Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Hardware wallets => Topic started by: jerry0 on November 11, 2021, 07:26:45 PM

Title: Ledger Firmware Update?
Post by: jerry0 on November 11, 2021, 07:26:45 PM
So the last ledger firmware update was all the way back in May of this year.  Thus that is when I did the last nano ledger s firmware update.  Does anyone know when would be most likely the next update?

Title: Re: Ledger Firmware Update?
Post by: Rath_ on November 11, 2021, 07:45:33 PM
Does anyone know when would be most likely the next update?

Probably no one except some Ledger employees. You can contact their support ( but you will very likely get a reply like "when it's ready". Why would you need to know that anyway?

Title: Re: Ledger Firmware Update?
Post by: RickDeckard on November 11, 2021, 10:20:33 PM
OP please stop asking something whenever Ledger decides to push something to it's device / decides to do anything. You've made a very similar thread before[1] and Pmalek even foreshadowed what your future behavior could be like[2]. I don't have anything against users being interested, captivated and with the will to learn about crypto (or anything in general) but before asking something you really should try your best to judge the question and see if it's appropriate or even if it's something that we can help you with. For example, if you've checked here[3] you'll see that you aren't able to pinpoint exactly when the firmware is going to be release since it doesn't appear to have any kind of pattern on it.

Besides, like Rath_ said, I can't possibly see any reason as to why this information would be of use to you. Perhaps to use the information as a way to "check" the legitimacy of an update? Even if they released the updates on time you shouldn't use that criteria to judge if it's a trusted release or not since nothing guarantees you that on that specific date that the website wasn't hacked and tampered with ...

[1] (
[2] (
[3] (

Title: Re: Ledger Firmware Update?
Post by: HCP on November 18, 2021, 02:44:50 AM
Does anyone know when would be most likely the next update?
Why is this important? Are you trying to plan something around when Ledger are likely to issue a new firmware? ???

It could be tomorrow (if someone has discovered a severe flaw that needs immediate patching), it could be next week, next month or never... ::)

Title: Re: Ledger Firmware Update?
Post by: Pmalek on November 19, 2021, 09:54:40 AM
Why is this important? Are you trying to plan something around when Ledger are likely to issue a new firmware? ???
Because it's November and another round of Jerry asks questions. He has now asked similar questions about updating the firmware and the crypto apps on his hardware wallet. He isn't going to do either of the two because of *insert reason*. When a new firmware update gets released, he is going to ask whether or not it's recommended to perform the upgrade and what can happen if you don't.

Title: Re: Ledger Firmware Update?
Post by: HCP on December 02, 2021, 09:10:57 PM
So the last ledger firmware update was all the way back in May of this year.  Thus that is when I did the last nano ledger s firmware update.  Does anyone know when would be most likely the next update?
Well... looks like the answer was November 30th, 2021

They've put out an update to support Taproot amongst other things:

Update was simple enough... saw the "New Firmware" banner in Ledger Live, clicked update now... followed the prompts... it even has the "re-install apps" feature at the end of the process that will put all the apps you had installed back on the device for you.

The entire process took less than 5 minutes.

Title: Re: Ledger Firmware Update?
Post by: Pmalek on December 03, 2021, 08:12:05 AM
Well... looks like the answer was November 30th, 2021
Oh no. That can only mean that more drama is coming to the Hardware wallet sub in this thread and several new ones that will be created.
I used Ledger Live yesterday to receive some coins but the update was not suggested to me yet. They are probably rolling it out in stages like in the past.

... it even has the "re-install apps" feature at the end of the process that will put all the apps you had installed back on the device for you.
That reinstall feature was there during the previous firmware upgrade as well. I remember that my device installed the apps automatically after the update was completed.

What can you tell us about its size? With new features such as Taproot, I assume the firmware takes up even more space from the limited internal memory. Did you notice less storage space for the crypto apps on your Nano S?

Title: Re: Ledger Firmware Update?
Post by: NeuroticFish on December 03, 2021, 02:26:23 PM
What can you tell us about its size?

With only 3 apps installed I've lost 4k compared to the free space from before the update.
From what I've read ( there were complains from people losing Fido U2F - probably because there was no longer enough space ( for it.

Title: Re: Ledger Firmware Update?
Post by: LTU_btc on December 03, 2021, 06:44:08 PM
Well... looks like the answer was November 30th, 2021

They've put out an update to support Taproot amongst other things:

Update was simple enough... saw the "New Firmware" banner in Ledger Live, clicked update now... followed the prompts... it even has the "re-install apps" feature at the end of the process that will put all the apps you had installed back on the device for you.

The entire process took less than 5 minutes.

