Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: Imran232 on January 23, 2022, 10:50:36 AM

Title: I invested $100 for 18 years for my new born nephew
Post by: Imran232 on January 23, 2022, 10:50:36 AM
Since last week, we have been very happy because a new member has joined our family. Yes, last Saturday, my elder brother became the dad of a boy. After spending 9 days in the hospital, they came to our home. It really is a great feeling for me to become an uncle. He is the first baby in our family's next generation. So I thought of something for him yesterday. I thought I would make 15- 18 years of FD for him. so that we can provide him with a better education. We are not from a rich family. We belong to a lower middle class family. And my elder brother is working at a bank as a security guard. because he didn't study well. As a security guard, his salary is only $90 equivent a month in our currency. This won't be enough for him to give a better study. So I thought I would do something so that i can contribute little on his study. As a crypto member, I have finally made a decision. I will make an investment in bitcoin for him. But I don't have much money, but I can invest a little amount for him. Yesterday I bought $100 worth of bitcoin for him.

This is a really small amount, so my brother won't say no to me. Then I load it onto a separate account for him. And write the wallet ID (Means electrum wallet seed) on a note paper and give it to my elder brother and tell him to keep it for at least 15–18 years. And my trust in bitcoin says that after 15–18 years, this $100 could be a very handsome amount for my nephew. They don't have any technical knowledge, so I just told them to hold it. They will hold it. And when he becomes 10 to 12 years old, I will start teaching him about bitcoin so that if anything happens to me, he can easily access his account and get access to his reward. I am teaching my younger brother about bitcoin. He can also help. However, my family's wish is that all of the next generation members will be tech savvy. Because tech is the future.
What do you think, guys? Will this amount be enough for his better study costs? Though if they keep it for 10 years, at least that's enough for me. What do you think, guys? What will be the price of this $100 after 18 years?
I bought bitcoin at an average price of $35,546,.

Title: Re: I invested $100 for 18 years for my new born nephew
Post by: mk4 on January 23, 2022, 11:06:12 AM
If everything goes decently with bitcoin, then it should give you a good financial bumb after 10 years. But really, I hope you guys really aren't going to depend on bitcoin alone. What if the price increase in 10 years isn't enough for your nephew's education? You definitely wouldn't want that. I'd honestly rather use that $100 to buy books concerning finance/business/entrepreneurship to be able to invest in yourselves to potentially have more income.

Also, hopefully you have an extra copy of the wallet's backup. Can't risk your brother losing the paper.

Title: Re: I invested $100 for 18 years for my new born nephew
Post by: _act_ on January 23, 2022, 11:11:57 AM
This is a really small amount, so my brother won't say no to me. Then I load it onto a separate account for him. And write the wallet ID on a note paper
What did you mean by wallet ID?

If you are using wallet, it is an online wallet, do not use it for any reason. Even if you generate the seed phrase, it is generated online. You want to keep the bitcoin untouched for many years, you will have to use an offline wallet for it which is better.

Do not use an exchange for it, some people can be use exchange, which is very wrong. Exchanges are online too that is vulnerable to online hackers.

Do not use custodial wallet too because it is online.

Do not use anything online.

Use an offline ways to generate the wallet and move that bitcoin to it which is the best that can give you rest of mind that you are doing everything perfectly.

You can use Iancoleman html downloaded on your device and open it, make sure your device is airgapped and is safe. You can use if you do not mind private key backup instead of seed phrase. Or if those are too technical for you, you can download electrum from on airgapped device, open a standard wallet on the airgapped device.

If you have hardware wallet, generating new offline wallet should not be hard.

Backup the seed phrase or private key, delete the wallet and give your brother the backup. Let him know how important the backup is and how it should have like 3 backup.

$100 is too small. Do not too be dependent on bitcoin but this is a great idea, in 10 to 12 years, the price of bitcoin will be over $100000 to $200000. But look for other ways for the child upbringing.

Title: Re: I invested $100 for 18 years for my new born nephew
Post by: Poker Player on January 23, 2022, 11:12:56 AM
Very nice story, but from the picture you paint, and assuming it's true what you say, I'm afraid it's going to end up with your brother selling the Bitcoin when it converts to a half-decent amount. I've seen it happen before. People want to invest but don't have a lot of money, and end up selling at the drop of a hat. In this case he has not invested, it's rather you who have given him the investment, but having that money there untouched if he does not have much money, in the long term, I do not see it, and even less if he gets fired from his job, has a financial contingency, etc.

Title: Re: I invested $100 for 18 years for my new born nephew
Post by: ChrisPop on January 23, 2022, 11:15:18 AM
$100 is a big amount if the salaries in your country are so low ($90 for a security guard). That's at least 160 hours of work. Putting that money in Bitcoinfor the long-term is a good call, but you shouldn't place your nephew's education solely on that investment. Also I'd say the $100 would be better spent in education for your brother so he can get a higher paying job. The ROI on education is net superior to any financial investment when you don't have much capital.

But education also depends on your brother's time and willingness to learn and develop.

Title: Re: I invested $100 for 18 years for my new born nephew
Post by: Chato1977 on January 23, 2022, 12:17:44 PM
What do you think, guys? Will this amount be enough for his better study costs? Though if they keep it for 10 years, at least that's enough for me. What do you think, guys? What will be the price of this $100 after 18 years?
I bought bitcoin at an average price of $35,546,.
Since you wanna help them out for the schooling of the baby , then  why not instead of exact 100 dollar investment make it a habit to put small amount each time you will accumulate funds?

of your brother to put at least 10 dollars every pay day to add as college educational funds?

for sure after that 50 years ? that amount would be more than enough for the study and may also support the next child they will have .

Title: Re: I invested $100 for 18 years for my new born nephew
Post by: Madmardigan on January 23, 2022, 12:46:14 PM
First of all, congratulations on having a new member of your fam! I like your mindset, hope your decision will lead to success.

Title: Re: I invested $100 for 18 years for my new born nephew
Post by: tranthidung on January 23, 2022, 01:05:54 PM
Then I load it onto a separate account for him. And write the wallet ID on a note paper and give it to my elder brother and tell him to keep it for at least 15–18 years.
Because you plan to keep it for 15 to 18 years so please allow me to ask you some questions
  • What is wallet ID you are mentioning here?
    • It is important because "Not your keys, not your coins". What you must have is private key or mnemonic seed, not wallet ID.
  • What is a wallet you used to store that amount of Bitcoin?
    • It should be non-custodial wallets. Recommended wallets (
    • Additionally, verify wallets, just to be safe. If you don't verify your wallet and in bad case, you download a phishing wallet, you will lose your Bitcoin
    • Because you probably don't have fund to buy a hardware wallet, so you can use Electrum wallet that is good. Download ( [Guide] How to Safely Download and Verify Electrum (

Title: Re: I invested $100 for 18 years for my new born nephew
Post by: Fortify on January 23, 2022, 01:15:33 PM
Since last week, we have been very happy because a new member has joined our family. Yes, last Saturday, my elder brother became the dad of a boy. After spending 9 days in the hospital, they came to our home. It really is a great feeling for me to become an uncle. He is the first baby in our family's next generation. So I thought of something for him yesterday. I thought I would make 15- 18 years of FD for him. so that we can provide him with a better education. We are not from a rich family. We belong to a lower middle class family. And my elder brother is working at a bank as a security guard. because he didn't study well. As a security guard, his salary is only $90 equivent a month in our currency. This won't be enough for him to give a better study. So I thought I would do something so that i can contribute little on his study. As a crypto member, I have finally made a decision. I will make an investment in bitcoin for him. But I don't have much money, but I can invest a little amount for him. Yesterday I bought $100 worth of bitcoin for him.

This is a really small amount, so my brother won't say no to me. Then I load it onto a separate account for him. And write the wallet ID on a note paper and give it to my elder brother and tell him to keep it for at least 15–18 years. And my trust in bitcoin says that after 15–18 years, this $100 could be a very handsome amount for my nephew. They don't have any technical knowledge, so I just told them to hold it. They will hold it. And when he becomes 10 to 12 years old, I will start teaching him about bitcoin so that if anything happens to me, he can easily access his account and get access to his reward. I am teaching my younger brother about bitcoin. He can also help. However, my family's wish is that all of the next generation members will be tech savvy. Because tech is the future. 
What do you think, guys? Will this amount be enough for his better study costs? Though if they keep it for 10 years, at least that's enough for me. What do you think, guys? What will be the price of this $100 after 18 years?
I bought bitcoin at an average price of $35,546,.

Nobody can foresee what the price of Bitcoin will be 20 years into the future, many things could replace or supersede it. It might get wiped out due to advances in super computing making it crackable. Either way, it does not offer compounding returns like you might see from the stock market or a bank account (if they still paid decent interest rates). It's such a small amount that it's not going to do anything impressive, you'd be lucky if it quadrupled in value - whatever asset you put it in. Personally I'd put it into a global index fund which is much more likely to perform better and it will compound much more over that time frame. You should definitely consider the storage medium - as a little note could easily get misplaced or the ink might fade over such a time period.

Title: Re: I invested $100 for 18 years for my new born nephew
Post by: noorman0 on January 23, 2022, 01:37:15 PM

It's okay with that value, if he wants it he can buy economics books with other money he has or by other methods use the internet to learn business.

The first question is like what @act asked, what wallet is used to store bitcoins? Troubles might occur in the next 18 years if he doesn't prepare everything properly at the start.
To be honest, I would prefer to bequeath bitcoins with these methods [1][2]. Because people have their own mental strength, as long as the value of bitcoin is increasing then anyone will be tempted to sell it sooner than planned. Let's say that in 5 years bitcoin reaches $1 million, whoever has access to the wallet has a chance to sell it then.

1. [Tutorial] Making your crypto inheritible (
2. Using Locktime for inheritance planning, backups or gifts (

Title: Re: I invested $100 for 18 years for my new born nephew
Post by: terrorJR on January 23, 2022, 01:41:36 PM
the most important thing is the intention you do, it doesn't matter the nominal $100 now can be very good for the future, especially for the next 15-18 years.
You are doing something very right, but on the other hand you have to save carefully and not let your intention of saving $100 during that time period go to waste.

Title: Re: I invested $100 for 18 years for my new born nephew
Post by: BitcoinAccepted on January 23, 2022, 02:17:15 PM
In the question of what would be the price of $100 worth of Bitcoin today in the next 15-18 years, the honest and realistic answer is, only time could tell. I guess we’ll just see if you’ll be successfully reaping what you sow after your set timetable. Nonetheless, I hope that you will all be able to achieve your intentions, and your nephew to be knowledgeable and of course smart in keeping and managing what you gave to him. Especially the important information he needs, most especially the account and wallet details.

Title: Re: I invested $100 for 18 years for my new born nephew
Post by: Imran232 on January 23, 2022, 02:52:56 PM
If everything goes decently with bitcoin, then it should give you a good financial bumb after 10 years
Also, hopefully you have an extra copy of the wallet's backup. Can't risk your brother losing the paper.

Thank you soo much for your wish. And yeah this option is not our final option for finance. This is just optional. And 10 years later god also make our financial position good. I just keep this $100 like as an experiment too. And as a crypto member i will stay with crypto until i die what i believed. So this investment is an optional choice.

Actually i creat account on electrum. And made 2 copy of seed and keep 1 to me and give 1 to my brother.

What did you mean by wallet ID?


Actually wallet id means i wanted to say my electrum wallet secret seed. I hope now its clear.


Thanks for the opinion. Its a work of donation and we all wish to do that. I will try.

  • What is wallet ID you are mentioning here?
    • It is important because "Not your keys, not your coins". What you must have is private key or mnemonic seed, not wallet ID.
Thanks for your concerened and information. Actually what i want to mean via wallet id it actually electrum wallet seed.

I hope now i can clarify to everyone about this wallet id.[/list][/list]

Title: Re: I invested $100 for 18 years for my new born nephew
Post by: qwertyup23 on January 23, 2022, 02:59:55 PM
What do you think, guys? Will this amount be enough for his better study costs? Though if they keep it for 10 years, at least that's enough for me. What do you think, guys? What will be the price of this $100 after 18 years?
I bought bitcoin at an average price of $35,546,.

