Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: DoDow on October 24, 2021, 11:42:46 AM

Title: Bitcoin will bring the chaos what the world need.
Post by: DoDow on October 24, 2021, 11:42:46 AM

Its not very easy to understand bitcoin at the beginning, it takes time but now with all things happenned in the world it makes sense, i discover bitcoin in july 2017 i had a feeling, this thing is special i have to buy it because i felt in my guts its like nothing else in the world but i didnt understand very much at the beginning its normal its new to me but i have to educate myself more for the best with the right people online and i enjoyed alot.

After education thats my conclusion.

When u understand money and how the system works u cant price bitcoin its impossible its just a overtime value until the actuel monetary system show limits and the corona crysis has shows the limits faster than ever will show to the world why bitcoin matters than ever and the masses will understand it easier and faster than before.

It is an idea of better energy distribution.

U cant have unlimited growth in the world in a finished world its impossible and thats all the system is about.

I dont know who is Satoshi nobody knows he is of course the greatest genius in the human history if u can call it like that.

He will proove one thing money worth nothing and decentralised systeme is the futur between humans exchanges is inevitable, he has show a better way a smarter way to trades between indivudials in the right direction.

Why bitcoin wil succeed? Humanity needs to know how the world will be after,human nature is thus made and thats why we are what we are now.

Its alot more about money its the deepest thing ever in our society and i it will emmerge like a evidence.

We will live the most biggest revolution of our times.

The Bitcoin revolution is the answer for a paradigm shift in chaos.

The answer is Bitcoin.

Be ready. ;)

Title: Re: Bitcoin will bring the chaos what the world need.
Post by: Poker Player on October 24, 2021, 01:13:46 PM
It is very well what you say but it seems to me that more than describing what is going to happen (will bring the chaos) you are expressing a feeling. You probably have more knowledge than in 2017 but mainly what you express are feelings.

If your hunch is right, I hope you mean that bitcoin is going to bring orderly chaos.

Title: Re: Bitcoin will bring the chaos what the world need.
Post by: lovesmayfamilis on October 24, 2021, 02:16:24 PM
There is a lot of admiration in your words.
Why do I feel like RainbowKun is somewhere nearby? :( ???

Title: Re: Bitcoin will bring the chaos what the world need.
Post by: Baofeng on October 24, 2021, 02:21:02 PM
I don't think there is a paradigm shift to chaos, and I disagree that bitcoin can be define as chaos.

It might tip the balance as far as economic freedom goes for individuals, but it will not be enough to cause disorder and confusion in the financial markets. And don't think that bitcoin is a magic bean that will solve every human problems.

Title: Re: Bitcoin will bring the chaos what the world need.
Post by: hatshepsut93 on October 24, 2021, 02:34:25 PM
People were saying that Bitcoin is the future for many years already, well that future is today, and Bitcoin didn't became the base currency of the world, it didn't even became a popular currency, it's mainly used as a speculative investment / store of value. Even becoming a popular store of value doesn't guarantee that it will become popular currency that will revolutionize finance and society.

Title: Re: Bitcoin will bring the chaos what the world need.
Post by: mk4 on October 24, 2021, 02:58:48 PM
Instead of looking at Bitcoin as something that would bring chaos to this world, look at Bitcoin as something that would give people an opportunity to opt-out of the chaos that is fiat and central banking. Bitcoin is a peaceful protest.

Title: Re: Bitcoin will bring the chaos what the world need.
Post by: uneng on October 24, 2021, 04:13:49 PM
I don't think bitcoin will bring the chaos, because the chaos is already here and now. That is how I would define the economical situation of my country and I believe many will agree on this matter taking their own countries in consideration. And so far bitcoin is bringing order to this chaos, not in large scale, but in small dosages for every individuals who have found in bitcoin a solution for their personal financial challenges and obstacles which couldn't be overcame if only the fiat alternative were disponible for them.