I also had updated my Ledger firmware yesterday. Everything was smooth and without any issues. Actually, I was a bit surprised about it because on previous updates usually I had some kind f errors or other issues and had to search for answers how to solve it.

Title: Re: Ledger Firmware Update?
Post by: HCP on December 03, 2021, 08:50:11 PM
What can you tell us about its size? With new features such as Taproot, I assume the firmware takes up even more space from the limited internal memory. Did you notice less storage space for the crypto apps on your Nano S?
Apparently it uses more space, so there is less room for apps... the current Capacity is 138Kb, which is slightly less than I remember from the last update. I only have 2 apps installed on it anyway... so I didn't really notice if there was any less space. Space has never really been an issue for me. I'm not holding 759843 different coins/tokens... and I rarely trade/switch between the ones I do have. :P

I however was somewhat surprised to see that the Bitcoin app is now a whopping 62kb. Nearly half the available space just for Bitcoin. :o

Title: Re: Ledger Firmware Update?
Post by: jerry0 on December 04, 2021, 02:57:13 AM
Okay so its mentioned there is a new firmware update for the nano ledger s.  So did most of you do it?

I took a look on reddit and someone says they could only have a total of one app right now after this update?

Also  the reason why i ask  about these updates is because  majoriity tof the time, I do not have my seed with me .  Thus I only update my firmware when i have my seed.  So if i do not have my seed, which I dont most off the time, then I won't get to update it unltil later.

Title: Re: Ledger Firmware Update?
Post by: Pmalek on December 04, 2021, 07:35:39 AM
With only 3 apps installed I've lost 4k compared to the free space from before the update.
From what I've read ( there were complains from people losing Fido U2F - probably because there was no longer enough space ( for it.
I guess you are lucky if you can fit 3 apps on your device. Are all three standalone apps or is at least one of them a dependent (forked) coin app? I guess it was inevitable that the newest firmware would take up some additional space from the already limited storage capacities of the Nano S. Like with the previous firmware upgrade, I am not going to rush performing it since it doesn't fix any major vulnerabilities.

I however was somewhat surprised to see that the Bitcoin app is now a whopping 62kb. Nearly half the available space just for Bitcoin. :o
Yeah, it's too big. I guess Taproot is leaving its mark on the overall size of the Bitcoin app.

Okay so its mentioned there is a new firmware update for the nano ledger s.  So did most of you do it?
Hahaha. Let me just check with the rest of the world really quick... and... yeah, the majority of the world's Nano S holders just confirmed that they have performed the upgrade or are in the process of doing so. That includes Will Smith and Cristiano Ronaldo.

I took a look on reddit and someone says they could only have a total of one app right now after this update?
I doubt it. If you look at HCP's post, you will see that he wrote that there is 138Kb of free space after the newest upgrade. I am not sure about the sizes of all the crypto apps, but the biggest one I know of is Bitcoin with just over 60kb. All the others I am familiar with are between 40-50kb. So even if you have two apps the size of Bitcoin, you would still have enough space for both.

Also  the reason why i ask  about these updates is because  majoriity tof the time, I do not have my seed with me .  Thus I only update my firmware when i have my seed.  So if i do not have my seed, which I dont most off the time, then I won't get to update it unltil later.
Yeah we know. You have been telling us that for the past 2-3 years. So what's the problem this time? Either upgrade it now, or wait and do the update once you find yourself within the reach of your seed. The worst thing that can happen is that the device resets itself to factory settings. If you don't want to risk that, just wait. 

Title: Re: Ledger Firmware Update?
Post by: NeuroticFish on December 04, 2021, 10:00:01 AM
I guess you are lucky if you can fit 3 apps on your device. Are all three standalone apps or is at least one of them a dependent (forked) coin app? I guess it was inevitable that the newest firmware would take up some additional space from the already limited storage capacities of the Nano S. Like with the previous firmware upgrade, I am not going to rush performing it since it doesn't fix any major vulnerabilities.

As long as one app fits I'm OK. The apps I have are independent. I have Bitcoin, Ethereum and Fido U2F, but I basically use only Bitcoin, the rest are for tests.
And yep, waiting a little before updates usually is good point. I've done mine out of curiosity, to see whether Fido U2F will be reinstalled or lost, after reading in the other topic ( about problems.

Title: Re: Ledger Firmware Update?
Post by: Pmalek on December 04, 2021, 10:27:14 AM
I've done mine out of curiosity, to see whether Fido U2F will be reinstalled or lost, after reading in the other topic ( about problems.
In your case, the Fido U2F got reinstalled (since you had enough space in your wallet after the upgrade). Have you tested it and does it work properly and in the same way as it did before you performed the upgrade? If there are no issues, I think I can assume that those complaining over reddit that they lost their Fido U2F app is because of the memory thing or because people are just being people (sleazeballs) and need a reason to complain.

