Bitcoin Forum

Economy => Web Wallets => Topic started by: krav79 on January 05, 2022, 09:21:39 PM

Title: need help finding wallet
Post by: krav79 on January 05, 2022, 09:21:39 PM
hey guys i bought a $2000 worth of crypto in 2017 and move out of canada and back to canada since then  and as such i changed emails, cell number, bank account etc.

i was smart enough to store my info in 4 different locations; on paper, hard drive, usb key and paper again but i didnt record emails used  tocreate  accounts at various sites like Kraken, and hichever btc wallet i used.

so i have the following info;

1. kraken username and password, i have been unable to login there yet cuz they added an approval code for authentication after all this time and im in process of recovering  that [just did a zoom call today, cross my fingers it works]

2. ether wallet key and adress and have been able to successfully find and login to my ether wallet and see my balance

3. my ether delta trading key and account numbers.and i was able to login and think i have access to my old account although i cant see a balance but maybe i was able to zero it out entirely with my last trade/transfer

4. lastly i have something, probly a password that looks a random generated 30 character password
    its labled BC /Ether and 30 characters
 also have BC adress and was able to google that number and find the balance, it seems to be open info [ not sure why, cuz it lets anyone you want payment from to to see your balance?]
    also have a wallet  ID seems to have the most info displayed  when i search for that bc adress and it wouldnt let me open a new account with same username i used with kraken so i think i may have used that same username to create an account there and  left some of the large amt of bitcoin i have there, approx 1/12 total. BUT seems to be the only site that  says the CANT HELP YOU  if you forgot email and dont have access to that email anymore.
ive tried every email i can think i had in last 5 yrs  with every password i can think of and have written down on these 4 different locations i kept all this crypto info.

number 4 is the one i need help with here trying to recover the account  or transfer the funds out somehow with info i listed here

any sucggestions?

Title: Re: need help finding wallet
Post by: hosseinimr93 on January 05, 2022, 10:48:09 PM
not sure why, cuz it lets anyone you want payment from to to see your balance?
All bitcoin transactions are recorded in the blockchain and they are public. You can go to block explorer, enter a bitcoin address and see the balance and the transaction history. seems to have the most info displayed  when i search for that bc adress
This doesn't mean your wallet has been created in that website.
You probably visited their block explorer. As I already said, all bitcoin transactions are public. Your transactions can be seen on many other websites too.

As you are talking about a wallet ID, there's a high possibility that you have created that wallet on

Title: Re: need help finding wallet
Post by: Potato Chips on January 06, 2022, 01:54:12 AM
Same thought as hosseinimr93, it could be (used to be

Does your wallet ID looks like this?

A wallet identifier is composed of 32 alphanumeric characters and 4 dashes, and takes the following format:


The problem is when the authorization email request triggers which would be a problem cause you don't have an access to your email account, unless you have your seed phrase ( wiith you. Do you not have anything that resembles it?

Title: Re: need help finding wallet
Post by: krav79 on January 06, 2022, 03:28:41 AM
yep, my wallet resembles that exactly but i never wrote down or remember being given any 12 word passphrase thing ever

Title: Re: need help finding wallet
Post by: DireWolfM14 on January 06, 2022, 03:52:12 AM
yep, my wallet resembles that exactly but i never wrote down or remember being given any 12 word passphrase thing ever

As @Potato Chips suggested it's a (now account.  It's too bad you didn't write down the seed phrase. You could have recovered your wallet with that alone using any desktop wallet that supports Bip39 seed phrases.

Never the less, you should contact their support team and explain the situation.

Title: Re: need help finding wallet
Post by: BitMaxz on January 06, 2022, 06:57:46 AM
yep, my wallet resembles that exactly but i never wrote down or remember being given any 12 word passphrase thing ever

Do you have any other backup from 4 different locations?
I mean other files on that 4 location as you said.

Because If you created a wallet last 2013 there is another file being generated after you created wallet from it's called wallet.aes.json if you have this file you can decrypt it to get your wallet's private key or something useful to recover your BTC.

Title: Re: need help finding wallet
Post by: nc50lc on January 06, 2022, 07:03:28 AM
4. lastly i have something, probly a password that looks a random generated 30 character password
    its labled BC /Ether and 30 characters
Does the 30-character "password" looks similar to a "mini private key" as described in this topic:
[overview] Recover Bitcoin from any old storage format ( ?

If so, try to import it to Electrum ( ( and see if it will restore the address listed in your paper.
[Take your time to verify Electrum ('s signature before using it for extra security | Select the option "Import bitcoin addresses or private keys" when creating a wallet]

Title: Re: need help finding wallet
Post by: krav79 on January 06, 2022, 12:39:41 PM
I dont think its a MINI PRIVATE KEY as mine doesnt start with an S

i dont ever remember 12 phrase  password or i wouldve wrote it down on all 4 different places. Actually i just heard of this 12 word password this week looking into this.

i think i remember just searching for the most popular wallet at the time in 2017 and created the wallet there
and i think i remember looking into how to download my own software & make my own passwords with a password generator that had 29 maybe 30 or like 58 characters as options

I know my adress has significant bitcoin enough to worry about but probly not enough to hire a professional to hack or find  out how to get access to it,

I also dont remeber any dat files or jason files related to my crypto

some site on the net said i could download the whole blockchain and when thats done, all 300 GIGS of it , i can search for my wallet on there?