This kind of question is relatively hard to answer since no one can literally and absolutely predict the price of BTC in the following years.

But despite that, there are a few factors that you should know- every 3-4 years a fork happens where the denomination of BTCs will be reduced in half. Meaning, forks split BTCs into different networks that usually result to a significant increase in its price. While basing it also primarily on the price history, the price of BTC skyrocketed in the following years. Again, if you really plan on investing long-term, then I highly suggest that you consistently purchase $100 worth of BTCs monthly to maximize your long-term profits.

Title: Re: I invested $100 for 18 years for my new born nephew
Post by: Sirait on January 23, 2022, 04:08:20 PM
Since last week, we have been very happy because a new member has joined our family. Yes, last Saturday, my elder brother became the dad of a boy. After spending 9 days in the hospital, they came to our home. It really is a great feeling for me to become an uncle. He is the first baby in our family's next generation. So I thought of something for him yesterday. I thought I would make 15- 18 years of FD for him. so that we can provide him with a better education. We are not from a rich family. We belong to a lower middle class family. And my elder brother is working at a bank as a security guard. because he didn't study well. As a security guard, his salary is only $90 equivent a month in our currency. This won't be enough for him to give a better study. So I thought I would do something so that i can contribute little on his study. As a crypto member, I have finally made a decision. I will make an investment in bitcoin for him. But I don't have much money, but I can invest a little amount for him. Yesterday I bought $100 worth of bitcoin for him.

This is a really small amount, so my brother won't say no to me. Then I load it onto a separate account for him. And write the wallet ID (Means electrum wallet seed) on a note paper and give it to my elder brother and tell him to keep it for at least 15–18 years. And my trust in bitcoin says that after 15–18 years, this $100 could be a very handsome amount for my nephew. They don't have any technical knowledge, so I just told them to hold it. They will hold it. And when he becomes 10 to 12 years old, I will start teaching him about bitcoin so that if anything happens to me, he can easily access his account and get access to his reward. I am teaching my younger brother about bitcoin. He can also help. However, my family's wish is that all of the next generation members will be tech savvy. Because tech is the future.
What do you think, guys? Will this amount be enough for his better study costs? Though if they keep it for 10 years, at least that's enough for me. What do you think, guys? What will be the price of this $100 after 18 years?
I bought bitcoin at an average price of $35,546,.
I can feel that you are a wonderful uncle, even you are thinking about the future of your nephew in the future. For good people like you, I hope your investment grows many times as you expect, so that your nephew can grow up and have a good education. let's be sure that your $100 investment will be profitable thousands of times in the next 18 years.

Title: Re: I invested $100 for 18 years for my new born nephew
Post by: AhmadM on January 23, 2022, 06:07:21 PM

What do you think, guys? Will this amount be enough for his better study costs? Though if they keep it for 10 years, at least that's enough for me. What do you think, guys? What will be the price of this $100 after 18 years?
I bought bitcoin at an average price of $35,546,.
I don't think those amounts would be enough for your brother to cover the whole study costs for his son, either it just for high school or college, but at least it certainly would help him later. Even if the BTC price skyrocketing in the future I think at the end quite the same since (like it or not) there would be economic inflation which certainly affects the education fees from time to time. So I'd say don't lean too much on it and try to gather from different sources as well.

Title: Re: I invested $100 for 18 years for my new born nephew
Post by: peterpanda on January 23, 2022, 07:09:32 PM
It's really good thinking and may be it will help a lot. $100 is enough if we think 18 years. It's huge time for getting great amount of money. It would be great if you buy potential coin like matic, cake, mana and some of these kinds of coins. Bitcoin is also good as it's a matter of 18 years.

Title: Re: I invested $100 for 18 years for my new born nephew
Post by: Sterbens on January 23, 2022, 07:53:17 PM
Apart from being effective in storing all the elements that are essential for storing a certain amount of Bitcoins. Your intentions are pretty good, but there's a question I'd like to know the answer to.
Can the wallet only be accessed alone or is there another party who left it to unlock it in order to minimize it if you die? (don't be offended, because this is just wishful thinking)

Since this is for a long period of time, at least you have prepared various solutions so that the long wait is not in vain. Well especially in seed mnemonic, save it and what if the time comes you get old and forget?

This question is a bit silly but something this small will be very important later.

Title: Re: I invested $100 for 18 years for my new born nephew
Post by: mindrust on January 23, 2022, 08:25:30 PM
What do you think, guys? Will this amount be enough for his better study costs? Though if they keep it for 10 years, at least that's enough for me. What do you think, guys? What will be the price of this $100 after 18 years?
I bought bitcoin at an average price of $35,546,.

That $100 might become $10k or more in ten years. In the worst scenario it will go to zero but then you'll lose only $100. If bitcoin makes a x100 run, then you'll be sitting on $10k which will probably not cover his study costs. You'll probably need something like $100k to cover his expenses and I am not sure if bitcoin will be able to make a x1000 run. Not impossible though.

Title: Re: I invested $100 for 18 years for my new born nephew
Post by: aoluain on January 23, 2022, 08:30:56 PM
Congratulations to the OP for the new addition to the family and well done for
thinking of the future, I think it's a great plan.

Bitcoin is an accessable and affordable investment to all, you can invest as much
or as little as you can afford, there are very few investments which offer

There is a degree of trust involved in how the OP is approaching this, by giving
his older brother a copy of the wallet keys he is hoping the brother doesnt cash out in
a time of need or hopefully he doesnt lose the keys.

The best scenario is to keep the wallet to yourself and gift your nephew yourself when
he os 18.

Title: Re: I invested $100 for 18 years for my new born nephew
Post by: SFR10 on January 23, 2022, 08:43:35 PM
What do you think, guys? Will this amount be enough for his better study costs?
Apart from luck, it heavily depends on where your nephew will be studying [personally, I highly doubt it'd be enough (I hope I'm wrong)]!

as a little note could easily get misplaced or the ink might fade over such a time period.
@Imran232: Fortify is right! If I were you, I would've "stamped those seed phrases on a steel washer (" instead... It costs little to nothing and you can achieve almost the same result [assuming that you're not suffering from a hand & arm tremor] without the jig part.

Title: Re: I invested $100 for 18 years for my new born nephew
Post by: alpamar99 on January 23, 2022, 08:46:40 PM
That's great, you've prepared pretty well for the future.
$100 isn't a bad thing and in fact it's better than nothing. it doesn't matter how nominal it is but how strong it is to withstand
it could be that the $100 that you now consider small enough for the next 18 years could be more than you imagine when you are successful in holding back in that time

Title: Re: I invested $100 for 18 years for my new born nephew
Post by: uneng on January 23, 2022, 09:16:21 PM
That was very kind of you to gift your nephew on his birth with 100$ in bitcoins. You look truly concerned and careful with him and his future. Not everyone is lucky to have a generous and regardful uncle like you. You should be proud of yourself!

Only time will tell where bitcoin is going to take us, especially in such a long time period of 15-18 years, what means no one can predict it right now. Meanwhile, you can also try to introduce another family members to crypto universe, so they can start being benefited by investing in bitcoin from now on as well. I believe the more we invest in the present moment, the less we will have to worry in he future about our financial life conditions.

Title: Re: I invested $100 for 18 years for my new born nephew
Post by: Slow death on January 23, 2022, 09:21:07 PM
no offense but doing hodl for 10 years is just too risky, you shouldn't do it. I say this because in 10 years you don't know if you will be alive and if your brother will be alive or if he won't have something better than bitcoin and the price of bitcoin is stagnant.

the ideal in my opinion would be that you buy in small quantities every dip for 3 years and when you have a good profit you open a business in the real world for your nephew to have a good quality of life and good study

Title: Re: I invested $100 for 18 years for my new born nephew
Post by: Haunebu on January 23, 2022, 09:24:25 PM
The simple answer is that no knows op which is pretty obvious since no one can accurately predict crypto prices at any point of time and anyone who says otherwise is fooling themselves and others in my opinion.

You should ask yourself if you are willing to lose that 100 bucks or a portion of it since BTC could continue going down in value in the future.

Title: Re: I invested $100 for 18 years for my new born nephew
Post by: franky1 on January 23, 2022, 09:46:08 PM
bitcoins price might learn to settle down at the $1m/btc level. this is because of 2 things

bitcoin 2010 value: $0.10
bitcoin 2011 value: $32max (+319x)
bitcoin 2013 value: $1200 max (+36.5x)
bitcoin 2017 value: $20,000 max (+15.6x)
bitcoin 2021 value: $67,000 max (+2.35x)
in short the multiplier per ATH cycle gets less and less per cycle

im going to hazard a rational guess of (halving the multiplier)
2024 value at 1.2x of recent ATH so $70k * 1.2+(last ath) =$154k
2028 value at 0.6x of recent ATH so $154k * 0.6.+(last ath) =$246k
2032 value at 0.3x of recent ATH so $246k * 0.3+(last ath) =$319k
so i guess by his 12th birthday the $100 will be just over $900

2. bitcoin is actually measured in sat amounts. where most economists think that $1 would equate to 100sat at the best settled level, to allow accounting of 1cent=1sat minimal value swap

this means that 100sat =$1 and 1btc=$1m

so if you invested $100 yesterday at $35k guessing that you got ~0.00286. if bitcoin settles at $1m/btc then that 0.00286 would be worth $2860
of which, from you admissions of your local economy, is about 28months of salary.

that said. these numbers are very downplayed numbers for rational thought. not exaggerated hope numbers.
however i do not think we have yet to see the tip of this latest cycle(+2.35 seems small. maybe it can extend to 7.x),
and can probably see a 7.2x of previous $20k ($144k)
and can probably see a 3.6x of previous $144k ($518k)
and can probably see a 1.8x of previous $518k ($933k)

meaning your nephew might have his 0.00286 worth $2668 on his 12th birthday
so expect anything from 900 conservative to 2500+ hope

Title: Re: I invested $100 for 18 years for my new born nephew
Post by: boyptc on January 23, 2022, 11:13:13 PM
Congratulations to your brother and he's got a caring brother as well. That's around 0.0028BTC that you've purchased for the future of the baby. Let's do some math.

If bitcoin goes $1M, just for the sake of argument by that time frame you've set then 0.0028BTC = $2,800. Is that going to be enough for the college's education of the baby? Maybe it does if cost of living there isn't that expensive but with inflation year by year, maybe not.

And just do the math for another $1M increase.

But anyway, from what country are you? Working as a security guard that earns around $90 per month is low.

Title: Re: I invested $100 for 18 years for my new born nephew
Post by: romero121 on January 24, 2022, 03:52:57 AM
Congratulations to your brother and he's got a caring brother as well. That's around 0.0028BTC that you've purchased for the future of the baby. Let's do some math.

If bitcoin goes $1M, just for the sake of argument by that time frame you've set then 0.0028BTC = $2,800. Is that going to be enough for the college's education of the baby? Maybe it does if cost of living there isn't that expensive but with inflation year by year, maybe not.

And just do the math for another $1M increase.

But anyway, from what country are you? Working as a security guard that earns around $90 per month is low.
Yes $90 is really low to be a security guard. Another thing when the salary is paid low, atleast the government can provide education and healthcare free of cost. This will give the citizens peace of mind.

Anyhow the step taken to support the kids education is really appreciable. We don't know what will be the price of bitcoin after years. However we can't expect very big, because anything beyond certain price doesn't looks like a fair growth. Lets hope it'll help with the education and the guy has planned to teach him earlier about cryptocurrencies. Maybe that can help him make some extra money to fulfill his career dreams.

Title: Re: I invested $100 for 18 years for my new born nephew
Post by: worle1bm on January 24, 2022, 05:14:33 AM
You have done really good thing as investment in bitcoin and planning to go on for long term with it because after 10 years the prices will be too high and your small investments will also grow at good pace that your nephew would have some good amount with him at that time but can't say he will be living luxurious life with it because it's only $100.

Secondary you have given him seed phrase on piece of paper but what if he lost it meanwhile? Give him instructions to secure it safely and don't disclose it to anybody.Also keep them instead of selling after 1-2 years as it's useless so good luck with it.