Title: Re: Bitcoin will bring the chaos what the world need.
Post by: amishmanish on October 24, 2021, 04:38:09 PM
People were saying that Bitcoin is the future for many years already, well that future is today, and Bitcoin didn't became the base currency of the world, it didn't even became a popular currency, it's mainly used as a speculative investment / store of value. Even becoming a popular store of value doesn't guarantee that it will become popular currency that will revolutionize finance and society.
It is now money in the hands of the richest. Most of the work done on Bitcoin has inspired developers and investors to bet on other uses of blockchain. The market has spoken that it doesn't really care about decentralization. Too much money is ready to jump into these alternate chains. Despite the seemingly positive action, I think all it'll take to bring all of this back to where it belong is something like a Metamask hack or mass malware. The money has flown in but these technologies still don't have a solid footing.

Bitcoin is the solid footing for everything else. Whether it changes the world or not is another question, one thing is sure that nothing else can change anything without Bitcoin.

Title: Re: Bitcoin will bring the chaos what the world need.
Post by: electronicash on October 24, 2021, 05:14:21 PM

one of the first so far threads created by a newbie that didn't spread something else but appreciation about BTC.  when you begin to understand how money works and Britain as the bank scam capital of the world ( you will also begin to understand Bitcoin make sense.

There is a lot of admiration in your words.
Why do I feel like RainbowKun is somewhere nearby? :( ???

probably but he has not mentioned yet the relationship between extraterrestrial, Bitcoin and skynet so hold your horse yet. the series of threads to be posted will be the cue of it.  ;D

Title: Re: Bitcoin will bring the chaos what the world need.
Post by: ChiBitCTy on October 24, 2021, 06:05:47 PM
I'm not sure that bitcoin is actually brining any sort of "chaos" to the world.  I suppose to some countries leadership, such as China, would say that this is the case, but I personally see it more so as brining order to much of the worlds currency.  Also, Satoshi is surely a genius of some sort, but to say he's the worlds greatest genius ever I think is a bit of a stretch.

Title: Re: Bitcoin will bring the chaos what the world need.
Post by: pinggoki on October 24, 2021, 06:30:10 PM
Not so much as chaos but an upheaval of unnecessary and unhealthy past behaviors that we have acquired from thousands of years of using FIAT currency. I don't see bitcoin causing wide disarray once it gets fully integrated into everyone's lives really. But a gradual and much more calmer approach is what seems to be the path we are taking in this massive adoption we are talking about. Honestly speaking I believe in the saying that haste makes waste so I don't mind bitcoin taking its time to reach people from all nationalities, long as we get there we're good.
I'm not sure that bitcoin is actually brining any sort of "chaos" to the world.  I suppose to some countries leadership, such as China, would say that this is the case, but I personally see it more so as brining order to much of the worlds currency.  Also, Satoshi is surely a genius of some sort, but to say he's the worlds greatest genius ever I think is a bit of a stretch.
Not chaos, nor order is what bitcoin will bring should it be fully integrated as a staple replacement for fiat currency in the future. Instead it is an upheaval of old traditions and old systems that we have been so accustomed with considering the fact that we used fiat and all of its forms in the past thousands of years. Sure there may be backlash about it, critics may say negative things and they will continue to do so, but at the end of the day what's important is we get to the goal we want to achieve.

Title: Re: Bitcoin will bring the chaos what the world need.
Post by: shield132 on October 24, 2021, 06:30:59 PM
I dont know who is Satoshi nobody knows he is of course the greatest genius in the human history if u can call it like that.
Yes, he is. While I would say that there are better coins than bitcoin, it's fair to mention tat satoshi is on another level. Whether it was a person or a group of people, they made it possible to create currency and make it the most growing and most valuable one. Imagine, human created new type of currency - cryptocurrency and it conquered the world. From some cents, it went up to 60K and even higher, that means a lot to my mind.

We will live the most biggest revolution of our times.
Don't say so. Every epoch has evolutions in different sectors. For example, there was time of warriors, there was time of painters, there was time of world medicine develop (during world war), etc. Current era is the beginning of IT technologies, it can't be the biggest revolution, in an infinite universe, nothing lives in frames.

