Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Development & Technical Discussion => Topic started by: Accardo on December 24, 2021, 11:11:06 AM

Title: How to build and install Liboqs for Post quantum cryptography
Post by: Accardo on December 24, 2021, 11:11:06 AM
The threat of cryptanalysis attack by quantum computers which can break into public keys and expose the cryptocurrency encrypted technology and put people's funds in danger has been on the rise since the development of quantum computers. Although the US National Institute of Standards and Technology are working strides ahead to get a trusted post quantum cryptography algorithm that can fight this dispute which can make cryptocurrency users to run amok on the ecosystem if such attack succeeds.

So, developers in the cryptocurrency niche decided to build a fork for post quantum algorithm, prior to when NIST concludes their test on the project, which will save cryptocurrency holders from an unexpected attack.

NOTE: This source code is not the best it's just a temporary code that can keep your funds safe for the time being so they update it from time to time.

Let us get started

It can work on any operating system but this one has been tested successfully on Linux

First, on Ubuntu you need to install the following program

sudo apt install cmake gcc ninja-build libunwind-dev pkg-config python3 python3-psutil golang-go

Also, an up to date toolchain for the GO programming language is needed to get started. Check for it here (

Then, generate the source code for this fork  
depending on your choice.

git clone --branch master <BORINGSSL_DIR>

Second, Install and Build Liboqs

liboqs is an open source C library for quantum-safe cryptographic algorithms (

The following code will build and download Liboqs then install it to your chosen directory could be

git clone --branch main --single-branch --depth 1
cd liboqs
mkdir build && cd build
ninja install

Third, Build the fork

The standard code for building <BORINGSSL_DIR> will be used. Navigate to <BORINGSSL_DIR> and run on ubuntu

mkdir build
cd build
cmake -GNinja ..

Fourth, Run test
To run the black box and clear box testing that comes with BORINGSSL as well as the test for Open Quantum safe Key-exchange ( and digital signature algorithm, execute
ninja run_tests
from the build directory.


To run a basic Transfer Layer security server with all Liboqs algorithm enabled , for the build directory run:

tool/bssl server -accept 4433 -sig-alg <SIG> -loop

These source codes I found on Github ( and decided to share with everybody in the forum and notify us about how we can get ready beyond the NIST protection which is yet to be concluded.

When the need arises run to this thread and learn how to keep your funds safe.

Share your insights on the cryptography problem that may arise because of quantum computers

Title: Re: How to build and install Liboqs for Post quantum cryptography
Post by: NotATether on December 24, 2021, 12:55:53 PM
I just browsed the list of supported algorithms, and the names all look foreign to me to be honest. I guess that's what I get for not studying quantum algos good enough :P

It seems like OQQS is trying to provide these algorithms through an OpenSSL-like interface. Any chance that they might merge the codes into OpenSSL in the (far) future?

Title: Re: How to build and install Liboqs for Post quantum cryptography
Post by: DaveF on December 24, 2021, 02:47:39 PM
This is at best a guess as to what will happen and how things will come to be in terms of encryption & cryptography and how to better prepare for it.
A lot of very smart people are putting a lot of time into it, but in the end we don't know how it will play out.
For now at least the biggest threat to encryption & cryptography and security in general is still the thing between the keyboard and the chair.


Title: Re: How to build and install Liboqs for Post quantum cryptography
Post by: j2002ba2 on December 24, 2021, 03:12:57 PM
The threat of cryptanalysis attack by quantum computers which can break into public keys and expose the cryptocurrency encrypted technology and put people's funds in danger has been on the rise since the development of quantum computers.
The biggest number factored by Shor's algorithm is 21 in 2012, an incredible rise of a single bit since the previous record - factoring the number 15 in 2001. Where is the threat? I try hard to see any rising threat, and fail miserably.

For now QC is an utter failure. And there are indications that it will stay so.

Title: Re: How to build and install Liboqs for Post quantum cryptography
Post by: Accardo on December 24, 2021, 07:02:07 PM
I just browsed the list of supported algorithms, and the names all look foreign to me to be honest. I guess that's what I get for not studying quantum algos good enough :P

It seems like OQQS is trying to provide these algorithms through an OpenSSL-like interface. Any chance that they might merge the codes into OpenSSL in the (far) future?

I don't think so. OQS is working with an Interface forked out of OpenSSl and integrated Liboq into it. It looks like they are building theirs from the architecture of OpenSSl. If you go through the link in my post you will discover that the Fork is still undergoing tests and cannot be compared to OpenSSl at the moment.

