Bitcoin Forum

Economy => Lending => Topic started by: linenoise on November 28, 2021, 10:35:12 AM

Title: Business Loan to refresh crypto gamified auction site, 50,000 USDT, 6 month term
Post by: linenoise on November 28, 2021, 10:35:12 AM
I ran a gamified dollar auction service for a few years, allowing players to win crypto at below market rates.  The site was moved to a demo mode due to a potential conflict with the 'day job'. That is no longer the case.

I plan to update the service to use non custodial wallets, redo the UX, and add enhanced functionality. I'm a little illiquid at the moment so I'm seeing if this may be a valid way to restart the service.

I'm looking for a business loan of 50,000 USDT with a 6 month term, at a reasonable rate. I anticipate a few month development time before a relaunch and revenue generation begins.
PM me if interested and more information can be discussed.

Title: Re: Business Loan to refresh crypto gamified auction site, 50,000 USDT, 6 month term
Post by: examplens on November 28, 2021, 12:18:24 PM
I'm looking for a business loan of 50,000 USDT with a 6 month term, at a reasonable rate. I anticipate a few month development time before a relaunch and revenue generation begins.
PM me if interested and more information can be discussed.

$50k is a huge amount of money just for rebranding and adding some improvements to the site.
how exactly did you estimate that the amount was needed and what would you spend it on?

does not the project itself bring some profit, you should finance new improvements from it.

Title: Re: Business Loan to refresh crypto gamified auction site, 50,000 USDT, 6 month term
Post by: Ziskinberg on November 28, 2021, 12:28:55 PM
It's not hard to find a creditor if you have collateral, but if you are looking for a noncollateral loan, then I doubt someone would lend that big amount of money even if the project of yours is very promising.

Title: Re: Business Loan to refresh crypto gamified auction site, 50,000 USDT, 6 month term
Post by: linenoise on November 28, 2021, 05:20:05 PM
You are both correct that it is a big ask and people should be skeptical. Most of the time something like this would end up having a new business partner or investor, yet this isn't an angel network or crowd equity site so I can only ask for a loan.  

Use of funds is more than a simple reskin and adding a few tweaks. There is also an additional service that will be added that will compliment what is already there.

A full use of funds and project overview is available, I'd prefer to speak one on one about the details.
There is also some collateral that can be discussed.

Bringing the service back up as is and waiting for the income would delay a full relaunch by a few months. It is of course an option yet I'd prefer to move faster than that as crypto waits for no one. I may also go the traditional bank route although my first thought nowadays is to see if crypto can be the solution.

Also, I have seen a variety of business loan structures used.  A business loan can be quite creative other than a simple term and rate.

Options can potentially include percentage of profit for a duration as part of loan arrangement, with some loan requirements lasting beyond loan repayment.  I'm open to discussions.

Title: Re: Business Loan to refresh crypto gamified auction site, 50,000 USDT, 6 month term
Post by: condoras on November 28, 2021, 06:57:54 PM
You are both correct that it is a big ask and people should be skeptical. Most of the time something like this would end up having a new business partner or investor, yet this isn't an angel network or crowd equity site so I can only ask for a loan.  

They are and even if you agree with them, you still don't offer any kind of valid collateral ( for your loan request. Unless if you really believe that you can get a loan without collateral... ::)

Title: Re: Business Loan to refresh crypto gamified auction site, 50,000 USDT, 6 month term
Post by: linenoise on November 28, 2021, 07:16:26 PM
I did mention there is collateral that can be discussed. The post is a general request, I'd prefer to talk over the details one on one - use of funds, project overview, collateral, loan terms, etc. 

Not trying to be evasive, simply trying to make sure I don't break any of the variety of laws about funding and dealing in an open forum.

Title: Re: Business Loan to refresh crypto gamified auction site, 50,000 USDT, 6 month term
Post by: examplens on November 29, 2021, 11:18:27 AM
I did mention there is collateral that can be discussed. The post is a general request, I'd prefer to talk over the details one on one - use of funds, project overview, collateral, loan terms, etc. 

Not trying to be evasive, simply trying to make sure I don't break any of the variety of laws about funding and dealing in an open forum.

You trying to find investors for your project. I think, asking for a loan is the wrong way for that.
For such a large amount, it is certain that no one wants to get into all of this, just after a few conversations about possible potential.
Anyway, you had a discussion here but you still did not say anything about what exactly do you need that money for and what will it be spent on. I guess it is not for your regular salary and living expenses.

If you are 100% sure about your project, you are ready to dedicate yourself completely to him, maybe you could run a crowdfunding campaign for them respecting all the rules that require it.

Also if you have collateral, which is not attractive to the forum/online people (some real estate for example), then it is easier and faster to contact a regular bank and ask loan.

Title: Re: Business Loan to refresh crypto gamified auction site, 50,000 USDT, 6 month term
Post by: condoras on November 29, 2021, 01:57:43 PM
I did mention there is collateral that can be discussed. The post is a general request, I'd prefer to talk over the details one on one - use of funds, project overview, collateral, loan terms, etc. 

What? General request? Are you seeking answers and info regarding lending here or a loan?
It's a specific loan request, as you point out in your above post, and as you ask for a loan here, post your collateral as well. Everything else that you want to talk about, is useless without valid collateral.

Not trying to be evasive, simply trying to make sure I don't break any of the variety of laws about funding and dealing in an open forum.

There is no "variety of laws", only one and that's for the safety of the lenders. No Collateral = No Loan. So now that you are certain, can you post your collateral? Because if you don't have any valid one, you better lock your thread now.