Title: Re: I invested $100 for 18 years for my new born nephew
Post by: Reatim on January 24, 2022, 05:58:22 AM
You are a very generous Uncle and I hope i can do the same for my niece soon as my Sister is giving birth in the next couple of months.

though i already have did the same thing for my children but did not for the other people such as other family members.

Hope that 100$ will be x100 in the next 18 years so at least a thousand or million bucks will me more enough for the future of that child .

Title: Re: I invested $100 for 18 years for my new born nephew
Post by: bitterguy28 on January 24, 2022, 07:32:40 AM
Wow this is a very inspiring post , if i only have merit i will surely send you one because you are one of the most generous person that exist here.
Imagine that it wasn't your son and that is only your niece and knowing that you have no much funds yet you are investing for his future studies?
yeah that is small amount but for a people that has limited funds that would be a big help.

Title: Re: I invested $100 for 18 years for my new born nephew
Post by: Darker45 on January 24, 2022, 07:48:07 AM
You might want to have a copy of the seed yourself. You're the one who knows better.  

Of course, nobody knows how much a Bitcoin would be 15-18 years from now. But with a hundred dollars, I doubt it will reach a thousand by the time it matures. So that wouldn't still be a lot of money.

How much Bitcoin would probably be 15-18 years from now? $150,000? $200,000? $300,000? Possibly. Even then, that $100 might still not be enough to give your beautiful nephew a good university education.

But that's probably not the point. The point is that you're saving something that does not decay. On the contrary, it becomes more valuable over time. You do it with fiat, your savings would only go to waste. Not only does its value naturally depreciate, inflation has recently been moving beyond the tolerable limit. It could happen many times in 15-18 years.

So if you or your brother's family intend to save a little more extra every once in a while for the child's future, it might well be done in Bitcoin rather than fiat.

You're a good soul!

Title: Re: I invested $100 for 18 years for my new born nephew
Post by: YOSHIE on January 24, 2022, 07:59:24 AM
Though if they keep it for 10 years, at least that's enough for me. What do you think, guys? What will be the price of this $100 after 18 years?
I bought bitcoin at an average price of $35,546,.
It's a bad idea if you do it now, moreover you invest $100 in Bitcoin, your nephew doesn't make much for it.

A lot of people have done that, they gave up, say 10 years like you said, if the price of Bitcoin goes to the $100k level, what percentage do you get, very little.

If you trade in Bitcoin it can, you have profit, if you make investments it's a mess, if I suggest, choose 2-3 cryptos that have good potential for the next 10 years, the cheapest, besides Bitcoin, invest your money $100, it's still a big possibility the value can increase.

Title: Re: I invested $100 for 18 years for my new born nephew
Post by: boyptc on January 24, 2022, 09:05:55 AM
Congratulations to your brother and he's got a caring brother as well. That's around 0.0028BTC that you've purchased for the future of the baby. Let's do some math.

If bitcoin goes $1M, just for the sake of argument by that time frame you've set then 0.0028BTC = $2,800. Is that going to be enough for the college's education of the baby? Maybe it does if cost of living there isn't that expensive but with inflation year by year, maybe not.

And just do the math for another $1M increase.

But anyway, from what country are you? Working as a security guard that earns around $90 per month is low.
Yes $90 is really low to be a security guard. Another thing when the salary is paid low, atleast the government can provide education and healthcare free of cost. This will give the citizens peace of mind.

Anyhow the step taken to support the kids education is really appreciable. We don't know what will be the price of bitcoin after years. However we can't expect very big, because anything beyond certain price doesn't looks like a fair growth. Lets hope it'll help with the education and the guy has planned to teach him earlier about cryptocurrencies. Maybe that can help him make some extra money to fulfill his career dreams.
That's really the problem if the salary is low then don't expect things are going to be free such as health care and education. But let's wait for OP to answer that if they have free education, maybe at primary and secondary but not for college.

If it's from a developing country, maybe it shall be enough for a year or two but who knows? There are a lot of things that can happen for 18 years and maybe education will change by that time as it's already changing this time.

Title: Re: I invested $100 for 18 years for my new born nephew
Post by: laredo7mm on January 24, 2022, 01:21:08 PM
What do you think, guys? Will this amount be enough for his better study costs? Though if they keep it for 10 years, at least that's enough for me. What do you think, guys? What will be the price of this $100 after 18 years?
I bought bitcoin at an average price of $35,546,.

If I could I would invest a few thousand dollars in bitcoin and leave it for 10 years but it doesn't go with my features.  I think Bitcoin can be made more profitable by selling at a higher price per bull run and buying at a lower price in the bear market without leaving it in the wallet for ten years.  After each bitcoin halving the price of bitcoin rises at the expected rate and the market remains bare the year after the bull run.  This is usually the case till now.  So when I have the opportunity to increase my bitcoin amount without any new investment then why don't I take that opportunity? 

If you have a long investment plan like 18 years, it is safer to keep Bitcoin in a non-custodial wallet as well as a private key or mnemonic phrase.  Your key your coin.

Title: Re: I invested $100 for 18 years for my new born nephew
Post by: Yamifoud on January 24, 2022, 01:34:51 PM
What do you think, guys? Will this amount be enough for his better study costs? Though if they keep it for 10 years, at least that's enough for me. What do you think, guys? What will be the price of this $100 after 18 years?
I bought bitcoin at an average price of $35,546,.

If I could I would invest a few thousand dollars in bitcoin and leave it for 10 years but it doesn't go with my features.  I think Bitcoin can be made more profitable by selling at a higher price per bull run and buying at a lower price in the bear market without leaving it in the wallet for ten years.  After each bitcoin halving the price of bitcoin rises at the expected rate and the market remains bare the year after the bull run.  This is usually the case till now.  So when I have the opportunity to increase my bitcoin amount without any new investment then why don't I take that opportunity? 

Well, holding for 18 years, 20 years doesn't make sense for me either. Honestly, I can hold that long and can't be profitable. And just like you, selling our coins during Bullrun is a healthy idea than just holding for a certain time. As we never know what will happen 18 years from now, we can neither speculate it right, and we can't be sure as well that we got a profit or maybe, we just lost our money.
What do I think about holding for that long? We have missed a lot of chances to gain more profit and we are facing high risks than just holding short-term.

Title: Re: I invested $100 for 18 years for my new born nephew
Post by: Gamerholic on January 24, 2022, 02:54:44 PM
It's beautiful and romantic, but also smart and interesting in general! I hope I will live to see the moment when you fix this investment at some level and we will all see the result of the "experiment" with pleasure. I also similarly invested about $300 in 2018 when my only son was born. I hope he, too, will appreciate my initiative years later and rejoice at the "initial capital" that I am preparing for him! Wish you luck!

Title: Re: I invested $100 for 18 years for my new born nephew
Post by: Similificator on January 24, 2022, 03:08:28 PM
First of all, congratulations. The house will never be like before. Having a kid in the house makes the family and its home become more alive.

I just hope though that you at keast briefed him about the basic functions of a wallet and the importance of the keys you gave him along with a little introduction about this industry because if not, that'll be a big problem if he somehow loses the private keys.

Also, if it were me, I would've chosen another coin other than bitcoin within the top 10-20 simply because of better potential returns. But still, 15-18 years is a long time, bitcoin may just be the better choice if you don't want the hassle of reading through a coin's white paper, developers, community etc. Anyway, good luck and again congratulations!

Title: Re: I invested $100 for 18 years for my new born nephew
Post by: pushups44 on January 24, 2022, 03:12:15 PM
Smart move! Yes, bitcoin can fall under $30,000, but eventually the bull market will resume and people will have wished they could get it at these prices. There is also another halving event coming in just over two years.

Those who invest in the long term, especially with a horizon of 10 years or more, will be richly rewarded.

Title: Re: I invested $100 for 18 years for my new born nephew
Post by: kawetsriyanto on January 24, 2022, 03:17:54 PM
Will this amount be enough for his better study costs? Though if they keep it for 10 years, at least that's enough for me. What do you think, guys? What will be the price of this $100 after 18 years?
Of course, we don't know how much it will be after more than 10 years. But $100 is possible to be $10,000 if Bitcoin future is brighter. Anyway, I don't think 18 years is a must, 10 years is enough to hold the Bitcoin. They can take some profits and reinvest again after holding it for around 10 years. Convert a half to fiats for study costs, and a half for buying again Bitcoin or altcoins. Sometimes we need to consider to secure the profits after holding it a quite long time.

Title: Re: I invested $100 for 18 years for my new born nephew
Post by: NeuroticFish on January 24, 2022, 03:18:32 PM
bitcoin 2021 value: $67,000 max (+2.35x)
in short the multiplier per ATH cycle gets less and less per cycle

2021 ATH was actually 69k, not 67k. Also we don't know for sure whether current bull ran is over or not (it's not about hopium or not, it's about lacking a crystal ball).
However, the rest are ... guesses. You have better chance to be wrong than right.

What do you think, guys? Will this amount be enough for his better study costs? Though if they keep it for 10 years, at least that's enough for me. What do you think, guys? What will be the price of this $100 after 18 years?
I bought bitcoin at an average price of $35,546,.

First of all, congratulations!
Now about your question.. it's hard to impossible to make an accurate guess. Imho sky is the limit and 18 years is a really long time.

In case that this bull run is not over, it may be an interestingly big investment.
In the case you "bought high", you can DCA by making a few more such presents for an Easter, Christmas or one of the next birthdays. Then you'll be on the safe side and may indeed cover his studies.

Title: Re: I invested $100 for 18 years for my new born nephew
Post by: Distinctin on January 24, 2022, 04:03:31 PM
What do you think, guys? Will this amount be enough for his better study costs? Though if they keep it for 10 years, at least that's enough for me. What do you think, guys? What will be the price of this $100 after 18 years?
I bought bitcoin at an average price of $35,546,.

Hold it for 18 years, you say? That sounds great mate as bitcoin is likely to be more expensive as time goes by, what more if you hold it for 18 years. Actually, that $100 is a little amount for now but that figure will change in the upcoming years and who knows it will be more than enough for his study costs alone and if you want you can check it 5 years from now and start to invest in other coins to maximize the profits more, one or two promising coins would suffice.

About the value of that $100 capital after 18 years, honestly, it's really hard to give some figures and predict what would be the value but surely that $100 investment will really grow in the future.

Title: Re: I invested $100 for 18 years for my new born nephew
Post by: bittraffic on January 24, 2022, 04:17:11 PM
Thats a good gift for your nephew. I'd like to try that myself for the life of my nephew. Maybe he will remember me being a good strange uncle who gave him something worth. 15years is long enough I guess $100 will rise to 50x too. I'm not sure if I'd still be alive that day come but I hope hed not spend it for cocaine and hookers. 😁

Seriously, its a good idea. Maybe also intended for emergency purpose like if my nephew needs imediate medical operation or something.

Title: Re: I invested $100 for 18 years for my new born nephew
Post by: Oasisman on January 24, 2022, 04:42:20 PM
Well, that's a good initiative to help the child prepare for his future. What a good uncle you are!
18 years is still far and a lot of changes for Bitcoin will happen for sure, and not to mention you have a good entry point at $35k by the way.
The one thing I am concerned about is the paperwallet you wrote for your brother. That might be lost for some reason and I guess it's more safer to have another copy to be kept by you or any other back up method for safety.

Title: Re: I invested $100 for 18 years for my new born nephew
Post by: Slow death on January 24, 2022, 04:57:00 PM
Thats a good gift for your nephew. I'd like to try that myself for the life of my nephew. Maybe he will remember me being a good strange uncle who gave him something worth. 15years is long enough I guess $100 will rise to 50x too. I'm not sure if I'd still be alive that day come but I hope hed not spend it for cocaine and hookers. 😁

Seriously, its a good idea. Maybe also intended for emergency purpose like if my nephew needs imediate medical operation or something.

I commented on this in this thread, investing in a period of 15 years is an extremely risky period because a lot can change in 15 years, the price can be stagnant due to having other better altcoins. We have to imagine that it is possible that 15 years from now there will be better altcoins and with that the price of bitcoin could be lower due to low demand

Title: Re: I invested $100 for 18 years for my new born nephew
Post by: Tumanggor on January 24, 2022, 05:08:16 PM
What do you think, guys? Will this amount be enough for his better study costs? Though if they keep it for 10 years, at least that's enough for me. What do you think, guys? What will be the price of this $100 after 18 years?
I bought bitcoin at an average price of $35,546,.