Just like other cryptocurrencies were forked out of bitcoin technology its a kind of step OQS is taking in combination with Liboq, they will continue testing their forked OpenSSL till it gets firm like OpenSSL. On the other hand, if their test doesn't get recognized or as firm as Openssl they can for sure merge the codes into OpenSSl just to keep their post quantum cryptography working.

Title: Re: How to build and install Liboqs for Post quantum cryptography
Post by: Accardo on December 24, 2021, 08:22:19 PM
The threat of cryptanalysis attack by quantum computers which can break into public keys and expose the cryptocurrency encrypted technology and put people's funds in danger has been on the rise since the development of quantum computers.
The biggest number factored by Shor's algorithm is 21 in 2012, an incredible rise of a single bit since the previous record - factoring the number 15 in 2001. Where is the threat? I try hard to see any rising threat, and fail miserably.

For now QC is an utter failure. And there are indications that it will stay so.

Of course, Quantum computer is not expected to unfold completely in few years, despite IBM claims ( to build a quantum computer with 1000 qubits 2023. A quantum computer requires more Qubits ranging from 1000 to 100,000 to correct errors effectively. But, the problem is how will a large amount of qubits be controlled while it corrects errors. Because a QC with 300 qubits has more state than all the atoms in the universe.

However, every computer face numerical errors and quantum computer is not an exception. But, when qubits are entangled they can form a fresh qubits which can be used to correct errors regarding the brittle nature of qubits, it can be destroyed just from the heat of the environment it is placed. So, one thing that makes QC a threat like i said is that it's under construction and one day it will be established like any other technology.

The major problem is that people want it to be birthed soon which is impossible and the big tech companies provide such promises to investors so that they can invest more funds into the project hoping for a quick ROI.  In the past, people believed that Artificial intelligence will be ready in 1960 as published by nytimes in 1958 ( but, it was a false promise, despite all hope lost on AI, it came to conclusion few years ago.

In conclusion don't underestimate the power of what is known and being worked on. Another thing is, tech companies are getting prepared for QC by building post quantum cryptography. Therefore, if QC is a technology that has failed entirely people won't bother building a post quantum cryptography.


Title: Re: How to build and install Liboqs for Post quantum cryptography
Post by: j2002ba2 on December 24, 2021, 11:00:32 PM

Of course, Quantum computer is not expected to unfold completely in few years, despite IBM claims ( to build a quantum computer with 1000 qubits 2023. A quantum computer requires more Qubits ranging from 1000 to 100,000 to correct errors effectively. But, the problem is how will a large amount of qubits be controlled while it corrects errors. Because a QC with 300 qubits has more state than all the atoms in the universe.
The number 15 was factored with 7 qbits, and 21 with more advanced algorithm and 6 qbits. Well, now 127 qbits cannot bring an improvement, 20 times more qbits and nada. So 1000 wouldn't either. More qbits - same result.

However, every computer face numerical errors and quantum computer is not an exception. But, when qubits are entangled they can form a fresh qubits which can be used to correct errors regarding the brittle nature of qubits, it can be destroyed just from the heat of the environment it is placed. So, one thing that makes QC a threat like i said is that it's under construction and one day it will be established like any other technology.
For solving ECDLP the system must represent 2256 states. Not only heat, a single neutrino could destroy the state.

The major problem is that people want it to be birthed soon which is impossible and the big tech companies provide such promises to investors so that they can invest more funds into the project hoping for a quick ROI.  In the past, people believed that Artificial intelligence will be ready in 1960 as published by nytimes in 1958 ( but, it was a false promise, despite all hope lost on AI, it came to conclusion few years ago.
The so-called "AI" from recent years has little to do with intelligence. It is more a form of Artificial Idiocy. The main problem is that meaning seems not transferred physically, at least I haven't heard of a device to detect it. One word can mean a lot, no words can mean a lot, and this is without any physical difference in context. As if there's an additional space of meaning, and one tunes to different parts of it.

It is very useful though, because most people don't mean anything. So no intelligence is needed, advanced idiocy works well.

In conclusion don't underestimate the power of what is known and being worked on. Another thing is, tech companies are getting prepared for QC by building post quantum cryptography. Therefore, if QC is a technology that has failed entirely people won't bother building a post quantum cryptography.

It would be great if I'm mistaken, but I doubt. All points towards failure.

Title: Re: How to build and install Liboqs for Post quantum cryptography
Post by: NotATether on December 25, 2021, 08:14:24 AM
To be honest, AI can't do anything to improve ECDLP performance in the first place.

The number 15 was factored with 7 qbits, and 21 with more advanced algorithm and 6 qbits. Well, now 127 qbits cannot bring an improvement, 20 times more qbits and nada. So 1000 wouldn't either. More qbits - same result.

It makes me wonder what algo was being used to factor them(!)