Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: Nozuk on October 27, 2021, 06:46:04 PM

Title: Need some help!!
Post by: Nozuk on October 27, 2021, 06:46:04 PM
Hey Guys,
I do need some help.

Anyone that can help me with this, I will really appreciate.

So this is what happened.

I was in high school and the whole rumor is going around of bitcoin, I decided to download the core on my pc, then I let the computer run as a miner at that point. I think that was possible.

Later, I got rid of that computer and transferred the blocks to a hard drive, then I kept it going on my macbook air. Then it was keeping all the space on my macbook air, so I took it to apple, and they cleaned it, but we put the blocks into a hard drive. not ssd drive. But on that transfer, I lost the key, or password.

So then, when bitcoin was around $3k, I decided to see what I had on bitcoin and when I will upload the bitcoin to the core, which somehow took over 24 hours, it will ask for that key or password, and I do not have it. So now, I am trying to see if I am doing something wrong on the process or if maybe there is a way i can recover this blocks and somehow will be worth something.

I have done some research and if I am not wrong, it takes about 10 mins to do a block.

So, base of any who can share information on this, is there something I can do with blocks? are blocks worth anything?

Thank you in advance for any feedback you guys can provide.

Title: Re: Need some help!!
Post by: jackg on October 27, 2021, 06:50:14 PM
Have you got a wallet.dat file anywhere?

Blocks are just a way the blockchain indexes itself and the blocks you likely have in your folder are just blocks of data from the blockchain and not anything too useful (though they will help to speed up your initial syncvwithbthe blockchain).

Title: Re: Need some help!!
Post by: NeuroticFish on October 27, 2021, 06:54:08 PM
I have done some research and if I am not wrong, it takes about 10 mins to do a block.

At an average of 10 minutes a new block is mined. But nowadays one needs special hardware to mine a new block. Usually many such hardware devices.
The miner receives some coins for that job.

All the blocks already mined can be downloaded for free by anybody connected to the network.

So, base of any who can share information on this, is there something I can do with blocks? are blocks worth anything?

If I understand your problem right, then the answer is "no, sorry".
If you indeed mined blocks, your wallet should have coins in it. That's the one to recover.

But on that transfer, I lost the key, or password.

If you still have that HDD and no other things (or at least not much) was written onto it, you may have a chance to recover your keys.
There are services that can do that. But you have to know a bit more than that, at least you have to know whether you indeed had coins in a wallet on that HDD.

Title: Re: Need some help!!
Post by: Imran232 on October 27, 2021, 07:13:10 PM

Thank you so much, sir. Now my doubt is also clear. Though I didn't face any problems like this, because of him I know about this type of problem that crypto users or miners might face. I had some doubts about block mining time and whether blocks were worth it or not when he wrote this. I also wanted to know about it, and thanks to you, I now have both points clear. And I got some more education, which might be helpful for me. Thanks.

Title: Re: Need some help!!
Post by: BlackHatCoiner on October 27, 2021, 07:17:25 PM
I decided to download the core on my pc, then I let the computer run as a miner at that point. I think that was possible.

It was always possible to solo-mine, but why did you do it? A computer isn't going to ever solve a block, whether that's 2021, 2018 or 2015. Did you remember gaining somehow coins? Because, it's HIGHLY UNLIKELY to have coins from a block reward.

Did you, by any chance, offer computational power to a so-called “mining pool”, which rewards based on your equipment and used Bitcoin Core as your wallet? Also, there's no need to search for these old block files. You can get the exact same files by synchronizing with the network. (The other nodes will send them to you)

Title: Re: Need some help!!
Post by: NotATether on October 27, 2021, 08:12:12 PM
Indeed, Core really did used to have its own miner before the devs disabled it a few years ago.

It doesn't sound like you have any lost Bitcoin's so you have nothing to worry about. Mining blocks did not get you any BTC because at that point in time, huge mining farms would've kept finding a hash (and get the reward) long before yours would.

So you do not need to worry if you lost the block files. They are basically worthless.

Title: Re: Need some help!!
Post by: DeathAngel on October 28, 2021, 01:02:14 PM
Not sure if the OP is telling the truth. When bitcoin was $3,000 it was next to impossible to sole mine on a laptop/PC.

Seems like bullshit to me.

It’s more likely he’s a scammer or somebody who bought a wallet.dat & doesn’t know the passphrase to allow him to spend the coins in the wallet.

Title: Re: Need some help!!
Post by: NeuroticFish on October 28, 2021, 01:11:09 PM
Not sure if the OP is telling the truth. When bitcoin was $3,000 it was next to impossible to sole mine on a laptop/PC.

Seems like bullshit to me.

It’s more likely he’s a scammer or somebody who bought a wallet.dat & doesn’t know the passphrase to allow him to spend the coins in the wallet.

While I won't rule out any possibility, according to his story the mining part has happened before the 3k price. How long before, nobody can tell.
But since he doesn't tell anything about how many bitcoins could be in his wallet, I don't know if he had any.
The "somebody who bought a wallet.dat" doesn't seem that much likely though since he was trying to monetize... old blocks...

For now I tend to believe that this person has no idea what's all this about. Whether he has done anything meaningful or not in the past, whether he has coins that can be recovered or not, those are unclear details. For now I'll give him the benefit of the doubt. I don't like to call people scammer without proof.