be for weeks or years before the rejection reaction goes to where your immune cells start to attack the foreign transplant and kill the kidney, if the transplant can work well for weeks, I would think it might be a great improvement, btw you are not gonna live 100 years, the most you would expect the transplant is just to prolong your life until your inevitable dead, that might be just a few more years, if the pig kidney transplant can work for years without maintanance, I would consider it is a great success no doubt. ***And yes, the medical expert often failed to tell you, after the transplant, the patient would always need to take some form of drugs, the drug can help to lessen the rejection effects

Title: Re: Surgeons Attached a Pig Kidney to a Man and Worked
Post by: o48o on September 26, 2023, 04:06:48 PM
the Idea disturb me but if the experiment proved to be successful and is approved this could help a lot of people who are in need of body organs. besides, this isn't the first time animal parts are used to treat someone. I remember reading once that tilapia skin is being used to treat burn injuries. anyway, I am pretty sure this experiment will definitely disturb a lot of people.
I am not sure what's the disturbing part in this would be? Scientific progress is cool and most human parts have surprisingly simple function that can be replaced, or will be replaced in the future.

Consider this as a placeholder for artificial organs that most definitely coming. I guess some people are distrurbed by prostate legs, walking sticks, wheel chairs, ostomy bags or eye glasses. All of those invented to keep us moving and living our lives.

Title: Re: Surgeons Attached a Pig Kidney to a Man and Worked
Post by: mich on September 27, 2023, 06:46:44 AM
Well it is something I like to hear about. When there is things like this happening that we can use the parts of animals on humans to save our life. 

I just hope that 1 day this is a regular thing to do. We will be able to save so many people if it is regular thing to do.

Title: Re: Surgeons Attached a Pig Kidney to a Man and Worked
Post by: cabron on January 14, 2024, 03:45:57 PM

The pig kidney attached to that patient eventually showed signs of trouble and the doctors removed but they said it's working and works like a normal kidney.

The man who got the 1st pig heart transplant has died after 2 months.

Title: Re: Surgeons Attached a Pig Kidney to a Man and Worked
Post by: Ravichnadra on January 15, 2024, 04:43:53 PM
WHAT ???

I don't really think its true ~ Common even my brain stopped working right now to answer that.

Does anyone really thinks it's possible ?

Title: Re: Surgeons Attached a Pig Kidney to a Man and Worked
Post by: mich on January 16, 2024, 06:04:20 AM
WHAT ???

I don't really think its true ~ Common even my brain stopped working right now to answer that.

Does anyone really thinks it's possible ?

Well we can wish it is a regular thing to do. To save our human life by using the other parts of humans.
But now I think we are going to need to wait for this to happen. We read stories like this for testing reasons but we do not really ever see goodstories of them working.