That $100 might become $10k or more in ten years. In the worst scenario it will go to zero but then you'll lose only $100. If bitcoin makes a x100 run, then you'll be sitting on $10k which will probably not cover his study costs. You'll probably need something like $100k to cover his expenses and I am not sure if bitcoin will be able to make a x1000 run. Not impossible though.
Bitcoin price is indeed difficult to predict in the future but GO TO ZERO is impossible again

have you ever heard what satoshi said that the lost Bitcoin is a blessing for other holders, as long as the bitcoin holders are still there and there are still many people who buy them then the bitcoin price will never GO TO ZERO

the thing on my mind right now is the $100 investment that the OP is making for his nephew's future will be tens of thousands of dollars in the next 18 years because I'm sure by that time cryptocurrencies had been adopted and bitcoin was the lead

Title: Re: I invested $100 for 18 years for my new born nephew
Post by: lepbagong on January 25, 2022, 01:02:19 AM
The first obvious thing is that your actions are something very good and always optimistic that bitcoin will continue to grow and not just go down.
there's nothing wrong with you doing additions regardless of the value consistently because by continuing to make additions even if it's small, when you give it to your nephew you can be sure the value is very guarantee for his future.

once again this is a very good example and can make appreciation for others to be able to also do for good purposes because kindness will be rewarded with kindness again.
Regarding the price of bitcoin in the future, it is certain that there will be an increase of 100x from what you are doing now.

Title: Re: I invested $100 for 18 years for my new born nephew
Post by: traderethereum on January 25, 2022, 03:15:36 AM
What do you think, guys? Will this amount be enough for his better study costs? Though if they keep it for 10 years, at least that's enough for me. What do you think, guys? What will be the price of this $100 after 18 years?
I bought bitcoin at an average price of $35,546,.
That is a good decision to prepare your nephew future using bitcoin as a long-term investment.
If everything works best as you wish, your nephew will have prosperity in the future and your brother's family will have much money to cover their life.
$100 can become bigger in the next 10 years, 15 years or even 18 years later so you have a good plan for your nephew.
The important thing is that your brother needs to keep it secret and not tell other people while he can work as usual until his son grows up and teaches them how to use bitcoin properly.
But it is hard to predict how much the price will be after 18 years so you can hope that the price will be higher than the last ATH.

Title: Re: I invested $100 for 18 years for my new born nephew
Post by: virasog on January 25, 2022, 04:18:06 AM
What do you think, guys? Will this amount be enough for his better study costs? Though if they keep it for 10 years, at least that's enough for me. What do you think, guys? What will be the price of this $100 after 18 years?
I bought bitcoin at an average price of $35,546,.

You bought bitcoin at around 35000$. Lets suppose in 10 years time bitcoin goes 10x from here, which means bitcoin might be at 350,000$. It can go even higher, i am just taking the bare minimum. So in this case your 100$ will be worth 1000$  (100*10=1000). You can do the math yourself.

Now do you think that 1000$ will be enough for anyone to get good education in your country ? Only you are the one who can anser this question as every country as different living rates. Also keep in mind that there will be more inflation at that time. You did a good job by helping your brother family. In all the coming years, you keep on buying bitcoins if you got spare money, so that at the time when you need money for education, you can easily fulfill your needs.

Title: Re: I invested $100 for 18 years for my new born nephew
Post by: AicecreaME on January 25, 2022, 09:30:32 AM
Since last week, we have been very happy because a new member has joined our family. Yes, last Saturday, my elder brother became the dad of a boy. After spending 9 days in the hospital, they came to our home. It really is a great feeling for me to become an uncle. He is the first baby in our family's next generation. So I thought of something for him yesterday. I thought I would make 15- 18 years of FD for him. so that we can provide him with a better education. We are not from a rich family. We belong to a lower middle class family. And my elder brother is working at a bank as a security guard. because he didn't study well. As a security guard, his salary is only $90 equivent a month in our currency. This won't be enough for him to give a better study. So I thought I would do something so that i can contribute little on his study. As a crypto member, I have finally made a decision. I will make an investment in bitcoin for him. But I don't have much money, but I can invest a little amount for him. Yesterday I bought $100 worth of bitcoin for him.

This is a really small amount, so my brother won't say no to me. Then I load it onto a separate account for him. And write the wallet ID (Means electrum wallet seed) on a note paper and give it to my elder brother and tell him to keep it for at least 15–18 years. And my trust in bitcoin says that after 15–18 years, this $100 could be a very handsome amount for my nephew. They don't have any technical knowledge, so I just told them to hold it. They will hold it. And when he becomes 10 to 12 years old, I will start teaching him about bitcoin so that if anything happens to me, he can easily access his account and get access to his reward. I am teaching my younger brother about bitcoin. He can also help. However, my family's wish is that all of the next generation members will be tech savvy. Because tech is the future.
What do you think, guys? Will this amount be enough for his better study costs? Though if they keep it for 10 years, at least that's enough for me. What do you think, guys? What will be the price of this $100 after 18 years?
I bought bitcoin at an average price of $35,546,.

This is a great initiative given the uncertainty that there is in life. It's really much better to invest and secure the future of your loved ones so that they would have something that they could use the moment they need funds later on. Because it's really hard nowadays if you would start from scratch. If they would have something that they could start off with, they would have lesser problems to think of. I commend you for preparing your nephew's future. Not everyone would really be generous and concerned given that we have our own battles and bills to pay attention to.

However, please remember that you shouldn't just rely on your investment in bitcoin. Because just like life, the trend of every cryptocurrency is uncertain as well. There would be times that the market would be uptrend and downtrend. If you still can, it's better to allot funds in different investment vehicles that could help you secure your nephew's education. If his parents are able, you can try to suggest letting them invest in trusted investments and safe from inflation platforms.

Title: Re: I invested $100 for 18 years for my new born nephew
Post by: Pmalek on January 25, 2022, 10:04:51 AM
How much have you told your brother about Bitcoin? The paper you gave him with the seed phrase, does he know not to carry it with him in his wallet or use it in the kitchen as a place to put his cups on? Most people are used to having a custodian (financial institution) care for their money and they don't understand that lost seeds mean lost Bitcoins. I understand that you have kept a copy of the recovery phrase yourself.

Are you planning to gradually increase that $100 initial investment? Think of it this way. You bought at $35k. If Bitcoin goes up 100% (to $70k), your investment is now only worth $200. Who can say it ever will? We hope so, but there are no guarantees. How much will those $200 help the child with college tuition and whatever else you planned it to be used for? You might need to add to the stash from time to time.   

Nice initiative btw.

You'll probably need something like $100k to cover his expenses and I am not sure if bitcoin will be able to make a x1000 run. Not impossible though.
Where? I am pretty sure that you and OP are living in totally different geographical regions. Based on the info that his brother makes $90/month working as a security guard, I am pretty sure that costs for a good high school and college education won't be around $100k in his country.

Title: Re: I invested $100 for 18 years for my new born nephew
Post by: LogitechMouse on January 25, 2022, 10:08:43 AM
What do you think, guys? Will this amount be enough for his better study costs? Though if they keep it for 10 years, at least that's enough for me. What do you think, guys? What will be the price of this $100 after 18 years?
I bought bitcoin at an average price of $35,546,.
Its hard to predict TBH. Even the experts can't predict the future of stock market in 10 years with a high accuracy.
Well, lets just base on the history of Bitcoin and just basing on the history it shows that Bitcoin in the last 10 years increase by an insane rate and no other asset can give you that profit in the span of 10 years. Will it happen again in the next 10 years? I don't know maybe but there is also a chance that it can't.

Another tip that might help you and your family is that, learn how to create wealth and pass it to your family members. You want to teach your family members right? Then teach them how to earn money online. Let them know that there is money online and what they only need is skill and perseverance. Give them everything that will help them maximize the technology because you already said that tech is the future :). Congrats as well.

Title: Re: I invested $100 for 18 years for my new born nephew
Post by: topbitcoin on January 25, 2022, 12:24:03 PM
No matter what value, i think your elder brother maybe can know there are people who care with his child,and then he can do the same. I mean, in bitcoin we can spend as long it is market minimal order or maybe p2p and buy from other else. So he can follow your dream and you both can made his child happy in future, and the $100 can be more and more in future.

Title: Re: I invested $100 for 18 years for my new born nephew
Post by: Reatim on January 25, 2022, 12:33:05 PM
in 18 years , 100$ might be worth x10 or even x50?

Wondering if Bitcoin can reach a Million dollar for this to have an best increase because in that time after 18 years the education expenses will surely increase so much high also so meaning if that 100dollar now amounting to 0.0025 so how much would that be in that year?

I'm afraid that the amount you invested will be enough when the educational funds needed that year .

Title: Re: I invested $100 for 18 years for my new born nephew
Post by: suzanne5223 on January 25, 2022, 01:23:29 PM
What do you think, guys?
I think you just make an incredible plan for the future of your nephew judging by the story of a Norwegian man’s that invested $27 in Bitcoin forgotten it for some years and the $27 investment later turned $886,000.

Will this amount be enough for his better study costs?
Maybe. It all depend on education expense in your country.

Though if the,keep it for 10 years, at least that's enough for me. What do you think, guys? What will be the price of this $100 after 18 years?
10 years should be ok but what's important is how the BTC is spent.

Title: Re: I invested $100 for 18 years for my new born nephew
Post by: mia_houston on January 25, 2022, 01:55:25 PM
in 18 years , 100$ might be worth x10 or even x50?

Wondering if Bitcoin can reach a Million dollar for this to have an best increase because in that time after 18 years the education expenses will surely increase so much high also so meaning if that 100dollar now amounting to 0.0025 so how much would that be in that year?

I'm afraid that the amount you invested will be enough when the educational funds needed that year .

I am quite happy with what the OP is doing, I think his good intentions to provide a good education to his nephew are certainly very worthy of our appreciation, but as you said the value of the bitcoins he is currently saving is quite small, maybe even after 18 years The OP nephew only gets a small profit from the bitcoins the OP keeps so far.
Let's say now OP has bitcoins worth $100 or 0.002, and after 18 years the price of bitcoin has increased to $1 million, so OP only has savings money of 0.002*$1,000,000 = $2000 and of course it's not that big of money in 2040.

Title: Re: I invested $100 for 18 years for my new born nephew
Post by: kaya11 on January 25, 2022, 02:40:46 PM
This is better than nothing, good decision out there. You are a good man with a good heart, I salute you bro, on this time we are in, even family members don't trust you much if you are poor, they lack of respect and they will not see your worth but you are one not one of those.
Who knows after 10 to 15 years the seed was kept and it really reached those time of year, and by that time Bitcoin may will be more valuable than now, it is a great opportunity for them. Also I was touched particularly with the salary your brother is getting. It is way too low for me but also it better than nothing at all, now he must double his time for work to earn more and support his growing family.

Title: Re: I invested $100 for 18 years for my new born nephew
Post by: Maslate on January 25, 2022, 02:50:11 PM
in 18 years , 100$ might be worth x10 or even x50?

Wondering if Bitcoin can reach a Million dollar for this to have an best increase because in that time after 18 years the education expenses will surely increase so much high also so meaning if that 100dollar now amounting to 0.0025 so how much would that be in that year?

I'm afraid that the amount you invested will be enough when the educational funds needed that year .

I am quite happy with what the OP is doing, I think his good intentions to provide a good education to his nephew are certainly very worthy of our appreciation, but as you said the value of the bitcoins he is currently saving is quite small, maybe even after 18 years The OP nephew only gets a small profit from the bitcoins the OP keeps so far.
Let's say now OP has bitcoins worth $100 or 0.002, and after 18 years the price of bitcoin has increased to $1 million, so OP only has savings money of 0.002*$1,000,000 = $2000 and of course it's not that big of money in 2040.
Well, perhaps it was good to secure the future of someone we loved, and investing in Bitcoin is great but I can't just agree to hold for 18 years.
If only we are sure that Bitcoin still exists 18, 20, or 30 years from and the price is growing, many people had done this but because we won't that is really risky.