Title: Re: Bitcoin will bring the chaos what the world need.
Post by: freedomgo on October 24, 2021, 06:54:11 PM
Not so much as chaos but an upheaval of unnecessary and unhealthy past behaviors that we have acquired from thousands of years of using FIAT currency. I don't see bitcoin causing wide disarray once it gets fully integrated into everyone's lives really. But a gradual and much more calmer approach is what seems to be the path we are taking in this massive adoption we are talking about. Honestly speaking I believe in the saying that haste makes waste so I don't mind bitcoin taking its time to reach people from all nationalities, long as we get there we're good.
I'm not sure that bitcoin is actually brining any sort of "chaos" to the world.  I suppose to some countries leadership, such as China, would say that this is the case, but I personally see it more so as brining order to much of the worlds currency.  Also, Satoshi is surely a genius of some sort, but to say he's the worlds greatest genius ever I think is a bit of a stretch.
Not chaos, nor order is what bitcoin will bring should it be fully integrated as a staple replacement for fiat currency in the future. Instead it is an upheaval of old traditions and old systems that we have been so accustomed with considering the fact that we used fiat and all of its forms in the past thousands of years. Sure there may be backlash about it, critics may say negative things and they will continue to do so, but at the end of the day what's important is we get to the goal we want to achieve.
I guess OP means when he thinks bitcoin could create chaos, its because the people will surely come up with negative critics upon hearing first time about bitcoin. But as the time goes, bitcoin will definitely be the tool so we can achieve financial freedom and make us financially independent. And when it happens, the whole nation will benefit from it because there will be unity and progress that may take place in  the whole world. If bitcoin creates chaos before, today its more on showing unity and progress that is seen in each country that starts to adopt bitcoin.

Title: Re: Bitcoin will bring the chaos what the world need.
Post by: DoDow on October 24, 2021, 09:52:14 PM
Well yeah of course it will be better to be in the best case for everyone but its a transfert of power.

Centralised system vs individuals.

But since the human history exist the revolutions were painfull all the time for a better world,its human evolution by nature.

Changes with no pain doesnt pair, i think and by experience we have to face pain for making changes and become better and stronger and improving yourself.

There are good pains and bad ones, but if you make the rights choice in your life u have more chance to face good ones.

we have no others choice, if we continue like now things will be worse than for sure, energy is precious we have to use it and use right.

There is no miracles situations but numbers make strenght.

Maybe bitcoin is the last big trip after a world colapse because we have to be realistic it will use ALOT of energy if blockchain became mainstream,
perhaps humans will find solutions to realize this to be viable maybe not.

Only Time will tell.

Title: Re: Bitcoin will bring the chaos what the world need.
Post by: Viscore on October 24, 2021, 11:34:54 PM
Instead of looking at Bitcoin as something that would bring chaos to this world, look at Bitcoin as something that would give people an opportunity to opt-out of the chaos that is fiat and central banking. Bitcoin is a peaceful protest.
Bitcoin is not the one that bring chaos to this world, but rather the fiat that is backed by the government, in which the government started all the chaos because of how they motivated the minds of the people towards bitcoin. Its because the government alone is one sided, and only focus on things they can fully control.

However, instead of chaos, bitcoin is responsible for the new revolution that will set to happen once its massive adoption takes place. Its goal is to change the old, traditional system that is often the source of chaos. And with bitcoin in the future, i think it will bring freedom and peace, and of course financially independence.

Title: Re: Bitcoin will bring the chaos what the world need.
Post by: sheenshane on October 24, 2021, 11:51:13 PM
Bitcoin is a Chaos of what the world needs?  I don't think so.

It's been proven that Bitcoin is one most useful valuable assets and it could be a good alternative to cash.  The word chaos is too harsh to call Bitcoin on that term which is not.  As we can see, there are a few countries that have been announced Bitcoin has become legal tender in their place, so it means they saw that how potential Bitcoin is and as a tool that could be used as a payments system substitute to fiat.

Its goal is to change the old, traditional system.....
No, not that way but as I said above, it's potential to be an alternative to a traditional system.

Title: Re: Bitcoin will bring the chaos what the world need.
Post by: Rajamuda on October 25, 2021, 12:48:07 AM
Bitcoin is already increasingly seen playing a role and will bring this world to a change that smells of the future, whether it will produce a more positive side/positive influence or vice versa.
Bitcoin is a complement, a complement that can provide a great hope that can affect the economic factors of humans and even countries if they can actually legalize it.
We seem to be predicting too far on things that are not certain yet, but it has more chance of a positive influence if it is adopted properly, the world will know more about how Bitcoin has played so far and will find the reason for that.

