Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Electrum => Topic started by: speedboss on November 03, 2021, 07:26:58 AM

Title: error when paying out ?
Post by: speedboss on November 03, 2021, 07:26:58 AM

Maybe you can please help me

i have restored my Electrum wallet with seed.
but I can't send BTC. The same error message keeps coming up.

" The server returned an error when broadcasting the transaction. Consider trying to connect to a different server, or updating Electrum. The Transaction was rejected because it is too large (in Bytes).

what am I doing wrong ?

I have a new version 4.1.5.


Title: Re: error when paying out ?
Post by: NeuroticFish on November 03, 2021, 07:35:20 AM
Did your coins come as a very big number of small amounts? Do you try to pay to a big number of addresses?
If this is the case, then you should select less inputs (pay less) or consolidate your inputs first (send to yourself to have less number of smaller transactions).

  • Open Coins tab.
  • Select multiple inputs with small balance by holding "Shift" and Left click to highlight.
  • Right click to the highlighted inputs and Select "Spend", you'll be transferred to the "Send" tab.
  • From there, send to your own address and click "Max".... then, click "Preview", make sure the size is lesser than 100,000 bytes (100kb) in order to be valid.

Unfortunately you may have the equivalent of a lorry full of pennies, which is "too big" to fit into one block (in the blockchain).

Title: Re: error when paying out ?
Post by: Charles-Tim on November 03, 2021, 08:10:47 AM
If this is the case, then you should select less inputs (pay less) or consolidate your inputs first (send to yourself to have less number of smaller transactions).
I am directing this to speedboss. As explained in the quote while consolidating small inputs, if you decide not to consolidate the small inputs first and send directly, do not also let the size to be more than 100 KB, which mean breaking down the transaction into KB lesser than 100KB.

Click on view -> show coins -> click on the coins tab -> select the inputs you want to spend from -> right click and click on 'spend', right click again and click on 'details' to check the bytes of the inputs selected. If more than 100000 bytes (100 KB), then reduce it to or below 100000 bytes.

You can as well consolidate your small inputs using the quote above as guide.

Title: Re: error when paying out ?
Post by: speedboss on November 03, 2021, 08:12:00 AM
I thank you: NeuroticFish & Charles-Tim

everything worked as you described it.
I would never have made it myself.

Thanks so much

Title: Re: error when paying out ?
Post by: HCP on November 03, 2021, 08:12:07 AM
There was a "max size"... it's now a "max weight" for transaction, since SegWit... due to the way it works, it's basically 100,000 bytes (for older legacy transactions) or 400,000 WU (weight units) for SegWit type transactions:

When you create the transaction in Electrum, check what the "size" value if you look at the detailed/advanced view when you are creating it:

As NeuroticFish suggested, it's likely caused either by too many inputs or, less likely, too many outputs. How many inputs and outputs do you have?