Title: Re: need help finding wallet
Post by: hosseinimr93 on January 06, 2022, 12:48:56 PM
i dont ever remember 12 phrase  password or i wouldve wrote it down on all 4 different places. Actually i just heard of this 12 word password this week looking into this.
That's not password. That's called seed phrase (or mnemonic phrase, or recovery phrase).
If it's wallet, you should have exported the seed phrase as a backup for your wallet.

some site on the net said i could download the whole blockchain and when thats done, all 300 GIGS of it , i can search for my wallet on there?
You don't need to download the blockchain. That won't help you at all.

If your wallet ID looks like the format posted by Potato Chips above, you need to login into wallet. That's impossible if you don't have access to your email address.  

Title: Re: need help finding wallet
Post by: o_e_l_e_o on January 06, 2022, 01:22:30 PM
If it's wallet, you should have exported the seed phrase as a backup for your wallet.
One of the many many problems with wallets is that at no point does it force or even recommend to the user to write down the 12 word seed phrase. A new user would have no idea they were supposed to do this, or indeed, that they can even access their 12 word seed phrase, since it is buried in the settings menu. It is entirely possible to set up and use a wallet without even knowing what a seed phrase is, which is exactly what OP has said has happened to him.'s support are notoriously useless. You can try emailing them and explaining the situation, but I'd bet all my bitcoin that they will provide you with absolutely no help whatsoever.

You will need to gain access to the email address you used to set up this account. You could try downloading the wallet file using btcrecover (instructions here: without having access to your email account, but it's a long shot, and even then you'll still need to know or brute force the associated password.

Title: Re: need help finding wallet
Post by: krav79 on January 06, 2022, 08:47:18 PM
well if blockchain wasnt telling everyone to save that seedphrase then tht could make sense.

I submitted a request to them. we shall see what happens

Title: Re: need help finding wallet
Post by: hosseinimr93 on January 06, 2022, 10:45:35 PM
One of the many many problems with wallets is that at no point does it force or even recommend to the user to write down the 12 word seed phrase....
I'm not a fan of wallet and due to obvious reasons, I always recommend anyone to stay away from it.
But they warn about importance of having the seed phrase when creating a wallet.
Of course, that's not enough and they should force the user to backup the seed phrase. (

Title: Re: need help finding wallet
Post by: o_e_l_e_o on January 07, 2022, 09:49:44 AM
Huh. That's new, although it has been a few years since I last made a for testing purposes (I wouldn't trust them to hold a single satoshi of my money). It used to simply look like this:

Still, this isn't enough since most people will just tick to agree to anything and hardly anyone will read the linked page. Seed phrases should be displayed to all users and then checked on the next screen, much like Electrum does.

Title: Re: need help finding wallet
Post by: Potato Chips on January 07, 2022, 07:23:38 PM
and i think i remember looking into how to download my own software & make my own passwords with a password generator that had 29 maybe 30 or like 58 characters as options

Any chance this was a password manager as well?

Speaking of, browsers have built in password managers. Are you the type that saves login info in your browser? and possibly have an account connected with the browser as well? if so, there's a chance you might have synced it so it's been saved in a cloud. Try looking into it if you haven't.

PS: it's not advisable to save important passwords in your browser and cloud accounts.

Title: Re: need help finding wallet
Post by: krav79 on January 07, 2022, 10:04:38 PM
no i never store ANYTHING in the cloud or make any accounts with browsers.
I assume everything out in the internet is hacked  sooner or later and unless its official online banking or gvt website i always give fake names, fake bdays fake adress etc.

So i downloaded my own passwrod generator and made my own keys manually

what does everyone think of myetherwallet for safety and security?
what is it exactly? a way to pay people ethereum and buy stuff online?
i remeber setting it up but have never used it anywhere and luckily my money is still there.
And what is LPT  thats also in my etherwallet? some bonus token awarded to users in last few yrs?

Title: Re: need help finding wallet
Post by: o_e_l_e_o on January 08, 2022, 09:21:10 AM
no i never store ANYTHING in the cloud or make any accounts with browsers.
A bit strange then that you would use an online web wallet to store all your coins.

So i downloaded my own passwrod generator and made my own keys manually
The talk about the password is irrelevant at the moment. You need to first obtain the wallet file to try the password on. Have you tried following the link I gave above to download your wallet file? Have you had any success recovering the associated email address?

what does everyone think of myetherwallet for safety and security?
what is it exactly? a way to pay people ethereum and buy stuff online?
It's an interface for Ethereum wallets. How secure it is depends on how you use it. It can be used as an insecure web wallet similar to, or it can be used as an interface for a more secure wallet such as a hardware wallet.