Title: Re: Bitcoin will bring the chaos what the world need.
Post by: DapanasFruit on October 25, 2021, 02:43:12 AM

I am not so sure of this...but I think the real meaning of this post is lost in the translation. When you are referring to chaos, are you talking about disruption? Disruption in the sense that Bitcoin is going to game-change any things as far as money, banking and finance can be concerned? And I would agree with you in that case and we are already seeing things right now how Bitcoin is getting into the mainstream of the population and even getting the approval and endorsement of many financial institutions like big banks as they too understood well the value of Bitcoin and its potential to be bringing profits to them...remember that banks are primarily a profit machine so they go where the money is just like sharks where the blood is. And yet after more than a decade of existence, Bitcoin is just showing us the tip of the iceberg...this is just the beginning of "chaos" you can be alluding to.

Title: Re: Bitcoin will bring the chaos what the world need.
Post by: michellee on October 25, 2021, 06:22:20 AM
I guess bitcoin is not causing chaos in the world but bitcoin offers a good opportunity for people to make money from a new source. That will depend on how people can use bitcoin but if they can use bitcoin as their source of income, they will have that chance to make money. Maybe the process of bitcoin mining will trigger the newest energy as electricity consumption can increase if people use it for mining bitcoin. So without having a low fee for electricity, people will not make money from mining.

The revolution will be there and it always happens from time to time, especially if many people feel that they can not live better for a long time. Maybe the presence of bitcoin can change human lives in the financial field and change how people will pay.

But yes, only time will tell and show to us while the bitcoin journey is still on a long road.

Title: Re: Bitcoin will bring the chaos what the world need.
Post by: jossiel on October 25, 2021, 10:30:18 AM
We will live the most biggest revolution of our times.
Humanity has been living with that but it seems that this time, because of modern technology it's also technology that will show them who's supreme and not.

With the intervention of bitcoin and its technology, it's only showing that it's still the people whose power will proclaim in the modern world. But I don't think that we'll be going to the point that there's going to be a chaos and actual revolution.

Title: Re: Bitcoin will bring the chaos what the world need.
Post by: oHnK on October 25, 2021, 12:04:53 PM
Your expression on the current condition is like telling a story to a child who is just starting to learn to read.  You give your picture and view of what is and should be happening.  There is no database or actual facts to support this discussion so that it becomes more focused.  All based on premises and assumptions alone.  What kind of chaos do you mean?  I even see that the current economic life is entering a new phase that everyone should be ready for.  From the time of bartering to money without physical existence, it has become a revolution that should be appreciated.  Humans are evolving creatures.  If you are unprepared for this development, you will be ready to be degraded like Charles Darwin's theory.

Title: Re: Bitcoin will bring the chaos what the world need.
Post by: spyderbilt on October 25, 2021, 02:32:53 PM
Instead of looking at Bitcoin as something that would bring chaos to this world, look at Bitcoin as something that would give people an opportunity to opt-out of the chaos that is fiat and central banking. Bitcoin is a peaceful protest.
I agree more with your opinion that peace is the way for bitcoin nowadays. because it has never been heard of a chaos because of bitcoin, currently bitcoin is digital. and slowly people in the world feel comfortable using bitcoin

Title: Re: Bitcoin will bring the chaos what the world need.
Post by: stompix on October 25, 2021, 10:35:36 PM
There is a lot of admiration in your words.
Why do I feel like RainbowKun is somewhere nearby? :( ???
probably but he has not mentioned yet the relationship between extraterrestrial, Bitcoin and skynet so hold your horse yet. the series of threads to be posted will be the cue of it.  ;D

Silicon lifeforms and silicon civilization!
I doubt it's rainbowkun, this guy is not even clinging to some idea, it's all over the place.

When u understand money and how the system works u cant price bitcoin its impossible its just a overtime value until the actuel monetary system show limits and the corona crysis has shows the limits faster than ever will show to the world why bitcoin matters than ever and the masses will understand it easier and faster than before.

So what, with bitcoins a currency there will be no virus, no quarantine, no problems with supplies, no rising oil prices no clogs in ports no nothing because....? The never-ending cure for all called bitcoin. I suppose that once bitcoin becomes world currency we will also stop having wars, cause ...reason!