We can't assume anything in the future nor can do calculations because the chances were not going that way.

Title: Re: I invested $100 for 18 years for my new born nephew
Post by: Vaskiy on January 25, 2022, 04:57:52 PM
in 18 years , 100$ might be worth x10 or even x50?

Wondering if Bitcoin can reach a Million dollar for this to have an best increase because in that time after 18 years the education expenses will surely increase so much high also so meaning if that 100dollar now amounting to 0.0025 so how much would that be in that year?

I'm afraid that the amount you invested will be enough when the educational funds needed that year .

I am quite happy with what the OP is doing, I think his good intentions to provide a good education to his nephew are certainly very worthy of our appreciation, but as you said the value of the bitcoins he is currently saving is quite small, maybe even after 18 years The OP nephew only gets a small profit from the bitcoins the OP keeps so far.
Let's say now OP has bitcoins worth $100 or 0.002, and after 18 years the price of bitcoin has increased to $1 million, so OP only has savings money of 0.002*$1,000,000 = $2000 and of course it's not that big of money in 2040.
Well, perhaps it was good to secure the future of someone we loved, and investing in Bitcoin is great but I can't just agree to hold for 18 years.
If only we are sure that Bitcoin still exists 18, 20, or 30 years from and the price is growing, many people had done this but because we won't that is really risky.

We can't assume anything in the future nor can do calculations because the chances were not going that way.
We don't know what will be the reality after 18 years. To secure the future, investing just $100 isn't enough in my view. As the plan is for 18 years, maybe yearly he can add $100 in bitcoin or some of the altcoins. This will surely create a strong portfolio after long years. Meanwhile the kid needs to be educated about Cryptocurrencies.

Title: Re: I invested $100 for 18 years for my new born nephew
Post by: bittraffic on January 25, 2022, 05:31:43 PM
Thats a good gift for your nephew. I'd like to try that myself for the life of my nephew. Maybe he will remember me being a good strange uncle who gave him something worth. 15years is long enough I guess $100 will rise to 50x too. I'm not sure if I'd still be alive that day come but I hope hed not spend it for cocaine and hookers. 😁

Seriously, its a good idea. Maybe also intended for emergency purpose like if my nephew needs imediate medical operation or something.

I commented on this in this thread, investing in a period of 15 years is an extremely risky period because a lot can change in 15 years, the price can be stagnant due to having other better altcoins. We have to imagine that it is possible that 15 years from now there will be better altcoins and with that the price of bitcoin could be lower due to low demand

6 years ago the 0.002 BTC that was left in my very old electrum wallet now has a value of $80, it used to be less than $5. I remember betting just $2 everynow and then on a binary options with this electrum wallet. I stopped using the wallet but I did have an access to it which I already did withdraw.

BTC so far is worth keeping for long term is what I'm saying. 15 years will be worth holding than buying an altcoin you exp

Title: Re: I invested $100 for 18 years for my new born nephew
Post by: Oceat on January 25, 2022, 05:32:17 PM
This is better than nothing, good decision out there. You are a good man with a good heart, I salute you bro, on this time we are in, even family members don't trust you much if you are poor, they lack of respect and they will not see your worth but you are one not one of those.
Who knows after 10 to 15 years the seed was kept and it really reached those time of year, and by that time Bitcoin may will be more valuable than now, it is a great opportunity for them. Also I was touched particularly with the salary your brother is getting. It is way too low for me but also it better than nothing at all, now he must double his time for work to earn more and support his growing family.
I'm sure it will give a decent amount of money after 15 to 18 years and I hope the child or his brother won't be thinking of selling it too early if they are in desperate needs. A lot of people in the past did it already and yet they regret for what their decision during that time and I hope your brother or nephew won't do the same thing.

And also, keeping the private key in a paper wallet should be secured no matter what because what if a rat or termites eat the paper? OP should think in advance about the what ifs possible scenario to protect the paper wallet because 15 years is a long journey.

Title: Re: I invested $100 for 18 years for my new born nephew
Post by: bittraffic on January 25, 2022, 05:34:43 PM
Thats a good gift for your nephew. I'd like to try that myself for the life of my nephew. Maybe he will remember me being a good strange uncle who gave him something worth. 15years is long enough I guess $100 will rise to 50x too. I'm not sure if I'd still be alive that day come but I hope hed not spend it for cocaine and hookers. 😁

Seriously, its a good idea. Maybe also intended for emergency purpose like if my nephew needs imediate medical operation or something.

I commented on this in this thread, investing in a period of 15 years is an extremely risky period because a lot can change in 15 years, the price can be stagnant due to having other better altcoins. We have to imagine that it is possible that 15 years from now there will be better altcoins and with that the price of bitcoin could be lower due to low demand

6 years ago the 0.002 BTC that was left in my very old electrum wallet now has a value of $80, it used to be less than $5. I remember betting just $2 everynow and then on a binary options with this electrum wallet. I stopped using the wallet but I did have an access to it which I already did withdraw.

BTC so far is worth keeping for long term is what I'm saying. 15 years will be worth holding than an altcoin. The nephew will likely prefer BTC too, its the most popular.

Title: Re: I invested $100 for 18 years for my new born nephew
Post by: peterpanda on January 25, 2022, 05:52:48 PM
To be honest, I've thought about doing this a few times as well, but so far I doubt it. I think to collect more and buy something more global.
You have to implement your decision too otherwise there is no benefit. Actually we want to do many things but at last we do nothing what we plan for future. It's really good step from your side and I hope you maintain better use of it. Increase your collection and it will give you best rewards.

Title: Re: I invested $100 for 18 years for my new born nephew
Post by: TheGreatPython on January 25, 2022, 08:21:48 PM
Wow this is a very inspiring post , if i only have merit i will surely send you one because you are one of the most generous person that exist here.
Imagine that it wasn't your son and that is only your niece and knowing that you have no much funds yet you are investing for his future studies?
yeah that is small amount but for a people that has limited funds that would be a big help.
That maybe a small fund but not all people can do that. There are people that are rich enough and yet cant even lend a help even small amount and even if related to their family. It does not matter at all if it is small but what matter the most is that we helped someone.

100 dollars may look so small to some but if that promised is kept i mean if its followed strictly by holding it for 18 years, the value of it is surely going to be very huge. Let's just remember what happened to the value of btc when it started at the begging compared to what it got now, sure the price dumped almost half but the gains are still there. It is still noticeable.

Title: Re: I invested $100 for 18 years for my new born nephew
Post by: AakZaki on January 25, 2022, 09:12:13 PM
this will be a legacy investment that will be profitable in the future after another 18 years. $100 may be enough, but you should add it gradually to make even bigger profits. If all goes well and bitcoin is able to stay above $100k then this future investment could pay for your nephew's studies and even more. All have good hopes for bitcoin.
Investing for the long term is the right choice, it will provide good opportunities in the future.

Title: Re: I invested $100 for 18 years for my new born nephew
Post by: darewaller on January 25, 2022, 09:38:34 PM
6 years ago the 0.002 BTC that was left in my very old electrum wallet now has a value of $80, it used to be less than $5. I remember betting just $2 everynow and then on a binary options with this electrum wallet. I stopped using the wallet but I did have an access to it which I already did withdraw.

BTC so far is worth keeping for long term is what I'm saying. 15 years will be worth holding than buying an altcoin you exp
Yep, I had the same experience too with bitcoin in the past, when a $15 dollars I left for a long time in one of my wallets increased to be bigger than what it was. Although that happened because I never used the wallet over those years, because if I was using that wallet I know for sure that I would have spent that money without wasting, but because I never used it for years, that’s how I was able to leave it there and even forgot about it, until I decided to make use of my coinbase wallet which was where the money was and when I installed the wallet and got back, I saw the money in there and it was worth a huge amount already.

Title: Re: I invested $100 for 18 years for my new born nephew
Post by: BuNga_cute on January 25, 2022, 09:46:51 PM
Wow this is a very inspiring post , if i only have merit i will surely send you one because you are one of the most generous person that exist here.
Imagine that it wasn't your son and that is only your niece and knowing that you have no much funds yet you are investing for his future studies?
yeah that is small amount but for a people that has limited funds that would be a big help.
That maybe a small fund but not all people can do that. There are people that are rich enough and yet cant even lend a help even small amount and even if related to their family. It does not matter at all if it is small but what matter the most is that we helped someone.

100 dollars may look so small to some but if that promised is kept i mean if its followed strictly by holding it for 18 years, the value of it is surely going to be very huge. Let's just remember what happened to the value of btc when it started at the begging compared to what it got now, sure the price dumped almost half but the gains are still there. It is still noticeable.

Not everyone has the awareness to help others, because I see many rich people who only think about themselves. So it doesn't matter if we help others
with only a small amount of funds, the most important thing is that our intentions are good,  and I believe the small funds can be useful for people who
receive it. So don't ever think we're not rich, then it is impossible to help others. Because helping others doesn't have to cost a lot of money,
we must also remember that the good we do to others, will have a good impact on us in the future. Especially if we help our family members,
that's something we really have to do, because fellow family members do have to help each other. And don't underestimate an investment of $100
in Bitcoin, because we all know that the price of Bitcoin keeps going up every year. So if holding Bitcoin in the long term, of course it can generate
very large profits, even though our capital is only $100.

Title: Re: I invested $100 for 18 years for my new born nephew
Post by: TheEconomists on January 25, 2022, 10:21:51 PM
$100 is a big amount if the salaries in your country are so low ($90 for a security guard). That's at least 160 hours of work. Putting that money in Bitcoinfor the long-term is a good call, but you shouldn't place your nephew's education solely on that investment. Also I'd say the $100 would be better spent in education for your brother so he can get a higher paying job. The ROI on education is net superior to any financial investment when you don't have much capital.

But education also depends on your brother's time and willingness to learn and develop.
You have no idea how old is his brother before you talk of educating the brother and what level of education do you think $100 can provide in his county.
Op, remember that your nephew need to be in school before the age 10-15 as you mentioned in above and he is  not in school before reaching that age then it will be difficult for him educational wise. I will advice that should try and get other source of income so that he can pay his son's school fee before age 15.

Title: Re: I invested $100 for 18 years for my new born nephew
Post by: perfect999 on January 27, 2022, 06:34:31 AM
As a crypto member, I have finally made a decision. I will make an investment in bitcoin for him. But I don't have much money, but I can invest a little amount for him. Yesterday I bought $100 worth of bitcoin for him.
It’s not a bad investment, at least in the next five years that amount would likely be a double of what you have invested now, and if they are able to hold it for that fifteen years or even eighteen years, it would likely turn out to be a huge investment for them.

I also feel that you should as well keep a copy of the seed, in case the parents should misplace it, since they don’t know much about cryptocurrency and all that, so they wouldn’t make such a mistake. But, if you feel that it is being kept in a safe place and they wouldn’t misplace it, then it’s alright about them holding it.

Title: Re: I invested $100 for 18 years for my new born nephew
Post by: michellee on January 27, 2022, 07:30:53 AM
What do you think, guys? Will this amount be enough for his better study costs? Though if they keep it for 10 years, at least that's enough for me. What do you think, guys? What will be the price of this $100 after 18 years?
I bought bitcoin at an average price of $35,546,.
It is a good decision and I agree with you. But we do not know if that amount will be enough to cover his study costs in the next 10 years-18 years later because I think the study cost can increase from time to time. But I think that amount can help your nephew in the future.

Maybe you should also hold the seed just in case your brother forgot where he placed the seed so if something happens, you can help him restore the wallet. We can say that in the next 18 years, the bitcoin price will be more than $100,000 but we do not know the right so it is more patient to hold that amount and I am sure you and your brother can do that.

Title: Re: I invested $100 for 18 years for my new born nephew
Post by: rodskee on January 27, 2022, 08:57:55 AM
Have any plan to give more in future if at some point you earn good in your bounty hunting ? because checking your profile it is indeed that you are a bounty hunter so would you be interested in buying more if take jackpot in your one bounty?

because this amount is really cheap even if we are talking 18 years here.