Title: Re: Ledger Firmware Update?
Post by: NeuroticFish on December 04, 2021, 10:32:17 AM
If there are no issues, I think I can assume that those complaining over reddit that they lost their Fido U2F app is because of the memory thing or because people are just being people (sleazeballs) and need a reason to complain.

That was also my conclusion. As I wrote, it may be the lack of space and the lack of proper error information about what has happened.
You've quoted - in the other topic - exactly my conclusion, yet you seem to have missed the point about the error message.

Update: my conclusion was incorrect. It looks like Fido U2F was indeed missing and was added back (

Have you tested it and does it work properly and in the same way as it did before you performed the upgrade?

Unfortunately I cannot help with this. I've installed not long ago Fido U2F to make some tests at some point in the near future... and didn't get to do any tests. So the app sits there unused for now, hence I cannot compare the behavior. :(

Title: Re: Ledger Firmware Update?
Post by: HCP on December 06, 2021, 05:15:34 AM
I took a look on reddit and someone says they could only have a total of one app right now after this update?
People say a lot of things on reddit... yes, the device is space limited, this is not new information... but the largest app is Cardano (ADA) at 86kb... so, if you had that installed, you'd be quite limited as to what else you could put on, as you'd only have 52kb of space left... certainly not enough for BTC, but you could put ETH on at (48kb) or any number of the other apps that are 52kb or less.

It really comes down to what apps you're attempting to load as to "how many" (as it has for about the last 4 years)... in any case, you can freely uninstall and reinstall as you like... yes, it's annoying, no it's not the end of the world.

Update: my conclusion was incorrect. It looks like Fido U2F was indeed missing and was added back (
I think by the time I realised there was a firmware update and/or it rolled out to my region/account... I had missed the whole Fido U2F issues... it was already there in the list of apps when I went to do my update, as I remember being confused as to why people were complaining that it was missing. :P

Title: Re: Ledger Firmware Update?
Post by: stef942 on December 06, 2021, 07:37:51 AM
before this last firmware update i had 4 wallets on my nano s (btc,eth,etc,xtz), after the update i can have only 2 wallets (btc,xtz)  not enough space available for the 2 others .>:(
how to force ppl to buy a nano x , thanks ledger  >:( >:(

Title: Re: Ledger Firmware Update?
Post by: dkbit98 on December 06, 2021, 11:13:56 AM
before this last firmware update i had 4 wallets on my nano s (btc,eth,etc,xtz), after the update i can have only 2 wallets (btc,xtz)  not enough space available for the 2 others .>:(
how to force ppl to buy a nano x , thanks ledger  >:( >:(
Ledger developers are scumbags for constantly reducing memory space and for bunch of other things I wrote before, but you can still use nano s device if you uninstall apps that you don't need.
All coins are still safe, and when you need to send or receive coins again uninstall xtz app (for example) and install eth or any other app.
Current capacity for nano s is 138Kb, Bitcoin app is now 62Kb, ethereum app 48Kb, etc is 2Kb, xtz is 40Kb.
Solution for this can also be to purchase different hardware wallet like Trezor or Bitbox02 that don't have any limitations for supported coins and they are open source.
Don't buy nano X crap that have bunch of problems with battery and the can always release new device nano Z and force you to upgrade  :D

Title: Re: Ledger Firmware Update?
Post by: xenon131 on December 10, 2021, 11:38:19 AM
So the last ledger firmware update was all the way back in May of this year.  Thus that is when I did the last nano ledger s firmware update.  Does anyone know when would be most likely the next update?

On November

Title: Re: Ledger Firmware Update?
Post by: jerry0 on December 22, 2021, 06:31:00 AM
I am going to need to reinstall ledger live and also do this firmware update.  So first reinstall ledger live and check the hash signature is correct.  Then add my accounts to it.

Then do this firmware update.  Did the majority of you do this firmware update?  I did read it will make your storage much less etc.

I only have btc bch stored in it.  But I do have btg wallet installed in it as well.

Title: Re: Ledger Firmware Update?
Post by: jerry0 on December 25, 2021, 11:05:48 PM
I do see firmware is available and option to update firmware. Shows Update Firmware to 2.1.0 is available.  I am using firmware 2.0 still.

I also see that the apps I have installed below have updates available as I am using these

Bitcoin  1.6.3

Bitcoin Cash 1.6.3

Bitcoin Gold 1.6.3

I can click on update all and it would all go to version 2.0.0 for each of these. My question is... do I update all first... before I do the update firmware?  Or the other way around?

Also my ledger live is the latest one as Ledger Live 2.36.3

Want to make sure before I do this firmware update.