And one more thing:
We will live the most biggest revolution of our times.
Since most poeple alive now haven't experienced a real revolution, well, this might be the only accurate point in this.The rest is just...

Bitcoin is getting into the mainstream of the population and even getting the approval and endorsement of many financial institutions like big banks as they too understood well the value of Bitcoin and its potential to be bringing profits to them...remember that banks are primarily a profit machine so they go where the money is just like sharks where the blood is.

Unlike the millions who buy crypto for...let's be honest, profit!
You talk about adoption and mainstream and the blockchain sees lower and lower average transactions per day, the pattern is clear, no matter how much you might hate banks they are a business and the poeple here are doing the same, looking for profit, storing their coins and hoping to get rich, how would that happen unless more poeple buy coins? Who's the shark now praying on someone else's finances?
The whole NFT madness is for what? Supporting the team or actor or just getting more money?

The truth is that at the end of the line 99.99% of the poeple act just like the business they hate but try to picture themselves as revolutionaries when in fact their only goal is money!

Title: Re: Bitcoin will bring the chaos what the world need.
Post by: Hippocrypto on October 26, 2021, 03:17:28 PM

Its not very easy to understand bitcoin at the beginning, it takes time but now with all things happenned in the world it makes sense, i discover bitcoin in july 2017 i had a feeling, this thing is special i have to buy it because i felt in my guts its like nothing else in the world but i didnt understand very much at the beginning its normal its new to me but i have to educate myself more for the best with the right people online and i enjoyed alot.

After education thats my conclusion.

When u understand money and how the system works u cant price bitcoin its impossible its just a overtime value until the actuel monetary system show limits and the corona crysis has shows the limits faster than ever will show to the world why bitcoin matters than ever and the masses will understand it easier and faster than before.

It is an idea of better energy distribution.

U cant have unlimited growth in the world in a finished world its impossible and thats all the system is about.

I dont know who is Satoshi nobody knows he is of course the greatest genius in the human history if u can call it like that.

He will proove one thing money worth nothing and decentralised systeme is the futur between humans exchanges is inevitable, he has show a better way a smarter way to trades between indivudials in the right direction.

Why bitcoin wil succeed? Humanity needs to know how the world will be after,human nature is thus made and thats why we are what we are now.

Its alot more about money its the deepest thing ever in our society and i it will emmerge like a evidence.

We will live the most biggest revolution of our times.

The Bitcoin revolution is the answer for a paradigm shift in chaos.

The answer is Bitcoin.

Be ready. ;)

Bitcoin is not the one who brings chaos to the world, but rather the fiat that is backed by the government, in which the government started all the chaos on how they motivated people's minds towards bitcoin. The government only focus on the things they can fully control and that's what chaos is. Bitcoin didn't bring chaos in this chaotic world but instead, it offers a lot of opportunities for people to make money from a new source. But, it will also depend on how people use their bitcoins, it's either they will use this as their source of income or in other things. And so far, bitcoin is bringing order in this chaos because some people have found bitcoin a solution for their personal financial challenges and obstacles.

Title: Re: Bitcoin will bring the chaos what the world need.
Post by: taufik123 on October 26, 2021, 07:41:28 PM
Some groups of people still do not accept the changes in increasingly advanced technology, they do not want to know and always think about risks regardless of the advantages that exist in the new technology that is developing.
Cryptocurrency is becoming a very popular platform right now, crypto is hype and a lot of new investors are starting to come in.
There is no mess created by bitcoin, those who think this is a mess are those who are against the technology of the future.
Bitcoin is the most popular digital asset and the most expensive digital asset.
Bitcoin pros and cons are always there and it has become a part of the development of bitcoin.

Title: Re: Bitcoin will bring the chaos what the world need.
Post by: AdeleBec on November 10, 2021, 07:10:28 PM
We will live the most biggest revolution of our times.
Humanity has been living with that but it seems that this time, because of modern technology it's also technology that will show them who's supreme and not.

With the intervention of bitcoin and its technology, it's only showing that it's still the people whose power will proclaim in the modern world. But I don't think that we'll be going to the point that there's going to be a chaos and actual revolution.