Bitcoin may be hard to reach million dollar so how more for 10 million for this 100$ amount in bitcoin reached the target for college education plan?

in 18 years the amount of college education would be x10 also.

Title: Re: I invested $100 for 18 years for my new born nephew
Post by: mia_houston on January 27, 2022, 10:19:23 AM
in 18 years , 100$ might be worth x10 or even x50?

Wondering if Bitcoin can reach a Million dollar for this to have an best increase because in that time after 18 years the education expenses will surely increase so much high also so meaning if that 100dollar now amounting to 0.0025 so how much would that be in that year?

I'm afraid that the amount you invested will be enough when the educational funds needed that year .

I am quite happy with what the OP is doing, I think his good intentions to provide a good education to his nephew are certainly very worthy of our appreciation, but as you said the value of the bitcoins he is currently saving is quite small, maybe even after 18 years The OP nephew only gets a small profit from the bitcoins the OP keeps so far.
Let's say now OP has bitcoins worth $100 or 0.002, and after 18 years the price of bitcoin has increased to $1 million, so OP only has savings money of 0.002*$1,000,000 = $2000 and of course it's not that big of money in 2040.
Well, perhaps it was good to secure the future of someone we loved, and investing in Bitcoin is great but I can't just agree to hold for 18 years.
If only we are sure that Bitcoin still exists 18, 20, or 30 years from and the price is growing, many people had done this but because we won't that is really risky.

We can't assume anything in the future nor can do calculations because the chances were not going that way.
I think what the OP did must have gone through deep thought, so he invested $100 worth of bitcoins for his newborn nephew, maybe the value was not much but when the OP said he would keep the bitcoins for the next 18 years, of course the OP has enough optimism high on the development of bitcoin in the future, I think in 18, 20 and 30 years bitcoin will still exist but with a different value due to the development of an increasingly advanced era, we can see in 2022 alone many intuitions have used payments for products and services via digital, yes although with kurs still using fiat money transactions, but as technology develops, maybe in the future we will see if bitcoin or other crypto will be mass-adopted as legal tender to replace or as an alternative to using fiat money, and maybe later OP nephews will benefit from ari what the OP is doing right now.

Title: Re: I invested $100 for 18 years for my new born nephew
Post by: kryptqnick on January 27, 2022, 10:29:41 AM
Congrats on the newborn, and it's so nice to hear you want to invest for him to have a better future. But something doesn't add up, and I wanted to ask about that. What sort of country is it if you say you're middle class and your brother earns $90 per month? Also, you then say $100 is a really small amount, but it's more than a month of salary, and then it's pretty huge, no? Are any zeroes missing, maybe? Like, $900 instead of $90, for example? Putting $100 for long-term hodling sounds very nice. I'm not sure such an amount can make a huge difference even if Bitcoin grows a lot, but perhaps it'll inspire them to invest a bit there as well, making the fund bigger. I think this $100 can become $500 or $1k, but probably not more than that, and $1k isn't a huge sum. I see now that franky1 made some calculations with similar estimates.

Title: Re: I invested $100 for 18 years for my new born nephew
Post by: blockman on January 27, 2022, 09:13:36 PM
I will advice that should try and get other source of income so that he can pay his son's school fee before age 15.
I guess that they would do that as the time of waiting will be that long. But the essence of saving and investing for the future of that baby is a good decision.
I guess with that span there will be more allocation to the college fund of the baby. They're preparing for that and the primary and secondary maybe won't be a problem to them as there could be scholarships and other educational help from their government if they have that program.

Title: Re: I invested $100 for 18 years for my new born nephew
Post by: Hamphser on January 27, 2022, 09:17:44 PM
in 18 years , 100$ might be worth x10 or even x50?

Wondering if Bitcoin can reach a Million dollar for this to have an best increase because in that time after 18 years the education expenses will surely increase so much high also so meaning if that 100dollar now amounting to 0.0025 so how much would that be in that year?

I'm afraid that the amount you invested will be enough when the educational funds needed that year .

I am quite happy with what the OP is doing, I think his good intentions to provide a good education to his nephew are certainly very worthy of our appreciation, but as you said the value of the bitcoins he is currently saving is quite small, maybe even after 18 years The OP nephew only gets a small profit from the bitcoins the OP keeps so far.
Let's say now OP has bitcoins worth $100 or 0.002, and after 18 years the price of bitcoin has increased to $1 million, so OP only has savings money of 0.002*$1,000,000 = $2000 and of course it's not that big of money in 2040.
Well, perhaps it was good to secure the future of someone we loved, and investing in Bitcoin is great but I can't just agree to hold for 18 years.
If only we are sure that Bitcoin still exists 18, 20, or 30 years from and the price is growing, many people had done this but because we won't that is really risky.

We can't assume anything in the future nor can do calculations because the chances were not going that way.
I think what the OP did must have gone through deep thought, so he invested $100 worth of bitcoins for his newborn nephew, maybe the value was not much but when the OP said he would keep the bitcoins for the next 18 years, of course the OP has enough optimism high on the development of bitcoin in the future, I think in 18, 20 and 30 years bitcoin will still exist but with a different value due to the development of an increasingly advanced era, we can see in 2022 alone many intuitions have used payments for products and services via digital, yes although with kurs still using fiat money transactions, but as technology develops, maybe in the future we will see if bitcoin or other crypto will be mass-adopted as legal tender to replace or as an alternative to using fiat money, and maybe later OP nephews will benefit from ari what the OP is doing right now.

Being optimistic isnt bad but you should also mind that there's no such thing about assurance if Bitcoin would still exist into those years but since the money invested isnt really that big then you wouldnt really make out
any complaints but for sure you would really regret if you hadnt invested more if bitcoins price would really go into those peak or ATH's.

So always invest on the amount which you can afford to lose.This would really test out your patience though since waiting time would really be long if you do tend to hold for long term.
We cant be sure on what would happen but basing with potential then it is likely to fly in the future in terms of value.

Title: Re: I invested $100 for 18 years for my new born nephew
Post by: usekevin on January 28, 2022, 02:39:22 PM
It's beautiful and romantic, but also smart and interesting in general! I hope I will live to see the moment when you fix this investment at some level and we will all see the result of the "experiment" with pleasure. I also similarly invested about $300 in 2018 when my only son was born. I hope he, too, will appreciate my initiative years later and rejoice at the "initial capital" that I am preparing for him! Wish you luck!

The investment for the other child was a special one.I had invested of 400$ for  my brother daughter in 2017.The price had raised some little value . So I  had withdrew every pump with some dollars. I had used the profit for myy brother daughter. After 2020, the price had raised a lot. Even now I  had earned huge amount of profit.Till now I  had not withdrew the funds.

Title: Re: I invested $100 for 18 years for my new born nephew
Post by: Coin_trader on January 28, 2022, 02:51:57 PM
It's beautiful and romantic, but also smart and interesting in general! I hope I will live to see the moment when you fix this investment at some level and we will all see the result of the "experiment" with pleasure. I also similarly invested about $300 in 2018 when my only son was born. I hope he, too, will appreciate my initiative years later and rejoice at the "initial capital" that I am preparing for him! Wish you luck!

The investment for the other child was a special one.I had invested of 400$ for  my brother daughter in 2017.The price had raised some little value . So I  had withdrew every pump with some dollars. I had used the profit for myy brother daughter. After 2020, the price had raised a lot. Even now I  had earned huge amount of profit.Till now I  had not withdrew the funds.

This is good if this is true. But its very hard to believe to this kind of success story especially if the user posting it don't provide proof and story seems too good to be true. You are telling me that you didn't even sell until considering how high the price grow already since 2017? I know you indicate few dollars for some taking profit but a normal investors should take profit during peak since you already bought in the bottom.

The story is too good to be true unless you provide proof for the wallet address that you are holding the funds since there's a date in blockchain records.

Title: Re: I invested $100 for 18 years for my new born nephew
Post by: Zanab247 on January 28, 2022, 06:11:45 PM
That is a good decision anyone can satisfied for their love ones in the community for them to grow massive in the future. Invested $100k on bitcoin for 18 year, show that a big development has entered the family that will make them not to feel bad than to start feeling good in the family.
Just try to impact the child with bitcoin knowledge so that when he grow up,he will know what you have done for him. But the child will know that you have all his account details and he will be afraid of that when he got to know more about bitcoin.

Title: Re: I invested $100 for 18 years for my new born nephew
Post by: Iranus on January 28, 2022, 07:40:56 PM
It's beautiful and romantic, but also smart and interesting in general! I hope I will live to see the moment when you fix this investment at some level and we will all see the result of the "experiment" with pleasure. I also similarly invested about $300 in 2018 when my only son was born. I hope he, too, will appreciate my initiative years later and rejoice at the "initial capital" that I am preparing for him! Wish you luck!
The investment for the other child was a special one.I had invested of 400$ for  my brother daughter in 2017.The price had raised some little value . So I  had withdrew every pump with some dollars. I had used the profit for myy brother daughter. After 2020, the price had raised a lot. Even now I  had earned huge amount of profit.Till now I  had not withdrew the funds.
This is good if this is true. But its very hard to believe to this kind of success story especially if the user posting it don't provide proof and story seems too good to be true. You are telling me that you didn't even sell until considering how high the price grow already since 2017? I know you indicate few dollars for some taking profit but a normal investors should take profit during peak since you already bought in the bottom.

The story is too good to be true unless you provide proof for the wallet address that you are holding the funds since there's a date in blockchain records.

Yes, It is hard to believe unless he lost his Private key,  :D

Sometimes lazy can get rewarded,  ;)
one of my lazy friends had some fund-rich bitcoin addresses in different exchanges and software wallets. He did the faucet and got a very small reward at that time, approx 2014 or 2015.
he was too lazy to sell those funds cause he thought those are very small amounts. But recently he figured out his claimed bitcoin turned into a valuable asset now.
recently he called a party and told us to be lazy to sell your bitcoin,  :D

Title: Re: I invested $100 for 18 years for my new born nephew
Post by: South Park on January 28, 2022, 09:52:34 PM
What do you think, guys? Will this amount be enough for his better study costs? Though if they keep it for 10 years, at least that's enough for me. What do you think, guys? What will be the price of this $100 after 18 years?
I bought bitcoin at an average price of $35,546,.
This is something that people back in the day did with gold and silver, they bought some of it and then they keep it as a way to ease the financial burden of the education of children in the future, and while I do not think that is going to be enough to cover the education of your nephew, having more money has never hurt anyone, however if you could do this constantly and buy 100 dollars worth of bitcoin every other month or so then the chances this could cover the education costs of your nephew will be way higher.

Title: Re: I invested $100 for 18 years for my new born nephew
Post by: DoublerHunter on January 28, 2022, 09:52:49 PM
It's beautiful and romantic, but also smart and interesting in general! I hope I will live to see the moment when you fix this investment at some level and we will all see the result of the "experiment" with pleasure. I also similarly invested about $300 in 2018 when my only son was born. I hope he, too, will appreciate my initiative years later and rejoice at the "initial capital" that I am preparing for him! Wish you luck!

The investment for the other child was a special one.I had invested of 400$ for  my brother daughter in 2017.The price had raised some little value . So I  had withdrew every pump with some dollars. I had used the profit for myy brother daughter. After 2020, the price had raised a lot. Even now I  had earned huge amount of profit.Till now I  had not withdrew the funds.
^ I believe in the future the price of BTC will grow and folded so many times as I expected and I think investing now is not regrettable in the future. How many people now regret that they are selling their assets way back years. And now seeing the market grow up rapidly they started searching where those private keys were kept. If OP invested $100 now, it is possible it becomes multiple times in the future and if you do not withdraw yours, you still have a profit in the next following years. The more BTC adopted the more price went up.

Title: Re: I invested $100 for 18 years for my new born nephew
Post by: Shasha80 on January 28, 2022, 10:16:28 PM
It's beautiful and romantic, but also smart and interesting in general! I hope I will live to see the moment when you fix this investment at some level and we will all see the result of the "experiment" with pleasure. I also similarly invested about $300 in 2018 when my only son was born. I hope he, too, will appreciate my initiative years later and rejoice at the "initial capital" that I am preparing for him! Wish you luck!

