Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Mining => Topic started by: terrapinflyer on March 27, 2014, 09:16:54 AM

Title: What are your plans for your rigs in the summer?
Post by: terrapinflyer on March 27, 2014, 09:16:54 AM
With summer around the corner here in NorCal and triple digit heat coming with it I find myself pondering what to do with my ever growing mining collection. I am already pushing limits of breakers and hosting miners in almost every room in the house. I find myself browsing craigslist for space to host. I even talked to my local makers space to see if I could rent some space from them but alas they dont have a/c and I fear that their large warehouse location in the valley will get brutally hot.

After all that looking around I think that my best option is rite under my nose. I have been considering moving out to my 12x12 shed. It is in the coolest part of my yard shaded by several large redwoods. On top of that its wired with 40a 240v and 20a 120v already wired. The space is insulated and could easily have a window unit a/c installed. I would say that my biggest hold up is that my yard get very dusty in the middle of the summer after months without rain. I dont want to ruin all my gear with dust and dirt.

So thats my story, as Im sitting here juggling all these options I cant help but think I cant be the only one. Let here what you guys are doing or have done in the past.

Title: Re: What are your plans for your rigs in the summer?
Post by: Zetler on March 27, 2014, 09:54:03 AM
I'd consider undeclocking during the warmest periods. If you have antminer S!'s, why not install exhaust fans as well?

Title: Re: What are your plans for your rigs in the summer?
Post by: MP5KU on March 27, 2014, 10:34:42 AM
Gonna need to get some more fans, probably open a window or too, otherwise I should be good!

Title: Re: What are your plans for your rigs in the summer?
Post by: lowbander80 on March 27, 2014, 11:51:27 AM
Having the same thoughts like you already my antminers overclocked run full speed fans with 38c and outside temperature is only 15-18c so maybe the aircondition will be the only solution or thinking of downgrading the frequency and add some fans.My room is in the basement of the house with nearly only 2 hours direct sun but will get hot for sure...
I will search for some kind of inverter aircondition.I have one in my office at work thinking of using one more...
hope the electricity bill will be something to be able to pay.....

Title: Re: What are your plans for your rigs in the summer?
Post by: Noruka on March 27, 2014, 12:01:05 PM
underclock, keep A/C running like a champ. Maybe pause a miner during peak heat time in the day if it gets too hot.

need to keep my machines under 65C if i can during summer.

Title: Re: What are your plans for your rigs in the summer?
Post by: wpgdeez on March 27, 2014, 01:19:37 PM
I'm building a room with a direct exhaust outside and will run a stand up AC unit in the room to try and keep it a bit cooler.

Title: Re: What are your plans for your rigs in the summer?
Post by: crazy987 on March 27, 2014, 01:20:22 PM
Well, i'm gonna quit mining then.
Currently using cloud mining as i dont have a lot of time to tweak it all

Title: Re: What are your plans for your rigs in the summer?
Post by: crazyivan on April 01, 2014, 06:33:11 AM
Switch to X11 coins. Almost no heat and noise. Power consumption is cut into half.

Title: Re: What are your plans for your rigs in the summer?
Post by: Equate on April 01, 2014, 06:39:25 AM
Mine X11 coins.

Title: Re: What are your plans for your rigs in the summer?
Post by: terrapinflyer on April 01, 2014, 06:51:08 AM
I took all day Sunday to bury some CAT6 cable out of my house to my 12x12 shed and got that all set up. I was already able to drop my temps by ~7c on some card without any additional cooling. I was thinking about switching to Darkcoin if the heat gets crazy this summer. Once I have the shed looking nice and neat Ill snap some photos. Im excited that I can switch over to 240v now, hopefully I will squeeze some more efficiency out of my psu's.

Title: Re: What are your plans for your rigs in the summer?
Post by: Satterfield on April 01, 2014, 06:52:22 AM
I am planning to mining the  coins a bit , how but do not know?

Title: Re: What are your plans for your rigs in the summer?
Post by: Abraxas601 on April 01, 2014, 06:11:30 PM
I recently purchased this in preparation,

Right now I'm running BFL Singles, Asicminer blades and cubes, and Antminer S1 hardware.  The calculations show I'm producing around 14,000BTU so I'll probably start shutting down all the less efficient hardware first.  I'll probably power the cubes off first and just keep going until the AC is able to maintain 80F without running constantly.  I'm estimating I will be able to consume 3000W at the wall and properly cool the room.  If I shutdown everything but the Antminers then that will just be 2000W of consumption and leave me with 1000W for new hardware.

When winter returns I can start ramping up again.

Title: Re: What are your plans for your rigs in the summer?
Post by: go4nature on April 03, 2014, 07:57:34 AM
In my place summer is already started. Harsher than previous summers. I am using separate big fan for cooling. And every six hour i stop mining for 10 minutes switch off every thing.

Title: Re: What are your plans for your rigs in the summer?
Post by: EndlessWin on April 03, 2014, 12:24:15 PM
basement is the unique place - cool (ish) in the summer and warm in winter - so this is my choice ;)

Title: Re: What are your plans for your rigs in the summer?
Post by: flounderella on April 03, 2014, 05:18:09 PM
Used it to barbeque burgers.

I'm gonna pack up my rig and send to my folks in Alberta ... doesn't get more than 70C in summers. Heaven

Title: Re: What are your plans for your rigs in the summer?
Post by: J_Dubbs on April 03, 2014, 05:59:41 PM
I just sold off my cubes and picked up Antminers mainly because the heat output from the cubes. Well, that and the fact even selling cubes cheap have me enough to play the spread of purchasing better gear with BTC. Kinda sucks though because I liked the design of those cubes, but mining isn't about aesthetics. My building is on a chiller system and I have a portable AC to get me through the weeks where my cheap building manager doesn't have the chiller activated. Worse case I'll need to sell off the blades, but that might be a good idea anyways. My main rule is I don't want to be stuck with equipment I cannot run, so if anything doesn't work in the summer I'll just sell it and buy something that does. The Ants seem like the best deal so far at 180ghs and outputting the same heat as a 30ghs cube...

Title: Re: What are your plans for your rigs in the summer?
Post by: Drtrix on April 03, 2014, 06:31:15 PM
Used it to barbeque burgers.

I'm gonna pack up my rig and send to my folks in Alberta ... doesn't get more than 70C in summers. Heaven

Actually your wrong, its gets warmer than 21 Celsius in Alberta even in the northern parts...I know because I live in Alberta and even last summer we had stretches of 30C+ for a week or two...if you don't think so just search the historical records :-)

It was warm enough I had to keep my AC running all day and could only turn off after the sun went down and even then inside the house remains at 20-22 C during the night.

Perhaps the times you visited it happened to be cooler but I can assure you summer does indeed get hotter that 70F...though I realize you made a typo and said 70C.

Without confirming my location I am considered to be in Northern Alberta and for sure its cooler than southern AB but its sure the hell is not 21C all summer and thats more the average, it gets hotter :-)

Title: Re: What are your plans for your rigs in the summer?
Post by: Junkey on April 03, 2014, 09:49:32 PM
Mine HeavyCoin. Less power and much less heat.