And what is LPT  thats also in my etherwallet? some bonus token awarded to users in last few yrs? A random token which was airdropped to all addresses holding Ethereum at the time.

Title: Re: need help finding wallet
Post by: krav79 on January 08, 2022, 03:28:55 PM
Well i think i was kinda desperate for cash a few yrs ago and had already quadrupled my original investment so i pulled out my original investment amt and everything thats left online is just play/free money
theres not much in my ether wallet or my btc wallet, 90 percent of my holdings i left in kraken account which i now have access to it and eth in MEW

now im just trying to get back the    4% of my holdings lost in btc wallet.

Im still waiting to hear back from blockchain after sending them a support ticket request.

no luck on email access yet either.

Title: Re: need help finding wallet
Post by: sheenshane on January 08, 2022, 11:34:17 PM
90 percent of my holdings i left in kraken account which i now have access to it and eth in MEW
Glad to see that you have recovered your asset and transfer it into a wallet that you have hold the private and not trying any third party like waiting for a confirmation from your email address.  Just buy a hardware wallet for this, it support both Bitcoin and altcoins and stored in into a safe place.

Im still waiting to hear back from blockchain after sending them a support ticket request.
I don't meant it to discourage you but the fact is, you're get very lucky if there's a response for their support, we're all know here that they have a poor customer supports which take for how many weeks before they will respond.  I tend to agree above, never use this wallet again.

Title: Re: need help finding wallet
Post by: krav79 on January 10, 2022, 07:47:12 PM
I think i was in agreement with you, at the time and didnt trust these wallets either.

I may have created the btc wallet just to cash in my  less than 1K account of variataseum i had at the time into btc  cuz i dont remem ber having many options, when i closing up shop so to speak and moving to usa.
now that  btc is worth 2k so its worth chasing it down

Title: Re: need help finding wallet
Post by: Findingnemo on January 12, 2022, 05:12:11 AM
I think i was in agreement with you, at the time and didnt trust these wallets either.

I may have created the btc wallet just to cash in my  less than 1K account of variataseum i had at the time into btc  cuz i dont remem ber having many options, when i closing up shop so to speak and moving to usa.
now that  btc is worth 2k so its worth chasing it down
There are many cases there which is about people is not receiving the Authorization email to access our wallet on any device, if you have logged into their app it may not be needed everytime but now you have to wait for the support team which may take a week or even more and just follow whatever steps they give you to access your wallet.

Title: Re: need help finding wallet
Post by: krav79 on January 13, 2022, 04:46:05 PM
yeah these online wallets are pathetic. Kraken support generally takes only a couple hours at most a day.
COinbase is just as  inept as those wallets as ive yet to get my 2FA code resent.
the first code expired since it came about 2-3 days later when i wasnt around my computer  and now i cant get a new one sent.
i cant believe some people consider coinbase top five exchanges !?

Title: Re: need help finding wallet
Post by: sheenshane on January 18, 2022, 10:45:00 PM
yeah these online wallets are pathetic. Kraken support generally takes only a couple hours at most a day.
COinbase is just as  inept as those wallets as ive yet to get my 2FA code resent.
the first code expired since it came about 2-3 days later when i wasnt around my computer  and now i cant get a new one sent.
i cant believe some people consider coinbase top five exchanges !?
No, I won't, all custodial and online/web wallet isn't worth it to entrust your crypto asset. 
Just do as suggested on the first page, Electrum is very reliable upon storing any amount as long as your private key is in your control, not like those wallets that I mentioned above, the online/web wallets which you didn't have full control of the private key, remember this rule "Not your key, Not your coins".

Don't leave your crypto assets on any exchange platform too, maybe it's considerable in a short term but not in the long term.

Title: Re: need help finding wallet
Post by: pooya87 on January 21, 2022, 05:01:01 AM
Don't leave your crypto assets on any exchange platform too, maybe it's considerable in a short term but not in the long term.
The duration of the storage shouldn't be a deciding factor though. Only the purpose of it.
For example if you are actively trading on an exchange and using the funds you have there, then it makes sense to keep your coins in your exchange account for as long as you are trading whether it is short term or long term.
But if you are not trading at all and just using that account as storage, even a second is too long.

Title: Re: need help finding wallet
Post by: PX-Z on January 22, 2022, 06:37:27 AM
Don't leave your crypto assets on any exchange platform too, maybe it's considerable in a short term but not in the long term.
The duration of the storage shouldn't be a deciding factor though. Only the purpose of it.
And don't forget the risk factor, if the user's trading capital fund is just a mere % of his assets then it could be reasonable whether its for long term or not. But if he stored almost his assets in an exchange for trading purpose, it's too risky and it's a no for me.