The investment for the other child was a special one.I had invested of 400$ for  my brother daughter in 2017.The price had raised some little value . So I  had withdrew every pump with some dollars. I had used the profit for myy brother daughter. After 2020, the price had raised a lot. Even now I  had earned huge amount of profit.Till now I  had not withdrew the funds.
^ I believe in the future the price of BTC will grow and folded so many times as I expected and I think investing now is not regrettable in the future. How many people now regret that they are selling their assets way back years. And now seeing the market grow up rapidly they started searching where those private keys were kept. If OP invested $100 now, it is possible it becomes multiple times in the future and if you do not withdraw yours, you still have a profit in the next following years. The more BTC adopted the more price went up.

We must be able to profit from the rising Bitcoin price, lest we be among those who regret not getting profit from Bitcoin. Sometimes we invest
in Bitcoin not only for our own benefit, we can also give the profit to help others. Especially helping our own families, like the OP bought Bitcoin
for investment for 18 years and it was a very good decision. If we look at the history of the movement of Bitcoin, the price of Bitcoin has
indeed experienced a very drastic increase over the past 12 years. So if the investment in Bitcoin is now $100, maybe in the next 18 years
the profit generated can go up very high. This means that helping our own families does not have to be by giving large amounts of money,
we can help with small amounts. But if we give the money in Bitcoin, it will be worth a lot in the future. There is no doubt that Bitcoin can make
human life much better.

Title: Re: I invested $100 for 18 years for my new born nephew
Post by: nurilham on January 28, 2022, 11:17:46 PM
Everything can happen with Bitcoin, such as a desired price increase. Moreover we know that the price of Bitcoin is increasing from year to year and this is what makes it even more certain that Bitcoin will get a high value in the future. if that happens then the assets stored for your nephew will turn out to be bigger but indeed have to be more patient to wait for it for years. That's a great idea where people usually tend to give things away but you prefer to give Bitcoins that are valuable and useful. I also hope that in the future the price of Bitcoin can be higher as expected.

Title: Re: I invested $100 for 18 years for my new born nephew
Post by: Luqman on January 28, 2022, 11:40:18 PM
we know that the price of Bitcoin is increasing from year to year and this is what makes it even more certain that Bitcoin will get a high value in the future.
No, you're wrong. Bitcoin is increasing from the first halving to the last halving, but not from one year to another year. Please check the Bitcoin price history in coinmarketcap or coingecko. By the way, I agree if Bitcoin price is already increasing very far, but it doesn't guarantee the price will be higher than the current ATH in the future. So, in my opinion, to expect Bitcoin to have a high price is no problem but don't rely your future with Bitcoin price.

Title: Re: I invested $100 for 18 years for my new born nephew
Post by: KaliLinux on January 29, 2022, 07:19:36 AM
we know that the price of Bitcoin is increasing from year to year and this is what makes it even more certain that Bitcoin will get a high value in the future.
No, you're wrong. Bitcoin is increasing from the first halving to the last halving, but not from one year to another year. Please check the Bitcoin price history in coinmarketcap or coingecko. By the way, I agree if Bitcoin price is already increasing very far, but it doesn't guarantee the price will be higher than the current ATH in the future. So, in my opinion, to expect Bitcoin to have a high price is no problem but don't rely your future with Bitcoin price.

I believe I understand what he was trying to explain there. Yes, we understand that Bitcoins price might be lower in some years during a full Bear season but overall as per what OP is basing his assumption of Investment on, In 18 years, you cannot say that Bitcoins price will be lower than this last ATH of $69k which I am sure @nurilham is referring to by his statement of the "price of Bitcoin is increasing from year to year" which I also agree that by that time, 18 years from now, the OPs $100 Bitcoin investment will certainly be way higher than its value now. 

Title: Re: I invested $100 for 18 years for my new born nephew
Post by: Anonylz on January 29, 2022, 07:48:24 AM
Good gesture, it is good to know you care so much about your nephew and his upbringing, $100 btc is not small if we can estimate in 10 to 18 years time at what price btc will be trading at,
there is a high possibility btc price is very high and your $100 investment increases a lot too, on the other hand, it can be the opposite, the more reason why you shouldn't rely only on your little investment for his studies,
Your brother needs to be more responsible now that he has a family to care for, find a way of earning more to support your nephews education when the time comes, I hope btc worth more in future so your gift can be more valuable.

Title: Re: I invested $100 for 18 years for my new born nephew
Post by: maju69 on January 29, 2022, 12:09:11 PM
First of all I would like to congratulate you on the birth of your nephew.
18 years is not a short time, and I think you have done the best for your nephew by investing $100. Surely it will be good for the future. We know it is not easy to invest in that period. But here you have given full rights to bitcoin to your nephew. So it can motivate more for you not to take it and even sell it.

Title: Re: I invested $100 for 18 years for my new born nephew
Post by: Mauser on January 29, 2022, 12:56:34 PM
What do you think, guys? Will this amount be enough for his better study costs? Though if they keep it for 10 years, at least that's enough for me. What do you think, guys? What will be the price of this $100 after 18 years?
I bought bitcoin at an average price of $35,546,.

I think its a great idea. In my country banks offer similar products where you invest today and they guarantee a payout for the 18th birthday of the child. The problem is that the interest offered is very small, it's usually much better to invest the money yourself and give it as a present later. In the end it's like giving a loan to the bank for 18 years, but who knows if the bank will be around in the future. I really like your approach, you made your nephew a HODL investor for the next 18 years  :D that should be a nice return for him then. And this will also make him interested in crypto currencies and learn something about them if he already owns some.

Title: Re: I invested $100 for 18 years for my new born nephew
Post by: ice18 on January 29, 2022, 01:35:04 PM
Not bad, 18 years holding a bitcoin is really worth it, thats a long term goal and a lot can happen to bitcoin network and its adoption, the impossible price predictions today maybe achieve at this year like $1m - $10m, who knows. Goodluck OP, update us after 18 years  ;D .   

Title: Re: I invested $100 for 18 years for my new born nephew
Post by: pawanjain on January 29, 2022, 01:38:37 PM
Honestly speaking $100 would still not be sufficient for education by then. 18 years is a long time and just imagine what would be the education cost by then.
Even if we consider that bitcoin goes 100x from now which is itself a big deal according to me, it would still give out only $10,000.
Do you really think $10k would be really sufficient for education after 18 years ? May be in a mid level college then yes but otherwise a big no.

Title: Re: I invested $100 for 18 years for my new born nephew
Post by: Hypnosis00 on January 29, 2022, 02:51:49 PM
You have that good intention mate. Preparation is really important as we never know what gonna happen to us. But if you have a huge amount and enough to run for a small business, that is much better than just holding your money. That I guess it was more helpful and even profitable, and you can't just feed your nephew alone but also the others.

Honestly speaking $100 would still not be sufficient for education by then. 18 years is a long time and just imagine what would be the education cost by then.
Even if we consider that bitcoin goes 100x from now which is itself a big deal according to me, it would still give out only $10,000.
Do you really think $10k would be really sufficient for education after 18 years ? May be in a mid level college then yes but otherwise a big no.
With the market inflation, 18 years from now that $100 will become $10, I think. Maybe if we invest in crypto that possibly doubles the amount but still it was too small to consider for long-term investment. Maybe, if OP could add more at least $100 per year, that is already satisfying.

Title: Re: I invested $100 for 18 years for my new born nephew
Post by: BITCOIN4X on January 29, 2022, 03:33:32 PM
What do you think, guys? Will this amount be enough for his better study costs? Though if they keep it for 10 years, at least that's enough for me. What do you think, guys? What will be the price of this $100 after 18 years?
I bought bitcoin at an average price of $35,546,.
OP, do you believe that bitcoin will be worth $2 million or higher in the next 18 years? If not, think of it as a small gift for your new family member that he or she can use to make ends meet.

I don't think the 0.0028 btc you invest right now can finance your nephew's education after he turns 18, that's an insecure thing because we never know what changes will happen to bitcoin in the future or at least during that period. The price of bitcoin is very volatile, although we have found the fact that ATH is always possible but you can't expect such a small investment at this time.

Teach him about bitcoin, trading and also investing. If your brother manages to gain enough knowledge, he will be able to turn your $100 into hundreds of thousands in 18 years. Look, life is full of uncertainty because maybe he will be rich with $100 but in theory it will be very difficult if your brother is not able to take advantage of his opportunities.

Title: Re: I invested $100 for 18 years for my new born nephew
Post by: Wexnident on January 29, 2022, 03:45:10 PM
Great job from OP. $100 might be small now but who knows, 18 years is a long time and a lot could happen in the market during that time. I'd suggest investing at least monthly, or yearly if montly isn't possible though, just so that you wouldn't need to rely that much on that sole $100 to bring you profits you'd use for your nephew's growth. You're investing in the long term after all, might as well maximize the investment that you'd do if you can handle it. Honestly doubt it'd be enough, increments of Bitcoin has been decreasing with every new peak after all.

Title: Re: I invested $100 for 18 years for my new born nephew
Post by: bitzizzix on January 29, 2022, 04:01:13 PM
If you have great faith in bitcoin, I think nothing is impossible for bitcoin and the most important thing is strong patience because there will be so many trials along the way to reach your goal.
You have good intentions to invest $100 over 18 years in bitcoin and for your nephew when he grows up it sounds like you have been observing or predicting the development of bitcoin and if you look at its track record I think its development will be correct. continues and prices will continue to rise.
and there is a possibility that your investment capital of $100 in the future will be $2,000 and if it continues $2,000 will become $10,000.

and the question is whether you will go according to plan, because most people will be tempted when they make a big profit and sell it that doesn't go according to plan.

Title: Re: I invested $100 for 18 years for my new born nephew
Post by: Cling18 on January 29, 2022, 04:43:42 PM
Your nephew is too lucky that he has someone who is thinking about his future. $100 is already a huge amount but no one could really know the possible price of Bitcoin or the market situation after 18 years but that's a great start. Bitcoin is actually good for a long-term hold. Lots of things could happen but your early preparation for your nephew will surely have a huge impact in the future.

Title: Re: I invested $100 for 18 years for my new born nephew
Post by: buwaytress on January 29, 2022, 06:22:45 PM
Nice news, I feel like I recognise your nick from somewhere, well done at any rate.

Just a piece of advice, among everything else that you've received already! I tested with two children circa 2017/18 to give them their own Bitcoin with private keys and instructions. I posted about it somewhere on the forum that last year, checking back with them, one has lost completely the keys, another has it but doesn't quite remember how to use it (but the latter case is solved easily with internet). It was not the outcome I expected, as I thought the elder one was more responsible, and more technically at ease.

Thankfully, not a big amount, what I do store for them I keep custody of and the lesson is hopefully learnt by the elder one. I do ask them to check the wallet I set up for them to see how it grows. It definitely makes for excited eyes.

You might want to teach the same lesson, and let them see for themselves.

Title: Re: I invested $100 for 18 years for my new born nephew
Post by: Kakmakr on January 29, 2022, 06:31:53 PM
I think the $100 investment in Bitcoin is good as a "high risk" investment, but something can go wrong and then he has nothing to study with. I will rather invest in his Dad, because his Dad needs the boost now. Give him another opportunity to do short courses on the Internet to equip himself to acquire new skills to get a higher salary. (Then he can fund his own child's studies)

Option 2 : Teach your Brother about Bitcoin and introduce him to this forum... if he qualifies for a good signature campaign, he can get between $10 to $50 extra every week doing that ...and he can save that for his child's future.  ;)

Title: Re: I invested $100 for 18 years for my new born nephew
Post by: _BlackStar on January 29, 2022, 07:06:24 PM
Option 2 : Teach your Brother about Bitcoin and introduce him to this forum... if he qualifies for a good signature campaign, he can get between $10 to $50 extra every week doing that ...and he can save that for his child's future.  ;)
That's a reasonable choice so far. A $100 investment isn't really capable of providing a decent return if the bitcoin price doesn't rise beyond 1 million. The OP could introduce him to this forum, that's another option he can do in his spare time.