I agree. I am a newbie in this bitcoin world. I have been spending hours reading this forum. Will there be chaos or actual revolution, I am not sure. My friends told me to start with, what do you think of it. Can you recommend to me where can I start?

Title: Re: Bitcoin will bring the chaos what the world need.
Post by: oemar bakrie on November 10, 2021, 07:21:32 PM
we won't know why bitcoin can be as valuable as it is now, I'm more focused on being part of a campaign to get prizes in the form of crypto that can be exchanged for bitcoin, to buy makes my soul asset not fully brave because our bitcoin movement doesn't .will know better or worse even though the value of the number remains the same if we have it..

Title: Re: Bitcoin will bring the chaos what the world need.
Post by: Smartvirus on November 10, 2021, 07:23:39 PM
As much as the world hates chaos, its important to note that chaos is good. You might ask why i say this but, its simple. Just like science which deals with question things that have been said or why a thing happens the way it does, chaos also does the very same thing. It's an unstable situation that tends to question  the ills in  system to fined an amiable solution. Bitcoin isn't chaotic but I can agree that it's bringing the chaos that the world needs for the innovations of the future.

Now, you won't expect the beneficiaries of the old system to gladly jump in but, its better they do when it's early because, the dynamics bitcoin is to come with is inevitable.

Title: Re: Bitcoin will bring the chaos what the world need.
Post by: dothebeats on November 10, 2021, 11:09:47 PM
Bitcoin has brought disruption to global economics, and IMO, chaos will be brought by the current system itself. When that happens, bitcoin will be what people will look into when they're wanting to save what little they have left from the destruction that the current system is doing. Countries from around the world are already gearing towards a digital economy, and are taking notes from bitcoin and other crypto, and hoping to integrate what they've learned on their own currency.

Bitcoin provided disruption, and once chaos ensues, it will also provide an avenue away from the destruction that the current system is brewing upon itself.

Title: Re: Bitcoin will bring the chaos what the world need.
Post by: S4VV4S on November 11, 2021, 09:19:31 AM
I don't believe in that that saying bitcoin brings chaos to the world of course it has a reason that there is no interference by bitcoin on other investments so that it is silent on its own which is a crypto investment business, I think it's just a miscommunication saying that bitcoin is chaos

Title: Re: Bitcoin will bring the chaos what the world need.
Post by: kryptqnick on November 11, 2021, 01:03:44 PM
I don't think what the world needs is chaos. We already have too much of it with rising tensions, covid, and climate change. It's also true that fiat brings chaos because printing money in whatever amount you can get away with printing does not sound like a stable and safe solution. Bitcoin brings transparency and fairness. There's no way to bribe someone and make the price temporarily go up or down. Transactions are publicly available for anyone who's willing to investigate. Everyone can participate in both production and usage of Bitcoin (at least, hypothetically). There are big problems Bitcoin faces, but bringing chaos is not one of them.

Title: Re: Bitcoin will bring the chaos what the world need.
Post by: Jasad on November 11, 2021, 01:14:14 PM
I personally think there will never be chaos in the world because it is caused by the presence of bitcoin, on the contrary the presence of bitcoin makes it easier for everyone to determine their direction to seek luck to facilitate their business, the presence of bitcoin makes it easy not to bring chaos..

Title: Re: Bitcoin will bring the chaos what the world need.
Post by: Ucy on November 11, 2021, 03:21:01 PM
Bitcoin is a Network designed for people fleeing the choas and lawlessness of failing centralized systems. And it's build to survive the choas, and not built to cause it considering the transparency, immutablity, privacy etc of the Network.

Nothing suggest it's a technology that will bring what you described. I wonder if you have observed or read how multicellular organisms function... Very organized, functional, automated, work in harmony, or rather achieve consensus in harmony
 It's abit similar to how Bitcoin Network/System works, though Bitcoin is very basic form of it nd not as complex.

Title: Re: Bitcoin will bring the chaos what the world need.
Post by: pawanjain on November 11, 2021, 04:09:12 PM
I think bitcoin won't bring chaos to the world but instead help us in the chaos that the world would suffer soon when the financial crisis occur globally.
Bitcoin is the safest cryptocurrency that can help us secure our money when the global financial system is falling down.
I would place my bets on bitcoin if I will have to choose a safe haven which is both strong and reliable.