Did anyone here regret doing this update?  I saw some people on reddit ask how they want to rollback to the old one but that certainly isn't possible right?

The thing though is if I do not update my ledger live now, I won't be able to for many months due to me not having the seed with me.  Thus I don't want to be doing a firmware update when I'm in another location without the seed.  So would you recommend to do this firmware update now or not?  Because there is a risk where if another firmware updates let say happens in a few months and say its now firmware 2.2 and you still using firmware 2.0, there is a better chance of something going wrong in the firmware update when it goes from an older version to newest one compared to like 2.1.0 to 2.2 right?

Title: Re: Ledger Firmware Update?
Post by: Rath_ on December 26, 2021, 02:52:34 AM
My question is... do I update all first... before I do the update firmware?  Or the other way around?

As far as I remember, apps need to be reinstalled after firmware update so it would be pointless to update them first.

I saw some people on reddit ask how they want to rollback to the old one but that certainly isn't possible right?

Yes, you cannot rollback an update.

So would you recommend to do this firmware update now or not?

Just do it, Jerry... just do it.

Title: Re: Ledger Firmware Update?
Post by: Pmalek on December 26, 2021, 07:40:29 AM
As far as I remember, apps need to be reinstalled after firmware update so it would be pointless to update them first.
It's now handled automatically. After the firmware upgrade is over, your Ledger Live will reinstall the apps you had on your device before. However, since the internal storage has been slightly reduced, some users could not have enough space for all of them. Since Jerry is using Bitcoin forked apps, nothing will be missing.

Bitcoin Gold 1.6.3
I think I remember from one of your older posts that you don't have any Bitcoin Gold anymore and that your account is empty. If that's true, why is this app still installed?

Title: Re: Ledger Firmware Update?
Post by: jerry0 on May 03, 2022, 09:41:20 PM
How often does one need to update each coin version on their nano ledger?  For example when there is a firmware update, when i go and get ready to do it, i see my coin apps like btc, bch etc needs up to be updated as its using a much older version.  So i update each app to the latest version and then i do firmware update.  if there is no firmware update, i don't even look at each apps version for months.  Any issue with that?  i assume not right?  Does anyone know how often btc, bch and those apps have an update?

For people who just hold coins in their nano ledger, they would do the firmware update when there is one.  But if they aren't doing transactions much, they not going to connect their nano ledger to their pc that much.  i assume no issue not ever updating the coin apps at all right until there is a firmware update?

Title: Re: Ledger Firmware Update?
Post by: Pmalek on May 04, 2022, 07:30:37 AM
There are few certain things in life. One of those things is that Jerry will come back once every few months to ask how often he should update his Ledger apps and the firmware. Update them when a new version is available or don't. Your choice. Read the release notes about what was changed in the new releases and decide for yourself if that is something you need. If bugs and vulnerabilities were fixed, update it.

No questions about passphrases this time?   

Title: Re: Ledger Firmware Update?
Post by: NeuroticFish on May 04, 2022, 12:26:06 PM
Does anyone know how often btc, bch and those apps have an update?

If you are so keen to find updates for those apps you have to open LL often enough and it will tell you if updates are available for what's installed on your device.
The updates are not done because some time has passed since the previous update, they're done because, for some reason, changes are needed.

And if you want to see what changes are done, you can visit page like this one I've found for Ledger's Bitcoin app:
You will see the reasons for the various updates.

For example LL is trying to push now Bitcoin 2.0.4 in my case, although 2.0.5 is also done and will probably start to get pushed in the near future (and I will wait for that one).

Title: Re: Ledger Firmware Update?
Post by: Pmalek on May 05, 2022, 07:25:55 AM
Update usually fix bug though.
I wanted to say that if you check release notes for your crypto apps or the Ledger Live, and you notice that certain bugs or vulnerabilities that can affect you were fixed, that's a good reason to update your software. Or if you notice that your Ledger device is acting differently. For example, there seems to be some disconnection issues with the HWs currently according to the notes I can see on GitHub ( If I were to notice something like that with my device as well, it would be a good idea to update LL if I didn't already do that.

Title: Re: Ledger Firmware Update?
Post by: dkbit98 on May 05, 2022, 11:18:19 AM
I have to say that last few times I updated ledger device and ledger live app it was much worse process than before.
Two times I got stuck half way with apps not updating and legder live reported my ledger is locked, even if I confirmed that nothing was locked on device.
Only way to get things moving was to disconnect cable from computer and start all over again, this happened several times, and I had to install apps again.
I hear complains from other people that app is now worse than before with recent interface changes, and you can't even send Bitcoin with minimum fees of 1 sat/vB  ::), but I never used this garbage app for anything else except firmware update anyway.