There are many ways to earn bitcoins on forums other than signature campaigns or bounty, I think if he has painting skills or someone who can make art then he can enter contests for some of the current campaign. But I think the OP knows more other options at this point how his investment can pay off.

Title: Re: I invested $100 for 18 years for my new born nephew
Post by: PX-Z on January 29, 2022, 07:29:11 PM
A $100 investment isn't really capable of providing a decent return if the bitcoin price doesn't rise beyond 1 million.
This is how people thinking when they started bitcoin and then coming back mostly when they nearly or probably forget about it investing way back years ago at least 6 years.

Thinking bitcoin will increase for the next 5 years, a $100 will probably doubled in that time pan. Well, I could be wrong since this is typically a speculation but who knows, if there's nothing wrong happen in the future bitcoin is probably working like that, increasing only.

Title: Re: I invested $100 for 18 years for my new born nephew
Post by: Fatunad on January 29, 2022, 07:59:14 PM
A $100 investment isn't really capable of providing a decent return if the bitcoin price doesn't rise beyond 1 million.
This is how people thinking when they started bitcoin and then coming back mostly when they nearly or probably forget about it investing way back years ago at least 6 years.

Thinking bitcoin will increase for the next 5 years, a $100 will probably doubled in that time pan. Well, I could be wrong since this is typically a speculation but who knows, if there's nothing wrong happen in the future bitcoin is probably working like that, increasing only.

Nothing is assured that everything would increase and that you should really put up into your mind so that you wouldnt really be expecting that much because not everytime we would really be hoping into something
would really happen in the future.Yes, bitcoin does have potential but it wouldnt really be giving out any assurances that it would really be heading there.Invest on what you  can afford to lose and then
its better to have that fiat savings if you are really minding about your new born son and on the future that he/she could possibly benefit out with those savings you had made.
It would be better if you do save up on both fiat and crypto which would really be ideal.

Title: Re: I invested $100 for 18 years for my new born nephew
Post by: PX-Z on January 29, 2022, 08:06:48 PM
Nothing is assured that everything would increase and that you should really put up into your mind so thaht you wouldnt really be execting that much.
I understand, but why not? Investing is actually exciting especially in crypto or bitcoin, if you are not that really excited on what will be your profit in the next 5 years, then better to do something else than investing your money in this space.

Well, bitcoin in the last five years grows a lot like, it's just 1k per btc way back then but look it now it grows 30+ folds even it dumps from 40k still that's huge amount to consider. See, this $100 might be worth +$3k in the next 5 years.

Title: Re: I invested $100 for 18 years for my new born nephew
Post by: Rengga Jati on January 29, 2022, 09:27:04 PM
After spending 9 days in the hospital, they came to our home. It really is a great feeling for me to become an uncle. He is the first baby in our family's next generation.
First of all, congratulations to you and your family, hopefully, your nephew will grow very well, healthily, and also successfully.
I can exactly feel your feeling of happiness, as what I also feel about my own family and also waiting for the second child of mine.

Yesterday I bought $100 worth of bitcoin for him.
This is a really small amount, so my brother won't say no to me.
I is not only about the amount, mate. This is a new way that you have decided to make for your beloved nephew. How much and however it is, it will be worthy for him someday. I really appreciate it. Some people may also do the same for long-term investments.
You know that I am also doing the same for my child, although little by little, at least we can put and try our own investment for their future by now. Preparing it from now is very possible.

What do you think, guys? Will this amount be enough for his better study costs?
I cannot say if this will be enough or not because education in each country may be different and the cost are also different. But at least, it will exactly help enough. We don't know whether that amount of $100 right now will be how much in the future. So, don't really bother with it. Just do what you can do for your beloved nephew.

Title: Re: I invested $100 for 18 years for my new born nephew
Post by: Farma on January 30, 2022, 07:29:41 AM
Well, congratulations on the birth of your nephew buddy, and I know you love your family very much.
however, it is a very nice thing to do. Well, if my uncle bought me $100 bitcoin a few years ago, and gives it to me today, that would be a very meaningful gift. however, it will be big in the future and your nephew will be proud of you.
well, because of this, i also have the same idea to do the same thing for my family in the future, although right now i'm still doing it for myself.

Title: Re: I invested $100 for 18 years for my new born nephew
Post by: Cryptmuster on January 30, 2022, 09:36:14 AM
It is difficult to say how much this 100 dollars may increase in the future. Everything will depend on how much the price of bitcoin will increase, but I think that it would be much more efficient if, if possible, additionally bought bitcoins for certain amounts on this wallet. Let's say that they add $100 worth of bitcoin there, every few months. This will ultimately give significantly better results.

Title: Re: I invested $100 for 18 years for my new born nephew
Post by: btc78 on January 30, 2022, 10:01:27 AM
While I salute and admire you for what you've done for your Nephew and also for Bitcoin  , yet this is a very small amount to become valuable in education purposes , better to try adding a little each time you have funds and don't just contented on that 100$ amount in bitcoin.

Hope that in 18 years time you will have more than this for Her college assurance , as the expense for college education is indeed getting higher and higher each year .

Title: Re: I invested $100 for 18 years for my new born nephew
Post by: _BlackStar on January 30, 2022, 03:18:49 PM
This is how people thinking when they started bitcoin and then coming back mostly when they nearly or probably forget about it investing way back years ago at least 6 years.

Thinking bitcoin will increase for the next 5 years, a $100 will probably doubled in that time pan. Well, I could be wrong since this is typically a speculation but who knows, if there's nothing wrong happen in the future bitcoin is probably working like that, increasing only.
It is true that no one knows about the future of bitcoin but when you talk about the possibilities then you have to agree on some of the contributing factors as well. But there's nothing wrong with investing and hoping for something better.

CBDC is part of the government's effort to compete with the dominance of crypto as a digital currency which is currently getting enough attention from around the world. The government's proposed CBDC effort will gain more support which could lead to more regulations regarding restrictions on the use of cryptocurrencies in different countries. I think this will prevent bigger bitcoin price growth in the future because you really can't go against your country's regulations if you don't want to be penalized.

Title: Re: I invested $100 for 18 years for my new born nephew
Post by: Sirait on January 30, 2022, 03:31:25 PM
Nothing is assured that everything would increase and that you should really put up into your mind so thaht you wouldnt really be execting that much.
I understand, but why not? Investing is actually exciting especially in crypto or bitcoin, if you are not that really excited on what will be your profit in the next 5 years, then better to do something else than investing your money in this space.

Well, bitcoin in the last five years grows a lot like, it's just 1k per btc way back then but look it now it grows 30+ folds even it dumps from 40k still that's huge amount to consider. See, this $100 might be worth +$3k in the next 5 years.
this logic is absolutely correct, Bitcoin ATL 5 years ago was below $5k and last year last year BTC broke through $60k+, this is really great growth. in the next 10++ years surely $100 investment will be $3k or $4k.

Title: Re: I invested $100 for 18 years for my new born nephew
Post by: pawanjain on January 30, 2022, 03:48:08 PM
You have that good intention mate. Preparation is really important as we never know what gonna happen to us. But if you have a huge amount and enough to run for a small business, that is much better than just holding your money. That I guess it was more helpful and even profitable, and you can't just feed your nephew alone but also the others.

Honestly speaking $100 would still not be sufficient for education by then. 18 years is a long time and just imagine what would be the education cost by then.
Even if we consider that bitcoin goes 100x from now which is itself a big deal according to me, it would still give out only $10,000.
Do you really think $10k would be really sufficient for education after 18 years ? May be in a mid level college then yes but otherwise a big no.
With the market inflation, 18 years from now that $100 will become $10, I think. Maybe if we invest in crypto that possibly doubles the amount but still it was too small to consider for long-term investment. Maybe, if OP could add more at least $100 per year, that is already satisfying.

Yes ofcourse, that would be really a good investment if OP could afford to invest $100 every year.
In 18 years the total capital invested would be $1800 and if everything goes well and with the power of compounding we assume the returns become 100x then OP might get good returns.
$180,000 would be a good amount for education at that time and may be he will be able to save some too from the returns.

Title: Re: I invested $100 for 18 years for my new born nephew
Post by: PX-Z on January 30, 2022, 03:58:59 PM
It is true that no one knows about the future of bitcoin but when you talk about the possibilities then you have to agree on some of the contributing factors as well.
Of course, it is, it's given when you're investing into something. That's why

CBDC is part of the government's effort to compete with the dominance of crypto as a digital currency which is currently getting enough attention from around the world. The government's proposed CBDC effort will gain more support which could lead to more regulations regarding restrictions on the use of cryptocurrencies in different countries. I think this will prevent bigger bitcoin price growth in the future because you really can't go against your country's regulations if you don't want to be penalized.
CBDC is not crypto, you cant invest in it, and its just a digital fiat, it will not affect crypto nor bitcoin. Anyone can use CBDC as if they are required by their government, either they were forced or not. Still, it doesnt affect crypto use case, people will still use and invest crypto no matter what law they have in their country, though it's risky but that's it.

Title: Re: I invested $100 for 18 years for my new born nephew
Post by: mole0815 on January 30, 2022, 04:29:23 PM
Good decision and great idea.
I have already done the same at the end of 2019 with 200 USD for a friendly family.

I am very excited to see how this will look for the eighteenth birthday.
Info, wallet incl. instructions has already been handed over.

Title: Re: I invested $100 for 18 years for my new born nephew
Post by: JayTrain on January 30, 2022, 04:39:03 PM
Since last week, we have been very happy because a new member has joined our family. Yes, last Saturday, my elder brother became the dad of a boy. After spending 9 days in the hospital, they came to our home. It really is a great feeling for me to become an uncle. He is the first baby in our family's next generation. So I thought of something for him yesterday. I thought I would make 15- 18 years of FD for him. so that we can provide him with a better education. We are not from a rich family. We belong to a lower middle class family. And my elder brother is working at a bank as a security guard. because he didn't study well. As a security guard, his salary is only $90 equivent a month in our currency. This won't be enough for him to give a better study. So I thought I would do something so that i can contribute little on his study. As a crypto member, I have finally made a decision. I will make an investment in bitcoin for him. But I don't have much money, but I can invest a little amount for him. Yesterday I bought $100 worth of bitcoin for him.

This is a really small amount, so my brother won't say no to me. Then I load it onto a separate account for him. And write the wallet ID (Means electrum wallet seed) on a note paper and give it to my elder brother and tell him to keep it for at least 15–18 years. And my trust in bitcoin says that after 15–18 years, this $100 could be a very handsome amount for my nephew. They don't have any technical knowledge, so I just told them to hold it. They will hold it. And when he becomes 10 to 12 years old, I will start teaching him about bitcoin so that if anything happens to me, he can easily access his account and get access to his reward. I am teaching my younger brother about bitcoin. He can also help. However, my family's wish is that all of the next generation members will be tech savvy. Because tech is the future.
What do you think, guys? Will this amount be enough for his better study costs? Though if they keep it for 10 years, at least that's enough for me. What do you think, guys? What will be the price of this $100 after 18 years?
I bought bitcoin at an average price of $35,546,.

it's noble of you, and it's very smart to make an investment in your nephew's future, I think your $100 in 10 years will turn into at least x100 with the current dynamics of bitcoin. I am confident and convinced that bitcoin will bring good dividends after such a long period.

Title: Re: I invested $100 for 18 years for my new born nephew
Post by: Rufsilf on January 30, 2022, 04:44:21 PM
Nothing is assured that everything would increase and that you should really put up into your mind so thaht you wouldnt really be execting that much.
I understand, but why not? Investing is actually exciting especially in crypto or bitcoin, if you are not that really excited on what will be your profit in the next 5 years, then better to do something else than investing your money in this space.

Well, bitcoin in the last five years grows a lot like, it's just 1k per btc way back then but look it now it grows 30+ folds even it dumps from 40k still that's huge amount to consider. See, this $100 might be worth +$3k in the next 5 years.

Yes, there's no assurance if we could really take some serious profits in this space and that's exactly the reason why there are some risks involved. Also, we can't really blame them if that's what they think because it's their money and not ours. While bitcoin is already historically proven that we could see some profits in the future if we could just patiently hold it even there are times that the market would dip, just like what we experienced now.