Title: Re: Bitcoin will bring the chaos what the world need.
Post by: AakZaki on November 11, 2021, 07:49:32 PM
As much as the world hates chaos, its important to note that chaos is good. You might ask why i say this but, its simple. Just like science which deals with question things that have been said or why a thing happens the way it does, chaos also does the very same thing. It's an unstable situation that tends to question  the ills in  system to fined an amiable solution. Bitcoin isn't chaotic but I can agree that it's bringing the chaos that the world needs for the innovations of the future.

Now, you won't expect the beneficiaries of the old system to gladly jump in but, its better they do when it's early because, the dynamics bitcoin is to come with is inevitable.
The chaos that bitcoin has caused may be due to its price continuing to rise and reaching its new ATH again. Many pros and cons of Bitcoin. Those who support bitcoin expect mass adoption of bitcoin and those who don't like bitcoin condemn bitcoin because they think bitcoin has no function. The more bitcoin gets a lot of world attention, the more intense bitcoin is to talk about. There is no negative mess that bitcoin causes, it's just chaos that will change the future.

Title: Re: Bitcoin will bring the chaos what the world need.
Post by: worldofcoins on November 11, 2021, 08:42:49 PM

I don't think so. The energy issue will be solved in the future and bitcoin is not the only crypto currency in the market.
There are PoS (Proof of work) crypto currencies that solve this problem of yours.

Title: Re: Bitcoin will bring the chaos what the world need.
Post by: 2double0 on November 11, 2021, 09:45:56 PM

I don't think so. The energy issue will be solved in the future and bitcoin is not the only crypto currency in the market.
There are PoS (Proof of work) crypto currencies that solve this problem of yours.

PoS is not Proof of Work but Proof of Stake.
For energy, institutions are taking initiatives to stop using produced electricity behind btc mining and use natural ways like solar energy to do that. It is true that bitcoin is not the only cryptocurrency in the market, but it is also the 'bitter' truth that there is none other cryptocurrency like bitcoin in the market. When it all began, I thought we were just cooking dreams in our minds and selling it to people with the word of mouth powerful advertising and it has become a revolution because our voice reached the ears of big investors, but today, everything has changed and institutions have given the crypto sphere the whole new look, and bitcoin was the main foundation which brought it all ahead.

Title: Re: Bitcoin will bring the chaos what the world need.
Post by: D-law on November 11, 2021, 10:36:48 PM
The future is not bleak, yeah of a truth without been biased, bitcoin is the best at the moment of all the cryptocurrency at large doing more than enough,the whole humanity seems to love bitcoin,but what happens when the government decides to throw bitcoin behind bars ?
What happens when another crypto currency pop's up better than bitcoin, doing all what bitcoin is doing and still doing better ?
Good thoughts about bitcoin but what could be against bitcoin in the future ?

Title: Re: Bitcoin will bring the chaos what the world need.
Post by: syedakhlaque on December 15, 2021, 10:36:22 AM
I disagree with your thought that bitcoin will bring chaos to the world. But I think that Bitcoin brings close to the different nations, cultures, languages, civilizations, etc of the world. It is proving itself A unifying force that is bringing people of the world on one plate. Now it is not just a currency but it has become a big business that involved millions of people in its range. Now bitcoin and cryptocurrency is a huge industry.

Title: Re: Bitcoin will bring the chaos what the world need.
Post by: tyz on December 15, 2021, 10:48:52 AM


No matter what medication you are taking, please consult your doctor if the dose may not be too high.

Your sentences are pure wishful thinking. For two reasons, I don't think this will happen in the next years/decades. 1) Decentralized payment systems like Bitcoin are technically far from being able to replace current financial payment systems. 2) There are powers that will never allow the replacement of the current system.

Title: Re: Bitcoin will bring the chaos what the world need.
Post by: JoyMarsha on December 15, 2021, 10:04:03 PM
Bitcoin will bring chaos in what area? Have you come to a simple term for why bitcoin was created in the first place. To be financially free does it bring chaos to society? Answering these simple questions by yourself will help you to understand why everyone wants bitcoin to be widely accepted